General director of the Ural dumplings lutikov. The strange death of the director of "Ural dumplings" in the midst of litigation


Alexey Lyutikov passed away in the midst of a legal showdown between comedians

Alexey Lyutikov passed away in the midst of a legal showdown between comedians

On August 10, the tragic news spread around the participants of the humorous show "Ural dumplings": 42-year-old team director Alexei LYUTIKOV was found dead in a hotel room in Yekaterinburg. And although no traces of violent death were found on the lifeless body, many fans of "...dumplings" immediately suspected something was wrong. Indeed, recently Lyutikov found himself at the epicenter of a suddenly erupted scandal between the participants of the popular TV show.

News about the death of the director of "Ural dumplings" with a cheerful surname Lyutikov made many think. Indeed, since 2009, this position has been held by Sergei Netievsky, who, along with other participants in the show, has been on stage for more than twenty years to make people laugh. And suddenly, in the fall of 2015, Alexey Lyutikov unexpectedly replaced him in a leadership position. In the past, he was also a well-known cavalry officer and, as a captain, led the "Service Entrance" team.

In October last year, a grandiose conflict arose in the once friendly and close-knit team of comedians. The reason for the disagreement was primarily money, because recently the participants of the Ural Pelmeni even got to the top of the Forbes list in terms of income. And, apparently, they relaxed, because of which the ratings of their TV shows began to fall - according to the results of the last TV season, “... dumplings” sharply lost ground.

The team blamed Netievsky for all the problems. Say, he ceased to cope with the duties of the director: he was engaged in producing other projects, did not sign financial documents on time, missed the deadlines for filing declarations with the tax office. "Ural dumplings" held a secret ballot, as a result of which Sergey lost his bread position. But the demoted chief did not agree with such a verdict and filed a lawsuit against his former comrades.

Netievsky is now a big Moscow producer, he is engaged in a bunch of projects. He became cramped in our team. And for God's sake. We have and Svetlakov at one time he left for the capital. But since Netievsky is not there, we need a person who knows all this cuisine. So we hired Lyutikov, - explained the "dumpling" Sergey Ershov.

Sergei NETIEVSKY (with a guitar around his neck) was ready for any tricks to amuse the audience. Photo: RIA Novosti

Sharpened the corners

They say that the new boss began to add fuel to the fire, forcing the conflict within the team to flare up with renewed vigor.

Lyutikov is originally from Kursk, but lived in Moscow for many years, served as director and was a personal adviser to the general producer of Comedy Club Production, one of the members of the team told us, who asked not to be named. - It was he who drew the attention of the guys to the fact that the fee from their performances is supposedly distributed unfairly. In fact, "... dumplings" receive money based on their share - each owned ten percent in the company. Only earn more Slava Myasnikov, because he, among other things, is also a songwriter for the show. Well, and Netievsky. Previously, this fact did not bother anyone, but when the popularity of "...dumplings" began to fall, which means that incomes also decreased, the people rebelled. In addition, Lyutikov found some more documents, where it was stated that the Ural Pelmeni brand belongs to Netievsky's company. In general, Alexei aggravated the situation so much that in the end he finally quarreled everyone.

Meanwhile, a month ago, the fans of "...dumplings" discussed the new director of the team on one of the forums on the Internet. Many were seriously agitated by rumors of financial scandals in which Lyutikov was allegedly involved.

In his historical homeland (in Kursk), Alexei threw a lot of people for money, - someone wrote under the nickname Safron(author's spelling and punctuation preserved. - A. B. ). - They even wanted to go to Moscow to look for him. And now there he is - great and ... continues to throw. I know that people who wrote that Lyutikov was a crystal-clearly honest person repaid debts for him.

All fans of high-quality humor know them by sight. Photo:

Be that as it may, a couple of weeks ago, a court in Yekaterinburg invalidated the vote of the comedian team and returned Netievsky to the post of director. Dumplings, led by Lyutikov, did not agree with this decision and decided to appeal it. The next hearing is scheduled for October. And then suddenly Lyutikov dies ...

The body of Alexei was found by the maid of the hotel, where he settled on August 2. He arrived in Yekaterinburg with the team after a tour in Sochi. And, having dealt with current affairs, instead of going to Moscow to his wife and two daughters, he bought alcohol and locked himself in the room.

Arriving at the scene, the police found a dozen empty bottles of alcohol in the room, as well as medications for high blood pressure. The cause of Lyutikov's death was named "dilated cardiomyopathy". In other words, my heart failed. It turned out that interruptions with the “motor” of Alexei had been observed for a long time. Some time ago, he suffered a heart attack and became a frequent visitor to the cardiologist's office. Surely health problems were added by litigation. Surprisingly, none of the current participants in the humorous show wanted to talk about the untimely departure of their friend. Only Netievsky was able to squeeze out a few words:

It’s very hard for me now, - Sergey admitted. - Despite all these troubles, Alexei was our friend. This is a huge tragedy - my heart is breaking. It's hard to comment at this moment, sorry.

