Heroes of the battle of Stalingrad and their role in the great victory. Battle of Stalingrad


On February 2, Russia celebrates the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad, which changed the course of the Great Patriotic War, and with it the history of the entire 20th century. Officially, it is called the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" was awarded to almost 760 thousand people. 125 soldiers for military exploits during the Battle of Stalingrad were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Streets in present-day Volgograd are named after many of them. It is impossible to talk about each of them in one article. But among them were representatives of various nationalities. "RG" recalls seven heroes - the sons of different peoples.

1. Yakov Pavlov, Russian

Everyone who has ever been to Volgograd or read about the Battle of Stalingrad knows about the legendary "Pavlov's House". House-fortress, pillbox-stronghold, which has become one of the symbols of the city. Even today it stands in the center of Volgograd - an ordinary four-storey building in which ordinary people still live ... At one end it is inscribed in the ensemble of Lenin Square, decorated with a relief. The other goes to Sovetskaya Street. There is a memorial plaque with the names of 24 defenders of the house who took part in the defense. But according to the recollections of one of them, Lieutenant Ivan Afanasiev, at the same time there were no more than 15 people in the "garrison" of the house.

The four-story building on Penzenskaya Street in Stalingrad, a few hundred meters from the banks of the Volga, was the "dominant height" in the area, tactically important for both the German and Soviet command - it was the "key to the Volga", as Ivan Afanasiev called it. The guardsmen of the 13th division of General Rodimtsev had the task of capturing and holding him at any cost. A whole company went to storm him, only four survived. Four fighters repulsed the attacks until reinforcements approached them.

For a long time it was believed that Pavlov's house was defended by 24 heroes of nine nationalities. On the 25th - the Kalmyk Goryu Badmaevich Khokholov - was "forgotten", struck off the list of defenders after the deportation of the Kalmyks. He received all his military awards after the war and after the deportation. And his name as one of the defenders of the Pavlov House was restored only 62 years later.

Of the defenders of that house, only Sergeant Yakov Pavlov received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The story of "Pavlov's House" formed the basis of the plot of Fyodor Bondarchuk's film "Stalingrad".

2. Mikhail Panikakha, Ukrainian

Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Panikakha is called the "Stalingrad Danko". He fought in the 193rd Infantry Division. According to the memoirs of division commander Smekhotvorov, their positions "was attacked simultaneously by more than 70 German tanks. Seven of them broke through to the front line of the 883rd regiment and began to spin over the trenches." Then Private Panikaha, a former Marine, took Molotov cocktails and crawled to the lead tank, and was already swinging for a throw when a bullet accidentally hit it shattered the bottle. The flammable liquid doused the fighter - head, shoulders, chest.

According to eyewitnesses, Panikakha burned like a torch. He nevertheless caught up with the German tank, jumped on it and broke the second bottle over the engine of the car. The tank caught fire. Panikaha died.

For this feat, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to him only in 1990, on the 45th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Just in time before the collapse of the Union ...

3. Nurken Abdirov, Kazakh

Nurken Abdirov was born in an unnamed steppe village in the Karaganda region in Kazakhstan, later the family moved to Karaganda, his father and older brothers became miners. He graduated from school, worked as an accountant in a bookstore - he was drawn to books. At that time, flying clubs were very popular among young people. In such a club, Nurken became a pilot.

He was drafted into the army in 1940, and when the war began, he was sent to a military aviation school in Chkalov (now Orenburg). He became a ground attack pilot. Stormtroopers at the front were called "suicide bombers". Even attack aircraft were built with a safety margin of no more than 50 sorties - more simply did not make sense. Nurken Abdirov managed to make 16 sorties, during which he destroyed several tanks and dozens of German vehicles.

The last combat mission of Nurken Abdirov was, as part of a group of four ILs, commanded by Boris Alekseev, to destroy German positions at the Bokovskaya-Ponomarevka line. Formally, this is the territory of the Rostov region, but it was part of the boundaries of the Battle of Stalingrad. When Nurken's plane was shot down, he sent his burning car into a convoy of German fuel trucks.

Nurken Abdirov was buried in the Konkovo ​​farm of the Veshensky district of the Rostov region, and there is a memorial plaque on Mamayev Kurgan in memory of him.

4. Khanpasha Nuradilov, Chechen

Chechen Khanpasha Nuradilov was drafted into the army in 1940, got into the legendary division of Kotovsky - a riding cavalry crew. He was at the front from the first days of the war. After the retreat from the territory of Ukraine, he "retrained" as a machine gunner. At the end of August 1942 he fought on the outskirts of Stalingrad.

There are gaps in Nuradilov's biography. So, according to some sources, he died in battle on August 28 near the village of Bukanovskaya on the Don for a height of 220, which was dominant on the entire front. According to another version, he died on September 12 near the city of Serafimovich. But there is no doubt about his feat: the commander of a machine-gun platoon, being seriously wounded, Khanpasha did not leave his position and continued to pour machine-gun fire on the enemy, who threw three mortar batteries against him ...

The combat account of the machine gunner Nuradilov: "920 killed fascists, 12 prisoners, seven captured enemy machine guns," says the award sheet, signed by Konstantin Rokossovsky, then commander of the troops of the central front.

5. Ruben Ibarruri, Spaniard

Those who "come from the USSR" know the name Ibarruri well. Dolores Ibarruri - leader of the Spanish Communist Party, lived in Moscow from 1939 to 1975. Ruben Ibarruri, Hero of the Soviet Union, her son, who died in Stalingrad in 1942 at the age of 22.

Ruben went into exile before his mother, in 1935, after her arrest in Spain. He was sheltered by the Bolshevik Lepeshinsky family. He went to the front from the first days of the war.

In the summer of 1942, Lieutenant Ibarruri commanded a machine gun company. On August 23, a German tank group in the area of ​​the Kotluban railway station (now the Gorodishchensky district of the Volgograd region) threatened to cut off Stalingrad from the main group of Soviet troops. A rifle battalion and a machine-gun company were put forward to hold back the onslaught of tanks, and later units of the 35th division were to be brought up. When the battalion commander died, Ruben took command, raised the soldiers to counterattack. The enemy forces were driven back. But Ibarruri was wounded. He was evacuated to the left-bank hospital in Leninsk, where he died and was originally buried. Later he was reburied on the Alley of Heroes in the center of Volgograd.

