State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after


State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. Tsiolkovsky, which is located in Kaluga, is the first in the world and the largest museum in Russia dedicated to space. The museum was created with the participation of Yu.A. Gagarin and S.P. Queen. It opened in 1967.

The exposition of the museum reveals the history of aviation, aeronautics and rocket and space technology. The scientific legacy of Tsiolkovsky, a major inventor who was the founder of theoretical astronautics, is fully represented here.

The museum exposition reflects the history of Russian cosmonautics, from the first artificial Earth satellite to the most modern orbital stations. The museum presents a collection of rocket engines, tells about the activities of designers: V.P. Glushko S.P. Koroleva, V.N. Chelomeya, G.N. Babakina, S.A. Kosberg, A.M. Isaeva and others.

The museum background includes about 70 thousand items. The main part of the exhibits is stored in the museum funds, they are exhibited only as various expositions are formed. The museum fund presents: collections of material, pictorial, written, film and photographic materials. Documentary materials are presented by Tsiolkovsky's manuscripts, his epistolary legacy, and personal documents. Here you can also see materials from the personal archives of scientists, cosmonauts, and designers.

The largest collection in the museum is a collection of rare books. The greatest value is the Tsiolkovsky memorial library, works of the scientist, magazines and books that Konstantin Eduardovich collected since 1873. The collection of rare books also includes publications on the history of aviation, aeronautics, astronautics, many with dedicatory inscriptions.

Material monuments are represented by objects made of wood, metal, glass, fabric, ceramics, leather, cardboard, rubber, numismatics, which are associated with the history and achievements of astronautics. This includes Tsiolkovsky's personal belongings: a set of carpentry and locksmith tools, watches, glasses, a pen, etc. The collection of items that tell about the life of the Tsiolkovsky family includes a piano, a desk, armchairs, a harmonium, and the scientist's instruments.

Visual monuments include materials from collections of film and photographic documents, drawings, maps, paintings, sculpture, graphics, which reflect the history of the development of astronautics, the activities of Tsiolkovsky and other outstanding scientists, pilot-cosmonauts and designers. This includes collections of philately, posters, phylumenia, phylocartia, calendophilia.

The collection of space technology was based on the items that came to the museum during its creation from the Design Bureau of Korolev and Glushko. Here are the following groups of objects: spacecraft; means of launching missiles, rocket propulsion systems; equipment from spacecraft; space flight life support equipment (spacesuits and flight suits, food warmers, atmosphere regeneration devices, water storage tanks, massmeter, etc.).

Of particular value are a few authentic exhibits that have been in flight: the descent vehicles of the Vostok-5 and Soyuz-34 spacecraft, the glove of cosmonaut A.P. Alexandrov from an emergency rescue suit, from a space suit for spacewalks, flight suits and others.

The Museum of Cosmonautics has its own planetarium, where lectures are held using visual effects. The museum conducts active and research work aimed at studying and promoting the creative heritage of Tsiolkovsky, A.L. Chizhevsky, other pioneers of rocket and space technology; history of astronautics and rocket science.

The museum of the history of cosmonautics also includes: the Tsiolkovsky house-museum, which was opened in 1936 - on the anniversary of the death of the great scientist, the Tsiolkovsky apartment museum in Borovsk and the house-museum of A.L. Chizhevsky.

State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky located in Kaluga - the world's first and largest space museum in Russia, created with the direct participation of S.P. Korolev and Yu.A. Gagarin. In the halls of the museum you can get acquainted with the domestic history of practical astronautics, from the first artificial Earth satellite to modern long-term orbital stations. There is also a large exposition dedicated to Tsiolkovsky, as well as the original duplicate Vostok-1 launch vehicle of the Gagarin launch.
Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day! Today marks the 55th anniversary of the first human spaceflight!
Photos are clickable, with geographic coordinates and binding to the Yandex map, 07.2014.

1. The museum was opened to visitors in 1967, the architects are B. G. Barkhin, E. I. Kireev, N. G. Orlova, V. A. Strogiy, K. D. Fomin.

