Hunger is not a continuation of the proverb. "Hunger is not an aunt": literary analogies and everyday meaning of the expression Hungry and the lord of bread will steal


“Che got up like a stump? And stare at the food? Lie down everything! ”I heard a loud female voice behind me. A family of five comfortably settled down for breakfast - at a large table, right next to the main Swedish table (buffet). “Get that tray over here. Here we will figure out what we should eat and what we should bite, ”the guest laughed. The man took his wife's command literally. He rushed to the edge of the table, grabbing a half-empty tray of cold cuts. And he began to impose everything on him.

At first, half a can of herring joined the meat leftovers. Herring was replaced by a huge portion of cheesecakes. On top lay pancakes, abundantly poured with sour cream and honey. “Just don’t lay down greenery, the grass grows even at home,” the wife continued to command.

Approaching the table with pickles, the guest with a confident movement stuck a fork into a jar of olives. With difficulty holding a heavy tray in his left hand, the guest began to fish out fruits from the common jar. And direct them directly into your mouth, not noticing the drops of marinade, abundantly falling directly on the snow-white tablecloth.

The whole thing reminded me of an old joke. The man saw the buffet for the first time. And sincerely surprised by the lack of chairs at the main table. He arbitrarily took one of the chairs standing nearby, put it to the distribution, sat down. And began to greedily consume food. “Sorry, but this is a buffet. Please release him!” the administrator asked. "I'll get up when the Swedes come"

“Che sat down? Go help your father, get hot!” the guest commanded her teenage daughter, who was sitting next to her. The girl obediently got up and went to the "Swede". “Don’t take porridge, you will eat it at home. Do not clap your ears, put chicken and boiled pork on a plate, do not miss the shrimp, ”the guest gave out commands. Suddenly, sharply turning around at another cry from her mother, the girl did not notice how a lock of her long, flowing hair dived into a gravy boat with ketchup. And after a couple of seconds, a bright red strand of hair was already drawing strange patterns on the girl's snow-white shirt. "Dirty!" - the guest wailed loudly throughout the hall.

Waiters standing nearby ran up to the girl - with an offer to help clean her shirt on the spot. “They set up their banks here, boobies. You don't know how to work! This shirt pulls on your entire monthly salary, ”the waiters immediately got it.

Having finally put the heavy tray on the table, the father of the family again went to the distribution. And he began to put mountains of hot dishes on plates. Mixed with the side dish, for some reason, the guest took several eclairs with the chicken, sprinkling them with plenty of cherries.

With difficulty dragging mountains of food to his table, the head of the family finally took his place of honor. The family began to have breakfast.

"Stop and wait! We finish our meal and leave,” the guest answered businesslike to someone who called her mobile, obviously overestimating the gastronomic possibilities of her household.

“Put fruit in the bag. Hurry, we're late. We will eat on the way to Peterhof,” the guest commanded again at the exit from the restaurant. “Why do you need apples?” the wife loudly criticized, looking into the package. Do you miss them at home? Put peaches, pears and grapes on top. Paid for everything"

The husband rushed back to the "Swede". And in a hurry, he began to put a dozen apples from the bag and from two side pockets in his jacket back into the fruit basket. He tried to exchange apples for something that "does not grow at home." But in the bustle he dropped it, not holding them in his hands. The apples rolled in different directions to the loud shouts of the angry wife and the mocking glances of other guests.

The family left. I went to the table and carefully examined the "battlefield". The waiters had just taken off the table about ten plates filled to the brim with almost untouched food. Meat mixed with chicken, fish, pieces of fruit, the remains of desserts, richly seasoned with ketchup, honey and sour cream, safely went to the dumpsters. Only accidentally surviving apples, previously washed in the kitchen, returned to the "Swede".

The term "buffet" exists only in Russian. In Europe, the USA and in Asia, this type of service is commonly called a "buffet" (buffet)

In confirmation of the Russian version of this name, historians give enough arguments and facts that attribute this invention to the nation of northern sailors.

