Games and fun for children on a wide carnival. Entertainment with children on the street "Play fun, meet Shrovetide


There are no Maslenitsa rites! And they burn the scarecrow of Winter, and bake pancakes, and play games!

And all because in the old days Shrovetide was considered a holiday of commemoration of the dead. So burning Shrovetide is her funeral, and pancakes are a memorial treat. But time passed, and the Russian people, greedy for fun and relaxation, turned a sad holiday into a daring carnival.

But the tradition of baking pancakes remained - round, yellow and hot as the sun, and horse-drawn and sleigh rides from the icy mountains, fist fights, mother-in-law gatherings were added to it.


Many people think that on the last day of Shrovetide week they burn an effigy of Shrovetide, but no, they don’t burn Shrovetide, but see off Winter!

In the old days, men and women, taking a bunch of scrap from their yard, put them in one pile, from which they then made a doll for the whole village, dressed her up “like a woman” - in bright skirts, sweaters, an elegant scarf they tied, and they drove throughout the city in a sleigh, welcoming and honoring Madame Shrove Tuesday. And then they burned them at the stake, throwing pancakes into the fire, as a funeral meal. The children were told that all hearty food was burned in the fire, thereby explaining to them why only fast food is eaten during Lent.

Sometimes, instead of a stuffed carnival, they drove a smart girl or a brightly painted old woman in a sleigh, and at the end of the holiday they took the sleigh out of town and dumped the “passenger” into a snowdrift to the general laughter and hooting, thereby, as it were, “burying Shrovetide”.


It is customary to build snow towns on the banks of the river on Shrove Tuesday, fortified with towers, with two gates. A lot of children are going to this town, who are divided into "foot" and "horse". "Footmen" occupy the city, "horse" are preparing for an attack. Finally, the "cavalry", at the sign of their superior, rushes to the attack and the battle begins. The besieged bravely defend the city against the "cavalry", preventing it from breaking into the fortress gates, repulsing them with brooms and brooms. However, the "cavalry" gains the upper hand and victoriously enters the gates of the town, and then, together with the "besieged", destroys the town with cheerful songs and returns home.


And for Shrovetide they carry a large ship around the city, decorated with multi-colored flags and dotted with images of fish, animals and birds, stuffed and skins of which are hung on its masts. Following the ship, with music and songs, are the mummers.

In 1722, Peter the Great gave an unprecedented masquerade in Moscow: many ships of various types and sizes, fifty sleighs pulled by various animals drove around the capital in a long line. The procession was opened by a harlequin riding on a large sleigh drawn by six horses, walking in single file, one behind the other and decorated with trinkets. In another sleigh rode the "Prince-Papa", dressed in a red velvet mantle lined with ermine, at his feet sat Bacchus on a barrel. Behind him is a retinue, closed by a jester, who was sitting in a sleigh pulled by four pigs.

The procession of the fleet itself was led by Neptune, who sat in a chariot with a trident in his hands, drawn by two sirens. The "Prince-Caesar" Romodanovsky was also in the procession - he took a place in a large boat, which was dragged by two live bears. And at the end of this procession followed a bulk - an 88-gun ship, built completely on the model of Friedemaker's ship, launched in March 1721 in St. Petersburg. He had three masts and weapons to the last block!

On this ship, carried by six horses, Peter I himself sat in the clothes of a naval captain with naval generals and officers and maneuvered them as if on the sea. This ship was followed by the gilded gondola of the Empress, who was in the costume of a Dutch peasant woman, and her retinue consisted of court ladies and gentlemen dressed in Arabic.

The gondola was followed by the real participants in the masquerade, known as the "restless abode". They sat in a wide and long sleigh, made like a dragon's head, and were dressed up as cranes, wolves, foxes and bears, representing Aesopian fables in their faces. Such a wonderful and bright masquerade procession through the Tver Gates stretched to the Kremlin with cannon shots, where it ended with magnificent fireworks and a feast.

