Game training for rallying the teaching staff. "Tower of Babel"


Cohesion training"Our common life"

Purpose of the training: group cohesion and building effective teamwork.

“Cohesion is an opportunity for a team to become a single entity in order to achieve specific goals and objectives. You have common goals - studying at this technical school, getting a good education, an excellent diploma! And in order to more effectively achieve these goals, all of you need support, and you can get it in your group! After all, only a close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories!”

Training objectives:

1. formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group;

2. finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;

3. initial diagnosis of the psychological atmosphere in the group;

4. awareness by each participant of his role, functions in the group;

5. development of the ability to work in a team;

6. group cohesion.

This training session was held in the dormitory of the technical school. It was attended by 18 people.



Cohesion training"Our common life"

Purpose of the training : group cohesion and building effective teamwork.

“Cohesion is an opportunity for a team to become a single entity in order to achieve specific goals and objectives. You have common goals - studying at this technical school, getting a good education, an excellent diploma! And in order to more effectively achieve these goals, all of you need support, and you can get it in your group! After all, only a close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories!”

Training objectives:

  1. formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group;
  2. finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;
  3. initial diagnosis of the psychological atmosphere in the group;
  4. awareness by each participant of his role, functions in the group;
  5. development of the ability to work in a team;
  6. group cohesion.

Phases of training:

1. Introductory phase

The purpose of the phase: Acquaintance with the facilitator, as well as with the objectives of the training, the rules of work in a group.

"Group rules"

Time: 2 minutes.

Resources : drawing paper with already written rules.

  1. Be active.
  2. Listen to each other without interrupting.
  3. Speak only on your behalf.
  4. If the information is addressed to someone specifically, then address this person directly, and not talk about him in the third person
  5. Do not distribute or discuss outside the training what is happening in the classroom
  6. Avoid criticism when doing exercises, if there is a need to criticize something - wait for a discussion
  7. In case of unwillingness to perform any exercise, the participant has the right to refuse without explaining the reason for this, but he must publicly declare his refusal.

Required materials: sheet with rules.

2. Contact phase

Phase Goal : Establishment of a favorable psychological climate in the group, warm-up.

Exercise "Funny count"

Target : Removing the internal tension of the participants, uniting the group through the joint and simultaneous performance of the exercise.

Exercise progress : The facilitator calls a number that does not exceed the number of people in the group. The named number of participants stands up. Synchronization must be achieved in the exercise, participants should not confer.

: the exercise allows participants to feel the other, to understand his thoughts in order to more effectively complete the task.

Discussion : Why couldn't you complete the task at first? What helped you complete the task?

Time: 5-7 minutes.

3. Labilization phase

Phase Goal : Formation of an active working mood, diagnostics of the psychological atmosphere in the group.

Name of exercises: Tower of Babel, Similarity Search, Let's Line Up

Exercise "Tower of Babel"

Time: 15 minutes.

Resources : colored markers, drawing paper, pre-prepared individual tasks.

Exercise progress : Participants are divided into 3 teams. For 7 people. Each team member is given an individual task. Individual tasks: briefly written on separate sheets, each sheet is strictly confidential to one participant. For example, “The tower must have 10 floors” - a sheet with such an inscription is given to one participant in the training, he does not have the right to show it to anyone, he is obliged to make sure that the tower drawn together has exactly 10 floors! The second task: “The whole tower has a brown outline” is a task for the next participant. “A blue flag is flying over the tower”, “There are only 6 windows in the tower”, etc.Participants are not allowed to speak or use their voice in any way.

It is necessary to jointly draw the Tower of Babel. The execution time is limited (5-7 minutes).

The psychological meaning of the exercise: During the exercise, participants learn to coordinate their actions, interact in a team. Developing non-verbal communication skills.

Discussion Q: Was it difficult to complete the task? What did you find the most difficult? Was the group interaction successful? Why?

Similarity Search Exercise

Target : Cohesion of the group through finding similarities among its members.

Time: 20 minutes.

Resources : cards with the image of animals, sheets of paper.

Exercise progress : Each team must write on the sheet the similarities (first team) and differences (second team) in their group.