Legend has it that back in ancient times, for most feasts, the Scandinavians prepared simple but varied long-term food - from salted and smoked fish and meat, boiled eggs, from vegetables, mushrooms and berries, so that when new guests arrived, they would not have to think about how to feed them .

Implementing this service concept has always been easier in cold climates. And in that national cuisine, which is adapted to various kinds of preparations.

A few opponents of the "Swedish theory" argue that this most democratic way of serving treats originates from the traditional Russian meal "vodka - snack". But this hypothesis, according to historians, does not stand up to criticism - after all, democracy was not born in Russia. And the meaning of the "buffet" is not in strong drinks.

In Sweden itself, this format of serving food is called smorgasbord, that is, a “sandwich table”. Sandwiches mean any hearty meal that can be prepared from anything.

The presence of bread is not as important as the principle - serving dishes that are easy to eat. And unlike, for example, pasta with tomato and cheese, they do not lose their taste for a relatively long time.

The concept and idea of ​​the "buffet" is closely related to the national characteristics of the inhabitants of Scandinavia. Its main principle is reasonable self-restraint in the absence of external control.

The Russian historian and journalist of the second half of the 19th century, Konstantin Skalkovsky, described a meal in a local inn as follows: “Everyone demands both, the maids barely had time to uncork the bottles. There is no account of what is consumed here; there is a book on the table, a pencil is tied to it on a pink ribbon, and the guest himself is obliged to enter what he ate and drank in the book. When leaving, he also sums up his account himself. It is clear that all mistakes remain on the passenger's conscience, but the Swedes prefer to lose something rather than subject the traveler to humiliating control.

Alexander Kuprin, who was undergoing treatment in Finland (which was part of Sweden at the beginning of the nineteenth century) in 1909, described the “miracle of the self-assembled tablecloth” as follows: “The long table was lined with hot dishes and cold snacks. All this was unusually clean, appetizing and elegant. There was fresh salmon, fried trout, cold roast beef, some kind of game, small, very tasty meatballs and the like. Everyone came up, chose what he liked, ate as much as he wanted, then went up to the buffet and, of his own free will, paid exactly one mark thirty-seven kopecks for dinner.

“When we returned to the car, a picture in a truly Russian genre was waiting for us,” the famous writer recalled. “The thing is, we had two masonry contractors with us. Everyone knows this type of kulak from the Meshchovsky district, Kaluga province: a wide, glossy, bony red muzzle, red hair curling from under a cap, a sparse beard, a roguish look, piety for a five-kopeck piece, ardent patriotism, and contempt for everything non-Russian - in a word, well known true Russian face.

“You should have listened to how they mocked the poor Finns,” continued Kuprin. "That's foolish, so foolish. After all, such fools, the devil knows them! Why, if you count, I ate three rubles for seven hryvnias from them, from scoundrels ... Oh, you bastard! They don't beat them enough, sons of bitches. One word - Chukhonians. And the other one picked it up, choking with laughter: “And I ... deliberately knocked a glass, and then took it into a fish and spat. That’s how they should be bastards!”

Quoting these disgusting statements, Kuprin concludes: "And it is all the more pleasant to confirm that in this nice, wide, semi-free country they are already beginning to understand that not all of Russia consists of contractors from the Meshchovsky district of the Kaluga province."

These days, "buffet" has literally conquered the planet. Hotel complexes, casinos, cruise ships and large restaurants - those establishments that are faced with the task of feeding a large number of guests quickly, tasty and efficiently - widely use this type of service. And they get a stable solid income - despite the false idea that the cost of the meals eaten significantly exceeds the revenue of the establishments. This is not true. An important feature of the “Swede” is that the unlimited appetites of eaters are limited by the size of their stomachs, the presence of a consumption culture, and upbringing. And the observance by the majority of guests of the banal principle: eat for pleasure, but do not take too much. And don't take your food with you.