The title of Hero was awarded to him in 1956. Dolores Ibarruri visited her son's grave in Volgograd more than once.

6. Khafiz Fattyakhutdinov, Tatar

Captain Khafiz Fattyakhutdinov, a Tatar by nationality, together with the Russian pilot Vladimir Kamenshchikov and the Spaniard Ruben Ibarruri rests in Volgograd on the Alley of Heroes, in the very center of the city.

Khafiz Fattyakhutdinov, a teacher of Russian and Tatar languages, went to the front as a volunteer. He got to Stalingrad already in the rank of captain. He died in action on January 14, 1943. For this last fight, he was presented with an award - the title of Hero.

"For the fact that in the battle near Basargino, acting as part of the advancing XV Guards Rifle Division on January 14, 1943, on his own initiative, taking with him a gun and a machine gun with crews, only 10 people, drove to the flank, and then to the rear of the enemy, exterminated up to 400 enemy soldiers and officers, withstood a half-hour battle with forces that exceeded his forces by 70 times, laid the foundation for the defeat of the group that threatened to stop the offensive of the Soviet army. But the Hero was never given, they decided that the Order of Lenin would be enough.

There is a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council on the award, dated June 19, 1943, but the award itself was never presented to relatives. Still a hero...

7. Maxim Passar, Nanai

Perhaps, of all the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad, the fate of Passar is the most unusual. The fact is that the title of Hero and the well-deserved award found him, or rather, his relatives, only in 2010. The decree conferring the title was posthumously signed by the then President Dmitry Medvedev. But to award Passar the title of Hero of a non-existent country - the USSR - of course, was impossible, so he became a Hero of Russia.

Passar in Nanai means "sharp eye". He went to the front as a volunteer in 1941. But a hereditary fisherman and hunter dreamed of a sniper school. He was sent to study sniper business in 1942. After graduating from the sniper school, he ended up in the 117th rifle regiment of the 23rd rifle division of the 21st army, from November 10, 1942, renamed the 65th army, 71st guards division.

Maxim immediately gained fame in the regiment. He could see perfectly in the dark, like a cat. He could sit for hours, without moving, in a shelter. Once, in two minutes, he laid down seven fascists. With the development of the sniper movement in September 1942, he was appointed commander of the sniper squad. By October 1942, Passar was the best sniper on the Stalingrad Front and eighth in the list of the best snipers in the entire Red Army.

Maxim Passar died on January 22, 1943. By this time, he had 234 killed fascists on his account. The Germans called him "the devil from the devil's nest", published leaflets addressed to him personally with a proposal to surrender.

“From the morning of January 22, 1943, Passar, among other snipers, was in the reserve of the battalion commander, but when the German snipers who sat on the right interfered with the advance of our infantry, Maxim Passar, without saying a word to anyone, moved forward to “hunt”, destroying two German snipers. Maxim himself died from an enemy bullet. Maxim's body was taken out and installed in the tent of the sanitary unit," the report of the head of the division's political department reads.

Maxim Passar was awarded two orders of the Red Star, Hero, despite the petitions of the commanders, he was not given to the war. And in 2009, high school students in the village of Naihin, the ancestral village of Passara, wrote a letter to President Dmitry Medvedev about the Nanai hero, asking him to be awarded the title posthumously. A member of the Public Chamber, journalist Irina Polnikova, at one of her meetings with the president, conveyed this request to him. The title of Hero of Russia Maxim Passar was awarded in April 2010.

This period of the Great Patriotic War, 200 days long, became a turning point on the way to the Great Victory. The confrontation from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943 ended with the success of our army, the chances for which were intensifying and approaching, among other things, thanks to the courageous deeds of its soldiers. "History.RF" remembers the heroes of the battle for Stalingrad and their exploits.

Who are they - the heroes of Stalingrad?

In the pre-war period, most of them were ordinary people: workers in factories, factories and collective farms, graduates of schools and colleges ... In the war, they became pilots, tankers, sappers, signalmen, commanders. And not all of them are adult men, there were many young guys and even girls.

They selflessly rushed towards the enemy, rescuing fellow soldiers and helping the successful completion of military operations - often at the cost of their own lives. 200 days and nights. With their courage they brought victory closer. They also motivated Soviet soldiers to stand up to the end in defense of the Motherland. And that's a big deal too!

Heroes and their deeds

Already on July 23, one of the fighters distinguished himself. 33-year-old Ukrainian Petr Swamp, who worked at the mine before the war, during one of the battles he personally knocked out 8 enemy tanks out of 30 that broke into the defense territory.

On the same day, the first air ram in the Battle of Stalingrad was made. Alexander Popov on a single-engine fighter I-16 entered into battle with a German bomber. First, Popov damaged it, then, realizing that the ammunition was used up, and the enemy was leaving, he hit the tail of an enemy aircraft with an I-16 propeller. He himself received a serious leg injury.

On July 24, tank heroes went down in history - commander A. V. Fedenko, as well as E. N. Bykov, S. P. Protsenko and I. A. Yakovlev. Their T-34 was attacked by ten fascist tanks at once - despite this, they knocked out four. After the shell hit the T-34, a fire started. Our fighters opened the hatches, but quickly realized that they were surrounded and that they were going to be taken prisoner. They chose death. From the burning tank on the radio came the commander's appeal to the Soviet soldiers: "Farewell, comrades, do not forget us, we are dying in a burning tank, but we do not surrender to the enemy!" It was their first fight...

The fourth of August is associated with the name of the 29-year-old pilot Trofim Vojtanik. He, saving the lieutenant in an air battle, was attacked by two enemy fighters, one of which was able to shoot down a frontal ram. And survived - went down by parachute. The German plane doomed to the ground.

