"Hero of our time" (1) - Lesson. Abstract of a lesson in literature on the topic "Hero of Our Time" - the first psychological novel in Russian literature


Topic: "A Hero of Our Time" is the first psychological novel in Russian literature. A novel about an extraordinary personality.


1) analysis of the work: to identify the features of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" as a psychological work; to trace how, against the background of the life of ordinary people, Pechorin's inconsistency sharply stands out; identify the author's attitude to the hero as a whole and understand the causes of the tragedy of Pechorin;

2) teaching monologue speech, developing the skill of expressive reading;

3) fostering interest in studying the work of M.Yu. Lermontov.


illustrations for the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

With the creation of the novel A Hero of Our Time, Lermontov made a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature, continuing Pushkin's realistic traditions. M.Yu. Lermontov summarized in the image of Pechorin the typical features of the younger generation of his era, the 30s of the XIX century, the era that came after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising in Russia, when freedom-loving views were persecuted, when the best people of that time could not find application for their knowledge and abilities, prematurely lost youth of the soul, devastated life by the pursuit of new impressions. This is precisely the fate of Grigory Pechorin, the protagonist of Lermontov's novel.

The topic of today's lesson is "A Hero of Our Time" - the first psychological novel in Russian literature. A novel about an outstanding personality "

What do you understand by the expression "uncommon personality"?

(Unusual, standing out from others)

We must find out what is the originality of Pechorin's personality.

And besides, we must reveal what the psychologism of the novel is.

How do you understand the meaning of the word "psychologism"?

(Notebook entry:Psychologism is an in-depth depiction of mental, emotional experiences.


III. Checking homework.

What is the peculiarity of the composition of the work?

(The novel consists of 5 independent stories. The central character, Pechorin, ties together all parts of the novel. The stories are arranged in such a way that the chronology of the hero’s life is clearly violated.

You needed to restore the plot of the work. Do you remember what Fabula is?

(Fabula - the location of the main events (episodes) of a literary work in their chronological order.)

Story order Story order

1. "Bela" 4

2. "Maxim Maksimych" 5

3. "Taman" 1

4. "Preface to Pechorin's Journal" 6

5. "Princess Mary" 2

6. Fatalist 3

(The author uses the principle from “external” to “internal” disclosure of the character of the protagonist. First, other people tell about Pechorin (Maxim Maksimych, an officer “Traveling on official need”). Then Pechorin himself tells about himself in the stories “Taman”, “Fatalist ", as well as in his diary - confession.)

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson (analysis of the work)

1) Work on questions:

In the first chapter we see Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin through the eyes of Maxim Maksimych. What can you say about this person?

(The headquarters - the captain, who spent most of his life in the Caucasian fortress, is able to accurately reproduce the external course of events, but cannot explain them. He is far from understanding the spiritual searches of the hero. The motives of his actions for Maxim Maksimych are inexplicable. He only notices the "strangeness of the hero")

What did you learn from the story "Bela" about Pechorin's life in the fortress?

What traits of character speak of his actions?

(Pechorin has a brilliant analytical mind, he evaluates people, the motives of their actions, and, on the other hand, boredom quickly takes possession of him, he has no purpose in life.)

What did you learn about Pechorin's life before appearing in the fortress?

How does psychology manifest itself in this episode?

(We see here not only a description of life, but also the spiritual experiences of the hero)

Under what circumstances do we meet the hero while reading the chapter "Maxim Maksimych"?

Who describes the portrait of Pechorin

What seemed unusual in the appearance of the hero?

(The combination of blond hair and black eyes, "the eyes did not laugh when he laughed." The author concludes that this is a sign of either an evil disposition or deep permanent sadness.)

Has Pechorin changed after leaving the fortress?

(Pechorin's indifference to life, to people, apathy, selfishness increased.)

What is the purpose of the narrator printing Pechorin's Journal?

(Show the history of the human soul)

Who acts as a narrator in the story "Taman"?

And who is the main character?

How did Pechorin show himself in a collision with smugglers, how is his character revealed?

(Pechorin finds himself in the role of an observer who accidentally witnessed the actions of smugglers. But gradually he leaves the role of an observer and becomes a participant in events. The desire to intervene in events speaks of the hero’s activity, he does not want to be content with the passive role of a contemplator of life.)

What aspects of character can be judged by the story "Taman"

(Activity, desire for action, attraction to danger, perseverance, observation)

Why, having such opportunities in character, does Pechorin not seem happy?

(All his actions do not have a deep goal. He is active, but neither he nor others need activity. He is smart, resourceful, observant, but all this brings misfortune to people. There is no goal in his life, his actions are random).

