Where is the city of gravity falls. Does Gravity Falls exist? Interweaving of fiction and real facts

Section: Blog / Date: 17 July, 2017 at 11:13 / Views: 7893

The animated series "Gravity Falls" gathered a lot of fans, as a result of which they had a question about whether the city really exists. Or is it just a figment of the scriptwriters' imagination? To find out this moment, it is worth referring to the plot of the series and the place where its action takes place.

Information from the animated series of the same name

According to the plot of the animated series, two twins named Dipper and Mabel Pines spend their holidays with their great-uncle Stan in the city of Gravity Falls. Stan himself is the owner of a tourist gift shop, like our souvenir shop, which sells Gravity Falls paraphernalia:, or whole. called "The Mystery Shack".

The teenagers are bored for a while, but then they discover that strange phenomena are taking place in and around the city. They find descriptions of all sorts of anomalies in the town. The heroes are trying to unravel all the secrets of the town of Gravity Falls.

From this moment, their adventures begin, during which they find themselves in various mysterious places and they meet various creatures.

The plot of the cartoon takes place in the state of Oregon. The prototype of the city could serve as the town of Boring, located in the same state where the action of the animated series takes place. The town of Boring is located near Portland near the Cascade Mountains.

The town was founded in 1842 by the eighth and a half President of the United States, Quentin Trembley. But as the story says, Nathaniel Northwest was eventually listed as the founder of the city. President Trembley was struck off the list of presidents and the fact of his participation in the founding of the town was concealed.

Brief history of the city based on the cartoon

As mentioned above, the city was founded in 1842. Previously, these places were inhabited by the indigenous population, who were forced to leave them because of the predictions of their shaman Modok about the coming Strangegeddon (Doomsday). Then the valley was settled by gold miners, calling the place "cursed land" because of the frequent sightings of UFOs and strange mystical creatures.

Then Trambley arrived in these places, and after one unsuccessful horse ride he decided to establish a settlement here. He himself came up with the name of the town.

The place was originally a small village and flourished during the era of the "gold rush". Then came the so-called flannel fever. Both events in the history of the city fit in one year. Then the gold diggers left the place, frightened by dinosaurs in local mines.

In the 60s. In the 19th century, the settlement experienced a boom in population growth. And 1883 was marked by a series of events ranging from the disappearance of the city's founder to the so-called Great Flood and the Great Train Wreck.

What is really known about the city?

Reliable information about the existence of Gravity Falls in real life is unknown. Even if you look at a map of the United States, there is not a single settlement with that name on it. The very fact of fiction is confirmed by the writers of the cartoon. They explain that no specific settlement was taken as the prototype of the city.

The very origin of the name of the town, which the scriptwriters came up with, is interesting. The name Gravity Falls can literally be translated from English as "gravity falls." This is a play on words, invented to create an atmosphere of mystery and mystery of the place in which the series takes place.

Many cartoon fans find a certain similarity between Gravity Falls and real-life towns in Oregon. We are talking about the above-mentioned place Boring and the town of Vortex. Both settlements, according to some sources, are paranormal zones. However, there is no official proof of this fact.

If you look at any photo of the area in Oregon, you can stumble upon places similar to the cartoon landscape. Most likely, the creators really took the real state of the USA as the place where the plot unfolds. And the image of the town turned out to be collective from among the numerous settlements of the country. It can be said with certainty that Gravity Falls does not exist in real life.

Interweaving of fiction and real facts

In the cartoon, the scene is the valley of the same name Gravity Falls (or Gravity Falls, which is closer to the original spelling). On the maps of the United States, there is not a single territory designated by this name. Therefore, the name of the valley is fictitious.

The story says that a UFO landing took place in these parts, which also does not fit with the real facts. But it is worth noting that there have been cases of UFO sightings in Oregon. It is possible that the writers took this data into account when choosing the location for the animated series.

Another fact proving that there is no Gravity Falls in real life speaks about the history of its foundation. It is completely fictional because:

  • in the history of the United States there has never been a president named Quentin Trembley, nor has there been a certain Nathaniel Northwest;
  • the eighth president of the United States was Martin Van Buren;
  • the indication in the series of the eighth and a half president of the United States is an invention and a joke of the writers;
  • the town could not have been founded in 1842 by the eighth president of the United States, because in those years, the 10th president, John Tyler, was in power.

