Choreographer Choreographer. Description of the profession The choreographer acts as a director of dance numbers of different composition of participants, different styles


Choreographer. Description of the profession The choreographer acts as a director of dance numbers of different composition of participants, different styles and levels of complexity. In addition, it is the choreographer who monitors the accuracy of the performance of all dance movements by the dancers, as well as the observance of safety on the site.

Choreographer. Activities: Preparation of a dance scenario, participation in its discussion and approval; casting dancers; selection of musical accompaniment, costumes, scenery; coordinating the time of their work with caretakers of rehearsal venues, dancers, conductors, make-up artists, costume designers, etc.; group and individual review of dancers; mandatory presence at dress rehearsals and during performances in front of the audience; conducting hourly classes (if we are talking about dance lessons)

Professional skills: knowledge of the history of dance, its varieties; the opportunity to dance independently; the ability to provide first aid in case of injury to any of the dancers; the ability to determine the norms of physical overload; perfect hearing and sense of rhythm

Additional features: He believes that the best choreographers are graduates of the Moscow GITIS and the St. Petersburg Conservatory. However, in this profession, as in almost all creative ones, a lot depends on the abilities of a person and his perseverance. Novice choreographers get a job in dance schools or organize independent circles, which in the future can develop into full-fledged educational institutions.

I am dancing at the Alla Dukhovaya Todes school-studio. I really like to dance. Dance is life. In dance I can express all my emotions. During the dance, you forget about everything and live moments of happiness when you dance. But dancing is not entertainment, but very hard work. Only those who have been training in the gym for many hours know how hard it is. To become a choreographer, you need to work hard from childhood, go through a lot, endure all the difficulties of this difficult profession. Choreography is a calling. And only the one who can go through all the difficulties and difficulties, overcome many barriers and obstacles, endure all the pains and injuries can become a real choreographer.

Dance is something extraordinary, a combination of plasticity, feelings, facial expressions and a story that the dancer tells the audience.

I have been going to dances since childhood, and it is by dancing that I am distracted from problems and the surrounding fuss, I really glow with happiness on stage. I chose this profession precisely because I can and want to help everyone reveal their individuality. In general, it seems to me that calling choreography a profession is a mistake, because it is rather a talent. The talent to "sculpt" from small or adult beginner dancers to exemplary professionals.

Creating a dance is a creative process, teaching the art of composing a dance and creating dance performances is the main task facing the choreographer.

The choreographer needs to be strong, plastic and constantly develop, gain knowledge about new dances. In our modern world, more and more new dances appear and it is not so easy to get interested in the old ones, we young people are interested in everything modern, it is closer to us, I will not say that everyone, but many. Yes, classical dances undoubtedly make an impression on many people and you can’t refuse the classics, but you need to add new colors to it.

“The hardest thing about being a choreographer is self-discipline. You need to love yourself, torment and enjoy it. I got tired, and then it's so good. I didn’t torture myself - bad » .

Everyone has different opinions about how a dancer should be on stage, someone thinks that he must be strong and disciplined, and someone says that the main thing is his technique, and everything else will come by itself. I think that the technique is certainly important, but the main thing is the feelings that the dancer puts into the dance, because if he is not in the mood for the dance, then he will never be able to dance it well, no matter how technical and purposeful he is.

I will never forget that first day when I first went to the dance hall, everything was new for me there, the girls are very similar to me, but I saw in them this desire, desire and joy from what they do. I remember how I approached the barre and felt a new “I” inside me, then I realized that this was my calling, that I would never stop dancing, and it happened, I still dance, and I really like what I am do. Without dancing, life seems gray and mundane, but as soon as I enter the hall, all problems go into the background, everything turns upside down in my soul and becomes more colorful.

The main thing for a dancer is his thoughts, he must be sure that he will succeed and that he will succeed, achieve what he wants, without this success is impossible. I am sure that any person can succeed if he wants it, will not be lazy and afraid.

When I dance I live, when I live I dance! That's why I want to become a choreographer!


