“Bachelor” Vorobyov: “A beautiful fairy tale did not work out. Alexey Vorobyov - personal life, photo Alexey Vorobyov personal life recent


Some time ago, a post appeared on his Instagram with the following content: “I threw back my chair, I’m lying on the plane and I’m thinking ... I flew 13 hours, I was only 18 hours in Moscow from the moment I got off the plane and boarded a new flight, where I will now spend again 13 hours. And you know what? It was worth it ... Now I know for sure that miracles do not happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend, and I'm flying away as a bachelor. The moral of the story is this: if you want to make a surprise and fly across the ocean for the sake of someone for a day, it’s better to warn about your intentions. Alexei told TN about what happened and about his feelings.

You know, it was the only girl from whom I had no secrets at all. She knew everything about me, and I shared with her everything that happens in my life, trusting her opinion and advice as my own, because I loved her. And it's not just damn letters on paper! This is what I really felt and what I confessed to her and myself, seeing in her eyes the same sincere reciprocal feelings.

And I do not believe that she could deceive me. I think she's just confused. It was difficult for her to realize that I was always somewhere ... either on the set or on tour. This is a tough test for any girl. But every day I repeated to her that I would never betray, deceive her and exchange her love for another night with another, whose name I can’t even remember.

After this phrase, you will say: “That’s right for this womanizer!” And you know what? Maybe you're right. My so-called fans on social media constantly remind me of this. They are sinless! I read their comments in my posts, and I get the impression that only deeply moral people write there, daily supplementing the Wikipedia page called “Moral”! No, I do not want in any way to say that I am perfect. And maybe my recent story that my surprise didn’t work out and I’m flying back as a bachelor was also a mistake. But for the first time in my life, I couldn't contain my feelings.

For the first time in my life, I told about what is in my soul, on the pages of my blog, unable to cope with myself. Because I was with her, as with anyone, honest. I was faithful to her every second. I did everything to keep the magic between us. I flew across the damn ocean just to see her for a few hours. And you know what I saw? Her eyes, frightened, and in them the question: “What to do ?!” I saw another guy, who, most likely, did not even suspect my existence. I saw how stupid it is to spend a day on an airplane, holding a golden pendant in your hands, which he prepared as a charm for his beloved, but never put it on her neck ...

In me now, to be honest, quite conflicting emotions. I still love her. When I think that she might be in bed with someone else, I literally throw up with rage. The only thing I can't figure out is one simple question: "What did I do wrong?" I don't have an answer to it yet.

The personal life of Alexei Vorobyov has long been of interest to the singer's fans. Alexey is a handsome, charismatic guy, anyone would be ready to become his girlfriend. However, he is in no hurry to tie the knot. Vorobyov met with many celebrities, but his heart is still free. Although Alexei is already thinking about a serious relationship, that's why he even took part in one well-known television show with the flashy name "The Bachelor".

Alexey Vorobyov and his wife

Now Alexei Vorobyov is not married, but journalists have long attributed to him a serious relationship, including marriage, with beautiful girls.

Alexey Vorobyov - Bachelor

In 2016, Alexey Vorobyov realized that he was tired of a short, leading to nothing relationship. He decided to take part in the popular TV show "The Bachelor". This is the 4th season of the program. Previously, Vorobyov was very young, but now, when he is already 28 years old, this is a real chance to change his personal life.

25 beautiful girls will claim the hand and heart of Alexei. Of these, only one should remain at the end of the show, she can become Vorobyov's potential wife. In each series, one girl will leave, she will be left without a rose. A rose is a flower that is presented to the girl who remained this time.

The chosen ones of Alexei Vorobyov will have a hard time. He is in charge of the relationship, and the last word remains with him.

After the "Bachelor" Alexei Vorobyov's personal life will definitely change. He will have a chance to build a family.

// Photo: TNT TV channel press service

On June 4, the final episode of the new season of the project "The Bachelor" of the TNT channel was shown with the participation of singer and actor Alexei Vorobyov. The finale of the show was unexpected for many viewers who thought that the artist would find his love on the project. “There are no more words”, “The finale, of course ... But, on the other hand, who said that a fairy tale must have a happy ending”, “I’m in shock”, “I’m sorry for Lesha,” they wrote on social networks.

In the final of the program, only two girls fought for Vorobyov's heart - Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova. After the previous series, Natalya Tkalina left the program. She later admitted in an interview with StarHit that she was not disappointed by her departure from the project.

With the remaining contenders for his heart, the singer arranged the last, decisive dates, in which he asked them to tell him the truth about their feelings. “It’s damn unpleasant for me to hear a lie,” Alexei said during the program. As a result of Alexei's pressure, Natalya Gorozhanova confessed to Alexei that she did not love him. Earlier, the artist admitted that he does not understand the feelings of the girl, does not know if she is experiencing something in relation to him.

