Glamorous blonde and multimillionaires. The mysterious past of Lena Lenina Former press secretary of Lena Lenina told the whole truth about her


The biography of the outrageous writer Lena Lenina has many dark spots that should have been shed light for a long time. We conducted our own investigation and found out the true age of the star, her place of birth and study, and also traced the entire thorny path to the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival.

Making material about ambitious provincial women who have achieved success and become stars in Moscow, they were going to give a special place in the article to the outrageous writer, businesswoman, model, actress, organizer of social events and owner of the Network of Manicure Studios Lena Lenina, but they faced a big problem: all sources of information, including Wikipedia, differed in their testimony about the date of birth of the famous blonde. Everywhere the 70s and 80s are indicated, only with a specific year - complete confusion. Excessively caustic sources managed to make an almost 50-year-old lady out of a young woman, apparently confusing her with someone, because when you look at Lena, it becomes obvious that she is much younger.
To find out the truth about the age of the writer, we contacted the main socialite of the capital and a frequent guest of all more or less large parties, occasionally singing on the stage. Contrary to custom, this time he asked not to mention his name in the article in order to take a walk more than once and have a tasty meal at Lenina's next event. Our source, according to him, saw Lena's passport, which indicates the date - October 25, 1979, that is, it turns out that the businesswoman is now 34 and soon all secular Moscow will gather to celebrate her birthday.

It is interesting that many sites were mistaken about the birthplace of the beauty, calling Novosibirsk the birthplace of Lena. In fact, she was born in Omsk, her maiden name is Razumova, and in Novosibirsk she worked at her own enterprise, where she earned her first million. The next stage in her life was Paris, where most of the time the model lives with her husband and son.
The assertions of some publications that Lenina studied to be a geologist evoke a smile. In fact, the writer was educated in the psychology of advertising in Paris. And there she defended the equivalent of her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Etiology of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Psychological Manipulation of Sexual Partners in the Information Society." You can believe it or not, but the same friend of hers claims that, even without education, at the age of 17, an enterprising girl, who had a flair and a business streak since childhood, created her own TV advertising company Helen-Video in Novosibirsk and a few years later earned her first million, which helped her settle comfortably in Paris. The same information was confirmed to us by another friend of Lena, a well-known producer in narrow circles, who is convinced that the writer will be able to benefit even from thin air. He also recalled that many billionaires showed their ability to multiply capital from an early age, because this skill is not taught at universities - this is a gift and great luck.
However, this is too much like a fairy tale, so we contacted Lena Lenina herself, around whom there are so many myths and mysteries, and found out how she managed to become a star in Europe and a welcome guest on the red carpet of Cannes. “I often get invited to the Cannes Film Festival. Either fashion or jewelry brands, or the organizers of the festival. And every time I manage to excite the pompous editors of Western magazines with some innocent joke in the image. I like to flick them on the nose,” the writer admitted with a laugh, referring to her outstanding size and shape of her hair. “Fortunately, some of them share my sense of humor and are not serious hypocrites. Last year, my high haircut caused a flurry of discussions in the press - in the Russian-language Internet space alone, more than 100 thousand critical or praising materials appeared in a month. Ours dubbed the hairstyle “torpedo melon”, French journalists - “medical candle”, but no one knows what was inside, in fact, was just an inflated contraceptive with the smell of strawberries. New, of course."

In May of this year, Lena made a splash with her outfit with "huge Christmas tree decorations" - that's what Internet commentators called the star's beads from large balls. “A gigantic silver choker that dangled below the knees, in great contrast to the traditional and conservative jewelry of the sponsors of the festival, received special attention, making it to the headlines of the world's leading press,” the artist proudly recalls. - I didn’t even know that my name would be written without errors on the covers of such publications as Mirror, Telegraph or NYDaily ... In general, the Cannes Film Festival is like the Olympics for show business, and participation in its opening ceremony is like a gold medal. So I am a multiple Cannes champion.”

Lena has long proved that it is not for nothing that she is called the queen of outrageousness - in terms of extravagant images, her imagination does not dry out. The model can easily put a chandelier on her head, dye a live cat pink, weave a poisonous spider into her hair and go out with a naked slave on a chain. “I work with world champions in hairdressing, and with their help I manage to realize all my wildest fantasies. This is art. Modern. Has anyone asked Picasso why he does this? Epatage is also an art. Walking the line between shocking and admiring is a virtuoso skill. Everyone who takes my humor too literally is just happy people who have so few problems that discussing my actions becomes an event for them, and I envy their problems, ”Lenina reasoned.

