Where was the singer Rihanna born? Rihanna's personal life


Barbados singer Rihanna, who has won worldwide recognition, has gone through a difficult path to fame - a variety of tattoos have become a reminder of each stage. The singer is not married and has no children.

If we talk about the legendary performers of R&B and pop music of the twenty-first century, then among them is the Barbadian singer Rihanna, whose biography contains a lot of interesting facts. Her songs almost always occupy the top positions in chats, in Rihanna's tattoos on the arm and other parts of the body attract the views of others. The girl has fans in all corners of the globe, from America and Barbados to Europe, Australia and Asia. Although her life path was not easy, the singer Rihanna endured the trials and achieved fantastic success in show business.

However, the girl is not limited to performing songs - her interests include shooting in various films and participating in charity events. In the photos, the singer looks very young and fragile, so the question naturally arises, how old is Rihanna now and what does she do to look so perfect. In addition to information about age, fans bit by bit collect all the information that would help to understand what Rihanna really is: they are interested in height, weight and eating habits no less than habits, love affairs and worldview. In this article, we will look into the details of her biography so that you can have an idea of ​​​​what the girl has achieved and who surrounds her.

Some facts about her family

The future star was born on the island of Barbados on February 20, 1988, and Rihanna's real name is Robin Rihanna Fenty, and she is Pisces by the sign of the Zodiac. Having reached the age of 27, she looks stunning thanks to her beautiful body proportions and velvety skin. For those who want to know how tall Rihanna is, we inform you that he is 1 meter 73 centimeters, and the singer weighs about 52 kilograms.

The singer Rihanna received a unique appearance from her parents, in particular, her father has Barbadian and Irish roots, and her mother's ancestors lived in Africa and Guyana. It is noteworthy that Rihanna, whose biography is filled with rumors and scandals, was brought up in a completely uncreative family of a warehouse inspector and an accountant. True, from a young age it was clear that the girl was very ambitious and talented - from the age of seven she could be seen singing songs and working in a clothing warehouse.

The first life test was the divorce of her parents, which happened when she was barely 14 years old. I must say that her family is large - two younger brothers (Rorry and Rajad), as well as two sisters and a brother who appeared at the expense of their parents in previous marriages.

Cult songs and creativity

The first step towards a professional career as a singer was an acquaintance with Evan Rogers in 2003, after which she received an offer to go to a recording studio in New York. Due to leaving with her Destiny's Child team, the girl even dropped out of high school.

Over the next two years, she actively participated in performing competitions and in 2005 moved to live in the States, taking the pseudonym Rihanna, now known to every music lover. The biography for the following years is very rich: contacts with leading studios, release of albums, performances in Britain with the Pussycat Dolls and the first solo tour. The result was a Grammy statuette received with rapper Jay-Z and the love of fans around the world. Further events showed that the girl knows how to adapt to the desires of the public and found her niche in show business. She has dozens of cult compositions behind her, such as Russian Roulette, Umbrella, SOS, Diamonds, Break It Off, etc., as well as American Music Awards and duets with Eminem, Coldplay and Nicki Minaj.

Even movie stars found out who Rihanna is - the girl's filmography reads five big films and participation in projects where she plays herself.

Secrets of personal life

The first serious romantic relationship with Chris Brown turned out to be quite difficult, which began in 2009 and ended with the beating and condemnation of the boyfriend for 5 years on probation. It was during this period that various Rihanna tattoos appeared on the arm, side, ankle, etc. Despite the difficult breakup and moral trauma, the girl was not disappointed in men and in subsequent years met with JR Smith (a famous basketball player) and Matt Kemp (baseball player), and then returned to her first lover for a while. The last hobby of the star was a rapper from Canada named Drake.

Rumors about the singer's personal life periodically appear in the press, for example, there were statements that Rihanna and Katy Perry were dating and that she was pregnant by Leonardo DiCaprio. Another question that torments fans is whether Rihanna has children, because in some photos she is depicted with a small child. In fact, the girl is not married and has no children, and the baby in the photo is the daughter of a cousin.

More about tattoos

The signs on the singer's body deserve special attention - in many respects they form the image of the Rihanna project. News about the next tattoos appear with enviable regularity. So now the girl has:

  • the Chinese character for the astrological sign Pisces behind the ear;
  • a purple asterisk on the cartilage of the ear;
  • a Sanskrit phrase on the right side;
  • track of stars on the back;
  • an Arabic phrase meaning "Freedom in God" on the left side;
  • the inscription "Shhh ...";
  • date of birth of Melissa Ford's closest friend;
  • skull with red bow;
  • the inscription "Love";
  • pistol under the right hand;
  • the inscription "Never a failure, always a lesson", made in a mirror image;
  • the phrase "Rebelle Fleur";
  • cross on the collarbone;
  • Maori patterns;
  • falcon;
  • an inscription in Tibetan meaning "beloved";
  • goddess Isis;
  • face of Queen Nefertiti.

