Heroes of the Dunno fairy tale in a sunny city. "Dunno and his friends" main characters


Nosov "Dunno and his friends" the main characters come to life on the pages of the story.

The main characters of "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Dunno and his friends" are listed below:

  • Dunno- a kid who did not know anything, but then began to read books and respect babies. A short man of medium height with a large head. In clothing style, he likes bright colors: wearing a wide-brimmed blue hat, orange shirt, yellow pants and a green tie.
  • Znayka- the smartest kid, it was he who invented the balloon. He walked in a black suit, “and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose and started reading some book, he looked like a professor.” Znayka's opponent is Professor Zvezdochka, but in the future he puts up with him and becomes his friend.
  • Sineglazka- a serious and sensible baby, a beautiful friend of Dunno. This dark-haired girl had blue eyes and a strong personality. After the fall of the balloon, she took Dunno to her for care. Dunno and Sineglazka became friends.
  • Pilyulkin- Doctor from the Flower City. He lived in the same house with Znaika. He walked in a white coat, and wore a white cap with a tassel on his head. He believed that the wounds "should be smeared with iodine, and drink castor oil." The opponent (and, concurrently, a friend) is the doctor Medunitsa from the Green City.
  • Lungwort— Doctor in the Green City.
  • Screw and Shpuntik- Mechanics from the Flower City. They lived in the same house with Znayka on Kolokolchikov Street. Vintik is called a "famous mechanic", and Shpuntik is his assistant. They are jacks of all trades. Inseparable, as brothers should be.
  • Tube is an artist from the Flower City. He tried to teach Dunno painting and painted portraits of the inhabitants of the Green City. He flew with Znaika to the moon.
  • Guslya- a musician from the Flower City. He lived in the same house with Znaika. Tried to teach Dunno music.
  • Grumpy, Silent, Avoska, Neboska, Pochnik, Syrupchik, Pulka. Confusion, Haste
  • Bagel, Gvozdyk, Smekaylo, Shurupchik - residents of Zmeevka
  • Snowflake, Swallow, Kisonka, Gemstone, Kubyshka, Squirrel - babies from the Green City
  • Gunka - Dunno's friend
  • Chamomile, Button - babies from the Flower City
  • Flower, poet

In all three books more than a hundred characters can be counted. The names of most characters are his brief description (as a person or main activity). The names of some sound like surnames (Pilyulkin, Svistulkin), one has a first name and patronymic (Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik). On the moon, there are consonant names that reflect the activities of the character. All rich people have names ending in "s" (Spruts, Klops, Dubs,) or "ing" (Gryazing, Drying), except for Skooperfield, but including Krabs, Spruts' general manager, probably also because of his wealth. The names of police officers and other servants of the law end in "gl" (Migl, Wrigl, Beagle)

Characters in the first book

Sixteen shorties from Bell Street in the Flower City

The main characters of the first book and Dunno's "family". Most appear in other books,

front sight- a friend of Knopochka and Gunka, who protected her and Knopochka from Dunno. Watched the balloon take off.

Steklyashkin- an astronomer from the Flower City. In the first book, Dunno addressed him when he thought that a piece of the Sun had hit him on the head. In the third book he was one of the key characters, he flew with Znayka to the moon.

flower- the pseudonym of the poet Pudik from the Flower City. Taken because poets, according to the book, "love beautiful names."

Chamomile- baby from the Flower City. Watched the balloon take off.

microsha- A resident of Flower City and a friend of Topeka. Watching the balloon take off

topic- A resident of the Flower City and a friend of Mikrosha. Initially, I did not believe that the balloon would fly.

Residents of the Green City

Sineglazka- a baby from the Green City, where travelers from the Flower City crash landed. Dunno during his stay in the Green City lived in the house where Sineglazka lived with other babies. Described as a fair and reasonable baby.

Squirrel- a friend of Sineglazka. He wears an apron with a red squirrel embroidered on it.

Check mark- Sineglazka's neighbor. Black-haired baby.

herringbone- Sineglazka's neighbor.

Zainka- a friend of Sineglazka. He wears an apron with a green bunny embroidered on it.

Kisonka- Swallow's friend.

Martin- Kitty's friend.

small egg- Sineglazka's neighbor. Fat baby.

Daisy- Sineglazka's neighbor.

Fluffy- a friend of Sineglazka.

Snowflake- Colleague (colleague) of Sineglazki.

Straw- agronomist and breeder of watermelons from the Green City.

Dragonfly- a friend of Sineglazka.

Lungwort- a doctor in the Green City. Opponent of Dr. Pilyulkin, whom she had to treat.

Gemstone- poetess from the Green City.

Residents of Zmeevka

Bagel- a resident of Zmeevka, a driver of a carbonated car. He agreed to help Vintik and Shpuntik - he took them first to Zmeevka, then to Zeleny Gorod, where he helped to harvest fruit.

Carnation- a resident of Zmeevka, a hooligan, later reformed.

Screwdriver- a resident of Zmeevka, a mechanic and inventor, in whose house everything is on buttons.

Smekaylo- a writer from the city of Zmeevka, who has not written a single book, but collects various devices for writing skills: a eavesdropping device "Barmotograf", a folding table, etc. Vintik, Shpuntik and Bublik went to him to pick up a soldering iron borrowed by Screwer for a long time to repair the car.

