State University of Telecommunications dut. Bonch-Bruevich University: faculties, passing score, preparatory courses


On March 15, in Moscow, in the lecture hall of the Art Space "Table", an interregional scientific event "Science Slam" was held. Science Slam is an international science popularization project where young researchers present the results of their research to the general public in an informal atmosphere. Each speaker has 10 minutes, during which he must talk in an interesting and original way about a scientific problem and his attempts to find ways to solve it.

On March 20-22, the EXPOFORUM Exhibition and Convention Center hosted two major international environmental events: the Big City Ecology Forum and the Baltic Sea Day Forum. The events were held with the support of HELCOM, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Government of St. Petersburg and other organizations.

On March 22, SPbSUT hosted a university-wide Open Doors Day, which was attended by over 250 guests. Schoolchildren of 8-11 grades, college students and, of course, parents of future applicants came to get acquainted with the university. The theme of the event is “Peculiarities of admission of certain categories of applicants. Special Rights and Benefits.

On March 20, a meeting was held at SPbSUT dedicated to the official launch of the joint project of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and PJSC Rostelecom to create an International Research and Testing Center for equipment, new technologies and services on the basis of SPbSUT. The project is being implemented within the framework of Regional Initiative 5 “Promotion of innovation and partnership in the implementation of technologies of the Internet of Things and their interaction in telecommunication networks, including 4G, 5G / IMT-2020 and next generation networks, in the interests of sustainable development”, approved for states -members of the Commonwealth of Independent States by the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference, which was held in Buenos Aires (Argentina) from 9 to 20 October 2017.

On March 21, our university hosted the debut of the military-tactical game "Citadel" - computer sports competition among schoolchildren of St. Petersburg. Game elements were developed by students of St. Petersburg State University of Technology using an in-game editor. The Bonchevites based the plot on a licensed copy of the Empire Earth game. The event was organized by the department for educational and social work of St. Petersburg State University of Technology.

Dear colleagues! On March 28, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of the University will take place. The program of the meeting and draft decisions can be found here.

March 22 Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruyevich holds an open day. Theme of the event: “Peculiarities of admission of certain categories of applicants. Special Rights and Benefits. We invite you to join the live broadcast, starting at 18.00:

Dear participants! We inform you that until April 14, the deadline for submitting manuscripts to the Collection of scientific articles based on the materials of the APINO 2019 conference has been extended.

On March 21, the Council of Foreign Students (CIS) organized the celebration of Nauryz Day at St. Petersburg State University of Technology. For the first time, the guys decided to celebrate this day within the walls of our university last spring. Nauryz (or Novruz) is the first day of the new year according to the solar calendar, which in several cultures begins on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox. According to tradition, on this day, everyone tries to be in a good mood, greet each other when they meet, and express good wishes to each other. On the day of the holiday, a dastarkhan (a table served with all kinds of treats) is served in every house, and people try to dress neatly, cleanly, and, if possible, in something new.

Dear students receiving a scholarship at the box office! We would like to inform you that the scholarship will be issued at the University's box office at 61, Moika Embankment, according to the following schedule.

Bonch-Bruyevich, the most famous and most authoritative in his telecommunications industry, has been training highly qualified signalmen for eighty-five years. The quality of education is of the highest level - graduates are 100% employed and always have the opportunity to make a brilliant career. "Rossvyaz" is the founder of this university.

Targets and goals

Bonch-Bruevich University is always and with all its activities aimed at implementing the state policy in the field of education - this is the availability and high quality of education, as required by the innovative development of the economy and the modern needs of society. The main goals of the university's work remain unchanged: it is a forge of highly educated citizens and highly qualified specialists who are capable of professional growth and are mobile in the new conditions of the development of society.

Informatization and development of science-intensive technologies are considered by Bonch-Bruyevich University as the most important task. A system for assessing the quality of higher education and the demand for educational services is being developed. New information services, learning systems and technologies, electronic educational resources of the latest generations are being introduced and effectively used. Bonch-Bruevich University organizes and conducts applied scientific research in the communications industry and improves professional education.