On the eve of the general director of the show "Ural dumplings" Alexei Lyutikov was found dead in a hotel room in Yekaterinburg. The news shocked the entire team of the project. The man lived in the hotel from the second of August. Lyutikov's body was discovered by a maid. For a long time, none of the Ural dumplings commented on this tragic news, and the publications only quoted the hotel worker who found the corpse. The investigation is currently investigating the death.

Forensic experts managed to find out the cause of Lyutikov's death. According to some information, the man died due to dilated cardiomyopathy, the version of violent death is excluded. For a long time he suffered from a myocardial disease that caused the cavities of the heart to expand. Also, Alexei developed heart failure and heart rhythm disturbance, which caused thromboembolism, which led to the death of the former KVN participant.

Representatives of the Sverdlovsk police found a huge number of empty bottles of alcohol next to the body of Lyutikov. The general director of "Ural dumplings" did not leave the room for more than a week, and a sign "Do not disturb" hung on the door.

In addition, drugs to reduce pressure were found in Lyutikov's room. The investigation is checking all the drugs found in the hotel room.

As it became known, it was alcohol that caused an exacerbation of heart problems. In the last minutes of his life, according to, the man was next to the table, on which there was a glass cup. Due to cardiomyopathy, he lost consciousness and fell on the table, injuring himself on the glass. It was these wounds that initially suggested that the man died as a result of a violent death.

In the official group of the show "Ural dumplings" on the social network, a post appeared today in which the team honored the memory of Alexei. Fans of the KVN team leave their condolences to the relatives of the deceased Lyutikov.

“We regret to inform you that the General Director of the company producing the Ural Pelmeni show, Alexei Lyutikov, has passed away. Alexey went through a difficult but interesting life path. He was both a successful captain of the KVN team, and a top manager of large productions, and a talented leader in the television industry. Alexey did a lot for the Ural Pelmeni project. He put all his skills and accumulated experience into the show, brought it to a new level, and, thanks to his efforts, the project had the opportunity to develop freely and independently, got a second wind, a second life…”, the message says.

Recently, Alexei had problems with the previous director of the Ural dumplings. According to Lyutikov, Sergei Netievsky earned much more than artists. Alexey himself was responsible for the activities of the team in Moscow. Reportedly, Netievsky sued and won the case. According to some reports, the ex-captain of KVN was even prosecuted for debts.

Lyutikov is survived by his wife and two children. According to the wife of the former KVN participant, he really suffered from heart problems. The Ural dumplings team also notes that the busy schedule of life undermined the director's health and caused his sudden death.

In one of the rooms of the Angelo Hotel, located near Koltsovo Airport, the body of the director of the Ural dumplings, Alexei Lyutikov, was found, reports, citing eyewitnesses. The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region confirmed the information and clarified that, according to preliminary data, the death was not of a violent nature.

Valery Gorelykh, head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region:

Investigators and police are on the scene. The property is currently being inspected. More information will be available later.

According to a law enforcement source, no injuries were found on the man's body, and all valuables remained in the room. It is possible that death occurred as a result of exceeding the dose of alcohol: a large number of bottles were found in Lyutikov's room.

Note that Alexei Lyutikov was 42 years old. In 1993, he became the captain of the KVN team "Service Entrance". From 2006 to 2011 was a director of development, a member of the board of directors and a personal adviser to the general producer of Comedy Club Production. In 2013, he became director of his own production at Novy Kanal.

Pathologists have established the cause of death of the 42-year-old director of the Ural dumplings. It turned out that he died of cardiac arrest and suffered from dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). In recent years, Lyutikov was diagnosed with a type of myocardial disease characterized by distension of the heart cavity, and then he developed progressive heart failure and heart rhythm disturbance.

The result was thromboembolism (acute blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot), which ultimately led to death.

The body of the director of the "Ural dumplings" the day before, on August 10, was discovered by a maid in the room of the Angelo hotel. It is known that the man lived in the hotel since August 2 and practically did not leave the room, he had a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door. Bottles of alcohol and various medicines were found at the scene. The official representative for the Sverdlovsk region Alexander reported "URA.Ru" that the initial task of forensic scientists was to find out whether the death had a criminal character. “The final results of histological examinations, on the basis of which it will be possible to put an end to the pre-investigation check, will be only in 1.5 months. Polls are ongoing," Shulga added.

