Georgian proverbs about the Russian language. Georgian proverbs and sayings


If you don't know sorrow, you won't know joy.

The word is an arrow: if you release it, you won't return it.

Where they do not listen, there the truth disappears.

Haven't tasted the bitter, don't appreciate the sweet.

The valley hid the thief for three days, the mountains for three hundred, but still they found him.

A big tree likes a strong wind.

Strangers will do it - my heart hurts, I'll do it myself - my back.

You can't hide fire in hay.

If a crow finds a rose, it will think of itself as a nightingale.

To the one who butts, approach from behind, and to the one who kicks - from the front.

Having received power for a day, he took off the heads of a hundred people.

The wolf died - the sheep frolicked.

Happiness will knock three times, but if you don’t open the door, it will go to another.

Two nannies had a child starved to death.

An eagle does not have more than two chicks.

Who does not know how to work, for him the work does not end.

You can't drive an old sparrow into a net.

Sowed barley - do not wait for wheat.

To hesitate for a long time - to gain fear.

Whoever envies someone else's happiness will not see his own.

Starting life, a person cries, ending - groans.

Sleeping and the snake does not bite.

A man escaped in the sea, but drowned in a drop.

Large trees catch fire from sparks.

Who is ahead today will be behind tomorrow, and who is behind will be ahead tomorrow.

When there is no mother, the stepmother is also good.

The fool loses, the smart picks up.

Happiness plows, happiness sows, happiness reaps the harvest.

The wolf that does not touch me, let him live at least a thousand years.

I can't believe that a dragonfly lays eagle eggs.

The stone is heavy while it lies in place; move it, it becomes easier.

The sun is one, but it warms everyone differently.

They did not see the bottom in muddy water and said that it was bottomless.

It is better to fight with a smart man than to feast with a fool.

Because of the long beard, the goat imagined herself as a priest.

A person is more likely to depart from faith than from habit.

Whoever has to hit, the stick is tucked in to him.

It is better to imitate than to envy.

Unfortunate stone and on the rise will catch up.

My garrulous tongue gave me a slap in the face.

Where shame befalls a daredevil, let him look for his own grave there.

A dog that does not bite barks from afar.

A man with a mighty heart, a tree with roots.

With a kind word, you can milk a mountain deer.

As you clap your hands, I will dance for you.

Laughter is always followed by tears.

God does not give man anything.

The grandson teaches the old days to the grandfather.

Large chips fly from a large tree.

In a landfill, a mushroom grows large, but quickly falls.

The seven devils will not do as much harm to a person as he does to himself.

Old age leads to stupidity.

Only a strong wind can inflate large sails.

To whom God will give, he will give with both hands, and from whom he takes away, he will take away with both.

Wealth is a sin before God, poverty is before people.

If the herd turns, the lame ram will be ahead.

There is no forest without a jackal, and a desert without a vulture.

The goat's horns did not grow, so she considered herself a kid.

A happy calf will calve.

Let the quail not sit on a tree, it is not his breed that matters.

Expecting the end of the world, the mole gouged out his eyes - they say, the dawn will not come.

Survived in the sea - drowned in a drop.

He is unhappy who is unstable in misfortune.

Meet the wolf like a wolf, the fox like a fox.

Wealth is blind, it is like a fly: sometimes it sits on manure, sometimes it sits on a rose.

If the enemy runs away from me, I'll show you the golden bridge.

Managed to sin, manage and repent.

The waters will flow away, the sands will remain.

Don't clap with one hand.

To live at random is not to live at all.

A true word is not pleasant, and a pleasant word is not truthful.

Whom nothing upsets, he does not shed bitter tears.

If the ax sins, the ax handle also sins.

If you are with a bow, then I am with a shield.

The frog stretched out its leg: shoe me too.

Nettle grows from the root of the nettle.

A dog does not tear a dog's skin.

The power came - the truth came out the door.

If you follow the truth, you will go blind.

The eyes are the mirror of the heart.

Neighbor serves as mirror for neighbor.

When the boatman does not know the depth of the river, he falls under the boat.