In the story "Princess Mary" we see Pechorin in Pyatigorsk.

How did his relationship with the "water society" develop?

How are Pechorin's relations with Grushnitsky developing?

Analyze the history of Pechorin's relationship with Princess Mary.

(The story of Mary's seduction is based on the knowledge of the human heart. This means that Pechorin is well versed in people)

How and why are relations between Pechorin and Vera developing?

What does the tragic scene of the pursuit of Vera indicate?

(His love for Vera awakens with new strength precisely when there is a danger of forever losing the only woman who understood him.)

Why does the hero not find happiness in love? How does he say it himself?

(Read passages)


How does Pechorin tempt fate?

What does his action say?

V. Working with illustrations.

1) Illustration by L. M. Nepomniachtchi for the novel “A Hero of Our Time”

"Death of Bela"


1. Describe the illustration

2. Find lines from the text that convey the state of the characters in the illustration

(In the foreground of the picture, Maxim Maksimych, shocked by the death of Bela, is depicted. In the doorway near Bela’s bed, Pechorin, depicted in full growth, is visible. His face expresses the same complex feelings as in Lermontov’s narrative (“... I have never noticed a single tear on his eyelashes: whether he really couldn’t cry or was in control of himself - I don’t know ... ”,“ ... his face did not express anything special, and I became annoyed: I would have died of grief in his place")

2) Illustration by L.E. Feinberg to the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

"Pechorin and the Wandering Officer"

3) Illustration by P. Ya. Pavlinov “Pechorin and the smuggler”

VI. Lesson summary

What is the originality of Pechorin's personality?

What is the psychology of the novel?

The character of Pechorin cannot be unambiguously assessed. Good and bad, good and evil are bizarrely intertwined in it. The fact is that in his actions he proceeds from his own selfish motives. Own "I" is the goal, and all the people around are only a means to satisfy the desires of this "I". Pechorin's individualism formed a transitional era, a sign of which was the absence of a lofty goal, social ideals.

VI. Homework:

Preparation for an essay based on the work of M.Yu. Lermontov

Author information

Smirnova Irina Olegovna

Place of work, position:

GOU secondary school №316

City of St. Petersburg

Resource characteristics

Levels of education:

Basic general education

Levels of education:

Secondary (complete) general education




The target audience:

Learner (student)

The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)

Resource type:

Methodical development

Brief description of the resource:

The purpose of the lesson:

  • analyze the features of the novel
  • reveal the image of Pechorin through relationships with other characters
  • to trace how Pechorin's inconsistency appears against the background of the life of ordinary people

Abstract of a literature lesson in grade 9 based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

“I look sadly at our generation!”

Analysis of the head of "Bela"

Teacher of Russian language and literature Smirnova I.O.

The purpose of the lesson:

Equipment: presentation for the lesson

When was the novel written?

(since 1838, and 2 years later came out as a separate edition)

What is the theme of the work?

(Lermontov is interested in the problems of the individual and society, the person and the environment that raised him, the person and fate, his idea of ​​​​faith and predestination, the problem of finding the meaning of life, free will and necessity).

What is the compositional feature of the novel?

(The novel consists of separate chapters, not in chronological order)

What is Plot and Plot? List the chapters in chronological and plot order.

Why does the plot and plot of the novel do not coincide?

Thanks to an unusual sequence, we GRADUALLY learn the psychology of the hero and an objective way of presenting the image of Pechorin arises: first, he is seen from the side, in his external manifestations (from the 3rd person - Maxim Maksimych; from the 2nd person - the narrator officer), and then a SUBJECTIVE way appears, in diary entries (from the 1st person - Pechorin himself).

2. How was the novel and its protagonist perceived by the reading public?

Most readers and critics perceived Pechorin as a negative hero.

Criticism fell upon Lermontov's novel, seeing in it a slander on Russian reality. Critics sought to prove that Pechorin was nothing more than an imitation of Western models, that he had no roots in Russian life.

Nikolai 1 gave a killer review of the novel: “During this time I have read the Hero to the end and find the second part disgusting, quite worthy of being in vogue. This is the same depiction of despicable and incredible characters that is found in modern foreign novels. Such novels spoil morals and harden character. And although you read these feline sighs with disgust, they nevertheless produce a painful effect, because in the end you get used to believing that the whole world consists only of such individuals, in whom even seemingly good deeds are committed only by vile and dirty motives. . What result can this give? Contempt or hatred for humanity! But is this the purpose of our existence on earth? People are too prone to become hypochondriacs or misanthropes anyway, so why should such writings arouse or develop such inclinations! So, I repeat, in my opinion, this is a pitiful talent, it indicates the perverted mind of the author. The character of the captain is sketched well. Starting the story, I hoped and rejoiced that he would be the hero of our days, because in this category of people there are much more real than those who are so indiscriminately awarded this epithet.

