And I couldn't think of a better one. Verse my uncle most honest rules


From the school bench I remember the first stanza from "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin.
The novel is written exceptionally simply, with impeccable rhyme, classical iambic tetrameter. Moreover, each stanza of this novel is a sonnet. Of course, you know that the stanza with which this work of Pushkin was written is called "Onegin". But the first stanza seemed to me so classical and, as it were, applicable to the presentation of almost any topic, that I tried to write a poem using the rhyme of this stanza, that is, the last words of each line, maintaining the same rhythm.
To remind the reader, I first cite the indicated stanza of Pushkin, and then my poem.

My uncle of the most honest rules,
When I fell ill in earnest,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of a better one.
His example to others is science,
But my god, what a bore
With the patient to sit day and night
Without leaving a single step.
What low deceit
Amuse the half-dead
Fix his pillows
Sad to give medicine
Sigh and think to yourself
When will the devil take you.

Love has no special rules
You just took it and got sick.
Suddenly, someone's eyes hurt,
Ile kiss could force.
Love is a complex science
And this is joy, not boredom,
tormenting day and night,
Without leaving my heart.
Love is capable of deceit
The game is able to amuse
And correct the outcomes of wars,
Or your medicine to be blues.
On this search, do not waste yourself,
She will find you.
April 07, 2010

Once, a long time ago, I found an entertaining game on the Internet - the collective writing of a sonnet. Very funny. And, after writing the above poem, I came up with the idea to offer you, dear readers, a poetic game - to write sonnets using the last words of the lines of the first stanza of "Eugene Onegin"
Good exercise for the brain.
But I was tormented by doubts, is it possible to do this? That is, there are frames of specific words that limit the topic.
I again wrote out the last words in a column and, having re-read them, for some reason I remembered V. Pikul's "At the Last Line". Probably because of the words: forced, deceit, medicine. I thought a little and wrote this:

Rasputin Grishka lived without rules,
Hypnosis from childhood fell ill
And forced me to go to bed
Half-Peter and more could.
Didn't like this science
Husbands whose wives were bored.
They decided in one night
Let the spirit out of the old man away.
After all, he invented, scoundrel, deceit
Amuse yourself with debauchery:
Improve the health of the ladies
Giving carnal medicine.
Know if you let yourself into fornication,
That poison in Madeira is waiting for you.
April 14, 2010

But even after that I had doubts - the feeling of the impossible to describe any topic. And with a laugh, I asked myself: Here, for example, how to state a simple nursery rhyme "Geese are my geese." Again wrote out the last words. It turned out that verbs are masculine nouns. Well, well, to say about the grandmother, he introduced a new character - grandfather. And here's what happened:

Reading the list of village rules
Grandfather fell ill with poultry farming.
He forced Grandma to buy
Two geese. But he himself could.
Herding geese is a science
He was tormented like boredom
And, having improved the darker night,
Geese swam away puddles, away.
Grandma groans - that's deceit,
Geese will not amuse
And improve the mood
After all, their cackle is medicine for the soul.
Moral remember - amuse yourself
Only what pleases you.
April 21, 2010

Putting aside the thought of posting these poems, I somehow thought about our fleeting life, that in an effort to make money, people often lose their souls and decided to write a poem, but, remembering my idea, without a shadow of a doubt, I expressed my thoughts with the same rhyme. And here's what happened:

Life dictates one of the rules:
Are you healthy or sick
The pragmatic age made everyone
Run so everyone can survive.
Science is advancing
And, forgetting what boredom means,
Pushes business day and night
Away from old technologies.
But there is deceit in this run:
Success will only start to amuse -
Rigidity will correct you,
That Mephistopheles medicine.
Good luck will give, but for himself,
He will take the soul out of you.
June 09, 2010

So, I invite everyone to take part in writing poems with Pushkin's rhyme from the indicated stanza of "Eugene Onegin." The first condition is any topic; second - strict adherence to Pushkin's rhythm and line length: third - of course, decent eroticism is allowed, but please, without vulgarity.
For ease of reading, with your consent, I will copy your poems below with a link to your page.
Unregistered readers can also participate. On my first page at this address: there is a line: "send a letter to the author." Write from your email and I will definitely answer you. And, with your consent, I can also place your verse below, under your name.
The final point of our game is the publication of a book for the anniversary of A.S. Pushkin entitled "My uncle has the most honest rules." You can do this as part of the almanacs published by the site owners, or you can do it separately. I can take over the organization.
The minimum is to collect fifty verses, one per page. You will get a collection of 60 pages.