But after the death of Peter the Great, masquerades ceased until the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, who was very fond of dressing up, since a man's outfit was very suitable for her.


During the reign of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, Shrovetide skating was held in her beloved village of Pokrovsky, where in winter time permanent rolling hills were set up, and not only the Empress herself rode from them, but also the Empress herself, who went "standing on skis." This fun remained in Russia for many, many years, and few people already remembered that skiing from the mountains is not just fun, but an old ritual, because it was believed that the one who rolled down the mountain more times had higher flax will be.

Rolling mountains were built with intricate turrets, on which intricate flags developed, and along the mountains, instead of a barrier, there were fir trees in two rows, and between them were statues of ice and snow.

Remembering his virginity, at the beginning of the 20th century, I.S. Shmelev described skiing from ice slides: “On Saturday, after pancakes, we go skiing mountains. The zoological garden, where our mountains are arranged, they are made of wood and filled with ice: Flags play colorfully over fresh plank pavilions on the mountains. Tall "Dilijans" collapse with a growl from the mountains, rush along icy paths, between shafts of snow with trees stuck in them. It's black on the mountains with people. give out tickets on which it is written - "From both ends - once." People with a long tail at the box office. Maslenitsa is fine ...

A high sleigh with velvet benches, “Dilijans,” that has come up from another mountain, is dragged along the knurled tray with ropes for six. Rollers knocked down, stately fellows, leading "Dilijans" from the mountains, standing on skates behind, are cheerful and moderately drunk. The work is strict, do not blink: hold on tightly to the handrails, drive harder on the slope, "on the trough."

Light up the illumination. The echoing mountains roar with emptiness. They roll with sparklers, in sparks. They hum in tambourines, squeak harmonicas ... "


Not a single Maslenitsa week in Moscow of the last century was complete without a bear performance.

Bear fun was very popular among all segments of the population of large and small cities, villages, and villages.

This folk pastime was mentioned several times in "domostroy", condemning it as one of the "demonic lands", "blameless deeds". But, despite the prohibitions and persecution, bear fun continued to exist, amusing and delighting peasants and boyars, simple artisans and kings, adults and children.

With learned bears they have been walking around Russia since time immemorial, this craft was an ancient, traditional occupation. It is known, for example, that in 1570, Ivan the Terrible, preparing for the wedding with Marfa Sobakina, sent a special messenger to Novgorod with an order to deliver buffoons with learned bears to Moscow.

The people associated the bear with the goblin, with the pagan god Veles, so it was believed that he had magical healing powers. In the eyes of the peasants, but was stronger than evil spirits and could avert trouble: if he dances near the house and goes around it, then there will be no fire.

This attitude also affected the nicknames that were awarded to the bear-artist. Everywhere he was called respectfully and jokingly: "Mikhailo Potapych" or "Matryona Ivanovna", "honorable Mikhailo Ivanovich Mr. Toptygin."

Trained bears made the audience laugh by imitating how girls put on makeup in front of a mirror, how women bake pancakes.

Mikhailo Potapych's eternal companion was the "butted goat", which was depicted by a boy dressed in a sack with a goat's head and horns attached to it. A wooden tongue was usually attached to the head, the flapping of which made a terrible noise. "Goat" danced around the bear, teasing him and pecking with a wooden tongue. The bear, furious, growled, stretched to its full height and circled around the leader. It meant that he was dancing. After such a clumsy dance, the leader put his hat in his paws and the bear went around with it an honest audience, which threw pennies and kopecks into it.

Often, Toptygin and his leader were treated to vodka, and after this treat, the leader offered the bear to "fight". Such a struggle, however, did not always end happily for the leader.

Thus, the bear comedy consisted of three parts that could go in any sequence: the dance of the bear with the "goat", the performance of the bear to the jokes and jokes of the leader, the fight of the bear with the owner or "goat".