An experienced bird will not fall into the net.

You can't cut down a tree with one blow.

He ran away from grief, but got into trouble.

And a man will get tired of the eternal feast.

In war, that weapon is good that it falls under the hands.

Where there is no love, there is no joy.

Go around the goat from behind, the horse from the front, and the evil person from all sides.

Where the arba is pressed more, there it creaks.

An enemy in front is better than a friend behind.

The candle underneath does not illuminate.

Chatty gets tired of the dumb.

The envious neighbor's rose, like a thorn, pricks.

If the cat is agile, then the mouse is nimble.

A horsefly and a horse and a donkey equally climbs under the tail.

What is not yours will not work for the future.

By dexterity, the lion mosquito won.

A vulture fly will not replace.

Who suffers is lucky.

Flies gather where the honey flows.

The dog was in a hurry, she gave birth to blind puppies.

Whoever was not noticed sitting, got up to show himself.

He who speaks does not do, and he who does does not speak.

For love of grapes, they kiss the wattle fence.

What did the blind man want? Two sighted eyes.

If you fall into the water, you won't come out dry.

Hurry up slowly.

If you swung - hit.

If two people say that you are blind, close your eyes.

The baby does not cry - the mother does not worry.

The life of an ignoramus is worse than death.

To say a kind word to a fool - to light a candle in the sun.

If you have not seen the darkness, you will not appreciate the light.

I got the saddle - there is no horse, but I got the horse - there is no saddle.

The one you call master will call you his slave.

A wound from a dagger is curable, from a tongue - never.

The rose also grows in the landfill.

A drowning man clutches at the moss.

The one who stole the camel and the one who stole the heifer are both thieves.

Once the sun will light up hell.

When the herd turns, the lame ram will be ahead.

Where the fox, there and her tail.

He who seeks good stumbles upon evil.

If there were no donkeys among people, then a donkey would not be bought even for a hundred rubles.

Whoever gets off a horse will not sit on a donkey.

If the owner is not happy, then the guest is bored.

The camel was told, "Your neck is crooked." “What’s wrong with me,” he replied.

Sometimes and flight - prowess.

He who cannot hide his thoughts cannot be a ruler.

A fool is wiser than a wise man in what he himself has experienced.

Everyone urges the laden donkey.

God does not give horns to a vigorous bull.

It wasn't so much rain as it was thunder.

Until a person dies, his deeds are not visible.

One sadness makes you forget another.

The bear was angry with the forest, but the forest did not know it.

And the wolf is full and the master is not at a loss.

A reasonable ignoramus is like a lion on a chain.

Do not pick unripe fruits: they will ripen - they themselves will fall.

Whoever throws mud at the sun, it falls on his head.

A kind word opens the iron gate.

One apple on a tree and that one is rotten.

They drive him out of the village, and he asks for the headman.

Whoever hopes for a neighbor will be left without dinner.

Hit a hundred times, but listen at least once.

The cart will turn over - only then the road will appear.

The winner of the winner is always found.

The fortress is taken from within.

The fox remembers chickens in her dreams.

For whom - beans, and for whom - burning fire.

What you give away is all yours, and what you don't will be lost.

Find out the father, find out the mother, and so judge their offspring.

And the crow is proud of its chick.

If two people find out about something, the pig will also know.

Don't even trust your own brother, but trust your crooked eye.

What comes badly, goes badly.

Than to sit for nothing, it is better to work for nothing.

A lion is recognized by its claws.

The key to the heart is forged in hell.

The tree of truth does not wither even if it is planted on a rock.

Ten dervishes will fall asleep on one mat, and two kings in one kingdom will not get along.

Strength and uphill plows.

If you're on a boat, don't fight with the boatman.

Iron in the fire is tempered by a person - in need.

The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won't catch it.

Whoever wants to, so will pass along the rocky shore and will not notice the cobblestone.

The head of the tail does not wait.

Who does not know the beginning - does not understand the end.

A cunning fox will not fall into a trap.

I say to the jug, and you, jug, listen.

The most difficult thing for a person is to know himself.

