Where to put a money tree in the house. Artificial or living? Choosing the type of money tree


To improve the material well-being of your family, you need to learn to love money and understand its value. It is believed that the Feng Shui money tree attracts finances to the house and helps residents to gain financial independence. We will tell you how to activate the money symbol correctly in the article.

Tree Meaning

One of the most popular money symbols is the fat woman. They began to call it money because of the appearance of the leaves, which resemble real coins. People try to grow it at home. She does not require meticulous care. It is enough to create conditions for good lighting and water from time to time.

It is believed that the feng shui money tree must be purchased. But, some Feng Shui experts say that you need to steal a piece of a plant from friends. In this case, financial well-being will definitely settle in your home.

Landing Features

In order for the fat woman to help you increase your wealth, her planting must be done by hand. The landing principle itself is not complicated, so it should not cause any problems:

  1. First of all, you should take a sprout from an adult plant.
  2. Now you need to wait for the moment when the sprout takes root. To do this, it is placed in water for 2-4 days.
  3. Choose only wide pots to plant the plant. According to Feng Shui, preference should be given to pots that are characterized by a metallic color or the color of the earth. That is, choose only brown, black, silver or gold containers.
  4. At the bottom of the pot you need to place 6 coins of the country in which you live. This will awaken all the magical properties of the plant.
  5. Do not use garden soil. Feng shui experts are convinced that you need to plant a plant only in special purchased soil (you can use soil for cacti).
  6. Make a shallow hole in the ground and place the germinated sprout there. Sprinkle with earth and tamp.

Properly planting a plant is only half the battle. Pay attention to the growth of the bush. As soon as it begins to grow out of the pot, it must be transplanted immediately. Otherwise, he will die. When transplanting, you need to choose a larger container and carefully plant an adult plant in it. Such actions can be carried out with your own hands, at home.

Location selection

According to feng shui, the money sector is located in the east-south part of your home. If you do not know where exactly it is, then use the geographic compass. According to Feng Shui, it is best to place the money tree in the place where most of the sun falls, because the plant needs good lighting.

Design of the selected sector

After you have found where to put the Feng Shui money tree, you should decorate the interior according to all the rules.

First of all, you need to take care of cleaning. The sector of wealth should not contain unnecessary old things, because they will block the positive energy of the plant.

You also need to adhere to a certain color scheme of the room. Light pastel colors (blue, purple or green) will do.

The talisman should be placed on a stand or in a wooden pot. Water will enhance the flow of energy from the symbol, so you can install an aquarium or a small fountain indoors.

The room must be regularly ventilated so that the wind periodically blows on the plant. The practice of Feng Shui claims that the vibrations of the leaves from the wind will carry the energy of financial well-being around the entire perimeter of your home.

“Money is a very important thing. Especially when they are not...
Erich Remarque

Let's forget the word "no". In attracting finance, the most important thing is the attitude, the desire to see them, to love them. Are you ready to become wealthy? So, it's time to meet the Feng Shui money tree.

The archaic Chinese teaching will share with you a piece of its thousand-year experience in mobilizing wealth, tell you the secrets of how to plant and where it is better to put a tree to attract material well-being.

Folk omens claim that Crassula is called the money tree because of its leaves that look like coins. In fact, the secret lies in their unique energy. They instantly absorb all the most useful substances, scrupulously keeping them in the leaves. They pass on the gift of accumulating everything of value to their owner (if he sincerely cares about his pet).

All about the living money talisman

In all the diversity of the plant world, there is one small tree that has an impact on cash flows. This is what can change your life financially. Meet: Crassula tree, also known by the names "Cotyledon", "Bear's Ear", "Crassula" or "Money Tree".

Fat woman. Unpretentious plant, with a flexible character, easy care. Small in size, with original leaves, small, fleshy, shaped like coins.
But just putting the purchased plant on the window is not good. In order for the luck of the money tree to be revealed to the owner, you need to learn more about Crassula.

How to plant a feng shui money tree to attract wealth:

How to plant a live talisman

Feng Shui recommends not buying a ready-made plant (you can’t buy it for money at all). It is necessary that the money tree absorb your energy in order to feel the sincere care of the owner. According to the rules of Feng Shui, you need to plant a fat woman yourself!
Before planting, you need to talk to the tree and ask for protection and well-being, as well as promise that you will always take care of it, in the future, always talk to the tree.