2. At the time of the shooting, the museum was being reconstructed, which is what this poster says

3. On the back of the museum, a single-stage medium-range ballistic missile R-12 "Dvina" is exhibited, entering service in 1959

5. A copy of Vostok-1, duplicating the Gagarin launch, was installed in 1973

10. Television camera Arcturus-B51-2

11. Mosaic "Conquerors of space" in the lobby of the museum, A. Vasnetsov, smalt and natural stone

15. R-12 from the museum window, there is a duplicate of Vostok-1 in the distance

18. Model of the base unit of the Mir station

19. Aerodrome machine Lomonosov, 1754

21. Articles and books by Tsiolkovsky on aeronautics

22. Model of the airship developed by Tsiolkovsky

23. Hall dedicated to Tsiolkovsky

24. Model of a wind tunnel built by Tsiolkovsky in 1897

30. Hall of rocket and space technology of the museum

34. Left - AVIANNITO missile, developed on the basis of the 05 missile designed by M.K. Tikhonravov, first launch on April 5, 1936 (life-size model). Right - GIRD-09 rocket designed by Tikhonravov, the first Soviet experimental liquid-propellant hybrid rocket, launched on August 17, 1933 (life-size model)

36. An ejection cart for an experimental animal with recording and physiological equipment and a parachute (original). Designed to rescue dogs during flights up to an altitude of 110 km

37. Stand control panels of the Soyuz spacecraft

38. Onboard instrument container of the autonomous control system of the automatic interplanetary station "Luna-9"

40. Automatic station Luna-16, launched on September 12, 1970. September 21, 1970 delivered samples of lunar soil to Earth

41. Lunokhod and automatic interplanetary station Mars-3

This museum is located on the territory belonging to the North-Eastern administrative district of the city of Moscow, in the basement of the famous monument called "Conquerors of Space". This monument was erected according to the project of architects M.O. Barshch and A.N. Kolchin, engineer L.N. Shchipakin and sculptor A.P. Faidysh-Krandievsky.

The grand opening of this monument took place on October 4, 1964 - this day marked the seventh anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite.

History of the Museum of Cosmonautics

Subsequently, according to the plan of S.P. Korolev, an outstanding figure of the 20th century in the field of space rocket and shipbuilding, in the stylobate of the monument to the Conquerors of Space, a museum dedicated to the history of astronautics began to receive visitors. The documented decision to open a memorial museum in the basement of the monument was made in 1967.

In 1969, the premises of the museum were transferred from Mosgorstroy to the balance of the Main Directorate of Culture of Moscow. After that, over the next twelve years, additional construction work was carried out to correct the defects found.

The grand opening of this institution was timed to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the flight of cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin into outer space and happened on April 10, 1981.

For many years, the institution faced a shortage of exhibition space, which is why the museum had to show only a small part of the exhibits collected in it. This circumstance affected the fact that after the opening of the museum, projects for its reconstruction were put forward from time to time. In particular, in 1988 the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council formulated a plan for the reconstruction and development of the museum, but it was not implemented due to the ongoing perestroika processes. There were other projects that involved the modernization of the institution, which, however, were also not implemented. However, after in March 2006 the then mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov and a conversation took place with the participation of government officials and prominent figures in the field of astronautics, there have been shifts towards a change in the situation.

The Moscow authorities decided to reconstruct the institution and the surrounding area. It is curious that A.N. took part in the restoration work. Kolchin, who was one of the creators of the original project.

In May 2006, the institution was closed for reconstruction, and a new exposition was opened on April 11, 2009.

Exhibits and halls of the museum

The list of exhibits presented in the museum is quite extensive and varied. The samples of rocket and space technology located in this place allow tourists to expand their understanding of the vehicles with which space exploration has been and is being carried out. Of interest are material relics, among which you can find items related to specific figures, various kinds of equipment, tools and other things related to the theme of the institution. You can trace the history of the exploration of space, including the newspapers in the museum containing publications on various issues of astronautics.

The documents stored in the institution are diverse - from materials from the personal archives of prominent figures in the field of astronautics to papers related to the implementation of flights. The photographs and negatives, video and audio materials collected in the museum, related to the subject of the institution, allow you to get acquainted with various details of the events that took place throughout the history of space exploration. The books present in this place belong to various groups: here you can see science fiction, scientific-technical and historical literature, as well as publications of a different kind. Collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures, posters, samples of arts and crafts demonstrate the reflection of the museum's theme in creativity. Thematic exhibits associated with various types of collecting look curious: numismatics, philately and philocarty.

The institution has various halls in which the exhibits are grouped according to certain topics. In particular, in the exposition hall called "Space Age Morning" you can see a number of exhibits that allow you to better get acquainted with the initial steps in the field of astronautics. In this place, a large statue of Yu.A. Gagarin. Here, visitors are also given the opportunity to get acquainted with some of the personal belongings of the great cosmonaut, which allow enriching the idea of ​​this person. The bright orange SK-1 training suit stands out - Gagarin used it for training before a space flight.