Back in 1930, the Higher Courses of Communications existed in Leningrad. On the basis of these courses, it was decided to create a university specializing in telecommunications and radio engineering. A little later, this institution was renamed into the glory of which was great throughout the expanses of the Soviet Union. Finally, in 1994, this institute received the status of a university, and now everyone in the country knows it as the Bonch-Bruevich University in St. Petersburg. But in fact, the name of this university is much longer - St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich.

Today, about nine thousand students study at the university, together with its branches - Arkhangelsk and Smolensk. More than a thousand applicants every year are happy to replenish the number of "Bonchevites". Neither Bonch-Bruyevich University, nor any other higher education institution in this industry simply knows better specialists in telecommunications than those who transfer knowledge to students here. Among the four hundred teachers, there are fifty-three doctors of science and two hundred and seventy candidates. This means that the university, which has gathered such a strong team under its wing, deservedly bears the name of Bonch-Bruevich.

About Structure

Bonch-Bruyevich University in St. Petersburg has an extensive field of educational services, curricula are constantly updated and improved there. To date, training is underway in fifteen areas and more than twenty specialties in the humanities, economics and technical disciplines. Improving the quality of training specialists, St. Petersburg State University of Technology has established a system of multi-level education: from school to college, from college to university, where the same chain exists: from bachelor's to master's, from master's to specialist.

After graduation, you can improve the educational level in postgraduate and doctoral studies and, of course, through existing advanced training programs. Full-time students, citizens of the Russian Federation, can study according to a special program of the institute of military training, where reserve officers are trained. The total number of students is more than 6417 people, including up to sixty-five percent of state students. Petersburg University Bonch-Bruevich intends to further improve the programs under which students study, as well as to raise the level of education they receive.

The science

Since 2009, the Innovation Research Center has been successfully operating at the University, created to introduce scientific developments into business and industry. In addition, promising places for employment of industry specialists are being created, which are graduating from the Bonch-Bruyevich University. Reviews about the graduates of this university are always favorable, because they teach students according to the innovative educational programs developed here, which widely use the technologies of the so-called project-based learning, when knowledge appears through research, through participation in processes where urgent scientific and practical problems of business and production are solved.

In 1993, the university joined the Association of European Universities and Companies of Telecommunications and Informatics, becoming its founding member. This association (EUNICE) consists of leading specialized universities in France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Finland. Here, students are exchanged among partner universities, joint theses are written, and universities exchange interns and graduate students, conduct scientific research, seminars, for which leading professors and teachers visit colleagues abroad.

How do students live?

Proudly bearing the name of Bonch-Bruevich, the university, photos of educational buildings and dormitories of which are attached here, takes care of comfortable education and living for their pets. To see the conditions in which students find themselves, they will have to visit the most diverse and always picturesque corners of St. Petersburg: both in its historical center and in the rapidly developing Nevsky district.

The university bearing the name of the famous radio engineer and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences M.A. Bonch-Bruevich is also growing powerfully, the address of which is: Bolshevikov Avenue, house number twenty-two.

How do students learn?

The first buildings, in the center of the city on the Neva, breathe calmness, wisdom and antiquity, but how magnificent, how modern are the new buildings in the Nevsky district! There are conference rooms, and magnificent modern auditoriums, and a sports hall equipped with everything necessary, and a library filled with scientific and technical literature, and excellent hostels, and a recreation center.

Lectures can be held in electronic form due to the multimedia content of the classrooms, students get access from anywhere in the world. Distance learning at this university is beyond praise. Wi-Fi zone throughout the university. The material is effectively assimilated, because the broadcast of material from large screens in classrooms can be duplicated on a personal computer. Newsletter, schedule changes, educational materials are sent online. Thirty-four lecture rooms and fifty-four classrooms have been equipped in this way. In addition, there are seventy-three laboratories, the equipment of which can be envied by any university in this industry.

How do students live?

Students have a very rich life, both cultural and social. The student council plays an important role, the student trade union committee is active, and the council of foreign students is working. The university publishes a large-circulation newspaper under the professional name "Svyazist". Any student can try his hand at a video studio and create a video story, media presentation or television program. You can write scripts and develop storyline concepts.

