The protagonist of the work is a garnet bracelet. Garnet bracelet


In Kuprin's work "Garnet Bracelet" the main characters are the married couple of Sheina.


Vera Sheina has been living with her husband for a very long time, which suits her perfectly. There are no children in the family, Vera often regrets this. The author says very little about appearance. Kuprin only shows that she has a beautiful and attractive figure. It is said about her face that it is gentle and kind, but at the same time proud and cold. Practically not to be said about Vera's disposition. Kuprin describes the characters very unevenly, the author even describes the appearance of the main character only by comparing her with Anna, whom the author described in some detail, but she does not play a special role in the story.

In the work “Garnet Bracelet”, the character and inner world of the hero can be understood thanks to the short phrases that the characters say. To reveal the main theme of the work, the author uses his characters, and the main theme of the work is love.

Vera has a secret admirer who has been sending her letters for 8 years, but she never answered him and did not love him. This admirer's name is Zheltkov. Only after his death, Vera begins to understand that since he loved her, no one will love her, and therefore she has lost true love, which, perhaps, will never be again.

When the woman comes to Zheltkov's house, she repents and feels ashamed, because she did not answer Zheltkov's letters. Also, it is worth noting that Vera knows how to sympathize with others, just the fact that she has a conscience shows the scene when she says goodbye to Zhelkov.

Kuprin's story is a story in which the character of the main characters is fully revealed only at the end, while the main characters stand in the background until the very end.

Vasily Shein

Vasily is Vera's husband, about whom the author says even less than about Vera. Kuprin does not show either his appearance or his character, only at the end he shows his best qualities, like all the main characters of the story "Garnet Bracelet". When Vasily meets Zhelkov, and also finds out that he has been in love with his wife for 8 years, he does not mock him, as any other person could do. After Zhelkov's death, Vasily understands his wife's desire to say goodbye to her admirer and lets her go, he also says that this man has loved you for 8 years, and he was not crazy. This shows that he feels the pain of other people and knows how to behave tactfully with them.

Negative traits of Vasily and Vera

No matter how the author shows their kindness and tact at the end of the work, nevertheless, in the process of reading, the reader gets the feeling that both of these heroes are too arrogant, although this can be explained by the fact that they belong to the upper strata of society. For these sections of society, arrogance, at that time, was quite natural. Vasily, for example, shows too much irony towards Zhelkov. Perhaps this was the reason that Zhelkov commits suicide. Faith also shows arrogance. Although, someone may call it condescension, but that's how it seems to someone.


In fact, Zheltkov is the main character in Kuprin's story "Garnet Bracelet". It is around him that the main events revolve, and it is he who helps the author to reveal the main theme. However, little is said about this hero. Kuprin only says that this hero is about 30-35 years old, his hair is curly, soft. Tall but thin build. His fingers constantly run along the edge of the jacket, fiddling with the buttons. The author also describes his strong feelings that he has for Vera for 8 years.

This hero lives very poorly. He works as a small, unremarkable official, and lives in a rented apartment with an old woman. In his character, one can note kindness and honesty, which are constantly manifested. When Vera's family, as well as she herself, asked this hero to leave them alone, he, unable to bear it, commits suicide.


Anosov in Kuprin's story "Garnet Bracelet" is a military general who has gone through many wars. On one of them he was wounded, after which he was practically deaf. After being wounded, he is assigned to the fortress, to serve as commandant. He had this attitude to the war: you don’t need to be cowardly, if you were called to the war, you will have to go, but if you are not called to death, then it’s better not to ask for it.

Anosov can be called a real Russian warrior. He never humiliated his subordinates, but lived honestly and conscientiously. Even in the fortress, he ordered that food from his table be carried to those who could not come themselves. Anosov did not have children, since his wife ran away from him, but after that she asked to return, but Anosov had a highly developed self-esteem, so he did not let his wife back into the house, because he did not want to live with his unfaithful wife. However, it cannot be said that he left her on the street, since he paid her money until his death.