The team that writes the most similarities or differences in a certain time wins. The number of named similarities and their quality are taken into account.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: The exercise works effectively for group cohesion, as participants begin to look more closely at each other and find that there are much more similarities between them than they thought before.

Discussion : Try to lead the participants to the idea that although they are all so different, there are much more similarities between them than it might seem at first glance.

Exercise "Let's line up"

Target : learning to distribute roles in a team, compare yourself with another participant on similar grounds.

Time: 10 minutes.

Exercise progress : "Now we'll see how your common features are manifested in each of you individually!". The task of the participants is to line up in one line in height. At the same time, you can't talk. Then the task becomes more complicated - they need to line up according to the date and month of birth, according to the length of their hair, according to the remoteness of their place of residence from the technical school, according to the colors of the rainbow in their clothes.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: Participants get to know each other better, learn effective teamwork.

Discussion Q: Was it difficult for you to do this exercise? Why? What role have you chosen for yourself? Which execution strategy was the most effective?

Time: 20-25 minutes.

4. Learning phase

Phase Goal : Development and mastery of skills leading to group cohesion, development of the ability to interact in a team, finding common ground between participants.

Name of exercises: "Who is faster", "House"

Exercise "Who is faster?"

Target : team building.

Time: 10 minutes.

Exercise progress : The group must quickly, without words, build, using all the players on the team, the following figures:

  1. square;
  2. triangle;
  3. rhombus;
  4. letter
  5. bird hutch.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: coordination of joint actions, distribution of roles in the group.

Discussion : Was it difficult to complete the task? What helped you do it?

Exercise "House"

Target : awareness of one's role in the group, style of behavior.

Time: 15 minutes.

Resources: chairs.

Exercise progress : Participants are divided into 2 teams. The host gives instructions: “Each team should become a full-fledged home! Each person must choose who he will be in this house - a door, a wall, or maybe wallpaper or a piece of furniture, a flower or a TV? The choice is yours! But do not forget that you must be a complete and functional home! Build your house! You can communicate with each other."

The psychological meaning of the exercise: Participants think about what function they perform in this team, realize that they are all needed in their “home”, which contributes to cohesion.

Discussion : How was the discussion in teams? Were you immediately able to define your role in the “house”? Why did you choose this particular role? I think you all understood that every part of your “home” is important and needed in it, each has its own specific function, without which the house cannot be complete!

Time: 30 minutes.

5.Final phase

Phase Goal : Debriefing, stress relief

Name of exercises: "Talking Hands", "Circle", "Gifts to the Group"

Exercise "Talking hands"

Target : emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants.

Time: 5-7 minutes.

Exercise progress : Participants form two circles: inner and outer, facing each other. The host gives commands that the participants perform silently in the resulting pair. After that, at the command of the leader, the outer circle moves to the right by a step.

Options for instructions to the resulting pairs:

  1. Say hello with your hands.
  2. Fight with your hands.
  3. Reconcile with your hands.
  4. Show support with your hands.
  5. Pity your hands.
  6. Express joy.
  7. Wish good luck.
  8. Say goodbye with your hands.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: there is an emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants due to bodily contact. Between them, mutual understanding improves, the skill of non-verbal communication develops.

Discussion : What was easy, what was difficult? Who found it difficult to silently convey information? Who is easy? Did they pay attention to the information from the partner or did they think more about how to convey the information themselves? What do you think this exercise was aimed at?

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Exercise "Building a circle"

Time: 10 minutes.

Description of the exercise: Participants close their eyes and begin to randomly move around the room (you can make a buzz like disturbed bees; this avoids talking that interferes with the exercise). At the prearranged signal of the leader, everyone stops in those positions where the signal caught them, after which they try to stand in a circle without opening their eyes and without talking, you can only touch each other with your hands. When everyone takes their places and stops, the host gives a second prearranged signal, according to which the participants open their eyes. As a rule, it is not possible to build a perfectly even circle.

This exercise creates very good conditions for the facilitator to observe the behavioral styles of the participants. In addition, it can be used for express diagnostics of group cohesion.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: The exercise is aimed at developing the skills of coordinating joint actions, uniting the group. In addition, it allows you to develop the skills of non-verbal communication and self-regulation.

Discussion : What gives this game? Why didn't the perfect circle turn out right away? It is necessary to make it clear to the participants that in this exercise the overall coherence of their actions is important.

