Harry is a male or female given name. Garik name compatibility, manifestation in love


The meaning of the name and its origin directly affect how the life of its owner will turn out.

And this is already a confirmed fact, not an assumption. So let's see what the name Harry promises to its owner.

The simple and at the same time beautiful male name Harry is an independent and full name, which can also serve as a diminutive form for the names Henry / and Harold / Harold, as well as for the female Henrietta (Henrietta or Henrietta). It refers to the names, the origin of which is explained by several versions at once.

According to the main version of the origin of the name Harry, it has German roots, as it comes from the common German word "henry", which means "master of the house" or "household ruler". At the same time, there is an assumption that Harry is a derivative of the old French Henry, which has the same meaning.

Character Description

Men with this name are characterized, first of all, by responsiveness and kindness. The meaning of the name Harry suggests that its owner will be an energetic and accommodating person. Such people, despite their restless nature, do not like to be in the spotlight.

The boys who became the owners of the name Harry are very mobile and inquisitive, but at the same time obedient and often adopt the complaisance of their mother. Outwardly, as a rule, Harry looks like his father.

Health in childhood in such boys is quite strong. They can catch a cold, but they have strong immunity to serious diseases. At a more mature age, Harry will not get sick either, unless he needs to pay attention to the state of the nervous system: although such men are famous for their poise and calmness, closer to old age they can be more susceptible to sudden situations.

Boys named Harry don't give their parents too much trouble. The meaning of the name Harry already in childhood will be manifested by such qualities as:

  • performance.
  • A responsibility.
  • Slowness in making decisions.
  • Responsiveness.
  • openness.

Such guys are naturally endowed with many talents, so in preschool or primary school age they will have a desire to attend all kinds of circles and sections. Such boys will give their parents a lot of reasons to be proud.

They are open personalities with whom it is easy to communicate. Leading a measured lifestyle, Harry from childhood will strive to help everyone around him, thanks to which he will have many friends and interesting acquaintances in his life.

At a more mature age, guys with this name can be described as kind and creatively developed. They attach great importance to the feelings of their loved ones and friends. Regardless of his status and life priorities, such a young man will be ready to provide any help.

The meaning of this simple and solid name suggests that its owner will be endowed with exorbitant endurance. This quality will help Harry achieve incredible heights and become very successful in life.

Such guys in adolescence have a tendency to study foreign languages ​​and the exact sciences. In addition to this, they are often good at drawing and designing. It is worth noting that any field of activity is suitable for them to realize their internal potential.

Colleagues and subordinates know Harry as a very balanced and practical nature. As a leader, such a man will show all his positive qualities, which will benefit not only the business as a whole, but also each of its employees.

Men who have become owners of this name are born leaders. Entrepreneurship suits them best, as Harry knows how to properly prioritize and use the available resources. In addition to this, they are quite sociable.

What is he like with family and friends?

If we talk about what the owner of the name Harry is at home and with his family, then relatives know such a man as a kind and hospitable person. Although he does not like to be in the center of attention, he can easily organize an interesting party at home, where everyone invited will be comfortable.

Knowing his own worth, Harry does not need praise, let alone flattery. In friends, he appreciates sincerity and reliability most of all. In addition, the people who make up the circle of his loved ones should remember that Harry needs not only to know, but also to feel that he is loved and needed. Therefore, they should not neglect Harry's help and advice.

Marriages with men named Harry at birth tend to be harmonious and happy. And it is not surprising, because this man will decide to take on such responsibility only when he is ready not only morally, but also financially.

He believes that a man should be a reliable support and earner, so his main life principle will be the desire to create comfortable conditions for his family members. In addition to taking care of the well-being of his relatives, the owner of such a name will pay great attention to the upbringing of children.

In the role of a family man, Harry is a calm and caring husband, an attentive and loving father. He often idealizes the people he really loves, so his loved ones should try not to disappoint him.

d.b.: 1874-03-24

american illusionist

Version 2. What does the name Harry mean

Although little Garik is often sick, he does not cause much concern to his parents. He has many friends at school - Garik does not seek to rule over them, he is tolerant and rather immersed in himself.

