Game disco in the camp. Disco



- Lighting equipment

- Microphones

— Disco music

- Water and plastic cups

— Prizes

— Details for contests

Presenter 1: Good evening friends! We welcome you today in our hall at the game disco "Move more!".

Host 2: Today we will relax with you all evening, have fun, play and, most importantly, dance!

Presenter 1: So let's get started!

Host 2: Are you ready to rock? The answer is "Yes!" Well then let's go!

"Dance workout" Leading to the music show the movement, the children repeat.

Dance break.

Presenter 1: Well done! This is how you should dance throughout our evening.

Host 2: The one who will be the most active today will receive a good prize! So worth the fight!

"We are changing." Everyone in pairs spins under the arm, as soon as the hosts say the word “Change”, everyone immediately begins to look for another partner and continues to spin under the arm to the music, etc.

Dance break.

Presenter 1: Thank you! All of you were incomparable in this dance. We were especially captivated by…. (calling). Here's our prize! But that's not all. Now it is you who will be the "head" of the train - the "locomotive" in a very mobile game "Train". In this game, we all become one after another in a line, holding on to the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train - the "locomotive" - ​​runs fast, often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not break away from the train.

Host 2: We will name the part of the body that you must grab while moving (stomach, knees, nose, heels, etc.). Ready? The answer is "Yes!" Then let's go!


Dance break.

Presenter 1: Our game disco continues, and I offer you a very fun contest "Mom, I'm all!"

Host 2: To do this, you need to split into two teams.

Presenter 1: The first person standing in the team puts a cap on his head, runs to the potty, sits on it and shouts “Mom, I’m all!”, Then he runs to the next participant, passes the cap to him and he does the same, etc.

Host 2: Whose team will come faster, she won. On your marks! Attention! March!

Competition - "Mom, I'm all!" (Requisites: caps 2 pcs., pots 2 pcs.)

Dance break.

Presenter 1: For the next competition, 8 people are needed.

Host 2: All participants of this competition stand in a circle, put hats on their heads.

Presenter 1: You will be given 5 commands.

Host 2: 1st team put your right hand on your neighbor's head; 2nd team remove the hat from the neighbor and put it on his head; 3rd team take off the hat from the head and shout out ""; 4th team put their hands on the shoulders of a neighbor and close the circle; 5th team take off your hat, raise your hand up and shout loudly "Hurrah!".

Presenter 1: We will call the teams in discord, your task is not to go astray! Be careful!

Host 2: Ready? The answer is "Yes" Well then let's go!

Competition "Hats" (Props: hats 8pcs, prizes 8pcs)

dance break

Presenter 1: All well done! On this cheerful note, our disco ended!

Host 2: Did you like it? Answer "…"

Presenter 1: Have a good vacation!

Host 2: Goodbye!

Scenario of the disco "Dance and have fun".

Host: Good afternoon, dear children! We welcome you today in our hall at the game disco "Dance and have fun".

Today we will relax, have fun, play and, most importantly, dance! So let's get started! Are you ready to rock?

The answer is “Yes! "Well, let's go then!

Game "Snake". All those present form a chain or are divided into several chain teams. The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”. The music turns on and the caterpillar begins to move forward. At the same time, the “head” shows various dance movements as it wants - waves its arms, makes lunges, goes goose step, etc. Everyone else should follow her movements. When the “head” gets tired, it turns to the next player, strokes his head and moves to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “gags”. The contest lasts as long as the music is playing.

Host: Well done! This is how you should dance throughout our program. The one who will be the most active today will receive a good prize! So worth the fight!

Our evening program:

First, dancing!

Second - fun dancing!

Third - fast dancing!

Fourth - slow dancing!

Fifth - dancing until you drop! All in all:

Disco, disco!

That's fun, that's fun

Mountains of jokes, a lot of laughter!

That's what disco means!

I offer a game disco!

The dance game “We are changing.” Everyone is spinning in pairs under the arm, as soon as I say the word “We are changing”, everyone immediately begins to look for another partner for themselves and continues to spin under the arm to the music, etc.

Growing dance game. Turn on any music and choose two players who will start dancing with each other. Then stop the music. The dancers are separated, and each of them chooses a different partner or partner. Now 2 couples are dancing until the music stops. Then everyone chooses a new partner for themselves, and 8 people dance. This continues until everyone is dancing.

Train game. In this game, we all become one after another in a line, holding on to the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train - the "locomotive" - ​​runs fast, often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not break away from the train.