Perhaps due to the absence of his own family, as well as children, Anosov devoted much of his time to Vera and Anna. He often told them various stories from his life and also played with them. Children sometimes called him grandfather.


Anna is Vera's sister, and although she does not play a special role in the work, the author described her more than Vera. The father of these sisters had Tatar roots, which Anna inherited. An Asian-type face, not tall, broad shoulders, as well as wide cheekbones and narrow, Mongolian eyes - these can all be described by Anna. Due to her short-sightedness, the girl constantly squinted, and without that, narrow eyes became even more inconspicuous.

Anna is a real set of contradictions: she liked to flirt with men, she was very popular in the world, but at the same time she never cheated on her husband, with whom, by the way, she was not very happy. Also, the girl by nature had a beautiful figure, she had beautiful and broad shoulders, chest and back. At the ball, she was constantly more naked than the girls of that time did, but at the same time, everyone said that under her dress a sackcloth was hidden.


Nikolai is the brother of Vera and Anna. He works as a deputy prosecutor. His character can be described as stingy and strict. Nikolai's role in the work is to find Zheltkov and ask him not to pursue Vera anymore.

Option 2

"Garnet Bracelet" is the most romantic and popular work of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. Since 1910, this story has been a symbol of all-consuming love, the very one that girls dream of and that men fear.

The story "Garnet Bracelet" is based on real events. Kuprin learned this story from his friend and decided that she had the right to be heard by hundreds of other people. Alexander Ivanovich changed the names, and gave the story an artistic treatment. This is how a masterpiece of Russian literature appeared.

Vera Nikolaevna Sheina - the main female image of the story "Garnet Bracelet". She is a classic representative of high society. Both external data, and manners, and the character of the Faith meet all the requirements of aristocrats.

Vera was beautiful - a proud look, sloping shoulders, big hands, tall and flexible figure. The woman was educated, faithful and caring. Vera loved gambling and music.

The girl was kind, calm, and at the same time sincere, open and laughing. Faith was prudent, and such qualities as affectation and coquetry were not characteristic of her.

Prince Shein Vasily - a character in the story "Garnet Bracelet", the husband of Vera Nikolaevna. This is a very noble, gallant, pleasant, honest and talented person.

Vasily Lvovich was a wonderful storyteller and had a good sense of humor. Prince Shein is a caring, gentle, calm, sensitive and good husband.

Vasily Lvovich mercifully and compassionately treated all people, regardless of their position. The prince was a cordial and hospitable person. He loved his wife, although passion had long since left their relationship.

Georgy Zheltkov is a young man, a petty official, a secret admirer of Vera Nikolaevna. He was tall, thin, with long soft and fluffy hair.

Zheltkov was shy and meek, sincere and honest. Georgy Stepanovich was not crazy, he only selflessly loved a married woman and could not and did not want to tear her out of his heart.

General Anosov Yakov Mikhailovich is a friend of Vera Nikolaevna's father. This is a very kind, fair, wise, sensitive and honest person. Thanks to the experience accumulated over the years, he knows well human thoughts and actions.

Mirza-Bulat-Taganovsky Nikolai Nikolaevich is the elder brother of Vera Nikolaevna. He is a very strict, serious and honest person. He is pragmatic and decisive, a classic realist.

Nikolai Nikolaevich is absolutely not romantic and does not recognize any manifestations of feelings. He is quite stingy, serves as an assistant prosecutor and, albeit indirectly, pushed Zheltkov to commit suicide.

Anna Nikolaevna Frisse is the sister of Vera Nikolaevna and Nikolai Nikolaevich. This is a very cheerful and at the same time religious woman. She likes to flirt, but within the bounds of decency.

Anna is very close to her sister, although she is radically different from her. A woman is careless, cheerful, funny and wasteful, but at the same time she is sincere and generous.