August 6 Soviet tanker G. I. Zelenykh stopped the penetration of the Nazis into the depth of defense in the area of ​​​​Tinguta station. He sent his flaming T-34 into a cluster of enemy soldiers and guns - the tank crushed them, and then exploded.

On the same day, the 20-year-old pilot Mikhail Baranov shot down 4 planes in a fight with 25 fighters and bombers. In total, during the hostilities - and he died in 1943 - he personally destroyed 24 enemy aircraft, conducting 85 air battles.

August 7 pilot Vladimir Zemlyansky on IL-2, he carried out an attack on fascist tanks that had broken through to the outskirts of Stalingrad. After being hit by a shell, the fighter directed the blazing plane exactly in the direction of the column of German tanks and vehicles. He himself died in the explosion. "Farewell! I'm dying for my country! - these were the last words of Zemlyansky, other pilots heard them through the headphones. In total, during the war, Vladimir made 45 sorties, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy.

August 16 pilot Ivan Kobyletsky rammed a German fighter over the Stalingrad airfield, after which he successfully landed there. The next day, he fought on a Yak-1 plane for 20 minutes against seven enemy Me-109s. He did not stop the fight, even when he was hit and burned - only reaching a height of 300 meters, he jumped out with a parachute. Due to an unsuccessful landing, a hip and two ribs were broken.

August 17, 16 guards under the command of a 19-year-old Vasily Kochetov at the cost of their lives they stopped the tanks at an altitude of 180.9 near the village of Sirotinskaya. The enemy forces were superior to the Soviet ones, but this did not prevent our soldiers from fighting. A platoon from the command of Kochetov went into counterattacks, the soldiers threw themselves under tanks with grenades. He himself, already seriously wounded in the leg, did not leave the front line. He died due to a mortal wound, the remaining soldiers of his platoon continued the confrontation.

August 18, two Red Army soldiers - 19-year-old Alexander Pokalchuk and 21 year old Peter Gutchenko- they closed the machine gun embrasure near the village of Kletskaya with their bodies. The circular machine-gun fire, which the Nazis conducted from a height, did not allow the Soviet troops to advance. First, Gutchenko and Pokalchuk crawled to the bunker with grenades, threw two of them - it did not help. Then we went to extreme measures. At the cost of your life.

The twenty-third of August is marked by the manifestation of the courage of women in the war. On that day, the Germans managed to reach the northern outskirts of Stalingrad, but they failed to break into the city itself - they were met by three anti-aircraft batteries of the 1077th regiment. They were run by girls. During August 23-24, anti-aircraft gunners knocked out 83 tanks, 33 of which were destroyed. But very few of them managed to survive. In the photo - the survivors of that battle Valya Neshpor, Nina Shiryaeva and Valya Grigorieva.

On August 24, in the area of ​​Malaya Rossosh, a group of 33 fighters under the command of G. A. Strelkova during the day she repulsed the attacks of 70 enemy tanks, destroying 27 of them and 150 Germans. Moreover, all Soviet soldiers from this group survived.

25-th of August Olga Kovaleva, who before the war was the first female steelmaker leading the smelting in the open-hearth shop, and with its beginning - the only one in the fighter squad of the Red October plant, died during an attack on the Meliorativny farm. She raised her comrades behind her to attack, and of course, she rushed at the enemy herself ...

On August 29, another worker of the "Red October" went down in history - Petr Goncharov. He joined the ranks of the people's militia and later became a famous sniper. During the Second World War, he single-handedly destroyed more than 400 fascists. He died in action on January 30, 1944 at the age of 41.

On September 8, the 20-year-old Boris Gomolko- and immediately with heroism. Successfully rammed two planes, but his own began to fall apart in the sky - Boris jumped with a parachute. The Germans he had knocked out tried to escape in the same way. Already on the ground, he shot one, and captured the other. After 16 days, Gomolko, covering ground troops in an unequal battle, was mortally wounded.

September 14 20-year-old sergeant Ilya Chumbarev rammed an enemy reconnaissance aircraft. Yak descended to the ground not on a parachute, but on his plane. He continued the war with the rank of lieutenant.

On the night of September 14-15, an infantry division led by Alexander Rodimtsev crossed the Volga when the Germans had already reached its bank, counterattacked the enemy and recaptured Mamaev Kurgan. As Rodimtsev himself recalled: “German planes flew over our heads. The walls of houses collapsed, iron warped. Clouds of smoke and dust hurt my eyes. We had to advance in this deadly hell in order to drive the Germans away from the Volga, to occupy the coastal streets.

Since September 23, the defense of a 4-storey residential building by a group of 31 fighters led by a 24-year-old Yakova Pavlova. The Germans constantly made attempts to attack, but they were not allowed to destroy it. Three fighters of the group were killed, Pavlov himself was wounded, but survived the war. Died at the age of 63.

On October 2, during the defense of the Krasny Oktyabr plant, a volunteer sailor Mikhail Panikakha, left without grenades, crawled from the trench to a German tank with bottles of combustible mixture, a bullet hit one bottle - the liquid spilled over the body of the defender and caught fire. But Panikakha did not lie down to die - he threw himself at the tank with a living torch and added fire to the enemy, breaking a second bottle on the armored car. A fragment of the video for the Lesson of Courage (in full: ).

On October 5, during the liquidation of fascist combat points, the Red Army came under machine-gun fire. Stopped him by throwing grenades at the bunker, a 30-year-old private Nikolay Averyanov who worked on a collective farm before the war. However, the fire resumed - then the fighter, having no more ammunition, closed the embrasure with himself.

On October 10, the 28-year-old Alexander Pecherskikh- first he threw grenades at an enemy machine gun, shot several Germans and took one prisoner. But that's not all. When he was left without ammunition, he closed the embrasure of the bunker. Before the war, he worked on a collective farm, and then on a state farm.

One hundred days from October 16, the fighters of the division under the command Ivan Ludnikov held the line, preventing the Germans from breaking through to the Barrikady plant. In this position, they were until November 11, until the enemy broke through to the river. But even being surrounded by the attacking Germans from three sides, the Soviet soldiers did not retreat. Lyudnikov, by the way, participated in more than one war, but survived them all, died at the age of 73.