Robin Rihanna Fenty is an American singer, actress and producer of world renown. The height of the girl is 173 cm, weight - 63 kg. Her zodiac sign is Pisces. Rihanna was born in the town of Saint Michael (Barbados). “She is very sociable, positive and wise,” say the singer's friends. She can often be found in the company of relatives, friends and colleagues. The girl does not like to be alone.

One of the most discussed topics is Rihanna's height, weight and the singer's biography in general. From the very beginning of her creative career, she often finds herself in the center of attention of journalists.

The childhood years of the singer: biography

It would seem that there can be nothing more beautiful than the warm sea, the sun and the amazing beauty of nature. However, the family of the future singer lived very modestly, not noticing in their work how beautiful the world around them was. Parents worked to feed a large family. In addition to Robin, they had two more sons. The singer also has paternal half-sisters from his previous marriages. The Fenty family lived in a small three-room house rented by their father. He worked day after day at a clothing factory, holding the position of inspector. Robin's mother's name was Monica, she worked as an accountant.

Rihanna as a teenager

In Rihanna's life, her father was the most important person. He was madly in love with his daughter, always singled her out as his most beloved child. The two eldest sons reacted calmly to this, as they understood that she was the youngest in the family. However, this attitude on the part of the pope began to change over time. Ronald got hooked on drugs and alcohol. After that, on a nervous basis, Robin began to develop severe headaches. She was able to get rid of this problem only at the age of 15. Barbados doctors for a long time diagnosed oncology in the future singer, but this turned out to be a mistake.

Also, Rihanna's biography is rich in events that she does not like to remember, as they are associated with her father's addiction.


The only joy for the young girl was music and singing. Rihanna is the owner of a beautiful voice, besides she is a creative person. When she was growing up in Barbados, reggae music was at its peak. It is this music that the singer evokes associations with youth.

While studying at school, the girl managed to organize her own group, of which she herself was the soloist. The young talented Robin imagined herself as the famous singer Rihanna, whose biography and songs are known all over the world today. Teachers at school watched the girl with interest and knew that her dream of becoming a singer would definitely come true. Rihanna was a beautiful and spectacular girl, so she repeatedly won the school beauty pageants. She also liked to participate in performances and musicals.

First successes

A talented girl with an unusual voice was noticed by one of the most popular producers in America, Evan Rogers. Rihanna was 15 at the time. At that time, Evan had already managed to work with such world-class stars as Christina Aguilera and Rod Stewart.

Seeing Robin, Rogers did not hesitate, he invited her to the US to record demo songs, which were sent to many recorders. Popular rapper Jay-Z got one of these records and wanted to work with Robin. With Jay-Z, the singer continues to work today.


The singer's career began when she was 17 years old. So, 2005 was the starting year, she released her debut hit called Ron de Replay. The listeners were captivated not only by the voice of the young singer, but also by her unusual appearance. Often on the covers of publications known throughout the world, you can find a photo of Rihanna. Biography, personal life and her successes are of interest to many people around the world.

The first song literally immediately became one of the best in the Hot 100 rating. After some time, the girl has another composition, which is also rapidly gaining popularity and blowing up radio stations.

First music record

At the end of the summer of 2005, Rihanna's first record called Music of the sun was released. She entered the top "Ten best discs in the world." Only in the USA this copy was sold in the amount of 500 thousand. It was then that the girl gained real popularity.

Then Rihanna toured with the famous American performer Gwen Stefani, as she was not ready for solo concerts. The singer's producer played her songs in between Gwen's performances.

Over time, Rihanna became interested in writing lyrics and realized that she was also good at it. So, many of the singer's popular hits are compositions written by her personally. Fans are constantly interested in the details of the biography of the singer Rihanna. Photos of this burning beauty can often be seen on the front pages of magazines popular all over the world.

Later career

Two months after the release of Rihanna's first disc, she releases her second. It also becomes one of the top five in the US and UK. This becomes an additional incentive for the girl not to stop there. The hit called SOS, which the singer recorded at the beginning of her career, is considered by music critics to be the most successful. The song became a hit in many countries, especially for a long time she held a leading position on radio stations in Canada and the United States.

Throughout the summer of 2005, the young singer toured the United States with solo concerts. The tour was named Rihanna: Live in Concert Tour. The halls and stadiums where Rihanna performed attracted many people who were looking forward to meeting the rising star of the world scale.

Soon, Rihanna received an offer to become a model for the famous world brand Nike, and the girl also became the face of Miss Bisou.