I will name the part of the body that you must grab onto during the movement (stomach, shoulders, ears, head, belt, etc.). Ready? The answer is “Yes! "Then let's go!

Moderator: For the next competition, 8 people are needed.

All participants of this competition stand in a circle, put hats on their heads.

Listen to me carefully and do my tasks:

1 put your right hand on your neighbor's head;

2 remove the hat with your right hand from your neighbor and put it on your head;

3 take off your hat from your head and shout "Hop";

4 put both hands on the shoulders of a neighbor and close the circle;

5 take off your hat, bow and say "merci"

Ready? The answer is "Yes" Well then let's go!

Competition "Hats" (Props: hats 8 pcs., prizes 8 pcs.)

Irga "Nesmeyana". Princess Nesmeyana is selected from the participants, then those who wish to participate in the competition are invited to the stage. They need to make Nesmeyan laugh with their dance, without touching her.

Name Dancing game. During the disco, the host announces that now only those who hear their name will dance. For example: now all Sasha, all Elena are dancing. You can call several names at the same time.

Ribbons game. The host asks a group of girls and boys to stand separately. He takes several ribbons in his hand (in the middle of the ribbon). From one end, the girls take the ribbons, and from the other, the boys. The host releases the tapes and moves away. Boys and girls wind up ribbons and meet, forming pairs for a slow dance.

"Game-dance". Children become in a stream, boys with girls. There is a regular game, accompanied by fast music (As soon as the music changes to slow, the formed couples dance a slow dance)

The game "Object in a circle." Those who wish to participate in the game form a large circle in the hall. One of the participants is given an object: a ball, a balloon. A fast phonogram is turned on, and the object is passed from participant to participant in a circle. The melody suddenly stops, and the participant who is currently holding the object in his hands is eliminated from the game. Elimination occurs every time the melody stops until the last participant remains, who becomes the winner.

D Iskoteka is one of the most important holiday events for children. However, discotheques often fail because of the improper work of the DJ. The person who is responsible for holding a school disco should at least imagine what they are listening to now and get the appropriate music library. In addition, the host of a discotheque needs to know several basic techniques for creating a program, be able to feel the audience, etc.

It all starts with a DJ

Disco music should be not just good, but dance. So if a DJ is fond of Russian rock or “heavy metal” and treats these kids, the guys are unlikely to be able to enjoy and have fun from the heart with such music. Rock compositions go well as "slow songs" or as an apotheosis in the block.
A block is several (from three or more) compositions that sound one after another without stopping, as a rule, between slow tracks. The tempo of the music in the block usually increases gradually, as if climbing a hill. The top of this slide is a super hit. Before a slow song, the tempo slows down. For example, rap or soul is put on. No need to take turns to put fast - slow - fast - slow. It's tiring and not conducive to fun.

Don't forget your age

Conventionally, the disco can be divided into two types - for younger (from 5th to 8th grade) and for older teenagers (from 9th to 11th grade). Accordingly, the disco for the younger ones should be more “pop”: a lot of Russian hits, songs of all times and peoples such as samba, lambada and macarena.
For high school students, more Western music, dance hits, something heavy should be put on. Songs to which everyone jumps and pushes like crazy are best played in the middle of the evening. Slow dances should be set more often closer to the final (that is, the fast block is shorter and more energetic). The last fast block can be made very short, one or two songs. The last composition is necessarily a long slow ballad.

Turn on the dancers

It's great if the DJ has a good tongue. This avoids awkward pauses in case of problems with the equipment. The DJ can also hold contests, lotteries, etc. Feel free to chant into the microphone: “Wider circle!”, “More fun”, “Light it up!”. Talk to the people: "And now a slow dance, invite each other soon." Boys are often shy - so announce a white dance (so that the girls do not get bored).
If a fast song “doesn’t go” (they don’t know it, or tired everyone), you can imperceptibly - without breaking off in mid-sentence, without a pause - to reduce it to another, more “downhole” song. That's what it's for mixer.
But never interrupt the lingering, especially the last one - it breaks off teenagers very much. And it doesn't matter if the disco ends a minute later than the scheduled time.

