The mayor's description of what he is and how he looks. The image and characteristics of the Governor in Gogol's comedy "Inspector General" with quotations from the text


The character of the mayor in Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector"

The mayor - Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsy, is written out quite brightly in the comedy. He is one of the central figures, and it is around him and Khlestakov that the main action develops. The rest of the characters are half sketches. We only know their names and status, otherwise they are people very similar to the mayor, because they are the same field, live in the same county town, where “even if you ride for three years, you won’t reach any state.” Yes, they are not so important, otherwise they would overshadow all the "splendor" of the figure of the Governor.

We meet with Gogol a lot of "talking" surnames. This technique is everywhere in his works. The Governor was no exception. Let's see what his surname tells about the character. According to Dahl's dictionary, a draftsman is "a cunning, sharp-sighted mind, a shrewd person, a rogue, a rogue, an experienced rogue and a creeper." But this is obvious. From the first lines of the work, we learn that the Governor will never miss what floats into his hands, and does not hesitate to take bribes, even with greyhound puppies. His caution also speaks of vigilance or clairvoyance. In society, this is a decent head of the city, who constantly goes to church, has a prosperous family and stands up for his residents. But let's not forget that a draftsman is also a swindler, and therefore he also oppresses merchants, and squanders government money, and flogs the people. There is also a second part of the name. Let's open Dal again and read that dmukhan is “pomp, pride, arrogance. arrogance, swagger." And, indeed, arrogance and swagger from Anton Antonovich does not hold. How delighted he was when he learned that his daughter was not marrying anyone, but a minister: “I myself, mother, am a decent person. However, really, what do you think, Anna Andreevna, what birds we have become now! What about Anna Andreevna? Fly high, damn it! Wait a minute, now I will put all these hunters to submit petitions and denunciations to the pepper. Here is our mayor.

However, let's see how the author himself describes Anton Antonovich to us in the author's remarks "for the gentlemen of the actors". “The mayor, already aged in the service and a very intelligent person in his own way. Although he is a bribe-taker, he behaves very respectably; quite serious; somewhat even a reasoner; speaks neither loudly nor softly, neither more nor less. His every word is significant. His features are rough and hard, like those of anyone who has begun his service from the lower ranks. The transition from fear to joy, from rudeness to arrogance is quite quick, like a person with a roughly developed inclination of the soul. He is dressed, as usual, in his uniform with buttonholes and boots with spurs. His hair is cropped, with gray hair. Everything is important in these remarks, they allow us to understand how Gogol himself wanted to portray the hero, as opposed to how we, the readers, see him. Just as his last name can tell us a lot about the mayor, so the appearance can add touches to the portrait. A uniform uniform with buttonholes tells us that this is indeed a respectable person who does not like his orders to be discussed. In his town, he is the king and God, respectively, and he must have a proper appearance. But how interesting it is to observe his transformation when meeting with the so-called incognito auditor. The mayor begins to stutter and grovel, and may even give a bribe if he goes for it. But the veneration of rank was in use at that time, however, with the mayor it reaches the highest limit, he experiences such panic fear: “The mayor (trembling). Inexperience, by golly, inexperience. Insufficiency of the state ... If you please, judge for yourself: the state salary is not enough even for tea and sugar. If there were any bribes, then just a little: something on the table and for a couple of dresses. As for the non-commissioned officer's widow, engaged in the merchant class, whom I allegedly flogged, this is slander, by God, slander. This was invented by my villains; this is such a people that they are ready to encroach on my life.

The mayor is also rude, Gogol also tells us about this. Despite the high position he occupies, he is an uneducated person, there are many bad inclinations and vices in his soul, but he does not try to eradicate them, because he believes that this is how it should be. Stupidity and ignorance - these are the features that dominate the character of the Governor. Even his assurances that he serves honestly and impeccably are sewn through with white thread, and lies scream from every window. He does not even have enough intelligence to come up with something plausible in the face of the formidable Khlestakov, although before that he very deliberately warned his officials about the approaching danger: “There the merchants complained to Your Excellency. I assure you with honor, and half of what they say is not. They themselves deceive and measure the people. The non-commissioned officer lied to you that I whipped her; she's lying, by God, she's lying. She carved herself." Such curiosities are found in the county town.