Debut as an actress

2006 became an important year in Rihanna's life, she starred in the movie Bring It On 3. The debut role turned out to be quite simple, because the girl played herself.

Rihanna was also invited to film the series Las Vegas and Set Up, which were no less popular among young people. Her participation in these projects caused a lot of discussion about the acting talents of the singer.

First look change

For the first time, the singer decided to change her image in 2007. She changed her gentle and feminine image to a more defiant one. Rihanna dyed her hair black, cut it short and started wearing black (mostly leather) clothes with metallic elements. From that moment on, Rihanna more and more often began to surprise fans with experiments on her appearance and appearance.

The most memorable were the images with a mohawk, bleached hair and red-dyed hair. The girl dedicated her third album to one of her images, which she called Good girl Gone Bad, respectively. Famous rappers Jay-Z and NE-YO made their contribution to the work on this disc.

The collaboration of the singer with world stars

In the work of Rihanna, not the last place is occupied by the famous singer Justin Timberlake. It was he who helped the girl finalize her famous hit Rehab. After that, their communication did not stop, they maintain warm, friendly relations.

However, it was not this song that became the best in Rihanna's third album, but the composition that she performed with Jay-Z - Umbrella. In 2007, the track about the umbrella becomes a bomb that blew up all the radio stations, and after the release of the video, also the TV channels.

Without exception, all the singer's albums became a world event in a matter of days. The singer was repeatedly recognized as the best at many ceremonies. And in 2008, Rihanna received her first Grammy statuette.

In the fall of 2009, the singer releases her fourth disc called Rated R. In the videos shot for the compositions from this album, Rihanna surprises everyone with her brutality. However, this did not prevent her from gaining recognition from the general public again.

The following year, the girl began working with rapper Eminem, with whom they wrote and performed the song Love the way you lie. For a long time she was in the lead among the top singles and occupied the first positions of the charts on radio stations in the USA, Canada and Australia.

Personal life

Rihanna's biography cannot be ignored, because, despite world fame, her life is not always fabulous. So, in the personal life of the singer, too, everything is far from cloudless. The singer does not like to advertise the events of her personal life, but some moments still cannot be hidden, and they go on public display. So, everyone knows about her brief relationship with P Diddy. After the breakup, the girl did not kill herself for a long time and was immediately seen in the company of Chris Brown. Journalists have long considered this couple the most interesting and wrote about her in almost every news release about the stars.

But after some time, Chris began to beat his girlfriend. Once he beat a girl badly and ran away. The singer filed a lawsuit, and the guy was given a suspended sentence of 5 years. In 2010, Chris publicly admitted that he wanted to return Rihanna, and as an apology he made a tattoo on his body with her image. But the girl did not agree to renew this relationship.

In 2015, Rihanna was seen in the company of Leonardo DiCaprio. However, both celebrities insisted that, apart from friendship, nothing more connects them. Then it became known that the girl began a relationship with a close friend of DiCaprio - Richie Akiva. Their acquaintance took place on New Year's Eve in the Caribbean. The couple met for a short time.

In 2016, the singer began to talk openly about her relationship with rapper Drake. With him, they often went to social events. The couple did not hesitate to exchange warm glances in public and even kiss in front of journalists' cameras. Fans believed that in the near future they would play a wedding, but Rihanna and Drake parted ways. So far, the girl has not managed to arrange her personal life.

In the biography of the singer Rihanna in 2017, a new round of events began, she discovered another talent in herself. The celebrity decided to work as a fashion designer and signed a contract with the global brand "Puma"

In 2017, the girl shocked fans at the Louis Vuitton awards ceremony when she went public in a loose-fitting coffee-colored outfit, with this attire she clearly tried to hide her extra pounds. Such changes in the parameters of the singer Rihanna have become a very discussed topic. Today, there are rumors on the Internet that she is expecting a baby. Who is the father and how events in the life of this girl will develop further is still unknown.

Rihanna caught the lucky star when she was just 16 years old. This sultry Barbadian beauty instantly won the hearts of listeners and became one of the highest paid stars of show business. After only a few years on the stage, Ri-Ri earned her the nickname of style icon and pop idol. Of course, this is the merit of the girl herself and her talent, but it is also not worth throwing aside the work of her team.

short biography

The future musical star was born on February 20, 1988 in a small town on the island of Barbados, in the most ordinary family. The chosen name of the singer, Rihanna, is real. She is Robin Rihanna Fenty on her passport. At 14, Rihanna's parents divorced. Despite the fact that her father had a craving for alcohol and marijuana, she always maintained a relationship with him. The life of the future singer proceeded to the rhythms of reggae music. The girl began to sing at the age of seven, and at school she even managed to organize her own trio. It was as part of this trio that Rihanna went in 2003 to audition for Evan Rogers at the hotel where he accidentally stayed in Barbados. This was a decisive step in Rihanna's career. It was Evan Rogers who saw her as a future world star. The producer did not even pay attention to the two girls who came with her.