October 28 21-year-old sapper Efim Dudnikov killed a fascist officer, took his pistol and documents from him. The next day, he eliminated another 16 Nazis. He is also known for the fact that, under air bombardment and heavy mortar fire, he successfully transported the command and control of the division across the Volga.

October 30 soldier Ivan Ivchenko He closed the machine gun embrasure with his chest, which interfered with the advance of Soviet soldiers. Thanks to this, the group managed to get out of the fire.

On the night of November 7-8, the 24-year-old, who was a collective farm worker before the war, Ivan Karkhanin rushed to the embrasure and closed it with himself - the bunker was destroyed. Already in the morning the regiment attacked the Germans and captured the desired line.

November 8 pilot Petr Rozhkov during the first sortie, he entered into battle with three fighters and shot down two of them. The third rammed, realizing that his ammunition had run out. He managed to land his damaged aircraft at the airfield.

And on November 10, the pilot Petr Dymchenko, a turner before the war, in an air battle with 15 enemy aircraft shot down four of them, but he himself died. A street in Volgograd is named after the hero.

On November 21, the commander of a rifle company, 22-year-old Ivan Zaburov, and in the pre-war period - an accountant on a collective farm, closed the embrasure of the bunker with himself. After that, his fighters immediately rushed to the attack and successfully coped with the task.

On the same day, a signalman, 20 years old Vasily Titaev in the midst of the battle for Mamayev Kurgan, he was sent to correct the interrupted line of communication between the two commanders. When he eliminated the cliff, he was wounded in the head by a mine: he was found lying on the edge of a shell crater, with communication wires clenched in his teeth. A fragment of the video for the Lesson of Courage (in full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du_7USqUH4s …).

On November 22, the 8th Motorcycle Regiment under the command Petra Belik raided the German field airfield Oblivskaya and destroyed 25 aircraft there. In 8 days, our soldiers killed 800 Germans and captured 1100, destroyed 7 ammunition depots, 247 vehicles, 14 tanks. In addition, the soldiers freed 850 people from captivity.

November 26, during the battle, a battery with the participation of a 24-year-old Kazakh Karsybaya Spataeva repulsed the attack of the enemy from three sides. At the moment when the tank that broke through began to threaten the Soviet soldiers, Spataev, with a mine in his hands, rushed under it and this decided the outcome of the battle. In memory of the hero, his native village of Koktobe was renamed Spataevo.

Dec 16 19 year old Vasily Prokatov, who had only managed to finish 9 classes before the war, during the regiment’s attempt to overcome the Don, he climbed to a height along a sheer icy rock and closed the embrasure of the enemy’s bunker. Thus, he gave his brother-soldiers the opportunity to cross the Don without loss and take a bridgehead. At the place of the feat, near the village of Derezovka, there is a monument to him.

From November 10 to December 17, during the battles for Stalingrad, a sniper Vasily Zaitsev destroyed 225 soldiers of the enemy army, including 11 snipers. “For us, the soldiers and commanders of the 62nd Army, there is no land beyond the Volga. We have stood and will stand to the death!” - his words. He was seriously wounded in 1943 and went blind, but he lived for a long time - up to 76 years.

December 16-17 Regiment 29-year-old Nikolai Sergeev was on a mission to break through the enemy defenses in the area of ​​the Astakhov farm. Sergeev's tank was knocked out, the soldier with burnt legs moved into another and went on a new attack. They tried to destroy the armored car again - the crew fought until the tank exploded.

December 19 24-year-old Saratov Ilya Kaplunov, remaining the only survivor due to an enemy attack, entered into an unequal duel on his tank and knocked out five enemy ones. In this battle, his leg was first torn off, then his arm, but, bleeding, he continued to destroy the enemy. Single-handedly knocked out 9 tanks.

December 24, at night, the tank corps of the 47-year-old Vasily Badanov defeated the German airfield, destroying a large number of enemy aircraft. The Nazi troops lost their support, and this hastened their surrender.

January 7, 1943 in the battle for Zimovniki senior sergeant Nikolai Markov on the T-34 tank went to ram a fascist tank. According to the memoirs of Markov himself: “At full speed, I hit him in the side and immediately lost consciousness. When I woke up, I saw that the “German” had tilted, the caterpillar had spread along the ground. Not immediately, but our engine started. My head was buzzing, my left hand did not work, it turned out to be broken ... We stepped back, we see - the Nazis are jumping out of a wrecked tank. The commander mowed down all of them with a machine gun. The German tank attack bogged down ... "

January 13, 18-year-old junior sergeant Nikolai Serdyukov, a former locksmith of the Barrikady plant, approached the German bunkers with two privates - they threw the last grenades into one of the bunkers and were killed. After Serdyukov alone closed the remaining bunker.

Jan 21 19 year old Alexey Naumov as part of the KV crew, in 5 hours of active combat, he destroyed 5 German tanks, 5 bunkers, 19 guns and mortars, 15 machine-gun points, 24 vehicles with infantry, as well as about a hundred soldiers and officers. When Naumov's tank was surrounded and attacked, the crew fought to the last bullet. As a result, the Germans set fire to the tank - dying, Naumov's team sang "The Internationale" ...

January 22 19-year-old sniper Maxim Passar gave his life, from 100 meters destroying the calculations of enemy heavy machine guns, and thereby ensured the successful outcome of his attack. In total, by this date, he had 272 fascists on his account. He received the posthumous title of Hero of Russia only in 2010 after the appeal of his countrymen.


The Battle of Stalingrad came to an end on February 2, 1943 at 16:00 - the battles that lasted 200 days ended. The Soviet Union defeated the enemy army - it had no choice but to retreat. The outcome of the battle for Stalingrad was important for the entire Great Patriotic War: the world learned how strong the USSR was and that it was possible to defeat Germany. The Germans themselves had to change their tactics. But this, as we know, did not help them in the future.

Heroes of Stalingrad

Dear friends!