It is obvious that Europeans enthusiastically accept individuals who creatively and originally approach their own image. Suffice it to recall the triumph of Conchita Wurst. The more unusual the appearance, the greater the chance of success in the same France. Often successful people in business and public life do not have time for their personal lives, but not Lena. She is happily married and lives in Paris with her husband and son, whom little is known about. Around the wife of Lenina - Count Pascal Florent-Eduard - there are also many myths. People who are not indifferent to the work of the writer are at a loss as to who he works and why he does not come to Moscow with his son.

“When they ask me about my personal life, I rear up and vividly imagine how a journalist opens my abdominal cavity, takes out my intestines and starts winding them around my fist. Pascal is really an aristocrat and an entrepreneur, he has a timber processing plant, and he trades in forests. He doesn’t come to Moscow because he was offended by the Russian embassy, ​​where he was rude, and he no longer wants to make visas to us, - Lena explained the unwillingness of the count to appear in Moscow . - Yes, and he has no time to travel, he has a lot of work. My son also has no time to travel, he studies at a French school and promised to become a millionaire and give his mother a pink Ferrari. What is his name, I try not to say, because in our family I'm the only one who loves journalists."

However, even with all the writer's love for journalists, she has a serious reason to be offended by them. Reporters often accuse Lena of using literary slaves. Even the Wikipedia website authoritatively claims that the model does not write her many novels herself, but does not say where these suspicions came from. Wikipedia is often wrong. She claims that I was born four times, which is physiologically impossible. In terms of literature, I recently published my 23rd non-fiction book Business Lunches at Bristol, or Secrets of Business Success. And also at the same time presented to the public her next audio book, published by the publishing house "Ardis", this time the novel, "Billionaire", about the adventures of a Russian oligarch on the Cote d'Azur of France, replete with luxury, intrigue, yachts, planes, drugs, murders and diamonds in oysters. As a child, I did not plan to become a writer, I thought I would remain a reader, and I was in a hurry to do more in this direction. Mom scolded me when, after lights out, she caught me with a flashlight under the covers, but I mastered Schopenhauer, Montaigne, Seneca and Chesterfield before my peers learned to kiss. Apparently, the amount of what you read once necessarily turns into quality, that is, into the desire to write. But in my case, the reason for writing the first book was a check with a round sum from a French publisher who sincerely believed that I was a KGB agent. In this regard, I had to disappoint him, but the book was such a success that Russian publishing houses also paid attention to me, and since then my Lenin library has been able to compete in the number of volumes with Vladimirilyichevskaya. By the way, despite the numerous slanderous attacks of well-wishers, I write myself. This can be judged by any linguist who listens to my speech and, thanks to the characteristic phraseological turns, makes sure that I love words, "- fought off the attacks of Lenin's slanderers.

Since the conversation turned to secrets, we asked the model to reveal the secret of her perfect figure as a bonus. “I lead a boringly healthy lifestyle: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t use drugs and I haven’t even tried either one or the other or the third. I don't eat meat, I don't drink stakes, I don't take medication, and I work out regularly on the gym. I have a lot of work, and she is very nervous, so I burn calories easily, although I eat a lot of sweets and fruits. I get enough sleep and do it with my loved ones. As for the ideal figure, it is unlikely that you, who have seen me in life, will be believed by readers who look at me through the prism of television and photographic lenses, which a priori visually fill ten kilograms. But thanks for the kind word, ”Lena is modest.
Finally, we asked this strong woman about her possible phobias. “The biggest fear, from which I still have a fever at night, I experienced in childhood. I was seven years old, and my family and I were visiting my uncle in the country. My uncle loved to craft. In one of the rooms of his country house, he built, to the envy of all his neighbors, a multi-level deep cellar - about five meters - for storing vegetables, pickles and jams. One fine afternoon, not knowing that my uncle had opened the cellar and was rummaging around on one of its floors, I ran into the room. An eight-month-old nephew lay on the bed and sniffed sweetly. I reached out to him to pull the blanket that had slipped off him and, having only managed to grab him by the edge, flew at full speed into the open cellar down, - Lenina recalls with horror. - But the cellar not only did not cellar me, but even by some lucky chance did not hurt me. I was pulled out alive and unharmed in a state of shock from fear. From fear that I could take an innocent baby with me into the “flight”. But I didn't cry. I laughed uncontrollably in shock. Mom said it was a nervous reaction. And she is still convinced that a miracle happened and the guardian angel saved me from death. But each time, recalling this episode in a dream or in reality, I am seized by a terrible horror at the thought that I could drag a baby along with me into the abyss.