But there were other comments as well. So, for example, V.G. Belinsky noted in the novel "a wealth of content", "deep knowledge of the human heart and modern society."

We need to figure out why the reviews are so mixed. The "Preface" to the novel will help us in this.

3. Let's read the "Preface" to the novel.

Why did Lermontov write it? What is his task? What quote do you think is the most important for readers?

(“The Hero of Our Time, my gracious sirs, for sure, is a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development”).

Of course, readers were offended that they were given an immoral person as an example!

But the fact is that the meaning of the word "hero" can be understood in different ways. The explanatory dictionary contains 6 of its meanings, two of which are the most common.

I offer you the following definitions.

1 - A person exceptional in courage or in his valor.

2 - The main character of a literary work.

3 - A person who, by his character and actions, is an expression of some environment or era.

What significance did not notice the critics who brought down reproaches on Lermontov's novel for the immorality of his hero?


The shortcomings of each individual person can be inherent only to him - then you can try to correct them. But when vices are characteristic of a whole generation, the blame lies not with individuals, but with the society that gave rise to these vices! It was necessary to correct Russian reality, a whole generation!

- What kind of generation is this, to which both M. Yu. Lermontov himself and his hero belong?

The worldview of M. Yu. Lermontov took shape in the late 20s and early 30s of the 19th century, in the era of the ideological crisis of the advanced noble intelligentsia, associated with the defeat of the December uprising and the Nikolaev reaction in all spheres of public life.

An ideological crisis is a crisis of ideas. The ideas, ideals, goals and meaning of the life of the Pushkin generation - everything was destroyed. These are difficult times, later they will be called the era of timelessness. In such years, they talk about lack of spirituality, about the fall of morality. The need to understand the "mistakes of the fathers", to rethink what seemed immutable to the previous generation, to develop one's own moral and philosophical position is a characteristic feature of the era of the 1920s and 1930s.

In the 1930s, the philosophical search for its best representatives acquired exceptional significance for society. It was very difficult to keep faith in the expediency of serving the good. The overwhelming majority of educated, thinking people of the 1930s were unable or had not yet had time to gain clarity of purpose.

Lermontov, as a representative of the generation of the 30s of the 19th century, is interested in man and destiny, man and his purpose, the purpose and meaning of human life, its possibilities and reality, free will and necessity - all these questions were figuratively embodied in the novel.

The problem of personality is central in the novel: "The history of the human soul ... is almost more curious and more useful than the history of a whole people." And this is the statement of M.Yu. Lermontov could become an epigraph to our lessons on the study of the novel.

It was no accident that Pechorin established himself in the eyes of the generation of the 1930s as a typical character of the post-Decembrist era. And by his fate, by his sufferings and doubts, and by the whole warehouse of his inner world, he really belongs to that time. Not understanding this means not understanding anything. Not in the hero, not in the novel itself.

To understand - this is, in fact, the goal of our lesson.

4. The first chapter we are introduced to is Bela.

In it, Pechorin is shown among the highlanders.

From whose perspective is the story being told?

(First - on behalf of a Russian officer who arrived in the Caucasus. This is the first narrator. Then - on behalf of Maxim Maksimych, the hero-narrator).

But we will not learn about Pechorin right away.

Each chapter, except for the very last one, Lermontov will open with a LANDSCAPE.

Let's read it.

Many writers of the first half of the 19th century, representatives of romanticism, argued that a European disappointed hero can be cured of boredom and skepticism through communication with "natural people", through love for a beautiful mountain woman, through admiring untouched nature.


Do we see a romantic or realistic landscape? Prove your point.

(Realistic This landscape is bright, others are sad, but most importantly, ACCURATE).

The travelers stopped for the night in a smoky hut.

For a Russian person who finds himself in the Caucasus, not only nature, but also the life of the highlanders will look exotic.

Tell us about the life and way of life of the highlanders.

How do our heroes feel about what they see?

(It’s a pity to the officer-narrator, M.M. condemns: “Stupid people!”)

We have already read the pages of Chapter 5, but we still do not see Bela or Pechorin. The pace of the story is slow. It was an EXPOSURE. But soon everything changes. The SET begins: we learn about Pechorin.

Read the first portrait of the hero

What do we learn from this passage?