Exercise "Gift"

Target : positive completion of the training, reflection.

Time: 3-5 minutes.

Description of the exercise: Host: “Let's think about what we could give your group to make interaction in it even more effective, and relations in it more united? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.” Further, each of the participants expresses what he would like to give to the group. "Let's reward ourselves for a successful swim with applause!"

The psychological meaning of the exercise: A ritual that allows you to complete the training beautifully and on a positive emotional note.

Discussion : “Our training has come to an end. I want to ask you, what new did you learn today? What did you find useful for yourself and for the group?

Well, all the gifts have been presented, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. All of you were active and worked well as a team. Do not forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thank you all for participating!”

Necessary materials: Animal cards.

Total time: 80 minutes.

Diagnostics of the psychological atmosphere in the group

Participants are given forms to fill out.

Here are 10 pairs of words opposite in meaning, with the help of which you are invited to describe the psychological atmosphere in your group. Place an * (asterisk) closest to the trait in each pair that you think is more pronounced in your group.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  1. Friendliness - Hostility
  2. Agree - Disagree
  3. Satisfaction - Dissatisfaction
  4. Productivity - Unproductive
  5. Warmth - Coldness
  6. Collaboration - Inconsistency
  7. Mutual Support - Malevolence
  8. Enthusiasm - Indifference
  9. Amusement - Boredom
  10. success - failure

Time: 15 minutes.

Resources: colored markers, drawing paper, pre-prepared individual tasks.

Course of the exercise: Participants are divided into 2 teams. Each team member is given an individual task. Individual tasks: briefly written on separate sheets, each sheet is strictly confidential to one participant. For example, “The tower must have 10 floors” - a sheet with such an inscription is given to one participant in the training, he does not have the right to show it to anyone, he is obliged to make sure that the tower drawn together has exactly 10 floors! The second task: “The whole tower has a brown outline” is a task for the next participant. “A blue flag is flying over the tower”, “There are only 6 windows in the tower”, etc. Participants are not allowed to speak or use their voice in any way.

It is necessary to jointly draw the Tower of Babel. The execution time is limited (5-7 minutes).

The psychological meaning of the exercise: During the exercise, participants learn to coordinate their actions, interact in a team. Developing non-verbal communication skills.

Discussion: Was it difficult to complete the task? What did you find the most difficult? Was the group interaction successful? Why?

    Exercise "Talking hands"

Purpose: emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants.

Time: 5-7 minutes.

Course of the exercise: Participants form two circles: internal and external, facing each other. The host gives commands that the participants perform silently in the resulting pair. After that, at the command of the leader, the outer circle moves to the right by a step.

Options for instructions to the resulting pairs:

    Say hello with your hands.

    Fight with your hands.

    Reconcile with your hands.

    Show support with your hands.

    Pity your hands.

    Express joy.

    Wish good luck.

    Say goodbye with your hands.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: there is an emotional and psychological rapprochement of the participants due to bodily contact. Between them, mutual understanding improves, the skill of non-verbal communication develops.

Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult? Who found it difficult to silently convey information? Who is easy? Did they pay attention to the information from the partner or did they think more about how to convey the information themselves? What do you think this exercise was aimed at?

  1. Exercise "Secret"

Purpose: positive completion of the training, reflection.

Sitting in a circle, one person transmits his secret as in a deaf phone, then 2 people launch their secret. When all the secrets are told, the discussion: to whom did the etc. return.

Bottom line: now you know all the secrets of each other.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: A ritual that allows you to complete the training beautifully and on a positive emotional note.

Discussion: “Our training has come to an end. What did you find useful for yourself and for the group? How can you rate your group now?

Do not forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thank you all for participating!”

Larisa Razumkina
Game training for uniting the teaching staff

Target training: rallying groups and building effective teamwork.

Tasks training:

formation of a favorable psychological climate in collective;

finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;

awareness by each participant of his role, functions in collective;

development of the ability to work in a team;

team building of teachers.

« Rallying is an opportunity to become a single whole for the achievement of specific goals and objectives. In order to achieve goals more effectively, we all need support, and you can get it in your group! After all, only close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories!