The main theme of Alexander Kuprin's story "Garnet Bracelet" is love, which could give happiness, but instead brought only pain.

Composition The main characters of the work Garnet bracelet (characteristic)

Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein

A person who has status and wealth. Everyone in the county knows him. However, at the moment the position of the prince is very difficult, a little more and he may lose his wealth. However, it remains the same as it was before. He is also cheerful, open and hospitable. Vasily Lvovich has a subtle sense of humor. Shein knows perfectly well that his wife has a secret admirer. However, despite this, the prince does not arrange scenes. He understands that any person can be overcome by feelings.

Vera Nikolaevna Sheina

Prince's wife. He is trying by any possible means to equalize the difficult financial situation of the family. Previously, a woman loved her husband with all her heart, but now their relationship has turned into a strong friendship. Vera Nikolaevna does not hide from her husband the fact that a telegraph operator writes letters to her. The woman painfully experiences the tragic death of Zheltkov, realizing that love has passed by.

Georgy Stepanovich Zheltkov

George is distinguished by openness, honesty and is not afraid of his feelings. The hero has a simple and inconspicuous appearance. His work is simple, an ordinary employee. Zheltkov has a small income. As soon as I saw Vera Sheina, I immediately lost my head. All his life the hero was in love with the princess. The hero did not count on anything, but he understood that he could cause inconvenience to his beloved. He remembered very well that she had a husband. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, the hero decides to commit suicide.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza

Nikolai Nikolaevich - assistant prosecutor. This person is guided by reason in everything. It is absolutely far from sensuality and romance. His realism sometimes has a detrimental effect on others. The hero is distinguished by determination and confidence in the correctness of his actions. With his intrusion into life and a description of some of the nuances associated with the princess, Zheltkov leads to suicide.

General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov

The old general is well versed in people. He has seen a lot and understands the motivation and reasons for people's actions. Yakov Mikhailovich is an honest and fair person. He is a very kind and wise old man. In his judgments, the old man is distinguished by objectivity and independence. The general sees a moral decline and condemns the consumer behavior of mankind. The old man's expressions are often used as catchphrases.

The fairy tale of Charles Perrault is known to absolutely everyone since childhood. At the moment, there are not only animated adaptations of this work, but also a film.

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  • Features of the image of the heroes of Russian literature of the 19th century

    Russian literature at all times differed significantly from the work of world writers with a special sensual content, liveliness of forms, a rich range of artistic images and forms.

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    In the picture, we see the usual landscape, inherent in any village or suburb. The nature captured by the artist does not differ in special colors, it is slightly dull and nondescript.

  • Frame from the film "Garnet Bracelet" (1964)

    In August, a vacation at a suburban seaside resort was spoiled by bad weather. The deserted dachas were sadly soaked in the rain. But in September the weather changed again, sunny days came. Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina did not leave the dacha - repairs were underway in her house - and now she is enjoying the warm days.

    The princess's birthday is coming. She is glad that it fell on the summer season - in the city they would have to give a ceremonial dinner, and the Sheins "barely made ends meet."

    Vera's younger sister Anna Nikolaevna Friesse, the wife of a very rich and very stupid man, and her brother Nikolai come to Vera's name day. Toward evening, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein brings the rest of the guests.

    A bundle with a small jewelry case in the name of Princess Vera Nikolaevna is brought in the midst of simple country entertainment. Inside the case is a gold, low-grade puffy bracelet covered with garnets that surround a small green pebble.

    In addition to the garnet bracelet, a letter is found in the case. An unknown donor congratulates Vera on the day of the angel and asks to accept a bracelet that belonged to his great-grandmother. The green pebble is a very rare green garnet that communicates the gift of providence and protects men from violent death. The author of the letter reminds the princess how he wrote her "stupid and wild letters" seven years ago. The letter ends with the words: “Your obedient servant G.S.Zh. before death and after death.”

