Cities by population. The largest cities in Russia by population


    According to the All-Russian Population Census, as of October 14, 2010, there were 1,287 urban-type settlements in Russia. Of these, 206 with a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. No. Urban-type settlement Region Population, thous. (2002) ... ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Europe 1.1 Austria 1.2 Azerbaijan (also in Asia) 1.3 ... Wikipedia

    The list includes only those settlements of the Russian Federation that, based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service, have the status of cities. The area of ​​​​the city is understood as the territory within its city limits, ... ... Wikipedia

    According to the results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, among 1,100 cities in Russia, 37 cities had a population of more than 500 thousand inhabitants, including: 2 cities of a multimillionaire (Moscow, St. Petersburg) more than 2 million inhabitants, 12 cities ... ... Wikipedia

    According to the results of the All-Russian Population Census in 2010, there are 66 cities in the Far Eastern Economic Region, of which: 2 largest cities from 500 thousand to 1 million inhabitants 2 large cities from 250 thousand to 500 thousand inhabitants 6 large cities from 100 thousand to 250 thousand inhabitants 6 … … Wikipedia

    In the Central Economic Region, there are 139 cities with a population of more than 20 thousand people, including: Moscow 11.5 million inhabitants of 66 cities in the Moscow Region Main article: List of cities in the Moscow Region 72 cities in other regions of the Central ... ... Wikipedia

    There are 34 cities in the Volga-Vyatka economic region with a population of more than 20 thousand people, of which: 1 millionaire more than 1 million inhabitants 3 large cities from 250 thousand to 500 thousand inhabitants 4 large cities from 100 thousand to 250 thousand inhabitants 8 medium-sized cities from 50 thousand to 100 ... ... Wikipedia

    According to the results of the All-Russian Population Census of 2010, there are 52 cities in the Central Chernozem Economic Region, of which: 2 largest cities from 500 thousand to 1 million inhabitants 3 large cities from 250 thousand to 500 thousand inhabitants 2 large cities from 100 thousand ... Wikipedia

    European cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people. As of the middle of 2012, there are 91 such cities in Europe, among which 33 cities have a population of more than 1,000,000 inhabitants. The list contains official data on the number ... ... Wikipedia

    This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / November 11, 2012. While the discussion process ... Wikipedia

Most of the Russian population is concentrated in cities. In total, there are more than 1,100 thousand of them with official status. But only 160 of them have a population of more than 100,000 people. And a tenth of them - 15 pieces - are millionaires, that is, they are home to more than one, but less than two million people. The two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg - are multi-million cities, that is, they are home to more than two million people. But not only these, but also other largest cities in Russia deserve a special story.


Moscow is the capital of Russia, today and in some other periods of the country's history. It is the largest settlement in the world and one of the largest in the world. Now about 12 million people live in it, and the total agglomeration, taking into account the suburbs, is even more - 15 million people. The total area is about 250 square kilometers. This means that the population density is 4823 people per square kilometer. It is difficult to say when this city was founded, but the first mention of it dates back to the beginning of the 12th century.

Moscow is a multinational city. Only about 90% of its population, according to official figures, are Russians. About 1.5% are Ukrainians, the same number are Tatars, slightly less than Armenians. Half a percent - Belarusians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians. Dozens more nationalities have smaller diasporas. And although representatives of various nationalities do not always get along peacefully, Moscow has become a real home for millions of people.

St. Petersburg is often called the second capital of Russia, the northern or cultural capital, and so on. He also has many beautiful epithet names - northern Palmyra, northern Venice. And although the population of this city is significantly inferior to Moscow (5 million against 12), as well as age (3 centuries against 9), in terms of glory and significance for the country, St. Petersburg is in no way inferior to it. It is also inferior in terms of area, population density and many other parameters. But on the other hand, St. Petersburg is one of the "longest cities" - it "hugs" the Gulf of Finland.

It should be noted that St. Petersburg is unique in many respects. Of all the non-capital cities, it has the second largest population. During the years that this city was the capital of the empire, it became the most important for world culture. The Hermitage, the Russian Museum, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Peterhof, the Kunstkamera are only a small part of its attractions.