An exercise "Greetings with elbows"


All participants count on 1, 2, 3. Participants with number 1 fold their hands behind their heads so that the elbows are pointing in different directions; No. 2 - rest their hands on the thigh so that the elbows are also directed to the sides; No. 3 - they hold their arms folded crosswise on their chest, while the elbows are turned to the sides.

After the participants take their starting position, they are invited to the signal (ringing a bell) say hello to as many of those present as possible, while saying your name and touching each other with your elbows.

An exercise "Associations"

Target: Establishing contact between participants, destroying the usual stereotypes of greeting, developing creativity.

The psychologist walks in a circle with a bag containing small items. Each of the participants puts his hand into the bag and, without looking into it, takes any object. After everyone has received one subject, the psychologist explains the conditions games: “You took out an object from the bag. Now you need to find in him such characteristics that unite him and your family. I give an example. I got a plastic ball. The ball is round. There are no corners in it, which means that there are no sharp unsolvable problems. Our family always gathers around a table, round like this balloon. This is what unites this balloon and our family.”

An exercise "Count to ten"

Target: group cohesion, building trust

Exercise progress: On signal "started" participants close their eyes, put their heads down and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that you need to count everything together. Someone will say "one", the other person will say "two", the third one will say "three" and so on. However, there is one thing in the game rule: Only one person should speak the word. If two voices say "four", counting starts from the beginning. Try to understand each other without words.


What happened to you?

If it didn't work, then why?

What strategy did you choose?

An exercise "Tower of Babel"

Exercise progress: Participants are divided into 3 teams. For 7 people. Each team member is given an individual exercise: written briefly on separate sheets, each sheet is strictly confidential to one participant. For example, "The tower must have 10 floors"- a sheet with such an inscription is handed to one participant training, he has no right to show it to anyone, he is obliged to make sure that the tower drawn together has exactly 10 floors! Second exercise: "The whole tower has a brown outline"- This is a task for the next participant. "A blue flag flies over the tower", “There are only 6 windows in the tower” etc. Participants are not allowed to talk or use their voice in any way.

It is necessary to jointly draw the Tower of Babel. Execution time is limited (5-7 minutes).

Psychological sense exercises: During the exercise, participants learn to coordinate their actions, interact in a team. Developing non-verbal communication skills.

Discussion Q: Was it difficult to complete the task? What did you find the most difficult? Was the group interaction successful? Why?

An exercise "Elephant, Giraffe and Crocodile"

The participants stand in a circle. leader in the center of the circle. At the expense of 1-2-3 points to anyone and says "elephant", depicts a trunk, two neighbors put their ears; "crocodile"- opens its mouth, neighbors - attach fins, "giraffe"- stretches out his hands, the neighbors - make spots. Who hesitated - becomes the leader.

An exercise "Small pleasures"

Write 3 small joys you have experienced in the recent past.

Discussion: - What surprised in "joys" the person whose letter you received?

Have you seen in common with your own joys?

How did the exercise make you feel?

(Goal setting: it is important to allow yourself small and big pleasures from time to time, without feeling guilty. Relevant to many teachers.)

An exercise "Coach"

The group needs to build a carriage from the people present. Foreign objects cannot be used. During the task, the psychologist needs to observe the behavior participants: who organizes the work, who others listen to, who "roles" chooses in the carriage. The point is that each "role" talks about certain qualities human:

the roof is people who are ready to support at any moment in a difficult situation;

doors - they usually become people with good communication skills (able to negotiate, interact with others);

seats are people who are not very active, calm;

riders - those who know how to travel at someone else's expense, not very hardworking and responsible;

horses are hard workers, ready "carry on" Any job;

the coachman is usually a leader who knows how to lead.

If he chooses the role of a servant who opens the door or rides behind the carriage, such people also have leadership qualities, but do not want to (do not know how) to show them, they are more ready to provide the rear (or this is the so-called "gray cardinals").

After the carriage is ready, everyone sits in a circle, discusses what happened, and the leader explains to them the meaning of those "roles" that they have chosen.

Note: if a group is led and distributed by one person, then the values ​​​​named above will not reflect the qualities of these people.

