Degrees: biography, personal life, photo Degrees: biography, personal life, photo. Degrees, history, line-up, former members, discography, studio albums, radio singles, music videos, soundtracks, awards and prizes Degrees soloists biography


"Degrees"- Russian pop-rock band from Stavropol.


The Degrees group was founded in 2008. The members of the group, who had previously taken part in various musical groups, were brought together by Dmitry Bakhtinov (Fidel). Roman Pashkov and Ruslan Tagiev (DJ BAK $) wrote the songs “Director”, “7:00”, “My Time”, “Tramp”, “Radio Rain”, etc. Then they were joined by the former drummer of the City 312 group Viktor Golovanov. In February 2013, drummer Viktor Golovanov left the band. The new drummer of the group is Anton Grebyonkin.

The group played the first concert under the name "Degree 100" after a month and a half of active rehearsals - May 29, 2008.

The song “Director”, which appeared in the fall of 2009, received strong rotation on the air of many radio stations: Europe Plus, Russian Radio, Fresh Radio, Hit FM, Radio Siberia, and also took high places in the charts. At the end of 2009, the song took 6th place in the chart of the most downloaded digital singles in Russia. The song also reached number one on the Russian radio chart. The video clip for this song got on MTV and MUZ-TV, and participated in the Russian Ten program.

The group's second single - "Who are you" - peaked at number 11

The group's single "I never again" debuted at number 9 on the Russian digital singles chart.

On March 3, 2011, the group's first album "Naked" was released. The disc includes 11 songs, including the already hit "Director", "Who are you", "I'll never do it again".

Group members

  • Roman Pashkov - vocals
  • Ruslan Tagiev (Dj Bak$) - vocals
  • Arsen Beglyarov - guitar
  • Anton Grebyonkin - drums
  • Dmitry Bakhtinov (Fidel) - bass guitar

Former members

  • Victor Golovanov - drums


Studio albums

  • 2011 - Naked
2013 - I always remember the main thing

Radio singles

CIS radio chartMoscow radio chartSt. Petersburg radio chartKyiv radiochartLatvian radio chartFinal annual (radio chart)Russian digital tracks chartFinal annual (digital)
2009 "Producer" 1 1 1 1 3 21 - - naked
2010 "Who are you" 11 16 22 - 1 55 2 12
"I never again" 16 20 29 31 10 71 9 -
2011 "Naked" 1 2 2 3 5 5 1 5
"Sweeps" 2 3 3 7 4 139 - - TBA
2012 "Oil" 12 - - - - - - -
2013 "I always remember the main thing" 1 6 6 36 - - - -
"-" means the song was not on the chart.

Video clips


  • 2010 - Let me know (OST Flying Conchords)
  • 2011 - Learn not to bathe (OST Univer. New hostel)
  • 2013 - Pale Toadstools (OST Traffic Light)

Awards and prizes

  • In 2010, the Degrees group became a nominee for the Muz-TV award in the Breakthrough of the Year and Best Song nominations.
  • 2010 - laureates of the Golden Gramophone award for the song "Director".
  • 2011 - laureates of the Golden Gramophone award for the song Naked.
  • In 2012, the group "Degrees" became a nominee for the Muz-TV award in the categories "Best Album", "Best Song", "Best Video" and "Best Pop Group". The victory was achieved in the nomination "Best Album".
  • In 2012, the group became the winner of the Golden Gramophone award for the song "Sweeps".
  • 2013 - winners of the Muz-TV award in the nomination "Best Pop Group".

The soloists of the group wrote their hits in a drug den

The soloists of the group wrote their hits in a drug den

This group burst into Russian show business just three years ago and immediately topped all kinds of ratings and charts. The song "Director" deservedly brought "Degrees" a victory at the "Muz-TV 2010 Award" in the "Breakthrough of the Year" nomination, and at the last anniversary ceremony their debut album "Naked" was recognized as the best. However, few people know that the soloists of the group - the Stavropol guys Ruslan TAGIEV and Roman PASHKOV - climbed to success from the very bottom, overcoming hunger and poverty.