Carier start

Evan Rogers helped Rihanna record her first demos. It took almost a year, because the girl tried to combine her studies in high school and could only come to the recording studio during the holidays. But the demos were recorded, and Rogers started looking for a contract with one of the music labels. In 2005, the recording of the young singer came to Jay-Z, who at that time was the president of the music label Def Jam Recordings. The rapper decided to personally meet with Rihanna and listen to her. Their meeting ended successfully, and Rihanna, without hesitation, signed her first contract with Def Jam. After that, she immediately canceled appointments with other labels, dropped out of school and started recording her first album. It took exactly three months, and the start of a stellar career was laid.

Recognition and further career

Ri-Ri's first album Music of the Sun was released in 2005 and sold two million copies. Her first single immediately took a leading position in the lists of the most popular singles in 15 countries around the world.

Just a month after the release of the first album, Rihanna began recording the second, called A Girl like Me. He came out the following year. The main single was the song SOS, which took a leading position in the US charts.

A year later, in 2007, the singer released another album - Good Girl Gone Bad. The main hit of this album was the song Umbrella, recorded together with Jay-Z. Then, in 2008, this album was re-released under the name Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded and included three completely new songs.

In 2009, Rihanna recorded her fourth album - Rated R, whose songs traditionally took the first lines of the world charts.

The singer's fifth album Loud was released in 2010. Rihanna does not stop working and traditionally a year later, in 2011, the next album, Talk That Talk, is released.

In 2012, Rihanna released her seventh album, Unapologetic.

Then there is a pause in the annual album recordings and the next, eighth album, Anti, was released in January 2016.


During her dizzying career, Rihanna has been rightfully recognized and repeatedly awarded nominations and victories in various music awards. So, the American Music Awards nominated the singer for the award 15 times, and Rihanna won 8 times.

Rihanna has been nominated 11 times at the ASCAP Pop Music Awards and has won each one. Also, all the nominations of the performer ended with an unconditional victory in such awards as BMI Pop Music Awards (10 awards), BMI Urban Awards (6 awards), IFPI Platinum Europe Awards (5 awards), Z Awards (8 awards).

At The Barbados Music Awards, the pop diva has won 38 awards and received 49 nominations.

Also in the most important music award - Grammy Awards - the singer was awarded in 23 nominations and took 8 of them.

During her career, Rihanna has won dozens more competitions and received hundreds of nominations, and more and more new conquests and victories await the singer.

Rihanna's boyfriends

Like many famous people, Rihanna tries not to advertise her personal life and leave it behind the scenes of photographers, but like other celebrities, she cannot go completely unnoticed. To date, reporters have managed to count five of Rihanna's lovers. This list included:

  1. Negus Sealey. Rihanna's first love in those days when she still lived in Barbados and was not famous all over the world. The departure of the singer in the United States was the reason for the end of their stormy romance.
  2. Rihanna - Chris Brown. The relationship between them ended in court in 2009, but then in 2012 the lovers reunited again, in order to disperse in 2013 and, probably, forever.
  3. Baseball player Matt Kempom.
  4. Basketball player JR Smith. Relations with one and the second athlete were short-lived and lasted only a few months.
  5. Asher. The information appeared in 2011 in the press, but has not been confirmed in any way.

Also, over the years, rumors about Rihanna's relationship with rapper Drake have not subsided. But judging by the way these rumors appear and then quietly disappear, one can conclude that they are either good friends or using each other as a front for journalists.

Relationship with Chris Brown

Rihanna and Chris Brown have never been officially married, but everyone called their relationship a civil marriage. And Chris Brown was, if not official, but the real husband of Rihanna. Their relationship began back in 2008. At first, this information was leaked to the Internet and had no confirmation. But later, the couple stopped hiding their relationship and began to show themselves to the public without hesitation. The split in the relationship occurred in 2009, after the tragedy that occurred with Rihanna.

Rihanna's personal tragedy

On February 8, 2009, at the annual Grammy Awards, Rihanna's performance was abruptly cancelled. The reason for this was a quarrel with Rihanna's husband. Chris Brown beat the singer the night before the ceremony in a car and fled the scene. Rihanna was found on the street by the police. The beatings were so severe that the girl could not walk on her own. The public learned about this tragic incident from the Internet. Somehow, photos of Rihanna beaten by her husband leaked to the Web, and the whole world knew about it in the blink of an eye.