February 2 is one of Days of military glory of RussiaOn the day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943. The site "Notepad Volgograd" publishes stories about Heroes of the Soviet Union, famous in the battles for Stalingrad. I offer you several such materials on the events, participants and Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad,not only to people, but also to animals (suicide dogs).

Remember! We burned our eyes

breath of black blizzard.

An arrogant cloud came at us

ruthless enemies.

And then Stalingrad swore an oath,

meeting war days.

And the words became bronze

so they said!

We have grown into these stones.

We swear to die! For us

there is no land beyond the Volga! .. "

Outstanding shooter Vasily Zaitsev

Vasily Zaitsev - the legendary sniper of the Great Patriotic War. Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev was born on March 23, 1915 in the village of Elinka, Orenburg province.

Sniper of the 62nd Army of the Stalingrad Front, Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Battle of Stalingrad, he killed 225 German soldiers and officers, including 11 snipers. It is Vasily Zaitsev who belongs legendary words spoken in the midst of the Battle of Stalingrad: "There is no land for us beyond the Volga, we have stood and will stand to the death!"

In the war, his grandfather's advice came in handy.

The legendary sniper later admitted that one of the main qualities of a sniper is the ability to disguise himself and be invisible, a must for any good hunter. He chose the best positions and skillfully masked them, the enemy did not even guess where the sniper could hide. The famous sniper beat the enemy mercilessly.

Once Zaitsev from a distance of 800 meters from the window destroyed three enemy soldiers. As a reward, Zaitsev together with the medal "For Courage" received a sniper rifle. But by that time, he had already managed to destroy 32 enemy soldiers with a simple 3-line rifle. Vasily made dolls that he passed off as a sniper as soon as the enemy started shooting. Vasily began to patiently wait for his appearance from hiding and destroyed the enemy.

Vasily Zaitsev wrote two textbooks for snipers. Zaitsev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. After being wounded, when he almost lost his sight, Zaitsev returned to the front again and met Pobeda with the rank of captain.

"Devil" shooter Maxim Passar

For a well-aimed sniper, the Nazis issued personal leaflets with a proposal to surrender.He was feared and respected. And it's not smart. Maxim is a Nanai, and his amazing accuracy is built into his genes. Passar is translated from the Nanai language as "a sharp eye".

Maxim went to the front from the village of Nizhny Katar in the Far East Territory, now it is the Nanai District of the Khabarovsk Territory. Quickly and without difficulty, he went through a shooting training school: before the war, the “dead eye” was a hunter.

AT July 1942, at the very beginning of the battle for Stalingrad, Passar was transferred to the 117th Infantry Regiment of the 23rd Infantry Division as part of the 21st Army of the Stalingrad Front and the 65th Army of the Don Front.

This is one of the most famous snipers of the Battle of Stalingrad. He destroyed more than two hundred enemy soldiers and officers. On the Germans, the "dead eye" was terrified and fearful. Personally for Passar, the Nazis issued leaflets with a proposal to surrender, the German command appointed a reward of 100 thousand Reichsmarks for his head, and among themselves he was called "the devil from the devil's nest."

The Battle of Stalingrad cost the brave Nanais his life. Before winning the battle, he did not live only 10 days. January 22, 1943 in a battle near the village of Peschanka, Gorodishchensky district, Stalingrad region, to help the offensive of the regiment's units, Maxim secretly approached the enemy at a distance of 100 meters. He destroyed the crews of two heavy machine guns, which decided the outcome of the attack, but was mortally wounded. Continuing to fight for his life, Passar killed two German snipers.

He was buried in a mass grave on the Square of the Fallen Fighters of the workers' settlement Gorodishche, Volgograd Region. He was twice assigned to the award, received two Orders of the Red Banner, and in In 2010, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he posthumously became a Hero of Russia.

13-year-old scout Lucy Radyno

On February 2, thanks to the inhuman will to win and the heroism of the soldiers near the walls of Stalingrad, the Nazi troops were defeated. But not only the military performed feats.

Even children were ready to give their lives for a peaceful sky above their heads., for the sake of a clear sun, for the sake of the lives of others. 200 days and nights forever entered the history of World War II. In Volgograd, every day of the Battle of Stalingrad is immortalized - that is how many steps lead from the foot of the Mamaev Kurgan to its top.

Lusya Radyno is one of the most famous scout girls of the Great Patriotic War.

She was evacuated to Stalingrad at the age of 12 from besieged Leningrad. She ended up in a children's reception room, where an officer once looked. In the ranks of the Red Army there was a set of scout children. Lucy volunteered among the first volunteers.

The teenage girl was sent to an intelligence school, where she received training. Lucy was assigned the task of obtaining intelligence, and also briefed in case of a meeting with the Germans.

And here is the first exit behind enemy lines ... Lucy immediately caught the eye of the Germans. The girl said that she goes to the fields, where she grows vegetables with other children so as not to die of hunger. The Nazis believed the teenager, but they didn’t let him go further - they sent him to the kitchen to peel potatoes.

Any child in such a situation could be confused, but not Lucy. The girl figured out how to conduct intelligence activities. She counted every potato she peeled and then ran away. This data helped Soviet officers calculate the approximate number of enemy soldiers.

In total, Lusya Radyno made 7 reconnaissance sorties and never made a single mistake. After that, the command decided not to let Lucy behind enemy lines anymore, as it became dangerous. She was awarded medals "For Courage" and "For the Defense of Stalingrad".

Lyudmila Vladimirovna Beschastnova (Radyno)

After the war, the girl returned to Leningrad, graduated from the institute, started a family, worked at school for many years, taught elementary school children at Grodno school No. 17. The students knew her as Lyudmila Vladimirovna Beschastnova.

20-year-old medical instructor Natalya Kachuevskaya

Natalya Aleksandrovna Kachuevskaya (Spirova)- medical instructor of the 105th Guards Rifle Regiment (34th Guards Rifle Division, 28th Army, Stalingrad Front), Red Army soldier, Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Natalya Kachuevskaya was born in 1922 in Moscow, graduated from school with honors and entered the acting department of GITIS.