Lenin paid bonuses of 100 thousand rubles to the killers and called the Russians "assholes."

In Russia, there are about 1800 monuments to Lenin and up to twenty thousand busts. More than five thousand streets bear the name of revolutionary No. 1. In many cities, sculptures of Vladimir Ilyich rise in the central squares. Although, if we knew the whole truth about the great leader, these monuments would have ended up in a landfill long ago.

Anatoly Latyshev is a well-known Leninist historian. Throughout his life he has been engaged in the biography of Ilyich. Recently, he managed to get documents from the secret fund of Lenin and the closed archives of the KGB.

- Anatoly Grigorievich, how did you manage to get into the secret funds?

- It happened after the August events of 1991. I was given a special pass to get acquainted with secret documents about Lenin. The authorities thought to find the cause of the coup in the past. From morning to evening I sat in the archives, and my hair stood on end. After all, I always believed in Lenin, but after the first thirty documents I read, I was simply shocked.

- What exactly?

- Lenin from Switzerland in 1905 urged the youth in St. Petersburg to pour acid on the policemen in the crowd, pour boiling water on the soldiers from the upper floors, use nails to maim horses, throw "hand bombs" on the streets. As head of the Soviet government, Lenin sent his orders around the country. A paper came to Nizhny Novgorod with the following content: "Introduce mass terror, shoot and take out hundreds of prostitutes who solder soldiers, former officers ... Not a minute of delay." And how do you like Lenin's order to Saratov: "Shoot conspirators and waverers, without asking anyone and without allowing idiotic red tape"?

- They say that Vladimir Ilyich did not like the Russian people at all?

- Lenin's Russophobia is little studied today. All this comes from childhood. He did not have a drop of Russian blood in his family. His mother was a German with an admixture of Swedish and Jewish blood. Father is half Kalmyk, half Chuvash. Lenin was brought up in the spirit of German accuracy and discipline. His mother constantly told him “Russian Oblomovism, learn from the Germans”, “Russian fool”, “Russian idiots”. By the way, in his messages, Lenin spoke of the Russian people only in a derogatory manner. Once, the leader ordered the plenipotentiary Soviet representative in Switzerland: “Give the Russian fools a job: send clippings here, not random numbers (as these idiots have done until now).”

- Are there letters in which Lenin wrote about the extermination of the Russian people?

- Among those terrible Leninist documents, there were especially tough orders for the destruction of compatriots. For example, “burn Baku completely, take hostages in the rear, put them in front of the advancing units of the Red Army, shoot them in the back, send red thugs to areas where the “greens” acted, hang them under the guise of “greens” (we will blame them later) officials, rich people, priests, kulaks, landowners. Pay the killers 100 thousand rubles…”. By the way, the money for the “secretly hanged man” (the first “Lenin Prizes”) turned out to be the only bonus in the country. And Lenin periodically sent telegrams to the Caucasus with the following content: “We will cut everyone.” Remember how Trotsky and Sverdlov destroyed the Russian Cossacks? Lenin then remained on the sidelines. An official telegram from the leader to Frunze has now been found regarding the "total extermination of the Cossacks." And this famous letter from Dzerzhinsky to the leader dated December 19, 1919 about about a million Cossacks held captive? Lenin then imposed a resolution on him: "Shoot every single one."

- Lenin could so easily give orders to shoot people?

