Perfect repair on channel 1 dubovitskaya regina. Regina Dubovitskaya: biography, personal life


We present Regina Dubovitskaya with a new living room with a dressing room. The room will turn out to be very elegant - we are using the baroque style in the project for the first time.

While the renovation is going on, Dubovitskaya's colleagues are preparing a "Full House on the First" for us. And Regina Igorevna will show her unique archive of this legendary program.

Professional designer Natasha Barbier, together with a team of experts, comes to the most ordinary apartments to create the perfect interior for the heroes.

Natasha Barbier is the editor-in-chief of Mezzanine magazine, president of the Association of Interior Decorators. He believes that “the happiness of our house is in your hands” and that it is important for designers not to get too carried away with art in their work, because the main result of the repair is convenience and practicality.

Entering the apartment, the presenter is not yet familiar with the characters, but by design and interior she tries to make a psychological portrait of the owners: their age, hobbies, lifestyle.
The action of the program takes place not only in the apartment of the heroes, but also in the studio (it is also an art bureau). Designers and experts gather around the table here. In discussions, the only true ideal option is born and chosen.

Soviet and Russian TV presenter.

Biography of Regina Dubovitskaya

Regina Dubovitskaya was born in Shadrinsk (Kaluga region) in a family of scientists - philologist, specialist in ancient Russian literature, professor Igor Dubovitsky and biologist and teacher Nina Zhamkochyan. Parents led a "nomadic" lifestyle and moved a lot: soon after the birth of the girl, the family moved from Shadrinsk to Chisinau, and when Regina was in elementary school, they moved to Kostroma. Even in her youth, the future TV presenter was distinguished by her militant character and love of journalism. Dubovitskaya studied in a technical class and was almost the only humanist - she wrote essays for everyone and published in a youth newspaper.

But after school, at the insistence of her parents, Regina did not enter the faculty of journalism, but the faculty of the German language foreign language. After graduating from high school, the girl did not work a day in her specialty, immediately going headlong into journalism: first on the radio, and then on television.

In 2007, Dubovitskaya was vacationing with her friend, actress Elena Vorobey, in Montenegro and, through the fault of a taxi driver, got into a car accident. The TV presenter received a severe hip fracture, but after 4 months she began filming again.

One of Regina's hobbies is landscape design, which she, together with a professional designer, does in the garden of her house in the Moscow region.

Personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya

In 1965, Dubovitskaya met a young physicist on a train. Yuri Ayvazyan. Young people exchanged contacts, began to meet. In 1966, the couple had a daughter, Ilona. She is also involved in science and works in television. The granddaughter of the TV presenter was also named Regina.

Since 2012, Regina has been leading a secluded lifestyle. At various times, information appeared in the media that the famous TV presenter was seriously ill, but on November 3, 2017, on the Live program, Dubovitskaya said that she was very busy with work and was currently editing the anniversary edition of the Full House program, which had already turned 30 years.

The creative path of Regina Dubovitskaya

In the late 60s, Regina Dubovitskaya began working for the editorial office of humor and satire of the All-Union Radio, then moved to work in the Good Morning radio program. While working, she met several young satirists - Vladimir Vinokur, Mikhail Evdokimov, Efim Shifrin.

In the late 80s, Dubovitskaya seriously decided to change her field of activity, realizing that the strict format of Soviet radio was not suitable for the humorous program she had conceived. Regina went to work in the main editorial office of the literary and dramatic programs of the Central Television and created the first issue of the Full House program.

Regina Dubovitskaya in the Full House program

The name for the new program came up with a few weeks. In total, Regina and her friends and acquaintances came up with about 50 options, until the presenter settled on the name "Full House", which was proposed by the famous TV journalist Lev Novozhenov. Initially, the program did not have a humorous focus, rather, they were teleconcerts, which brought together singers, musicians, speakers and comedians. But in the early 90s, more and more comedy numbers of conversational artists began to appear on the show.

By 1995, the program had gained immense popularity among Russian television viewers. Novice comedians aspired to get into the show, for whom a performance in Full House could be a good start. Participated in the program at various times

Regina Dubovitskaya is a famous TV presenter. One has only to pronounce her name and immediately before the audience there will be an association with good humor, uplifting and everything like that. A woman could always impress the viewer with subtle humor, her smile and charisma made her a favorite among viewers of Russian television.