The creators of the series made a reference to the work of JK Rowling about the wizard Harry Potter. Quentin Trembley's name is reminiscent of a modified name for Quentin Trimble, who was one of the headmasters at Hogwarts School in the Harry Potter series.

Good day!

Friends, I don't know about you, but I love cartoons. It doesn't matter if it's a feature length cartoon or an animated series. It does not even matter what kind of audience it is designed for: for the smallest or for adults. The main thing is that for me it was something interesting. So I looked at a lot of them.

And if everything is clear with full-length animated films - they can be both for adults and children, and for both at the same time, then with animated series the situation is different. Each one is geared towards a different age group. But! There is one animated series (in fact, maybe more, but I've seen one so far) that can be described as "family". It can be watched by children (of course, not quite small), it is adored by teenagers and it is interesting for adults. And it's called Gravity Falls.

What is Gravity Falls?

It is an American animated television series released by Disney in 2012. The action of the series takes place in the American town of Gravity Falls, where two twins come to visit their "great-uncle" for the summer holidays - brother and sister Dipper and Mabel Pines.

At first, our heroes are not at all enthusiastic about the fact that they will have to spend the whole summer in the American outback, periodically helping the rogue uncle in the tourist store. However, then it turns out that the town of Gravity Falls is not so simple, and the twins will encounter amazing things! In the literal sense, amazing and mystical.

This series has it all:

  • gnomes, unicorns, zombies and other inhabitants of nearby forests;

    villains, both from real and parallel worlds;

    cute teenage loves;

    touching family stories;

    real friendship;

    a lot of mysteries;

    of course, adventure.

And all this is seasoned with a good portion of humor. Without vulgarity and searches. On top of that, the series is beautifully and beautifully drawn.

main characters

    Dipper Pines (Mason "Dipper" Pines)

    Mabel Pines

    Stanley Pines "Grunkle Stan"

    Soos Ramirez

    Wendy Corduroy

    Stanford Pines "Grandpa Ford" (Stanford Felbrick Pines "Grunkle Ford")

Gravity Falls is one of the most popular animated series of recent years, it has an army of fans and dozens of different awards. I won't talk about it in detail here, because this cartoon is better to watch (I watched it twice ^_^), but plus everything, there is a good article on Wikipedia.

Now I want to raise the top 5 questions related to this series:

  1. Will there be a 3rd season?
  2. Who created this animated series?
  3. Does Gravity Falls exist?
  4. Where is Gravity Falls located?
  5. Where can I buy Dipper's diary?

Let's start with the most painful.

Gravity Falls Season 3

Millions of fans around the world were, to say “strongly” is to say nothing, upset that after two seasons this project was closed. Yes, I was upset too. Yes, I also want a third season =)

The creators openly stated that Gravity Falls was not planned as a long-running series, and that two seasons is enough. However, there are still rumors that there will be a third part. There are a lot of gossip, and after all, what is most interesting is that if you ask Google for “Gravity Falls season 3 to watch”, he will find it for you. But, this is either a lure of unscrupulous sites that, under the sauce of the third season, are pushing both the first and second, or videos made by fans of the series.

However, "let's get back to our sheep", the main question, after all, remained open: will there be season No. 3 or not? Friends, it will! I don’t know what it will be called, season 3 or the new adventures of Dipper and Mabel, but there will be a continuation. This was announced in July last year by Alex Hirsch on his Twitter:

The Gravity Falls Graphic Novel is OFFICIALLY announced! New tales! Unsettling monsters! The death of your headcanons!
Gravity Falls Graphic Novel OFFICIALLY Announced! New stories! Exciting Monsters! End your fantasies!

In other words, there will be new adventures, but in the format, roughly speaking, of a comic book. I don't like comics, so this news doesn't make me hot or cold =) But the fans can rejoice. All that remains now is to wait for Alex to finish drawing it.

Of course, many people worked on the animated series:

    Directors: John Aoshima, Aaron Springer, Joe Pitt, Rob Renzetti, Matt Braly, Steven Sandoval, Sunil Hull

    Producers: Alex Hirsch (executive producer), Tobias Conan Trost, Brian Doell, Susanna Olson, Rob Renzetti

    Writers: Alex Hirsch, Michael Rianda, Tim McKeon, Ory Walington

    Composer: Brad Brick

    Studio: Disney Television Animation

...Dipper & Mabel, the imaginary cartoon babies who live in my brain
… Dipper and Mabel, imaginary cartoon babies living in my brain

It was Hirsch who created the basic concept of the entire series, by the way, in an 11-minute student video that Disney liked. This is how Gravity Falls began.