- These are the notes of Lenin I managed to get: “I propose to appoint an investigation and shoot those responsible for rotozeystvo”; “Rakovsky demands a submarine. It is necessary to give two, appointing a responsible person, a sailor, laying on him and saying: we will shoot if you do not deliver soon ”; “Give Melnichansky (with my signature) a telegram that it was a shame to hesitate and not shoot for failure to appear.” And here is one of Lenin's letters to Stalin: "Threate to death that slut who, in charge of communications, does not know how to give you a good amplifier and achieve complete telephone communication with me." Lenin insisted on executions for "negligence" and "sluggishness." For example, on August 11, 1918, Lenin sent an instruction to the Bolsheviks in Penza: “to hang (by all means hang) so that the people can see” at least 100 wealthy peasants. For the execution of the execution, select "tougher people." At the end of 1917, when Lenin headed the government, he proposed to shoot every tenth parasite. And this is during a period of mass unemployment!

Did he also have a negative attitude towards Orthodoxy?

- The leader hated and smashed only the Russian Orthodox Church. So, on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, when it was impossible to work, Lenin issued an order dated December 25, 1919: “To put up with“ Nikola ”is stupid, you need to put all the checks on your feet in order to shoot those who did not come to work because of“ Nikola ”(t .e. missed the subbotnik when loading firewood into the wagons on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on December 19)”. At the same time, Lenin was very loyal to Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and even sectarians. In early 1918, he intended to ban Orthodoxy, replacing it with Catholicism.

- How did he fight Orthodoxy?

- For example, in Lenin's letter to Molotov for members of the Politburo dated March 19, 1922, Vladimir Ilyich insisted on the need to use the massive famine in the country to rob Orthodox churches, while shooting as many "reactionary clergy" as possible. Few people know about Lenin's document dated May 1, 1919 No. 13666/2, addressed to Dzerzhinsky. Here is its content: “... it is necessary to do away with priests and religion as soon as possible. Priests must be arrested as counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs, shot mercilessly and everywhere. And as much as possible. Churches are to be closed. The premises of the temples shall be sealed and turned into warehouses.”

- Anatoly Grigorievich, is it confirmed that Lenin had mental disorders?

“His behavior was more than strange. For example, Lenin often fell into depression, which could last for weeks. He could do nothing for a month, and then violent activity took possession of him. About this period, Krupskaya wrote: "Volodya fell into a rage ...". And he was completely devoid of a sense of humor.

Was Lenin's style rude enough?

- Berdyaev called him a genius of swearing. Here are a few lines from Lenin's letter to Stalin and Kamenev dated February 4, 1922: "We will always have time to take shit as experts." You can not "pull up the trash and bastards who do not want to submit reports ...". "Teach these assholes to answer seriously ...". In the margins of Rosa Luxemburg's articles, the leader made notes "idiot", "fool".

- They say that Stalin organized grandiose parties in the Kremlin during Lenin's lifetime?

- And repeatedly. In this connection, Lenin often called and scolded him. But most often Ilyich scolded Ordzhonikidze. He wrote notes to him: “Who did you drink and walk with today? Where are your women from? I don't like your behaviour. Moreover, Trotsky complains about you all the time. Ordzhonikidze was still that gulena! Stalin was more indifferent to women. Lenin reprimanded Iosif Vissarionovich for drinking a lot, to which Stalin replied: “I can’t live without wine without Georgians.”

By the way, did Ilyich like banquets?

- In feature films, they often show how the leader drinks carrot tea without sugar with a piece of black bread. But recently, documents have been discovered that testify to the leader's plentiful and luxurious feasts, about what a huge amount of black and red caviar, gourmet fish and other pickles were regularly supplied to the Kremlin nomenclature throughout the years of Lenin's reign. In the village of Zubalovo, on the orders of Ilyich, luxurious personal dachas were built in the conditions of the most severe famine in the country!

Did Lenin himself like to drink?

- Before the revolution, Ilyich drank a lot. During the years of emigration, he did not sit at the table without beer. Since 1921, he quit due to illness. Since then, I have not touched alcohol.

Is it true that Vladimir Ilyich loved animals?

- Hardly. Krupskaya wrote in her notes: “... the hysterical howl of a dog was heard. This Volodya, returning home, always teased the neighbor's dog ... ".

- Do you think Lenin loved Krupskaya?

- Lenin did not like Krupskaya, he valued her as an indispensable ally. When Vladimir Ilyich fell ill, he forbade Nadezhda Konstantinovna to come to him. She rolled on the floor and sobbed hysterically. These facts were described in the memoirs of Lenin's sisters. Many Leninists claim that Krupskaya was a virgin before Lenin. It is not true. Before her marriage to Vladimir Ilyich, she was already married.