How much will it be useful that we dream in a dream?

The branch bends while it is young, it will grow - you will not bend.

There would be a head, but there would be a hat.

It is better to live in poverty and be a man than to live in abundance and be a pig.

The heart feels the pain of the finger, no one feels the pain of the heart.

Someone else's chicken drove away the owner's.

Friendship and enmity are sisters.

If you buy what you don't need, you will soon sell what you need.

The poor will always remain poor.

The mouse snouted, snouted and rummaged until the cat.

The fish that fell off the rod seems big.

Stone is crushed with stone, iron is sharpened with iron.

In some, even cotton wool rustles, while in others, even nuts do not crack.

God forbid that our goat caught the wolf.

The horses have run out - the field is behind the donkeys.

If you fall, it is better from a horse than from a donkey.

What is the forest, such is the beast.

What the Pope saw, he consecrated.

When the sun rises, it will look at everyone.

The cat is toys, and the mouse is death.

Do not promise a crane in the sky, give a sparrow into your hands.

The fugitive and the pursuer - both gods prayed.

My enemy is my conscience.

The humpbacked grave corrects, but sometimes it is powerless.

And a well-fed priest is worse than a hungry wolf.

If the water doesn't follow you, you follow the water.

Hurry to help a stranger in trouble, but do not rush to a feast.

Whoever has no sheep has a dull knife.

If you want to say a word, look first at the one who will listen to it.

Whoever loses the truth shortens his life.

Don't be ashamed to judge what kind of persimmon fruit.

Open your own door and you will find others open.

Hell is full of monks and nuns.

A wet tongue won't say anything.

With clipped wings, the eagle will not fly.

Loving mother, caress the child.

No matter which finger you bite, it still hurts.

When you choose a wife, trust your ears more than your eyes.

The one who was robbed committed a hundred sins, and the one who stole - one.

An evil person remains evil on Sunday.

And the word has its measure.

The sage's heart is where the weeping is; the heart of the ignoramus is where the cry is.

The cat plays - the mouse gives off the spirit.

The master failed to jump on the horse - he began to vilify the groom.

While the smart one was thinking, the stupid one crossed the mountains.

A hand washes a hand, two hands a face.

Enmity and friendship are brothers.

Every dog ​​at its gate is brave.

If there is no mirror, the world can serve as a mirror.

The setting sun looks crookedly at the rising moon.

Ask for medicine from someone who has suffered an illness.

What you regret for a good friend will not work for you.

Excessive holiness ruined Greece.

An uninvited guest is worse than the plague.

They climb over the wattle fence where it is lower.

Let them blame, only they would not regret it.

The fish that has fallen off the rod seems to be bigger.

Who lifts his head, he stumbles.

She stole threads from her own dress.

If the foal does not listen to the mare, his wolf bullies him.

The vulture first measures its throat, and then swallows the bone.

A stretched rope breaks quickly.

Crow eggs can only hatch into crows.

The price of wealth is then known when they are acquired, and the price of a friend when they are lost.

If you spit in all the wells, where do you draw water from?

When hunger comes, shame goes.

The fox was dying, but kept turning its head towards the chicken coop.

Not every ear can hear a secret.

The master's back hurts, and the serf cries.

The lightness of the mind is the heaviness of the legs.

The dog barks - the caravan moves on.

The ignorant mind is not in the head, but in the eyes.

The arba will turn over - only then the road will appear.

The fugitive and the pursuer - both gods prayed.

Where a rabid dog is killed, they will be buried there.

God does not give man anything.

Wealth is a sin before God, poverty is before people.

Wealth is blind, it is like a fly: sometimes it sits on manure, sometimes it sits on a rose.

Chatty gets tired of the dumb.

The heart feels the pain of the finger, no one feels the pain of the heart.

Only a strong wind can inflate large sails.

A big tree likes a strong wind.

An experienced bird will not fall into the net.

If there was honey, a fly would fly from Baghdad.

There would be a head, but there would be a hat.

It would be where to hide, and where to feed myself - I will always find it, - said the hare.