  • Break off a leaf or stalk from an adult tree (it would be ideal if you do this secretly, without asking permission).
  • It is believed that a donated money tree will not bring good luck to either its new owner or the donor.
  • Before planting the stalk of the money talisman in the ground, hold the shoot in a glass of water for several days (so that it sprouts roots).
  • Stock up on the pot ahead of time. It should be wide, shallow. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the color of money is the suit of metal and earth. The whole range of brown, black. Red or burgundy. Silver or gold.
  • It is necessary to plant (like all plants) on the growing moon. Transplant day is Wednesday.

    Important Tip:
    Before planting, activate the pot. At the bottom of the flowerpot, put several coins of the same denomination with the coat of arms up. It is best to use the money of the country in which you live. It is desirable that there be six or eight of them (to awaken the magic of numbers).

    When stacking coins, it is useful to say: "Coin to coin, leaf to leaf" , and then read a money plot on them: “You grow, and I flourish in wealth. This is my will. May it be so!"

  • To plant a plant, buy land in advance (ordinary soil for cacti). But it is better to make it yourself (mix coarse sand, peat, turf, leafy soil in a ratio of 1x0.5x1x1).
  • Transplant to a larger pot if needed. It is not worth planting a small plant that has just taken root in a large pot, let it grow in a small one, then transplant it into a larger pot, so the money tree grows for several years.

I conjure on the Money tree:

Where to put a tree according to the rules of Feng Shui

The effectiveness of the Feng Shui money tree largely depends on its proper location in the apartment.
The southeast side of the apartment is responsible for the growth of financial well-being - the Feng Shui wealth sector - this is where your money tree should be placed. You can determine it using an ordinary compass. You can take the front door as a reference point, or you can use the traditional compass determination of the cardinal points. Use the method that is more pleasant for you, more convenient. Also, do not forget that when determining zones in an apartment or plot, you should adhere to one method you have chosen.

Chinese teaching allows you to divide into sectors not only the whole house as a whole, but also individual rooms. You can designate an area of ​​\u200b\u200bfinancial well-being in any suitable room.

The southeastern area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment or central room is an ideal place for the money tree to live.

We make out the sector of wealth

First of all, free this zone from unnecessary things - the energies of finance need to circulate freely, without obstacles.

Decorate the place where the Fat Woman will stand in green, purple or blue-blue tones.

  • Wood. We need a tree in this sector. You can put wooden furniture, a stand or a table on which the talisman will be located.
  • Water. According to Feng Shui, water (or its images) contributes well to the revitalization of the financial zone. You can put a small home fountain there (water flow will help the growth of financial flow) or an aquarium with cute goldfish. Have you decided to limit yourself to water paintings? Know that water images should not be aggressive (typhoons, floods, powerful waterfalls will simply “wash away” future money).
  • Wind. It is necessary that the tree of wealth feel the movement of air and strengthen its own flows. It is best to hang "wind music" in that area. Please note that no metal objects should be there (in the design of the musical-air talisman, too).

It would be ideal to put the pot on a red napkin with the feng shui hieroglyph of wealth.
To turn your fat woman into a real symbol of good luck and prosperity, decorate her branches with red ribbons and coins, and then she will become a real money talisman for your family.
The fat woman does not tolerate dust - wipe her leaves more often, and the entire monetary sector.

Many are sure that indoor plants in the apartment perform only a decorative function. But each of them has its own energy, which can positively or negatively affect a person's life. One of these plants is the fat woman.

There are various signs and superstitions about the money tree. To get the maximum benefit from it, you need to properly place it in the house and follow certain rules for caring for it.

Is it possible to keep a money tree at home: folk signs

The fat woman was popularly called the money tree because of the large number of different signs that associate the plant with material well-being. If you keep it in the house, then this guarantees financial stability to the owner of the house.