The basic enterprises of the industry are in constant and close connection with the educational process of the university. Students feel the partnership activities of many enterprises almost every day and at every step, for example, the Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems, Rostelecom, LONIIR, Megafon, the Lentelefonstroy holding, VimpelCom, Tele-2 and many, many others. This is because graduates are expected at all these enterprises, especially those who graduated from the university bearing the name of Bonch-Bruevich.


Of the nine faculties, the special attention of applicants is used by the faculty of RTS - communication radio technologies. Students strive to get to the department of "RS and V" - radio communications and broadcasting. Here, bachelors of radio engineering are trained in the profiles of "audiovisual technology", "radio engineering", in the direction of "infocommunication technologies, bachelors" study mobile communication systems and digital television and radio broadcasting. Masters in the direction of "radio engineering" are profiled in "audio-video systems and media communications" and "radio engineering" proper, and in the second direction the profiles belong to "systems and networks of radio communication, radio access and broadcasting", as well as "systems of special radio communication".

The department has an excellent methodological base, three educational laboratories, standards, protocols and methods for planning UMTS, GSM, Wi-Fi networks are studied here. The two labs are fully equipped with software and hardware to investigate the transmission of information in existing networks and create new cellular networks. They immediately explore the parameters of radio reception devices, solve issues of digital processing of audio signals and radio signals, study the sound signals of television and radio broadcasting, audio equipment and their properties, mobile, stationary and special radio communication systems, terrestrial and digital television broadcasting, and much more.

Scientific work of the department

This department lectures at three faculties - twenty courses, which are developed by the teachers of the department and are fully provided with textbooks. Thirty-seven monographs, methodological works and manuals have been published here, books that have no analogues have been published.

Among the enterprises that conduct joint scientific research with the department "RS and V" are the concern "Okeanpribor", "Rubin", "Vector", LONIIR, OJSC MART, OJSC RIMR, Institute of Navigation and Time, MTS, Beeline, " Megaphone", "Skylink" and many others. Research topics include optimization of network planning, organization of new services, improvement of quality in customer service.

Faculty of ICS

At the Faculty of Infocommunication Networks and Systems, students are happy to go to the department of P&IT, where they are engaged in software engineering and digital computing. There are six professors and seven associate professors out of twenty teachers in the staff of the department, which already says a lot. There are three computer classes equipped with the latest computers, which are united in a single local network. Internet access is always available. In the laboratories of microprocessor and digital technology, students develop and test software for modern communications.

Faculty of ISIT

Nearly six hundred undergraduate and graduate students study information systems and technologies here. Highly qualified teachers - twelve professors, thirty-three associate professors - work at the faculty, prepare bachelors in three areas and masters in two. The faculty has four departments. The scientific and educational activities of the faculty are mainly related to information technologies, automation tools and control systems.

The Cisco Academy has unfolded here, integrating into the educational process, classes are taught by teachers from among the certified instructors of this company. Students who successfully complete these programs have huge employment benefits.

Without education it is impossible to imagine the present and future of each person. Without knowledge, you will not be able to get a prestigious position, earn a living, for your self-development. Lack of education leads to degradation. To prevent this, the state has created a huge number of universities that open their doors to new students every year and invite them to learn interesting and popular specialties in the modern world. One of the universities worthy of attention is St. Petersburg Bonch-Bruevich University (a state-owned university in the field of telecommunications, abbreviated designation - SPbSUT).

Historical information

The history of the university, which exists in St. Petersburg, dates back to 1930. At that time, the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers was founded in the city. At the time of opening, it had 4 faculties: engineering and economics, radio engineering, telegraph and telephone.

The history of our country is reflected in the history of the university, as in a mirror. Teachers and students inscribed more than one glorious page in its chronicle. The educational institution went through the Great Patriotic War and contributed to the Victory. With the beginning of the war, many employees of the institute and students decided to defend their homeland and went to the front, and the departments began to carry out military orders. In order for the activity of the university not to stop, it was evacuated to Kislovodsk, and later it was transferred to Tbilisi.

The return of the institute to Leningrad took place in 1945, when the Great Patriotic War was left behind. The development of the university began. New departments, laboratories were opened in its structure, a scientific and educational testing ground and an experimental television center appeared. In the period from 1960 to 1993, the institute was considered the leading university in its field. In 1993, the status and name of the educational institution changed. Now the institute has become the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after M. A. Bonch-Bruevich. It still operates under this name.