They beat you, but they don't let you cry.

More people drown in wine than in water.

Survived in the sea - drowned in a drop.

They did not see the bottom in muddy water and said that it was bottomless.

A rope is good when it's long, but speech is good when it's short.

The branch bends while it is young, it will grow - you will not bend.

The grandson teaches the old days to the grandfather.

The waters will flow away, the sands will remain.

The wolf died - the sheep frolicked.

The wolf that won't touch me, may it live long.

Meet the wolf like a wolf, the fox like a fox.

You can't buy education in the market.

An enemy in front is better than a friend behind.

Enmity and friendship are brothers.

When you choose a wife, trust your ears more than your eyes.

Where the arba is pressed more, there it creaks.

Where there is no love, there is no joy.

Where shame befalls a daredevil, let him look for his own grave there.

The eyes are the mirror of the heart.

A fool is wiser than a wise man in what he himself has experienced.

To say a kind word to a fool - to light a candle in the sun.

The humpbacked grave corrects, but sometimes it is powerless.

The guest invited the guest, and the owner kicked them both out.

The guest is good restrained, and the host is generous.

Everyone urges the laden donkey.

God forbid that our goat caught the wolf.

A gift requires a gift.

The case was entrusted to the dog, and she - to her tail.

The tree of truth does not wither even if it is planted on a rock.

Ten dervishes will fall asleep on one mat, and two kings in one kingdom will not get along.

For the lazy it either rains or snows.

A kind word opens the iron gate.

To hesitate for a long time - to gain fear.

Friendship and enmity are sisters.

The fool loses, the smart picks up.

He is expelled from the village, and he asks for the headman.

If there were no donkeys among people, then a donkey would not be bought even for a hundred rubles.

If the water doesn't follow you, you follow the water.

If the ax sins, the ax handle also sins.

If two people say that you are blind, close your eyes.

If two people find out about something, the pig will also know.

If you have not seen the darkness, you will not appreciate the light.

If you fall, it is better from a horse than from a donkey.

If you're on a boat, don't fight with the boatman.

If the owner is not happy, then the guest is bored.

If you want to get rid of a bad neighbor, lend him a loan.

Iron is tempered in fire, man is in need.

A woman looks for flaws in a smart man, in a stupid dignity.

A live dog is better than a dead lion.

Laughter is always followed by tears.

The envious neighbor's rose, like a thorn, pricks.

Envious people die, but envy remains.

They put the hare on a spit, and he kept thinking they were joking with him.

Hello, vodka - goodbye, mind!

Evil and one who is good only for himself.

An evil person remains evil on Sunday.

And the mosquito will overcome the horse if the big wolf helps him.

The road to a brother is always short.

Walking in front - a bridge for walking behind.

Crow eggs can only hatch into crows.

Because of the long beard, the goat imagined herself as a priest.

Sometimes and flight - prowess.

To the one who butts, approach from behind, and to the one who kicks, from the front.

Every dog ​​at its gate is brave.

As you clap your hands, I will dance for you.

As you lay down, so you rest.

What is the forest, such is the beast.

The stone is heavy while it lies in place; move it, it becomes easier.

When hunger comes, shame goes.

Arba will turn over - only then the road will appear

Fugitive and pursuer - both gods prayed

The poor will always be the poor

Where they kill a rabid dog, they will bury it there

God gives nothing to man

Wealth is a sin before God, poverty is before people

Wealth is blind, it is like a fly: it sits on manure, then on a rose.

God does not give horns to a vigorous bull

Chatty gets tired of the dumb

The pain of the finger the heart feels, the pain of the heart - no one

Big sails only a strong wind can inflate

Big tree strong wind loves

An experienced bird will not fall into the net

There would be a head, but there would be a hat

If there was honey, a fly would fly from Baghdad

Survived in the sea - drowned in a drop

They did not see the bottom in muddy water and said that it was bottomless

The camel was told "Your neck is crooked". - "And what is not crooked for me" - he answered

The branch bends while it is young, it will grow - you will not bend

The grandson of the grandfather teaches the old days

The waters will flow away, the sands will remain

The wolf died - the sheep frolicked

The wolf that does not touch me, let him live at least a thousand years

Meet the wolf like a wolf, the fox like a fox

The valley hid the thief for three days, the mountains for three hundred, but still they found him

An enemy in front is better than a friend behind

Enmity and friendship - brothers

You choose a wife - trust your ears more than your eyes

Where they press the arba more, there it creaks

Where they do not listen, there the truth disappears

Where there is no love, there is no joy

Where shame befalls a daring man, let him look for his own grave there.