Models of the first artificial satellite of the Earth are also of interest (it was called PS-1, i.e. "The simplest satellite-1"). These layouts can be seen here in two versions: as a whole and disassembled. There are also exhibits related to the flight of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft: the airlock of the device; a spacesuit called "Berkut", which was used by the ship's crew members in 1965; crew work schedule on pre-launch and launch days.

space age morning

In the “Space Age Morning” hall, tourists can also see, for example, a genuine ejection container, next to which are the famous dogs Belka and Strelka, presented in the form of stuffed animals. As you know, these dogs were the first animals that managed to make an orbital space flight and then return to planet Earth unharmed. In this place there are other unique exhibits that can arouse the curiosity of tourists.

space age creators

The hall called "Creators of the Space Age" is dedicated, as you might guess, to the design scientists who created various aircraft. Separate installations demonstrate the conditions in which prominent figures in the field of astronautics worked: here you can see the office of S.P. Korolev and the workshop of K.E. Tsiolkovsky in a village house. In addition, here you can see drawings, manuscripts and various things related to the life and work of scientists. Complementing the atmosphere of this place are the figures of famous figures made of plaster.

space house in orbit

In the hall, which is called "Space House in Orbit", tourists get the opportunity to get acquainted with modern manned space housing. Among other exhibits here you can see spaceships called Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5, famous for the fact that these vehicles in 1969 for the first time in the history of space flights performed automatic rendezvous, manual berthing and docking. In the same hall there are spacesuits "Orlan-D" and "Yastreb", designed for spacewalks.

Curious exhibits that make it possible to better understand the living conditions on spaceships are the dental unit and the BH-2 onboard refrigerator.

Dental packing is a set of items that allow you to provide emergency dental care directly on board the ISS: medical instruments made of titanium alloys, toothpastes and special tools. BH-2 is a refrigerator that was used to store food during a flight in outer space at stations called "Salyut" and "Mir".

The layout of the base unit of the Mir orbital complex deserves special attention in the Space House in Orbit hall. This object was made on a full scale and allows people who find themselves in it to get acquainted with the environment in which astronauts can live. Here, tourists can see the wardroom, individual cabins for astronauts, a sealed working compartment, which houses the central control unit. Visitors may be interested in the recreated dashboards here, various details demonstrating the organization of everyday life: for example, a space toilet, sleeping bags, a table where you can see food and heating elements used to heat food, as well as other exhibits.

Exploration of the Moon and Planets of the Solar System

In the hall called "Explorations of the Moon and Planets of the Solar System" tourists can get acquainted with the exhibits related to the study of various cosmic bodies. Here you can see, for example, the Luna-16 automatic station, the Lunokhod-1 self-propelled vehicle - thanks to these devices, mankind has managed to obtain new information about the Moon. Interesting exhibits presented here are also the descent vehicle of the automatic interplanetary station called Venera-4, which in 1967 for the first time in the history of space exploration carried out a smooth descent in the atmosphere of Venus, as well as a descent vehicle related to the automatic interplanetary station called "Mars-3". This device is notable for the fact that in 1971 it made the first soft landing on Mars and transmitted to Earth a series of data on the characteristics of the conditions on Mars and several images that captured the surface of this planet. Among the curious exhibits presented in this hall, it is also worth noting the Krechet spacesuit, which was designed to go into open space and work on the surface of the moon.

Astronautics - to humanity

One of the halls of the institution is called "Cosmonautics for Humanity". Here, a notable exhibit is an artificial Earth satellite called Glonass-M. This satellite belongs to the second generation of spacecraft of the global navigation satellite system (GLONASS).

International cooperation in space

The hall, called "International Cooperation in Space", contains exhibits that reflect the joint activities of different states in the field of space exploration. So, one of the exhibits located here depicts the docking of spacecraft under the names "Soyuz" and "Apollo", which took place in July 1975. The experimental flight of the Soviet spacecraft called "Soyuz-19" and the American spacecraft "Apollo", which from a symbolic point of view displayed the unity of representatives of various states in outer space, also made it possible to test certain technical issues.

International Space Park

In the so-called "International Space Park" you can see various examples of the results of the activities of the rocket and space industry in Russia and the devices of other states. Here it is possible to see, for example, launch vehicles under the names "Long March-2F" (China), "Saturn-5" (USA). The Proton launch vehicle presented in this place is known for launching various spacecraft (Rainbow, Horizon, etc.) into near-Earth orbits. Of interest is the rocket and space complex called "Sea Launch" - an international project, in the implementation of which four states took part: the USA, Russia, Norway, Ukraine. This complex was created to launch spacecraft from the Pacific Ocean.

For example, here you can see the launch complexes of the American reusable space transport system called the Space Shuttle and Baikonur, the first cosmodrome in the world, with the Soyuz launch vehicle on it.

There are models of launch complexes related to various objects here. You can also see here the Energia-Buran reusable space transport system, which was created according to a project that was a response to a similar American Space Shuttle program. There is also a model of the International Space Station (ISS) - a well-known international project.