About the modern educational institution

Currently, Bonch-Bruevich University is located at the following address: St. Petersburg, Bolshevikov Avenue, 22k1. The educational institution is one of the oldest and most famous universities in our country. The university is considered a leader in the training of qualified specialists for the field of telecommunications and communications. A huge number of graduates have come out of its walls over the years of its existence. Many of them have achieved excellent success in life - they have become heads of industry companies, well-known scientists, public and political figures.

The university is an effective university. This is confirmed by the successful passage of regular inspections of Rosobrnadzor. In 2016, the university passed the state accreditation procedure. The university received a corresponding certificate valid until April 2019.

Rector of the university

The rector of Bonch-Bruevich University is Bachevsky Sergey Viktorovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. He was in the military in the past. Bachevsky began his teaching career at a military school. When I had to leave the service, the specialist went to the North-Western Correspondence Polytechnic University. He worked there until the liquidation of the university and its entry into the structure of the Mining University. There were no vacancies for Bachevsky in the new educational institution. The search for work led him to JSC "Avangard", where he took up scientific activities.

In 2011 Bachevsky Sergey Viktorovich came to the University of Telecommunications. Here he was appointed to the post of rector. Bachevsky was in this post for almost 6 years, but quite recently a shocking event occurred. In early 2017, the rector was detained by the Federal Security Service, as he was suspected of abuse of power. University staff do not believe that Bachevsky could have committed a crime, because he has always worked for the good of the university. While the investigation is ongoing, the university will be headed by Georgy Mashkov, acting rector, first vice-rector of St. Petersburg State University of Technology, professor.

Bonch-Bruevich University, St. Petersburg: faculties and colleges

The university has 6 faculties:

  • radio communication technologies;
  • infocommunication networks and systems;
  • information systems and technologies;
  • fundamental training;
  • economic and managerial;
  • humanitarian.

Faculties prepare students for undergraduate and graduate programs. Secondary vocational education can also be obtained at a university. It is offered by colleges operating in the organizational structure of the educational institution. The main college, of course, is located in St. Petersburg. Branches are located in Smolensk and Arkhangelsk.

Faculty of radio communication technologies

This structural unit at Bonch-Bruevich University prepares students for undergraduate studies in the following specialties:

. "Biotechnical technologies and systems".
. "Technologies and design of electronic means".
. "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems".
. "Radio engineering".

At the faculty, students learn to operate and develop the necessary equipment used in the transformation of information and its transmission over radio channels. In obtaining high-quality knowledge, they are helped by the modern material and technical base of the structural unit.

Faculties of ICS and ISIT

IKSS - this is how the Faculty of Infocommunication Networks and Systems is designated at the Bonch-Bruevich University in St. Petersburg. In this structural unit, a little more areas of training are offered. Students who, after graduation, will work in the field of informatics and computer technology (I&CT), optoinformatics and photonics, software engineering, information security, service, infocommunication technologies and communication systems study here.

The Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies has a small selection of areas. Applicants choose from the following options:

  • "Control in technical systems".
  • "Automation of technological processes and productions".
  • «Information technologies and systems».

Faculty of Fundamental Training

This division has been operating in the structure of the university for almost 10 years. It prepares bachelors in only one direction - in "Electronics and Nanoelectronics". Students study in depth mathematics, physics, programming. Of the disciplines of the professional cycle, the following are offered:

  • "Power electronics".
  • "Intelligent Power Electronics".
  • "Optoelectronics".
  • "Nanoelectronics".

People entering the Faculty of Fundamental Training at Bonch-Bruyevich University make the right choice. Firstly, here they are offered a demanded and modern education, which in the future can help in finding a well-paid and interesting job. Secondly, the faculty pays attention to the employment of graduates. An agreement was signed with ZAO Svetlana-Electropribor. The company finances the education of students who will be invited to work after graduation. Contracts were also signed with NPO Avrora Concern OJSC, Vector CJSC, Dalnyaya Svyaz CJSC and others.