Hunger is not an aunt

(the pie will not slip)

Hungry and the lord of bread will steal.

Wed If they forcibly bring me to a drinking-room, then I still won’t eat! Hunger is not an aunt ... will eat! Take me to the dining room!"

Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. nineteen.

Wed I will enter the hut, if the door is not locked, I will see if there is something to eat! The economy, maybe at least not good, but after all hunger not aunt.

Gr. A. Tolstoy. Book. Silver.

Wed Hunger is not an aunt something needs to be done.

Ostrovsky. Poverty is not a vice. 12.

Wed The family of the poor, and hunger, you know,

Not your brother...

Zhukovsky. Mat. Falcone.

Wed Hunger ist Unger.

Hunger Hunger (merciless, like an ancient Hungarian warrior).

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "hunger is not an aunt" is in other dictionaries:

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 hungry (12) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    hunger not aunt- joke. about a strong hunger, forcing you to do something. The saying is part of a detailed expression of a proverbial type, recorded as early as the 17th century. and clear in its content: hunger is not an aunt, she will not slip a pie, that is, an aunt (kuma ... Phraseology Handbook

    Hunger is not an aunt (you won’t slip a pie). Hungry, and lord, he will steal bread. Wed If they forcefully take me to a drinking-room, I won’t eat anyway! Hunger is not an aunt ... she will eat! Lead to the dining room! Saltykov. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Hunger is not an aunt (not a mother-in-law, not a godfather), she will not slip a pie. See FOOD…

    Hunger is not an aunt, the belly is not a basket. See FOOD… IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    - (you will not leave). See FOOD… IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Husband. hunger, urge to eat, insatiability, need for food, satiety; natural feeling of urge to eat; | lack of food, need, lack of food, poverty in bread. They had a famine then, a distressful, hungry time. We endure hunger and cold. Hunger affects... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Hunger strike, famine, hunger; lack of bread, fodder, crop failure, crop failure; need, lack; greed, appetite. Hungry year. From hunger. Hunger is not an aunt, hunger is not your brother. Wed… Synonym dictionary

    hunger- go / loda and go / goda, only units, m. 1) A strong feeling of need for food, for food. Feel hungry. Satisfy your hunger. 2) Prolonged malnutrition. To die of hunger. Synonyms: hunger / nii, hunger / vka (colloquial) ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    aunt- Hunger is not an aunt (proverb) starving without earning, you can’t live. Hunger is not an aunt, something needs to be done. A. Ostrovsky ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


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Three sources, three components

It would seem that everything is simple, not Newton's binomial. To normalize weight, you need to normalize your relationship with food. To normalize the relationship with food, you need, in fact, three important things - to find out and understand how I eat and what I eat, to understand what is happening with my body image (people who are globally dissatisfied with the way they look, not extra pounds on stomach or thighs, but themselves in general, are much more likely to “break loose” and periodically gain a kilogram - in revenge on their own body for being so unattractive) and let the choice of food, time and volume of food eaten by the body, that is, the feeling of hunger.

If you are addicted to food, if you have experience of emotional eating, binge-eating or compulsive overeating, then I give you a hand in cutting off that you have a difficult relationship with feelings of hunger.

It is possible that you have completely forgotten. when was it last tested. You so many times a day "apply" to this or that food that you have completely lost this feeling. Or perhaps you unconsciously seek to avoid feeling hungry. Because it makes you feel anxious. As we have already figured out in the previous materials, the feeling of hunger has a very long evolutionary and social history. From a caveman's point of view, hunger should be avoided at all costs. From the point of view of a reasonable person, the feeling of hunger is a dangerous, threatening experience. You can die from hunger, you can become seriously ill. From the point of view of modern man, hunger is just a guard. This is evidence that - once! - you have a body (and if it is not one that you and other people like, if it does not meet the standards - beware!), two! - it, the scoundrel, demands its own. He needs food, evidence that you don't eat butterflies and pollen, that you need calories. Evidence that once you start eating, you, like any other person, are theoretically able to get better. If hunger doesn't regulate food intake, then what does? Emotional state - time. I eat because I am sad, lonely or angry, I eat as a reward for the work done, or vice versa, so that I can postpone the start of a business that is unpleasant for me a little more, finally, I eat because I am overworked, take responsibility and I can't reschedule, and I need insulin bursts of energy to move on. These reasons have already been discussed earlier.