“You are the kind of person you can love. Love is not born, it is created, ”Natalia told the upset Alexei.

In the finale of the show "The Bachelor" passions raged // Photo: Program frame

When Yana Anosova picked up the ice, symbolizing the heart of Alexei, she began to try to melt it. The girl believed that this was a great metaphor, and the artist would appreciate her gift. However, the artist did not like the act of Yana, Alexei was hurt by her idea of ​​​​him. He said that the ice should, on the contrary, be returned to the cold. “Everyone’s hearts are different,” Vorobyov commented on his act.

As a result, Vorobyov could not decide on his feelings and decide which of the girls could become his companion. They looked amazing in their wedding dresses and accepted his choice with dignity. The project participants left the singer, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Alexei was left in splendid isolation, but this does not mean that the finale of "The Bachelor" turned out to be tragic, and all the previous series and the girls' experiences were in vain. Quite the opposite. Love, as the popular show has shown, cannot arise out of necessity. In order to find your soul mate, sometimes you need a certain amount of time, and in other cases, efforts are required on yourself. And everyone has their own idea of ​​what a serious relationship should be. If it didn’t work out with one person, then everything is possible with someone else.

Interestingly, at the end of the program, Natalya Gorozhanova spoke about the possible continuation of her relationship with Alexei. “I have feelings for him, and I know that our relationship will continue,” the girl said.

Well, time will tell what will happen to Alexei and Natalia in the future, whether they will continue to communicate. But then they will no longer be participants in the program, and the finale of "The Bachelor" will not become less significant from this. After all, this is how it happens in reality - in order to find a person with whom you want to spend your life, sometimes you need to go through serious tests, and not alone.

Alexey Vorobyov admitted to Woman's Day that he had never experienced such a collapse of all his hopes in his life. According to the artist, it was easier for him to move away from a stroke than from the Bachelor project. Because physical pain is easier to deal with than mental .

I don't want to love for two anymore

Are you hoping for a happy ending?

I came to the project in the firm belief that this would happen. But Natasha told me straight to my face that she didn't love me. And Yana, after three months of communication and intimacy, when I fully opened up to her, gave me an icy heart with the words that I have the same thing. That is, all this time she mistook me for another ... In addition, she could not answer the question "What do you feel for me?", which she herself asked five minutes ago. What beautiful fairy tale can we talk about here? I know it's not easy to love another person. But this does not mean that there is no woman on earth who will accept me for who I am. With all my strengths and weaknesses. I just don't want to love for two anymore. It has happened in my life and it hasn't led to anything good.

Obviously, Natasha is far from indifferent to you, he likes him more than Yana: you could not restrain your emotions when you walked her into the car. I had the impression that you wanted to give the ring to her, but could not after she admitted that she did not love you. Am I wrong?

It hurt a little. In my case, the word "a little" is more of an attempt to reduce the degree of what happened, so that no one would think that I was really in a lot of pain. I hid my feelings and emotions from everyone for too long. Most thought that everything was always fine with me, that I was such an eternally successful, smiling guy who got out of golden diapers and enjoys life. And that was fine with me, because I don't feel the need to tell everyone about my life. My life has always been mine. At that moment, when Natasha said that she did not love me, I realized that I no longer had "my", "personal" life, which no one knows about. I heard these words for the second time in my life, but this time the whole country became witnesses. And I wouldn't want anyone to be in my place.

Are you disappointed in Natalia and Yana?

No, on the contrary, I was convinced that love cannot be built. And this is one of the things that I realized during the “Bachelor” project. At first, I was wildly worried about everything. Because of every word, every emotion that I couldn't contain. And all the time he tried to influence what was happening. And then I just let it go. Therefore, I am absolutely not disappointed in either Yana or Natasha, everything happened as it should have happened. And that was our truth to each other. Every word was honest, every kiss and everything that we managed to say before we said goodbye forever.

What scenario did they offer you at the end?

I was not offered anything, complete independence of decisions was a condition for my participation. But in such projects there can be no scenario or artificial development of events. Any reality show is built on just the opposite - to put a person in an incredible stressful situation so that he goes crazy and can no longer control himself. This is what sells best. There it is impossible to predict anything and write remarks a couple of gears ahead. Every time a date starts, it's pure improvisation. No one - not me, not the girls, not the people behind the scenes - knows how it will end. But it was beautiful precisely because of its unpredictability. Therefore, the show has such a rating: it is interesting to watch real life.

Perhaps the previous bachelors consulted with the producers about their steps, but this is their own business. I do not need other people's advice in relationships with women.

Why didn't you want to just play along? Most people think that this is just an entertainment show.