With respect to all.
Yuri Bashara

P.S. Here are the players in the game:

God wrote us 10 rules
But if you feel sick,
He forced them all to break,
And I couldn't think of a better one.

Love according to God is only a science.
In His paradise such boredom -
Sit under the tree day and night
Not a step away from the neighbor.

Step left - you see - deceit,
Be fruitful - to amuse Him.
We will correct God
Walking to the left is a cure for us,

We write precepts for ourselves,
And - the main thing: I want you.

Love has few rules
But without love, you would be sick.
And with the unloved, who would force
live you? Could you?
Let the girls have science:
Oh my God what a bore
spend with him day and night,
After all - children, duty, will you go away?
Isn't that deceit?
Amuse him at night
Adjust pillows at night
And before that, take the medicine?
Isn't it a sin to forget yourself?
Oh, this is horror for you...

But suddenly he fell ill,
He made apprentices himself
Put him in a jar! could

There was boredom in the jug,
Dark as a northern night
And get out would not be away,
But here's a cruel deceit:
Nobody can entertain
And fix his posture.

Let yourself out of the darkness
And Jin prays for you.

Life has one of the rules:
Anyone, at least once, but fell ill
With a feeling of love and forced
Himself to go to the best of my ability.
And if the Testament is not a science for you,
You are betrayed by your boredom
Push, capable of day and night.
And God, and the rules - all away.
That is not love, but that is deceit,
Here the devil will amuse
Correct the laws of God
Giving false medicine.
All these are stories for themselves,
God will punish you for everything.

Laziness will kill a loafer outside the rules,
Since he got sick of her,
How rye made her eat herself,
Faster than he could fall at work.
And here's what science tells us:
Not only failures because boredom
Punishes us day and night -
Other luck - ruin away.
Laziness - the daughter of wealth - that's deceit,
Mother of poverty to amuse
Your wallet will begin to correct,
Giving medicine to idleness.
Idleness only consoles yourself,
Laziness, of course, is waiting for you.


Amused and infected:
Long ago, Jin ruled the country
But suddenly he fell ill,
He made apprentices himself
Put him in a jug! could
Only the smartest. All science,
There was boredom in the jug,
Dark as a northern night
And get out would not be away,
But here's a cruel deceit:
Nobody can entertain
And fix his posture.
And to warm up there is medicine.
Let yourself out of the darkness
And Jin prays for you.

The book includes a novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin (1799-1837) "Eugene Onegin", which is mandatory for reading and studying in a secondary school.

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" became a central event in the literary life of Pushkin's time. And since then, Pushkin's masterpiece has not lost its popularity, is still loved and revered by millions of readers.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Eugene Onegin
Novel in verse

Pétri de vanité il avait encore plus de cette espèce d'orgueil qui fait avouer avec la même indifférence les bonnes comme les mauvaises actions, suite d'un sentiment de supériorité, peut-être imaginaire.

Not thinking proud light to amuse,
Loving the attention of friendship,
I would like to introduce you
A pledge worthy of you
Worthy of a beautiful soul,
Holy dream come true
Poetry alive and clear,
High thoughts and simplicity;
But so be it - with a biased hand
Accept the collection of colorful heads,
Half funny, half sad
vulgar, ideal,
The careless fruit of my amusements,
Insomnia, light inspirations,
Immature and withered years
Crazy cold observations
And hearts of sad notes.


And you, young beauties,
Which later sometimes
Carry away the droshky
Petersburg bridge,

An excerpt from the novel in verse Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin.

My uncle of the most honest rules,
When I fell ill in earnest,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of a better one.
His example to others is science;
But my god, what a bore
With the sick to sit day and night,
Not leaving a single step away!
What low deceit
Amuse the half-dead
Fix his pillows
Sad to give medicine
Sigh and think to yourself:
When will the devil take you!

Analysis of "My uncle has the most honest rules" - the first stanza of Eugene Onegin

In the opening lines of the novel, Pushkin describes Uncle Onegin. The phrase "the most honest rules" was taken from Krylov's fable "The Donkey and the Man". Comparing the uncle with a character from a fable, the poet hints that his "honesty" was only a cover for cunning and resourcefulness. Uncle knew how to skillfully adjust to public opinion and, without arousing any suspicion, turn his dark deeds. Thus he earned a good name and respect.