Eyes are the mirror of the heart


A fool is wiser than a wise man in what he himself has known.

To say a kind word to a fool - to light a candle in the sun

I say to the jug, and you, jug, listen

The head of the tail does not wait

The hunchbacked grave corrects, but sometimes it is powerless

The vulture first measures its own throat, and then swallows the bone

Everyone urges the laden donkey

God forbid that our goat caught the wolf

The tree of truth does not wither, even if it is planted on a rock.

Ten dervishes will fall asleep on one mat, and two kings in one kingdom will not get along

For whom - beans, and for whom - burning fire

For the lazy, then it rains, then it snows

A kind word opens the iron gate

To hesitate for a long time - to gain fear

Friendship and enmity - sisters

The fool loses, the smart picks up

They drive him out of the village, and he asks for the headman

If there were no donkeys among people, then a donkey would not be bought even for a hundred rubles.

If you spit in all the wells, where do you draw water from?

If the water doesn't follow you, you follow the water.

If a crow finds a rose, it will think of itself as a nightingale

If the enemy runs away from me, I'll show you the golden bridge

If the ax sins, the ax handle also sins

If two people say you're blind, close your eyes

If two people find out about something, the pig will also know

If the foal does not listen to the mare, his wolf bullies

If you swung - hit

If the cat is agile, then the mouse is nimble

If you buy what you don't need, you will soon sell what you need.

If you have not seen the darkness, you will not appreciate the light

If there is no mirror and the world can serve as a mirror

If you fall, it's better from a horse than from a donkey.

If you're on a boat, don't fight with the boatman.

If the herd turns, the lame ram will be ahead

If you are with a bow, then I am with a shield

If the owner is not happy, then the guest is bored

If you want to say a word, look first at the one who will listen to it

Iron in fire tempers man - in need

The life of an ignoramus is worse than death

To live at random is not to live at all

Tears always follow laughter

The envious neighbor's rose, like a thorn, pricks

The setting sun looks crookedly at the rising moon

Evil and one who is good only for himself

An evil man remains evil on Sunday

And a man will get tired of the eternal feast

And the wolf is full and the master is not at a loss

And the crow is proud of its chick

And the word has its measure

And a well-fed pop is worse than a hungry wolf

Walking in front - a bridge for walking behind

Crow eggs can only hatch into crows

For love of grapes, they kiss the wattle fence

Because of the long beard, the goat imagined herself as a priest

Excessive holiness ruined Greece

Sometimes and flight - prowess

He who seeks good stumbles upon evil

To the one who butts, come from behind, and who kicks - from the front.

Hurry to help someone else in trouble, but do not rush to a feast

Every dog ​​at its gate is brave

As you clap your hands, I will dance for you

What is the forest, such is the beast

No matter which finger you bite, it still hurts

Stone is crushed with stone, iron is sharpened with iron

The stone is heavy while it lies in place; move - it becomes easier

The key to the heart is forged in hell

When the boatman does not know the depth of the river, he falls under the boat

When there is no mother, the stepmother is also good

When hunger comes, shame goes

When the sun rises, it will look at everyone

When the herd turns, the lame ram will be ahead

Whom nothing upsets, he does not shed bitter tears

Who was not noticed sitting - got up to show himself

Go around the goat from behind, the horse from the front, and the evil man from all sides

If the enemy runs away from me, I'll show you the golden bridge

To whom God will give, he will give with both hands, and from whom he takes away, he will take away with both