Faculty of Economics and Management

The faculty from the first days of its existence was one of the most demanded structural divisions. Applicants aspired and are striving to enter here, because the proposed directions are very relevant. Specialists with economic and managerial education are needed in every organization, company, and factories.

The faculty is recruiting for undergraduate studies in the following areas: "Management" and "Business Informatics". The education received here is of very high quality. The employees of the structural unit carefully thought out the educational process, which includes lectures, laboratory and practical classes, term papers.

Faculty of the St. Petersburg University of Telecommunications. Bonch-Bruevich is actively involved in international activities. He signed contracts with leading universities in foreign countries (Great Britain, Germany, Finland). Partnerships allow for student exchanges. Russian students entering a foreign university improve their language proficiency, deepen their knowledge in their specialty.

Faculty of Humanities

Another popular structural unit is the Faculty of Humanities. There are 2 areas of training:

  • "Advertising and Public Relations".
  • "Foreign Regional Studies".

The Faculty of Humanities of the University also conducts international activities. Students take part in internships, student exchanges, international competitions. The students of the Faculty of Humanities were lucky enough to visit different European countries, get the necessary practical skills from highly qualified foreign teachers.

More about colleges

In St. Petersburg, the College of Telecommunications appeared in 1930. Then it was called the Leningrad Training Combine of Communications. Later, the educational institution became a technical school. It was named after the polar explorer Krenkel. In the future, an important event took place in the educational institution. It began to work as a college at the University of Bonch-Bruevich (that is, it became part of it).

The history of the Smolensk College of Telecommunications began in 1930 of the last century. At first, the secondary specialized educational institution was independent, and in 1998 it became a branch of the University of Telecommunications.

The year of foundation of the Arkhangelsk College of Telecommunications is also 1930. For a couple of years it functioned under the name of the Northern Regional Electrotechnical School. In 1932 it was renamed the Arkhangelsk College of Communications. In 1999, the institution became part of the University of Telecommunications and continued its activities in Arkhangelsk as a branch of the university.

All colleges provide training for students in demanded specialties. For example, in colleges you can enter the “Communication Networks and Switching Systems”, “Computer Networks”, “Management”, “Economics and Accounting”, etc.

Entrance tests and preparatory courses

Entrance tests are determined for each area of ​​training. Applicants take 3 exams. For example, at "Radio Engineering", "Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems", "Electronics and Nanoelectronics" you need to pass mathematics, Russian language and physics, at "Information Security", "Standardization and Metrology", "Control in Technical Systems" - mathematics, Russian language, computer science and information and communication technologies. To obtain accurate information about the entrance examinations, you should contact the admissions office of the university.

People who want to prepare for the exams are invited to the walls of the university by the department of career guidance and pre-university training. It implements training in preparatory courses in general subjects (Russian language, computer science, physics, mathematics). Different programs have been developed for schoolchildren and applicants. They determine the duration of the courses. Training can last from 2 weeks to 2 years.

passing scores

Each year, at the end of the admission campaign, the university determines the passing scores. The resulting numbers are given for review by applicants next year so that they can understand how difficult or easy it is to enter a particular specialty. The table below shows the passing score to Bonch-Bruyevich University for 2016 in some areas of study.

passing scores
Direction group Name of the direction of training Number of points
TOP-4 specialties with the highest passing scores "Software Engineering"236
"Information Security"235
"Information systems and technologies"231
TOP-4 specialties with the lowest passing scores "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems", "IKTiSS" (part-time education)146
"IKTiSS" (at the correspondence department)148
"Automation of technological processes and production" (at the correspondence department)174
"IKTiSS" (applied bachelor's degree)181

Opinions about the educational institution

You can find different reviews about Bonch-Bruevich University. Those students who praise the university say that the teachers read their lectures in an interesting way. They skillfully interest listeners, explain complex nuances, and always try to fill in the knowledge gaps of their students. This attitude means that teachers care whether people learn something or not.

There are people who speak negatively about some faculties. They believe that education in them is an example of the degradation of Russian education. Some teachers, as students note, have a very high opinion of themselves. They are rude to students, do not explain new topics, they say that students should learn everything themselves. To find out the truthful information about the university, it is worth talking with students and graduates. They can tell a lot about Bonch-Bruyevich University.