But, of course, just as there are no only good or only bad people in the world, so book characters cannot be only positive or only negative. Although this can hardly be said about the characters of The Inspector General. But nevertheless, for some reason, we feel sorry for the end of the Governor, who was so cruelly deceived in Khlestakov. In general, it turns out that in comedy there is not a single positive hero, with the exception of Osip, Khlestakov's servant, who, however, is also a drunkard and a rogue. We are sad to see the collapse of the dream of Gorodnichiy, dreaming about blue ribbons and a house in St. Petersburg. Maybe he did not deserve such a fate, maybe his petty sins are not so terrible. But, I think, this punishment is quite fair, because we understand that the Governor will never improve, and it is unlikely that the incident with the auditor will serve as a lesson to him. Yes, and he is upset, first of all, because he did not see a swindler in Khlestakov, he himself is a rogue of rogues. Moreover, it’s a shame that “Look, look, the whole world, all Christianity, everyone, look how foolish the mayor is! Fool him, fool, old scoundrel! (He threatens himself with his fist.) Oh, you thick-nosed one! Icicle, rag mistook for an important person! There he is now flooding the whole road with a bell! Spread history around the world. Not only will you go into a laughingstock - there is a clicker, paper maraca, they will insert you into a comedy. That's what's embarrassing! Chin, the title will not spare, and they will all bare their teeth and clap their hands. What are you laughing at? “You are laughing at yourself!” he pronounces the sacramental at the end.

But indeed, the character of the Governor is a collective portrait of all the officials of that time. He absorbed all the shortcomings: servility, servility, envy, swagger, flattery. This list can be continued for a long time. The mayor becomes a kind of "hero of our time", which is why he is written out so clearly, why his character is so clearly manifested, especially in crisis situations, and the whole life of the mayor throughout the "Inspector" is a crisis. And in such crisis situations, Anton Antonovich is not used to, apparently, from a weakness of character. That's why the electric effect at the end. It is doubtful that the mayor will be able to agree with a real official. After all, all his life he deceived the same rogues as himself, and the rules of the game of another world are inaccessible to him. And therefore the arrival of an official from St. Petersburg for Anton Antonovich is like God's punishment. And there is no salvation from this, except to obey. But knowing the nature of the mayor, we can safely say that he will still make an attempt to appease the new auditor, without thinking about the fact that for a bribe “you can go to jail”, he does not see beyond his own nose, and pays for this in the finale: “The mayor in the middle in the form of a pillar, with outstretched arms and a head thrown back. Silent scene... Curtain!


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.

Fascination, then everyone to one would have gone over to the side of this honest person and would have completely forgotten about those who so frightened them now. "an honest face", which determines the meaning of the comedy. "Laughter" in "The Government Inspector" is imbued with faith in the "bright nature of man", in the spiritual forces of the people,

The parties can see the insignificance and emptiness of their worries. Thus, Gogol clearly shows the contrast between fussy external activity and internal ossification. "The Government Inspector" is a comedy of characters. Gogol's humor is psychological. Laughing at the characters in The Government Inspector, we, in Gogol's words, are laughing not at their "crooked nose, but at their crooked soul." The comic in Gogol is almost entirely devoted to the depiction of types. From here...

Destroyer. Gogol's absurd humor in The Government Inspector carries an explosive force that is terribly dangerous for order and hierarchy. Nicholas I thought that The Inspector General was useful for correcting the shortcomings of the system and said during the performance: "This is not a play, this is a lesson"; in fact, Gogol, with his unbridled laughter, destroys the system itself. Of course, Khlestakov is not a caricature of the tsar, but for officials he is an analogue of the autocrat, ...

Especially frightening and frightening. Khlestakov from the very beginning appears as an insignificant and worthless person. But the mayor will allow himself to speak about this only at the end of the whole story with the imaginary auditor, calling him a “whistle” and a “helicopter.” In the meantime, together with officials, he is trying to find significance in Khlestakov, and in his words and remarks there is a deep meaning. As for Khlestakov, he is not in ...

Speech originality of the comedy "The Government Inspector"

The comedy "The Government Inspector" is a dramatic work. The language of drama is the language of living characters, the main form of their identification.

Nowhere does language serve as such a powerful means of condensed characterization of character-images as in dramatic art. So, each character in the comedy "The Inspector General", although he speaks the common national language, but with the introduction of special intonations, slang words, turns and even the pace of speech, due to the age, character and position of this person in society.