The single combat of a man with a bear, as a demonstration of strength, dexterity and courage, was especially popular. Competitions of this kind were organized not only for the sovereigns, but also for the common people, and both the servants of the royal "traveling path" specially taken for this purpose, and "non-professional amateurs" went out to fight the bear.

Since the bear is the main character of the performance, all attention was riveted on him. First of all, the figure of the bear itself was played up. As soon as the animal stood on the paw building, the person involuntarily began to compare it with himself, correlate it with different types of people. And suddenly it turned out that the plasticity of the bear, its appearance, clumsiness, clubfoot, inarticulate "speech" (roaring, grumbling) - all these are features of a narrow-minded, clumsy, good-natured, sometimes half-asleep and usually unlucky commoner.


In the old days, the Parsley Comedy was extremely popular at Shrove Tuesday. It happened that several parsley growers performed at the same time, showing their simple comedy many times a day.

The success of Petrushka in some cases was due to the topicality and satirical orientation of the scenes, in others the secret of the comedy's charm was seen precisely in its stage presence, in the fact that the forms of play here were uncomplicated, simple and understandable, so they were easily perceived by the broad masses of all ages and all levels of development.

Usually the performance began with the fact that laughter or a song was heard from behind the screen, and after that Petrushka appeared. He was dressed in a red shirt, plush trousers tucked into smart boots and a cap on his head. Indispensable details of his appearance were also a hump or even two humps. And a long hooked nose.


Another Maslenitsa fun is fisticuffs, which are a remnant of ancient military fun, because our ancestors fought with their enemies "on the fists" - as evidenced by the chronicle: in the 23rd century, during the war of Prince Mstislav III of Kyiv against Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich, Mstislav, encouraging their Novgorodians and Smolensk to resist the enemy, they left it to their will to fight on foot or on horseback. Then the Novgorodians answered: "We do not want to ride horses, but, following the example of our ancestors, walk and fight on fists."

There was a time when our boyars, having gathered to have fun, brought fighters from different cities for their own fun. Kazan, Tula and Kaluga fighters were more famous than others, withstood a strong battle with the Tatars who came to Moscow with caviar and fish, won large deposits, and often paid for their courage with their lives.

In the old days there were three types of fisticuffs.

One-on-one combat was considered the best and most interesting.

The "Wall to Wall" fight was also practiced, when each "wall" persuaded the spare fighters to take their side, and they were released only when the enemy broke through the wall. Nadezhda the fighter flew with a hat in his teeth, beat piles on both sides, did not touch the lying one, and, having broken through the wall, returned with a crowd of flatterers straight to the tavern.

And least of all, the “coupling-dump” fight was allowed, which usually arose due to the fact that the old men egged the young on with stories and promises to beat. The young passed with news from yard to yard, the children went out to the seed and were the harbingers of the "coupling".


Booths were the center of the festive Shrovetide Square. After all, booths are the main attractive force, the most tempting, although far from always accessible entertainment.

Booths - the face of the festivities. By the number, decoration of booths, by the names of their owners, they judged the significance and scope of the festivities.

The word "booth" originally meant a light upper extension to the house. At the beginning of the 19th century, it meant "a temporary, collapsible commercial building."

In relation to theatrical spectacles, this word began to be used only from the second half of the 19th century.

Professional actors, lovers of their number of petty officials, artisans, artisans, as well as circus performers performed on the stages of light temporary theaters.

Shrovetide Rites
Shrovetide rituals are very unusual and interesting, as they combine the completion of the period of winter holiday rituals and the opening of a new, spring period of holidays and rituals, which should have contributed to a rich harvest. Therefore, Maslenitsa is based on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bseeing off, which can be traced in all rituals, be it puppet comedies or the preparation of culinary dishes.