To whom you turn your back, every stone will be thrown at you

The horses have run out - the field is behind the donkeys

The cat plays - the mouse gives off the spirit

The cat is toys, and the mouse is death

Stealing threads from her own dress


There is no batyr without wounds Without wind, the trees do not sway Be afraid to offend a friend and betray a secret to an enemy The disease comes in pounds, goes through the spool If the head were intact - there is a hat There is no need to adjust a fast horse, a skilled person does not need to help Two loves cannot fit in one heart know the joys

After long conversations, the Assyrians will surely turn out to be relatives God looks at the high mountains and grants them eternal snow If there was a head, they would deliver a hat from Baghdad

There is nothing noble in poverty. I have been rich and I have been poor. But in all cases I would choose wealth. Because when a rich man has a problem, he solves it in his limousine in a two thousand bucks suit and a fucking forty grand gold watch. *** Let me tell you something. AT

*** Life does not give anything for free, and everything that is presented by fate has its price secretly determined. *** For just the one who is a man involuntarily loves to appear courageous, the one who is forced to hide his weakness willingly flaunts before people the appearance of strength. *** For the most

*** And now, as so often happened in the past, her snow-white fur was stroked by the breeze. *** Even a mirror cannot show you to yourself if you do not want to look. *** You can ask me: "How do I know what is beautiful and what is ugly, and how to act?", and I will say: on

*** ... things and ideas that are loved and cherished by people can be exploited, depreciated, squandered and destroyed. *** This is not the first time Rod suspects that there is no God. Something that Rhoda would love. - No. *** ... hell and heaven are garbage on a stick, otherwise why do priests want to die no more

*** Each person has accumulated a lot of defeats, that is, misconduct, when a person offended someone, condemned someone, cursed verbally or silently, it does not matter. It is essential that whenever a person shows in his life qualities that are opposite to love, that is, anger, anger, deceit,

*** Give strong drink to the perishing and wine to the grieving soul; let him drink and forget his poverty and remember no more about his suffering. *** ... I will turn the Valley of Harm into the Gate of Hope. *** Put me like a seal on your heart, like a ring, on your hand: for love is strong as death; fierce as

*** This is not the same April, May is not the same, For many years, in a row, everything is the same, And therefore, maybe the wind does not kiss, but gnaws at the face, And even if I disappear, no one will notice the loss, Nobody but the one that disappeared with me, We erased the names, give us new ones, spring. *** Through the glare of bright prisms, I see happiness

*** Everything I saw will live forever in me. *** Your voice in the sky whispers gentle words I am sure of one thing only you are always right If you want to tell me about everything The wind knows where to look for me *** I would stop, but I flew all night. *** If you suddenly want to kiss me, Wind

*** - When I pray, my heart finds peace. - And when I see you happy, my heart gets even more peace. *** I forgot how he held my hand when I was very bad and lonely... I can't let go of his hand. Let him be boring and say little, he looks simple in life, in

*** Mr. Kumar, you are a famous film actor, but you cannot understand the soul of a clown. Nothing can bribe this windswept cloud, neither gold, nor silver, nor love. *** - Do you love Mina? - Do I love Mina? The question is not so worth it, Mr. Kumar. The question should be: “Do I love? » And on

*** - Maybe he's not a wolf at all? - They figured it out, I'm a poodle, though I haven't cut my hair for a long time. *** - I'm preparing a report for the front page. A story about three pigs who are hacks in the construction business. Houses are crumbling. - I got a special. lenses! Such snouts will be! *** I prefer to live differently. Live

Well, here's the thing, guys. I won't give you a machine gun. *** The dead, of course, calmer, but it's painfully boring. *** - Abdullah! You have sweet wives! I feel good with them! - I'll give them to you! When I set fire to the oil, you will be fine, very good! *** - Petruha! - I don't d-drink... - That's right! I'm drinking this now too

Every Egor has a saying. The proverb is not in vain. Red speech with a parable. A proverb is a flower, a proverb is a berry. You won't get away. You can't live without a proverb. Proverbs do not get around, do not go around. You can't go around the proverb on a curve. The proverb is carried on, like a hut sweeping with a broom.

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