The uncle's serious illness was another reason to attract attention. The line “I couldn’t think of anything better” reveals the idea that even from an illness that can cause death, Uncle Onegin is trying (and he succeeds) to derive practical benefit. Those around him are sure that he fell ill due to a neglect of his health for the sake of his neighbors. This seemingly selfless service to people becomes the cause of even greater respect. But he is unable to deceive his nephew, who knows all the ins and outs. Therefore, in the words of Eugene Onegin about the disease there is irony.

In the line "his example to others is science," Pushkin again uses irony. Representatives of high society in Russia have always made a sensation out of their illness. This was mainly due to issues of inheritance. A crowd of heirs gathered around the dying relatives. They tried their best to achieve the favor of the patient in the hope of a reward. The merits of the dying man and his imaginary virtue were loudly proclaimed. This is the situation the author sets as an example.

Onegin is the heir of his uncle. By the right of close kinship, he is obliged to spend "both day and night" at the head of the patient and provide him with any assistance. The young man understands that he must do this if he does not want to lose his inheritance. Do not forget that Onegin is just a "young rake." In his sincere reflections, he expresses real feelings, which are aptly indicated by the phrase "low deceit." And he, and his uncle, and everyone around him understands why the nephew does not leave the bed of a dying man. But the real meaning is covered with a false coating of virtue. Onegin is incredibly bored and disgusted. A single phrase constantly turns on his tongue: “When the devil takes you!”.

The mention of the devil, and not God, further emphasizes the unnaturalness of Onegin's experiences. In reality, uncle's "fair rules" do not deserve a heavenly life. Everyone around, led by Onegin, is looking forward to his death. Only by doing this will he render society a real invaluable merit.


<«Евгений Онегин», глава I>

We hasten, although a little late, to inform lovers of Russian poetry that the new poem by A. S. Pushkin, or, as the title of the book says, novel in verse, or the first chapter of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is printed and sold in the bookstore of I. V. Slenin, near the Kazan bridge, for 5 rubles, and with forwarding for 6 rubles.

It is impossible to judge the whole novel, especially its plan and the nature of the persons depicted in it, by one chapter. So, let's just talk about the syllable. The story is excellent: ease, gaiety, feeling and pictorial poetry are visible everywhere * 1. The versification is excellent: the young Pushkin has long occupied a place of honor among our best versifiers, whose number even now, unfortunately and surprisingly, is not so great.

Taking advantage with moderation the right of a journalist-bibliographer 3 , we will present here a small (however, not the best) example of a style, or story, from Eugene Onegin.

Serving well, nobly,

His father lived in debt

Gave three balls annually

And finally screwed up.

The fate of Eugene kept:

At first Madame followed him,

Then Monsieur replaced her,

The child was sharp, but sweet.

Monsieur l'Abbé, poor Frenchman,

So that the child is not exhausted,

Taught him everything jokingly

I did not bother with strict morality,

Slightly scolded for pranks

And he took me for a walk in the Summer Garden.

When will the rebellious youth

It's time for Eugene

It's time for hope and tender sadness,

Monsieur was driven out of the yard.

Here is my Onegin at large;

Cut in the latest fashion;

How a London dandy is dressed;

And finally saw the light.

He's completely French

Could speak and write;

Easily danced the mazurka

And bowed at ease;

What do you want more? The world decided

That he is smart and very nice.

We all learned a little

Something and somehow

So education, thank God,

We are not smart enough to shine.

Onegin was, according to many

(Judges resolute and strict),

A small scientist, but a pedant.

He had a lucky talent

No compulsion to speak

Touch everything lightly

With a learned air of a connoisseur

Keep silent in an important dispute

And make the ladies smile

The fire of unexpected epigrams.

What is the portrait of a Russian nobleman brought up in fashion? In almost every verse there is a striking, characteristic feature. As incidentally mentioned here about Madame Monsieur! AND miserable- it could not have been more successful to clean up the epithet for an important French mentor, who jokingly taught everything frisky cute small, even summer garden. - But alas! it's time and driven from the courtyard of Monsieur l'Abbé. O ingratitude! Didn't he teach Eugene everything, i.e. absolutely speak French and... write! - But Yevgeny had another mentor, and rightly french, who taught him to bow naturally and easily dance the mazurka, as easily and deftly as they dance it in Poland ... What do you want more? - Strict, decisive judges Evgeny was recognized not only as a scientist, but even ... pedant. Here's what it means:

No compulsion to speak

Touch everything slightly,

With a learned air of a connoisseur

Keep silent in an important dispute.