Characters in the second book


Dunno- after the first book, he learned to write beautifully, fell in love with reading, but did not want to learn. In one of the books I learned that if you perform three good deeds in a row, the Wizard will appear and give you a magic wand. He did not eradicate vanity and cockiness in himself, because of which he committed three bad deeds with the help of a magic wand, which caused the wand to lose its power, and the Sunny City plunged into turmoil of carmines.

button- a kind and well-mannered baby. She got to know Dunno more closely thanks to her common passion for fairy tales. The button made a trip to the Sunny City together with Dunno. It has a small nose, and for this reason it received the name Button.

motley- he's Pachkula, he's Pachkuale Pestrini. Accompanied Dunno and Button to the Sunny City. He received his nickname from a wandering short man named Tsirkul, who, noticing him in the crowd, did not want to humiliate him with the word “dirty” and called him Pestrenky (he liked the new nickname more than his own name, so he began to use it as such). He experienced many adventures during the trip, after which he decided not to contact Dunno again.


Wizard- the only character from the trilogy who does not fit into the overall sci-fi concept of the work. Possesses supernatural powers. He has magic items, one of which (a magic wand) he gives to Dunno for use. Appears at the beginning and end of the second book.

Conscience Dunno- constantly reproaches him at night for bad deeds.


droplet- A resident of the Flower City. Mentioned as the little girl who "cried every time it started to rain".

Compass- the famous cyclist traveler from the city of Katigoroshkina, who decided to go around all the short cities "that were in the world." Mentioned when explaining the name of Pachkuli Pyostrenky.

sunny city

Architects and engineers

Klepka- an eccentric engineer from Sun City. Has a choleric temperament and is very mobile. Inventor. His multifunctional transforming and all-terrain vehicle struck Dunno while traveling to the Sunny City. Traveled to the moon, where he was injured in a confrontation with the police.

watermelon- a famous architect who found a wonderful way to build very beautiful buildings and invented a whole range of new building materials. Mentioned by Kubik.

Vertibutylkin- an architect from Sun City, who created the first project of a revolving house in Sun City "several years ago".

cube- an architect from the Sun City. He demonstrated to Dunno and his companions the architectural delights of the Sunny City. Later he introduced them to other Solnechnogorsk people. He flew with Znaika to the moon.

cylinder- An engineer who is mentioned by Karasik when demonstrating the large textile cauldron of Engineer Cylindrical's system at the clothing factory in Sunny City.


Karaulkin- a policeman from the Sunny City, who, when Dunno was detained for pouring water from a hose, was sitting at the remote control in the police station. Small in stature and plump.

Sapozhkin- a policeman who “grabbed Supchik by the collar and dragged him to the police station”, and then arrested him for 7 days.

Svistulkin- a policeman from the Sunny City, who detained Dunno for pouring water from a hose and sent him to the police station. Long and skinny. After the destruction of the Dunno police station, he received a head injury (probably a concussion) and lost his memory for a while.

fashion designers

Needle- An employee of the art department at a clothing factory in the Sunny City.

Thread- an artist at a clothing factory in Sunny City and a chess player from Chess City.


hairpin- an artist at a clothing factory in the Sunny City.

Karasik- a foreman at a clothing factory in the Sunny City, as well as an actor in the theater.


Caligula, Brykun, Pegasik- donkeys turned Dunno into shorties. All have freckled faces and upturned noses. They wear tight jackets and trousers of a greenish-yellow poisonous color.

soup and Pretzel- residents of the Sunny City, windmills who quarreled on the street.

Shtuchkin- theatrical director-vetrogon from the Sunny city.


pancake- the famous artist-transformer, who performed in the Solnechnogorod pop theater.

Star- a singer from the variety theater in the Sunny City.

Fantik- entertainer from the variety theater in the Sunny City.

Funtik- a singer from the variety theater in the Sunny City.

Newspaper writers and writers

Kozyavkin- professor from Sun City. In a published article, he revealed the secret of the social phenomenon of carminos.

Bukashkin- a newspaper reader from Sunny City, who published a "big article in the newspaper" about the disgrace of the windmills.

Tarakashkin- a reader of the Sun City, who posted a response to Bukashkin's article in "another newspaper". It is mentioned that articles "on this topic" were also made by Gulkin, Mulkin, Promokashkin, Cherepushkin, Kondrashkin, Chushkin, Tyutelkin, Murashkin and also a professor Mordochkin.

Peryshkin- Newspaper correspondent from Sun City.

Eraser- a famous writer from the Sun City. Mentioned as the author of the book "Thirty-three merry crows", which was used by Dr. Kompressik in the treatment of policeman Svistulkin.

Ordinary citizens

Bell- is mentioned when discussing the case of the disappearance of Leaf by one of the passengers of the ninth bus number in the Sunny City as his acquaintance, who "got lost one night on the street and could not find his way home."

Lettering- Leaf's friend. Together with him she founded a book theater.

brush- a resident of the Sunny City, the leader of a crowd of pedestrians who tried to take the hose from Pegasik and Dunno who were pouring water over it.

kalachik- a combine harvester driver, a resident of the Sunny City.

Klyushkin- a friend of Shutila and Korzhik.

compressor- a doctor from the hospital of the Sunny city. He treated Svistulkin.