What else regulates your meals? In situations where food is not driven by hunger, anything is.

I eat for company. My husband came home from work, the children came from school, I'm not hungry, but I eat, because this is a way of communication or a means of structuring this communication.
I eat because the social situation pushes me to do so. I came to visit, and it is inconvenient to refuse. Guests came to me, and not to feed them is inhospitable.
I eat because food is in front of my nose, and since it's there, I eat it (something that almost all compulsive eaters note - if it's not good for me to eat it, I can't have it in the house).
I eat because I'm used to certain activities in my life being accompanied by food. Saturday grocery shopping, a trip with the kids to the cinema and much more puts us in the face of many cultural food establishments that are so tempting to open their doors to us - you can not cook, do not clean the dishes, and we are still here ...
I eat because I'm thirsty, and I'm not used to distinguishing thirst from hunger. I eat because I'm cold, I eat because I have a headache, I interpret every signal from the body that is not hunger as hunger because I am too anxious or too difficult to accept hunger as it is.

And what sensations does the feeling of hunger cause in you when you still experience it? Watch yourself, this is very important to understand.

These experiences can be so conflicting that the slightest feeling of hunger will cause great discomfort: no, I don't want to think that I have a body, I don't want to admit that I need calories! As a result, I will constantly “bite”, eat not at those moments when I am hungry, but when I am hungry - I will resist this feeling with all my might and chew on a cabbage leaf. True, the feeling of hunger tends to only increase from trying to feed him a cabbage leaf, and the result will be a food breakdown - cookies, ice cream, sweets, a bowl of Olivier salad with fresh bread ... Then the cycle will repeat itself, and so many times.

The wisdom of the body: one old experiment

Being born into the world, the child has a completely distinct unconscious ideas about what he needs for a healthy and nutritious diet - in the event that the process of his nutrition is not interfered with. However, the more developed the world calls itself, the more adults tend to interfere in the process of feeding children, to subordinate it to their convenience, the opinion of popular pediatricians, developmental standards, tables and charts. The results of the following experiment at one time had an extremely supportive effect on my weakened maternal psyche - once I happened to become the mother of a boy who, at the age of one, one and a half years and two years old, ate practically nothing. Grandmothers and pediatricians brought all sorts of blasphemy on me, sandbox comrades-in-arms boasted of cheeky babies and volumes of food eaten, and I was looking for an answer to the question - why is it different with us, why does my child not eat a bowl of buckwheat porridge for lunch, like a neighbor, but is content with two banana slices or dried?

The answer was found in the description of the most famous, large-scale and long-term dietary experiment of the century, conducted in 1928 by Clara Davis (a description of the experiment in Russian can be found in the book Feeding the Child by William and Martha Sears, Davis herself's article on the results). Davis observed small (aged 6 to 11 months) residents of a special nutritional kindergarten organized for the purposes of this experiment for 6 years. The participants in the experiment were children of single mothers who were unable to support and provide for their children, and children of teenage mothers from unwanted pregnancies. Most of the children suffered from severe anemia and severe underweight, rickets and other disorders that usually accompany poor nutrition. Every meal, every bite of what each child ate, was recorded over the course of these six years, which eventually amounted to about 38,000 food diary entries.