The unprecedented, unheard-of natural language of Gogol's comedy The Inspector General is a means typification and individualization character images. It has words and phrases bribe, auditor, secret order, rank, official, trustee of charitable institutions, appropriation, state council, presence etc.), characteristic of the clerical-bureaucratic style, inherent in all officials, revealing their social essence. At the same time, each character in Gogol's play has a unique personality and is characterized by its own peculiarities of speech. Already the first news about the auditor immediately reveals special features in their speeches and characters. Every official in my own way perceives bad news and in my own way reflects it in his speech: the mayor - calmly and judiciously, the judge - with absurd reasoning, the caretaker - in a panic, the trustee - slyly, and the postmaster, like a judge, - with stupid conjectures.

How was the first news of the auditor's arrival reflected in the language and thoughts of officials.


What did they say?

What feelings and thoughts did you express?

What kinds of speech did you use?

Skvoznik - Dmukhanovsky

“I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you of the unpleasant news6 the auditor is coming to us”

... “I warned you, gentlemen. - Look, in my part I made some orders, I advise you too”

… “Make it so that everything is decent”



Efficiency and foresight.

Declarative-affirmative and imperative sentences.

Judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin

“Yes, such a circumstance ... Unusually, simply unusually, something is not without reason”

“I think, Anton Antonovich, that there is a subtle and more political reason. This means this: Russia ... yes ... wants to wage war, and the ministry, you see, sent an official to find out if there was treason anywhere ”

Indulges in ridiculous guesses, devoid of common sense and reason.

Breaking, unfinished sentences, so-called amplifications.

Superintendent of schools Luka Lukich Khlopov

“Oh my God! More with a secret order"

“Why, Anton Antonovich, why is this? Why do we need an auditor?

Expresses fear, despair, bewilderment, confusion.

Exclamatory and interrogative sentences.

Trustee of charitable institutions Artemy Fillipovich Strawberry

“Well, that's nothing. Caps, perhaps, you can wear clean "

"O! As for healing, Christian Ivanovich and I took our measures: the closer to nature, the better - we do not use expensive medicines. A simple man: if he dies, he will die anyway; if he recovers, and so he recovers "

The calmness of a self-satisfied and burned-out rogue, confident in his impunity and having developed comfortable convictions on the basis of his roguery.

Narrative sentences with reasonable interjections and introductory words that turn into aphorisms of worldly wisdom.


“Explain, gentlemen, what kind of official is coming?”

“What do I think? - there will be a war with the Turks"

“Right war with the Turks. It's all French crap"

Just like the judge, he indulges in stupid speculation, devoid of common sense.

Speech jerky, impulsive

The most "rich" and relatively diverse speech of the mayor. His speech reveals in him a clever, cunning and prudent person; it flexibly changes depending on the circumstances.

The lexical composition of the mayor's speech





"damn it"


"paper maraca"

"damned liberals"

"damned liars"

"damned ratchet"

"secret order"



"incoming and outgoing"



"city rulers"


"emergency progress"

"Sort of", "shast"

“Oh, where enough”, “bad”, “maybe”


"hear", "foolishly"





"sniff out"







"fly away"

"fight off"









According to vocabulary layers, the phraseology of the mayor’s language is just as diverse.

Phraseology of the mayor's speech


"Ah, damn it, it's nice to be a general"

"Fool to him, fool, old scoundrel"


"Lord, have mercy on us sinners!"

"Take it out, saints!"

“Give it, God, to get away with it as soon as possible…”

"...Thank God, everything is going well"


“My duties, as the mayor of the local city, are to make sure that there are no harassment for visitors and all noble people”

“Would you like to inspect now some institutions in our city, somehow charitable and others?”


“There is no person who does not have some sins behind him. This is already so arranged by God themselves, and the Voltaireans speak against it in vain.

“Otherwise, a lot of intelligence is worse than not having it at all”

"The more breaking, the more means the activities of the city governor"

"Before virtue, all is dust and vanity"


“We know in whose garden the pebbles are thrown”

“Having walked, a person brings everything out: what is in the heart, then on the tongue”

“And you don’t blow in your mustache”

"look, keep your ears open"

"...Hairs stand on end"

“Yes, both of them hit the sky with their fingers”

"They say that I fell to them salty"

“Ek, where did you throw it! What a fog he let in!

"What will be, will be, try at random"

“Things seem to be going well now.”

The intonations of the mayor’s speech are very diverse, since the mayor is a sociable and social person, a clever rogue and a rogue, a “grated kalach”, he knows with whom and how to deal with. The variety of the range of his intonations is each time determined by the circumstances in which he finds himself: at the first news of the arrival of the auditor, he speaks calmly, judiciously, and gives friendly advice.