(Age - 25, someone told him to stay in the fortress, EPITHETS with evaluation suffixes, STRANGE, CONTRADICTION)

Like M.M. refers to Pechorin? How do we understand this?

(Evaluation suffixes, offers his friendship)

2)- Next, we learn about the events of the story and get acquainted with such heroes as Kazbich and Azamat. The main features of the image of Pechorin are helped to reveal the system of images of the novel, each of which in its own way sets off the different facets of the character of the hero.

Tell us about these heroes (portrait, character).

(student's story about Kazbich, Azamat)

What role did Pechorin play in the lives of these heroes?

(broke their lives)

What conclusion about the character of the protagonist can we draw?

(Pechorin is a person who obeys his fleeting desires and passions. He is completely indifferent to people, does not take into account generally accepted morality. People for him are the object of selfish “experiments”).

3) - Pechorin wants to steal Bela. Why does he want to do this? Is he in love?

“And for sure, she was good: tall, thin, her eyes are black, like those of a mountain chamois, and looked into your soul”

Pechorin liked Bela, he is used to getting what he likes. Pechorin tore Bela out of his native environment, deprived him of his home, father, brother, managed to do so, Bela fell in love with him. But the girl quickly bored him, he torments her with his coldness and is about to leave her.

Did Pechorin love Bela? Did Pechorin count on such a tragic end? How does he react to what happened?

(Pechorin DOES NOT KNOW how to love. True love dictates to a person care for the one he loves, excitement for him, a desire to bring joy. And Pechorin IS BUSY WITH HIMSELF! He wants a more eventful life.

“When I saw Bela in my house, when for the first time, holding her on my knees, kissed her black curls, I, a fool, thought that she was an angel sent to me by compassionate fate ... I was mistaken again: the love of a savage woman is little better than love noble lady; the ignorance and simple-heartedness of one are just as annoying as the coquetry of another. If you want, I still love her, I am grateful to her for a few rather sweet minutes, I will give my life for her, - I'm just bored with her... »)

Did Pechorin consider himself guilty in the story with Bela? (No)

When Bela dies, Lermontov writes: “I took Pechorin out of the room, and we went to the ramparts; for a long time we walked up and down side by side, without saying a word, with our arms folded on our backs; his face did not express anything special, and I became vexed: if I were in his place, I would have died of grief. Finally, he sat down on the ground, in the shade, and began to draw something with a stick in the sand. You know, more for decency, I wanted to console him, I began to speak; he raised his head and

laughed ... I had a chill run through my skin from this laughter ... "

After 3 months, Pechorin was transferred to another regiment, and with M.M. they broke up.

4) - With what feeling did M.M. about Pechorin? Who did Pechorin become for him?

In the first part of the novel, we see Pechorin through the eyes of Maxim Maksimych, a simple infantry officer, not very literate and obviously not understanding the psychology of a person who called the young officer who arrived at his fortress “strange”.

Maxim Maksimych is sincerely attached to Pechorin, but spiritually deeply alien to him. They are separated not only by the difference in social status and age. They are people of fundamentally different types of consciousness and children of different eras. For the staff captain, an old Caucasian, his young friend is an alien, strange and inexplicable phenomenon.

Why do Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin, with their mutual sincere sympathy, not understand and will never understand each other?

Maxim Maksimych is all turned towards another person, all open to meet him.

1. Pechorin is not capable of friendship, selfishness is inherent in him, he has no real attachment to anyone; he seeks to bring every life situation that attracts him to a conflict.

2. Bela Pechorin forcibly pulls out of her natural environment and leads her to death with his egoism.

3. His soul is not able to sympathize with another soul, tune in unison with the mood of others. Free from friendship, which constrains its moral traces and connections, Pechorin repels the ingenuous kindness of Maxim Maksimych.

Homework: how the image of Pechorin is revealed in the chapter "Maxim Maksimych".

Individual task: Image of Maksim Maksimych

Lesson topic:

M.Yu. Lermontov, acquaintance with the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

Target: update knowledge from previous years of study, as well as introduce children to the composition of the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

During the classes.

Topic update. (2-3min)

In the previous lesson, we finished studying the work of A.S. Pushkin, but we will meet with his name and works more than once. A.S. Pushkin is a great classical poet, whose work will illuminate the path of each of us throughout our lives. A.S. Pushkin died on January 28, 1837. And almost immediately, angry and tragic lines from the poem "The Death of a Poet" spread throughout the city:

The poet is dead! - slave of honor -
Pal, slandered by rumor,
With lead in my chest and a thirst for revenge,
Hanging your proud head!
The soul of the poet could not bear
The shame of petty insults,
He rebelled against the opinions of the world
Alone as before... and killed!