An exercise "Little Green Men". "Imagine that you went out to rest your team to nature. You are in the meadow. Around full of green grass, flowers. Butterflies fly. A little further away is a transparent clean lake, in which you just want to swim. The sun warms up nicely. And the best thing is that we are all here! Represented? At my command, you will go for a walk on this meadow: smell flowers, chase butterflies, bask in the sun. And when I I will scream: "Attention! You were attacked by little green men!", your task is to huddle together, hiding the weakest in the middle, and then in unison shout out: "Let's fight back the little green men!" Depending on how the group will look like a team during the exercise, it can be done several times, discussing their behavior after each.

1. What are your impressions of training? ___

2. In what ways did your expectations from training?

Justified ___

Failed ___

3. What exercise / task did you like the most?


What psychological qualities did you manifest when participating in training?

What feelings did you experience?

What did you learn about yourself, about the group?

How will you use this knowledge?

What have you learned?

How will this be useful in the future?

What was important?

What are you thinking about?

What happened to you?

What needs to be developed for the future?

Target: awareness by participants of similarities with each other, their place in the group, the definition of group values. Gaining experience in group interaction, improving communication between group members, gaining experience for participants in successfully achieving a group goal. Creation of conditions for the manifestation of leadership abilities.

Time spending: in the training on the topic "Teambuilding" these exercises will be related to the main block, therefore, they can take 30-40 minutes from the entire training. Each exercise has a timing. You can compose the exercises you like as you wish.

5.1. Exercise "Turn to one side"

Participants disperse freely in space so that the distance between neighbors is at least 70-80 cm, and stand facing the same direction (for example, everyone is facing the door). Then, according to the clap of the leader, everyone simultaneously performs a jump in place. While jumping, you can turn in any direction by 90, 180, 240 or 360 degrees. Everyone decides for himself where and how much to turn, you can’t talk about it. After the jump, the participants look at each other (at the same time, they can communicate with the help of facial expressions and gestures, but not words) and, after another clap, closing their eyes again, make the next jump from the position in which they landed earlier. Task: after the next jump, all participants must land, turning their faces in one direction (it doesn’t matter which one).

Discussion: What caused difficulties in the beginning of the exercise? Can you complete the exercise, acting on the principle of "every man for himself"? What actions ensured the successful completion of this task? How did you understand the intention of the other participants and convey your intention to them?

Time spending: 10 minutes.

5.2. Exercise "Form a circle"

Leading:“We are all very different. We are interested in different things, we are fond of different hobbies. But still, there are similarities between us. The following exercise will help some participants open up in new ways and, in turn, learn something new and unexpected about others.”

At the beginning of the exercise, one volunteer must be selected. A volunteer comes to the center of the circle and says "I love cats", for example. The phrase can be replaced, for example, "I'm fond of ...". The person who shares his interests comes up to him and takes his hand. And in turn says: "I love ...". And so a chain is formed. At the end, the last participant takes the hand of the first and the circle closes.

Time spending: 10-15 minutes.

5.3. Exercise "Born Leader"

Before starting the exercise, it is necessary to make artificial obstacles throughout the space of the cabinet. Arrange desks and chairs in a chaotic manner.

Leading:“Every team has a leader. This is the person who directs, inspires, distributes responsibilities. As a rule, the leader knows the goal better than anyone and sees the future better than anyone, determines the path of development.

Now we will test the abilities of our leader and the degree of mutual understanding between the leader and the team.” Instructions: all participants line up one after another in a column. In this case, the leader (the head of the group) stands behind the column facing backwards. The person who stands in front of the column goes forward, and the leader directs him. The column must obey the leader, and the task of the leader is to choose the direction in order to achieve the goal.

Time spending: 10 - 15 minutes.

5.4. Exercise "Group City"

This exercise involves drawing simultaneously within a common area: the city of the group.

Leading:“I propose to draw the city of our group and settle ourselves in it. The city may have infrastructure - cafes, shops, etc. Within the city there may be a forest, a river, a lake, a park. Do not limit yourself in creativity ”(20 minutes are allotted for the task). After the participants have finished drawing, the drawing of the "city of the group" is placed in the center of the circle. Discussion:

Why did you choose this place to "build" your house?

· Did you place yourself in the center of the sheet on the edge? Why?

Who did you build your house next to?

· Did the participants "settle" their characters in their own homes or in someone else's? And why?