The tone of speech of the mayor is especially interesting and indicative in his treatment of people of various ranks. His treatment of people anticipates Chichikov's treatment of landowners.

Appeal of the mayor

To whom?

Form of appeal

What does it express?

To officials

"I invited you, gentlemen..."

“I warned you, gentlemen…”

“You, gentlemen, get ready for your part…”

"Sit down, gentlemen"

To Khlestakov

"Wouldn't you like..."

"Dare I ask you..."

"I dare to inform you..."

Do not be angry, Your Excellency"

"I can't believe, Your Excellency"

Please joke, Your Excellency"

Helpfulness, flattery and subservience.

“Well, friend, have you been fed well?”

“Well, friend, how is your master? ... Strict? ... "

"Friend, you must be a good person"

“Well, friend, tell me, please: what does your master pay attention to more?”

"Well, friend, you go, cook there

Condescending and patronizing tone.

“Ah, great falcons!”

"What, darlings, how are you?"

“What, samovar, arshinniki, complain?”

“Archipsy, protobeasts, swindlers of the sea! To complain? What, did you take a lot?

Irony, gloating, rudeness.

Thus, the speech of the mayor in terms of vocabulary, phraseology and intonation is diverse and expressive. The mayor is gentle with his wife, polite with colleagues, obsequious with Khlestakov, contemptuous with Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, indulgent with Osip, malevolent, rude and ferocious with merchants and completely dumb, that is, he loses the power of speech in front of the higher authorities. Compared with the speech of the mayor, the language of other characters in the comedy is much poorer.

The speech of the most empty Khlestakov is incoherent, sliding associative, jumping from one subject to another for no reason: “Yes, they already know me everywhere ... I know pretty actresses. I, too, are different vaudeville players ... I often see writers. With Pushkin on a friendly footing.” The flight of his reckless fantasy is so swift that he blurts out words, phrases that are completely unexpected even for himself. This is how his famous hyperbole is born: “a watermelon worth seven hundred rubles”; “Soup in a saucepan came from Paris right on the ship”; "thirty-five thousand one couriers." Khlestakov bribes and delights the provincial aristocracy with his laid-back chatter, in which they hear their native bureaucratic jargon and vulgar secular phraseology, which seems to them the height of elegant gallantry.

The speech of the trustee of charitable institutions, Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, is flattering, cunningly quirky and pompously bureaucratic: “Not daring to disturb with your presence, take away time allocated for sacred duties ...” To Khlestakov’s stupidest remark, “as if yesterday you were a little shorter”, he, servile, fawning, answers with consent: "It may very well be."

The speech of Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin, especially the superintendent of schools and the postmaster, is very monotonous. The dictionary, intonations of the judge are determined by the pretensions of a self-satisfied ignoramus for reasoning ("No, I'll tell you, you're wrong ... you're not ... The authorities have subtle views"). The speech of the superintendent of schools reflects his extreme timidity and fear (“Orobel, your bless ... preos ... shine ...”). The phraseology of the postmaster is a clear evidence of his stupidity ("What am I? How are you, Anton Antonych?", "That's right, sir"). Meager in words and thoughts, he gets confused, keeps silent.

The vocabulary is even poorer and the syntax of the urban landlords Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky is primitive. They abundantly use introductory words (“yes”, “entogo”, “please see”) and connect phrases with the help of composing unions (“And not having found Korobkin ... and not having found Rastakovsky”). To Khlestakov’s question, “have you hurt yourself,” Bobchinsky answers clearly in a tongue-tied tongue: “Nothing, nothing, sir, without any interference ...”

The speech features of Anna Andreevna, combining exaggerated-pretentious mannerism, as an imitation of secularism ("Oh, what a passage!"; "If I'm not mistaken, you are making a declaration about my daughter"), with vulgar vernacular ("ran in like a mad cat"), superbly defined the mayor: "ratchet".

Embodying the inner essence of the characters in his speech, Gogol brilliantly uses the means of ironic-satirical sharpening. He laughs evilly at them, giving their language a comically incongruous and even parodic meaning. Justifying himself in "sins", the mayor utters a clearly similar phrase: "If he took it from another, then, right, without any hatred." Dreaming about the future, about high ranks, he uses words that contrast sharply with these ranks: “What do you think, Anna Andreevna, can you fit into the generals?”