    Prince Vasily Lvovich demonstrates at this moment his humorous home album, opened on the "story" "Princess Vera and the telegraph operator in love." “Better not,” Vera asks. But the husband nevertheless begins a commentary on his own drawings full of brilliant humor. Here the girl Vera receives a letter with kissing doves, signed by the telegraph operator P.P.Zh. Here the young Vasya Shein returns the wedding ring to Vera: “I dare not interfere with your happiness, and yet it is my duty to warn you: telegraphers are seductive, but insidious.” But Vera marries the handsome Vasya Shein, but the telegraph operator continues to persecute. Here he, disguised as a chimney sweep, enters the boudoir of Princess Vera. Here, having changed clothes, he enters their kitchen as a dishwasher. Here, at last, he is in a lunatic asylum.

    After tea, the guests leave. Whispering to her husband to look at the case with the bracelet and read the letter, Vera sets off to see off General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov. The old general, whom Vera and her sister Anna call grandfather, asks the princess to explain what is true in the prince's story.

    G. S. J. pursued her with letters two years before her marriage. Obviously, he constantly watched her, knew where she was at the parties, how she was dressed. He served not at the telegraph office, but in "some government institution as a small official." When Vera, also in writing, asked not to disturb her with her persecution, he fell silent about love and limited himself to congratulations on holidays, as well as today, on her name day. Inventing a funny story, the prince replaced the initials of the unknown admirer with his own.

    The old man suggests that the unknown may be a maniac.

    Vera finds her brother Nikolai very annoyed - he also read the letter and believes that his sister will get "in a ridiculous position" if she accepts this ridiculous gift. Together with Vasily Lvovich, he is going to find an admirer and return the bracelet.

    The next day they find out the address of G.S.Zh. It turns out to be a blue-eyed man “with a gentle girlish face” about thirty or thirty-five years old named Zheltkov. Nikolai returns the bracelet to him. Zheltkov does not deny anything and recognizes the indecency of his behavior. Finding some understanding and even sympathy in the prince, he explains to him that he loves his wife, and this feeling will only kill death. Nikolai is outraged, but Vasily Lvovich treats him with pity.

    Zheltkov admits that he squandered government money and is forced to flee the city, so that they will not hear from him again. He asks Vasily Lvovich for permission to write his last letter to his wife. Having heard from her husband a story about Zheltkov, Vera felt "that this man would kill himself."

    In the morning, Vera learns from the newspaper about the suicide of G. S. Zheltkov, an official of the control chamber, and in the evening the postman brings his letter.

    Zheltkov writes that for him all life consists only in her, in Vera Nikolaevna. It is the love that God rewarded him for something. As he leaves, he repeats in delight: "Hallowed be thy name." If she remembers him, then let her play the D major part of Beethoven's Sonata No. 2, he thanks her from the bottom of his heart for being his only joy in life.

    Vera is going to say goodbye to this man. The husband fully understands her impulse and lets his wife go.

    The coffin with Zheltkov stands in the middle of his poor room. His lips smile blissfully and serenely, as if he has learned a deep secret. Vera lifts his head, puts a big red rose under his neck and kisses him on the forehead. She understands that the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by. In the evening, Vera asks a familiar pianist to play Beethoven's Appassionata for her, listens to music and cries. When the music ends, Vera feels that Zheltkov has forgiven her.


    Garnet bracelet- The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, written in 1910. The plot was based on a real story, which Kuprin filled with sad poetry. In 1964, a film of the same name was made based on this work.


    On her name day, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina received a bracelet adorned with a rare green garnet as a gift from her longtime, anonymous admirer. Being a married woman, she considered herself not entitled to receive any gifts from strangers.

    Her brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, assistant prosecutor, together with Prince Vasily Lvovich, found the sender. It turned out to be a modest official Georgy Zheltkov. Many years ago, at a circus performance, he accidentally saw Princess Vera in a box and fell in love with her with pure and unrequited love. Several times a year, on major holidays, he allowed himself to write letters to her.