- Today, probably, there is nothing unknown about Lenin?

- There is still a lot of unclassified, as Russian archivists are still hiding some data. So, in 2000, the collection “V.I. Lenin. Unknown Documents. Some of these documents produced banknotes. Prior to the release of this collection, our archives were selling falsified documents abroad. One American Sovietologist said that, having bought Lenin's works for his book from the leadership of the Russian archives, he then paid the publishers a fine of four thousand dollars, because Russian archivists removed some lines from Lenin's documents.

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The former press secretary of Lena Lenina told the whole truth about her

12.9.2013 10:50

Dismissed PR employees of the stars are often frank. So this year Lyubov Uspenskaya, Dana Borisova and Roza Sabitova suffered.

And recently, the famous socialite Lena Lenina fired her press secretary. We tracked down Svetlana, who turned out to be a very charming and beautiful brunette with a higher philological education, and asked why she was fired.

“I wasn’t fired, I left on my own. After four years of devoted and hard labor, according to Lenina, I allowed myself too much when I shared my impressions of Elena's new wife with my friends on my personal blog.

- And what did you say that was so seditious about him?

“I just told the truth that in fact, they hide his true state and he is much richer than they want to show. The fact is that Lenina wants to be considered a feminist and is afraid that someone will find out that she married a rich man. After all, then all her proclamations of women's independence and independence will be shattered to smithereens. And women will not buy her books on how to make millions on their own. Moreover, she always claimed that in Russia they love the poor, the humiliated and insulted more. So they came up with what they would tell reporters before the wedding that Pascal only had a timber processing plant in eastern France. And I wrote to my girlfriends that in fact he is much richer, because I personally participated in prescribing his “legend”.

And Lenina wants to show everyone that she achieves everything herself. She, of course, is very strong in business and enterprising, this cannot be taken away, maybe even she is the most cunning celebrity girl, but for some reason she believes that they will not believe her if it is known that her husband is rich. I don't agree with this. She is a real self-made, but we do not believe in it. And it’s good that they didn’t solder me a penalty for disclosing confidential information that Lenina makes all her press secretaries sign - one hundred thousand euros! But in my blog post, her lawyer, fortunately, did not find the numbers, and therefore they were content with just firing.

- So let's take advantage of your unexpected freedom, although it seemed to me that serfdom had long been abolished, and dispel all doubts about Lena Lenina. What is not true in her public statements?

- For example, the fact that the dresses in which she was in Cannes, in fact, were not the creations of the hands of Russian fashion designers, as she, patriotically pounding her chest, claimed in all interviews. And she was applauded for her help and support of poor Russian fashion designers. One dress, I myself saw, was Italian, Sergio Bellini.

“Is it true that she uses literary blacks to write her books?”

- No, she writes herself and quite a lot. But it's not just books. She also writes anti-premiums for herself, knowing a lot about PR. For example, she invented the well-known story with her literary anti-award herself in order to speed up the promotion of her book “Sexual. How to seduce any man. The story was covered in the press. And it helped, the book became a bestseller.

Who designs her hairstyles?

- Everyone criticizes her for her lack of taste in hairstyles, and she specially shocks the public, and she comes up with trash styling herself, and the more freaky, the better. She gathers the most frostbitten hairdressers in the country and asks them to come off to the fullest. She says that no one needs white and fluffy today, but she doesn’t want to be caught drunk driving, wear torn tights or have a black border under her nails, like Britney Spears or the late Amy Winehouse, so she chose a provocative hairstyle for herself. And laughs at naive women who resent her styling.

- There are many versions about the place and date of her birth, which one is true?

There are a lot of lies here too. Lenina herself added ten years of age to herself in one acting profile, first in order to play the role of an older woman in a French film, and then did not break this myth due to one advertising contract with Argo anti-aging cream, which she would not have got if she confessed at her real age. And the stars fight for such contracts, it's so easy money - come, take a picture and leave, half a day's work and a lot of money. In fact, she was born in 1979, I saw many of her documents when I made out passes for her in Ostankino - both rights and a passport, but such an age for a contract would be too small, so she supported the myth of her older age, to keep a lucrative contract. Like, look how good I look with this magic cream at my 100 years old. And now, when the contract is over, she honestly admits her younger age, but no one believes her now. As in the parable about the boy who shouted about the wolves.