The guys came to conquer the capital 14 years ago. Moscow did not immediately accept ambitious southerners: in order not to die of hunger, Ruslan Tagiev went to bakers, and then to DJs, and Roman Pashkov I had to master the skill of a drywall worker at a construction site, and after that I worked as a courier and a seller of cell phones. At first, each on his own, but after a while, fate brought childhood friends together again: later this meeting gave our stage a powerful duet.

Bilateral hearing loss

Ruslan Tagiev grew up in a simple Stavropol family, where every penny counted. In addition, he had serious health problems from infancy.

Ruslanchik was given to me very hard, - the mother of the artist Nadezhda Dmitrievna sighs. “I had a hard time carrying it, and during the birth, the doctors decided to use a vacuum to help the baby come into the world. As a result, the son's collarbone was broken and "awarded" with multiple bruises. Ruslan recovered for a long time.

However, Tagiyev began to rave about music and the stage in the first grade. One day, in order to just strum on the piano, which only his aunt had in the family, the boy, in a terrible snowstorm, independently went to her through the whole city. But the most surprising thing is that until the transitional age, Ruslan did not have a hearing - after acute otitis media, he literally became deaf.

My son went to kindergarten, and I began to notice how he listened to me intensely when I read books to him. She took me to the doctor: the diagnosis was bilateral hearing loss, - Tageyeva's mother recalls. - It was very difficult to get the necessary medicines in those days. We were in danger of a major operation.

I was completely deaf in one ear, Ruslan confirms. - On the second hearing decreased by 25%. I confess that it was difficult: I could not study on an equal footing with other children, I was a backward child, and therefore I rolled from two to three - only decent grades were in geography and history. Hearing came back to me at the concert Alexandra Serova, just at that time he came to us in Stavropol on tour. As I remember now, he sang "Madonna" and played the saxophone. I liked it so much that I myself asked my grandmother to take me to a music school.

Oddly enough, Ruslan passed the audition and was enrolled in the brass department. But all these joyful events in the life of an eight-year-old boy were overshadowed by the departure of his father from the family.

My ex-husband Iskander is an Azerbaijani, with all the ensuing consequences, - Nadezhda Dmitrievna smiled. - As a person, he is not a bad person, but he loves women very much. I could not stand his betrayal, so our marriage fell apart. My son and I were alone. I had to work weekends to survive. Ruslan was brought up by his grandfather - he replaced his father's son.

After graduating from music school, Tagiyev entered a specialized school. From that moment, the guy began a real adult life.

In order to somehow help my mother, during the summer holidays I got a job at the Kavkaz shoe factory - I sewed cardboard boxes with paper clips, - Ruslan recalls. - I worked for four days, fulfilled the norm overtime and received forty rubles for it! True, I could not resist and bought Depeche Mode cassettes with this money.

From the shoe machine, the future star quickly moved to the bakery conveyor. In conditions of a terrible shortage - when there were empty shelves in the shops - it was possible to get hold of milk, flour and eggs at the bakery.

It was I who attached Ruslan to the bakery, - says Tagiev's friend from Stavropol Denis Sharykin. - We worked merrily, the boss loved us and allowed us to eat as many rolls as he wanted. We ate them instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner. True, the stomachs were ruined by this.

I wanted Ruslanchik to become a baker, his mother admits. - I always said that bread is the head of everything! But the son chose a different profession - he became a DJ named Baks. Of course, I was worried that the nocturnal lifestyle and constant parties would not lead to good, but Ruslan promised to always have his head on his shoulders. Sometimes the son, of course, hooligans. I remember how, before the new year, he, along with a neighbor's boy, cut down a Christmas tree in the local botanical garden. At that time, all district towns took up arms against the children: they forced them to pay a huge fine, and told their parents to go to work. And grandfather forced Ruslan to plow the garden as a punishment!