These boys are gifted with many talents: they draw well, design aircraft models, sculpt, play chess, are very capable in mathematics and languages.

It looks like a mother, and with age this similarity becomes especially noticeable. A stubborn and independent character does not prevent him from being happy in marriage, as he has sufficient patience. However, Harry is a jealous husband, he is selfish and capable of arguing with his wife over trifles. The wives of these men, as a rule, are very emotional persons with a complex character.

"Winter" - the most talented and reach great heights, falling into the mainstream of life. Outwardly, they are always calm and love peace, a measured way of life. If they get divorced, they won't get married again. In their family, the leaders are wives. They love to play good-natured jokes on friends; very hospitable, love feasts and noisy companies. They are easy to communicate and remain so, even when they become big bosses. They are kind and sometimes suffer because of their excessive responsiveness.

"Summer" - are especially kind, but give in to bad habits and are weighed down by it.

"Spring" - often get sick in early childhood, having matured, they become strong, hardy, but too stubborn. They drive a car well and like to repair it themselves. Harry is a little grumpy. They are sexy and don't get married for a long time.

Veronica, Angela, Elizabeth, Larisa, Dominika, Love, Nila, Eleanor will make a successful party for them. This cannot be said about Violetta, Ekaterina, Anna, Lydia, Tatiana, Louise, Lyudmila, Ella.

born: 1884-05-08

4 version of the interpretation of the name Harry

Harry - from other German. powerful.

Derivatives: Garik, Garya, Hera.


Harry has many talents and passions. They are so different that he cannot stop at anything.

This brings anxiety into his life. In addition, a stubborn character prevents him from finding peace. However, outwardly he tries to be balanced, deep down he loves a measured way of life, but he chooses his wife with a very difficult character. He loves jokes, laughter, a feast, he started in any company. Easy to deal with people, but often they use it for unseemly purposes, forcing Harry to suffer. In his mature years, he is disappointed in people, even trying to change his lifestyle. But nature takes over.

Notable people named Harry

Harry Harrison

born: 1925-03-12

American science fiction writer

d.b.: 1874-03-24

american illusionist

Garry Kasparov

born: 1963-04-13

Russian chess player, 13th world champion, chess writer and politician

born: 1884-05-08

33rd President of the United States (1945-1953), one of "America's prettiest presidents"

Harry Kemelman

born: 1908-11-24

American writer, master of the ironic detective

Numerology Of The Name Harry

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, maintain family and friendship ties. They always make loving parents and children, and they also feel confident working in education, healthcare, and doing community work. Caring, traditional views, denial of too abrupt changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Harry

G- scrupulousness, unpredictability, thirst for new knowledge. To solve problems, they use the most non-standard solutions and take into account everything to the smallest detail. The owners of the letter "G" in the name are distinguished by a fine mental organization and disgust.

BUT- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

R- people with the letter "R" in their names have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have a well-developed intuition, they are extremely negative about lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

And- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

Name as a phrase

  • G- Verb (Speak)
  • BUT- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • And- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")

Harry's name in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write Harry's name in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The male name Harry (Harry) has German roots and comes from the phrase Heimerich, which literally translates as "a mighty estate in wealth." According to another version, Harry is an American name, derived from the old French version of Henry. Many etymologists consider it as a diminutive form (diminutive) of the names Henry and Harold.

Indisputable in each of the versions remains for Harry the interpretation of the meaning of the name as a noble "house ruler" with high moral principles.

In different countries there are differences in the pronunciation of the name Harry: Harry, Harry, Enri. In Western European countries, its derivative female forms, which are similar in essence, are actively used (Enriquetta, Harriet, Henrittte).

The defining qualities of the owners of the name Harry are calmness, tolerance, self-esteem.