By the way, if you love Gravity Falls and still haven't followed Hirsch on Twitter, then it's in vain. I'm not a fan of the series, but I'm subscribed to the cartoonist, he sometimes gives out funny tweets =)

Seriously, where else are you going to be among the first to see Stenble? BUT? That's it!

Stanbel is here to give you nightmares

Stenble is here to give you nightmares

In general, if you want to subscribe - twitter.com/_AlexHirsch

Friends, no matter how much you want, but this city is completely fictional, but with features of real US cities. In general, I think you noticed that there is a lot of fiction in Gravity Falls (well, except for gnomes and unicorns, of course =)).

But now we are talking about the city. What do we know about him from the plot of the cartoon?

Gravity Falls (Gravity Falls, which is a little closer to the original spelling) was founded by the 8.5th US President Quentin Trembley in 1872 in the Oregon valley of the same name. But let's go in order:

  1. Since ancient times, the valley (which will later be called Gravity Falls) was inhabited by aborigines, but the indigenous population left these places, because their shaman predicted that the End of the World (Strange Geddon) would happen here;
  2. Then gold diggers came there, who, by the way, called this place “damned land”. I think it's clear why =)
  3. Then, on this "cursed land" Trembley found himself, who, after another unsuccessful horse ride, decided to organize the Gravity Falls settlement in these parts;
  4. At first, Gravity Falls was a small village that prospered during the "gold rush", and then the "flannel rush". But there is an end to everything - the gold miners soon left these places, as they were all scared away by the dinosaurs that live in the mines;
  5. In the middle of the 19th century, the population in the city increased dramatically;
  6. These days, Gravity Falls is a sleepy town in the woods of Oregon.

But this is all in the universe invented by Hirsch and Co., but what about in real life? As I said, in reality there is no such city in Oregon. Moreover, it does not exist in the USA, in general, and the scriptwriters themselves say that the town does not have a prototype. But there is something similar:

    the landscapes of the fictional city are very similar to those of Oregon;

    in the plot of the cartoon it is said that in the forests near Gravity Falls a UFO landing took place, in reality, in Oregon they also saw “flying saucers”;

    some fans still believe that the real place The Oregon Vortex is a kind of prototype of Gravity Falls;

    there is also an opinion that the fictional town is copied from the real settlements of Vortex and Boring (both of them, by the way, are anomalous zones).

One way or another, you can guess and look for coincidences as much as you like, and only screenwriters know the truth.

Gravity Falls diary in Russian

And finally, the last question: where to buy Dipper's diary (in Russian), as well as Graffiti Falls coloring pages and, of course, comics (graphic novels).

Friends, I went shopping, of course, online shopping and checked prices. Therefore, I can confidently say that there are a diary, comics, coloring books, stickers, etc.:

    on Ozone;

    in Chitai-gorod;

    in the Labyrinth.

On Ozone, in general, there is everything (and I'm not only talking about the cartoon now), but this store is still expensive. But I will give the two remaining links to the ladies (I myself used their services, and was satisfied). Look there for yourself and choose what you need.

* Gravity Falls Diary, for me it's a great gift! And the price is very pleasant, for such, in part even, a souvenir book. I will definitely buy, but in German =)

  1. The name Gravity Falls literally translates as "gravity falls", perhaps a reference to the paranormality of the area.
  2. This animated series is the leader in the number of mysteries in the series. In each of them, there is some kind of secret: from encrypted messages that can be found in the form of graffiti on the walls, pieces of paper on the table, paintings and so on. Take, for example, the puppy from the hallucinations of Mabel, who says backwards: "You should not trust Stan."
  3. The number of "Easter eggs" in the cartoon is also phenomenal. There are references to books, games, movies and more.
  4. Some of the episodes in the life of the main characters are copied from the biography of Alex Hirsch and his sister Ariel, who became the prototype of baby Mabel.
  5. And Zus Ramirez was copied from Alex's friend.

The beginning of the series (video excerpt)

Now I will slowly round off, but before I finally say goodbye, I want to attach here a piece of the first episode of the first season, so to speak, for review =)

That's all for now, until we meet again, friends.