Lily- Duty director of the Solnechnogorod hotel "Malvasia".

leaf- a short man from the Sunny City, turned into a donkey by Dunno, a typical "book swallower", the founder of the book theater and Bukovka's friend.

poppy- the baby who delivered the policeman Svistulkin to the hospital.

joked and Korzhik- residents of the Sun City, two friends and wits. Wrong door, the wounded Svistulkin fell asleep in their apartment.

Chubchik- a gardener in the Sun City.

flyazhkin- a friend of Shutila and Korzhik.

Figure- Chess champion from Sun City. Designed a large chess machine.

Characters in the third book

Main characters:

Dunno- The protagonist of the first two books, showed an interest in weightlessness, which once led to the theft of a weightlessness device by him. Due to the incident with the weightlessness device, Dunno was not allowed to join the expedition and therefore decided to fly secretly, and for this he persuaded Donut. Once on the moon, Dunno, through the help of random acquaintances Migi and Julio, became the organizer of the Society of Giant Plants, the collapse of which caused the flight, and then sending to Stupid Island.

goat- a lunatic who has had his fill of life, who, despite all the problems that fall on him every day, is still trying to maintain the appearance of an honest short man. Dunno met him in the jail, where Kozlik ended up for sniffing a bagel in a bakery, which was regarded by the seller as an attempted theft. The life-wise Kozlik and the frivolous Dunno became good friends, which helped them survive in the difficult conditions of existence in the lunar world.

Donut- known from the first books, a lover of sweets and a short man prone to hoarding. The appearance of free shops, as in the Sunny City, played a cruel joke on him: he filled his room with new clothes to the very ceiling, and then fought moths and smelled of mothballs all over. Because of this, he began to communicate less with friends. Just like Dunno, he was not taken on the expedition, because the first experiments on Earth showed his poor adaptation to weightlessness (according to Dr. Pilyulkin). In fact, Donut adapted perfectly, but did not show it, so that he would not be forced to participate in the adaptation of the house to the conditions of sudden weightlessness and did not deprive him of the opportunity to eat alone a pan of semolina porridge, which was not eaten at breakfast. Having made his way into the rocket, Donut got scared and tried to leave, but instead of the airlock compartment he got to the command post, from where he launched the rocket. In the sublunar world, he missed Dunno, but unlike the latter, he quickly mastered commodity-money relations and even started his own business for the extraction and sale of salt. Having become rich, Mr. Ponch began to call himself and built a villa for himself, but with the arrival of the rich on the market, he went bankrupt and got a job as a spinner of water attractions.


Znayka- the ideological inspirer of the space expedition, the discoverer of lunite, artificial weightlessness, anti-lunite and the author of the hypothesis about the habitable core of the Moon.

Herring and Fuchsia- Like-minded Znayka, scientists from the Sunny City. Together with Znaika, they designed three rockets that flew to the moon. Another rocket is mentioned, which they designed even before Znayka joined, but its fate is unknown.

Zvezdochkin- Professor, astronomer from the Sunny City and scientific opponent of Znayka, who later admitted he was wrong. During the flight to the moon - his closest assistant. During the flight to the moon, he was the commander of the spacecraft.

Steklyashkin, Klepka, Cube, Pilyulkin, Guslya, Tube, Cog, Shpuntik- other members of the earth expedition.

Bagel- a resident of the Sun City, who was the first to report the penetration of Dunno and Donut into the rocket.

Inhabitants of the moon


Spruts- the richest and most influential inhabitant of the moon. He loves the current regime very much and reacts extremely painfully when someone tries to get rich without coordinating it with him. Even more, he dislikes those who get rich for good causes, as happens with the Giant Plant Society. He is a very dangerous opponent for positive characters, especially after he was able to lure the weak Migu and Julio to his side, but soon he has to find himself in a situation where his money is already useless. True, this makes him even more dangerous - after all, he, together with Julio, blew up the FIS rocket.

Krabs- the chief manager of the manufacturer Spruts, a dexterous negotiator. Convinced Miga and Julio to break up the Giant Plant Society and then escaped with Miga, betraying Julio.

scooperfield- a resident of the city of Brehenville, an incredible miser and greedy. At the same time, it's also a bit silly. An example is the facts of his behavior in the hotel, in the forest and on the train, as well as the instructions that he gave to his "horloders" (brokers) - to sell shares of giant plants for 1 furthing each, as a result of which he almost went bankrupt, because by that time the Society the giant plants burst and the shares depreciated, but he did not know anything about the news of the stock exchange, because he felt sorry for the money for newspapers. All my life I suffered from the fear of losing all my money and got rid of it when I really lost everything. I got into the forest for the first time with the help of Mr. Krabs (Spruts's assistant), where he was tied up for a long time before the arrival of Migi and Julio. The latter wanted to receive a reward for their "care", but Skuperfield managed to escape from them by hitting Julio on the head with a cane until he lost consciousness. Then he wandered through the forest, was bitten by ants. In the fog I came across a hut of the poor by the river, then into a potato field, where I picked potato tubers, not suspecting what they were. Was chased away by the watchman. He lost part of his capital as a result of unsuccessful financial fraud with the shares of the "Giant Plant Society". After the reduction of their wages at the factory, the workers went on strike. An attempt to hire new ones failed - the former workers staged a strike: they did not let the new ones into the factory and beat them. After the arrival of Znayka with friends, the workers drove out Skuperfield and took over the factory as their property. Subsequently, Skuperfield was re-educated and went to work at his own pasta factory, where he established himself as a responsible and proactive worker. Since then, he has been going to the zoo every day, as he loves animals very much (especially after visiting the forest with Krabs) and nature.