History and culture of the space age

In the part of the museum exhibition called "History and Culture of the Space Age", visitors to the institution can see how the theme of the museum is displayed in various examples of creativity. For example, here you can see a picture of V.A. Dzhanibekov called "Gagarin before the start". It is curious that the author of the picture is himself a pilot-cosmonaut.

Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Queen

The museum fund also includes a collection of exhibits located in the Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Queen. This institution is located not far from the monument to the Conquerors of Space, on 1st Ostankinskaya Street. It was opened in this place on August 1, 1975. The spacecraft designer lived in this building from 1959 to 1966. In the dwelling of S.P. Korolev, the atmosphere that could be observed here during the life of an outstanding figure in the field of astronautics has been preserved. Many exhibits are stored here, including documents, letters, photographs, household items and other things that keep the memory of that period.

Having read very "appetizing" stories of fellow travelers about Kaluga, we decided to dedicate the next weekend to visiting the planetarium and the Museum of the History of Cosmonautics in Kaluga. In order to avoid traffic jams growing with the beginning of the summer season, we decide not to go "head-on" along the "Kyivka" but to leave the city along the "Simferopolka" and run away from it along the small ring to Lukoshkino and then along the A101 exit onto the M3 already in Obninsk. The chosen route turned out to be quite fast - no traffic jams, no congestion. At the same time, in a place with a suggestive name

discovered several points for the sale of pies, the taste of which is in no way inferior to the famous pies in Kresttsy, on the Moscow-Peter highway. Eating goodies, an hour-long rush, checking documents at the entrance to Kaluga and we are at the goal.

It is very good that we arrived early - we managed to find a place for the car almost at the entrance to the museum,

which, judging by the number of arriving tour buses and cars, is a very popular place.

State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga - - the first in the world and the largest in Russia space museum, created with the direct participation of S.P. Koroleva and Yu.A. Gagarin. The Cosmonautics Museum was opened in 1967. At the entrance you can buy tickets to the museum and the planetarium.

For reference - For preschool children, the entrance ticket is free of charge, a ticket with excursion service - 20 rubles, visiting cycles of excursions and game programs - 50 rubles. (subject to attending at least three events). For pupils, students, pensioners, the entrance ticket is 30 rubles, the ticket with excursion service is 50 rubles, the ticket with excursion service in a foreign language is 250 rubles. For adults, an entrance ticket is 50 rubles, a ticket with a guided tour is 80 rubles, a ticket with a guided tour in a foreign language is 500 rubles. The cost of an individual tour (from 1 to 10 people) - 500 rubles. plus entry fees. Paid services: photography in the halls of the museum of cosmonautics - 80 rubles, video filming in the halls of the museum - 150 rubles . Planetarium: Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday - the beginning of the sessions at 11:00, 12:30, 14:30, 16:00 with the number of tickets sold for the session at least 20; Monday is a day off, the last Friday of the month is a sanitary day. Ticket prices: For preschool children - 20 rubles. For pupils, students, pensioners - 50 rubles. For adults - 80 rubles. The cost of an individual session (less than 20 people) - 3000 rubles. The cost of attending the cycles of educational lectures (subject to attending at least three sessions) - 30 rubles.

Tickets are couplets, the shooting is paid and we are entering the museum .. Exposition opens with an exact copy ("understudy") of the world's first artificial Earth satellite. Baaa ... "And I noticed the elephant." Indeed, I did not see the satellite, rushing to the exhibition dedicated to space photography, which tells about the preparation of astronauts for "photo-reporting" work, showing the equipment used for shooting.

In the floor of the hall where these two funny little men are standing, a screen is mounted that imitates the porthole of a spaceship and shows the surface of the earth spreading under the ship. On the stands you can see samples of space photography

and her completely earthly counterparts adapted for flight

It is impossible not to linger at the stand with "manuals"

The interest of young people in the issues of unearthly photography is pleasant. These guys really tortured the guide with questions

And I really liked the device for fixing the astronaut, reminiscent of a mixture of a barrel lid and a spinning disk "Grace"

Having examined the "space photo film exhibition", we go to the hall "Hall scientific biography of K. Tsiolkovsky»

Nothing reminds you of the layout of one of the first missiles and launcher? New Year, firecrackers and other holiday aircraft ..

the Aluga period of the life of a self-taught scientist was the most difficult and most fruitful. In Kaluga, his most famous creation is born - "Research of world spaces with jet devices", which laid the foundation for rocket dynamics and astronautics. Here he writes his works, makes experiments on aerodynamics, creates projects for an airplane and an airship. The idea of ​​creating a rocket engine running on liquid fuel also belongs to Tsiolkovsky.