- And what is Lenin in personal communication?

— This is a military tank in business. For example, when she entered the capital of a small network of manicure studios, then called Alessandro Beje, only 3 years ago, they had only 11 salons. Now there are already more than 120 of them in the Network of Lena Lenina's Manicure Studios Network (!). She is a cold, calculating, sly, quirky man in a skirt with an angelic, sexy female appearance. She pays her people well if they are strong workers, for example, her former secretary today receives 5 thousand euros a month, and started with 500 euros. But at the same time, she does not tolerate any objections and is able to fire a person for being late by 5 minutes (!) Or for not fulfilling the slightest order. She can send any employee for kefir or make them wash cups in the office. Or he can give a box with a year's supply of cool Lundenilona creams or a pink car presented by Kostya Tszyu for the wedding to his secretary or second press secretary. In general, the Devil wears Prada take two.

For the sake of objectivity, we contacted the new press secretary of Lenina, Diana Ivanova, and asked about the conflict between her boss and a former employee. She refused to comment on the situation, but said only that "there is no conflict, that she does not want to delve into the details of gossip about the star and that we should not trust the information of a woman offended by the dismissal."

Written by: software
I love Lena Lenina very much for Her incredible and simply divinely perfect beauty!
But this article is just a custom-made disguised advertisement for Lena, a very primitive and outdated type of PR (in this case, not at all effective) in our time.
But, there is always a but!
Elena Lenina remains a woman unsurpassed in beauty!

Succeeded and became stars in Moscow Days.Ru were going to give a special place in the article to the outrageous writer, businesswoman, model, actress, organizer of social events and owner of the Network of Manicure Studios Lena Lenina, but faced a big problem: all sources of information, including Wikipedia, diverged in their testimony about the date of birth of the famous blonde . Everywhere the 70s and 80s are indicated, only with a specific year - complete confusion. Excessively caustic sources managed to make an almost 50-year-old lady out of a young woman, apparently confusing her with someone, because when you look at Lena, it becomes obvious that she is much younger.


To find out the truth about the writer's age, Days.Ru contacted the main secular lion of the capital and a frequent guest of all more or less large parties, occasionally singing on the stage. Contrary to custom, this time he asked not to mention his name in the article in order to take a walk more than once and have a tasty meal at Lenina's next event. Our source, he says, I saw Lena's passport, which indicates the date - October 25, 1979, that is, it turns out that the businesswoman is now 34 and soon all secular Moscow will gather to celebrate her birthday.

It is interesting that many sites were mistaken about the birthplace of the beauty, calling Novosibirsk the birthplace of Lena. In fact, she was born in Omsk, her maiden name is Razumova, and in Novosibirsk she worked at her own enterprise, where she earned her first million. The next stage in her life was Paris, where most of the time the model lives with her husband and son.

The assertions of some publications that Lenina studied to be a geologist evoke a smile. In fact, the writer was educated in the psychology of advertising in Paris. And there she defended the equivalent of her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Etiology of neurolinguistic programming and psychological manipulation of sexual partners in the information society." You can believe it or not, but the same friend of hers claims that, even without education, at the age of 17, an enterprising girl, who had a flair and a business streak since childhood, created her own TV advertising company Helen-Video in Novosibirsk and a few years later earned her first million, which helped her settle comfortably in Paris. The same information was confirmed to us by another friend of Lena, a well-known producer in narrow circles, who is convinced that a writer even out of thin air will be able to benefit. He also recalled that many billionaires showed their ability to multiply capital from an early age, because this skill is not taught at universities - this is a gift and great luck.

However, this is too much like a fairy tale, so we contacted Lena Lenina herself, around whom there are so many myths and mysteries, and found out how she managed to become a star in Europe and a welcome guest on the red carpet of Cannes. “I am often invited to the Cannes Film Festival. Either by fashion or jewelry brands, or by the organizers of the festival. And every time I manage to excite the pompous editors of Western magazines with some innocent joke in the image. I like to click their noses,” the writer admitted with a laugh, having in view of their outstanding size and shape of hair. - Fortunately, some of them share my sense of humor and do not take hypocrisy seriously. Last year, my high hairstyle caused a flurry of discussions in the press - more than 100 thousand critics appeared in the Russian-language Internet space alone in a month or praising materials. Ours dubbed the hairstyle "torpedo melon", French journalists - "medical candle", but no one knows what inside, in fact, there was just an inflated contraceptive with the smell of strawberries. New, of course."