What contribution did you make to the overall drawing?

What role did you play in the work process? What role did others play? Was the leader revealed in the process of work?

Did you feel comfortable working with your classmates?

Props: whatman paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Time spending: 30 minutes.

5.5. Exercise "Tower of Babel"

Participants are divided into 2 teams. Each team member is given an individual task. Individual tasks: are briefly spelled out on separate sheets, each sheet is strictly confidential to one participant. For example, “The tower must have 10 floors” - a sheet with such an inscription is given to one participant in the training, he does not have the right to show it to anyone, he is obliged to make sure that the tower drawn together has exactly 10 floors. The second task: “The whole tower has a brown outline” is a task for the next participant. “A blue flag is flying over the tower”, “There are only 6 windows in the tower”, etc. Participants are not allowed to speak or use their voice in any way.

It is necessary to jointly draw the Tower of Babel. The execution time is limited (5-7 minutes). Discussion: Was the task difficult? What seemed difficult? Was the group interaction successful? Whereby?

Props: colored markers, drawing paper, pre-prepared individual tasks.

Time spending: 15 minutes.

5.6. Exercise "Rock Climber"

Participants stand in a tight line, creating a "rock" on which protrusions stick out, formed from the hands and feet of the participants exposed forward, bodies tilted forward. The player's task is to pass along this "rock" without falling into the "abyss", i.e. without putting your foot outside the line formed by the feet of the participants. It is more convenient to organize the exercise in the form of a chain - participants from one end of the "rock" alternately make their way to the other, where they again "embed" into it. After completing the task, the participants sit down in their places, and go discussion: What feelings did the leaders and participants form the “rock” when doing this exercise? What helped and what hindered the task?

Time spending: 5-10 minutes.

5.7. Exercise "Knot"

The group is divided into two equal teams. Each of the teams lines up in a column so that the guides of the columns are facing each other at a distance of about 1.5 meters.

For the role of guides, you can choose the most active and sociable participants. Each participant holds a rope in his hand, stretched along both columns. The task is given: without taking your hands off the rope, tie a knot in its gap between the two guides. The knot tying technique is not explained to the participants. They must guess and complete the task themselves.

Discussion: What did your success depend on? Or why didn't they do it? How coordinated were your actions? Has a leader emerged? Did others willingly follow his instructions? Maybe someone had their own vision?

Props: clothesline.

Time spending: 15 minutes.

5.8. Group spirit exercise

Participants draw on a sheet of drawing paper any figure that personifies the group (for example, a figure of a person, a university building, a large tree, a mountain, etc.). A sheet of paper with a drawn figure lies in the center of the circle. Each participant has 1 minute to think about what manner of behavior, what attitudes will be useful for teamwork, and which are not. After that, participants should write a key word inside the figure - the name of the quality, feeling, sensation, which seems to them useful for effective interaction in the group. On the same sheet, but outside the figure, participants write down what they would like to avoid in group interaction. Then the facilitator offers to choose a name for the figure.

Props: whatman paper, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.

Time spending: 30 minutes.

5.9. Exercise “Why do I need this group?”

Leading asks the players the question: why do you need this group? How can a group help achieve individual goals? (each participant names 2 goals) One of the participants fixes the answers on the board. Then each answer is written on two cards. The cards are shuffled and distributed among the participants. Then the participants, interacting with each other, exchange cards. Everyone tries to find and receive cards on which his own most important goals are written. You have 15 minutes to complete this task. After completing this part of the exercise, the group again gathers in a circle, each tells others if he has collected cards with his goals, and lists the goals.

Then everyone answers the questions: Did anyone have new goals, have their priorities changed during the game. How can the group help achieve these goals? At the same time, new goals and priorities are added to the previously made list.

Props: 7x10 cm cards, wall board, pens.

Time spending: 25-30 minutes.