Khlestakov's speech in a number of cases turns into a parody of the gallant-complimentary language of a noble drawing room, in which the traditions of a cutesy, sentimental-sensitive style are still alive: “How happy I am that I am finally sitting next to you; “Yes, the village, however, also has its own hillocks, streams ...”

The judge, agreeing with the assessors and clearly at odds with elementary logic, sees the reason for the alcoholic smell that is constantly characteristic of the assessor in the fact that “in childhood, his mother hurt him, and since then he gives off a little vodka from him.” He, explaining the motives for the visit of the auditor, the postmaster categorically, but similarly declares: “... there will be a war with the Turks ... This Frenchman is shitting.”

The trustee of charitable institutions boasts: “Since I took over the authorities, it may even seem unbelievable to you, everyone is recovering like flies.” The deadly irony of this boast is in the habitually negative meaning of the proverb he modified.

Speech alogism is also used by Gogol in the sketch of Anna Andreevna, a youthful mannered coquette.

Laughing at his negative characters, Gogol is not averse to using some rare, outlandish word or expression. So, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky enter the tavern because of Dobchinsky's "gastric tremor". The playwright also addresses the reservation. The mayor says: “Let everyone pick up a broom along the street ... damn it, along the street - on a broom!” Comedy also uses the technique of verbal confusion. Such is the note of the mayor to his wife, sketched on the tavern account.

The comedy of Osip’s speech is due to the contrasting mixture of peasant vernacular (“take a woman”, “where”, “rubles”, “seem”) with petty-bourgeois lackey phraseology (“on subtle delicacy”, “haberdashery treatment”), with the incorrect use of foreign words ( "Keyatry", "preshpekt").

Introducing motives of humor, irony and sarcasm into the speech of the characters, Gogol in a number of cases refers to comically pointed comparisons: “This is an ax fried instead of beef”; "bugs ... how dogs bite" (Khlestakov); “There is such a rattling in the stomach, as if a whole regiment had blown its trumpets (Osip). Gogol brightened the comedy with marks, sparkling expressions that became winged, sayings that enriched colloquial speech.

Satirical appearances, Gogol to some extent exaggerates the feelings, actions and speech of the characters in his comedy, but writes for a more vivid truthful exposure of their social essence.

Thus, the analysis of the speech of the actors in the comedy The Inspector General showed us that in the very language of the characters Gogol the realist truthfully reflected the social and the individual, the typical and the individual. That is why their figures came out so vital and expressive, typical. In all this, the stage realism of Gogol's immortal comedy "The Inspector General" affected.

Here we have Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky - the mayor. This is a hypocrite who changes the way he communicates with people depending on who he has to deal with. He is affectionate, respectful with the imaginary auditor Khlestakov, fawns over him and flatters him. Turning to Khlestakov, he obsequiously says: “I wish you good health! It is my duty, as the mayor of our city, to make sure that there are no harassment for passing people and all noble people ... ”“ Sorry, I really am not to blame ... ”he justifies himself in front of Khlestakov, who tells him how bad it is food at the hotel. Interested in where the imaginary auditor came from, Anton Antonovich sympathetically asks: “Do I dare to ask where and to what places you are going?” He speaks in a completely different way with people subordinate to him. Where did his courtesy and politeness go? Rudeness, intemperance, insults pour out of the mayor's mouth, as if from a cornucopia. Turning to the tavern servant who brought Khlestakov's bill, he rudely shouts: "Get out, they will send you." Seeing how the landowner Bobchinsky falls, the mayor is angry: “We didn’t find another place to fall! And stretched out like the devil knows what it is.

Upon learning of the arrival of the auditor, he “profoundly” utters: “Yes, the circumstance is ... unusual, simply unusual. Something for good reason...” Then follows an even more stupid guess: “I think, Anton Antonovich, that there is a subtle and more political reason here. This means this: Russia... yes. wants to wage war, and the ministry, you see, sent an official to find out if there was treason anywhere.

In his immortal comedy The Inspector General, Gogol acts as a subtle master of the speech characteristics of the characters. In the speech of each character, as if in focus, the corresponding character is reflected.