Since 2012, the animated series Gravity Falls (or Gravity Falls, which will be more consistent with the original spelling) has gained wide popularity among young people and adults. At the moment, the creators have presented two seasons and an official ending, which, although it has hints of a sequel, does not give fans hope for a third season.

In contact with


As you know, this cartoon is famous for its secret messages., ciphers and references that viewers love to decipher. At the end of each series, a code is dictated in a whisper, and throughout the cartoon, in the background or in individual frames, you can see the order of the numbers. Putting together sentences or words in this way, you can get clues for the next series or allow fans to fantasize about the secret meaning of Gravity Falls.

Despite the fact that after the creators of Gravity Falls officially revealed all the cards and put out a list of all the ciphers of the cartoon, fans believe that the cartoon still holds many secrets. Every day on the Internet appears more and more various theories, easter eggs and other "conspiracy theories" that fans come up with. One of the favorite topics for discussion in narrow circles of fans is the origin and existence of the city of Gravity Falls - a small area that is teeming with various supernatural beings and monsters.

From the moment the animated series began to appear on TV screens, many began to wonder - is there really Gravity Falls?

Does the city really exist?

As sad as it is to realize, but this city is really fictional for the project. Many fans posted false information that the city is in Oregon (as stated in the cartoon) and put up fake photos of supposedly objects that were presented in the cartoon. At least, it is impossible to say that the city lives in the form in which it was presented in the animated series.

But you can consider another interesting fact. In fact, Gravity Falls is a combined image of several little-known and small towns. Some fans have thought about this theory for a long time and have come to the conclusion that there are indeed some similarities with Vortex and Boring, which, by the way, are also located in Oregon. The towns are famous for their paranormal incidents and the locals come up with interesting legends about the different creatures that live there.

If you recall the plot of the original cartoon, the city was created as a result of the landing of a spaceship. UFOs have never been observed in the state, so this once again proves the impossibility of the existence of Gravity Falls in reality. But until now, some fans notice places of interest that vaguely or even very openly resemble some of the background areas of the city from the cartoon.

The creators of this project themselves admitted that they came up with the city completely out of their heads and it would not be possible to find exactly the same village in any of the states. Of course, it cannot be completely avoided. some coincidences and similarities with other areas, but the real Gravity Falls can hardly be found.

Gravity Falls characters in real life

Another mystery for fans of this animated series is the reality of the characters shown in the project. If we talk about the main characters in the cartoon, then these are:

  • Twins Mabel and Dipper Pines.
  • Stanford Pines.
  • Wendy.

Secondary characters:

  • Robbie Valentino.
  • Gideon.
  • Fidford McGucket.
  • Bill Cipher.
  • Thomson Larkins.
  • Jadan Hixters Nate.
  • Tambry Fanlis.

Guys often face with secondary characters, who also greatly influenced the development of the plot of the cartoon as a whole. The question of whether these characters are real is ambiguous. In fact, of course, neither Dipper, nor Mabel, nor Uncle Stan exist in fact, but the creator of Gravity Falls, Alex Hirsch, admitted in an interview that many habits and relationships were taken from real life. For example, he wrote off the twins Mabel and Dipper from himself and his sister.

Also in one of the episodes, you can recall that Dipper has moles in the form of the constellation Ursa Major. Hirsch laughed and replied that back in his school days he had a friend who had a lot of acne on his face. One day a friend came with the exact location Big Jug on the forehead, which served as a highlight in the image of Dipper.

Secrets and Easter eggs of the animated series

As mentioned earlier, in Gravity Falls you can see a lot of interesting and hidden messages that captivate even adults. Indeed, if you sit over the cartoon for some time, look closely at the details, you will notice some references to the following series.


First of all, an inquisitive viewer notice the cipher that slips at the beginning, throughout the series, and at the end of the series. By doing simple manipulations with the alphabet, you can get some information about the city or characters. At the end, there is always a cipher clue to the next series, which made the fans very happy during the release of the series.


Every person who listened to the popular tune from the animated series noticed a mysterious whisper at the end of the intro. When played back slowly, "I'm still here" can be clearly heard. It occurred to some lovers put the record in the opposite direction, thus getting the sentence "Three letters back". Caesar used this cipher, using the next third in a row instead of the original letter. Sometimes the phrase in the splash screen changes and makes it possible to understand which cipher to use. So, for two seasons, it was possible to use the Atbash cipher, the substitution cipher and the Vigenère cipher.