Profession is a kind of labor activity, occupation that requires certain training and is usually a source of livelihood for a person who owns certain general and special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training, work experience. The types and names of professions are determined by the nature and content of labor, as well as the specifics and conditions of various fields of activity.

Who is a choreographer and what does he do?

A choreographer is an artist, dance instructor, dance choreographer, dance teacher.

The very art of dance is called choreography. If we are guided by the origin of this word (from the ancient Greek "choreia" is translated as a dance, "grapho" - I describe), then it can be understood as a record of dance movements using special symbols. The creation of these movements and the compilation of a whole work from them is the lot of choreographers.

The choreographer can be engaged in staging not only dances, but also ballet performances, concert numbers. At the same time, his main task is invariably to create an integral, beautifully designed and unique composition in its own way. The choreographer works with a group of dancers, distributes the created images among them, taking into account the abilities and character of each. Also, this specialist selects music and costumes. During classes, he works on developing the technique of performing dance by the team. Choreographers can work in dance schools, fitness centers, and also give private lessons.

What skills and qualities should a choreographer have?

In order to come up with a dance, a person will need a rich imagination, creative thinking and knowledge of a large number of dance elements. A choreographer, like any dancer, cannot succeed without an ear for music and a sense of rhythm. When working with dancers, the choreographer must maintain goodwill, calmness, readiness for long-term cooperation with the same team. The choreographer needs to take into account that sometimes he will have to work in conditions of heavy workload and tours. Excellent physical shape and the ability to work at any time of the day are indispensable qualities of a good specialist in this field.

A choreographer needs to be not only a professional dancer, but also a true intellectual, an expert in various art forms. He must be able to create dances both by processing other people's work, and based solely on his own ideas. In addition to working with the group, he will have to negotiate with artists, musicians, designers, technical workers, PR managers.

As the results of the survey show, the profession of a choreographer involves mainly physical labor. The choreographer must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

Where is the profession of "choreographer" taught?

Colleges, colleges and universities.

Choreographic schools and colleges of St. Petersburg:

· FGBOU VO "Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova"

SPb GBPOU "Boris Eifman Dance Academy"

Star College

Higher institutions with a choreography department in St. Petersburg:

St. Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture

St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions

· Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen

The history of the formation of the profession "choreographer"

Dance refers to the manifestations of the creativity of the people. It may have differences in movements, tempo, costumes. In the old days, dances also differed by class. Ordinary people, after a hard day's work, rested, dancing dances with round dances. Representatives of noble classes, in order to brighten up their leisure time, invited dancers.

The history of the profession of choreographer says that it appeared in the twelfth century. In this time period, court dances became fashionable, in which a large number of dancing couples took part. Public opinion could be influenced by the fact how beautifully and harmoniously the performers circle in the dance. The main task of the choreographers of that time was to teach the representatives of the nobility the basic dance movements, as well as manners during the dance.

In the 14th-16th century, the fashion for the classics came and ballet appeared.

In the 15th century, there were very few people who could be called choreographers. Now it is known only about those who wrote about dances, the works of the rest are lost. Domenico of Piacenza (Domenicoda Piacenza), or Domenico of Ferrara (Domenicoda Ferrara) was one such choreographer.

It is customary to start the history of modern dance from the turn of the 19th-20th century and such areas of dance as free movement, modern dance and expressive dance.

The main characteristics of free movement were such concepts as "nature", "naturalness" and a fairly simple manner of movement, most often from the center of the body.

The most famous representative of this dance is Isadora Duncan, but Ruth Saint-Denis, Maud Allan, LoiFuller can also be attributed to the same direction in the history of dance or to this historical period.

Expressive dance and modern dance can be called brothers, but not twins. The central figure of expressive dance is Rudolf Laban (better known as a theorist who created a system for analyzing and recording movement), his students Mary Wigman, Suzanne Perote, Kurt Joss, Sigurd Lider and also not directly related to Laban, Gret Palluka, Rosalia Hladek, Dor Hoyer. Expressive dance originated and developed primarily in Germany, while modern dance is more of an American phenomenon.