The main thing at the disco is fun

Have fun at the disco! Younger students get bored at the disco if no one entertains them. You need to dance with them in a circle, play in a stream, dance and snake, shout loudly “yu-hu”, that is, show how to have fun. Therefore, for younger children, the presence of an adult on the dance floor is mandatory, which will help them have fun. Disco for kids - fun with music.
All of this applies to older children as well. However, it is important for high school students to attract the attention of the opposite sex in the first place. A disco is a specially prepared place where you can show your sympathy. And many are anxiously awaiting this opportunity.

dance etiquette

It’s good if the teacher explains the basics of dance etiquette to the children in advance, such as:
- a disco is not a sporting event, so the boys' uniform should be different from the one in which they play football;
- if a guy has just “banged” the bottom break and is all sweaty and dusty, you should not be surprised if the girl refused to dance with him;
- if the girl refused - do not immediately invite her girlfriend standing next to her;
- too bright lipstick and greasy mascara in lumps will not add attractiveness to a young creature;
- mascara sometimes flows;
- if a girl (boy) is enjoying the third disco in a row, finally pay attention to the child. Maybe his first love came or some other misfortune happened. Carefully carry out explanatory work, try to carefully find out what the child has in his soul.
The boring and dissatisfied physiognomy of the teacher does not contribute to the cheerful mood of the class. On the contrary, your good (despite everything) mood is the key to the success of any event.

Disco entertainment options

A disco can be diversified in several simple but entertaining ways, give it an unusual shape. Here are some proven ideas.
– Arrange costume ball .Preparing costumes - what is not an exciting activity for the class!
- Great option - disco vice versa . Boys dress up as girls, girls dress up as boys.
- Don't forget the classic game of brook .
– Enter fulfillment of wishes . Children often ask the DJ to say hello to each other. It is better that they write their greetings on pieces of paper. To avoid wasting precious time, do not give children a microphone (according to sad experience - do not give anyone at all).
– Organize order box. It is hung in advance in the foyer or dining room, and then the songs are put on “on request”.

Disco games

To enhance the fun at the disco, different games are used: you can play dancing, dance - playing. One process complements another.

Dances of the peoples of the world
The squads become each in their own circle.
At the command of the leader to the music, everyone begins to dance together, like:
happy hippos;
drunk policeman;
mad hedgehogs;
blooming cacti;
old Papuans;
etc. (full scope for imagination).
At this time, several people - the jury - evaluate these dances.
If during the performance they liked someone separately or the whole dancing group as a whole, then this person or group is given a colored piece of paper.
The game lasts continuously for 20 minutes. The DJ changes the music, the presenter gives the task, the jury evaluates. The group (or class) with the most papers wins.

Dancing stars
Children dress up and make up in advance, doing their best to imitate the performance of some pop stars.
Entourage - a poster posted in advance at the school and a scene at the disco.
Success is ensured by:
use as a soundtrack of the latest or super-hackneyed hits.
artistry and improvisation;
irrepressible fantasy and almost complete lack of logic in the manufacture of costumes;
dressing up boys as girls and vice versa.

The rules of the game are as follows: the players (it is imperative that there are both boys and girls) join hands, and the leader becomes in the center of the circle. He closes his eyes, stretches out his hand and spins in place. At the same time, the rest of the children lead a round dance with the words: “Aram-shim-shim, aram-shim-shim, aramiya harp, show me!”
At a certain point, everyone stops and looks at who the host pointed to. That person is invited to the center of the circle. He becomes back to back leading. The crowd shouts: "And one, and two, and three!", clapping their hands. On the count of three, both children in the center should turn their heads in one direction. If they turned their heads in one direction, then they should kiss, if they turned their heads in different directions, shake hands. After that, the person chosen by the former leader remains in the center, and the game continues until insanity.

Each child is given a number. A mailbox is installed in the classroom, paper and pens or pencils are placed nearby. Children write to each other everything that comes to their mind or wants to say for a long time. You can write anonymously.
It is best to hand out letters after the disco, otherwise instead of dancing, time will be spent on an endless search for children with the right numbers.

Oleg SLUTSKII, Moscow
Based on site materials

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Municipal Department for Culture and International Affairs of the Administration of the Pavlovsky Municipal District of the Voronezh Region



I approve:

Director of MKUK "DK "Sovremennik"

A.D. Skrynnikov

Children's disco

Compiler - screenwriter:

Co.Mpaneytseva Elizaveta Alexandrovna

child care facilitator



Date: 08/30/2015

Time spending: ____

Venue: DK "Sovremennik"


Presenter 1 -

Presenter 2 -

Veselushka -

Presenter 1: Dear friends, I welcome you to our super duper disco - a celebration of music and dance!

Presenter 2:

Joke, sing, laugh.
At our holiday
Dance what you want
The desired time has come.