The list of the largest settlements in the country continues with Novosibirsk, the administrative center of the Siberian Federal District, the most populated city in the northern part of the country. It is also a business, commercial, industrial, cultural and scientific center not only in Siberia, but throughout Russia.

Novosibirsk is a millionaire, but much fewer people live in it than in the previous two cities - “only” a little more than one and a half million. At the same time, it should be taken into account that Novosibirsk was founded relatively recently - in 1893. This city is distinguished from others by a rather harsh climate with sharp transitions. In winter, temperatures can reach 50 degrees, while in summer, sometimes the bars rise to 35 degrees. The total temperature difference throughout the year can reach a record 88 degrees.

Yekaterinburg is considered not only one of the largest cities in the country, but also one of the most comfortable and comfortable for life. It is the center of the Ural Federal District and is often called the capital of the Urals.

Ekaterinburg can be attributed to the ancient cities of the country. After all, it was founded in 1723 and received a name in honor of Empress Catherine the First. In Soviet times, it was renamed Sverdlovsk, but in 1991 it returned its name.

This is the case when Veliky Novgorod, older and titled, is significantly inferior to its younger namesake - Nizhny Novgorod. Residents of Russia often call him simply Lower, for brevity and not to be confused with the Great.

The city was founded in 1221 and during this time has become the administrative center of the Nizhny Novgorod Federal District, a major economic, industrial and cultural center with a population of 1,200 thousand people.

Kazan is the sixth city in the ranking in terms of population, but in many ways it surpasses even larger settlements. Not without reason, it is called the third capital of Russia and even officially registered this brand. She also has several unofficial titles, for example, "The capital of all the Tatars of the world" or "the capital of Russian federalism."

This city with more than a thousand years of history was founded in 1005 and recently celebrated such a major anniversary. Interestingly, the decline in population, which affected almost all cities, even many millionaires, did not affect Kazan, and it continues to increase its population. The national composition is also remarkable - almost equally Russians and Tatars, approximately 48% each, as well as a few Chuvashs, Ukrainians and Maris.

Many people know this city from the song "Ah, Samara-town". But they forget that in terms of size, this "town" ranks seventh in terms of population. If we talk about the agglomeration, then it is much larger than that of many other cities, and has 2.5 million inhabitants, which is the third largest in the country, after Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Samara was founded in 1586 as a guard fortress by decree of Tsar Fedor. The location of the city turned out to be successful, and the city grew every year. In the Soviet years, it was renamed Kuibyshev, but then returned to its original name.

The internet is full of jokes about the toughest city in the country. A new round was opened by the fall of a meteorite, which occurred just in its center. But not everyone knows that this city is the most compact metropolis in the country, one of the leading metallurgical centers, a city with excellent roads. In addition, it is in the TOP-15 cities of Russia in terms of living standards, TOP-20 in terms of environmental development, TOP-5 in terms of the number of new buildings put into operation. It even ranks first in terms of housing affordability. And all this concerns the "harsh" Chelyabinsk.

It is worth noting that the city continues to develop. Until recently, it was ranked ninth in the ranking, and now it has risen to eighth with a population of 1,170 thousand people. Its national composition is quite diverse. Most - 86% are Russians, another 5% - Tatars, 3% - Bashkirs, 1.5 - Ukrainians, 0.6% - Germans, and so on.

Omsk is the ninth most populated city in the Russian Federation, but it has not always been this way. When the small fortress was founded in 1716, only a few thousand people lived in it. But now there are more than 1,166 thousand of them. But, unlike many other millionaire cities, the Omsk agglomeration is extremely small - only about 20 thousand.

Like many other cities in Russia, representatives of various nationalities live in this city. Most of all, of course, Russians - 89%, another 3.5 - Kazakhs, 2% each - Ukrainians and Tatars, 1.5% - Germans.

Rostov-on-Don, like Nizhny Novgorod, which we talked about above, has its own "namesake" - Veliky Rostov. But the Great is significantly inferior to it in size: Rostov-on-Don, albeit the last number, is included in the TOP-10 largest cities in Russia, while the Great has only about 30 thousand inhabitants, although it is several times older.