In the same year, Chris Brown was tried. The singer was present at the trial and testified. Rihanna's ex-husband fully admitted his guilt and, as it turned out, after escaping from the crime scene, he himself appeared at the police station with a confession. Chris Brown was sentenced to corrective labor and five years of probation, and he was also officially banned from approaching Rihanna more than 50 yards. The exception was official and public events, where the distance was allowed to be reduced to 10 yards. Also, Chris Brown publicly apologized to his ex-wife, and it would seem that their relationship should have ended once and for all.


Within three years after the completion of the trial, Rihanna had several relationships in her life that did not affect her biography in any way. Rihanna's husband tried to rekindle their relationship. And, despite all the previous events of their lives, the singer forgave and returned to him. The couple began to live together again, for this, Rihanna acquired a mansion in Los Angeles. It was rumored that perhaps the couple decided to start with her husband did not focus on their plans for the future. But as it turned out, all the rumors and speculation did not materialize, and the couple broke up after lasting less than a year. The house, bought for cohabitation with Brown, Rihanna hastened to sell, thus putting an end to this relationship.

To date, in the biography of the singer in the column "the name of Rihanna's husband" there is a dash. But she is so young, beautiful, talented and popular that neither she nor her fans should despair. Moreover, Rihanna is not at all concerned about the absence of an official spouse. She still has everything ahead - a happy family life, children, and the conquest of new heights in her dizzying career.

Rihanna - a young superstar from the island of Barbados, an unsurpassed R&B singer - was born into a large, poor family. Rihanna's mom worked as an inspector at a clothing factory, and her dad worked as an accountant. In the family, in addition to the future star, her two younger brothers grew up. In addition, the singer has two half-sisters and a brother from the side of the pope. The girl learned and fell in love with music very early due to the fact that her father, although he was engaged in a prose profession, was fond of reggae, and at the same time alcohol and marijuana. The hectic life of a cheerful and unlucky dad eventually led to the fact that when Rihanna was 14 years old, her parents divorced, and the previously poor family was completely impoverished. From this age, the girl had to work as an adult - she sold clothes in a tent, and as a result she never graduated from high school. But all this did not interfere with music lessons, so at the age of 15 Rihanna already had her own musical group, consisting of herself and two peers, which the girl decided to promote.

In 2003, the 15-year-old singer took a decisive step in this promotion, meeting the wife of the famous American producer Evan Rogers, who came to rest in Barbados. On the very first evening of their acquaintance, she came with her friends to the hotel to the Americans to show her musical success. The producer saw in Rihanna what she wanted to demonstrate. And even more. In his later interviews, he said that the girl seemed so interesting to him that, against her background, her friends "were so lost that it seemed they were simply not in the room." Impressed by Rihanna's singing, the producer invited her to New York, quite seriously and accompanied by her mother. So the singer spent the whole next year in the sky between Barbados and America, which resulted in a professional demo recording of four songs. However, these songs were enough for the whole world to recognize the young singer soon.

In 2005, Rogers began distributing Rihanna's demos to various recording studios, as a result of which she quickly signed a contract with the famous American label Def Jam, moved to America and settled at the same Rogers' house, at that time already becoming close friends with his wife . The singer's debut album was released in the same 2005, and, which happens to young performers once in a hundred years, it sold 2 million copies worldwide, having received a gold certification from the Recording Industry Association of America!

The second album was not long in coming, and less than a year later the critics were discussing, and the people were dancing without restraint to the songs of Rihanna, whose music, according to all the same critics, wonderfully mixed sunny dancehall, dub-pop and club hip-hop . Here is such an energetic mix that a young girl tirelessly gave out to the world, whose mother for the first time at that time thanked God for meeting her unlucky father. And Rihanna in 2006 was also invited to act in films.

The following years make Rihanna more and more popular. She herself never ceases to amaze listeners and viewers. Not only improving their music, but also changing their appearance. The image of Rihanna becomes more aggressive: black hair, short haircut. And all this is very unusually combined with her cute baby face. Well, all kinds of awards are showered on the singer, as if from a cornucopia. It was after 2008 that we can already talk about the world fame of Rihanna.

However, as you know, beauty and wealth are not always synonymous with happiness. In 2009, unexpectedly for everyone, Rihanna cancels her participation in the prestigious Grammy Awards ceremony. After some time, details about the reason for the refusal leaked to the press: the day before, the singer was severely beaten by her beloved singer Chris Brown. The photo of the unfortunate beaten Rihanna somehow also ends up on the Internet. Because of the scandal in the press, the rapper-fighter hiding from the police himself comes to the police with a sincere confession. And he continues to publicly repent on television for quite a long time - all the time while bruises pass on the face of the beauty. Rihanna, however, did not forgive the guy, but after this incident, she tattooed herself in the form of two pistols on her ribs and the inscription: “Not a mistake, but a lesson.”