    Now, after talking with the prince, he felt ashamed of those actions that could compromise an innocent woman. However, his love for her was so deep and disinterested that he could not imagine the forced separation that the husband and brother of the princess insisted on.

    After they left, he wrote a farewell letter to Vera Nikolaevna, in which he apologized to her for everything and asked her to listen to L. van Beethoven. 2 Son. (Op. 2, No 2). Largo Appassionato . Then he took the bracelet returned to him to the landlady with a request to hang the decoration on the icon of the Mother of God (according to the Catholic custom), locked himself in his room and shot himself, not seeing the point in his later life. Zheltkov left a posthumous note in which he explained that he shot himself due to the waste of state money.

    Vera Nikolaevna, having learned about the death of G.S.Zh., asked her husband’s permission and went to the apartment of the suicide to look at least once at the person who had loved her unrequitedly for so many years. Returning home, she asked Jenny Reiter to play something, no doubt that she would play exactly the part of the sonata that Zheltkov wrote about. Sitting in the flower garden to the sound of beautiful music, Vera Nikolaevna clung to the trunk of an acacia tree and wept. She realized that the love that Anosov spoke about, which every woman dreams of, passed her by. When the pianist finished playing and went in to the princess, she began to kiss her with the words: "No, no - he has forgiven me now. Everything is fine."



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      Bracelet - get an active coupon Sky in diamonds at Academician or buy a profitable bracelet at a low price on sale in Sky in diamonds

      - (story) story by A. I. Kuprin. Garnet bracelet (film) film based on the novel by A. I. Kuprin ... Wikipedia

      Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Kuprin. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin ... Wikipedia

      "Kuprin" redirects here. See also other meanings. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin Date of birth: September 7, 1870 Place of birth: Narovchat village ... Wikipedia

      "Kuprin" redirects here. See also other meanings. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin Date of birth: September 7, 1870 Place of birth: Narovchat village ... Wikipedia

      "Kuprin" redirects here. See also other meanings. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin Date of birth: September 7, 1870 Place of birth: Narovchat village ... Wikipedia

      "Kuprin" redirects here. See also other meanings. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin Date of birth: September 7, 1870 Place of birth: Narovchat village ... Wikipedia

      "Kuprin" redirects here. See also other meanings. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin Date of birth: September 7, 1870 Place of birth: Narovchat village ... Wikipedia

      Kuprin, Alexander Ivanovich "Kuprin" redirects here; see also other meanings. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin Date of birth: August 26 (September 7), 1870 (... Wikipedia

      - (1870 1938), Russian writer. Social criticism marked the story "Moloch" (1896), in which modern civilization appears in the form of a monster factory that enslaves a person morally and physically, the story "Duel" (1905) about death ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


    • Pomegranate bracelet Olesya The Wheel of Time, Kuprin A.

    Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is a Russian writer who, without a doubt, can be attributed to the classics. His books are still recognizable and loved by the reader, not only under the compulsion of a school teacher, but at a conscious age. A distinctive feature of his work is documentary, his stories were based on real events or real events became the impetus for their creation - among them is the story "Garnet Bracelet".

    “Garnet Bracelet” is a real story that Kuprin heard from friends while viewing family albums. The governor's wife made sketches for letters sent to her by a certain telegraph official who was unrequitedly in love with her. Once she received a gift from him: a gilded chain with a pendant in the shape of an Easter egg. Alexander Ivanovich took this story as the basis for his work, turning these meager, uninteresting data into a touching story. The writer replaced the chain with the pendant with a bracelet with five grenades, which, according to King Solomon in one story, mean anger, passion and love.