Now you know which is the largest city in Russia, where it is located and how many people live in it. But in addition to the ten listed in the country, there are five more millionaires: Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Vladimir and Voronezh. The rest are trying very hard to enter this prestigious list, and some may soon succeed.

Almost all residents of our country know that the largest city in terms of population is Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, and the second largest city in terms of population is the city of St. Petersburg, the northern "capital". And what other cities are in the top 10 in terms of population in our country - Russia. Two cities are constantly fighting for third place, which periodically replace each other in this position - this is the Ural capital Yekaterinburg and the Siberian capital Novosibirsk. The population of these cities fluctuates around one and a half million people. Also in the top 10 are such cities - Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, whose population is more than one million people. All these cities are classified as cities with a population of one million in the Russian Federation. Also, this category of cities, in addition to the above, includes such cities as Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Voronezh, Volgograd. Another 21 cities in our country have a population of 500,000 to 1,000,000. Other cities in the country have a smaller population.


The capital of the Russian Federation with a population of 12,330,126 people. The largest city not only in Russia, but also in the world, where it takes 10th place. The city was founded in 1147. Located on the Moscow River. The largest city in Europe.

St. Petersburg.

Northern, cultural "capital" with a population of 5,225,690. The second most populated city in Russia. A hero city that was under blockade for 872 days during the Great Patriotic War. Until January 26, 1924, it was called Petrograd, until September 6, 1991, Leningrad. It was founded in 1703 by order of Peter the Great. The third city in Europe in terms of population.


The Siberian capital with a population of 1,584,138 people. The third most populated city in Russia, the largest in Siberia. Founded in 1893, received city status in 1903. Until 1925 it was called Novo-Nikolaevsk.


The capital of the Urals with a population of 1,444,439 people. Founded November 7, 1723. From 1924 to 1991 it was called Sverdlovsk. During the reign of Catherine II, the Siberian Highway was laid through the city - the main road to the riches of Siberia - Yekaterinburg became a "window to Asia", like St. Petersburg - a "window to Europe".

Nizhny Novgorod.

It closes the top five Russian cities in terms of population - 1,266,871 people. The city was founded in 1221 - one of the oldest cities in our country. From 1932 to 1990 it was called Gorky.


Capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Population 1,216,965 people. The city was founded in 1005. The largest tourist center.


Population 1,191,994. Founded in 1736. The largest industrial center of the country.


City of Siberia with a population of 1,178,079 people. Founded in 1716. The second city in Siberia in terms of population. It is located at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om rivers.


Population 1,170,910. Founded in 1586. From 1935 to 1991, the name Kuibyshev began. The city has the highest railway station in Europe. Samara has the longest embankment in Russia.


Population 1,119,875 people. The city was founded in 1749. The city is located on the Don River. The city is called the "gates of the Caucasus", the southern capital.


  • Population: 1 114 806
  • Founded: 1749
  • Subject of the federation: Rostov region
  • National composition:
    • 90.6% Russian
    • 3.4% Armenians
    • 1.5% Ukrainians

R ost-on-Don is the oldest city in Russia, the southern “capital” of Russia. It was founded in 1749 by the decree of Elizabeth Petrovna. The main part of the city is located on the right bank of the Don. The city has many "green" areas - picturesque parks and squares. Huge trees grow in the center of the city, reaching a height of 6-7 floors. Rostov has its own zoo, botanical garden, circus, water park, as well as a dolphinarium. A symbolic border between Europe and Asia passes through the Voroshilovsky Bridge in the center of Rostov-on-Don.


  • Population: 1 171 820
  • Founded: 1586
  • Subject of the federation: Samara Region
  • National composition:
    • 90% Russian
    • 3.6% Tatars
    • 1.1% Mordovians
    • 1.1% Ukrainians

With amara (from 1935 to 1991 - Kuibyshev)- This is a fairly large city located on the left, higher bank of the Volga with its many attractions. The city of Samara is a large industrial center of the Volga Federal District. It has developed industries such as mechanical engineering (including the aviation and space industries), metalworking, and the food industry.