This poem belonged to a young man, still little known, but who conquered the Russian reader instantly. Russia has found a new brilliant poet.

What is his name?

2. Introduction to the topic (Crossword) (5-7 min)

Today's lesson is dedicated to the work of M.Yu. Lermontov


Lermontov's favorite place in the boarding house (library)

The area in which the poet spent his childhood, and where he is buried. (Penza)

What was the name of the poet's father? (Yuri)

Favorite city of M.Yu. Lermontov. (Moscow)

The first poem by M.Yu. Lermontov, written on the events of the Patriotic War of 1812. ("Borodino")

The place where M.Yu. Lermontov lived and studied in Moscow. (boarding house)

Here is the estate of my grandmother on the maternal side. (Tarkhany)

Grandmother took him for treatment to where M.Yu. Lermontov listened to mountain legends. This place is an inspiration for him. (Caucasus)


Surname of a famous poet who died in a duel in 1841. (Lermontov)


Lermontov's favorite place in the boarding house

The area in which the poet spent his childhood, and where he is buried.

What was the name of the poet's father?

Favorite city of M.Yu. Lermontov.

The first poem by M.Yu. Lermontov, written on the events of the Patriotic War of 1812.

The place where M.Yu. Lermontov lived and studied in Moscow.

Here is the estate of my grandmother on the maternal side.

Image of M.Yu. Lermontov, painted by many artists.

Grandmother took him for treatment to where M.Yu. Lermontov listened to mountain legends. This place is an inspiration for him.


Surname of a famous poet who died in a duel in 1841.

The latest work in the poet's work was the novel "A Hero of Our Time".

3. The ideological concept of the novel (teacher's speech) (1 min)

- Lermontov conceived his novel as an artistic study of the inner world of man, his soul.

- “Hero of Our Time” is “the history of the human soul”, this is the first

Russian psychological novel.

A psychological novel is an epic novel in which the main thing is the inner world of the hero, the feelings in his soul, the reasons for his actions.


What does "hero" mean?

1. a strong, courageous person with great merit

2. the main character of the work

3. a person who is a representative of some era, time.

4. Features of the composition (2-3 min)

The novel consists of several stories. But they are located in a very peculiar way. The events of the work happened like this:

But Lermontov violates this sequence.

Lermontov's novel is divided into episodes, which are given out of order. Therefore, the impression of disorder in life is created.

"Bela" - an oriental tale

"Maxim Maksimych" - a travel story

"Taman" - a robber story

"Princess Mary" - a secular story

"Fatalist" - a philosophical story

But these episodes do not exist on their own. They are the novel, the novel about the hero of Lermontov's time.

5. Working with text

What is this mysterious man, the hero of the times of Lermontov?

Let's go back to the preface

“The Hero of Our Time, my gracious sirs, is definitely a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development. You will tell me again that a person cannot be so bad, but I will tell you that if you believed in the possibility of the existence of all tragic and romantic villains, why do you not believe in the reality of Pechorin? If you have admired fictions much more terrible and ugly, why does this character, even as fiction, find no mercy in you? Is it because there is more truth in it than you would like it to be?

What is this portrait? (a portrait of not one person, but a whole generation, made up of vices)

Who is the main character, which reveals the portrait of a whole generation? (Pechorin)

6. Bottom line

What new did you learn?

Know the characters in this story

Make a plan of events described in the story.

Guseva A.A., teacher of Russian language and literature
MBOU "Lyceum No. 4" Ruzaevsky municipal district
Republic of Mordovia.

Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 9.
Topic: "Features of the composition of the novel" A Hero of Our Time "