Living compartment, control compartment, household, instrumentation, fuel reserves and engines ...

Plane model Mozhaisky

After suffering from scarlet fever in childhood, the boy Kostya almost completely lost his hearing, so in the photographs we see Konstantin Eduardovich with auditory tubes of his own design

The first printed work on airships was Controlled Metal Balloon (1892), which provided a scientific and technical justification for the design of an airship with a metal shell. Created scientists a machine for "corrugating" tin sheets used to build models of airships:

(we will still see a similar machine in the workshop of a scientist in his house-museum)

Living in a house on Georgievskaya Street, Tsiolkovsky built the world's first wind tunnel with an open working part, a model of which can be seen in the museum.

On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, all sorts of games and quizzes were held in the museum. Politely refusing to participate, go to "Hall history of rocket technology and practical astronautics"

I, like a small child, froze in admiration, looking at all these satellites-motors-lunar rovers

My wife brought me out of my stupor, reminding me of the approach of the time "P". "P" is a planetarium. Having checked in with the ticket clerk in order to avoid re-purchasing tickets to continue the inspection, we hurried to the entrance to the magical hall.

I must say that we acted wisely by buying tickets in advance. To the beginning of the program - "Exploring the Universe with Galileo" - There were no empty seats in the hall and many people were standing on the street, not being able to get inside and waiting for the next session.

The planetarium received its first visitors in October 1967. In the center of the hall, on a special lift, the only planetarium in the country "Venus" of the Japanese company "GOTO" was installed. After 20 years, the Japanese planetarium was replaced by the German planetarium "Middle Zeiss", manufactured by the German company "Carl Zeiss". (The planetarium is the same device that stands in the center of the hall, and gave the name to the institution). Now the latest model of the device is installed in the planetarium hall Skymaster ZKP4 with full dome projection system spacegate firms "Carl Zeiss", consisting of five digital independent projectors.

" This is the first planetarium in Russia with a combined optical-mechanical and digital projection, which gives a unique effect of the presence of viewers in space. "In modern parlance, using jargon," blows the tower "... The complete feeling of being somewhere out there, in space. sound and a feeling of flight in the universe is created, you absolutely do not feel like sitting in the hall.Forty minutes of the program fly by like an instant, and when the light turns on, the first thought is why so little and quickly...

Still twisted in the vastness of the universe, we continued to explore the museum

from the same place where, having interrupted, we went to the planetarium. This place turned out to be a model of a geophysical rocket. Equipment mounting elements

and look into the eyes

Aligned in space-time

Let's move on to the rather sad exhibits. "Dog catapult" .. With my mind I understand that dogs prepared human flights into space, but with my soul ... it's one thing when a person consciously takes a mortal risk, it's another when animals who believe people are doomed to torment, and often death. They say that Yuri Gagarin, after his flight at some banquet, uttered a phrase that has become printed only in our time. “I still don’t understand,” he said, “who I am. "first man" or "last dog". What was said was considered a joke, but, as you know, every joke has a grain of reality. The road to space for Yuri Gagarin was paved by... dogs. Earth orbits were inhabited by them. They barked at humanity from a height and froze in shock ..

At the end of 1948, on the initiative of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, work began on determining the reactions of a highly organized living being to the impact of rocket flight conditions. After long discussions, it was decided that the “biological object” of the research would be a dog. The State Commission for the organization and conduct of animal flights on rockets was created, and Academician Anatoly Arkadyevich Blagonravov became its chairman on the recommendation of the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov. Research was carried out at the Kapustin Yar test site during launches of so-called "geophysical" or "academic" missiles ("scientific" modifications of the first Soviet ballistic missiles). The first flights with dogs were carried out on the R-1A rocket (“Annushka”, as she was called at the training ground). A container with animals and scientific instruments was placed in the head of the rocket, which was separated and lowered by parachute. Subsequently, modifications of the R-2 and R-5 missiles were used, the maximum lifting height was 470 km. For the experiments, we needed small dogs weighing 6-7 kg, aged from two to six years, with good health, high resistance to diseases and resistance to adverse environmental influences. At the same time, they must be communicative and patient. They tried to select "girls" in the "space squad".