5.10. Exercise "Group emblem"

Stage 1 - coat of arms of the family. Instruction: “The nobles, whose children could study at universities, had family coats of arms, in which certain information of the family was encrypted. Now there is no such tradition. But all of you are a continuation of your parents, just as they are a continuation of theirs, they are a continuation of theirs. How are you all connected, what do you have in common? What is so special about your family? What can neighbors and acquaintances say about you? What is so valuable in your families, what do you carry, what will you pass on to your children? What can you never lose? Every family is unique. Maybe yours is very hardworking; maybe you all love nature, tourism; maybe your family prioritizes higher education; maybe several generations of your family studied in Tomsk or TPU? Draw it in images, symbols, provide a motto. If there are students in the group - orphans or from dysfunctional families, then it makes sense to immediately say about it:“Of course, not everyone is lucky to be born into prosperous families, and some of you may not want to remember your family.

So become Ancestors. Create your kind on the values ​​that you want to see in your family, in your children, grandchildren. You have 10 minutes to work. After 10 minutes, we again stand in a circle. Students present their coat of arms.

Stage 2 - unification. It is important for the facilitator to support each student and help him formulate the positive features of his family, pay attention to the similarity of coats of arms: “Look how similar you are, someone more, someone less. Find among the whole group coats of arms similar to yours - symbols, motto and unite in groups of several people ”(it is necessary to get from 2 to 4 groups). Instruction:“Draw the united coats of arms. Condition: an element of the coat of arms of each participant must be present on the general coat of arms of the group. H and the work is given 5 minutes. Next comes the presentation of group coats of arms (one minute from the group).

Stage 3 - draw the emblem of the group. “In order to feel at home in another place, a person takes some thing with him. To make you feel comfortable in your group, draw the emblem of the group, based on your combined coats of arms. You can combine them according to meanings, the main thing is that each of you can say - This is about me. 10 - 15 minutes.

Props: A4 sheets for each participant, divided into 4 parts, colored felt-tip pens, markers, drawing paper (1 piece).

Time spending: 35 minutes.

5.11. Exercise "Desert Island"

Imagine that you are stranded on a deserted island as a result of a shipwreck. In the next 20 years, you will not be able to return to a normal life in your native land. Your task is to create conditions for yourself that could satisfy you. You need:

A) master the island, organize a farm on it;

B) establish a social life on it (create an organization, distribute functions, roles, responsibilities, etc.);

C) establish the rules and norms of living together on the island (in the form of 10 basic prescriptions).

For this you are given half an hour and complete freedom of action within the framework of paragraphs a - c.

Discussion: What did you feel while organizing life on the island? What role did you play on the island? Were you satisfied with this role? If not, which role would suit you best? How was the behavior of others on the island perceived?

Props: sheet of paper with instructions, pens.

Time spending: 20-30 minutes game, 10 reflection.

5.12. Exercise "Good and bad deeds"

Participants are randomly divided into two teams. The task of one team is to write as many actions as possible that allow a person to respect himself more. Accordingly, the task is different - to write as many actions as possible, because of which a person's self-respect is lost. “What will you consider in your group as good deeds and respect for them, and what will be bad.” If desired, each team can reinforce the words with drawings, scenes about the corresponding actions. Each team presents its own topic. Then there is a general discussion, the participants agree or not with the list. At the end, the facilitator summarizes everything said, a general list is created.

Note: It is very important to pay attention to the fact that everyone has a choice between these and other actions, but each time, choosing this or that behavior, we gain or lose respect for ourselves. It is important for the group members to realize the connection between actions and self-esteem. Identification of the very concept of self-esteem and the discovery of its connection with mutual respect. And this is a necessary condition for full-fledged communication, without which the development of cohesion is impossible.

Props: sheets of A4 paper for two teams, pens, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Time spending:(5-7 minutes - group work, 10 minutes - discussion, drawing up a general list) 15-17 minutes.

5.13. Exercise "Ship. Planet"

The group is divided into 2 teams, one of which draws a planet that will be pleasant for the whole group to live on (including the second subgroup), there should be enough space for everyone. The second subgroup draws a ship on which they will get to this very planet, taking into account that the space on the ship should cover the entire large group. At the end, each group/subgroup presents their creation.

Props: paper sheets for two teams, colored felt-tip pens, markers, pencils.

Time spending: 15 minutes.