For fans of searching for mysteries and secrets, deciphering it on their own, it is recommended to view the cartoon in the original voice acting, since the translation very often lost hidden messages to the audience and it was not always possible to notice the Easter egg so clearly.

So Gravity Falls and its characters are an unequivocal invention of the creators of the animated series, but their high-quality reproduction of the project and a responsible approach to work made it possible to create a real masterpiece, which will certainly remain a leader in the list of "best animated series" for a long time to come.

In this article you will learn:

Gravity Falls is an animated television series produced by Disney. The animated series at first glance seems childish, but after a few episodes it becomes clear that adults will find a lot of interesting things here. Inimitable humor, many references to popular culture, high-quality animation and, of course, an incredible amount of mysteries and mysteries - this is what thousands of fans around the world love the animated series for.

The plot of the work revolves around two main characters - children named Dipper and Mabel. Parents send the twins for the summer holidays to a great-uncle named , in the town of Gravity Falls in Oregon. The city itself and the surrounding area contain a huge number of anomalous phenomena and creatures, and riddles and secrets accompany the characters all the time.

The history of the founding of Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is a small town in the United States of America, or rather, somewhere in the middle of Oregon. The settlement is no different from hundreds of similar ones throughout the country, except that it is here that all the anomalous events in the United States (if not the whole world) are concentrated.
The secret of this is shrouded in the fog of the past.

The true founder of Gravity Falls

It is authentically known that the city was founded by Quentin Trembley. This extravagant man is known for being the eighth and a half president of the United States. Eighth and a half, because the country's authorities concealed the very fact of Quentin's existence. And this is due to the fact that the president was amazingly stupid.

So, the city of Gravity Falls itself was founded by Trembley at the moment when the unlucky president was riding a horse. Backwards. Naturally, this style led to a fall - from a rather high hill. The place where Quentin Trembley landed he called Gravity Falls (literally - "gravity fall", "fall from gravity").

The head of the United States of America was unpleasantly surprised by the next trick of the eighth and a half president, so he concealed the very fact of the founding of the city. For posterity, Nathaniel Northwest became the founding father of Gravity Falls., which laid the foundation for the Northwest family - the rich people of the city. Nathaniel's descendant is also his great-great-great-granddaughter Pacifica, one of Mabel's main rivals.


The main places of the city

The main attraction of Gravity Falls is the Mystery Shack.- the building in which he lives, to which the main characters came for the summer. The Mystery Hut is both a home, a gift shop and a museum. Paradoxically, here, in the center of the most mystical town in the USA, fakes and tricks are collected for curious tourists. Stan makes money on visitors as much as he can, while constantly deceiving them and being crafty. Wendy and Soos also work at the Hut shop. However, the building itself is fraught with much more mysteries than it might seem at first glance.

Mystery Hut

The Gravity Falls Forest contains most of the wonders of the town. The forest surrounds the settlement from all sides, and the most amazing creatures live in its depths. Among them: gnomes, muzhikotaur (half muzhiks - half Taurus), giant spiders, flying skulls and many others!

Lake Gravity Falls is located very close to the city. It is surrounded by high cliffs and has a sandy beach on one side. Many residents relax here or go fishing. According to legend, Zhivogryz lives in the lake. In the center of the reservoir is an island - the Head-shaped Beast Island - on which a colony of beavers is located.

General view of Gravity Falls

Creatures from the series

The animated series shows a huge number of fictional creatures - funny and really scary, harmless and dangerous. Here are just the most interesting of them:

  • Gnomes. Cheerful dwarfs who want to make Mabel their queen. Harmless, but can create a giant gnome from their bodies.
  • Muzhikotaur. An allusion to minotaurs, half-humans, half-bulls obsessed with courage. Aggressive, but willing to help Dipper become more masculine.
  • Zombie. Disgusting decaying creatures that can be defeated with a triple symphony. Very aggressive and dangerous.
  • Dinosaurs. Were imprisoned in amber in a mine under the city. High temperatures melted the amber, releasing the monsters to freedom.
  • Head-shaped island-beast. A giant island-shaped head that flies after Dipper and Mabel in a mini-episode. The twins manage to escape.
  • Multi-bear. Two fused bodies with four legs and arms and eight heads. Dipper overpowered the bear, proving his mettle, but did not kill him.
  • Sheil Shifter. A dangerous monster that can take on any form. Found by the heroes in a cave, subsequently frozen and rendered harmless.
  • Bill Cipher. A powerful demon in the form of a yellow triangle that can subjugate the minds of people. The main antagonist of the story.