  • Population: 1 173 854
  • Founded: 1716
  • Subject of the federation: Omsk region
  • National composition:
    • 88.8% Russian
    • 3.4% Kazakhs
    • 2.0% Ukrainians

O Moscow time - one of the largest cities in Siberia and Russia - was founded in 1716. In 2016 the city will celebrate its 300th anniversary. Omsk is considered the economic, educational and cultural center of Western Siberia. A large number of large industrial enterprises are located in the city, medium and small businesses are developing. There are more than 10 theatres, Concert and Organ halls in the city. Every year Omsk hosts various festivals, exhibitions, concerts of Russian and foreign performers.


  • Population: 1 183 387
  • Founded: 1736
  • Subject of the federation: Chelyabinsk region
  • National composition:
    • 86.5% Russian
    • 5.1% Tatars
    • 3.1% Bashkirs

Chelyabinsk is the capital of the Southern Urals. It is located to the east of the Ural Range, on the geological border of the Urals and Siberia. Enterprises of the city of Chelyabinsk - metallurgical and machine-building giants - are known all over the world.


  • Population: 1 205 651
  • Founded: 1005
  • Subject of the federation: Republic of Tatarstan
  • National composition:
    • 48.6% Russian
    • 47.6% Tatars
    • 0.8% Chuvash

Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, one of the largest and most beautiful cities in Russia, included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Cities. Kazan is a major industrial and commercial center of Russia. The whole world knows planes and helicopters that are produced in the capital of Tatarstan, chemical and petrochemical products produced by giant Kazan plants.


  • Population: 1 267 760
  • Founded: 1221
  • Subject of the federation: Nizhny Novgorod Region
  • National composition:
    • 93.9% Russian
    • 1.3% Tatars
    • 0.6% Mordva

Nizhny Novgorod is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the center and largest city of the Volga Federal District. The most developed industries are mechanical engineering and metalworking, food, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, medical, light and woodworking, mechanical engineering and metalworking. The city has preserved many unique monuments of history, architecture and culture, which gave UNESCO grounds to include Nizhny Novgorod in the list of 100 cities of the world of world historical and cultural value.


  • Population: 1 428 042
  • Founded: 1723
  • Subject of the federation: Sverdlovsk region
  • National composition:
    • 89.1% Russian
    • 3.7% Tatars
    • 1.0% Ukrainians

Yekaterinburg is called the capital of the Urals. It is the fourth largest city in Russia. Yekaterinburg became one of the "centers" of Russian rock. The groups "Nautilus Pompilius", "Urfin Juice", "Semantic Hallucinations", "Agatha Christie", "Chayf", "Nastya" were formed here. Julia Chicherina, Olga Arefieva and many others grew up here.


  • Population: 1 567 087
  • Founded: 1893
  • Subject of the federation: Novosibirsk region
  • National composition:
    • 92.8% Russian
    • 0.9% Ukrainians
    • 0.8% Uzbeks

Novosibirsk is the third most populous city in Russia and has the status of an urban district. It is a commercial, cultural, business, industrial, scientific and transport center of federal significance. As a settlement, it was founded in 1893, and the status of a city was given to Novosibirsk in 1903. One of the largest zoos in Russia is located in Novosibirsk, famous all over the world for the conservation of endangered species of animals, some of which remained only in the collections of zoos.


  • Population: 5 191 690
  • Founded: 1703
  • Subject of the federation:
  • National composition:
    • 92.5% Russian
    • 1.5% Ukrainians
    • 0.9% Belarusians

St. Petersburg is the second most populated city in Russia. It has the status of a federal city. The administrative center of the Northwestern Federal District and the Leningrad Region. Few cities in the world can boast of so many sights, museum collections, opera and drama theatres, estates and palaces, parks and monuments.


  • Population: 12 197 596
  • Founded: 1147
  • Subject of the federation:
  • National composition:
    • 91.6% Russian
    • 1.4% Ukrainians
    • 1.4% Tatars

Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation, a city of federal significance, the administrative center of the Central Federal District and the center of the Moscow Region, which is not part of it. Moscow is the largest financial center on a national scale, an international business center and a control center for a large part of the country's economy. For example, about half of the banks registered in Russia are concentrated in Moscow. According to Ernst & Young, Moscow ranks 7th among European cities in terms of investment attractiveness.

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