All night long, DJ Baks turned people on at the central Stavropol discotheque "Provocation", but, returning to the old nine-story panel building, he immediately descended from the starry Olympus: his stepfather, a drug addict, and his mother, exhausted, were waiting for him at home.

It’s very scary to go home and see your stepfather absolutely “blue,” Ruslan sighs. “I happened to hold him by the scruff of the neck and forcibly stick out his tongue so that he would not suffocate. Fortunately, their union with their mother fell apart. I have not seen this man for many years - I think he has long been dead.

Fights and drinking

The second member of the group, vocalist Roman Pashkov, grew up in more favorable conditions: a complete family in a spacious private house, younger sister Vika. But you can’t call Roma a good boy either.

At school, I was a complete slob, - Pashkov laughs. - I studied for threes, occasionally fours flashed in my diary. In high school, he stopped trying altogether. But he has been involved in sports since childhood. Once I went to a disco with the handball players - I liked it so much that I left the sports school and went to the ensemble to play the guitar.

At one time, Romka worked on our local television - he hosted a music program, - says a close friend of the artist Svetlana Marchenko. - I even tried to study as a director of radio and television, but in the end I was expelled from the institute for omissions and hooliganism.

The handball player Pashkov often itched his hands: with or without reason. Once, on the main square of Stavropol, where young people usually gathered in the evenings to ride skateboards and drink beer, Roman saw an overdressed dude and, out of habit, rolled up his sleeves. By the will of fate, Tagiyev turned out to be the “victim” of the hooligan.

Fights and drinking were commonplace for me! Pashkov admits. - There was no need for this. At that time it was just fun: to get it yourself and also break it into someone! Ruslan appeared on the square in a white shirt tied in a knot and funny shoes with decent heels. He danced so funny, clapping them! I looked at him and thought: “What an idiot?!”

Despite the cool temper of Pashkov, the story of his acquaintance with Tagiev went according to a different scenario: instead of hand-to-hand, the guys started break dancing.

- Very soon, Roma and Ruslan organized a dance group, - Denis Sharykin explains. - They even rented a basement for rehearsals. That's just to deal with them alone the girls went. They were the most popular boys in our area until they left for Moscow.

The first years in the capital seemed to the guys a real hell: there was barely enough money for food, and they had to live in a real brothel - side by side with alcoholics and drug addicts.

It was such a bad apartment, where every evening, then a drunken frenzy, - Pashkov confesses. - It was there that the first hits of Degrees were born. But I began to understand: a little more, and we would not get out of there. Decided to take a vacation and go home. But in Stavropol, he suddenly clearly understood that there was no desire to return to Moscow. It’s good that my mother quietly bought a ticket and almost pushed me back to the capital. True, we never returned to this terrible apartment.

I was very worried about my son, and his girl too, - Tagiyeva's mother continues. - Vika lived in the next entrance and was, it seems to me, Ruslanchik's first love. I wanted them to be together, but the guys grew up, scattered in all directions: the son moved to Moscow, Victoria moved to Rostov. At one time, Ruslan dangled to her there, but then plunged headlong into work.

Tagiyev is a real Don Juan, - Sharykin laughs. The girls were crazy about him. I once met with one beauty - Christina Chernyavskaya, so she ran away from me to Ruslan! I even wanted to go to Moscow for him. Now all his former girlfriends are biting their elbows: they missed such an enviable fiance!

The Degrees group was founded in 2008. The members of the group, who had previously taken part in various musical groups, were brought together by Dmitry Bakhtinov (Fidel). Roman Pashkov and Ruslan Tagiev (DJ BAK$) wrote the songs “Director”, “7:00”, “My Time”, “Tramp”, “Radio Rain”, etc. Then they were joined by the former drummer of the group “City 312” Viktor Golovanov.