Smeshinki - fun
They call us to dance
And the songs are familiar
We will sing along.

Music block. (Song from the cartoon Masha and the Bear)

(3 - 5 songs)

Presenter 1: And this means that at our disco everyone should be cheerful, smiling, active and the most incendiary.

Presenter 2: And let's all together show what can and cannot be done at our holiday. I will tell, and you listen carefully and show everything.
In our disco you can't:
- be bored and sad;
- whine and roar;
- frown and get angry;
- grimacing and sticking out your tongue ...
- stomp your feet loudly
- clap your hands loudly
- shout and hoot;
- smile at each other...

Presenter 1: Not only dancing, but also fun games are waiting for you today. And for starters, let's do a dance warm-up with you all together.
(Charging melody sounds)
There lived a parrot in the world,
Spread your wings wider.
(Hands - to the sides, left, right)
He loved to fly higher
Above palm trees, above giraffes.
(Stretch on toes, hands up.)
He flew to visit the children,
He rested with them.
Jumped, bowed, naughty
And he spoke to the children.
(Tilts of the head, torso forward, backward).

Presenter 2: We live by schedule
In the morning we do...
We are always hot and cold
Very physical education...
(we are friends).
The ice rink does not interfere with us
Make it on time...
We're jumping down the hill
In the diary we carry ...
We never get discouraged
Mom's home...
(we help).
We don't waste time
We follow the regime...
(of the day).

(a circus merry melody sounds, Veselushka comes out)
Presenter 1:

Everything is in place,
The guest came, children, to us.
Hello. Allow me to get to know you.
Merry: Hello.(shakes hands with leader) I'm a girl - Cheerful!
Presenter 2: Veselushka, why didn’t you say hello to the guys?Merry: Didn't say hello? Yes, this is my favorite thing - to say hello!(Merry shakes hands with several guys.) I can even say hello with my eyes closed, look.(Greetings with children by the nose, by the ear, by the leg, etc.)
Presenter 1: Wait, is that how people say hello? Let's start all over again, and say hello to everyone at once. Watch how I do it. Hello kids, girls and boys!
Merry: Ah-ah-ah! Understood!
Hello guys, pink heels! No, not like that.
Hello kids, potato noses! No, not like that.

Hello kids, polka dot knickers! No, not like that.
Hello little chubby little pussies! No, not like that.
Hello kids, the best in the world!
Presenter 2: Here is another matter.
Merry: What are you doing here?
Children: Disco!
Presenter 1: What is a disco? Will you teach me how to dance?
Children: Yes!
Presenter 2: There's no time to lose
We start dancing.

Music block sounds, children dance (2 melodies)

Merry: And now, I'll show you my dance. Don't yawn, repeat after me.

Any moving dance with comical moves

(e.g. "I'm dancing to the right").

Veselushka with the hosts conduct games:

Piggy bank game.

There are 2 teams of 6 players. A coin is placed on the toe of the first team member. The player tries, without dropping it, to carry it from the start line to the finish line and drop it into the "piggy bank". The dropping participant starts over.

Music block (1 song).

Game "Apple relay" .

Competition between two teams. One player from the team sits on a chair, the rest line up behind him. The seated person holds an apple in his hands and one with his chin. The first one standing behind the chair goes around him and, taking all three apples (he takes two apples with his hands, and the third with his chin), sits on a chair. The one who gives way goes to the end of the column. The team that passes all the apples to each other the fastest wins. If the apple was lost, then the team is awarded penalty points or after the game, the one who dropped the apple fulfills the desire of the opponents.
Music block (1 Song).

Riddles - tricks Presenter 1: Love riddles?
Guess them then.
And in riddles there is a secret -
Give the correct answer.
There is no need to delay here.

Answer quickly, friendly!
On the fence in the morning
Crowed ...kangaroo
(No, cock).
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Guessed? This is ... a whale
(No - bear).
There are flies and mosquitoes healthy,
A cow is croaking in the swamp.
(No - frog).
He walks with a red mane,
The king of beasts, of course... an elephant.
(No - lion).
He knows a lot about raspberries
Well, of course, it is ... a wolf.
(No - bear).
Gray and big like a closet
It's called ... a giraffe.
(No - elephant).
Cheerful company, double your attention!
Previously, rhyme helped, but now it has become insidious.
You, my friend, do not rush, do not fall for the hook!
All black, like a rook, climbs from our roof
... (Chimney sweep)
Under the dome of the circus on a dangerous flight
Went bold and strong...
Planted hundreds of roses
In the city garden...
Buns to us and kalachi

Every day they bake...
Cooks porridge and broth

Good fat...
Arius, opera writer
It's called...
Factory has three shifts
The machines are...
Trains lions, dogs
Brave, our brave...
Who grazes cows, sheep?
Yes, of course
Sweeps a clean yard
At six in the morning, of course ...
(Street cleaner)
Pleats, pockets and smooth piping
Made a beautiful dress...
Planting new seedlings in the spruce forest
Will leave again in the morning...
A knight and a rook walk through the cells -
Prepares his winning move ...
(chess player)

Music block (2 songs).