1. To acquaint students with the features of the composition of the novel "A Hero of Our Time".
2. Distinguish between the concepts of "plot" and "composition" in the minds of students.
3. To acquaint students with the history of the creation of the novel "A Hero of Our Time".
4. Develop logical thinking in children (by restoring the chronology of events).
5. Raise attention to the spiritual basis of the individual.
Lesson form: discussion lesson.
Equipment: the text of the work, a diagram-diagram (on the board and in front of the students), colored stickers (you can use an interactive whiteboard, then stickers are not needed), colored pencils (felt-tip pens, highlighters) according to the color of the stickers. An epigraph is written on the board, an empty table 1 is shown.
During the classes
I. Organizational moment. Greetings.
- Hello, dear guys! I'm glad to see you! Thanks for the welcome! Sit down.
II. Knowledge update. Checking homework.
At the last lesson, we began to study the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time." You have been given the following homework:
1) read a novel,
2) give your explanation of the order of the parts in the novel,
3) write out definitions of the concepts “plot” and “composition” from literary and explanatory dictionaries.
Let's start checking the homework.
- (name of the student), please read the definitions that you wrote out. (Student answers).
- Please name the dictionaries you have worked with.
- Thank you, sit down. Guys, who worked with other dictionaries? What definitions did you write? (Student answers).
- Thanks. I am very pleased with your work. Let's summarize. Explain in your own words what composition is? (Construction of the work). What is a plot? (Chain of events). Well done! And now let's turn to the analysis of the plot and composition of the novel "A Hero of Our Time".
III. Work on the topic of the lesson.
The creative history of the creation of the novel has been restored only in general terms. It is only known that it was based on Lermontov's impressions from a trip to the Caucasus in 1837, where he was exiled for poetry on the death of Pushkin, and the novel itself was created in St. Petersburg from 1838 to the beginning of 1840. Unfortunately, neither in Lermontov's letters nor in his notes is there any information regarding the work on the novel.
According to the memoirs of A.P. Shan-Giray, Lermontov began work on The Hero of Our Time upon his return to St. Petersburg from his first exile, that is, in 1838. “It was the most active era of his life in terms of literature,” wrote Shan Giray. - Since 1839, he began to publish his works in "Notes of the Fatherland". In 1839, Bela and Fatalist were published, and at the beginning of 1840, Taman, but this publication order does not yet give grounds to draw a conclusion about the sequence of work on The Hero of Our Time. Some researchers believe that already in 1837 "Taman" was written in rough.
"Taman" and "Fatalist", according to some scientists, were originally conceived as independent Caucasian short stories, not related to the "Hero of Our Time".
It should immediately be noted that there are other hypotheses about the sequence of writing the novel by Lermontov, based on different interpretations of the text of the novel and instructions in memoirs. All of them recreate the creative history of the novel with some degree of probability, so the question remains open.
"A Hero of Our Time" by M. Yu. Lermontov is the first prose socio-psychological and deeply philosophical novel in Russian literature. It has been living for more than a century and a half, enriching the spiritual life of many generations, giving rise to disputes, discussions, thereby affirming the idea of ​​its inexhaustibility.
The novel consists of 5 stories, and each has its own plot, its own figurative system, its own theme, its own main idea. What unites them? (Student answers).
- You're right. The story is united by the image of the protagonist, a common theme, the idea expressed in the “Preface to Pechorin’s Journal”: “The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is almost more curious and not more useful than the history of a whole people,” these words will serve as an epigraph to our lesson. Write them down in your notebooks.
Note that this book is a "story of the soul" and not a story of life. Consequently, the choice of a compositional solution is determined by the author's intention.
So, Lermontov refuses the chronological principle of presenting the history of Pechorin.
Guys, let's try to reproduce the chronology of events related to Pechorin. Which story will come first and why? (Student answers).
- You correctly noted that chronologically, the novel begins with the story "Taman". Pechorin travels from St. Petersburg to the active detachment. So, in "Taman" it is mentioned: "It was cold." Events take place in early spring. Then Pechorin arrives in Pyatigorsk. The story "Princess Mary" is a diary, the hero begins to make his entries on May 11. Pechorin completes the narration about the events already in the fortress: “And now, here, in this boring fortress, I often, running through the past, ask myself: why did I not want to set foot on this path, opened to me by fate, where they expected me mixed joys and peace of mind? .. "
- What events happened next? The story with Bela or the case with Vulich? (Student answers). (We draw students' attention to the fact that in "Bel" Maxim Maksimych talks about Pechorin's arrival at the fortress, where he was sent for a duel with Grushnitsky, in the fall: “Once, in the fall, a transport with provisions arrived; there was an officer in the transport, a young man of about twenty five". "Fatalist" is Pechorin's notes about his stay in the Cossack village, and the action takes place in late autumn or winter: "I lived with an old constable, whom I loved for his good disposition, and especially for his pretty daughter Nastya. She, after As usual, she waited for me at the gate, wrapped in a fur coat; the moon illuminated her lovely lips, blue from the night cold.
- Guys, some researchers believe that the story "Bela" chronologically comes after "The Fatalist". Scientists argue this by the fact that after the story with Bela, Pechorin no longer wrote anything, as he had lost interest in life. What do you think? (Student answers).
- So, let's summarize our reasoning by filling out the table:
Table 1
Chronology of events in the life of Pechorin ...... Location of parts in the novel
"Taman" ...... "Bela"
"Princess Mary" ...... "Maxim Maksimych"
"Fatalist" ...... "Preface to the" Pechorin's Journal "
"Bela" ...... "Taman"
"Maxim Maksimych" ...... "Princess Mary"
“Preface to the Pechorin Journal ......“ Fatalist ”
- More V.G. Belinsky pointed out that the novel “cannot be read in a different order than the author himself placed it.” And the work begins with the story “Bela.” Guys, from whose lips do we hear about the hero? (From the lips of Maxim Maksimych).
- Right. Let's label this narrator in the diagram. (There is a diagram-diagram with multi-colored stickers on the board, each narrator is designated by a sticker of the corresponding color, for example, Maxim Maksimych is a green sticker, a traveling officer is red, Pechorin is yellow. Students have a diagram-diagram, colored pencils (felt-tip pens, highlighters). One of the students sticks the corresponding sticker on the diagram, the rest of the students fill in the part of the diagram with the appropriate color).