Roman Pashkov, Viktor Golovanov and Dmitry Bakhtinov were previously musicians of the Stavropol collective Sarancha (group).

The group played the first concert under the name "Degree 100" after a month and a half of active rehearsals - May 29, 2008.

The song “Director”, which appeared in the fall of 2009, received strong rotation on the air of many radio stations: Europe Plus, Russian Radio, Fresh Radio, Hit FM, Radio Siberia, and also took high places in the charts. At the end of 2009, the song took 6th place in the chart of the most downloaded digital singles in Russia. The song also reached number one on the Russian radio chart. The video clip for this song got on MTV and MUZ-TV, and participated in the Russian Ten program.

The band's second single - "Who are you" - peaked at number 11. On June 18, 2010, the song debuted at number 2 on the Russian digital singles chart.

The group's single "I never again" debuted at number 9 on the Russian digital singles chart.

On March 3, 2011, the group's first album "Naked" was released. The disc includes 11 songs, including the already hit "Director", "Who are you", "I'll never do it again".

Group members

Ruslan Tagiev (Dj Bak$) - vocals, DJ, samples

Roman Pashkov - vocals

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The Degrees group is five cheerful guys: vocalist and songwriter Roman Pashkov, vocalist and songwriter, DJ Ruslan Tagiev (Dj Baks), guitarist Arsen Beglyarov, drummer, former member of the Locust and City 312 groups Viktor Golovanov, bass -guitarist Dmitry Bakhtinov (Fidel), who also previously played in the band "Locust".

The Degrees group was formed in 2008 by Roman Pashkov, Ruslan Tagiev and Dmitry Bakhtinov. Two old friends Roman and Ruslan composed several compositions: "Director", "7:00", "My time", "Tramp", and Dmitry appreciated the fruits of his friends' creativity and pushed the guys to create their own boy band "degree 100". Also, at his suggestion, his old acquaintance and friend from work in the Locust project, drummer Viktor Golovanov, came to the group. The first concert "Degree 100" was played after a month and a half of active rehearsals on May 29, 2008. A little later, the fifth member, guitarist Arsen Beglyarov, joined the group, and the group was renamed Degrees.

Released in the fall of 2009, the composition "Director" receives strong rotation on the air of many radio stations in the country: Europe Plus, Fresh Radio, Russian Radio, Hit FM, and occupies high places in the charts; further developing success, according to the results of the year, it takes the sixth position in the chart of the most downloaded digital singles in Russia, and gets to the first line of the Russian radio chart. The video clip for this composition participated in the Russian Ten program.

The second single of the group "Who are you" in June 2010 debuted on the second line of the Russian digital singles chart, and the song "I never again" on the ninth line.

The next indisputable hit of the Degrees group is the composition Naked, the premiere of the video, which took place on February 15, 2011.

In 2010, the Degrees group became a nominee for the Muz-TV award in the Breakthrough of the Year and Best Song nominations. "Degrees" received the Golden Gramophone music award for the song "Director".

On March 3, 2011, the debut album of the group "Degrees" "Naked" was released. The disc includes eleven songs, including the already popular hits “Director”, “Who are you”, “I will never again”. The presentation took place in the club "B-2" and gathered an impressive audience. Those wishing to listen to the band's promising concert (the musicians performed not only the compositions of the debut album, but also many new compositions that will be included in the next disc) had to crowd on a small dance floor, in the aisles and literally hang from the VIP zone. But it was worth it, the guys were full of positive and surprised the audience with extravagant outfits, the new sound of their favorite songs, the original design of the stage, white roses were used as decor. The audience actively sang along with the group, showing excellent knowledge of the text, which surprised the artists themselves.

The group "Degrees" quickly burst into the Olympus of the stage. Roman Pashkov and Ruslan Tagiev became the "Breakthrough of the Year" in 2010 (Muz-TV Award). A few years later, the project ended with a big April concert in Moscow. Each of the boys went their own way. Pa-Shock is the new alias for the main character of the article. But should fans despair?