Similar to the state colleges in Arkhangelsk, this variant produces leaders in the specialty "telecommunications". We advise you to look at this educational institution as a worthy alternative to those mentioned in Russia. Arkhangelsk College of Telecommunications (branch) of St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich (Arkhangelsk College of Telecommunications (branch) of the federal state educational budgetary institution of higher professional education "St. colleges of Arkhangelsk", on the resource.

Stavropol branch of the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics"

You can immediately postpone this university and other state universities of Stavropol for further analysis, as an alternative to many others on our website. Like many other state universities in Stavropol, this offer trains and graduates professionals in the field of "telecommunications". The Stavropol branch of the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Povolzhsky State University of Telecommunications and Informatics" () is well noted, and a section on our database interface is designed.

Smolensk College of Telecommunications (branch) of St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich () is described in detail in announcements and articles, heading "State Colleges of Smolensk", at the meeting. The same as the state colleges of Smolensk, this university makes leaders in the field of "telecommunications". You can accept this university as a worthy alternative to similar ones on our website.

The Buryat branch of the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (the Buryat branch of the federal state educational budgetary institution of higher professional education "Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics") is described in much more detail in one of the notes on a specific list of universities. Like other state universities in Ulan-Ude, this educational institution improves the qualifications of professionals in the field of "telecommunications". It is possible to take note of this option as a worthy alternative to the ones mentioned here.

Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics

Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics") is given in much more detail among other materials at our meeting. Like many other state universities in Samara, this offer produces masters of their craft in the direction of "telecommunications". We advise you to take note of this proposal and other state universities in Samara, as an alternative to many others mentioned here.

St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich

You can immediately postpone this option for further analysis as a replacement for those mentioned in the catalog. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich") is excellently given in one of the notes on this database interface. The same as the state universities of St. Petersburg, this offer makes leaders in the specialty "telecommunications".

Orenburg branch of the Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics

The Orenburg branch of the Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Orenburg branch of the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics") has been reviewed by us in much more detail, and a section has been drawn up on a specific resource. Like other state universities in Orenburg, this institution of higher education accepts and trains good workers in the field of "telecommunications". Do not hesitate to inspect this educational institution as a replacement for those mentioned on this resource.

Unlike other state institutions in Khabarovsk, this institution of higher education provides training for masters of their craft on the subject of "telecommunications". Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications (branch) of the state educational institution of higher professional education "Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics" (XI IK GOU VPO SibSUT I) () is superficially considered in one of the notes on a specific site. We strongly recommend that this proposal be postponed for further analysis as a replacement for similar ones, often in the catalog.

Nizhnekamsk Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications (branch) of Kazan State Technical University named after V.I. A.N. Tupolev (Nizhnekamsk Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications (branch) of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev) is noted in more detail, and a section on the current DB interface is designed. Like other state institutions of Nizhnekamsk, this university trains professionals in the field of "telecommunications". It is possible to take note of this offer as a replacement for similar ones on our website.

This university and other state institutions of Khabarovsk can be quite seriously postponed for further analysis, as an alternative to those mentioned in the list. Unlike other state institutions of Khabarovsk, this proposal improves the qualifications of masters of their craft in the field of "telecommunications". Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications (branch) of the state educational institution of higher professional education "Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics" (XI IK GOU VPO SibSUT I) () together with the map, we considered in the materials on our portal.

Reminiscent of other state institutions of Khabarovsk, this institution of higher education provides training for professionals in the field of "telecommunications". You can immediately take note of such an option as a replacement for similar ones on this resource. Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications (branch) of the state educational institution of higher professional education "Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics" (XI IK GOU VPO SibSUT I) () is given in more detail in the materials on our list of universities.

Smolensk College of Telecommunications (branch) of St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich

You can immediately consider this option as a replacement for many others mentioned here. Smolensk College of Telecommunications (branch) of St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich () is superficially considered in announcements and articles on a particular site. Probably, like the state colleges of Smolensk, this option trains and graduates masters of their craft in the direction of "telecommunications".