Food was offered to the children, but never forced in any way. Food was laid out in certain places, in full view of the children. Babysitters caring for infants who were not yet able to walk never actively offered food to children. Only if the child was absolutely unambiguously drawn to a certain food, he received it in a spoon. If the child refused to eat, the spoon was immediately removed. Children who could walk on their own could freely approach and choose any kind and combination of food that they liked. The food offered was absolutely natural, each type of food was a single product - combinations and mixing of products were not allowed. Why? To make sure the child chooses a specific, specific food for its nutritional value. Therefore, whole grains were present in the diet of the experiment, but there was no bread. All kinds of food were unsalted, salt was served in a separate bowl, like any other food, and the children could choose it if they wanted. Among the products offered were vegetables and fruits, several types of meat and viscera (kidneys, liver), whole grain cereals and cereals, milk and dairy products.

The first discovery of the experiment, now widely known as a scientific fact about children's nutrition, was that children consume an uneven amount of calories during the day, week or month. On one day they can eat twice the daily calorie allowance, on the other they barely gain half. On one day, the caloric content of the food eaten could reach the norm due to the consumption of a small amount of foods with a high caloric value, such as meat or cereals, on the other, due to vegetables and fruits eaten in large volumes.

None of the eating styles of any of the little subjects followed the dietary guidelines developed by the Institute of Pediatrics for their age in any way, and none of the diets was similar to the other. Each child ate differently. These little rascals didn't give a damn about food rations. They ate liver stew with milk and a couple of hard-boiled eggs at night. They gladly placed a circle of banana on top of potatoes and devoured this dietitian's nightmare with gusto.

It was found that, in comparison with the statistics of other children's institutions, the children participating in the experiment rarely and rarely get sick and experience minor health problems typical for this age. Constipation was unknown in this kindergarten. No cases of vomiting or diarrhea were found. During the experiment, viral infections such as influenza, which children fell ill with, passed with a low temperature and lasted no more than 3 days. Children were noted to eat unusually high amounts of fresh meat, milk and fruit during the recovery period from infections.

Of course, the participants in the experiment underwent regular and detailed medical examinations, which noted an increase in hemoglobin in the blood to normal levels, normalization of calcium and phosphorus levels, excellent calcification of children's bones, who suffered from rickets before the start of the experiment, in some cases in an advanced stage, and most strikingly that children gained weight up to the norm required by age, but no more. Of course, there were thinner and more solidly built participants in the group, but neither emaciation nor obesity was noticed. One of the physicians involved in the medical evaluation of the participants subsequently wrote an article in a reputable pediatric journal calling the experimental group "the most physically and behaviorally fittest group of the human species" he had ever seen.

And the food did it all. Or rather, intuitive body settings that allow you to choose exactly the type of food that is most needed by the body at the moment. Children did not receive any types of vitamins, not even fish oil, and no hardware methods known at that time to improve health (UV lamps, heating, etc.).

Subsequently, a number of dietological experiments were carried out with children, which showed the exceptional ability of the human body, “unspoiled” by the norms of nutrition, to independently regulate the level and type of food intake.

Based on this idea, a method was developed to help compulsive gluttons return to the intuitive settings of their own body. If a person suffering from a disturbed relationship with food can learn to recognize his own feeling of hunger, nuance it, eat exactly what his hunger requires at the moment, and stop at the moment of saturation, then the result will be physical and mental satisfaction, the cessation of diet cycles. gluttony and normalization of relations with food.

Hunger is not an aunt, but a friend, comrade and brother

Hunger, as a physiological "event" of the body, is regulated by the hypothalamus - a tiny part of the brain, located in its depth and localized mainly. in the stomach. This means that “hunger in the head”, “boring in the mouth” and “grandmother will be offended if I don’t eat this cutlet” are by no means physiological events, and have nothing to do with hunger. Right now, while reading these lines, put your hand on the place where you feel hunger. Where did your hand go? The stomach is located just above the abdominal area, literally half a day above the abdomen. If the hand is there, everything is in order. And it happens that the hand points to the area above the stomach, the discomfort in which is regarded as hunger. This is not hunger, but anxiety, a feeling most often interpreted by people with eating disorders as hunger.