In May of this year, Lena made a splash with her outfit with "huge Christmas tree decorations" - that's what Internet commentators called the star's beads from large balls. “A giant silver necklace that goes below the knees, in great contrast to the traditional and conservative jewelry of the sponsors of the festival, received special attention with the removal to the headlines of the world's leading press,” the artist proudly recalls. on the cover of the Mirror, Telegraph or NYDaily... In general, the Cannes Film Festival is like the Olympics for show business, and participation in the opening ceremony is like a gold medal... So I am a multiple Cannes champion.”

Lena has long proved that it is not for nothing that she is called the queen of outrageousness - in terms of extravagant images, her imagination does not dry out. The model can easily put a chandelier on her head, dye a live cat pink, weave a poisonous spider into her hair and go out with a naked slave on a chain. "I work with world champions in hairdressing, and with their help I manage to realize all my wildest fantasies. This is art. Modern. Has anyone asked Picasso why he does this? Outrageous is also an art. Walking the line between shocking and admiring is a virtuoso skill. Everyone who takes my humor too literally is just happy people who have so few problems that discussing my actions becomes an event for them, and I envy their problems," Lenina reasoned.

It is obvious that Europeans enthusiastically accept individuals who creatively and originally approach their own image. Suffice it to recall the triumph of Conchita Wurst. The more unusual the appearance, the greater the chance of success in the same France. Often successful people in business and public life do not have time for their personal lives, but not Lena. She is happily married and lives in Paris with her husband and son, whom little is known about. Around the wife of Lenin - Count Pascal Florent-Eduard - there are also many myths. People who are not indifferent to the work of the writer are at a loss as to who he works and why he does not come to Moscow with his son. “When they ask me about my personal life, I stand on my hind legs and vividly imagine how a journalist opens my abdominal cavity, takes out my intestines and starts winding them around my fist. Pascal is really an aristocrat and an entrepreneur, he owns a lumber mill, and he sells forests. He does not come to Moscow, because he was offended by the Russian embassy, ​​where he was rude, and he no longer wants to make visas to us, - Lena explained the unwillingness of the count to appear in Moscow. - Yes, and he has no time to travel, he has a lot of work. My son also has no time to travel, he studies at a French school and promised to become a millionaire and give his mother a pink Ferrari. What is his name, I try not to say, because in our family I'm the only one who loves journalists."

However, even with all the writer's love for journalists, she has a serious reason to be offended by them. Reporters often accuse Lena of using literary slaves. Even the Wikipedia website authoritatively claims that the model does not write her numerous novels herself, but does not say where these suspicions came from. Wikipedia is often wrong. She claims that I was born four times, which is physiologically impossible. In terms of literature, I recently published my 23rd non-fiction book Business Lunches at Bristol, or the Secrets of Business Success. And also at the same time presented to the public her next audio book, published by the publishing house "Ardis", this time the novel, "Billionaire", about the adventures of a Russian oligarch on the Cote d'Azur of France, replete with luxury, intrigue, yachts, planes, drugs, murders and diamonds in oysters. As a child, I did not plan to become a writer, I thought I would remain a reader, and I was in a hurry to do more in this direction. Mom scolded me when, after lights out, she caught me with a flashlight under the covers, but I mastered Schopenhauer, Montaigne, Seneca and Chesterfield before my peers learned to kiss. Apparently, the amount of what you read once necessarily turns into quality, that is, into the desire to write. But in my case, the reason for writing the first book was a check with a round sum from a French publisher who sincerely believed that I was a KGB agent. In this regard, I had to disappoint him, but the book was such a success that Russian publishing houses also paid attention to me, and since then my Lenin library has been able to compete in the number of volumes with Vladimirilyichevskaya. By the way, despite the numerous slanderous attacks of well-wishers, I write myself. This can be judged by any linguist who listens to my speech and, thanks to the characteristic phraseological turns, makes sure that I love words, "- fought off the attacks of Lenin's slanderers.