    The "Garnet Bracelet" begins with preparations for the celebration, when Vera Nikolaevna Sheina suddenly receives a gift from an unknown person: a bracelet in which five garnets adorned with green splashes. On a paper note that was attached to the gift, it is indicated that the gem is able to endow the owner with foresight. The princess shares the news with her husband and shows a bracelet from an unknown person. In the course of the action, it turns out that this person is a petty official named Zheltkov. For the first time, he saw Vera Nikolaevna in the circus many years ago, and since then, suddenly flared feelings have not faded away: even the threats of her brother do not stop him. Nevertheless, Zheltkov does not want to torment his beloved, and he decides to commit suicide so as not to bring shame on her.

    The story ends with the realization of the strength of the sincere feelings of a stranger, which comes to Vera Nikolaevna.

    Love Theme

    The main theme of the work "Garnet Bracelet" is, of course, the theme of unrequited love. Moreover, Zheltkov is a vivid example of disinterested, sincere, sacrificial feelings that he does not betray, even when his loyalty cost his life. Princess Sheina also fully feels the power of these emotions: years later she realizes that she wants to be loved and love again - and the jewelry presented by Zheltkov marks the imminent emergence of passion. Indeed, soon she falls in love with life again and feels it in a new way. you can read on our website.

    The theme of love in the story is frontal and permeates the entire text: this love is high and pure, a manifestation of God. Vera Nikolaevna feels internal changes even after Zheltkov's suicide - she knew the sincerity of a noble feeling and readiness to sacrifice herself for the sake of someone who would not give anything in return. Love changes the character of the whole story: the princess's feelings die, wither, fall asleep, being once passionate and hot, and turned into a strong friendship with her husband. But Vera Nikolaevna in her soul still continues to strive for love, even if it became dull over time: she needed time to let passion and sensuality come out, but before that her calmness could seem indifferent and cold - this puts a high wall for Zheltkov.

    Main characters (characteristic)

    1. Zheltkov worked as a minor official in the control chamber (the author placed him there to emphasize that the main character was a small person). Kuprin does not even indicate his name in the work: only the letters are signed with initials. Zheltkov is exactly what the reader imagines as a low-ranking person: thin, pale-skinned, straightening his jacket with nervous fingers. He has delicate features, blue eyes. According to the story, Zheltkov is about thirty years old, he is not rich, modest, decent and noble - even the husband of Vera Nikolaevna notes this. The elderly mistress of his room says that for all the eight years that he lived with her, he became like a family to her, and he was a very sweet interlocutor. “... Eight years ago I saw you in a circus in a box, and then in the first second I said to myself: I love her because there is nothing like her in the world, there is nothing better ...”, - this is how the modern fairy tale about Zheltkov's feelings for Vera Nikolaevna, although he never cherished hopes that they would be mutual: "... seven years of hopeless and polite love ...". He knows the address of his beloved, what she does, where she spends time, what she wears - he admits that nothing but her is interesting and joyful to him. you can also find it on our website.
    2. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina inherited her mother's appearance: a tall, stately aristocrat with a proud face. Her character is strict, uncomplicated, calm, she is polite and courteous, kind to everyone. She has been married to Prince Vasily Shein for more than six years, together they are full-fledged members of high society, arrange balls and receptions, despite financial difficulties.
    3. Vera Nikolaevna has a sister, the youngest, Anna Nikolaevna Friesse, who, unlike her, inherited her father's features and his Mongolian blood: a narrow slit in the eyes, femininity of features, flirty facial expressions. Her character is frivolous, perky, cheerful, but contradictory. Her husband, Gustav Ivanovich, is rich and stupid, but idolizes her and is constantly nearby: his feelings, it seems, have not changed from the first day, he courted her and still adored her very much. Anna Nikolaevna cannot stand her husband, but they have a son and a daughter, she is faithful to him, although she is quite contemptuous.
    4. General Anosov is Anna's godfather, his full name is Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov. He is fat and tall, good-natured, patient, does not hear well, he has a large, red face with clear eyes, he is very respected for the years of his service, he is fair and courageous, he has a clear conscience, constantly wears a frock coat and cap, uses a hearing horn and a stick.
    5. Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein is the husband of Vera Nikolaevna. Little is said about his appearance, only that he has blond hair and a big head. He is very soft, compassionate, sensitive - he treats Zheltkov's feelings with understanding, unshakably calm. He has a sister, a widow, whom he invites to the celebration.
    6. Features of Kuprin's creativity

      Kuprin was close to the theme of the character's awareness of the truth of life. He saw the world around him in a special way and strove to learn something new, his works are characterized by drama, some anxiety, excitement. "Cognitive pathos" - this is called the hallmark of his work.