However, the story is told from the perspective of a traveling officer. Let's complete our diagram. (The next student sticks a sticker).
-And in what other stories do we see Pechorin through the eyes of an officer? (“Maxim Maksimych”, “Preface to Pechorin's Journal”).
-That's right, we supplement the scheme. (We stick stickers).
- Guys, who is the narrator in other stories of the novel? (Pechorin himself).
- Quite right. Let's mark it on the diagram.
- Pay attention, the story "The Fatalist" ends in the fortress, which is discussed in "Bel": Pechorin tells the story of Vulich to Maxim Maksimych. There are no accidents in brilliant works of art. The circle of life of Pechorin closed, but it closed in order to be repeated again and again in the reader's perception of Lermontov's novel. This circle, symbolizing infinity, the eternal movement of life, carries in itself another aspect of understanding the fate of the hero, and expresses the philosophical problem of individual freedom and necessity.
Thus, the compositional ring of the “Hero of Our Time” becomes a symbol of both the concrete historical content of the work and its universal, eternal beginning.
And now I will ask you to answer the question: “What did the study of the features of the composition of Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time” give you?” (Student answers).
IV. Homework.
-Thank you very much for your replies. Please write down your homework:
1. Answer in writing the question: “Why is the story “The Fatalist” the last in the novel?”
2. Read and summarize the article by V. G. Belinsky "The Hero of Our Time." Composition by M. Lermontov”, a quote from which you have already heard in today's lesson.
V. Summing up the lesson, grading.
- Today you did a good job and received the following marks: ...
- Summing up today's lesson, I would like to once again turn to our epigraph: "The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is almost more curious and not more useful than the history of a whole people." Thank you very much for your attention. Everybody's Free. The lesson is over.

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. Educational: analysis of the work: to identify the features of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" as a psychological work; to trace how, against the background of the life of ordinary people, Pechorin's inconsistency sharply stands out; identify the author's attitude to the hero as a whole and understand the causes of the tragedy of Pechorin;

2.Educational: teaching monologue speech, developing the skill of expressive reading;

3. Educational: fostering interest in studying the work of M.Yu. Lermontov.


illustrations for the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II . Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

With the creation of the novel A Hero of Our Time, Lermontov made a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature, continuing Pushkin's realistic traditions. M.Yu. Lermontov generalized in the image of Pechorin the typical features of the younger generation of his era, the 30s XIX century, the era that came after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising in Russia, when freedom-loving views were persecuted, when the best people of that time could not find application for their knowledge and abilities, prematurely lost their youthful soul, devastated life by the pursuit of new impressions. This is precisely the fate of Grigory Pechorin, the protagonist of Lermontov's novel.

The topic of today's lesson is "A Hero of Our Time" - the first psychological novel in Russian literature. A novel about an outstanding personality "

What do you understand by the expression "uncommon personality"?

(Unusual, standing out from others)

We must find out what is the originality of Pechorin's personality.

And besides, we must reveal what the psychologism of the novel is.

How do you understand the meaning of the word "psychologism"?

(Notebook entry: Psychologism is an in-depth depiction of mental, emotional experiences.


III . Checking homework.

What is the peculiarity of the composition of the work?

(The novel consists of 5 independent stories. The central character, Pechorin, ties together all parts of the novel. The stories are arranged in such a way that the chronology of the hero’s life is clearly violated.

You needed to restore the plot of the work. Do you remember what Fabula is?

(Fabula - the location of the main events (episodes) of a literary work in their chronological order.)