AT In 1942, Natalia graduated from the courses of snipers and nurses. She was sent to the medical battalion of the airborne brigade. In August 1942, the brigade was transformed into a rifle division and sent to the southern sector of the Stalingrad Front. Before the start of the counteroffensive, Natasha asked to be sent to the front line - became a medical instructor of the 105th Guards Rifle Regiment.

On November 19, near the village of Khukhuta in Kalmykia, she carried 70 fighters and commanders from the battlefield. The next day, Natasha stayed with a large group of wounded placed in the dugout, assisting them and waiting for transport to send them to the medical battalion. When a group of Nazi submachine gunners entered the dugout, Natasha accepted the fight. Hiding away from the wounded, diverting attention to herself, she killed several Nazis with machine gun fire, but she herself was mortally wounded. At that moment, when the Nazis came close to her, she blew herself up and the enemies surrounding her with grenades. The wounded were taken to the hospital by the soldiers of the neighboring company who came to the rescue.

Natalya Kachuevskaya was buried at the place of death on a high-rise with a mark "33". Natalya Kachuevskaya was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation in 1997 for her courage and heroism in the fight against the Nazi invaders.

In 1972, a minor planet No. 2015 was discovered, Soviet scientists named it Kachuevskaya. In cities Moscow, Volgograd and Astrakhan have streets named after her.. In the hero-city of Volgograd, in the Pantheon of Memory and Sorrow on the Mamaev Kurgan, on the Board of Heroes, the name of N. A. Kachuevskaya is also inscribed.

Natalya Kachuevskaya was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for her military exploits in the Battle of Stalingrad.

Sergeant Yakov Pavlov

Yakov Pavlov is one of the most famous heroes of Stalingrad.

Pavlov Yakov Fedotovich - commander of the machine-gun squad of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 13th Guards Rifle Division of the 62nd Army of the Don Front, Guards Senior Sergeant.

In the Red Army since 1938. During the Great Patriotic War, in which he took part from June 1941, Pavlov was the commander of the machine-gun squad, the gunner and the commander of the reconnaissance squad; participated in the battles on the South-Western, Don, Stalingrad, 3rd Ukrainian and 2nd Belorussian fronts, having passed the combat path from Stalingrad to the Elbe.

In the evening September 27, 1942 he received the task of the company commander Lieutenant Naumov scout the situation in a 4-storey building in the center of Stalingrad, which had an important tactical position. This house went down in the history of the Battle of Stalingrad as "Pavlov's House".

With three fighters, Yakov managed to drive the Germans out of the building and capture it. Soon the group received reinforcements, ammunition and a telephone line. The Nazis continuously attacked the building, tried to smash it with artillery and air bombs. Skillfully maneuvering the forces of a small "garrison", Pavlov avoided heavy losses and in for 58 days and nights he defended the house, not allowing the enemy to break through to the Volga.

It was believed that Pavlov's house was defended by 24 heroes of nine nationalities. 25th - Kalmyk Goryu Badmaevich Khokholov- "forgotten", he was struck off the list after the deportation of the Kalmyks. Only after the war and rehabilitation did he receive his military awards. His name as one of the defenders of the Pavlov House was restored only 62 years later. Sergeant Yakov Pavlov was the only one who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the defense of the house.

28th Suicide Dog Squad

Now it seems wild, but then, in 1942, it was a necessity.

Pilots sent their planes to enemy positions and died, soldiers lay down on the embrasure to help their comrades get out at the cost of their own lives, children went to scouts, and dogs ... Dogs blew up tanks. But if people made their choice consciously, then no one asked the animals. Four-legged fighters did not receive titles and orders, but made a huge contribution to the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad.

When the situation in Stalingrad became critical: the enemy was advancing, and the Red Army was retreating, when the number of deaths among soldiers and civilians grew every day, the command made a decision - use to undermine the tanks of dogs.

Anti-tank dogs were specially trained. They were even taught to eat under a tank so that the animals would not be afraid of the combat vehicles under which they were destined to die. In Stalingrad, the 28th separate detachment of tank destroyer dogs was created from such dogs as part of the 10th division of the NKVD.

Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad is a Great Battle in which two great armies clashed. This is a battle that claimed more than two million lives. The Germans considered Stalingrad hell on Earth. Soviet newspapers wrote that one German soldier per second perished in this city. It was the Battle of Stalingrad that became the turning point in the Great Patriotic War and, without a doubt, became the personification of the feat of the Red Army.

The Nazis, justifying the failures of their troops, said that Stalingrad was allegedly surrounded by powerful fortifications. Boris Polevoy, exposing the Germans, wrote: “A huge city stands in the bare steppe, open from all sides, and the fact that the Germans, despite desperate attempts, have still not been able to take it, is explained not by a mythical wall, but by courage and wonderful courage his defenders."

The purpose of our work : to tell about the most outstanding heroes of the Soviet army who accomplished a feat during the Battle of Stalingrad, and, thereby, pay tribute to their memory.

The aim of our research: study the necessary historical materials in order to consider the military exploits of the heroes of Stalingrad.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that many people know about the Battle of Stalingrad, but few know about the heroes, thanks to whom this victory was accomplished.

The feat of Nikolai Serdyukov

Nikolai Filippovich Serdyukov was born in 1924 in the village. Goncharovka, Oktyabrsky district, Volgograd region. In June 1941 he entered the Stalingrad school. In August 1942 he was drafted into the army, and on January 13, 1943 he accomplished his feat, which made his name immortal..