5.14. Exercise "Transmission of motion in a circle"

Participants sit in a circle. One of the group members begins the action with an imaginary object so that it can be continued. The neighbor repeats the action and continues it. Thus, the object goes around the circle and returns to the first player. He names the object passed to him, and each of the participants names, in turn, what he passed on. After discussion, the exercise is repeated one more time.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

5.15. Exercise "Typewriter"

Participants are given a word or phrase (example: I study at Tomsk Polytechnic University). The letters that make up the text are distributed among the members of the group. Then the phrase should be said as quickly as possible, with everyone calling their letter, and in the intervals between words, everyone clap their hands.

Props: cards with letters.

Running time: 10 minutes.

5.16. Digicon game

In accordance with the concept of the game, the participants must play the roles of "prisoners" and "robots".

1. Divide the players into groups of any size from 4 to 8 - sizes may vary.

2. In each group, ask one volunteer to play the robot. Invite the "robots" to imagine that they are mechanical slaves who are obliged to obey their masters. They can see, hear, move, and react, but they cannot speak.

3. Inform the others that they are "prisoners" in cells, and place each group in a corner or against a wall, fenced off with tables and chairs to form a "cell". Position the cameras as far apart as possible. The "robots" stand outside, in front of their owners' cameras, waiting for activity to begin.

4. Pay general attention to the large door key that you put in front of everyone (it can be any object, such as a handle).

5. Familiarize everyone with the following scenario. As you read, it will seem complicated, but the explanations will only take a few minutes.

Purpose: team building


  1. Development of group work skills
  2. Development of non-verbal communication skills
  3. Development of creative and logical abilities

Participants: students in grades 4-7

Material for conducting: packs of spaghetti pasta, scissors, small tape

1. Warm up.

Conversation with children on the questions: “Do you know what the Tower of Babel is?”, “Why is it called that?”
The psychologist tells the children a summary of the legend of the Tower of Babel.

Once upon a time, all the people of the earth understood each other, speaking the same language: after all, they were all descendants of the Noah clan, who escaped during the flood and found shelter near the Ararat mountains. Gradually, the clan increased, acquired new knowledge and skills. And people conceived to build a city, and in it a high tower to the very heavens, which could be seen from any part of the earth. By that time, people had learned a lot: they burned bricks, collected stones, laying them in the foundation. Gradually the tower grew, rising higher and higher towards the sky. People rejoiced, seeing how rapidly their creation was growing.

The Lord found out about this and was surprised to see a huge tower that stretched to the sky. God did not like this idea: pride and vanity again manifested themselves among people who decided to ascend to heaven. And he said: “Here is one people, everyone understands each other, everyone speaks the same language. But what are they doing? Proud and stubborn, they want to rise to heaven, to come closer to the Lord himself! He did not punish people with death, but punished them in a different way, mixing the language they spoke.

Going out one fine day to their tower, setting to work, people suddenly ceased to understand the speech of another. No one understood what they were talking about nearby, people could not do anything, construction stopped. People descended to earth from their unfinished tower to find out what happened to them. But on earth they began to quarrel, not understanding what they were talking about and what each of them wanted. Seeing this, the Lord decided to help people, for this he forced them to leave the unfinished city and disperse to different lands. So the people did, leaving the unfinished tower and settling in different parts of the earth. Over time, they forgot about their relationship, they had new traditions, their own language, rituals and customs were formed.

2. Exercise "Tower of Babel".

The psychologist gives the instructions to the students to sit at the desk with whomever they want, that is, according to sympathy. After that, the psychologist seats the children in such a way that sympathies are not taken into account, and forms several teams, equal in the number of participants in each team. Each team is given material - one for the whole team (1 pack of spaghetti pasta, 1 scotch tape and scissors).

Task: build the highest and most stable tower.

Condition: during the construction, the participants do not talk, only exchange gestures. All discussions take place before the start of the game for 5 - 7 minutes.
Construction time - 30 minutes.

The psychologist makes sure that the rules of the game are not violated.
The team that achieves the goal wins.

3. Summing up.

Each participant is given a piece of paper and a pen, and the following questions are asked:

Who were the leaders in your team? Who was everyone following?

Who was less active on your team? Who brought the least "good" to the team?

Who came up with the most ideas for the team? Who was the initiator of the ideas?

Based on a written survey of children, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the activity of each participant.

After graduation, the children share with the psychologist - what was the most difficult thing in the task, what did they like about the task and what experience can be learned from it.

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