The next step is to inventory the bodily sensations associated with hunger. Grab a piece of paper, sit down, and describe what signs of hunger you can experience (most of you have already done this in the previous exercise, so just open the appropriate entry).

* Rumbling in the stomach
* Empty feeling in the stomach
* Sucking feeling in the stomach
* Weakness
* Dizziness, headache
* Irritability
* Trembling in limbs

Please note that absolutely all the signs of hunger that you wrote out are bodily sensations, or sensations, in a smart way. Also note that if you write down only trembling, headache or weakness, then these are signs of extremely intense hunger, and this means that you do not recognize its milder forms, and listen to the ted only when hunger becomes over -intense. How to deal with it? How to catch more subtle sensations? Listen to your body for a day or two and try to catch when the feeling of emptiness forms in the stomach or it begins to rumble - these are more or less accurate signs that you are hungry. At the same time, on an emotional level, and this is important to note, anything can happen to you. We are hungry no matter what happens in our soul life. Any change in the feeling of hunger in response to mental events (not only gluttony, but also anorexia, inability to eat in response to stress) can be signs of a disorder in this system.

Now we will learn to recognize the intensity of the feeling of hunger that I am experiencing at the moment. To do this, we will use the following scale:

Starving - Extremely hungry - Hungry - Slightly hungry (would eat something) - Neither hungry nor full - Not particularly hungry - Fully full

Copy or print this scale for yourself on a small piece of paper that you can carry with you. For 3-4 days in a row, take it out as often as possible and determine how intense your feeling of hunger is now. I know that many obesity treatment programs and books on overeating offer similar scales in numerical terms, from 1 to 10, and advise "only eat if the feeling of hunger is at level 8 and above," for example. This strategy is STRONGLY unsuitable for compulsive eaters and bingers, because, as we have already established, most of these people are extremely inclined to try to satisfy the needs of other people. With self-esteem dependent on the opinions of others, the compulsive eater will try to "be good" and only eat if the feeling of hunger is an intensity of 3 or 4, or vice versa, suffer from guilt because "he ate to level 10". Any attempts to clothe bodily sensations in numbers lead to what we are trying to get rid of - increase the distance between consciousness and body.

As you begin these observations, you may discover several typical phenomena.

First, often compulsive eaters only recognize hunger when they actually almost die from it. If you wait until this moment, then a physiological state sets in when the body is so desperate for food that it becomes completely all the same what and how much - any, the more the better. In this state, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to determine what exactly you need right now to get enough - as the children did in the experiment of Clara Davis. This condition is fraught with a huge risk of overeating, and this is what most often happens to those who like to sit on a strict diet.

Another typical state - neither hungry nor full - is very often interpreted by people with eating disorders as hunger. They automatically think that if they do not feel excessive satiety, heaviness in the stomach and a rush of drowsiness, then they are hungry. It is hard to imagine, but there are states in which the body experiences balance and stability - this is not a state of satiety, but it is not yet hunger. Between the state of "I'm dying of hunger" and the state of "neither hungry nor full" are precisely those points on the scale when it is best to make a decision to eat something. It is advisable not to bring yourself to the state of "extremely hungry", but to eat something else on the way to it. It is in these states that your body is able to receive the best. the most accurate solutions. what exactly do you need to eat now. It is the food consumed in this way that is absorbed in an optimal way.

Note that you are trusting your body to make decisions about food, and this means responsibility, as opposed to control. Time (time to eat), social situations (mother-in-law won’t survive if I don’t eat a pie), food itself (it lies under the nose, it’s so tasty, and in half an hour it won’t lie anymore, because the children or colleagues at work will eat everything) stop managing your eating behavior, and rightly so, because what they know about your body and its needs. Calorie counting tables and allowed food lists no longer control your behavior because you are an individual and you definitely do not fit into any of these tables. In this mode, you can eat absolutely everything, there are simply no prohibited foods.