These were the days when Soviet troops destroyed enemy units surrounded near Stalingrad. The division conducted an offensive in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Karpovka, Stary Rogachik (35-40 km west of Stalingrad). At the agreed time, the Soviet troops rushed to the attack, but machine-gun fire from three enemy pillboxes that survived after our artillery preparation forced the fighters to lie down in the snow. The attack had to be stopped. It was necessary to stop the enemy. Lieutenant V. M. Osipov and junior lieutenant A. S. Belykh undertook this task. They threw grenades. The dots were silent. But two commanders, two communists, two guardsmen remained forever lying on the snow. When the Soviet soldiers went on the attack, the third pillbox spoke. Komsomol member N. Serdyukov turned to the company commander: "Allow me, comrade lieutenant."
Having received permission from the commander, Serdyukov crawled to the third pillbox under a hail of bullets. He threw one, two grenades, but they did not reach the goal. In full view of the guards, rising to his full height, he rushed to the embrasure of the pillbox. The machine gun of the enemy fell silent, the guardsmen rushed at the enemy. The name of the 18-year-old hero of Stalingrad is the name of the street, the school where he studied. His name is entered forever in the lists of personnel of one of the divisions of the Volgograd garrison.

The feat of the defenders of Pavlov's House

On the square. V. I. Lenin is a mass grave. On the commemorative plate it is written: "The soldiers of the 13th Guards Order of Lenin Rifle Division and the 10th Division of the NKVD troops, who died in the battles for Stalingrad, are buried here." The 13th Guards Rifle Division, commanded by the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General A. I. Rodimtsev, held the defense in this area. The task was set before the guards: to turn each trench into a stronghold, each house into an impregnable fortress. Pavlov's House became such an impregnable fortress on this square.

The garrison of the "Pavlov's House" consisted of 24 people. The soldiers adapted the house for all-round defense. Firing points were taken out of it, underground passages of communication were made to them. Sappers from the side of the square mined the approaches to the house, placing anti-tank, anti-personnel mines. The skillful organization of the defense of the house and the heroism of the soldiers allowed the small garrison to successfully repel enemy attacks for 58 days. The newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda wrote on October 1, 1942: “Every day, the guards take on 12-15 attacks of enemy tanks and infantry, supported by aircraft and artillery. And they always repel the onslaught of the enemy to the last opportunity, covering the earth with new tens and hundreds of fascist corpses. The struggle for the "Pavlov's House" is one of the many examples of the heroism of the Soviet people during the days of the battle for the city.

Alexandra Maksimovna Cherkasova

Another name is connected with the history of Pavlov's House, the name of a simple Russian woman, whom many now call the “dear woman of Russia”, Alexandra Maksimovna Cherkasova. It was she, a kindergarten worker, who in the spring of 1943, after work, brought here the same soldiers' wives as herself, in order to sort out the ruins and breathe life into this building. In 1948, there were 80 thousand people in the Cherkasov brigades. From 1943 to 1952 they worked for free in their free time 20 million hours. The name of A. I. Cherkasova and all members of her team is listed in the Honorary Book of the city.

Feat of Ivan Naumov.

Ivan Ivanovich Naumov was born in 1911 in the Pallasovsky district, in a working class family. Voluntarily went to the front. He was the commander of a rifle company.

On the night of November 24-25, 1942, the 7th company, along with other units of the regiment, went on the offensive. Guards Senior Lieutenant Naumov, with a grenade in his hands, rushed at the enemy with a cry of “Hurrah! Behind me!" The guards, carried away by the commander, rose in a single impulse. The blow was swift and irresistible. The Nazis ran. In this battle, Senior Lieutenant Naumov died.

The feat of Michael Panikakha

Panikakha Mikhail Averyanovich. Born in 1918 in the village of Mogilev, now Tsarichansky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, in a peasant family. Ukrainian. Primary education. He worked on a collective farm. In the Red Army since 1939. Participated in the battles of the Great Patriotic War since March 1942.
On the night of September 28, 1942, the artillery of the 62nd Army fired on Mamaev Kurgan, preventing the enemy from gaining a foothold on it. Several enemy vehicles were moving to the trench, in which the sailor Mikhail Panikakha was located. By this time, Panikaha had already used up all his grenades. He had only 2 bottles of combustible mixture left. He leaned out of the trench and swung, aiming the bottle at the nearest tank. The bullet shattered a bottle held over his head. The warrior flared up like a living torch. Pain did not disturb his consciousness. He grabbed 2 bottles. The tank was nearby. And everyone saw how the burning man jumped out of the trench, ran up close to the fascist tank and hit the grating of the engine hatch with a bottle.

The feat of signalmen

Private signalman of the 308th Infantry Division Matvey Putilov, when communication stopped on Mamaev Kurgan at the most intense moment of the battle, went to eliminate the wire break. When restoring a damaged communication line, both hands were crushed by fragments of a mine. Losing consciousness, he tightly clamped the ends of the wire between his teeth. Communication has been restored. For this feat, Matvey was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree.
A similar feat was accomplished by Vasily Titaev. During the next attack on Mamaev Kurgan, the connection was cut off. He went to fix it. In the conditions of the most difficult battle, this seemed impossible, but the connection worked. Titaev did not return from the mission. After the battle, he was found dead with the ends of the wire clamped between his teeth.

The feat of Vasily Zaitsev.

He was born on March 23, 1915 in the village of Elino, now the Agapovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, in a peasant family. Russian. He graduated from the construction college in Magnitogorsk. Graduated from the Military Economic School. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War since September 1942. From a simple "three-ruler" Zaitsev killed 32 Nazis. In the period from November 10 to December 17, 1942, in the battles for Stalingrad, he destroyed 225 soldiers and officers, including 11 snipers. He taught sniper business to fighters and commanders, trained 28 snipers. In January 1943, Zaitsev was seriously wounded. His eyesight was saved by Professor Filatov in a Moscow hospital.

The feat of Guli Koroleva.

Gulya Koroleva was born in Moscow on September 9, 1922, in the family of the director, V.D. Koroleva and actresses Z. M. Metlina. She volunteered for the front. November 23, 1942 during a fierce battle for a height of 56.8 about x. Panshino provided assistance and carried 50 seriously wounded fighters and commanders with weapons from the battlefield. By the end of the day, when there were few fighters left in the ranks, she and a group of Red Army men went on the attack to the heights. Under bullets, the first one broke into the enemy's trenches and destroyed 15 people with grenades. Mortally wounded, she continued to wage an unequal battle until the weapon fell out of her hands.