And although there was no mutual influence here, it can be said that modern dance put technique at the forefront, which ultimately brought it closer to ballet, while expressive dance used improvisation to a greater extent. The most famous representatives of modern dance are Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Hanya Holm (a student of Mary Wigman), Charles Widman.

From the point of view of aesthetics, program and technique of movement, it can be said that for expressive dance, as opposed to free dance, such a category as “ugly”, ugly, its living was important.

For free dance, the focus was on the beauty of the natural body, so the manner of movement in the dance was natural, simple.

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A beautiful dance delights, because every person knows how difficult it is to make a whole story united by one idea from a set of movements. Both one person and several people can perform the dance, the choreographer must follow their work and ensure that the dance becomes an integral work. It is he who teaches the dancers how to move correctly, directs the dance and often takes part in the dance performance himself. What are the pros and cons of being a choreographer?

The history of the profession

Dance refers to the manifestations of the creativity of the people. It may have differences in movements, tempo, costumes. In the old days, dances also differed by class. Ordinary people, after a hard day's work, rested, dancing dances with round dances. Representatives of noble classes, in order to brighten up their leisure time, invited dancers.

The history of the profession of choreographer says that it appeared in the twelfth century. In this time period, court dances became fashionable, in which a large number of dancing couples took part. Public opinion could be influenced by the fact how beautifully and harmoniously the performers circle in the dance. The main task of the choreographers of that time was to teach the representatives of the nobility the basic dance movements, as well as manners during the dance.

Job description choreographer

The profession of a choreographer is a rather broad concept. He can be a member of a dance group, a leader or a choreographer. Today, choreographers of various genres of dance art are popular: pop, ballet, folk dances. The duties of a specialist include not only staging a dance, but also selecting costume music, creating a composition.

People who decide to master the profession of a choreographer must have excellent physical fitness and excellent coordination. In addition to the obvious physical exertion, the choreographer is faced with emotional situations every day when problems arise with the planned number. The choreographer must have natural artistry, taste and artistic vision.

In art, only the most persistent and assertive people achieve success. The competition here is very high, popularity, and with it large fees, reach one.

Dancing today can be seen almost everywhere: in films, TV shows, stage productions. Only the most creative and original ideas can win public recognition.

If you feel that the profession of a choreographer is your calling, you should start preparing today. Training takes place in specialized schools or dance studios from early childhood. A person who has chosen the profession of a choreographer is constantly honing his skills and improving his knowledge in the field of music, scenography and dance art.

The social significance of the profession in society

A person can dance without the help of a choreographer at an amateur level as much as he likes - at a disco, at home. But we must not forget that the benefits of these professionals are in some way comparable in importance to the work of a psychologist. Having taught a person to move, to control his body, the choreographer thereby frees him from complexes. Also, artists cannot do without these specialists. The audience will be bored if they just sing their songs. Therefore, ballet always accompanies the artist at concerts, conveying mood and atmosphere through dance.

Mass character and uniqueness of the profession

The choreographer must, of course, be able to dance, be a good organizer and creative person. After all, the work lies in the fact that you have to coordinate the actions of all the dancers, come up with images and a concept. You need to be able to be original, because improvisers are the ones who succeed. It is also desirable to love communication, because it will be necessary to meet with many people: artists, producers, dancers, dressers.

Types and scope of activity

The main types of work of choreographers are distinguished:

  1. Preparation of the dance scenario, participation in its discussion before approval.
  2. Casting dancers.
  3. Selection of music, costumes, scenery.
  4. Coordinating your work with people who are directly involved in the process of bringing the dance script to life.
  5. Participation in the show of dancers, in groups and one at a time.
  6. Visiting rehearsals, performances of dance groups in front of the audience.