To simplify the process of "tuning" to recognize the desired states, imagine a large glass of water. It is half full (or half empty?). As your hunger increases, the level of water in the glass decreases. The task is to catch this moment and fill the glass again to the level when it becomes half-hollow (or is it half-empty?).

Our entire food history, both phylogenetic, that is, historical, and otntogenetic, that is, individual, available to each person personally, makes us forget how to listen and tell the body when and what it wants. Eat while they give! If you don't finish your meal, you won't leave the table! For mom, for dad, for aunt Sonya! All this experience teaches us NOT to listen to what we really need, and therefore we find ourselves where we find ourselves - having quarreled with the body, having made food, fuel for the body and a means of obtaining pleasure and energy, a black demon that tempts the poor of us, an enemy of the kind human.

Hunger is not an aunt

Hunger is not an aunt - hunger is a complex problem that significantly affects the character, behavior, and well-being of a person.
But why “aunt”, and not mother, grandmother, girl, wife, daughter, spouse, sister, godfather, mother-in-law, godmother? No answer. Although the full saying sounds: “Hunger is not an aunt, a pie will not slip,” it is not clear why exactly a pie is expected from an aunt, and not from all the listed female relatives. In addition, the insidious Russian language completely sows doubt: who “doesn’t slip a pie”, an aunt or hunger itself?

Analogues of the saying about hunger, which is not an aunt

  • Hunger drives the world
  • Hunger is not an aunt, the belly is not a basket
  • Hunger is not an aunt, but the belly is not a basket
  • Hunger is not an aunt, the soul is not a neighbor
  • Hunger is not a neighbor: you can't get away from it
  • Hunger is not an aunt, it will make you speak
  • Hunger is a grumpy godfather: she gnaws until she gets it
  • Hunger is not an aunt, it will make you work
  • Hunger drives the wolf from the forest (to the village).
  • Hunger is not an aunt, she won’t put a ball
  • Hunger is not an aunt in the forest will not run away
  • The hunger of the stomach does not swell, but on an empty stomach is more fun
  • Hunger is not an aunt, frost is not a brother
  • With hunger, the belly will not burst, it will only wrinkle
  • They don't die of hunger, they just swell

“Hunger is not an aunt,” the people say, but they add: “The stepmother is fierce, but the hunger is more fierce!” (E. A. Salias "On Moscow")

Application of the saying in literature

    “They guarded them, but hunger is not an aunt - they broke themselves crusts of bread, but for future use”(Daniil Granin "Zubr")
    “I used to think that hunger is not an aunt, but it turns out that an aunt is a hunger”(Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate")
    “But nothing. Hunger is not an aunt. “I see,” the woman did not immediately say and walked away, apparently losing interest in both the frogs in the hat and in both men.(Vasil Bykov "Wolf Pit")
    “But if hunger is not an aunt, then the cold is also not an uncle, do you agree?”(Vladimir Sanin "Don't tell the Arctic - goodbye")
    “That’s enough, isn’t it,” I thought, listening, “is it for example, isn’t it according to the proverb: “hunger is not an aunt”?”(I. A. Goncharov "Frigate" Pallada ")

Hunger is not an aunt!

Semyon was a tall and interesting young man. He immediately rushed, as they say, into the eyes. If a candidate for a public position was sought anywhere, all those present invariably and without hesitation proposed and chose Semyon. Despite the fact that Semyon always desperately refused, gave himself various self-recusals, and at school, and in the pioneer camp, and later at the institute, he was invariably appointed or elected headman, trade union organizer or Komsomol organizer, and if Semyon still managed to escape from such positions , then, at worst, he was elected chairman of the meeting, session, council or committee.

Once Semyon went on a tourist trip to the Baltic republics. A group of tourists from different cities of the Union at the first meeting, without saying a word, immediately elected him the headman. Semyon protested, but could not do anything. Semyon was an obligatory person, and since he was chosen, he tried to fulfill his duties as best as possible. He negotiated with representatives of a travel company, sought to ensure that the group was transported from city to city in a good bus, that the rooms in hotels and camp sites were the best, and in general that all members of the tourist group were satisfied and no one had any unsatisfied claims.