For a long time, the dogs were in a closed hermetic capsule, subjected to the effects that awaited them in flight. For these trainings, Korolev sent a regular rocket container to the institute so that the dogs get used to the “real environment”. He attached great importance to these studies and was personally present at the first launch with the dogs Gypsy and Dezik on July 22, 1951. In total, twenty-nine flight experiments were performed from July 1951 to September 1960. In some cases, the dogs flew in an unpressurized cabin in specially made space suits. Fifteen dogs completed two or more flights. Eighteen dogs died. On November 3, 1957, the second Soviet artificial Earth satellite was launched. On board was the first space traveler - the dog Laika. In the cockpit, conditions were created for the normal existence of the experimental animal: a feeding device, a system of thermal control and air regeneration. It also housed equipment for recording the pulse, respiration, blood pressure and biopotentials of the heart, a television system for monitoring the behavior of the dog. The operation of the equipment and the supply of food were designed for seven days, medical information was received via telemetry for four, and the satellite flew until April 14, 1958 and made 2370 orbits around the Earth ... Laika died from overheating a few hours after launch - ballistics incorrectly calculated the trajectory during the flight and most of the time the device was under the rays of the sun, the cooling system of the compartment with Laika could not cope with the temperature increase...

Let's go through these sad exhibits and move on ....

Let's look at the visitors, looking with pleasure at the rocket satellites and listening with enthusiasm to the guide.

Almost the same "Union" as in Izhevsk ... Only "younger" ..

but "load trousers" are rarely seen anywhere

As well as a set for "BDSM", somewhat reminiscent of Walter and his tools in the movie "Omega Option" .. To be honest, I can't imagine how a flight engineer (conditionally) treats the commander's teeth.

I wonder if a sensor change is provided, or is one used in the mouth and in the rectal area?

Stunning versatility of survival kit elements

and the opinion of the set pickers about the size of the fish. It seems that they were guided by an abnormal descent of the apparatus into the Amazon delta and put hooks exclusively for catching crocodiles ...

Do you remember the chronicle maps in which the first cosmonauts, upon landing, got out of the descent vehicle and waved their hand to the journalists in greeting? For the first time I saw an exhibit presented to the public, debunking this myth.

"Vostok-5", on which V. Bykovsky flew into space. The device, descending, entered the dense layers of the atmosphere , at a certain height, the ejection seat was fired, a little later the astronaut separated from it and landed on a parachute separately from both the capsule and the seat. After that, he was again stuffed into the descent vehicle and, smiling broadly, got out of it under the chirping of cameras. It was later that the "Unions" appeared ... The photo shows the system for shooting the chair and the "squib" pipe:

In the neighborhood with! Sunrise "is a younger exhibit - the engine of the launch vehicle" Energia "

and a very exotic cart

located near "Mars the third"

and the second "Lunokhod" with an unfortunate fate

Taking a last look at the layouts of all these "flying-descent" (or "flying-descent") vehicles

we went for a walk around the museum.

Many stairs were found around

a certain number of rockets produced in the 50-60s of the twentieth century and their parts

and an amphitheater under the "tail" of the lying launch vehicle "Vostok"

Against the background of a rocket

group, preparing to take the first photos in the family album, the newlyweds

I really liked the museum, perhaps I have not been to such a place since the destruction of the Cosmos pavilion at VDNKh by perestroika democrats. And I was very pleased that the bulk of the visitors are children (parents are not counted).
Next to the museum is the Country Garden, now the park named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky, the scientist’s favorite walking place. “Not far from my apartment was the Country Garden. beloved Turgenev Spassky-Lutovinov)

A year later, a monument was opened on his grave, on one of the faces of which the words of Konstantin Eduardovich were inscribed: "Always forward, without stopping. The universe belongs to man." In 1982, a tombstone in the form of an open book was installed at the burial site.

From the park we went to the street bearing the name of the scientist to the Tsiolkovskys' house, about which it is widely known that " in the spring of 1908, due to a severe flood, the house was seriously damaged. I had to make repairs. At the same time, a second floor was added, where Tsiolkovsky's office was located, and a veranda where his workshop was arranged.

As usual, we were "lucky"

But turning "around the corner" we found ourselves at the entrance and after some formalities in the form of purchasing tickets, we entered the house ..

The house, like a house, was purchased by Tsiolkovsky in 1904 for 1,000 silver rubles...

I was very struck by some documents ... It was a revelation that the case against Tsiolkovsky

Maybe someone ate the eye of a scientist's award?

adjacent to a copy of the second issue of "Aerostat"?

The first exposition was of a scientific and memorial nature. She talked about the most important areas of the scientist's work. Today we see an ordinary house of the beginning of the twentieth century in a small provincial town, the house in which the scientist's family lived.

"Poverty teaches, but happiness spoils"

Scientist's office. Table, kerosene lamp on a cable (this design was used at a time of frequent and unpredictable power outages)

instrument table, telescope...

and the famous terrace - workshop

A model of an airship made of "corrugation" against the background of the museum attendants

and the door "to the world space"...