Funeral rites

Funeral rites include burning a scarecrow, baking pancakes and cooking other funeral food. Such, for example, as a fish, which, due to its dumbness, was comprehended in folk culture as one of the incarnations of the souls of the dead. Yes, and snow was also considered the embodiment of the souls of the dead, so it was used for divination, and pancakes for Shrovetide were kneaded on melted snow water.

The complex of commemorative rites is also associated with prohibitions on the performance during this period of certain household types of work, and exclusively for women, such as spinning and weaving.

These prohibitions were explained by the fear of harming the souls of dead people invisibly present nearby. Especially these prohibitions concerned the evening time, which is why all the evenings at Shrove Tuesday were called holy.

Violation of the ban threatened troubles and troubles not only for people, but also for livestock.

Shrovetide bonfires are also a memorial rite, as they served as a kind of invitation for deceased ancestors to a hearty dinner on the eve of Lent.

That is, the Russian Maslenitsa is essentially an analogue of Halloween, because the purpose of both holidays is to "appease" the spirits for the whole year ahead.

Marriage and family ceremonies

Another important Shrovetide complex of rites is related to marriage and family themes, since it was believed that marriage relations should have contributed to the awakening of the earth and the growth of plants, to ensure the future harvest.

The newlyweds were arranged "brides", they were put to the pillars at the gate and forced to kiss in front of everyone, and the women who were married for the first year were given more difficult tests: for example, they harnessed them instead of horses to a sleigh and forced them to ride their friends around with songs and jokes. village.

At Shrovetide, the mother-in-law invited the young people to visit "for pancakes" and had to anoint her son-in-law's head with oil, "so that he was affectionate and also oiled his wife."

Another Shrovetide rite is the punishment of those who did not marry in the form of hanging a block: a log was hung around the neck of a single guy or an unmarried girl, which symbolized the missing "half". With this "couple" the Punished had to walk all day until evening and endure endless ridicule.

Agricultural rites

The third complex of Maslenitsa rites is the agricultural complex.

All these rituals are not associated with cereals, but with fibrous ones - flax and hemp.

Such rituals include skiing from the mountains: it was believed that whoever rolls down the mountain more times or who travels further will have more flax, so the people said that they were going to ride "on a long flax".

Flax and hemp are plants one way or another associated with women's labor, so in most cases Shrovetide was perceived as a women's holiday, and in most rituals women were assigned the main role (sister-in-law gatherings, mother-in-law pancakes, etc.).



We rode all week, starting from Thursday, on the last day, on clean Monday, in the first week of Lent. We rode from the mountains on ice rinks, on horseback through the village, on the lake. Women rolled children - in order "to make a long, good flax grow." Festive form of skating - "race".

ritual game

One of the ritual games in Maslenitsa is "shelyga" ("crested shelyga"). Ritual outrages - they dragged a plow around the village, a boat (they will bring those who are friends with each other), they dragged harrows onto the roofs of houses.

Burning an effigy of winter

The burning of Maslenitsa is on the last day. "Junk" and firewood for the fire were collected in the village. Participants of the ceremony: children, women, old women. They burned bereshchenniks, straw, brooms, baskets of hay, sheaves, barrels, wheels on the field, often strengthening them on high stakes, poles, trunks of dry trees (pines).

"Scarecrow" - a bunch of straw in a scarf tied "like a woman" and a jacket - was placed on firewood, stacked in a "well", and a fire was lit inside. With a pre-prepared effigy, they were mischievous for a week, bringing under the windows and frightening, and only then burned. Old women came up to the fire and treated them to pancakes; jumped over the fire; people walked around it and sang long songs, danced (often there is also a mention of dancing at crossroads). They shouted around the fire: "Farewell, Maslena erzovaya!", "Burn, burn, Maslenets, so that it does not go out! and said goodbye to each other. The lighting of bonfires could be combined with skating: they built gates, wrapped them in straw and lit them, they rode horses through them.

Horse and Rider

The goal is to knock opponents to the ground - at least the top one. A lot depends on the horse.