Game "Shepherds".

The game requires 2 chairs, 10 balloons of two colors and 2 empty plastic bottles. Place chairs 10 meters apart. At the signal of the leader, 2 shepherds must drive their sheep (balls of a certain color) into their barn (that is, into their chair) with a plastic bottle. This must be done quickly and not to lose a single sheep.

Music block (3 songs)

Host 2:

Now it's time to say goodbye.

Our speech will be short:

We say goodbye!

And childhood memories

Try to save!

Presenter 1: See you soon!

Merry: While friends!


A starter is an evening event with which you can diversify an ordinary disco.

Before the start of the starter, all participants are divided into teams and each group is given tokens of a different color. The number of participants corresponds to the number of tokens (for example: 1g - red, 2g - yellow, 3g - green, etc.) or different shapes (1g - triangle, 2g - square, 3g - circle). During the evening, each person gives his token (Fig. 6) to the one whose dance he liked. At the end of the holiday, each group counts tokens that are different from their color and shape. Whoever has more of them - that group won.

Competitions for starter.

1. Games for choosing a partner:

"Dance of my dreams"

The girls are given notes with something like this: “All my life I dream of dancing with Schwarzenegger (cosmonaut, alien).” And the young men, respectively, receive notes indicating who they are. The girls read the notes aloud. Pairs form.


Boys are given the task to collect autographs from girls in a certain time. The winner is the one with the most autographs. The facilitator then tactfully announces that each autograph equals a dance promise.


A girl with a mirror and a handkerchief in her hands sits in a chair with her back to everyone. She looks in the mirror at the men coming up to her in turn.

If the partner does not suit her, she, as it were, “erases” his image. The "loser" must give way to another gentleman. If the partner liked it, she leaves a scarf and a mirror for another participant and goes to dance with her chosen one.

"Two circles".

Participants form two circles: a circle of girls in the center and a circle of boys of approximately equal numbers. At the command of the leader, they move in different directions to the music. As soon as the melody is interrupted, the participants in the game stop and turn to face another circle. The girl and the boy standing at this moment against each other introduce themselves and ask each other any questions. They only have a few seconds to do so. When the music turns on, the circles move. At one of the stops, the host puts on a slow song and invites couples to dance and get to know each other better.

2. Game actions during the dance.

"Dance on Three Legs"

Partners in a pair dance (for example, tango) have their legs tied - the right leg of one is tied to the left leg of the other. That's three legs. Whoever dances without breaking and most gracefully wins a prize.

"Apple Dance"

Several couples are dancing. Each pair presses a large apple with their foreheads. If the apple falls, the couple is out of the competition. The apple is given to the jury. The smartest win. They also receive apples as a prize.


Competition for the best performance of a certain dance to a different tune, for example, lambada to tango music, or Russian dance to lezginka.


This game is best played outdoors in the evening to waltz music. When forming pairs, the initiative is given to the ladies. Those left without a pair make up the jury of this kind of competition. Couples stand on the start line facing each other and light candles. The girls hold the candles tightly with both hands, and the boys, putting their hands on the girls' shoulders, help them protect the candle flame. The task is to bring the light to the finish line of the 50-meter distance. If the candle goes out, the couple returns to the start, re-lights the candle and makes a new attempt. The first couple to reach the finish line with a burning candle wins.

"On a desert island"

Several couples are playing: he is an ion. Each pair is given a sheet of paper the size of a newspaper sheet and the rules of the game are explained: “Imagine that there is water all around, and you need to escape on a small island.” To begin with, the pairs become (Fig. 8) on the sheet, then the command is given to fold the sheet in half, and so on.

"How beautiful we are!"

The couple sits on chairs, the girl puts her head on the guy’s shoulder and, looking at each other in the mirror, they say 5 times “How beautiful we are! How happy we are Let's get married! etc. » The most important thing is not to laugh. Then they dance a dance to the music that they get.