There are common signs about the money tree that grows in the house. Among them are:

  1. If every Wednesday you report to the money tree about the money spent and earned, then the energy of the plant in the future will help to fulfill all plans, and also save you from rash spending.
  2. When a fat woman's leaves fall, this is considered a bad omen, which indicates that there is negative energy in the apartment. To remove negativity and help the plant fill the space with positive energy, move the pot to another place.
  3. If a lot of leaves have fallen on a tree, then this indicates that unplanned financial expenses will soon await the owner of the apartment. Since ancient times, people have known that a tree drops its leaves only before losing money.
  4. If the leaves of the tree are thick and juicy, this indicates that the space around the plant is filled with exceptionally positive energy. In such a house there will definitely be money.
  5. So that the fat woman grows well, and also helps to improve the financial situation of the family, bury 3 coins in a pot. This guarantees a heavy and perpetually full wallet.
  6. The plant should be repotted as needed. If you do not want to lose financial well-being, be sure to ensure that the plant does not wither and does not feel cramped in a small flowerpot.
  7. There is a sign - to hang banknotes on the leaves of the money tree. Many believe that this way you can achieve material well-being. In order for the popular belief to come true correctly and in full, from time to time you need to withdraw banknotes, replacing them with new ones, and then spend them on your needs. This will start the circulation of money.

If you do not want to bother yourself with careful care and concern for the money tree, replace the plant with a souvenir of coins. Folk signs say that he has the same qualities and signs of a living plant. But in order to make it work and bring money into the house, you need to periodically moisten its leaves with water or completely water it.

Caring for a money tree is a rather troublesome task. Especially if the plant wilts. To prevent financial instability in the house, it is necessary to take measures to save and rehabilitate the fat woman.

Where should the money tree be?

In order for the fat woman to bring maximum benefit to the house, according to folk signs, you need to choose the right place for her in the house. This houseplant prefers bright and warm rooms. But at the same time, it is better to avoid areas that are exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, it is better to put the pot not on the windowsill, but on a special stand.

If there is a choice, then the money tree is best placed in the southeast. This is considered the most favorable place in the apartment for him.

When a person begins to follow these simple rules, the biological power of the plant will be activated, which will be aimed at attracting money to the house.

If you put a money tree according to Feng Shui, then you can improve the financial situation of the family. For this, it is not enough that the plant simply grows comfortably. Several rules must be observed. These include:

  1. It is necessary to determine the zone responsible for wealth in the apartment. This can be done using a special Bagua grid. The room is conditionally divided into 9 equal parts. The wealth zone is concentrated in the lower right corner or on the southeast side of the room. In order for the signs about the money tree to work in full force, it is recommended to choose the optimal shade of decoration and furniture for it. According to ancient teachings, red color should not be chosen for the room where the plant is located. It is better to opt for green, purple, purple tones.
  2. It is necessary to provide the plant with fresh air and good lighting. The room should not be hot or stuffy. The fat woman also does not tolerate a large amount of dust. Because of this, the tree will quickly begin to wither, which will call into question the material well-being of the family.
  3. The plant loves moist air. Thanks to this, it will be able to direct all its energy to attract money to the house. It is very good to put a pot with a money tree near the aquarium. Constant evaporation of water will come from it, which will create an optimal humid environment around the flower. Another good place for a fat woman is the bathroom. But before you put the money tree there, fix all the taps and pipes. According to signs, if water flows in the room, then the money will leave the house.
  4. The plant does not tolerate a sharp temperature drop and strong drafts. Therefore, it must be kept in a well-ventilated room in which the constant temperature ranges from 19 to 24 degrees. At the same time, places with very dry air should be avoided, for example, near a radiator or radiator.

Is it possible to give a money tree from home?

A properly planted and grown fat woman, according to folk signs, will bring material wealth to its owner. Therefore, it is considered very good or another solemn occasion.

In order for the plant to benefit, you need to donate not a purchased money tree, but a one grown at home with your own hands. It will bring positive energy, prosperity and good luck in business to the new owner.

There are several folk signs that will help you find out the meaning of such a gift. These include:

  • A beautiful and large tree promises good luck and prosperity. It should simply exude health and have a lush crown.
  • If a small fat woman was chosen as a gift, then this will guarantee a small but stable increase in family income.
  • When a sick tree was presented, this indicates that the family had ill-wishers. They envy the income and well-being of the family. Therefore, it is better to stay away from such people. But if the new owners managed to cure the plant and bring it back to life, then this is a very good sign. So, no matter what, money and profit will be found in the house.

The money tree is dead

Of all the people, it will take the most negative interpretation from the one when the fat woman dies. It is especially bad if the tree was grown on its own from a small sprout, after which it died. This will directly affect the well-being of the family. It will deteriorate badly in the near future. After that, you will have to make a lot of efforts to restore your financial situation.