Fellow villagers could come to the house of the young and kiss the young. The newlyweds were rolled around the village, but if they received a bad treat for this, they could ride the newlyweds not in a sleigh, but on a harrow.


A guy or a girl was tied to the leg with a "block" - a piece of wood, a branch, a ribbon, etc., and was forced to walk with it for some time. To untie the block, the punished paid off with money or treats.


Fun for young guys and girls of marriageable age. The main thing is to take a longer run, fly higher and farther away, and there the hands of your comrades will reach you to the girl, whom you will kiss. After flying through the waves from clasped hands for a couple of tens of meters, the kiss turns out to be especially sensual. The main thing is to slow down in time, otherwise you will fly over.

Slaps in the face
Good old fun. A narrow bench and crossed legs make it difficult to deliver hard blows with a tense arm. One of the participants tried to do this, and even with his fist, which is against the rules, but he got worse - he became a victim of his own outstanding inertia and a narrow bench and flew to the ground.

Bag fight
To fight with bags, you need to fence the site. This type of wrestling, where one hand must be held tightly pressed to the lower back, can be operated with only one hand. Here, the ability to move, to feel the movement of the enemy, to use his inertia becomes more important.

snow maze
On an ice or snow site, a labyrinth scheme is preliminarily drawn in the form of a square or circle with two exits on opposite sides. First, the inner sectors of the labyrinth are laid out with snow, then, moving from the center to the edges, the walls. They should not be high (up to 1 m) so that it is easy to find someone who got lost in the maze. The width of the passages is 80-100 cm. If there is a lot of snow, you can make a labyrinth by removing the snow with a shovel and laying it on the sides of the passages. You can not build a labyrinth, but trample intricate passages on the site.

snow shooting range
In the winter town, you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if these are wooden shields 1x1 m in size with concentric circles drawn on them with a diameter of 30.60 and 90 cm. The shields can be installed on poles dug into the ground, hung on a blank wall or on a fence. Probably, it is worth making a special wall of the shooting gallery, on which you can put targets, their guys will shoot down with snowballs.

snow Hill
The height of the slide can be different, the presence of a large space is important here. The corner of the slide should be three to four times its height in length. The width of the site where the guys are preparing for the descent, and the paths on the roll - at least 1 m, and the width of the toboggan track - 1.5 m. To make a slide, you need to roll up snowballs during the thaw and pile them up. Then compact the snow with your feet or with a shovel, cut off excess snow and make a barrier or ladder out of it. Pour the hill with cold water, otherwise thawed patches may form. You can build a more complex slide with turns, intermediate ascents and descents, decorative arches. The difference between the start and finish levels should be 3-5 m.

ice carousel

This attraction is very popular with children. A pillar, into the upper end of which a metal rod (for example, a crowbar) is driven in, is dug into the ground or frozen into ice. Its height is 70-80 cm. Then an old (or specially made) wheel is mounted on a metal rod. Long poles are fastened to the wheel with wire or nailed, and a sled is tied to them. The path along which the sleigh will be rolled is cleared of snow and filled with water. For greater stability, the sled can be made wide (60-90 cm) or two sleds can be fastened together. Around the pillar, snow is sprinkled with ash or sand so that it is not slippery for the guys who will spin the carousel.

ice pillar
A high pole was placed on Shrovetide, then it was poured over with cold water, and gifts were hung on the icy pole at different distances from each other. Players must try to climb this pillar, but they slide off it, and the winner is the one who tries harder and harder to overcome obstacles in order to reach the end and get the most expensive prize.