Dwarf from Gravity Falls

City holidays

Gravity Falls loves to celebrate holidays. The main ones are:

  • Opening day of the fishing season. Almost the entire city flocks to the lake on this day, when the fishing season officially opens. In an episode of the series, the heroes are trying to unravel the mystery of Zhivogryz, who supposedly lives in the lake.
  • Party at the Mystery Shack. The largest discotheque in town, hosted by Stan Pines to draw attention to his merchandise. During the party, Dipper clones himself (repeatedly).
  • Return of the Mystery Shack. A meeting dedicated to the opening of the store for the second time after defeating Gideon Gleeful. Zombies appear in the series, which are overcome by Dipper, Mabel and Uncle Stan.
  • Summerween. The holiday, which the townspeople celebrate on June 22, as a summer Halloween. Instead of pumpkins, lanterns are cut from watermelons in summer. The episode features the creepy Summerween Dodger.

Pioneer Day is another Gravity Falls holiday
  • There is a place in the USA that bears a name very similar to Gravity Falls. It's a city named Oregon Walls. It is possible that the authors of the series referred to him.
  • The main characters of the animated series - Dipper Pines and Mabel Pines - are twins. They were "copied" from the main author of Gravity Falls Alex Hirsch and his twin sister named Ariel.
  • Another connection with Ariel is that the girl dreamed of her own pig as a child. That is why Mabel got a pig in the series.
  • Some characters in the television series are notable for having four fingers on each hand. Other heroes are all right - five fingers. The creators of the series explain this with aesthetics. It's just that some characters looked good with four fingers, while others looked good with five.
  • The finale of the series is still far away, but the authors have already made a reservation that the last episode will show the final departure of the twins from Gravity Falls home.
  • At the end of each episode, an incomprehensible set of letters appears. In fact, this is an encrypted message that refers either to the past series or to the next one. You can decipher the phrase by carefully listening to the whisper that sounds at the end of the opening screensaver. Scrolling the whisper backwards will give you the key to the cipher.
  • In Gravity Falls, literally every frame is a cipher, a reference, or an "easter egg". There are already quite a few thematic forums on the Internet where participants try to unravel the secrets of the series and predict the plot.

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In this article you will learn:

Gravity Falls is an animated television series produced by Disney. The animated series at first glance seems childish, but after a few episodes it becomes clear that adults will find a lot of interesting things here. Inimitable humor, many references to popular culture, high-quality animation and, of course, an incredible amount of mysteries and mysteries - this is what thousands of fans around the world love the animated series for.

The plot of the work revolves around two main characters - children named Dipper and Mabel. Parents send the twins for the summer holidays to a great-uncle named , in the town of Gravity Falls in Oregon. The city itself and the surrounding area contain a huge number of anomalous phenomena and creatures, and riddles and secrets accompany the characters all the time.

The history of the founding of Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is a small town in the United States of America, or rather, somewhere in the middle of Oregon. The settlement is no different from hundreds of similar ones throughout the country, except that it is here that all the anomalous events in the United States (if not the whole world) are concentrated.
The secret of this is shrouded in the fog of the past.

The true founder of Gravity Falls

It is authentically known that the city was founded by Quentin Trembley. This extravagant man is known for being the eighth and a half president of the United States. Eighth and a half, because the country's authorities concealed the very fact of Quentin's existence. And this is due to the fact that the president was amazingly stupid.

So, the city of Gravity Falls itself was founded by Trembley at the moment when the unlucky president was riding a horse. Backwards. Naturally, this style led to a fall - from a rather high hill. The place where Quentin Trembley landed he called Gravity Falls (literally - "gravity fall", "fall from gravity").

The head of the United States of America was unpleasantly surprised by the next trick of the eighth and a half president, so he concealed the very fact of the founding of the city. For posterity, Nathaniel Northwest became the founding father of Gravity Falls., which laid the foundation for the Northwest family - the rich people of the city. Nathaniel's descendant is also his great-great-great-granddaughter Pacifica, one of Mabel's main rivals.