The group visited Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn and, finally, arrived at the final destination of the trip - a camp site, which was located on the shore of a small forest lake. When the bus drove up to the camp site, all the tourists, fascinated by the beauty of the forest and the lake, expressed their desire to live in tents. Semyon, who had all the documents for the group, had to hand them over to the administrator, fill out some papers. Having finished with all this, he asked in which tent he would live.

Yes, choose any, - they answered him, - they are all unoccupied with us.

Like, where are all my bandmates?

They preferred places in the wards in the building of the camp site.

Well, if everyone is accommodated in the wards, then send me to the ward.

We would love to, but there are no more places.

Uh, no, that won't do, I won't live in a tent alone, find me a place in the building.

But we are really busy. But if you insist, we have room in the gatehouse for one person. An electrician used to live there, and then the camp site was connected to the main power line and since then the gatehouse has been empty.

As already mentioned, the camp site was located on the shore of a small forest lake. There was a small beach and a boat station near the camp site building. Vacationers could take boats and ride on the lake at any time. The gatehouse was located on the opposite side of the lake. It was a small wooden house with a bed, a bedside table, a small table and one chair. Semyon liked the gatehouse, and he agreed to live in it. He took one of the boats for personal use, on which he moved across the lake from the camp site to his lodge and back.

Semyon was a young healthy guy, he spent almost the whole day on the lake - he swam, rode a boat. The air was clean, forest. All this stimulated the appetite. On the very first day of his stay at the camp site, it turned out that the food that was given to vacationers was completely insufficient for Semyon. First, he began to find out if there was a grocery store nearby. But it turned out that for several kilometers around there was only one forest. Then Semyon went to the doctor:

I don't have enough food, please prescribe me an increased diet. If necessary, I am willing to pay for extra food.

Unfortunately, I cannot prescribe such a diet for you. As for the purchase of additional food coupons, we do not sell them separately - only together with vouchers for a camp site. So be patient, after six days your stay here will end, leave, go to a restaurant there and eat up to satiety.

Simon was hungry all the time. And he didn't hide it. Soon the entire tour group sympathized with him. Once a woman said to him:

I met this young girl here, she was supposed to come here with her fiancé, but he was detained at work and she thinks that he will not come. But she had two vouchers in her hands and was given two sets of food stamps. One of her sets is missing. On the other hand, she would very much like to ride a boat, but she herself does not know how to row. If you could give her a ride, tell her that you are starving, I think she would be happy to give you extra food stamps.

Semyon was introduced to a girl named Lida. A long boat ride on the lake ended with the fact that they stopped at Semyon's lodge, where he replaced her absent fiancé. As the song says: “Allow me, madam, to replace your husband if your husband is away on business!”.

Lida gave Semyon extra food stamps. Arriving at the dining room for lunch, he said to the waitress:

Here are two coupons for you - give me, please, two starters, two first, two second and two sweet.

I can't do it. If you want, come in to eat first from the first, and then from the second shift.

And Semyon had to eat a snack, first, second, sweet, and then start all over again - again a snack, again the first, again the second and again sweet. And only after that, for the first time in three days, he felt that he had eaten, that he was not hungry.

A year later, when Semyon was with a tourist group on a trip to Romania, the food was extremely poor. And again Semyon was practically starving. There was so little local money that was given out to tourists that it was impossible to buy anything edible. But when the group left the next city, the administration of the restaurant where they ate, arranged a “banquet” for the tourists in farewell. What they didn't realize, however, was that the group was made up largely of Azerbaijanis, most of whom don't eat pork. In such cases, Semyon already knew how to satisfy his hunger, although not in the same way as on a forest lake in Estonia. He sat at the same table with three Azerbaijani women, who immediately gave him the pork chops served to them. After eating four chops, Semyon felt that he was full and would somehow make it to the next city, where there would again be a pork "banquet".

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