The field of activity of representatives of this profession is quite extensive. They can be in demand in dance companies, musicals, opera and ballet, on television, on the set of films and television shows, on ships carrying tourists, and even on catwalks. The profession of a choreographer has a certain specificity. In all genres, regardless of the number of dancers, each individual group is led by one choreographer. With such competition, in order to achieve success and fame, choreographers need to have a creative and original approach to translating their ideas.

Required qualities of a choreographer

  • Dance: Choreographers must know the dance perfectly and be able to dance themselves, even if not phenomenally.
  • Organizational work: You can open your own company and be in charge of everything related to its work, for the creation, promotion and organization of the work (organizational skills are also useful in these areas). You can take a job as an artistic director of a company and will be required to fulfill the special requirements placed on you by the contract. You will have to plan each rehearsal so that it goes off without a hitch, because rehearsal space and time are expensive and difficult to find.
  • Communication: It is important to be able to create and maintain contacts not only with dancers, but also with technicians (for lines, stage instructions, lighting control, etc.), with other artists that you will meet at work (musicians, stage and costume designers), and even with a person who will make flyers, posters and tickets for the performance!
  • Creation: Choreographers look for inspiration around them. To create ideas, you need to feel the whole world of art - sculpture, photography, text, music, whatever. Choreographic work that showcases well-developed themes and ideas is interesting and engaging. Although originality is vital to success in it, it is important to be able to analyze the works of other choreographers and use their experience, enriched by your personal interpretation.

Qualities that impede the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • isolation;
  • unprofessionalism;
  • inability to communicate with people;
  • complexes;
  • aggressiveness;
  • irascibility.

Profession choreographer: pluses

The profession of a choreographer has many advantages, the main of which is demand. Today, various dance shows are very popular, artists actively attract dancers and choreographers to their concerts to make the performance bright, meaningful and interesting. In addition, choreographers are involved in the filming of television programs and films as consultants and choreographers. Show business is a very profitable type of business, because those people who work in it receive solid fees. The more famous the choreographer and the more famous dance performances he has on his account, the more money he earns in the end.

Choreographer not tied to any country, unlike legal advisers or accountants, he can get an education in Italy, and earn money in his native country, or even go to Turkey and put numbers in a nightclub, entertaining tourists.

Working as a choreographer you can travel all over the world. If a lot has been achieved in the profession, then the number of invitations as a choreographer will be enough to see the whole world. Also, dance groups often arrange tours to different cities and countries. In the course of preparing for the show, choreographers meet different people, learn from their experience, attend various master classes and thus improve their skills, and make show programs more interesting. Choreographers have a very busy life, they do not sit in the office, their work is constant communication, rehearsals, training and travel.

Being a choreographer means be in constant motion, workouts have a beneficial effect both on the figure, which remains slim and fit, and on well-being and psychological state, because dancing provides freedom, you do what you love, you get money and incredible pleasure for it. Regular exercise has a beneficial effect on health and immunity.

Participation in dance shows and competitions is more than adequately rewarded, and receiving awards, diplomas and cups makes you move forward and achieve great heights. The advantage of working as a choreographer is that a person receives fame and recognition. A well-staged dance number will always be appreciated by the viewer, and his love and applause charge with positive energy.

Speaking about choreography as a way of making money, no one can say that his parents forced him to work in this area, dancing is a hobby that takes a lot of time and effort. There is nothing better than doing what you love and getting paid for it..

A professional will always find new goals in the dance business, because everything is not limited to choreography. You can open your own dance school, you can give private lessons, or you can put on a unique dance show and travel the whole world with it.

Disadvantages of being a choreographer

Despite the many advantages of working as a choreographer, this profession also has some disadvantages.

Doing every day dancing and spending a lot of time in rehearsals in a dance class, you can often get injured. Some of them are insignificant, but there is a part of injuries that can literally put an end to a career.

The profession of a choreographer requires a lot of mental strength Therefore, young and ambitious people are engaged in dancing. Before retirement, it is very difficult to do choreography, since physical preparation must be ideal in order to perform all dance movements without problems and put on numbers, teaching the members of the team.