Today, she is loved throughout the territory of the former CIS countries, but what was the basis for her such success? How exactly did her creative path begin, what did she have to go through in order to conquer the stage? This will be discussed in detail in this article, which is just aimed at getting acquainted with the life and creative path of Regina Dubovitskaya.

Height, weight, age. How old is Regina Dubovitskaya

Looking at this always smiling woman, it is hard to believe that she is already almost seventy years old, because she looks fresh and quite young. But answering the question of height, weight, age. How old is Regina Dubovitskaya, you can answer that today she is 68 years old, her height is 163 centimeters, and her weight is 55 kilograms. So, as you can see, she is in great shape, her figure can only be envied in a good way.

And it's not even that she has to constantly be in sight, in the camera lens. A woman rightly believes that every representative of the fair sex must look good, take care of herself, be at her best at any age. And she reinforces these words with deeds, because she really looks very good. But let's now move on to the life path of the famous TV presenter, how she generally came to the fact that she began to act in films, playing certain roles on stage.

Biography of Regina Dubovitskaya

The biography of Regina Dubovitskaya begins on December 31, 1948, that is, she was born almost on New Year's Eve. I must say that she was born in a family that was strongly associated with science and pedagogy. Her father and mother were engaged in science, they were even famous in their field, so they thought that their daughter would follow the same life path.

When the girl was less than ten years old, she and her parents moved to the city of Chisinau, in Moldova. The childhood and adolescence of the future famous TV presenter also passed here. While studying at school, she attended various amateur clubs in order to develop and spend interesting time. I must say that even then those around her noted good acting data in her. But Regina herself saw herself in journalism, wrote articles for the school newspaper, and was always very enthusiastic about looking for new materials from the life of the school so that others could tell about them. Soon she moved again, this time to the city of Kastroma.

Dubovitskaya's parents were sure that she would become a famous journalist, because she had all the makings for this profession. But in the end, she chose the Faculty of Philology, because there she had some connections that facilitated the admission process. As a result, the university was graduated with honors, the girl always approached every subject that she took with responsibility and attention. However, she failed to connect her life with the career of a philologist. Because after graduating from high school, she went to work in the editorial office of the radio in the department of letters. There she also made acquaintances with various future participants in the famous "Full House". By the way, the TV presenter said that the editorial office had its own atmosphere, which was inextricably linked with humor, so that the employees always had a good mood.

The first who helped Regina break into the screens was Vladimir Vinokur. It was he who took part in the program that she put on the radio. After her projects began to take place with success, various, already more famous people began to cooperate with her. She managed to win respect and recognition among her colleagues, everything went well, but at some point, Regina Dubovitskaya firmly decided to leave the radio. Perhaps the main reason was the Soviet perestroika, which caused widespread publicity on television, although for some time, radio still retained the old order. At the same time, Dubovitskaya left her former place of work in order to devote her energies to a new, large-scale project.

In the late eighties, Regina begins to organize the Full House program, which then gained tremendous popularity. Many well-known humorists gathered here on the same stage, delighting thousands of spectators with their presence. The project for twenty-five years of existence, repeatedly moved from one channel to another, changed the format. And although in recent years the rating of the program has fallen due to competition with younger programs, all the same, the project still has its own audience. And Dubovitskaya will forever remain a pioneer in the humorous field, because it was she who was able to create a humorous program that managed to captivate the audience and remain loved by them to this day.

Does Regina Dubovitskaya have cancer? What disease does she have?

By the way, at one time there were rumors on the Web that Regina Dubovitskaya was ill, that her illness, cancer, would soon bring her to the grave. True or not, but now Regina is healthy, with her positive and cheerfulness she was able to overcome any problems.

Personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya

Regina Dubovitskaya managed to build her personal life back in the mid-sixties. At that time, she met a doctor who was engaged in physical and mathematical sciences. It is noteworthy that they met by chance, while traveling by train. This fleeting meeting grew into a passionate and long romance, the result of which was the wedding of the spouses. True, this did not happen immediately, but only four years later. After some time, the couple had their only daughter, whom they named Ilona. Now Regina's daughter is working in the same "Full House" as an assistant director. Now Dubovitskaya is already a grandmother with a charming granddaughter, who was named Regina, in honor of the TV presenter.