We strongly recommend that you accept this university as a worthy alternative to those mentioned here. Unlike other state universities in Ulan-Ude, this option produces masters of their craft in the field of "telecommunications". The Buryat branch of the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Buryat branch of the federal state educational budgetary institution of higher professional education "Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics") is given in much more detail in one of the notes, heading "State Universities of Ulan-Ude", at the meeting.

  • In 1929, the Higher Courses of Communications Engineers,
  • Since 1930, the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers (LIIS) has settled in it. In the same year, a working faculty (workers' faculty) and a technical school of communications were opened, which formed a single structure with the institute, called the Leningrad Training Combine of Communications (LUKS).
  • October 13, 1930 - Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the organization of the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers (662 people were admitted to the first course).
  • 1931-1941 - open evening section. Publishing and research sectors have been created.
  • On June 8, 1940, the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications (LEIS) was named after Professor M. A. Bonch-Bruevich.
  • 1941, June-August - 70% of the faculty, staff and students go to the front. The departments of the university were reorganized to fulfill military orders. More than 300 students and employees daily participated in the construction of defensive structures, 360 students worked at special military facilities in the Leningrad region. Training and production workshops produced shells, devices for the navy, radio stations were made. Courses for radio operators and telegraph operators have been created.
  • 1941-1942, winter - more than 50 teachers and employees of the university died of hunger and cold.
  • January 1942-1945 - LEIS was evacuated to Kislovodsk, then to Tbilisi. In July 1942, studies at the institute resumed in Tbilisi. A branch of the Institute was established in Leningrad. In January 1945 the Institute returned to Leningrad completely.
  • 1945 - three faculties work: radio communications and radio broadcasting, telephone and telegraph communications, evening education. Postgraduate work has resumed. A military department and a television research laboratory have been created.
  • 1947 - the first scientific and technical conference of the teaching staff was held, which later became an annual one. The Institute is entrusted with the training of specialists for foreign countries.
  • 1949 - the first research in Russia in the field of color and stereoscopic television began at the Department of Television.
  • 1959 - scientists and employees of LEIS designed and built the first experimental tropospheric communication line in the USSR. About 10 new departments have been created; 12 sectoral self-supporting research laboratories have been organized. In the village of Voeykovo near St. Petersburg (Leningrad), a scientific and educational testing ground has been created. In 1959, an experimental television center was created, which, together with the Leningrad television studio, conducted weekly programs.
  • 1960-1966 - LEIS was entrusted with the publication of the Proceedings of educational institutes of communication. The radio engineering faculty and a branch of the university were organized - the Plant-VTUZ at NPO them. Comintern (1963) The second educational building and two hostels for 700 and 600 people were put into operation. LEIS is granted the right to accept doctoral dissertations for defense. 89 Ph.D. theses were defended. In 1964, the dean's office for work with foreign students was formed. Designed and created specialized computers. The first domestic apparatus for copying drawings was manufactured.
  • In 1965, the institute was awarded the Diploma of Honor of the VDNKh of the USSR for the exposition "The role of scientific research in improving the quality of the educational process."
  • 1966 - Head of the Department of Television, Professor P. V. Shmakov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • 1972 - two leading communication faculties were formed - MES and NPP.
  • 1973 - the team of authors of the textbook "Television" was awarded the State Prize.
  • 1978-1992 - LEIS was included among the country's leading universities in scientific work (1978) LEIS was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the USSR MS and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Communications Workers. The construction of an educational and laboratory building on Bolshevikov Avenue began (1978-1992).
  • 1992 - the Faculty of Economics and Management was formed.
  • 1993 - the university received the status of a university. New name: St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT). St. Petersburg College of Telecommunications is included in SPbSUT. The Arkhangelsk and Smolensk colleges of telecommunications became branches of the university. The state educational institution "Lyceum at SPbSUT" was established.
  • In 2009, the Research Innovation Center for Telecommunications was established at St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications.
  • In November 2008, the construction of a new educational and laboratory building for the preparation of masters on Bolshevikov Avenue (university campus) began. On September 5, 2008, a solemn ceremony of its opening took place.
  • Since March 2, 2015, courses have been held at St. Petersburg State University of Technology on the basis of the Department of Design and Production of Radio Electronic Equipment (KPReS) from the PT Electronics holding.
  • May 11, 2017 Rector of SPbSUT

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