Gryazing- lunar capitalist and soap manufacturer. In his house, Kozlik once worked as a stoker. He liked to arrange zhurfixes, where furniture broke down, and then a new one was purchased.

Gadkins- the owner of several lunar newspapers, among them "Davilon Tales" and "Newspaper for those who like to read lying down", in which the articles "Panic on the Davilon barge", "Take care of your pockets", "Where the Spruts' tentacles reach" and "Why the Spruts are silent" were published , written by order of the rich Zhmurik, Meatball and Khanakonda. The articles pointed out that the situation around the society of giant plants is beneficial directly to Spruts.

Dracula- one of the lunar capitalists and the largest landowner, who owns the entire coast, from Los Paganos to Los Svinos. Subsequently - a salt tycoon and chairman of the salt bredlam. Together with other salt magnates, he brought Donut and other small salt producers to bankruptcy.

Zhmurik, Meatball and Khanakonda- stock speculators, who, in an effort to eliminate losses from the purchase of shares, launched a number of articles in newspapers, which made it possible to revive demand and sell the purchased shares. The main buyer of the shares was Skuperfield, who later went bankrupt.

Dryaning- one of the lunar oligarchs, the owner of paid rooming houses (primitive and uncomfortable) of the "Dead end" type for the homeless and a member of a large bradlam.

Dubs- one of the lunar oligarchs, the owner of sawmills and a member of the big bredlam. Thinks hard.

jading- one of the lunar oligarchs and a member of the big bredlam. Rivals in greed with Skryagins and Skuperfield.

Klops- a resident of Davilon and the owner of the garden, where Dunno went down by parachute. He poisoned Dunno with dogs.

Lamprey is a wealthy dog ​​lover in San Comarique. Dunno worked for her as a dog nanny. Having learned from the detective Beagle that Dunno was taking the dogs entrusted to him to a rooming house, she personally appeared there and, seeing that her pets were lying on the dirty floor and playing with rats, made a loud scandal, announcing Dunno that he had been fired.

poodle- Tire manufacturer who increased sales of his products after a massive deterioration of car tires caused by a report that Davilon robbers hid stolen goods in tires. Subsequently, he would be accused of conspiracy with the Davilonian Brekhson, on whose behalf the article was published and sued the oilmen who suffered losses from stopping the traffic.

Skryagins- one of the lunar oligarchs, the owner of canneries and a member of the big bredlam.

Tups- one of the lunar oligarchs and a member of the big bredlam. Slow-witted, like Mr. Dubs.

haps- the owner of the Emerald Hotel in the lunar city of Davilon, where Dunno settled for free after his arrival in the guise of an astronaut and a wide PR campaign on television and radio.

The poor and the homeless

Sedenky- a lunatic peasant, a poor man, and the first shareholder of the Giant Plant Society, who gave an interview to the press.

Compliant- a homeless man from San Komarika and an inhabitant of the "Tupichok" rooming house. Strives to see the good in everything. In this respect - the opponent of the Shrew.

Obstinate- a homeless man from San Komarika and an inhabitant of the "Tupichok" rooming house. Scolds Mr. Dryaning, the owner of the hotel. In this regard, he is an opponent of Compliant.

little finger- one of the beggars, living in a hut on the river bank. They got Scooperfield. On that day, according to the queue, he poured tea.

Cranberry, Millionchik, Baker, Nut, Chizhik- Brehenville homeless people who spent the night under the bridge. Together with Dunno and Kozlik, they were caught at night by the police and sent to Stupid Island.

Bubble- Brechenvilian, homeless, one of those who spent the night under the bridge. The only one who escaped from the police raid, floating away on an inflatable pillow.

Spikelet- a sleepwalker and a peasant from the village of Neelovka near the lunar city of Fantômas. He was the first to meet Znayka with friends who had flown in on a FIS rocket.

Piskarik, Bream, Catfish and Sudachok- twisters, Donut's colleagues in the Society of Free Twisters

Crumb- a short man who suspected a disguised policeman in Donut and tried to get rid of him at any cost.

Rumbik- an acquaintance of Donut, an unemployed captain who led a ship with earthlings to the island of Fools.


Julio- a small, low-moral entrepreneur from the moon, an arms dealer. His shop was called "Shop of assorted goods". He is not averse to doing any legal and illegal business that can bring profit - he took part in the creation of Giant Plants JSC. He easily betrays his principles and people: he was bribed by Spruts, he was going to live sweetly on the proceeds of millions. Together with Miga and Krabs, he extorted money from Skuperfield, succumbed to his cunning. After being hit on the head with a cane, he lost consciousness. Abandoned by Miga and Krabs in the forest, later came to Mr. Spruts, helped him survive in the new conditions. Together with Spruts, he participated in the explosion of the FIS rocket.

Miga(full name - Migs) is a petty swindler who has repeatedly been in prison for cheating, a friend and partner of Julio. He was bailed out of prison for money. A practical, witty and rare scoundrel, however, according to Julio, the most honest and kind shorty. I met with Dunno in the jail, where he helped him adapt to the situation. Initially, together with Julio, he really wanted to help Dunno, but the rich of the city had other plans. Subsequently, he betrayed Julio, hiding with the money along with Krabs.