Family of Regina Dubovitskaya

The family of Regina Dubovitskaya is herself, her beloved husband and only daughter. The family, although small, is still very strong. The TV presenter, by her example, showed that you can meet your beloved man and be with him all your life.

And this is despite the fact that they are completely different in their interests, because a woman is involved in the field of television, and he is engaged in science. But at the same time, Regina's parents were engaged in science, so it is quite possible that she felt a kindred spirit in him. Their daughter Ilona appeared in their marriage, who now also works at Full House, is already a mother herself, giving Regina her beloved granddaughter. So, Regina is quite happy not only at work, but also at home.

Children of Regina Dubovitskaya

The children of Regina Dubovitskaya are limited to one and only daughter. After Dubovitskaya got married in the late sixties, a beloved daughter was born in the marriage, whom they named Ilona. It is difficult to say why the spouses have not yet tried to have children, no one can answer for sure. I must say that Ilona works at the same Full House, and already has a child herself. By education, she is an applied mathematician, but this did not stop her from showing herself on television. The daughter is a true pride for Regina Dubovitskaya, because she is not only an heiress, but also a good friend to her star mother.

Daughter of Regina Dubovitskaya - Ilona

The daughter of Regina Dubovitskaya, Ilona, ​​is the only daughter of a TV presenter who appeared in marriage with a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. She became a real event in the couple's married life, because they were waiting for children for a long time. Her daughter's education is mathematical, apparently, she graduated from the Institute of Energy at the insistence of her father, but in the end she still began to work on television. She is in the position of assistant director, she can realize her creative potential there. However, for her the main thing is to remain a good mother. She also named her daughter Regina, in honor of her grandmother, who has been amusing the audience with her charisma and interesting programs for decades.

Civil husband of Regina Dubovitskaya - Yuri Ayvazyan

The common-law husband of Regina Dubovitskaya, Yuri Ayvazyan, became her first and only husband, whom she met in the mid-sixties. The acquaintance happened quite romantically, because fate brought them together on the road, when both were traveling by train.

After talking among themselves for a while, they realized that they wanted to continue their acquaintance. As a result, all this resulted in a stormy, lengthy romance that lasted four years. They have been together for a long time, happy and loving spouses. The husband is engaged in physical and mathematical sciences, is the founder in the field of magnetism. Now the couple live near Moscow, not far from the airport in Sheremetyevo.

Photo by Regina Dubovitskaya before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Regina Dubovitskaya before and after plastic surgery can often be found on the Internet, because the TV presenter herself has repeatedly admitted that she seeks help from plastic surgeons. However, one cannot exactly trust the facts that are posted on the Web, but nevertheless, it is worth recognizing that a woman looks great for her age.

It is possible that she owes this not only to trips to beauty salons, but also to regular personal care. Given that Dubovitskaya does not deny that she could use surgery to preserve her beauty and youth, we can conclude that she has already undergone more than one operation, and each is far from the last.

Instagram and Wikipedia Regina Dubovitskaya

If you want to know even more about Regina Dubovitskaya, you need to look at her Wikipedia page, which contains general facts about her. The page contains facts about childhood, the creative path, where she was born and so on. You can read about her life very conveniently and quickly if you use the Wikipedia page (

But if you want to know even more, then it is better to opt for social networks. She actively maintains a page on Instagram, uploads photos, shares her plans for the future. Despite her age, she continues to actively act on television, amuse the audience and cheer them up. Wikipedia Regina Dubovitskaya will help you get as close to the famous TV presenter as possible. She showed by personal example how important it is to love what you do, because this is the only way to achieve the goal.

Regina Dubovitskaya has long been one of the most popular presenters on Russian television. For thirty years now, her name has been associated with the humorous program "Full House". Now this program has lost its former popularity. In this regard, many fans had a question: “Where did Regina Dubovitskaya disappear?” Rumor has it that a woman suffers from cancer, had an accident ... What of this is true, and what should not be believed? Let's figure it out in the article.

The beginning of Dubovitskaya's career

The famous TV presenter was born in Shadrinsk on December 31, 1948. Her family was very intelligent. Dad was a professor, taught ancient Russian literature. Mom dedicated her life to biology.

Regina herself began her career by working in the letters department at All-Union Radio. Despite the fact that from childhood she demonstrated her artistic abilities to others, Regina did not immediately decide to become a TV presenter.