The main places of the city

The main attraction of Gravity Falls is the Mystery Shack.- the building in which he lives, to which the main characters came for the summer. The Mystery Hut is both a home, a gift shop and a museum. Paradoxically, here, in the center of the most mystical town in the USA, fakes and tricks are collected for curious tourists. Stan makes money on visitors as much as he can, while constantly deceiving them and being crafty. Wendy and Soos also work at the Hut shop. However, the building itself is fraught with much more mysteries than it might seem at first glance.

Mystery Hut

The Gravity Falls Forest contains most of the wonders of the town. The forest surrounds the settlement from all sides, and the most amazing creatures live in its depths. Among them: gnomes, muzhikotaur (half muzhiks - half Taurus), giant spiders, flying skulls and many others!

Lake Gravity Falls is located very close to the city. It is surrounded by high cliffs and has a sandy beach on one side. Many residents relax here or go fishing. According to legend, Zhivogryz lives in the lake. In the center of the reservoir is an island - the Head-shaped Beast Island - on which a colony of beavers is located.

General view of Gravity Falls

Creatures from the series

The animated series shows a huge number of fictional creatures - funny and really scary, harmless and dangerous. Here are just the most interesting of them:

  • Gnomes. Cheerful dwarfs who want to make Mabel their queen. Harmless, but can create a giant gnome from their bodies.
  • Muzhikotaur. An allusion to minotaurs, half-humans, half-bulls obsessed with courage. Aggressive, but willing to help Dipper become more masculine.
  • Zombie. Disgusting decaying creatures that can be defeated with a triple symphony. Very aggressive and dangerous.
  • Dinosaurs. Were imprisoned in amber in a mine under the city. High temperatures melted the amber, releasing the monsters to freedom.
  • Head-shaped island-beast. A giant island-shaped head that flies after Dipper and Mabel in a mini-episode. The twins manage to escape.
  • Multi-bear. Two fused bodies with four legs and arms and eight heads. Dipper overpowered the bear, proving his mettle, but did not kill him.
  • Sheil Shifter. A dangerous monster that can take on any form. Found by the heroes in a cave, subsequently frozen and rendered harmless.
  • Bill Cipher. A powerful demon in the form of a yellow triangle that can subjugate the minds of people. The main antagonist of the story.

Dwarf from Gravity Falls

City holidays

Gravity Falls loves to celebrate holidays. The main ones are:

  • Opening day of the fishing season. Almost the entire city flocks to the lake on this day, when the fishing season officially opens. In an episode of the series, the heroes are trying to unravel the mystery of Zhivogryz, who supposedly lives in the lake.
  • Party at the Mystery Shack. The largest discotheque in town, hosted by Stan Pines to draw attention to his merchandise. During the party, Dipper clones himself (repeatedly).
  • Return of the Mystery Shack. A meeting dedicated to the opening of the store for the second time after defeating Gideon Gleeful. Zombies appear in the series, which are overcome by Dipper, Mabel and Uncle Stan.
  • Summerween. The holiday, which the townspeople celebrate on June 22, as a summer Halloween. Instead of pumpkins, lanterns are cut from watermelons in summer. The episode features the creepy Summerween Dodger.

Pioneer Day is another Gravity Falls holiday
  • There is a place in the USA that bears a name very similar to Gravity Falls. It's a city named Oregon Walls. It is possible that the authors of the series referred to him.
  • The main characters of the animated series - Dipper Pines and Mabel Pines - are twins. They were "copied" from the main author of Gravity Falls Alex Hirsch and his twin sister named Ariel.
  • Another connection with Ariel is that the girl dreamed of her own pig as a child. That is why Mabel got a pig in the series.
  • Some characters in the television series are notable for having four fingers on each hand. Other heroes are all right - five fingers. The creators of the series explain this with aesthetics. It's just that some characters looked good with four fingers, while others looked good with five.
  • The finale of the series is still far away, but the authors have already made a reservation that the last episode will show the final departure of the twins from Gravity Falls home.
  • At the end of each episode, an incomprehensible set of letters appears. In fact, this is an encrypted message that refers either to the past series or to the next one. You can decipher the phrase by carefully listening to the whisper that sounds at the end of the opening screensaver. Scrolling the whisper backwards will give you the key to the cipher.
  • In Gravity Falls, literally every frame is a cipher, a reference, or an "easter egg". There are already quite a few thematic forums on the Internet where participants try to unravel the secrets of the series and predict the plot.

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