"Love and Dance"

Rules of the game: you need to depict animals in a dance during the mating season.

"Seated Dance"

You can dance not only standing, but for example sitting. Try to improvise in the following "sitting" dances: - lambade - twist - hip hop - macarena

"Mumba Yumba"

The first dances appeared before Christ. It is necessary to depict primitive people (Fig. 9): - before hunting for a zebra - before planting a banana tree - before building a bamboo hut - before making a digging stick from a baobab trunk - before catching a crocodile


Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which various objects (balls, ribbons, clubs) are often used. And you can dance: - with a washcloth - a sponge - with a terry towel - with a bath whisk, etc.

"Round dance"

The ancient Slavs led round dances, because. they thought the circle was the symbol of the sun. And what does a round dance look like: - in the ward of patients with "sleepwalking" - in the ward of patients with a fracture of the right leg - in the ward of patients with a nervous tic - in the ward of patients with sciatica

Music games

"STEAM LOCOMOTIVES". Before the start of the game, 2-3 "locomotives" are selected from among the most active participants in the evening. Their task: after turning on the musical phonogram, form a live “train”, moving around the hall and continuing to recruit new participants in their “train”, not to fall apart until the end of the melody. The “train” wins, in which there will be more participants than in others. The locomotive receives a special prize.

"UMBRELLAS" or "THE OBJECT IN A CIRCLE". Those who wish to participate in the game form a large circle in the hall. One of the participants is given an object: a ball, a balloon. A fast phonogram is turned on, and the object is passed from participant to participant in a circle. The melody suddenly stops, and the participant who is currently holding the object in his hands is eliminated from the game.

Elimination occurs every time the melody stops until the last participant remains, who becomes the winner.

"GAME WITH CHAIRS". The algorithm of the game is similar to the one proposed in the game "Object in a circle". Chairs are placed in a circle in the center of the hall. There should be more than one participant in the game than there are chairs. To a fast melody, the participants run in one direction around the chairs. As soon as the melody stops, they try to take an empty chair. The participant left without a chair is out of the game, and one chair is removed from the circle.

This continues until the last participant remains, who becomes the winner.

dance games

"DANCE ON THE NEWSPAPER". Several contestants receive one newspaper and put it on the floor. To a fast soundtrack (rock and roll, twist, Charleston) for one minute they dance on a newspaper and try to break it into as many parts as possible. At the end of the time, the number of scraps of the newspaper is counted and the winner is determined.

"COCKFIGHT" ("NUMBERS"), Three or four participants in the competition are fixed on their backs with small cards with two-, three-digit numbers, but in such a way that the other participants in the competition do not see these numbers.

Players fold their hands behind their backs and cannot use them. The host turns on a fast soundtrack, to which the players, dancing, try to look behind each other and peep at the opponent's number. As soon as one of the participants manages to do this, he raises his hand and the music stops. If the number he called is correct, then the opponent with this number is out of the game. If a mistake is made, then the person who stopped the game himself is out of the game. The game continues until there is only one winner left.

Usually when two players are left, their fight drags on; if at the same time they show their resourcefulness and dancing abilities, they can be declared winners together.

Games for slow songs

"DANCE MARATHON". Ladies who wish to participate in the competition are invited to choose strong and reliable gentlemen. The gentlemen take the ladies in their arms and dance a slow dance with them without lowering them to the floor. The winner is the pair that has endured the entire dance (or the last one left) after the elimination of rivals.

"DANCE WITH THE BALL". The host invites a girl to a separate chair and passes the ball to her. Slow composition is on. The host invites two young men to approach the girl and try their luck by inviting her to dance. The girl accepts the invitation of one of them, and passes the ball to the other. A young man with a balloon sits on a chair and waits for an invitation from two girls, who are encouraged by the host. The young man accepts the invitation of one of the girls, and the other leaves the balloon. Those who wish can invite each other to dance without participating in the game.

"DANCE ON THE NEWSPAPER". Several dance couples participate in the competition. Each receives a sheet of newspaper of the same size. To a slow melody, the couple dances on the sheet for 20-30 seconds, without stepping over its edges, after which the melody stops, and the participants are invited to fold the sheet of newspaper in half. The condition remains the same: to dance without stepping over a newspaper sheet. A couple that violates this condition or stops dancing is eliminated from the fight. The newspaper is folded until the last pair remains - the winner of the competition.

These competitions and games can be held both during the disco and as a separate event.

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