Striga- a prisoner in a prison, who bought a hat from Dunno for 15 santiks and thereby swindled him. Trimmed. Vikhr's friend.

Vikhor- a prisoner in a jail, who swindled Dunno. Has a tuft on his forehead. Striga's friend.

Police officers and other officers of the law

Figl- one of the lunar police and patrol. Judging by his name, he is prone to rudeness, sadism and psychopathy. He detained Dunno after an unpaid lunch in the canteen and took him to the police department.

Migle- Police Inspector. Conducts registration of offenses and preliminary inquiry. Has flat humor. He considers himself the first person in the department, since the detainees first get to him. According to biometric data, he mistakenly identified the arrested Dunno as a dangerous criminal, bank robber Pretty Boy. Corrupt. He extorted a bribe from Dunno.

Drigl- the head of the jail, sold potatoes to prisoners for 5 santiks, washed the prisoners, took them to the judge.

Sigl, Zhmigl and Phigl- prison guards. They broke up the fight with Drigl.

Wrigl- referee. He is dressed in the same police uniform as other police officers, only he wears a cap on his head instead of a helmet. At the trial, he recognized Neznaika not as a well-known thief and swindler Handsome, but as a “shanty with empty pockets” and ordered to put him out on the street (in fact, he acquitted, so to speak).

Przygl- A police commissioner investigating a bank robbery in Davilon. For a letter stating that the money was allegedly stolen by the police themselves, he threatened to put any bald short man suspected of this (not in a bank robbery!) In jail.

Shmygl- one of the policemen who tried to catch up with the robbers. I tore my pants and lost my helmet.

Beagle- a detective hired by Mrs Lamprey. I followed the unknown. The only non-police officer of the law whose name ends in "gl".

Rwigl- commander of a detachment of 10 policemen who raided under the bridge.

pingle- One of the police squad led by Rvigl. During the raid, he passed out from a blow to the nose with his own electric baton, which Bubble deftly turned against him, who managed to escape.

Rzhigl- the chief police commissioner, whom Spruts ordered to prepare for the arrival of shorties on a rocket from Earth. Took appropriate action.

rigl- the commander of the police detachment, who was the first to meet earthlings on the FIS rocket.

Zhrigl- a fat policeman hanging from a tree.

Zhgigl- police superintendent who participated in the raid on earthlings.

Mshigl- the commander of a detachment of police officers who were the first to experience the consequences of shots in zero gravity.

Wshigl, Gnigl, Khigl, Chhigl- police officers, under the command of Mshigl, for the first time experienced the consequences of shots in zero gravity. As a result, everyone received injuries of varying severity, and Vshigl generally remained in the hospital.

Zliegl- A senior police inspector who interrupted a press conference about aliens and ordered the arrest of Professor Beta, who was speaking, announcing to the audience that the same fate now awaits anyone for such thoughts.

vengeance- Ober-ataman and head of the police of Fantômas. Led the attack on the FIS missile.

Khnygl- a policeman who made a shot from a large-caliber rifle in zero gravity and flew around the lunar ball from the resulting reactive force. In the TV studio, having received his rifle in his hands, he instantly changed his attitude to life.


Gops, Peach, Truhti, Burdock, Busoni, Mrs. Cactus, Brehson, Sardanapal- Readers of the Davilon newspapers, who staged a controversy over the missing money.

Grizzly- a lunar journalist, outwardly looking like a rat, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Davilon Humoresque", owned by Spruts, and a PR master. He himself buys on it (plans to buy shares of giant plants).

Alpha and Memega- astronomers from the moon. Proved the existence of an outer Earth.

Beta- Doctor of Physical Sciences, Professor, who spoke at a press conference on aliens. For spreading his thoughts, he was arrested by the police right during the speech.

Kantik and quantum- lunar physics.

Boltik- TV reporter from Fantômas. He was reporting on a police raid on the village of Neelovka, where giant plants were sown.

Glazik- a cameraman who worked with Boltik.

Klops- landowner. Grows various horticultural crops. Arriving on the moon, Dunno came to him, who began to eat raspberries and fell into a trap. In punishment for this, he began to poison him with dogs.

Fix and Fex- servants of Klops. The first of them caught Dunno eating raspberries and, captivating, by force delivered to Klops. The second brought dogs so that Klops could poison Dunno with them.

Syringe- Doctor from Davilon. During the solemn meeting of the alien from outer space, he volunteered to examine him for free. While listening to Dunno, at the same time he advertised his services and prices.


In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.
Beyond the river was a forest. The short men made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It was difficult to pick berries, because the shorties were tiny, and for nuts you had to climb a tall bush and even drag a saw with you. Not a single short man could pick a nut with his hands - they had to be cut with a saw. Mushrooms were also cut with a saw. They cut the mushroom down to the very root, then saw it into pieces and drag it home in pieces.
The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies. The little ones always went about either in long slacks or in short pants with a shoulder strap, and the little ones liked to wear dresses made of colorful, bright fabric. The little ones did not like to mess with their hairstyles, and therefore their hair was short, and the little ones had long hair, almost to the waist. The little ones were very fond of making different beautiful hairstyles, they braided their hair into long braids and braided ribbons into braids, and wore bows on their heads. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with babies at all. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones. If some little girl met a baby on the street, then, seeing him from afar, she immediately crossed to the other side of the street. And she did it well, because among the kids there were often those who could not calmly pass by the baby, but they would definitely say something offensive to her, even push her or, even worse, pull her braid. Of course, not all the kids were like that, but they didn’t have it written on their foreheads, so the little ones thought it was better to cross to the other side of the street in advance and not come across. For this, many kids called babies imaginary - they will come up with such a word! - and many babies called the kids bullies and other offensive nicknames.