Here we have Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky - the mayor. This is a hypocrite who changes the way he communicates with people depending on who he has to deal with. He is affectionate, respectful with the imaginary auditor Khlestakov, fawns over him and flatters him. Turning to Khlestakov, he obsequiously says: “I wish you good health! It is my duty, as the mayor of our city, to make sure that there are no harassment for passing people and all noble people ... ”“ Sorry, I really am not to blame ... ”he justifies himself in front of Khlestakov, who tells him how bad it is food at the hotel. Interested in where the imaginary auditor came from, Anton Antonovich sympathetically asks: “Do I dare to ask where and to what places you are going?” He speaks in a completely different way with people subordinate to him. Where did his courtesy and politeness go? Rudeness, intemperance, insults pour out of the mayor's mouth, as if from a cornucopia. Turning to the tavern servant who brought Khlestakov's bill, he rudely shouts: "Get out, they will send you." Seeing how the landowner Bobchinsky falls, the mayor is angry: “We didn’t find another place to fall! And stretched out like the devil knows what it is.

And here he is talking to the policemen - Derzhimorda and Svistunov: “What clubfoot bears - knocking with their feet! So it falls, as if someone is throwing forty pounds from the cart. Where the devil is taking you?

Merchants, complaining to Khlestakov about the mayor, describe his actions in this way: “He makes such grievances that it is impossible to describe. He does not act according to his actions. He grabs by the beard, says: “Oh, you are a Tatar!” Such is the mayor, the "king" of this county town.

Very brightly written by Gogol and the image of the postmaster. He draws his ideas about the world from other people's letters. However, his vocabulary is still poor. Here, for example, is a passage from a letter that seems especially beautiful to him: “My life, dear friend, flows in empiricism; there are many young ladies, music plays, the standard jumps.

The image of Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin, a very “educated person” who read five or six books and was distinguished by freethinking, is also very colorful. He always keeps a significant mine on his face, speaks in a bass voice, as if emphasizing his importance. However, Ammos Fedorovich's speech is incoherent, inexpressive, and incorrect.

Upon learning of the arrival of the auditor, he “profoundly” utters: “Yes, the circumstance is ... unusual, simply unusual. Something for good reason...” Then follows an even more stupid guess: “I think, Anton Antonovich, that there is a subtle and more political reason here. This means this: Russia... yes. wants to end the war, and the ministry, you see, sent an official to find out if there was treason somewhere.

Strawberry, the trustee of charitable institutions, is a rogue and a rogue. His speech is riddled with subservience, helpfulness, but just as poor and uncultured: “Since I took over the authorities, it may even seem incredible to you, everyone is getting better like flies!”

It is impossible not to be surprised at the “eloquence” of Luka Lukich Khlopov, the superintendent of schools: “Shy, your bless ... pres ... shine ... Sold the damned tongue, sold it!”

However, the most vivid, unforgettable image of comedy is the rogue and rogue Khles-takov, who throws dust in everyone's eyes, wanting to "shine among his own kind with complete mental and spiritual emptiness." Accordingly, his speech is as follows: incoherent, stupid, arrogant. Talking with the mayor's wife Anna Andreevna, wanting to show his significance, he says: “I am familiar with pretty actresses. I'm also different vaudeville ... Writers often see. With Pushkin on a friendly footing. I used to often say to him: “Well, brother Pushkin?” “Yes, so, brother,” he used to answer, “because somehow everything ...” Great original. Lies one another are more terrible and flies off Khlestakov’s tongue: “However, there are many of my works: “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Robert the Devil”, “Norma”. I don't even remember the names."

And what are his verbal “pearls” worth: “Soup in a saucepan came from Paris right on the ship.” Or: “But it’s curious to look at me in the hallway, when I haven’t woken up yet: counts and princes are pushing and buzzing there like bumblebees, you can only hear: well ... well ... well ... Sometimes the minister .. ."

His chatter is exquisitely implausible. Words fly out of him with inspiration, ending the last word of the phrase, he does not remember her first word: “They even wanted to make me vice-chancellor. What the hell was I talking about?"

Gogol laughs, and sometimes even mocks his characters. And he does this largely with the help of the speech characteristics of the characters. He shows that in contemporary reality, the human principle is perverted and crushed.

The image of the mayor in the comedy "The Government Inspector" stands out noticeably among all the others. A. A. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky (that was his name) remains in the reader's memory for a long time. The plot of the plot begins with a phrase that this particular hero utters. This phrase has already become catchphrase. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, addressing the audience, says that he wants to report unpleasant news. And he utters the famous phrase: "The auditor is coming to us."