If an adult tree was brought into the house, which soon began to wither or died completely, then this suggests that it is too early for the owner of the house to think about increasing prosperity.

When the money tree begins to wither rapidly, you should not try to revive it. In this situation, it is best to simply throw out the plant, and direct your efforts to grow a new fat woman. If a person withers, withers, or simply does not take root money trees, then this indicates material instability or mental imbalance.

  1. There are several other folk signs associated with the money tree. Among them:
    If the tree bends the trunk, then this indicates that financial difficulties will await the person in the near future.
  2. If a tree falls from a windowsill or shelf along with a pot, then this sign, on the contrary, has a good interpretation. This means that the material well-being of the family will only grow stronger.
  3. When a money tree falls and at the same time its pot breaks, this promises many envious people on the path of life.
  4. If the tree breaks when falling, then this promises a quick loss of financial stability and well-being in the family. Therefore, it is very important to put the plant pot in a place where it is difficult to drop or throw it off.

Is it possible to throw away the money tree: folk signs

In life, different situations happen, as a result of which you have to throw plants out of the house. People who believe in omens are unequivocally of the opinion that it is strictly forbidden to do this with a money tree.

If a person grew a money tree for a long time, and also carefully looked after and even talked to him, then his own energy is invested in the plant, which you cannot just take and get rid of. It is best not to throw away the fat woman, but to return it to nature. To do this, you can bury it in the ground.

When a recently purchased or donated plant withers, it is allowed to simply throw it away. It doesn't have any energy yet. In order not to attract misfortune or lack of money, it is recommended to get rid of the money tree in the following ways:
put in the entrance;

  • give to a person who wants to take care of a flower;
  • drip;
  • leave yourself a sprout for further cultivation, and throw the old plant into the trash.

Before you get rid of the fat woman in any of these ways, you must definitely thank the plant for the time spent in the house. After that, you should sincerely say goodbye to him with all my heart.

How to activate the money tree in feng shui?

In ancient teachings, this plant is often found. They interpret the fat woman as a kind of resuscitator. That is, the money tree can not only help improve the financial situation of the family, but also return vitality. There is an ancient legend that says that in order to always have gold coins in the house, you need to shake the money tree.

All the energy of the plant, which helps to gain financial prosperity, accumulates on the leaves. Therefore, the thicker they are, the more money will be in the family. To properly plant a money tree, you need to drop a few coins under its roots. You need to hang red threads on the crown. This will help bring wealth into your home.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the following actions will also help to activate the energy of the money tree:

  1. Plant a small dragon between the branches of the plant. It will attract financial wealth.
  2. Place an owl figurine on one of the branches. The bird will make sure that savings are observed in the family.
  3. Install 3 red lanterns at the base of the tree. This is necessary to increase energy.
    If a person does not cope with the rules of caring for a living plant, then according to the teachings of Feng Shui, at least a symbolic copy of the plant should be kept in the house. It must be handmade.

Before you start a money tree in the house, you must remember that, first of all, it plays the role of a talisman. It won't be of any use if you don't put effort into it. Therefore, in order to achieve the benefits of the plant, it must be properly cared for.

There are special practices used in Feng Shui to attract cash flow and improve the well-being of the family. For a positive result during their application, you need to know a few secrets. One of them is the use of the familiar money tree.

Naturally, a tree to attract finance can be made from artificial materials on your own, but planting a living tree is an excellent option. Yes, it is a fat woman with shiny, oval coin leaves that will become a source of positive energy in your home. The main thing is to perform all actions in accordance with the instructions and the magnet for finance will work in a positive direction.

Wealth Preparations

Of course, it becomes clear about the task of a particular direction, when it comes to a fat woman, a tree of money and prosperity, it is immediately clear that a person is concerned about the issue of financial success, prosperity and income growth. It is for this purpose that the money tree is used in Feng Shui practices. If you have already decided on this event, then you should prepare for it.

Methods for raising money

Before planting a tree, you need to tune yourself in to the right wave in the emotional and psychological aspect, be aware that you are not just planting another plant, but are performing an effective Feng Shui technique.