There are enough picture descriptions in this book; but the most complete and most brilliant of them is without a doubt the description of the theatre. The praise of beautiful female legs is also beautiful. However, we do not agree with the kind writer that it is hardly possible to find in Russia there are three pairs of slender female legs.

Well, how could he say that?

How slender legs are small

At Euphrosyne, Miloliki,

Lydia's, Angelica's!

So I counted four pairs.

Or maybe in all of Russia there are

At least couples five, six! 4

In the "Forewarning" to "Eugene Onegin" the following words are remarkable: "May we be allowed to draw the attention of readers to the virtues that are rare in a satirical writer: the absence of an offensive personality and the observation of strict decency in a comic description of morals." - In fact, these two virtues have always been rare in satirical writers, especially rare at the present time. "Forewarning" is followed by "A Conversation between a Bookseller and a Poet". It is desirable that we always speak as cleverly as here, not only booksellers, but also poets, even in advanced years.


* "Describe my own business" 2 - says the writer in 21 countries. And the truth is: he is a master, and a great master, of this business. His paintings are distinguished not only by the tenderness of the brush and the freshness of the colors, but often by strong, bold, sharp and characteristic features, so to speak, which show an extraordinary talent, that is, a happy imagination and an observant spirit.


    <« Евгений Онегин». Глава I>

    Good. 1825. Part 29 No. 9 (published March 5). pp. 323-328. From the Book News section. Signature: I.

    1 Chapter I of “Eugene Onegin” was published on February 16, 1825. Izmailov wrote to P. L. Yakovlev on February 19: “These days a new poem by Pushkin, or a novel, or only the first chapter of the novel “Eugene Onegin” has been published. There is no plan at all, but the story is a delight” (LN. T. 58, pp. 47-48).

    2 Chap. I, stanza XXVI.

    3 The section "News of new books", in which this article is published, is of a critical and bibliographic nature.

    4 Wed. also the poem "Angelika" signed Lardem, published in "The Well-meaning" with the following note: "The author of these poems was inspired by the excellent reference to the legs in "Eugene Onegin"" (1825. Ch. 29. No. 12. S. 479).

My uncle of the most honest rules,
When I fell ill in earnest,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of a better one.
His example to others is science;
But my god, what a bore
With the sick to sit day and night,
Not leaving a single step away!
What low deceit
Amuse the half-dead
Fix his pillows
Sad to give medicine
Sigh and think to yourself:
When will the devil take you!

Analysis of "My uncle has the most honest rules" - the first stanza of Eugene Onegin

In the opening lines of the novel, Pushkin describes Uncle Onegin. The phrase "the most honest rules" is taken from him. Comparing the uncle with a character from a fable, the poet hints that his "honesty" was only a cover for cunning and resourcefulness. Uncle knew how to skillfully adjust to public opinion and, without arousing any suspicion, turn his dark deeds. Thus he earned a good name and respect.

The uncle's serious illness was another reason to attract attention. The line “I couldn’t think of anything better” reveals the idea that even from an illness that can cause death, Uncle Onegin is trying (and he succeeds) to derive practical benefit. Those around him are sure that he fell ill due to a neglect of his health for the sake of his neighbors. This seemingly selfless service to people becomes the cause of even greater respect. But he is unable to deceive his nephew, who knows all the ins and outs. Therefore, in the words of Eugene Onegin about the disease there is irony.

In the line "his example to others is science," Pushkin again uses irony. Representatives of high society in Russia have always made a sensation out of their illness. This was mainly due to issues of inheritance. A crowd of heirs gathered around the dying relatives. They tried their best to achieve the favor of the patient in the hope of a reward. The merits of the dying man and his imaginary virtue were loudly proclaimed. This is the situation the author sets as an example.

Onegin is the heir of his uncle. By the right of close kinship, he is obliged to spend "both day and night" at the head of the patient and provide him with any assistance. The young man understands that he must do this if he does not want to lose his inheritance. Do not forget that Onegin is just a "young rake." In his sincere reflections, he expresses real feelings, which are aptly indicated by the phrase "low deceit." And he, and his uncle, and everyone around him understands why the nephew does not leave the bed of a dying man. But the real meaning is covered with a false coating of virtue. Onegin is incredibly bored and disgusted. A single phrase constantly turns on his tongue: “When the devil takes you!”.

The mention of the devil, and not God, further emphasizes the unnaturalness of Onegin's experiences. In reality, uncle's "fair rules" do not deserve a heavenly life. Everyone around, led by Onegin, is looking forward to his death. Only by doing this will he render society a real invaluable merit.

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