To become a choreographer, it is not enough to be able to dance, gotta be creative, purposeful, persistent and energetic. Often, choreographers work with dancers until late at night, and then rehearsals begin again in the morning and the long-awaited premiere takes place in the evening. All this takes a huge amount of energy, and the need to work even more remains.

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in the world of dance. To have talent and be able to move is not enough to become a choreographer, this requires great diligence, because it often happens that even very talented people are left out of their profession. Choreographers have no days off and often their vacation is carried over from one year to the next.

On the days when people rest, especially on New Year's holidays, choreographers work more than usual to please the audience and earn money. The free time of choreographers is very limited, especially women suffer from this, since they rarely manage to get married and become a mother before the age of 30. Even if you manage to start a family, you often have to leave the child on tour.

Often, before earning large fees, choreographers first have to invest in your profession. This applies not only to education and attending master classes, but also to buying costumes for performances, renting ballrooms, and dancing does not always lead to success and fame.

Working as a choreographer need to constantly find ways to improve their technique, learn new styles of dance, combine styles, and even being a professional, attend master classes.

Career growth and salary

The career ladder of a choreographer develops by acquiring higher professional skills and popularity. Participation in well-known dance competitions, staging concerts on television requires a lot of experience and skills from the choreographer. Just these factors affect the income of a specialist.

It is quite difficult to say exactly what the salary of a choreographer is, it also depends on the region. If in small towns income fluctuates around 400-500 dollars, then in megacities the fee of a talented choreographer can be 3000-5000 dollars. Also, some professionals eventually open their own dance schools.

According to statistics, the average wage in Russia is 60,000 rubles.

A choreographer is a member of the creative profession who choreographs dances for his troupe or any other group of dancers. No matter who performs the dance (boy group or corps de ballet), the movements in it are always connected with each other, and not chaotic. This is the result of choreographic work.

The choreographer works with the dancers to make their movements complete, which is presented to the audience in the form of a dance piece. Some choreographers use their skills to remake existing dances, while others use techniques like contact improvisation to create entirely new works.

The choreographer conducts training sessions with the dancers, visits and evaluates their performance in the evening, and does administrative work the rest of the time.
The choreographer also develops ideas, evaluates and selects dancers, selects costumes, music, etc.

Dance and song are manifestations of folk art. Each nation has its own national dances, according to which it is clear that they belong to any state. Ordinary people, after hard work in the field, had only one entertainment - to dance.

On the estates of rich people, specially hired dancers danced to brighten up the boring evening of the nobles. In the 12th century, the court dance came into fashion, when many couples circled around. It was very important to move beautifully, as the public opinion of gentlemen and ladies depended on it to some extent.

Therefore, professional choreographers were faced with the task of teaching the manners that should be manifested during the dance.

Video Profession "Choreographer".

Personal qualities

The choreographer must, of course, be able to dance, be a good organizer and creative person. After all, the work lies in the fact that you have to coordinate the actions of all the dancers, come up with images and a concept. You need to be able to be original, because improvisers are the ones who succeed. It is also desirable to love communication, because it will be necessary to meet with many people: artists, producers, dancers, dressers.

Education (What do you need to know?)

You can learn choreography at a semi-professional level in a dance studio. Education in this specialty can be obtained in our city only at the Faculty of Modern Dance of the Humanitarian University.

Place of work and career

Choreographers can be found in dance companies, musical theatres, opera, television, film sets, festivals, cruise ships and even on the catwalk.

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Where to study?

Universities by specialty Speciality Forms
Cost per year
score (2018)

choreographic art

Full-time (4 years)
Correspondence (5 years)

free (8 seats)
220 000
65 000

Faculty of Contemporary Dance

choreographic art

Full-time (4 years)
Part-time (5 years)
Correspondence (5 years)

118 920
84 600
59 760

Choreographic faculty

choreographic art

Full-time (4 years)

free (10 places)
188 300

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