Ask yourself:

  1. How sincere are you about money? Will their large number become an inconvenience for you? It is necessary that you treat finance openly and with trust, feel sympathy for them. The concept that it is not just money, but also friends on the way to doing good deeds is very important.
  2. Where is money in your life? Ask yourself the question, what role does financial well-being play for you? Naturally, it’s not worth idealizing money and making a cult out of it, but they should be important to you in order to tune in the right way.

Awareness of the specific purpose for which money is needed. To do this, it is better to take a beautiful piece of paper, and specifically write for what purposes the money is needed, carefully state the costs for which the money will be spent. When making a request to the Universe, you need to be as specific as possible.

If there is more money after this event than you need, how will you spend it? Tell us exactly how you will use them, expand your horizons, do some positive work or take a break.

It is important to give a sincere answer: how responsive you are, whether you can spend your money for the benefit of others, help them. Will you use the acquired finances to harm yourself or people.

Qi energy is only positive, it comes exclusively to a favorable-minded house, with a maximum of positive and goodwill. To receive a flow of wealth, be sure to tune in to goodwill towards others.

After establishing the energy balance and answering all the questions posed, it is time to plant the money tree.

Interesting facts from the history of the origin of the money tree

Before resorting to the help of a fat woman in Feng Shui, you need to get to know each other better. Find out what are the main functions of the money tree in Feng Shui when attracting wealth.

The fat woman has long been a symbol of wealth in Feng Shui, Chinese money denotes wealth, attracts well-being and fountains or toads holding a coin in their mouth, installed in a conspicuous place.

If you decide to resort to the help of attracting wealth to the money tree, then you can do without planting a living tree. Many people cannot afford to purchase a live fat woman, for one reason or another. Someone has small children, someone has animals, and such a symbol of well-being should be inviolable. That's when they make an artificial tree with their own hands and decorate with the necessary accessories. The effectiveness is the same as from the use of a living tree.

Despite the large number of symbols of attracting money to the house, the fat woman remains the main magnet for finances. A living beautiful tree grows well, has an aesthetic appearance, decorates and refreshes the house. But just planting or making a tree is not enough, you still need to place it correctly and supplement it with the necessary accessories.

Basic principles of using the money tree

The first is to decide on the type of tree: living or inanimate?

A big tree

Fans of Feng Shui know that inanimate objects, when used correctly, can be an excellent talisman, attract prosperity, love and success to the house.

But a living, growing tree will become a more effective magnet. In this case, in accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, everything alive and defenseless needs careful care and protection. The fat woman tree is an unpretentious plant, however, it needs watering, lighting and love.

If you are overly impressionable and always deeply experience failure, then it is better to choose an artificial version of the money tree, which will never wither and die, which sometimes happens with living trees, and God forbid such an event coincides with financial failures. To avoid unnecessary stress, several trees are planted and thus the old and the dead are replaced by the young, and according to Feng Shui, this is a signpost for new roads to income.

Of course, both types of money trees are also used, but they should not be placed in the same room.

DIY money tree

For this procedure, you need: golden wire, red ribbon, multi-colored beads and pebbles, 100 coins, preferably Chinese.

It is desirable to make the trunk short and voluminous, for example, from stone. Wrap it around with wire and show imagination, bring out, short branches with leaves are beautiful, it is best if there are 10 branches. Now hang 10 coins on each branch and decorate with beads. Tie the trunk with a red ribbon, and lay out the base with stones.

Planting a money tree

A living sprout should be strong and healthy. It’s good if you take it from your friends with whom they are on good terms and financial well-being has already overtaken them, but pay a nominal fee.

Plant the sprouted sprout in a small pot with drainage and a hole for water to drain. The fat woman does not like direct sunlight, cold, darkness - in a word, her growing conditions should be moderate.

Making a place for a tree

  1. The money tree is located in the southeastern zone, the tree itself is tied with a red ribbon with the correct knot, and a red napkin with several bills is placed under the pot.
  2. The area with a tree is decorated in blue-green tones, complemented by wooden, birch bark accessories, it is good with water, but calm, as a stormy stream will wash away positive energy. As water, you can use a quiet fountain, a vase of water or a small aquarium.
  3. The area with the tree should be clean and bright.
  4. Take care of your money talisman and protect it from damage.
  5. With the most important rule, this is the mood with which you will approach the entire event.

Clearly and sincerely answer yourself the question why you need money and what you will do with a lot of it.