Some readers will immediately say that all this is probably fiction, that there are no such babies in life. But no one says that they exist in real life. In life - this is one thing, but in a fabulous city - quite another. Everything happens in a fairytale city.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street there lived sixteen short babies. The most important of them was a short baby named Znayka. He was nicknamed Znaika because he knew a lot. And he knew a lot because he read different books. These books lay on his table, and under the table, and on the bed, and under the bed. There was no place in his room where there were no books. From reading books, Znayka became very smart. Therefore, everyone obeyed him and loved him very much. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose and began to read some book, he completely looked like a professor.

In the same house lived the famous doctor Pilyulkin, who treated shorties for all diseases. He always walked in a white coat, and on his head he wore a white cap with a tassel. The famous mechanic Vintik also lived here with his assistant Shpuntik; lived Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, who became famous for the fact that he was very fond of sparkling water with syrup. He was very polite. He liked it when he was called by his first and patronymic, and did not like it when someone called him simply Syrupchik. The hunter Pulka also lived in this house.

He had a small dog, Bulka, and he also had a gun that fired corks. There lived the artist Tube, the musician Guslya and other kids: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Rasteryayka, two brothers - Avoska and Neboska. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunno. They called him Dunno because he didn't know anything.

This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, Dunno wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling everyone. In addition, he constantly offended the little ones. Therefore, the little ones, seeing his orange shirt from afar, immediately turned in the opposite direction and hid at home. Dunno had a friend named Gunka, who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with Gunka for hours. They quarreled with each other twenty times a day and made up twenty times a day.
In particular Dunno became famous after one story.
One day he was walking around the city and wandered into a field. There was not a soul around. At this time, the cockchafer was flying. He blindly ran into Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno rolled head over heels to the ground. The beetle immediately flew away and disappeared into the distance. Dunno jumped up, began to look around and see who hit him. But there was no one around.
“Who hit me?” Dunno thought. “Maybe something fell from above?”
He lifted his head and looked up, but there was nothing above either. Only the sun shone brightly over Dunno's head.
“It means that something fell on me from the sun,” Dunno decided. “Probably, a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.”
He went home and met an acquaintance whose name was Steklyashkin.
This Steklyashkin was a famous astronomer. He knew how to make magnifying glasses out of fragments of broken bottles. When he looked through magnifying glasses at various objects, the objects seemed larger. From several such magnifying glasses, Steklyashkin made a large spyglass through which one could look at the moon and the stars. Thus he became an astronomer.
“Listen, Steklyashkin,” Dunno told him. - You understand what kind of story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.
- What you. Dunno! Steklyashkin laughed. - If a piece were torn off from the sun, it would crush you into a cake. The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.
“It can’t be,” Dunno answered. - In my opinion, the sun is no more than a plate.
- We only think so, because the sun is very far from us. The sun is a huge hot ball. I saw this in my pipe. If even a small piece of the sun came off, it would destroy our entire city.
- Look you! - answered Dunno. "I didn't know the sun was that big." I'll go and tell our people - maybe they haven't heard about it yet. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it is actually chipped!
Dunno went home and told everyone who met along the way:
- Brothers, do you know what kind of sun? It is larger than our entire Earth. Here it is! And now, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying straight towards us. Soon it will fall and crush us all. Horror what will happen! Go ask Steklyashkin.
Everyone laughed, because they knew that Dunno was a talker. And Dunno ran at full speed home and let's shout:
Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!
- What piece? they ask him.
- Piece, brothers! A piece broke off from the sun. Soon it will slap - and everyone will be covered. Do you know what the sun is? It is larger than our entire Earth!
- What are you thinking!
- I'm not imagining anything. This is what Steklyashkin said. He saw through his pipe.
Everyone ran out into the courtyard and began to look at the sun. They watched and watched until tears began to flow from their eyes. Blindly, it began to seem to everyone that the sun was actually chipped. And the Dunno shouted:
- Save who can! Trouble!

Everyone began to grab their things. The tube grabbed his paints and brush, Guslya - his musical instruments. Dr. Pilyulkin rushed around the house and looked for a first-aid kit, which had been lost somewhere. Donut grabbed galoshes and an umbrella and already ran out of the gate, but then Znayka's voice was heard:
- Calm down, brothers! There is nothing terrible. Don't you know that Dunno is a talker? He invented all this.
- Made it up? - Dunno shouted. - Go ask Steklyashkin.
Everyone ran to Steklyashkin, and then it turned out that Dunno actually composed everything. Well, there was laughter! Everyone laughed at Dunno and said:
We wonder how we believed you! - And I'm not surprised! - answered Dunno. - I actually believed it myself.
That's how wonderful this Dunno was.