At the same time, they are not without such a weakness as flattery. Often these qualities can be exploited by people from the inner circle to obtain the necessary moral and material support from Harry.

The development of a positive or negative character in the character of the owner of the name Harry depends on family upbringing and the environment in which he lives. This concerns, first of all, the formation of self-confidence in order to acquire decisiveness for making important decisions.

Since his school years, Harry has shown an interest in mathematics, the study of foreign languages, design. He is fond of drawing, modeling, chess. Numerous friends are attracted by his communication "on an equal footing" and a loyal attitude towards their shortcomings.

Boys named Harry begin to show balance, a tendency to a leisurely, measured lifestyle. However, at the same time, they are happy to arrange noisy parties for friends in their house.

Business implementation

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan (Armenian and Russian showman, humorist and TV presenter)

Friendliness, sociability help Harry take place in various fields. Possessing good knowledge, they allow them to achieve success in technical and humanitarian specialties.

Harry can become highly professional:

  • racers;
  • designers;
  • archaeologists;
  • designers;
  • illustrators;
  • screenwriters;
  • musicians.

Love, family life

Garik is very sexy and his path to creating a family is very long. His choice of a life partner is determined by her external and personal qualities. Thanks to innate patience, Harry is able to successfully build relationships in the family.

Although his emotional chosen ones, as a rule, do not differ in angelic character. Here Harry will also try to ensure a measured way of life. Although it can be quite difficult for him to overcome selfishness and jealousy.

Harry tends to idealize love relationships and in the name of his beloved, he is ready not only for generosity, but also for the accomplishment of any feats.

This is a gentle and caring husband, a patient and immensely loving father. The family for him is a huge incentive for self-improvement and achievement of professional heights.

Divorces in Harry's family are quite rare, but if this happens, then a second marriage is very problematic for him. Here he is ready to be content with flirting or short-term romances.

Astrological characteristic

  1. Harry's zodiac signs are Libra, Aries, Taurus, Scorpio.
  2. His ruling planets are Venus and Jupiter.
  3. Harry's colors are turquoise, blue, green.
  4. Talismans: stones - onyx, lapis lazuli, cat's eye, labradorite, sapphire.
  5. The metal is copper.
  6. Favorable flora: tobacco, asparagus.
  7. The patron from the world of fauna (totem) is a vulture, a dog.
  8. The most successful day of the week is Tuesday.

Name Description: Harry - he comes from the German Heinrich.

Despite frequent illnesses, Harry in childhood does not cause much trouble for his parents. He has many friends at school, but he does not seek to lead them, he is more self-absorbed and tolerant.

Boys with this name have many talents: they are good at sculpting, drawing, playing chess, constructing, capable of languages ​​and mathematics. Harry's abilities are so versatile that he can't choose where to stop.

Harry looks like his mother, and as he grows older, the resemblance becomes even more noticeable.

The energy of this name is saturated with the spirit of courage and heroism, and this flatters Harry's pride. He begins to copy images of cowboys from movies. He has an explosive temperament, but at the same time tries to look balanced and calm. And this helps him to avoid many conflicts, since the restraint of strength of character causes only respect in people.

As a rule, Harry grows up as an independent, humorous person. He is very good-natured, but he will never give in to anyone in a dispute and does not recognize someone else's superiority. This can complicate his career, but essentially independent Harry prefers to do business on his own, in this, thanks to his natural qualities, he can achieve significant heights. But it depends on whether he can overcome his explosive temper to get his energy to work in a different direction.

The stubborn nature of the owner of this name prevents him from finding peace. Harry loves laughter, jokes, noisy feasts and acts as a ringleader in any company. He is easy to deal with people, but people sometimes use it for their own unseemly purposes, which makes Harry suffer greatly. In adulthood, he experiences some disappointment in people and even tries to change his lifestyle, but this is not so easy to do.

Stubbornness and independence prevent Harry from being happy in marriage. Harry is a jealous husband, arguing with his wife over trifles, selfish. Harry's wife is an emotional person with a complex character.