Having put herself in order, the artist again took up heroic deeds, which resulted in the opening of her own production company, the release of a biographical book and her own perfume production line. And a compliment to all this was the wax figure of Rihanna in Madame Tussauds. In general, now a popular singer is also a successful entrepreneur. And why not, since she's doing so well? Yes, and business does not interfere with creativity: in 2011, Rihanna became, for example, the best-selling singer in the UK, surpassing the super popular Adele!

Sad one. While fate is so good to Rihanna, love, as the saying goes, is evil. Pushing around in search of a handsome prince, the “princess” herself tried to meet various good guys during these years. And with Los Angeles Dodger player Matt Kemp, and with basketball player JR Smitho, and with singer Usher. Yes, only, as in the saying: "How many boys are good, but something is drawn to the bad," Rihanna is also drawn to her pugnacious ex-boyfriend Chris Brown. At the end of 2012, it became known that the Barbadian beauty again resumed relations with him.


  • Rihanna is a tattoo lover. She has the sign of Pisces behind her ear, the inscriptions Shhh and Love on her fingers, a falcon on her ankle, a small star on her ear cartilage, and starfall on her back. Also on the body of Rihanna are several inscriptions in Sanskrit, Arabic and English, the date of birth of her best friend and the Maori tribal pattern. Under the singer's chest, there is a whole picture - the Egyptian goddess Isis, dedicated to the late grandmother of Rihanna. The latest tattoo that the Barbados star got herself is two pistols on the sides under her chest. Rihanna got this tattoo herself after she was beaten by her boyfriend Chris Brown.
  • There is a figure of Rihanna in the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in the USA.
  • In 2011, Rihanna launched Reb'L Fleur perfume.
  • Rihanna has a dog and a turtle at home.
  • From the age of eight until the divorce of her parents, Rihanna suffered from excruciating headaches, which is why doctors suspected the girl had a brain tumor.

2007 - American Music Awards for "Best Female R&B Singer"

2007 - American Music Awards for "Best Female Song"

2008 - American Music Awards for "Best Female Pop Artist"

2010 - American Music Awards for "Best Female R&B Singer"

2006 - ASCAP Pop Music Awards in the category "Best Song"

2007 - ASCAP Pop Music Awards in the category "Best Song"

2008 - ASCAP Pop Music Awards in the category "Best Song"

2009 - ASCAP Pop Music Awards in the category "Best Song"

2010 - ASCAP Pop Music Awards in the category "Best Song"

2011 - ASCAP Pop Music Awards in the category "Best Song"

2006 - BMI Pop Music Awards for "Best Song"

2007 - BMI Pop Music Awards for "Best Song"

2008 - BMI Pop Music Awards for "Best Song"

2009 - BMI Pop Music Awards for "Best Song"

2010 - BMI Pop Music Awards for "Best Song"

2011 - BMI Pop Music Awards for "Best Song"

2006 - BMI Urban Awards for "Best Song"

2009 - BMI Urban Awards for "Best Song"

2010 - BMI Urban Awards for "Best Song"

2006 - Barbados Music Awards for Best Dance Album, Best Album of the Year, Best Dance Song, Best Song of the Year, Best New Artist, Best Female Artist of the Year

2007 - Barbados Music Awards for Best Female Artist of the Year, Best Song of the Year, Best Album of the Year, Best R&B Song

2008 - Barbados Music Awards for Best R&B Artist of the Year, Best Pop Artist of the Year, Best Album of the Year, Best Song of the Year, Best Music Video

2009 - Barbados Music Awards in the nominations "Best Pop Artist", "Best Song of the Year", "Best Song of the Decade"

2011 - Barbados Music Awards for Best Female Artist of the Year, Best Pop Artist, Best R&B Song, Music Video of the Year, Best Song of the Year, Album of the Year

2006 - Billboard Music Award for "Best Female Artist of the Year", "Best Dance Song of the Year"

2007 - Billboard Music Award for Best Dance Song of the Year

2008 - Billboard Music Award for Best Female Artist of the Year

2009 - Billboard Music Award for Best Song of the Decade

2010 - Billboard Music Award for "Best Dance Club Artist", "Best Female Artist", "Best Rap Song"

2011 - Award in the nomination "International Singer"

2012 - Billboard Music Award in the nomination "International Singer"

2008 - Grammy Awards for Best Song

2010 - Grammy Awards for Best Song

2011 - Grammy Awards for Best Song

2012 - Grammy Awards for Best Song

2007 - IFPI Platinum Europe Awards for "Best Album"