Story order Story order

1. "Bela" 4

2. "Maxim Maksimych" 5

3. "Taman" 1

4. "Preface to Pechorin's Journal" 6

5. "Princess Mary" 2

6. Fatalist 3

(The author uses the principle from “external” to “internal” disclosure of the character of the protagonist. First, other people tell about Pechorin (Maxim Maksimych, an officer “Traveling on official need”). Then Pechorin himself tells about himself in the stories “Taman”, “Fatalist ", as well as in his diary - confession.)

IV . Work on the topic of the lesson (analysis of the work)

1) Work on questions:

In the first chapter we see Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin through the eyes of Maxim Maksimych. What can you say about this person?

(The headquarters - the captain, who spent most of his life in the Caucasian fortress, is able to accurately reproduce the external course of events, but cannot explain them. He is far from understanding the spiritual searches of the hero. The motives of his actions for Maxim Maksimych are inexplicable. He only notices the "strangeness of the hero")

What did you learn from the story "Bela" about Pechorin's life in the fortress?

What traits of character speak of his actions?

(Pechorin has a brilliant analytical mind, he evaluates people, the motives of their actions, and, on the other hand, boredom quickly takes possession of him, he has no purpose in life.)

What did you learn about Pechorin's life before appearing in the fortress?

How does psychology manifest itself in this episode?

(We see here not only a description of life, but also the spiritual experiences of the hero)

Under what circumstances do we meet the hero while reading the chapter "Maxim Maksimych"?

Who describes the portrait of Pechorin

What seemed unusual in the appearance of the hero?

(The combination of blond hair and black eyes, "the eyes did not laugh when he laughed." The author concludes that this is a sign of either an evil disposition or deep permanent sadness.)

Has Pechorin changed after leaving the fortress?

(Pechorin's indifference to life, to people, apathy, selfishness increased.)

What is the purpose of the narrator printing Pechorin's Journal?

(Show the history of the human soul)

Who acts as a narrator in the story "Taman"?

And who is the main character?

How did Pechorin show himself in a collision with smugglers, how is his character revealed?

(Pechorin finds himself in the role of an observer who accidentally witnessed the actions of smugglers. But gradually he leaves the role of an observer and becomes a participant in events. The desire to intervene in events speaks of the hero’s activity, he does not want to be content with the passive role of a contemplator of life.)

What aspects of character can be judged by the story "Taman"

(Activity, desire for action, attraction to danger, perseverance, observation)

Why, having such opportunities in character, does Pechorin not seem happy?

(All his actions do not have a deep goal. He is active, but neither he nor others need activity. He is smart, resourceful, observant, but all this brings misfortune to people. There is no goal in his life, his actions are random).

In the story "Princess Mary" we see Pechorin in Pyatigorsk.

How did his relationship with the "water society" develop?

How are Pechorin's relations with Grushnitsky developing?

Analyze the history of Pechorin's relationship with Princess Mary.

(The story of Mary's seduction is based on the knowledge of the human heart. This means that Pechorin is well versed in people)

How and why are relations between Pechorin and Vera developing?

What does the tragic scene of the pursuit of Vera indicate?

(His love for Vera awakens with new strength precisely when there is a danger of forever losing the only woman who understood him.)

Why does the hero not find happiness in love? How does he say it himself?

(Read passages)


How does Pechorin tempt fate?

What does his action say?

V . Working with illustrations.

1) Illustration by L. M. Nepomniachtchi for the novel “A Hero of Our Time”

"Death of Bela"


1. Describe the illustration

2. Find lines from the text that convey the state of the characters in the illustration

(In the foreground of the picture, Maxim Maksimych, shocked by the death of Bela, is depicted. In the doorway near Bela’s bed, Pechorin, depicted in full growth, is visible. His face expresses the same complex feelings as in Lermontov’s narrative (“... I have never noticed a single tear on his eyelashes: whether he really couldn’t cry or was in control of himself - I don’t know ... ”,“ ... his face did not express anything special, and I became annoyed: I would have died of grief in his place")

2) Illustration by L.E. Feinberg to the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

"Pechorin and the Wandering Officer"

3) Illustration by P. Ya. Pavlinov “Pechorin and the smuggler”

VI. Lesson summary

What is the originality of Pechorin's personality?

What is the psychology of the novel?

The character of Pechorin cannot be unambiguously assessed. Good and bad, good and evil are bizarrely intertwined in it. The fact is that in his actions he proceeds from his own selfish motives. Own "I" is the goal, and all the people around are only a means to satisfy the desires of this "I". Pechorin's individualism formed a transitional era, a sign of which was the absence of a lofty goal, social ideals.

VI. Homework: Creativity M.Yu. Lermontov

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