In the sky of Stalingrad, the Tatar Amet-khan-Sultan fought fearlessly. He shot down 11 vultures personally and 19 in group fights.

Artilleryman Ukrainian V. Ya. Boltenko, left alone at the gun, boldly entered into single combat with 15 enemy tanks and defeated them.

The medical staff acted selflessly. Nurse Anna Besschastnova carried hundreds of wounded from the battlefield. Her feat is immortalized on the canvas of the panorama. In the illustrious division of Colonel L. N. Gurtiev, nurses A. Egorova, L. Barlina, L. Novikova and others saved the lives of hundreds of soldiers and commanders. So, L. Barlina carried 92 wounded from the battlefield.

Outstanding commanders of the Battle of Stalingrad are:

N.N.Voronov (, , - , ,

The defense of Stalingrad is not just a chapter in the book of the history of the Patriotic War, but a separate book that brings together the exploits of hundreds of thousands of people who stood up to defend the city. There were so many feats and heroic deeds committed not only by the soldiers of the Soviet Army, but also by members of the militia, railway workers, policemen and even service dogs during the battles on the banks of the Volga that not all of them are heard, but they deserve so that the younger generation knows about them and is proud of them.

NKVD on the defense of Stalingrad
As General Paulus wrote in his diary in 1942, the losses of the Germans grew with each step they took towards Stalingrad, and the offensive impulse became weaker. However, with all this, the enemy was very strong, and for this reason, additional resources were required to defend Stalingrad, which was the 10th Infantry Stalingrad Division of the Order of Lenin, which belonged to the internal troops of the NKVD.

The above unit was created in the winter of 1942. It was believed that the detachments formed from representatives of the NKVD were the last reserve sent to the most difficult sectors of the front.

The division initially consisted of five rifle regiments, later several railway units and a detachment of tank destroyer dogs were attached to them. The main task of the soldiers of the NKVD unit was to identify saboteurs, traitors, spies, but at the beginning of the attack on the city, their forces were also thrown into an open fight against the enemy.

Enemy offensive
T it was the same with the 269th infantry regiment of the NKVD, whose task was to maintain order. On account of this unit, only in August 1942, there were more than two and a half thousand detained violators and traitors, including more than one and a half thousand military and about a thousand civilians. However, when the Germans approached, the regiment stood shoulder to shoulder with others to defend the city.

The offensive began on 7 September. Following the clearing of territories by artillery shelling, the enemy sent infantry to attack. The attackers were so strong that the 112th Infantry Division was unable to repel the pressure and began to retreat towards the city.

Seeing that the unacceptable was happening, the soldiers of the 1st and 2nd battalions of the NKVD regiment, despite the bombs and machine-gun bursts bursting around, stood in the way of the fleeing soldiers, creating a wall. These actions made it possible to stop the soldiers who decided to retreat and gather them into combat-ready detachments, numbering more than a thousand people.

According to its main activity, the 272nd rifle regiment of the NKVD VV, only in the period from August 28 to September 7, was able to detain about two thousand people. The regiment took part in hostilities on September 3rd. On this day, German submachine gunners managed to penetrate into the command post of the regiment. By order of the battalion commissar I.M. Shcherbina were raised by the staff of the headquarters, the commissar personally killed three German soldiers hand-to-hand. The surviving attackers fled.

For the next six days, the regiment repeatedly changed tactics to counterattack. During an attempt to capture 146.1 heights, the enemy machine gun did not stop firing, preventing the Soviet soldiers from going on the offensive. The situation was changed by Aleksey Vashchenko, who resolutely closed the embrasure of the firing point with his body. This happened a year before a similar feat was accomplished by Alexander Matrosov.

On September 19, the leadership of the regiment passed to Shcherbina, since the entire leadership fell. He understood that the regiment would not be able to hold positions for a long time and wrote a note in which he noted the heroism of his fighters, asked to take care of his family and expressed regret that he could not destroy more Germans, of whom there were 85 people on his account.

Another example of a hero from the headquarters staff is Sukhorukov, who served as a political clerk in the 271st regiment of the NKVD. Sukhorukov killed 9 Germans, 6 with a machine gun and 3 with the butt of a weapon during hand-to-hand combat. In total, during the battles for Stalingrad in September, 17 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed by a state security sergeant.

Railway workers stand up for Stalingrad
In September 1942, the 84th separate reconstruction traveling battalion was attached to the NKVD regiment. The unit was commanded by Major P.M. Shein.

The most difficult battle for the unit took place at the railway bridge over the river Tsaritsa. The railroad held back the enemy's advance for ten days, destroying three enemy armored personnel carriers. The Germans responded with air strikes and began to attack. Despite heavy losses, the railroad held back the onslaught until September 15, when General Rodimtsev's 13th Guards Division came to the rescue.

For courage and heroism shown in this battle, the entire composition of the 84th battalion was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad", and Shein was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and the Order of Lenin.

The most terrible enemy of German tankers
In the 282nd rifle regiment of the 10th division of the NKVD, there was also the 28th separate SIT detachment, consisting of two hundred people and the same number of trained dogs under the command of A.S. Kunin.

For German tankers, dogs were the most terrible weapon. The animals were placed in places where enemy tanks were expected. Behind the dog handlers were artillerymen, who, when the enemy appeared, had to open fire and cover the advance of the dogs. TNT was fixed on the backs of the dogs. The Germans knew that if a shell exploded near the tank, then the crew would have the opportunity to escape, and if the tank was blown up by a dog, then there was no chance.

On September 15, six tanks were blown up by dogs with their guides, more than 30 enemy submachine gunners were destroyed.

In total, in September, the number of tanks destroyed by SIT amounted to 32 units, more than a hundred German machine gunners were also neutralized. The detachment itself also thinned out, in which at the beginning of October there were only fifty-four people and the same number of dogs. Kunin was awarded the Order of the Red Star, and the feat of the SIT detachment was immortalized with a memorial to "Fascist Tank Destroyers, Demolition Service Dogs of the 10th NKVD Rifle Division."

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