The main features of the image of Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky

The author, writing notes for the actors, very clearly and in detail reveals the image of the mayor in the comedy "The Government Inspector". He describes this hero as a serious person, smart in his own way, experienced in various life situations, cunning, a bribe taker, but behaving solidly at the same time. His face has hard features. The description given by the author, as well as the very name of this character, help readers to discover for themselves the image of the mayor in The Inspector General.

External solidity and internal depravity

From the very first pages, it becomes clear to us that, despite the outward solidity, despite the role played by him of an "official in a high rank", this person is completely different from what he is trying to be. The image of the mayor in the "Inspector" as the plot of the work develops more and more clearly emerges. It gradually takes on a final meaning.

Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky in his city is a beneficent head who stands up for its inhabitants. In fact, he is a ruler who allows himself any actions and lawlessness solely for reasons of selfishness and personal gain. However, with all the inflated authority, the mayor in the "Inspector" is an absolutely unrespected person. Neither the townspeople nor his subordinates appreciate him.

Cleaning up the city

The result of his activities is the complete decline of the county town. Not a single service works here honestly. The mayor sees all this, but does not want to do anything. And only the news that the auditor has arrived makes him call on all his subordinates in order to restore order. True, you can limit yourself to only its visibility. The advice that he gives to his subordinates to eliminate various shortcomings in the services indicates that the mayor is a typical bureaucrat. He cares only about the external impression, and this or that service does not bother him.

Let's turn to a specific example. Attention exclusively to the external side of the issue is found in the hero of interest to us, in particular, in the instructions that he gives to the superintendent of the schools, Luka Lukic. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky does not seek to take control of the methodological preparation of teachers and the content of the lessons, but pays attention only to the outward behavior of teachers, that is, to their "strange acts." Obviously, the mayor visited schools. For example, speaking about one teacher grimacing in the classroom, Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky himself makes a grimace, imitating him. About the other, a history teacher, the mayor directly says: "I once listened to him ...".

However, despite the fact that Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky attended the lessons, he was not at all interested in their content. And the mayor knows teachers very superficially. He cannot remember their names. About one, he says that he is the one who "has a fat face", about the other - that he is "a historical part."

The lack of education of the mayor, his attitude to life

The mayor, occupying a fairly high position, is essentially an uneducated person, and at the same time also rude. He has many vices and bad inclinations with which he is not going to fight, since he is sincerely convinced that this is normal. His essence as a person reveals the rule of faith in life, which he received in childhood. The mayor believes that ranks and money are necessary for happiness, and for their acquisition - cringing, embezzlement and bribery.

Mayor as a collective portrait of an official

Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky is a collective portrait of an official of his time. His image absorbed many of the shortcomings inherent in a civil servant. Flattery and envy, servility and servility, lies and greed, swagger and pomposity - all these features characterize the image of the mayor in the comedy "The Government Inspector". This list could be continued for a long time.

Perhaps the denouement of the play is a worthy finale for this hero. The characterization of the mayor in the comedy "The Inspector General" is not very flattering in the finale. At the end of the work, he appears as a stupid and fooled person. It was managed by some "visiting rascal from St. Petersburg."

The relevance of the image of the mayor

The image of the mayor in the comedy "The Government Inspector" reveals to us the essence of the bureaucracy of that time. And not only that, because, why hide, all these qualities are inherent in many statesmen of our time. And in this whole story, only the belief that someday on the "virtuous path" of these city dwellers their own "auditor" will definitely appear will please us.