Crassula is popularly called the money tree. However, not all of its species are talismans for attracting money, but only tree-like ones. Usually these include the oval fat woman, which is also called ovoid (C. ovata). In the literature, it can often be found under the name of silver (C. argentea) and purslane (C. portulacea).

This type of plant in culture has many varieties, which indicates its popularity. The most common are such as Hummel's sunset, Variegata and Variegata Tricolor, Gollum, Coral, Hobbit, as well as Monstrosa and Gandalf. Most often, a tree-like fat woman is called a money tree, which is similar to ovoid, but differs in larger sizes.

Crassula - money tree

The plant is distinguished by fleshy stems and leaves, which are associated with prosperity and well-being. Having a tree-like form, it is often attributed not only to the epithet "monetary", but also "happiness", "with silver dollars", "African bread" or simply "dollar". Each name is associated with abundance and financial wealth.

An exception to the above list associated with wealth is the "jade plant". You might think that it got its name for the juicy green color of the leaves. But if you remember that jade in China refers to the stone of happiness, power and authority, then this name is quite natural for a fat woman.

Why should Crassula grow in every home?

The fat woman has leaves, reminiscent of coins in its shape, evoking an association with monetary wealth. In Chinese philosophy, this plant is endowed with many magical properties, thanks to which you can attract money into the house, and, therefore, become happy.

Currently, the money tree is widely used as a houseplant. In almost every house you can find a fat woman. However, it does not bring the expected luck to everyone, as this requires special care for it. It is worth noting that the plant does not belong to the usual ones, and, therefore, needs a non-standard approach to maintenance.

Unlike other plants, the "money tree" can live long enough indoors, easily tolerates indoor maintenance, but it does not want to bloom in "captivity", and if this happens, it is very rare.

Money tree - a talisman of wealth

The plant fully reveals its decorative and "magical" properties only with the right content. It is important to remember here that it must be wholly owned by its owner. So that it does not absorb someone else's energy, which can be negative, you need to take not an adult specimen, but a small process. This, according to superstition, allows you to establish a connection between the owner and the green pet.

If a money tree is grown solely to attract wealth, it is better not to acquire it, but to take it in the house where successful people live. Thus, you can be absolutely sure that the fat woman has absorbed positive energy, will attract money and good luck even in a new home.

Having brought the shoot into the house, it must be transplanted into a new flowerpot. The pot is better to take red. This color symbolizes activity, development, movement, encourages Crassula to grow strong and healthy. People who believe in superstition should put coins under the root.

Where is the best place to put a crassula pot?

Whether a person adheres to the principles of feng shui when placing a money tree in a house or not, the plant should be allocated the brightest place in the room. If the dwelling is equipped according to Feng Shui, then a zone of wealth is certainly determined in the room, for which a special corner is allocated, located in the southeastern part, where a pot with a plant is placed. Everyone should follow this advice so that the proper conditions are provided for the money tree, since it is this plant that will receive enough light.

It is best to put a fat woman on a stand so that it is convenient to wipe the corner. This place should always be kept clean so that dust does not clog the pores of the leaves, and the plant gets enough access to moisture. You need to position the money tree in such a way that you can reach any point in it and wipe the crown with a damp cloth. Care equipment is best placed nearby. A watering can, sponge, spray gun and other plant care items should always be at hand.

Color matters

The color scheme of the corner is an important detail. Adherents of the principles of Feng Shui are better off opting for wall decor in green, black or dark blue shades. Red objects should be moved away or removed from the corner altogether.

This is also true in cases where such principles are not followed, since the money tree looks best on a dark form. Red elements divert all attention to themselves, and the tree becomes invisible.

Is it possible to put a money tree next to the aquarium?

If there is an aquarium next to the Crassula, then such a solution will be the most successful. In this case, the color scheme and humidity regime will complement each other and will benefit the plant.

Evaporating water from the surface of the aquarium will provide the plant with the amount of moisture at which it will feel most comfortable. Feng Shui adherents can allocate a zone of wealth in any room of the house: the living room, bedroom, nursery, and even the kitchen.


Crassula refers to plants that can coexist in close proximity to a person without negatively affecting him. The main thing is to provide the money tree with a place with sufficient access to light and clean air. If you follow all the recommendations for caring for the crassula - a money tree, the financial flow may not flow like water, but the house will have a healthy and well-groomed plant that will decorate the interior in any room, as it looks respectable in itself.

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