Duty photograph of the House-Museum from advertising brochures

Monument in the courtyard of the house. For the first time, we heard about the death of people near Smolensk from the museum servants sitting on the benches near the monument.

The whole of Kaluga is simply permeated with astronautics ...

We drove to the house donated to Tsiolkovsky by the Kaluga City Council on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday

Currently, relatives of the scientist live in the house.

Tsiolkovsky's apartment on Georgievskaya street.. The shame of modern Kaluga.

The world's first wind tunnel was built here, experiments on air resistance were carried out here, "Airplane .." is written here. Today there is a refuge for local drunks....

and a large block-scale dump right in front of the memorial plaque.

The school where Tsiolkovsky taught, which is on the street. Queen (former Pushkinskaya)

And after walking a little from the school and talking with local youth (by the way, where did it happen to stick your fingers in this way?)

you can get to the Stone bridge built in 1777

Today, the beauty of the arched bridge is hidden by scaffolding, but over the years it will again appear before us in all its glory.

ATNear the bridge there is a museum of local lore ((Pushkin St., 16), which Tsiolkovsky often visited.

Having put on the slippers put to visitors, we visited the museum and we...

At first glance, everything is quite usual for such museums.

But burying yourself in the exhibits, you forget which museum you are in, where and why you came ...

Rejecting the distant past of the Kaluga region, you find yourself in the recent past...

You involuntarily start looking for firewood for the stove ...

passing through the enfilade

we rest against the "plates with a blue border"

and a bust of Peter

Getting to the Writer's Hall

in which everything "Kaluga" is collected, which was related to Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev who once visited Kaluga ... I recommend looking at the ceiling

and look in the mirror in the dance hall

A tour of the museum courtyard (a traditional place for photographing married couples) was conducted by the chief curator of the museum.

The museum is located in the former city estate of the Zolotarevs

The entrance to the museum at night is illuminated by marvelous lanterns.

Nearby, between the City Garden - one of the favorite places for recreation of K. E. Tsiolkovsky and the 1st State Printing House (now the Property Committee), almost all the scientist's brochures were printed, the Trinity Cathedral is located.

After 1927, the Frunze Defense House was located in the building of the Trinity Cathedral. For several years, the models and works of Tsiolkovsky were exhibited in the House of Defense.

Walking in the park, Tsiolkovsky liked to come here, and so did we. And immediately went to the bell tower.

Almost all of Kaluga is visible from the bell tower.

But not to admire the views of Kaluga from a height, we climbed the bell tower. Together with those like us

until the very beginning of the evening service, they mastered the basics of the art of the bell ringer ...

Having called enough, we continued the route to the places associated with the name of the scientist. Kaluga Technical Railway School (Vilonova St., 11). In the workshops of the school, Tsiolkovsky spent several years carrying out a number of preparatory work related to the manufacture of models of a metal airship. Our Russian Railways OJSC considered the memorial plaque to be superfluous ...

Near st. Lunacharsky, 1 located Kaluga Higher Primary School.

In the Kaluga district school (Voskresenskaya street, 12) he taught arithmetic and geometry, being transferred here as an experienced and knowledgeable teacher from the Borovsk district school.

Real school (Voskresensky per., 4). Here Tsiolkovsky taught arithmetic and geometry for a year.

A very remarkable tree of an unknown breed grows near the school building...

The last place we managed to visit was the Kaluga Diocesan Women's School (Kutuzova St., 22)

Service at the school, where Tsiolkovsky taught a number of subjects, was awarded the orders of St. Stanislav III degree and St. Anna III degree. In 1957, the Tsiolkovsky Museum was opened in the school located in this building.

The day was ending, and with it our short tour of Tsiolkovsky's Kaluga. We saw something, something remained outside the scope of our trip .... It's time to return home. Goodbye Kaluga!

The distant and mysterious Cosmos has always attracted people. What is there, in this infinite space? What planets revolve around distant stars? And are there our brothers in mind somewhere?

Mankind is still making its first and tentative steps in outer space, but has already managed to achieve considerable success since the launch of the first satellite.

The State Museum of Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga is the first and one of the most complete collections of exhibits devoted entirely to the theme of space. This unique institution was opened in 1967, the pioneers of Soviet cosmonautics and rocket science took an active part in its creation.

What can be seen?

The museum's funds have the most extensive collection of items that can be used to trace the history of the first steps in the construction of rockets and see what has been achieved.

The exposition is located in two spacious halls. The tour begins with the first hall, which presents items that tell about the work of Tsiolkovsky in the field of airship building, aviation, aerodynamics, theoretical astronautics and rocket science.

The second hall contains unique exhibits that can be used to trace how astronautics developed. Here you can see artificial satellites, automatic devices that are designed to fly to other planets, etc.