Mayor. "Inspector". Quote characteristic
Author's characteristic
"... The mayor, who has already grown old in the service and is a very intelligent person in his own way. Although he is a bribe taker, he behaves very respectably; rather serious; somewhat even a reasoner; speaks neither loudly nor quietly, neither more nor less. His every word is significant "His facial features are rough and hard, like those of anyone who has begun a hard service from the lower ranks. The transition from fear to joy, from meanness to arrogance is rather quick, like a person with roughly developed inclinations of the soul. He is dressed, as usual, in his uniform with buttonholes and jackboots with spurs. His hair is cut, with gray hair ... "(N.V. Gogol, "Remarks for the gentlemen of the actors")
Quote characteristic
Name - Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky: "... Anton Antonovich Skvoznik Dmukhanovsky, mayor ..."
Appearance: "...bring a sword and a new hat from there..."
Age: he has been serving as an official for 30 years, that is, he, apparently, is about 50 years old: "... I have been living in the service for thirty years ..."
Attitude towards service: performs his duties poorly and offends citizens: "... There has never been such a mayor, sir. He makes such grievances that it is impossible to describe ..."
Experienced scammer. He knows how to deceive even the most cunning people: "... I have been living in the service for thirty years; not a single merchant or contractor could fool; I deceived scammers over scammers, swindlers and rogues such that they are ready to rob the whole world, hooked on the bait. Three governors deceived!.. What about the governors! (waved his hand) there is nothing to say about the governors..." "...Really?
attitude of officials. He makes money wherever possible, therefore among officials he is considered a smart person: "... Since I know that you, like everyone else, have sins, because you are a smart person and do not like to miss what floats in your hands .. ."
Stupid man. Even the fool Khlestakov comes to this opinion: "... Firstly, the mayor is stupid, like a gray gelding" (Khlestakov's opinion) "... how am I, an old fool? Survived, stupid sheep, out of his mind! .." to myself) "... Oh, what a blockhead really! .." (wife about the mayor)
Greedy, insatiable: "... No, you see, all this is not enough for him - eyi! He will come to the shop and take whatever he gets. me." Well, you carry it, but in a piece it will be almost fifty arshins ... "
He takes bribes from merchants and other citizens: "... Merchants and citizenship embarrasses me. They say that I fell for them, and I, by God, if I took it from someone else, then, really, without any hatred ..." ... It was necessary to take the son of a tailor, he was also a drunkard, and his parents gave a rich gift, so he joined the son of the merchant Panteleeva, and Panteleeva also sent three pieces of canvas to his wife; so he came to me ... "
Works backwards. Does not keep order and cleanliness in the city. He cleans the city only for the auditor: "... The prisoners were not given provisions!. There is a tavern on the streets, uncleanness! Shame! reproach! .."
Steals money from the treasury. He stole money to build a church. He is going to explain to the auditor that the church was built, but burned down: "... Yes, if they ask why the church was not built at a charitable institution, for which five years ago there was an allotment
If the amount is new, then do not forget to say that it began to be built, but burned down. I submitted a report on this. And then, perhaps, someone, having forgotten, will foolishly say that it did not even begin ... "(the church, apparently, they did not begin to build)
Breaks laws. For example, he takes into soldiers those who are not supposed to go into the army: "... Yes, my husband ordered to shave his forehead into soldiers, and there was no queue for us, such a swindler! and according to the law it is impossible: he is married ... "
A slacker, but at the same time he knows how to "paint", talk beautifully about what he allegedly does: "... Eka, a slacker ..." "... how he paints! God gave such a gift! .." The mayor always makes promises, but does not fulfill them: "... You, Antosha, are always ready to promise..."
Oppresses low-class people. Offends merchants, threatens and blackmails them. The merchants of the city of N are ready to "climb into the noose" from his "offensiveness": "... Do not ruin, sovereign! We tolerate insults completely in vain ... Yes, everything is from the local mayor ..." "... we don’t know how and be: just climb into the noose..." "...Hey! And try to contradict, he will bring a whole regiment to your house to stay. And if anything, he orders to lock the doors. "I won't," he says, - he says, - to subject to corporal punishment or to torture - this, he says, is prohibited by law, but here you are, my dear, eat herrings! .. "
A simple person who came from the bottom: "... you are a simple person, you have never seen decent people..." ..." (wife about the mayor)
Knows how to behave importantly: "...After all, he has importance, the evil one would not take him, that's enough..."
The purpose of life. He dreams of being a general, although he doesn’t deserve this title at all: “...He’ll throw out a thing when he really becomes a general! there are cleaner than you, but still not generals ... "
He goes to church every Sunday: "... Oh, oh, ho, ho, x! sinful, sinful in many ways ..." "... for you, as for everyone, there are sins ..." "... you never go to church; but at least I am firm in the faith and go to church every Sunday..."
He likes to play cards, like the rest of the officials of the city N: "... And I, the scoundrel, blew a hundred rubles yesterday ..." (Luka Lukich about the mayor playing cards)
Marital status: has a wife and children. Apparently, in addition to the adult daughter Marya, he also has younger children. As you know, at the end of the play, Marya becomes Khlestakov's bride: "... Anna Andreevna, his wife..." "... Marya Antonovna, his daughter..." don't make a man unhappy..."
Gently treats his wife, in letters he calls her "darling": "... I hasten to inform you, darling, that my condition was very sad ..." "... Kissing, darling, your hand, I remain yours: Anton Skvoznik Dmukhanovsky ..."

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