Pole riding
This folk pastime was once widespread in the wooded provinces of Russia. Some other peoples also arranged it. On the slope of a mountain or mound, sometimes specially plundered from snow and tightly packed, two even, smoothly planed poles (poles) 15-20 m long are placed under the slope parallel to each other at a distance of about 1 meter. » to each pole one or more more, bringing the length to 50 meters or more. But the joints must be very strong and smooth, so that when you pass your hand, you do not feel a noticeable ledge or gap. It turns out, as it were, two smooth rails along which you can roll down the mountain. The poles are repeatedly poured with water so that they freeze solid and become slippery. They pour in and roll out the area well, along which those who have moved down the poles will roll. Whoever wants to ride on the poles picks up a partner of approximately the same height and weight. It is desirable that both of them have shoes with heels, which help to keep more stable on the pole and not slip off it. Partners stand on poles facing each other, supporting each other with their hands by the shoulders or waist. However, the methods can be very different, if only to resist the rapid slide down. The coordination of actions, the ability to maintain balance, ingenuity, courage allow some to ride in the most remote and comic poses. This is a beautiful folk spectacle for a winter holiday. Young people and teenagers are especially fond of riding on poles.


For their manufacture, you will need bars with a cross section of 40 by 50 mm and a length of 2-2.5 m. Blocks are nailed to the bars at a distance of 30-40 cm from one end - stops for the legs.
How do you compete on stilts?
1. On the path, at a distance of 1.5-2 m, circles with a diameter of 50-60 cm are drawn from one another. The players must walk along the path so that they must enter inside each circle and, observing the same condition, return back.
2. Skittles (or towns, or wooden chocks) are placed in different places on a narrow path. The players must walk on stilts along the path back and forth, trying not to touch or knock over a single pin.
3. A distance of 15-20 m must be covered with as few steps as possible. To do this, try to spread your legs wider. On stilts, this is not so easy to do.

These simple devices will replace stilts. To make them, you need a strong rope and pieces of round logs with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Pieces of rope of sufficient length are threaded into holes drilled in the upper part of the pillar walkers. When walking, the ends of the ropes are held in their hands - they help to rearrange the legs with the pillar walkers.
They compete on pole walkers in the same way as on stilts. By the way, instead of wooden chocks, you can use large tin cans.

In this competition, it is possible to identify both the winners in kettlebell push-ups separately with the right or left hand, and the winner in the sum of the exercises performed with both hands. It is advisable to at least approximately divide the participants into weight categories before the start of the competition (perhaps, for different weight categories and weights will be of different weights).

tug of war
Let it be not quite traditional on Maslenitsa. Preparation - as in the usual tug of war, but the teams take it, standing with their backs to each other.

three legs
The players are divided into pairs, each pair is tied with legs (the right leg of one with the left leg of the other). A pair on "three legs" reaches the turning flag and returns to the start line.

Team relay where pairing is required. One of the pair will have to become a wheelbarrow - a freight transport with one wheel and two handles. The role of the wheel will play the hands, and the handles - the legs. On command, the player - "car" lies on the ground, focusing on his hands, and the "driver" takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the "car" is parallel to the ground. The “wheelbarrow”, moving on its hands, must reach the turning flag and return back, where another “wheelbarrow” is already ready to move.

Russian broom
Comic superiority in throwing a broom at a distance. It is more convenient to take a broom without a shaft.

Who is faster on a broom
Skittles are placed in a chain on the site. You need to run astride a broom with a snake and not knock down the skittles. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

Broom on the forehead
Now try to wear it on your forehead as long as possible.

Russian beauty
The girls first pass in a round dance, showing their costumes. Then they pass with a yoke and full buckets of water, show their position, gait.

Russian bath
With a bath dry broom, "steam" the enemy, who will beat the broom about him faster.

Concert competitions:

Chastushki (If you want to win a girlfriend, Sing a funny ditty) .;
- spoon-makers (Try to play on spoons to the accompaniment of an accordion player);
- dance ("Lady", "Gypsy", "Yablochko", "Semyonovna").

Auction proverbs about pancakes, carnival: who knows more proverbs.

Maslenitsa is a bright Slavic holiday that people love to celebrate with delicious pancakes. Walking is not complete without dancing, competitions and games. The entertainment program on this day is very rich, so people celebrate Maslenitsa on a grand scale. An important attribute in all competitions and games is a broom, almost every new competition is accompanied by it. Below are the most exciting and fun games and contests that will give the party a little excitement and intrigue.