      In many ways, Dostoevsky influenced Kuprin's work, especially in the early stages, when he writes about fatal and significant moments, the role of chance, the psychology of characters' passion - often the writer makes it clear that not everything can be understood.

      It can be said that one of the features of Kuprin's work is a dialogue with readers, in which the plot is traced and reality is depicted - this is especially noticeable in his essays, which in turn were influenced by G. Uspensky.

      Some of his works are famous for their lightness and immediacy, poetization of reality, naturalness and naturalness. Others - the theme of inhumanity and protest, the struggle for feelings. At some point, he becomes interested in history, antiquity, legends, and this is how fantastic stories are born with the motives of the inevitability of chance and fate.

      Genre and composition

      Kuprin is characterized by love for stories within stories. The “Garnet Bracelet” is another proof: Zheltkov’s note about the qualities of the jewelry is the plot in the plot.

      The author shows love from different points of view - love in general terms and Zheltkov's unrequited feelings. These feelings have no future: the marital status of Vera Nikolaevna, the difference in social status, circumstances - everything is against them. In this doom, the subtle romanticism invested by the writer in the text of the story is manifested.

      The whole work is ringed by references to the same piece of music - Beethoven's sonata. So the music, "sounding" throughout the story, shows the power of love and is the key to understanding the text, resounding in the final lines. Music communicates the unsaid. Moreover, it is Beethoven's sonata at the climax that symbolizes the awakening of the soul of Vera Nikolaevna and the realization that comes to her. Such attention to melody is also a manifestation of romanticism.

      The composition of the story implies the presence of symbols and hidden meanings. So a fading garden implies the fading passion of Vera Nikolaevna. General Anosov tells short stories about love - these are also small plots within the main narrative.

      It is difficult to determine the genre of the "Garnet Bracelet". In fact, the work is called a story, largely due to its composition: it consists of thirteen short chapters. However, the writer himself called "Garnet Bracelet" a story.

      Interesting? Save it on your wall!

    One of the most famous works of Alexander Kuprin is "Garnet Bracelet". What genre does the story about the unrequited love of a modest official Zheltkov belong to? More often this work is called a story. But it also contains features characteristic of the story. It turns out that it is not easy to define the genre of "Garnet Bracelet".

    In order to do this, one should recall the content of Kuprin's work, as well as consider the features of both the story and the story.

    What is a story?

    Under this literary term is understood the composition of small prose. A synonym for this word is "novella". Russian writers usually called their works stories. A short story is a concept that is more common in foreign literature. There is no significant difference between them. Both in the first and in the second case, we are talking about a work of a small volume, in which there are only a few heroes. An important feature is the presence of only one storyline.

    The structure of such a work is quite simple: plot, climax, denouement. In Russian literature of the 19th century, a story was often called what is commonly called a story today. A striking example is the well-known works of Pushkin. The writer created several stories, the plot of which was allegedly told to him by a certain Belkin, and called them stories. In each of these works there are few characters and only one storyline. So why didn't Pushkin call his collection Belkin's Stories? The fact is that the literary terminology of the 19th century is somewhat different from the modern one.

    But the genre affiliation of Chekhov's works is beyond doubt. Events in the stories of this writer revolve around any, at first glance, minor incidents that allow the characters to look at their lives differently. There are no superfluous characters in Chekhov's works. His stories are clear and concise. The same can be said about the prose of later authors - Leonid Andreev, Ivan Bunin.