For me it was not a show. This was my real life. And I'm not ready to play along with someone's Saturday TV expectations at the cost of my life.

I agreed that three months of my life and the process of my choice will be shown on TV. To decide on this, believe me, was not easy. But for me it was a kind of cry of despair. I came to a point where I was acutely aware that I could no longer wake up just for my own purposes. I wanted to find someone for whom I would not only wake up, but also move forward. And where will fate give me a chance to meet her with my lifestyle? I believe in chance. And here are 25 girls from various places that do not intersect with my geography in any way - this is a chance that has grown 25 times. And it was with that thought that I signed the contract. I really spun the barrel of the revolver and pulled the trigger.

The finale of the show "The Bachelor" season 4 was a complete surprise for the loyal fans of the project. Instead of the expected happy ending with a ring and a happy winner in the role of the bride of Alexei Vorobyov, the Bachelor planted a pig for the audience, violating the main rule of the project, which provides for the presence of a winner.

Why did Alexei Vorobyov not choose anyone in the final of the show "The Bachelor 4"

First of all, "The Bachelor" is a show, which means that the game and staging are inherent in it, otherwise there will be no beautiful picture on the screen. It is unlikely that anyone could seriously believe that only two people were present on dates. Nothing like that - at least ten people, a whole film crew. And how sincere can a tête-à-tête conversation turn out with such a company of witnesses?

Initially, there can be no sincere emotions on a project of this format. And if Alexei Vorobyov, who had an unfinished acting education at the Moscow Art Theater School behind him, was quite confident in front of the cameras, then for many girls, working on the set turned out to be a serious test.

The realization that your every step and gesture is recorded hardly contributed to the emergence and manifestation of sincere feelings.

In addition, after the first three seasons of The Bachelor, interest in the project has noticeably decreased. What could raise the rating of the program? That's right, an unexpected twist. The creators of the project made the right calculation by sending the finalists home: Internet users have been unable to calm down for several days, hotly discussing the latest news.

Moreover, now viewers will definitely follow any information about how the former participants and Alexei Vorobyov build their personal lives after the show “The Bachelor 4”.

Personal life of Alexei Vorobyov before and after the show "The Bachelor 4"

Long before joining the Bachelor show, Alexei Vorobyov earned himself the fame of a womanizer. Next to the artist, one could often see his famous colleagues from the show party. So, for about a year, Alexey Vorobyov and the star of the Thaw Anna Chipovskaya tried to build a relationship:

The office romance of Alexei Vorobyov and Oksana Akinshina was short-lived, but the young man was not stopped by the fact that the actress was married:

Alexey Vorobyov met with singer Victoria Daineko for about eight months, but the couple broke up suddenly and for no apparent reason in May 2012:

Despite his publicity, Alexey Vorobyov prefers talking about his personal life to talking about creativity. On Alexei Vorobyov's Instagram, it is impossible to find information about the affairs of the heart of the star of the 4th season of "The Bachelor": the topic "Alexey Vorobyov's Girl" is a taboo in his microblog.

The only love of Alexei Vorobyov, whose photos regularly appear on his Instagram, is a cute corgi named Elvis-Melvis, who did not leave the Bachelor even on the set of the Bachelor 4 show.

Which of the participants in the project does Alexey Vorobyov meet after the end of the show "The Bachelor 4"?

While the audience of the project watched and then discussed the latest news from the final of the 13th episode of Bachelor 4, Alexei Vorobyov himself went on tour to Kazakhstan.

Judging by the pictures that appear on the Web, the artist enjoys increased female attention during the tour.

But on the Instagram of Alexei Vorobyov for the second day there has been no news. Subscribers are waiting for an explanation from the artist, but he continues to pause and remain silent.

Alexey Vorobyov and Alla Berger did not resume their romance after the finale of the show "The Bachelor 4"

Many fans of the project are sure that after the finale of the show "The Bachelor 4" Alexey Vorobyov meets with one of the participants. At one time, the audience believed that Alexei Vorobyov after the show "The Bachelor 4" would remain with Alla Berger.

… our bachelor @mr.alexsparrow remained a bachelor. Lesh, be happy! Find your soul mate in this world

Will Alexey Vorobyov and Natalya Gorozhanova be together after the show "The Bachelor 4"?

Natalya Gorozhanova in the 13th series of the Bachelor 4 project, many viewers predicted victory. Despite the staged format of the show, some managed to discern obvious sympathy in the relationship between Alexei and Natalia. Leaving the show, Gorozhanova made it clear that she was ready to continue her relationship with Alexei.

If we recall the acquaintance with the actor's parents, then it is Natalia Gorozhanova, according to the artist's mother, the ideal wife for Alexei Vorobyov.

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