2010 - IFPI Platinum Europe Awards in the nomination "Best Album"

2011 - IFPI Platinum Europe Awards in the nomination "Best Album"

2006 Bring It On 3: All or Nothing

2012 Battleship

2012 Katy Perry: Part of me

2013 Fast & Furious 6

2013 End of the world

2005 — Music of the Sun

2006 - A girl like me

2007 - Good Girl Gone Bad

2009 - Rated R

2011 - Talk That Talk

Rihanna (Robin Rihanna Fenty, eng. Robyn Rihanna Fenty, born 1988) is the most popular American pop and R&B singer, fashion model, fashion designer, who has become a real pop idol of our days. She was the first singer from Barbados to win a Grammy Award. Her tracks have repeatedly topped the popular Billboard Hot 100 chart, collectively reaching an impressive 60 weeks. Rihanna has been named the winner of the American Music Awards for Best Soul/R&B Female Artist five times.

Childhood and youth

Rihanna was born on February 20, 1988 in the small town of Saint Michael on the island of Barbados, located in the Caribbean. The singer's mother Monica worked as an accountant, and her father Ronald worked in a warehouse. She became the eldest among the children and has two younger brothers. The family could not boast of great prosperity, huddled in a three-room apartment. In childhood, the future star did not differ much from her peers: she attended high school and listened to reggae, popular in Barbados. Due to lack of money, she began to earn money early, trading with her father in a tent.

An unpleasant imprint of childhood was the constant conflicts of the parents and the use of cocaine by the father, which contributed to the breakup of the family. Rihanna loved her father very much, and his degradation caused her depression and frequent headaches. At one time there was a suspicion of a brain tumor, fortunately, this terrible diagnosis was not confirmed. In addition, because of the lighter skin color, the girl was constantly ridiculed by her peers. Today she remembers this with irony and is even grateful to her offenders for giving her a good life school.

Already at the age of 7, Rihanna began to entertain relatives and friends with singing and did it quite well. Vocal abilities helped the girl win the school talent competition with the song M. Carey and gave her self-confidence. At the age of 15, she creates a musical group with two classmates.

Thanks to this, the girl came to the attention of producer E. Rogers, who was delighted with her vocal abilities. This was followed by an invitation to move to the US to start a musical career. The seriousness of Rogers' intentions was evidenced by his desire to see Rihanna's mother there as well. “I wanted to do what I had to do, even if for this I had to go to America,” the performer admitted.

To the top of the charts

A trip to New York gave the first result - four demo versions of songs were recorded, which made the girl really popular. In 2005, she began to look for a record company that could promote her. As a result, a multi-million dollar contract was signed with Jay Z, with whom the singer recorded ten songs that quickly hit the top lines of Billboard. The most popular was the single "Pon de Replay" with a colorful Caribbean rhythm and enchanting pop sound. This was followed by another hit "If It's Lovin' That You Want".

The first album of the performer, called "Music of the Sun", was released at the end of 2005. It became incredibly popular in many countries, and in the United States the entire half-million circulation was sold out. While working on her debut solo album, Rihanna proved herself as a composer, personally writing the music for several tracks. Soon the girl went on tour with G. Stefani, speaking as her opening act.

The second disc of the performer "A Girl Like Me" followed after the first, appearing eight months later. In it, Rihanna fans could enjoy the sound of reggae, incendiary dance rhythms, club hip-hop and acoustic numbers. R&B didn't stand aside either. Several tracks, such as "We Ride" or "Unfaithful", made it to the top of the charts, and the album itself entered the top five in the UK and the US. Together, more than a dozen singles from the first two albums turned out to be worldwide hits - an impressive result for a newcomer.

In the wake of such success, the singer was invited to work in films and starred in a small role in the youth comedy Bring It On: Fight to the End, where she played a cameo. Rihanna's fantastically fast rise in popularity is, of course, due to her enormous talent, but there is another equally important reason. At the beginning of the 21st century, a certain void appeared in the American market, and a temperamental performer with hot Latin blood helped fill this gap.

On the wave of success

The next album of the performer "Good girl gone bad" appeared in 2007. Megastars such as Ne-Yo, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland worked on it together with the singer. The first composition "Umbrella" lasted seven weeks at the top of the Billboard, and about 6.2 million copies of the album were sold around the world. In June 2008, the third album was re-released. The new version featured another planetary hit "Take a Bow", as well as a popular song recorded with the "Maroon 5" team called "If I never see your face agane".