When Dubovitskaya was ten years old, the family moved to Chisinau, the capital of the Republic of Moldova. There, the girl went to an amateur circle, and the teachers noted her talent. But brought up in a family of scientists, Regina aspired to become a journalist. Which, however, did not contradict her nature and abilities. Even at school, she published a wall newspaper, and each time she painstakingly selected material for her. Later, when the family moved to Kostroma, the girl remained true to her hobbies.

However, Regina failed to become a journalist. At the University, she was required to have two years of experience in journalism. But the young girl did not have it. Therefore, Regina received her higher education at the Institute of Foreign Languages. She is now fluent in German.

Regina graduated from the institute well, but did not work in her profession. As already noted, the girl went to the radio at the editorial office of humor and satire - in the department of letters. She worked here for about two years. And still with enthusiasm recalls the atmosphere where it was possible to talk about everything that was interesting.

And then, Dubovitskaya went on promotion - she became the editor of the incredibly popular program "Good morning!" on central television.

This was the starting point in her career. Regina met talented young comedians, from whom she soon “knitted together” the Full House team.

In 1975, she met Vladimir Vinokur. A little later - with Efim Shifrin and Mikhail Evdokimov. It was they who became the backbone of the popular comedy show. Moreover, Vinokur and Shifrin are still performing on stage. And Mikhail Evdokimov has been dead for twelve years. At the peak of his popularity, his life was claimed by a car accident. It is noteworthy that at that time Evdokimov was in the position of governor of his native Altai Territory.

Work in the Full House program

With the beginning of perestroika, when glasnost began to flourish in the country, Regina realized that it was time to organize her own humorous show. She became cramped within the radio. Therefore, Dubovitskaya seriously set about creating a new project. In 1987, together with already familiar comedians, she created the Full House program. We must pay tribute to Regina - she managed to gather many comedians on one stage. These were both young artists and already popular ones.

Under the leadership of Regina Dubovitskaya, Klara Novikova, Yuri Galtsev, Svetlana Rozhkova, Mikhail Zadornov, Sergei Drobotenko, Nikolai Lukinsky and many other "stars" gained fame. Often, young satirists turned to Dubovitskaya with a request - to pay attention to their talent and take them into the program. And more often than not, she gave them a chance.

The program actually made the whole country laugh - it gathered full houses. Artists not only "shone" on television, but also went on tour around the country. The simply deafening popularity of the program lasted for twenty years. Then "Full House" began to give way to the young. And now only occasionally you can see the latest releases of the program.

Dubovitskaya is still working as the editor of this humorous show. Of course, she cannot devote as much time to this as in her youth. Therefore, she speaks of the revival of the former popularity of the program as something unrealizable.

In early November, the show was dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the release of the program "Live" on the TV channel "Russia - 1". It gave a detailed answer to the question; Where did Regina Dubovitskaya disappear to? At the end of 2017, the TV presenter herself gave an answer to it. The guests of the program were also artists who became famous thanks to the "Full House". They expressed words of admiration and gratitude to Regina, remembered the past and even ate a birthday cake.

The program showed that even now the "Full House" has loyal fans, and they will not exchange this program for any modern show.

Personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya

Let's now talk about the personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya. In this area, the popular TV presenter is also doing great. At the age of eighteen, she met her husband, Yuri Ayvazyan - he was already a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences at that time. Dubovitskaya gave birth to his daughter Ilona: the girl followed in her father's footsteps and became a mathematician. It is also interesting that Regina has a granddaughter - her namesake.

In 2007, Dubovitskaya got into a car accident with her colleague, Elena Vorobey. In Montenegro, their car collided with another driven by a drugged driver. As a result, Regina almost became disabled: the doctors made terrible predictions - the artist's legs could remain paralyzed forever. But thankfully, all is well now.

For a long time, the artist moved on crutches, and thanks to the support of the audience, she finally recovered. Just six months after the disaster, she was already hosting the New Year's Full House. Now the TV presenter even allows herself to walk in high heels.

The TV presenter still lives with her family in the Moscow region, works as an editor on television.

PHOTO: What Regina Dubovitskaya looks like now

Occasionally releases fresh issues of "Full House". Perhaps she will surprise fans more than once with the results of her professional activities. After all, she still has a lot of desire to work.

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