Group revival

In the summer of 2016, it became known that Yana Rudkovskaya signed a contract with musicians to promote their work. There is only one condition - the revival of the team, which did not stop concert activity with old hits. They have two studio albums to their credit: Feeling of Dexterity, recorded in 2014, and Naked (2011), which brought immense popularity.

Roman Pashkov spoke about his desire to find a new producer back in February, but no one thought that it would be Rudkovskaya. Under the terms of the contract, Dima Bilan began to deal with the musical part of the project.

In the same year, a mini-album with five songs appeared. Clips were shot for two of them - "Valigulay" and "Degree-100". The latter was attended by friends of the musicians, who remain their loyal fans: video blogger singer Sasha Spielberg and figure skater Adelina Sotnikova. Not without the participation of Yana Rudkovskaya herself, Polina Gagarina and the group's new music producer, Dima Bilan. The tour schedule is scheduled for 2017, which indicates the revival of Degrees.

Roman Pashkov: biography of the musician

A native of Stavropol, Roman was born on September 18. In 2017, he will turn 40 years old. I met the most significant people in my life in my youth. They studied with Ruslan Tagiev in parallel classes, having met on the basis of love for rap. For the current wife, Anna Tereshchenko, was the first love with which life connected after a long separation.

Diligence in studies did not differ, from childhood he was fond of handball. Together with a sports team, he went to a disco, after which he radically changed his life. He gave up sports and began to learn to play the guitar. I decided to connect my profession with music by entering the institute at the directing department and starting a career on local television. He was quite a popular music show host. Everything changed when he was expelled from the institute for absences.

Life began in a youth musical get-together, composing his own compositions. Roman Pashkov is the author of most of the hits subsequently performed by the Degrees group. Having become popular in their homeland, Pashkov and Tagirov went to Moscow, each dreaming of a solo career.

creative path

At first, both had a hard time. Roman had to earn a livelihood at a construction site, where he mastered the profession of a plasterboard worker. Then he traded cell phones, at the same time offering demo versions of his records to music companies. But no one was interested in musical material. He played in the bands "Locust", "10 legs". Everything changed when Roman Pashkov put forward the idea of ​​​​creating his own pop group at Tagirov’s apartment. After 15 years of dating, the guys teamed up and in six months wrote about 15 songs, which later became the hallmark of the new team. They were joined by: guitarists Dmitry Fidel (Bakhtinov) and Arsen Beglyarov, drummer Viktor Golovanov. All of them are from Stavropol.

The first concert took place in May 2008. What was presented to the audience after the difficult rehearsal process "Degrees"? Songs "Director", "Radio Rain", "Tramp", "7:00". Interestingly, for their performance, the guys had to rent a club, paying their own money. But since 2009, the Azbuka PRO production center has begun cooperation with them, and the composition "Director" is in the rotation of most radio stations. In 2011, the first album was released, and it would seem that the guys are at the pinnacle of success. Why did fans hear about the end of the project in 2013?

Personal life

Roman Pashkov explains the decision with the desire to build a solo career, which he has dreamed of all his life. There are no conflicts between the frontmen of the group. Moreover, Roman is the godfather of Tagirov's daughter, Eva.

He himself connected his life with his countrywoman Anna Tereshchenko. When the guys left for Moscow, Anna was 17. Her parents insisted that the girl stay in Stavropol and get an education. She became a stylist, moved to New York and even got married.

After 10 years, the former lovers crossed paths on the Web to understand: the breakup was a mistake. After a meeting in Moscow, the girl decided to leave the United States. They played a modest wedding, and in August 2015, the son Daniel appeared in the family.

Being the author of texts and music, Pashkov wrote not only for the Degrees group. The songs “Do not be afraid, I am with you”, “Monday”, “Kiss for a long time” were recorded as part of a solo career. But most music connoisseurs want to hear his works performed by their favorite band. This means that the "Degrees" project will still live.

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