In the center of the exposition there is a copy of the ship on which the first manned flight into space was made. You can also see an extensive collection of rocket engines.

Visitors are interested in the part of the exhibition dedicated to human life support systems in space. Here you can see various types of spacesuits, samples of “space” food, life support kits for astronauts in case of an emergency landing, and other interesting things.

A large number of photographic materials are also presented. Photos of the Earth taken from space allow us to see how small and defenseless our planet is.

Museum departments

In addition to the main exposition, there are several branches that guests can visit. Directly in the museum building on its southern side is a planetarium, made in the form of an ellipsoid.

Inside this ellipsoid there is a cozy hall for 100 guests, as well as moving models of the Earth, Moon, Mars. The ceiling of the building is made in the form of a dome, on which a picture of the starry sky is recreated with the help of a special projector.

Thanks to the use of modern equipment, a natural effect of presence is created. The created projections of the starry sky very accurately convey the pictures visible from the Earth from different geographical latitudes. Visitors can see what the sky looks like at night on the equator or in Antarctica.

The house-museum of Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga is also a branch. The scientist lived in this building for almost thirty years and created most of his work here.

Initially, the house that the scientist acquired was very small, one-room. But four years later, after the flood of the river, the building was badly damaged, it had to be repaired. In the process of work, an additional floor was built, in which an office was equipped.

The museum opened a year after the death of the scientist, that is, in 1936. But since Kaluga fell into the zone of occupation during the war, not all exhibits were saved. The soldiers of the fascist army settled in the museum mansion, who did not particularly care about preserving the cultural heritage of mankind. Immediately after the liberation of Kaluga from occupation, the museum was restored and soon began to receive guests again.

The house recreates the atmosphere that was during the lifetime of the scientist. Here you can also see the preserved documents: manuscripts, graphics, pictures drawn by the hand of a scientist, etc.

Another branch is the museum-apartment of Tsiolkovsky. It was opened in 1997, although attempts to create a museum on the site of the scientist's life (he lived in this house for only a year and a half) were made before.

The exposition of this department acquaints guests with the peculiarities of the life and work of the founder of the theory of astronautics. The exhibits tell about the childhood years of the scientist, about his youth. Selected interesting materials about the friends and associates of the scientist.

One of the central exhibits is the scientist's laboratory, which was recreated according to the memoirs of the scientist's family members. The visitors are surprised by the models of kites and airships, which were made together with the students.

The "youngest" department is the house-museum of another great scientist from Kaluga - A.L. Chizhevsky. This is an outstanding scientist who dealt with the problems of biophysics. The exposition of the department allows you to trace the difficult life path of the scientist about the variety of areas of his scientific and creative activity.

Additional services

The museum offers a variety of tours. The sightseeing tour can be conducted in Russian, French, German or English. In addition to sightseeing tours, thematic tours are held, allowing you to study the subject more seriously.

A special program has been developed for children of different ages. They even work with preschoolers; a special program with a cycle of excursions has been developed for them. It is possible to conduct both group and individual excursions.

For schoolchildren, the museum has developed a series of lectures, created special programs for students of primary, secondary and senior classes. Game programs, which are held on the principle of competition between two teams, are very successful among children. In the process of a fun game, children learn new information, gain useful practical skills.

Thematic holidays are also held on the basis of the museum. The Gagarin Festival has become a tradition, which starts on the birthday of the first cosmonaut (March 9) and continues until Cosmonautics Day.

The Night of Museums held in May has become a tradition. This is a holiday for which many Kaluga residents and guests of the city gather. A variety of shows, performances, concerts are arranged.

Helpful information

The location of the central office with the planetarium: Kaluga, Koroleva street, house 2. The Tsiolkovsky House-Museum is located in Kaluga along the street Tsiolkovsky up to 79, the apartment-museum is located in the city of Borovsk, address: Tsiolkovsky street, house 49, Chizhevsky's house-museum is located in Kaluga at the address Moscow 62.

Guests of the city who do not know how to get to the central office should use public transport. From the railway station you can take a trolleybus or a fixed-route taxi to the Park Tsiolkovsky stop.

Weekday hours are as follows:

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - from half past nine in the morning to half past six in the evening;
  • Wednesday - from 11 am to 9 pm.

On Saturday and Sunday guests can visit the exhibitions from ten in the morning until six in the evening. The day off is Monday, the sanitary day is arranged on the last week of the month on Friday.

The planetarium hosts fixed sessions, held according to a schedule at a certain time. The program schedule is constantly updated, it has materials designed for visitors of different ages. Children's sessions are held almost daily in the morning and afternoon hours. The schedule of sessions can be found on the museum's website.

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