Lyutikov's death has become an occasion for discussion on social networks. “Alexey went through a difficult but interesting life path. He was both a successful captain of the KVN team, and a top manager of large productions, and a talented leader in the television industry. message, published in the official Pelmeni public on VKontakte, Alexey did a lot for the Ural Pelmeni project.

He put all his skills and accumulated experience into the show, brought it to a new level, and thanks to his efforts, the project had the opportunity to develop freely and independently, got a second wind, a second life.”

As noted in the statement, huge emotional stress, flights, various problems and disputes, as in any business, and an almost round-the-clock work schedule - all this could not but affect Alexei's health. The post ends with words of condolences: “A talented person, a good friend, a loving and beloved father and husband, has passed away. The Ural dumplings team expresses its sincere condolences to the family and close relatives of Alexei Lyutikov. Alexey, we will always remember you and continue all your undertakings!

It is known from open sources that Lyutikov graduated from the Kursk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in social psychology. In the early 90s, he became the captain of the Service Entrance KVN team, in which he reached the semifinals of the game. In 2006-2011, Lyutikov also held one of the leading positions in the Comedy Club Production, and since 2013 he has been the director of his own production at Novy Kanal.

According to the Kartoteka.Ru database, Lyutikov was the general director of Ural Pelmeni Production LLC (registered as a micro-enterprise), a similar position is indicated on the Pelmeni official website. The founders of the company are, in fact, the whole team - Maxim Yaritsa and other stars with the exception of Sergei Netievsky. At the same time, there is another LLC "Creative Association" Ural Pelmeni ", the founders of which are also the entire creative team. Now, litigation is underway against this company - the fact is that Netievsky was previously its director, but subsequently the meeting of the founders deprived him of this position, and he headed the company.

Now Netievsky is protesting this decision, in July his claim was satisfied by the court.

The aggravation of relations in the "Ural dumplings" was allegedly due to Lyutikov: according to the Ural media, he allegedly found some documents confirming the big difference in the fees of the team members. One of Netievsky's friends, who was dismissed from the leadership with a scandal, said that the conflict with Lyutikov was largely the reason for his departure. In addition, after the departure of Netievsky, Lyutikov stated that he appropriated the exclusive rights to the verbal trademark “Ural dumplings”. According to the deceased ex-director of Pelmeni, the brand should belong to all members of the team. The court session in this case with the participation of Lyutikov was to be held in October 2016.

General Director of the show "Ural dumplings" Alexey Lyutikov. He was found dead in a hotel in Yekaterinburg. The press service of "dumplings" reported that Lyutikov had health problems.

Huge emotional stress, flights, various problems and disputes, as in any business, and an almost round-the-clock work schedule - all this could not but affect Alexei's health, the message says.

StarHit, citing forensic experts, reported that Lyutikov died due to dilated cardiomyopathy, a myocardial disease that caused stretching of the heart cavities. Alexei also developed heart failure and heart rhythm disturbances.

Representatives of the Sverdlovsk police found a lot of empty bottles of alcohol next to the body of Lyutikov. The general director of "Ural dumplings" did not leave the room for more than a week, and there was a sign "Do not disturb" on the door.

Lyutikov, like most comedians, began his career in KVN. In the early 90s, he became the captain of the KVN team "Service Entrance", in which he reached the semifinals of the game. In 2006-2011, Lyutikov was one of the leaders of Comedy Club Production.

He became the director of the Ural dumplings in 2015 after the scandalous dismissal of Sergei Natievsky, writes Vector News. Allegedly, "Ural dumplings" brought in much more money than the team members thought, and Natievsky hid this. However, after the arrival of Lyutikov, disagreements continued in the team, which mainly concerned the fees of the participants in the show.

Lyutikov greatly stirred up the water, - a friend of Sergei Netievsky, who wished to remain anonymous, explained to KP. Alexei was the catalyst for what happened. Dumplings have been together for a million years. And over the years, the team always accumulates a lot of old grievances. For me personally, it was not surprising that the director of the team Netievsky earned a little more than other participants. Lyutikov competently sharpened the already sharp corners. He pointed to the difference in fees. Found some documents.

However, the band's statement says that Lyutikov has done a lot for the Ural Pelmeni project.

He put all his skills and accumulated experience into the show, brought it to a new level, and thanks to his efforts, the project had the opportunity to develop freely and independently, got a second wind, a second life, the message says.

Natievsky is currently challenging his dismissal in court. In addition, Lyutikov, after Netievsky left, stated that he had appropriated the exclusive rights to the verbal trademark "Ural dumplings". And the brand should belong to all members of the team. The court session with the participation of Lyutikov was to be held in October 2016.

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