The protagonist of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", Dunno, lives in an unusual Flower City, which is located near the Cucumber River. This city is unusual because its inhabitants are very small in stature - no taller than a cucumber. They call themselves shorties. All shorties are divided into babies and babies. Babies wear panties and little ones wear dresses.

Together with fifteen other kids, Dunno lives in a house on Kolokolchikov Street. His neighbors are people of various specialties: the doctor Pilyulkin, the hunter Pulka with the dog Bulka, two mechanics - Vintik and Shpuntik, the artist Tubik, the musician Guslya. The kid, whom everyone called Syrupchik, loves soda very much, and Toropyzhka is always in a hurry somewhere. Znayka, who reads a lot, is considered the main person in the house on Kolokolchikov Street.

Dunno never bothered to read books, and could only write in block letters. He liked to dress brightly and invent various fables, in which he himself willingly believed. Dunno is a very addictive nature. He always wanted to learn something, but he did not like to work, and therefore all his undertakings ended in failure. At first, he wanted to become a musician, but his mediocre humming on the trumpet quickly got tired of everyone, and Dunno left this idea. Then he decided to become an artist and painted portraits of all his neighbors. But they were offended by Dunno's scribbles and tore the portraits. Then Dunno began to compose poems about his friends, but this idea of ​​his did not find a response from others. And once Dunno decided to drive a car, which was assembled by the mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik. It seemed to Dunno that driving a car was very simple, but, having sat behind the wheel, he destroyed half of the yard, and then drowned the car in the river.

Shorties living in a house on Kolokolchikov Street dreamed of a long journey, and one day Znayka suggested that they make a balloon. Everyone happily got down to business. And one morning a balloon filled with hot air rose into the sky. The journey has begun. When the air in the balloon began to cool down and the descent began, the travelers poured out the sand from the bags that were previously loaded into the basket of the balloon. But the air continued to cool, and then Znayka ordered everyone to jump, wearing parachutes. He jumped first, Toropyzhka hurried to jump after him, but he caught on the basket with a parachute and was dragged back. After Znaika's jump, the ball began to rise into the sky again, and then Dunno suggested continuing the journey. But after some time, the ball cooled completely and soon fell to the ground along with the travelers.

The ball crashed near the Green City, in which only babies lived. All travelers, except Dunno, ended up in the hospital, where Dr. Medunitsa began to treat them. And Dunno, who avoided treatment, began to brag to the residents of the Green City that he was the inventor of the balloon and the leader of travelers. Dunno managed to convince his companions to confirm his lie. In return, he helped them get out of the hospital early.

But soon Znayka appeared in the Green City. After the parachute jump, he did not return home, but went to look for his comrades. With the advent of Znayka in the city, everyone found out the truth, and they began to laugh at Dunno. At first, he hoped that those around him would quickly forget his deceit, but this did not happen. The laughs continued. Dunno was upset to such an extent that he cried. He realized that he was doing wrong, and began to consider himself a bad person. But one of the little ones, Sineglazka, showed sympathy for him, and convinced everyone to stop mocking Dunno.

When the travelers, led by Znaika, set off on their return trip, Sineglazka asked Dunno to write her a letter. Upon returning home, he had to sit down to study and begin to master spelling, because he really wanted to correspond with Sineglazka. This is the summary of the story.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" is that one should not use deceit and boasting in order to improve relations with others, to impress. The secret always becomes clear, and sooner or later the deceiver will have to experience the contempt and ridicule of people who find out that they have been misled. The fairy tale teaches to be persistent and hardworking when mastering new knowledge and skills.

In the fairy tale, I liked the main character, Dunno. He managed to overcome negative character traits in himself and began to persistently master spelling in order to write letters to Sineglazka.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno in the Sunny City"?

Do not brag about yourself: let people praise you in advance.
A deceiver will lead a friend too.
Perseverance overcomes everything.

Visiting the heroes of the novel - fairy tales

"The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

extracurricular activity


Nosov, an exhibition of books, children's drawings based on a novel - a fairy tale, a book - a decoration.


Leading, Dunno, Chamomile, Blue-eye, Button, Tube, Lungwort, Znayka, Silent, Grumpy, Pilyulkin, Cog, Shpuntik, Flower, Gunka, Guslya, Pulka.

Leading: He opens a book - a scenery and begins to read: “Short men lived in a fairy-tale city. They were called shorties because they were very small.

Each shorty was with a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Vasilkov Boulevard, Daisy Alley. And the city itself was called Flower. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street lived 16 kids - shorties ... "

The show starts. Heroes of the Flower City want to make friends with you. Meet them.

Heroes come out of the book - scenery and introduce themselves:


I, Dunno, came to you

And he brought his friends.

We all love to have fun

And frolic in the street.

We love to sing and draw

We want to get along with you

And make friends for a long time.

I am a Dunno, I am a Dunno.

You try it, find out!

Why am I around

Is everyone called Dunno?


And I am an artist Tube,

The guys love me

And we are proud of them

With your drawings.


My name is Mechanic Vintik

And I'm proud of this name.

Don't say, friends

What do you do without me.


Assistant Shpuntik!

Sounds beautiful!

Assistant Shpuntik!

Just a miracle!

Succeed here, help there,

And it won't let you rest...


Musician Guslya

standing in front of you,

What kind of musician am I?

You judge for yourself.


Doctor Pilyulkin

Heals everyone from the cradle.