Middle name: Garrievich, Garrievna

Personality Character: independent, kind, direct

Name abbreviations: Garik, Garichek, Garyusha, Garinka

Suitable middle name: Abramovich

Suitable for boys or girls: just for guys

Name pronunciation: neutral

Name nationality: Germanic

Most suitable for zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio

Good name compatibility: Augusta, Wanda, Gloria, Isolde, Irma, Kaleria, Kapitolina, Lucia, Marta, Nonna, Roxanne, Edita,

From the ancient German language, the male name Garik, popular in Europe, means “strong”, “powerful”, “rich”. In some countries it is pronounced differently: Japan - Garikku, Korea - Gelid, India - Garik, Ukraine - Garrik, Israel - Garrikk. In Russia, it is unpopular, but there is a similar name -.

Diminutive form of the name: Garik, Arik, Ari, Garchik.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Garik does not have a name day, the boys are baptized under the name Igor.

Pros: Cheerful, generous, romantic, kind, erudite.

Cons: Arrogant, selfish, selfish, stubborn.


Little Garik grows up as a quiet and calm boy, does not cause any problems to his family. He has great patience, can calmly stand in line with adults, entertain himself with a game without distracting anyone. With adults, Garik is polite, courteous, tactful. He likes to immerse himself in his dreams, inner world, fantasize.

There are always many friends around him due to his calm nature and ability to make friends. He studies averagely at school, does not like boring lessons and monotonous classes, he makes good progress in the exact sciences. A book lover, loves to spend evenings reading books or playing chess.

At a transitional age, Garik changes a lot, you can no longer recognize the former quiet boy in him. He turns into an uncontrollable and ambitious person who loves a luxurious life. He sets himself global goals, which he almost always achieves. He can hardly resist conflicts with others, often starts fights, which is why his parents go to school as if they were working. During this period, there are fewer friends around Garik, due to the fact that he sees only negative character traits in them. To throw out excessive aggression, parents should take Garik to the sports section, where, thanks to his energy and determination, he will easily reach the heights.

Adult Garik devotes a lot of time to his appearance, he always dresses with taste. He becomes more calm, balanced, knows how to restrain himself from conflicts with people around him, returns his former popularity among friends. It is difficult to become his close friend - he keeps everyone at a polite distance from him. He likes to travel a lot, meet new people, learn new things in the world.


Health in Garik is strong, he rarely gets sick with childhood diseases. With age, liver problems may arise, you need to limit yourself to fatty foods and alcohol.


Garik, thanks to his penetrating nature, easily climbs the corporate ladder, eliminating all competitors along the way. He will turn out to be a very demanding boss, driving his subordinates to hysterics with nit-picking. Can make a great career in show business. Usually he earns well and can provide himself and his family with a decent standard of living. If possible, he does not stay at work, preferring to have fun in restaurants, at parties.


Garik is very popular with women, but he only needs them for entertainment. His heart is closed to them. He easily changes one woman for another, never returns to the former, despite all her efforts. He can simultaneously meet with several girls, deceiving each one that she is his only one.

A family

You should not envy that woman who managed to marry Garik to herself - he is a disgusting family man who brings his wife to scandals with the help of nit-picking, irony, rudeness, rudeness, betrayal on the side. The interests of the children and his wife do not bother him at all, everything in the family should be the way he wants. It can change several wives in a lifetime and not be interested in the lives of children. Only an emotional and domineering woman can get along with him, who will be able to subdue her husband Garik.

Compatibility with female names

  • Excellent:, Camila,.
  • Bad: ,
  • The plant is grapes.
  • Tree - Weeping Willow.
  • Mineral talisman - Aquamarine.

Notable people named Garik

  • Garik Kharlamov is a Russian showman.
  • Garik Sukachev is a Russian musician.
  • Garik Martirosyan is a Russian TV presenter.
  • Garik Grichevsky is a Ukrainian artist.
  • Garik Weinstein is a Russian chess player.

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