Since the conversation turned to secrets, then Days.Ru asked the model as a bonus to reveal the secret of her perfect figure. “I lead a boringly healthy lifestyle: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t use drugs and I haven’t even tried either one or the other or the third. I don't eat meat, I don't drink stakes, I don't take medication, and I exercise regularly. I have a lot of work, and she is very nervous, so I burn calories easily, although I eat a lot of sweets and fruits. I get enough sleep and do it with my loved ones. As for the ideal figure, it is unlikely that you, who have seen me in life, will be believed by readers who look at me through the prism of television and photographic lenses, which a priori visually fill ten kilograms. But thanks for the kind word," Lena says modestly.

Finally, we asked this strong woman about her possible phobias. "The biggest fear that still makes me feverish at night, I experienced in childhood. I was seven years old, and my family and I were visiting my uncle in the country. My uncle was very fond of crafts. In one of the rooms of his country house he built, to the envy of all the neighbors, a multi-level deep cellar - about five meters - for storing vegetables, pickles and jams.One fine afternoon, not knowing that my uncle had opened the cellar and was pottering about on one of its floors, I ran into the room. eight-month-old nephew and snoring sweetly. I reached out to him to pull the blanket that had slipped from him and, having only managed to grab him by the edge, flew at full speed into the open cellar down, - Lenina recalls with horror. - But the cellar not only did not cellar me, and even by some lucky chance did not hurt. I was pulled out alive and unharmed in a state of shock from fear. From fear that I could drag an innocent baby into the "flight" with me. But I did not cry. From shock, I laughed uncontrollably . Mother She said it was a nervous reaction. And also she is still convinced that a miracle happened and the guardian angel saved me from death. But every time, recalling this episode in a dream or in reality, I am seized by a terrible horror at the thought that I could drag a baby along with me into the abyss.

Lena Lenina said that she lived with the billionaire like in a fairy tale, but at the same time she was fettered by fear.

Businesswoman and socialite Lena Lenina recently made a frank confession about her personal life. The woman told about one of her admirers. As it turned out, a few years ago, Lena met with a billionaire, whose name she chose not to name. The fateful acquaintance took place in Paris. According to Lenina, she dined at one of the most expensive hotels in the city. It was this place that the future lover of the blonde writer, as well as his politician friends, chose.

Apparently, Lena immediately liked the man. On the first day they met, he gave her a one-carat diamond ring. Lenin was struck not only by the generosity of the admirer, but also by his extraordinary mind. “My fortress surrendered easily and delightedly without a fight,” comments the socialite.

Further in the life of a woman were private jets, the best five-star hotels and the most exquisite dishes in expensive restaurants. Lena's new friend easily spent 50 thousand euros, wanting to go from one point to another on an aircraft, and also acquired islands. For Lenin, all this was a curiosity.

“What is most paradoxical is that billionaires themselves do not use the lion's share of their wealth, and their palaces are more often enjoyed by staff, family members or mistresses. I was a mistress… Handbags from Hermes, Dior and Chanel, dresses from Elie Saab, Vera Wang and Yves Saint Laurent, shoes from Jimmy Choo, Louboutin and Prada filled my closet. Not to mention huge diamonds, Swiss watches, cars and apartments. And now, years later, in my new house, on a whole floor dedicated to clothes and accessories, I sometimes come across new shoes that I bought at that time, never worn, ”writes the socialite in her new article.

After some time, it turned out that Lena's chosen one was not free. Without much thought, he introduced her to his student children. She wondered why such a wealthy and self-sufficient man could not part with his wife if the feelings had faded. “They explained to me that the divorce of a billionaire is too expensive, so everyone agrees and everyone lives their own life,” Lenina shared.

Nevertheless, in relations with the billionaire, not everything was rosy. Lena also spoke about the disadvantages of an affair with a rich and influential representative of the stronger sex. According to Lenina, thinking about a possible child from a new friend, she felt a sense of fear, because the children of rich people are often kidnapped in order to get a ransom.

In addition, wealthy men, according to the businesswoman, are constantly tapped. Those who wanted to know everything about the billionaire's personal life included his security service, intelligence agencies, and even rival detectives. Therefore, Lenina constantly felt extremely uncomfortable, StarHit quotes a woman.

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