In November 2009, Rihanna's fans heard their fourth album Rated R. According to the singer, this is a new chapter in her musical career, completely changing the stereotypes in the hip-hop and R&B genre. She appeared in a much more frank and somewhat brutal way. All the compositions of the disc were the fruit of the singer's deep personal experiences caused by the wild beating of her former lover. This is also evidenced by the names of several compositions that sound in Russian as "Rude guy" and "Blinded by love." But the singer's fans liked such changes, and the album was received very warmly. A year later, the remix album "Rated R: Remixited" was released.

New achievements

November 16, 2010 was the presentation of the fifth album "Loud". It features touching ballads like "California King Bed" and dance tracks like "Only girl". His appearance marked the return of the singer to the style of the 2007 model that fell in love with the fans. As before, a number of singles from Rihanna's album were at the top of the Billboard, and "Only girl" settled on its top line. At the same time, Rihanna launched the "Rihhanna Entertainment" campaign, in which she tried to combine her musical, charitable, fashion and other projects.

In addition, she became a member of the popular music show The X Factor. The sixth album of the singer called "Talk That Talk" has a pronounced dance bias. Despite the traditional popularity, the lyrics of some songs were perceived by critics with hostility for their excessive frivolity.

In 2012, the seventh disc "Unapologetic" appeared. Here, the singer's fans were able to hear a more diverse musical material, which includes, along with the usual pop and dance, electronic music and dubstep. There are also ballads in it, one of which, called "Stay", turned out to be the second international single. Despite a fair share of criticism of the performer for the rush to prepare the album and, as a result, raw material, "Unapologetic" conquered the top of the Billboard 200 chart and was awarded a Grammy.

In January 2016, the long-awaited eighth album "Anti" was released, the appearance of which was repeatedly postponed. By the time of its appearance, three new songs were presented - "FourFiveSeconds", "Bitch Better Have My Money" and "American Oxygen", which did not make it to the album. "Anti" premiered on streaming service Tidal. Thanks to this, the album overcame the millionth download bar in 14 hours, and in the first day alone, its compositions were listened to online 13 million times. Not surprisingly, the single "Work", recorded in a duet with Canadian rapper Drake, was at the top of the Billboard, where he stayed for 9 weeks.

The singer is actively collaborating with other stars. One of them is Eminen, with whom she has already performed 4 songs. In 2014, Rihanna recorded the song “Can’t Remember to Forget You” with Shakira, filming a crazy-energy video in support of her. The following year, she recorded a track with P. McCartney and K. West.

She's the only one

Rihanna has become a real event not only in music, but also in fashion life. “Now I am simply obsessed with being the first in matters of fashion,” the singer claims. She pays tribute to the style of G. Stefani and D. Lopez, but at the same time she chooses her own path. During her solo career, the girl repeatedly changed her image, turning from a brutal vamp woman into a fragile sentimental girl.

Despite the fact that the singer is very comfortable in America, where she especially adores New York and Los Angeles, her soul and heart belong to Barbados. For herself and loved ones, she is still Robin, and for the general public, the familiar Rihanna. Most of her friends are men, and Rihanna sees nothing wrong with that. In addition to her solo career, the singer pays great attention to charity. She took part in the creation of clothing collections, the proceeds from the sale of which were directed to the fight against AIDS.

Rihanna today

In 2016, YouTube video service recognized Rihanna as the most popular singer of the first half of the year. The total number of views of her video clips exceeded 1.73 billion, which made it possible to bypass the previous leader T. Swift.

The singer's page on Instagram has over 2 million subscribers, and their number is constantly increasing. Rihanna is a regular on Twitter and personally communicates with fans, sharing her problems and experiences with them. Fans of the performer call themselves the “sailors” of Rihanna, apparently putting themselves in opposition to the “little monsters” of Gaga.

In April 2016, the singer posed for the cover of a fashionable glossy edition of Vogue, in the issue of which a collection of shoes from Rihanna and M. Blahnik was shown.

Personal life

At one time, Rihanna had an affair with rapper Chris Brown. A difficult relationship with a lover became an occasion for general discussion. In 2009, Rihanna did not show up for the prestigious Grammy Awards. As it later turned out, the reason was related to her severe beating by Chris, while the photo with traces of violence got into the World Wide Web. After this, the rapper publicly apologized for a long time and even went to the police himself to testify. But he never received forgiveness from both the girl and the court, which sentenced Brown to five years of probation. But after this incident, Rihanna got a symbolic tattoo on her body in the form of two pistols with the inscription: “Not a mistake, but a lesson.”

Los Angeles Dodger player M. Kemp became the new passion of the popular performer, but he broke off relations with the singer because of her crazy work schedule. She then became involved with basketball player JR Smith. The press talked about her romance with singer Usher and rapper Drake. It is known that Rihanna briefly resumed relations with Brown, but then they broke up again. Today, the singer is ready for a new relationship and declares: "I'm ready for love, but guys have to earn it".

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