    What is a story?

    The work of this genre occupies an intermediate position between the short story and the novel. In foreign literature, the concept of "story" is absent. English and French authors created either short stories or novels.

    In ancient Rus', any prose work was called a story. Over time, the term has taken on a narrower meaning. Until the middle of the 19th century, it was understood as an essay of a small size, but larger than a story. There are usually significantly fewer characters in the story than in the War and Peace epic, but more than in Chekhov's The Wallet. Nevertheless, modern literary critics sometimes find it difficult to determine the genre of a work written more than 200 years ago.

    In the story, events revolve around the protagonist. Actions take place in a short period of time. That is, if the work tells about how the hero was born, graduated from school, university, made a successful career, and then, closer to his seventieth birthday, died safely in his bed, then this is a novel, but not a story.

    If only one day in the life of a character is shown, and there are two or three characters in the plot, this is a story. Perhaps the clearest definition of the story would be the following: "a work that can not be called either a novel or a short story." What is the genre of "Garnet Bracelet"? Before answering this question, let's recall the content.

    "Garnet bracelet"

    A work can be confidently attributed to the genre of a story if it deals with two or three characters. There are more heroes here.

    Vera Sheina is married to a kind and well-bred man. She has nothing to do with the telegraph operator who regularly writes love letters to her. Moreover, she never saw his face. Vera's indifference is replaced by a feeling of anxiety, and then pity and regret after she receives a garnet bracelet as a gift from the telegrapher.

    The genre of this work could be easily determined if Kuprin excluded such characters as General Anosov, Vera's brother and sister, from the narrative. But these characters are not just present in the plot. They, and especially the general, play a role.

    Let us recall several stories included by Kuprin in the "Garnet Bracelet". The genre of a work can be determined in the process of its artistic analysis. And for that, you need to go back to the content.

    Crazy Love

    The officer fell in love with the wife of the regimental commander. This woman was not attractive, and besides, she was a morphine addict. But love is evil ... The romance did not last long. An experienced woman soon got tired of her young lover.

    Garrison life is boring and monotonous. The military wife, apparently, wanted to brighten up everyday life with thrills, and she demanded proof of love from her former lover. Namely, throw yourself under a train. He did not die, but remained disabled for the rest of his life.

    Love triangle

    Another story from the garrison life is told about another story included in the "Garnet Bracelet". Its genre could be easily determined if it were a separate work. It would be a classic story.

    The wife of a brave officer, highly respected by the soldiers, fell in love with a lieutenant. A passionate romance ensued. The traitor did not hide her feelings at all. Moreover, the husband was well aware of her relationship with her lover. When the regiment was sent to war, she threatened him with a divorce if something happened to the lieutenant. The man went to sapper work instead of his wife's lover. Checked guard posts for him at night. He did everything to save the health and life of his opponent.


    These stories are not random. They were told to Vera by General Anosov, one of the most striking characters in the Garnet Bracelet. The genre of this work would not raise doubts if this colorful hero did not exist in it. In that case, it would be a story. But the general distracts the reader from the main storyline. In addition to the above stories, he also tells Vera about some facts from his biography. In addition, Kuprin paid attention to other minor characters (for example, sister of Vera Sheina). The structure of the work from this has become more complex, the plot is deep and interesting.

    The stories told by Anosov impress the main character. And his reasoning about love makes the princess look differently at the feelings of a faceless telegraph operator.

    What genre is "Garnet Bracelet"?

    It was said above that in literature there was no clear division between such concepts as a story and a story before. But this was only at the beginning of the 19th century. The work referred to in this article was written by Kuprin in 1910. By that time, the concepts used by modern literary critics had already been formed.

    The writer defined his work as a story. Calling "Garnet Bracelet" a story is wrong. However, this mistake is forgivable. As one well-known literary critic said, not without a share of irony, no one is perfectly able to distinguish a story from a story, but philology students love to argue on this topic.

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