Worries about you

He doesn't take his eyes off you.


My name is Pulka

I am a seasoned hunter

I often disappear

With a gun in the swamp.


I am proud that I am Znayka!

I know, you will say - a know-it-all,

Say I'm not afraid

But in life I will achieve everything.

Nosov: I became a children's writer because, when I grew up, I wanted to become a writer in general. And I wanted to become a writer because I had an interesting life, and I had something to tell people about; Like many famous writers, at first I wrote fairy tales and stories just for the sake of it - for my little son. And then one of his stories, he was called "Entertainers", he took to the magazine "Murzilka". The story has been printed. This was in 1938. After that, other books appeared in print. .

Leading: N. Nosov really has a lot of books and heroes we love.

Competition "Name the heroes of Nosov."

Leading: N. Nosov is a very observant person and gave names to his heroes according to how the hero behaved, according to his character, according to his profession.

Competition: "Recognize the character by the name of the shorty.

DONUTS (sweet tooth)

SIROPCHIK (likes water with syrup)

GRUMBER (grouchy)

SILENT (silent, taciturn)

HURRY (always in a hurry)

WASTE (often loses things)

DON'T KNOW (knows and can do little, although he believes that he knows and can do a lot)

PATCHKULA PESTRENKY (unkempt, dirty)

"Know the profession"

PILYULKIN - doctor

Guslya - musician

PULKA - hunter

Karaulkin - policeman

COG, SHPUNTIK - mechanics

SVISTULKIN - policeman

STEKLYASHKIN - astronomer

TUBE - artist

ZVEZDOCHKIN - astronomer

KUBIK - architect


Leading: Who did Dunno want to be?

Dramatization "How Dunno was an artist."

Competition: "Who owns what?"

Bulka the dog to the hunter Pulka

Bormotograf - writer Smekayla

Moonstone - Znayke

Flute - musician Gusle

Jumpsuit with one button - Toropyzhka

Magic wand - Dunno (answer option - Wizard)

Thermometer - to Dr. Pilyulkin

Honey – Medunitsa

Castor oil - to Dr. Pilyulkin

Wrench - Cog and Shpuntik

Nosov: « Competition for the most attentive reader

1. What was the name of the city where the short men lived? (Floral)

2. What was the name of the city where only the little ones lived and where the little ones flew on the ball? (Green)

3. How tall were the little ones? (as tall as a cucumber)

4. What were the collars on the babies' dresses made of? (From black-brown caterpillars)

5. Tractor Mitya from the village of Prostokvashino worked on food, but what did the car of mechanics Shpuntik and Vintik run on? (On syrup and soda)

6. What did Znayka make a balloon from? (Rubber for the ball was made from the juice of flowers similar to ficuses).

7. What were the babies' parachutes made of when they jumped from the balloon? (from dandelions)

8. How did Dr. Pilyulkin treat shorties? (Iodine and castor oil)

9. How did Medunitsa treat shorties? (Honey)

10. What color was Dunno's magic wand? (Reddish brown, small, round)

11. What was the water supply in the Green City made of? (From reed stalks)

12. Why was the city where only kids lived called Zmeevka? (Because its inhabitants loved to fly kites)

13. Dunno and his friends in the Sunny City stayed at the hotel, what did they call themselves? (Auto traveler Neznam Neznamovich Neznaikin and foreigner Pacchuale Pestrini)

14. What unusual cars did Dunno see in the Sunny City? (Circulin, Planetarka, caterpillar motorcycle, spiral walkers, jet roller turboflights, etc.)

15. How is Dunno dressed? (Bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie)

Dramatization "How Dunno wrote poetry."

Leading: What poems did Dunno compose?

Znayka went for a walk on the river,

Jumped over the sheep.

At Avoska under the pillow

Sweet cheesecake lies.

Toropyzhka was hungry,

Swallowed the iron cold .

Poetry competition. On the proposed rhymes, the characters compose poems

clouds / better door / now

lesson/couldn't class/time

Leading: « Literary dictation». Like any other dictation, it will show how well you know the material, in this case, the content of the book.

The host reads an excerpt from the last chapters of the tale. Children briefly write down the ending:

1. Dunno blushed with shame and was ready to fall through the ground. He rushed to run and hid in ... (dandelions).

2. The kids teased Dunno because he ... (braggart and coward).

3. Dunno felt so sorry for himself, so sorry that it is impossible to say. He pressed his forehead against the fence and ... (crying).

4. Instead of going to play towns or football, Dunno sat down at the table and started to ... (reading).

5. Why did the little ones respect Dunno and say that he was not a bad shorty at all? (He protected the little ones.)

Pupil tells a poem "I love to read Nosov"

Nosov: Tips for readers

Books should be treated like life. It must be read with one's own eyes. Incredulous. Consider. Look for accurate knowledge in it. And go from book to book. After all, a book is a journey.

When you sew something, you need material, thread. If you make something, you need a tool, nails, wood. And in order to live and develop, you need to know an unusual number of books.

Do not be afraid that so many books have already been written. All the same, they say, you can't read them all. If you believe in yourself, you will go further in life, and books will go with you and talk to you.

Gives books of children's writers to the participants of the event.

Reflection. Did you enjoy being heroes? How could you become one? Do you have a desire to get acquainted with other works? See you again.

Photo for memory

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