Competition "Good hostess"
Several girls are selected for this competition. The task is very simple: they have to peel one potato, sew on one button and dress the doll. However, they are given only two minutes to complete all these tasks. It is in such a short time that the girls must quickly do everything. The winner will be the one that can complete all three points or much more than her rivals.
Competition "Damn it"
This competition is directly related to Shrovetide, because it is necessary to use such words as:
Several children are involved. They need to compose a short poem in rhyme, where it is necessary to use all these five words. If the child has difficulties, parents or friends can help him. However, the winner of the competition will be the one whose poem turns out to be the most beautiful and foldable. It must certainly be taken into account how much adults and friends helped, and whether they helped at all.

Competition "Teschin pancakes"
A very exciting competition in which adults and children can take part at the same time. Several players are selected. Plates with the same number of pancakes are placed in front of them. In just one minute, you need to eat as much of this delicacy as possible. The winner will be the one with not a single pancake left in the plate or much less than the opponents.

Competition "Swing"
The "Swing" competition is a very fun game, and it is better for boys to compete in it. Several participants are selected for the game. For their number, it is necessary to prepare in advance baskets and tennis balls in equal quantities. The basket is tied in the form of a swing. The music begins to play and the boys try to hit the complex "nest" one by one tennis ball, one hit is equal to one point. The winner will be the one who manages to score the most points.

Competition "Running in bags"
Many people's favorite game in bags will come in handy at a fun holiday. All participants are divided into two teams, each of which chooses a song for itself. At the start, the first participant in the bag begins to jump to a certain mark, and in the same way return back. The game continues to be played by the second, then the third, fourth and other team members. During the game, you need to sing the selected song loudly. The team that completes the task faster and performs the song much better will take a well-deserved prize.

Game with chairs
This game is well known to many. Several chairs are used for the game, and players are taken one less. The music turns on, and everyone starts running around the chairs together, and as soon as it stops, the players must take their places on these chairs. The one who has no place left to sit is out of the game along with one chair. And so it continues until the very end, until the winner is determined. For children, this is very funny and fun, and on Maslenitsa it will be much more exciting.
Adults will also like this game with chairs. The essence of the competition does not change, but men must immediately sit on the chairs. Women, who are one more person, run together while the music is playing, and as soon as it stops, they sit on the lap of a loved one or friend. The culmination of the game is the most reckless, when there is only one chair left with a man, around which two women run. At this intriguing moment, it is worth looking into the eyes of this happy man, who will be in great anticipation. The winner will be the pair in which the woman turned out to be more agile than all her rivals.

Game "Geese and geese"
An old fun game in which at least 5 people take part. Everyone stands in a circle facing the center and holding hands. The host walks behind them and alternately touches the back of each participant with his hand. To some he says "goose" and to others "goose". If the first word was spoken to the player, then this means that he stands still and does not move. However, if the second, then this means that he must run around all the players and take his former place. The essence of the game is that the host also runs in a circle, and if he runs faster than the second participant, then he transfers his title to him. Now he is the leader. Thus, the game continues.

Broom throw game
A very funny game for adults and children. Several people are involved. The objective of the game is to throw the broom at a distance. The participant who throws the attribute the farthest will be the winner of the Broom Throwing game.

Game "Brook"
The game "Brook" was the traditional and favorite game of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Many people know the meaning of this competition. Girls and boys, young boys and girls take part in the game. Players stand in two rows and hold hands high above their heads. Thus, a living corridor is obtained. One participant who did not get a pair passes under clasped hands and chooses a pair for himself. Usually they are someone who is not indifferent and very nice. After that, the new pair gets up last, and the one who was taken away - the first. Therefore, the same principle continues the whole game. It will be very fun and exciting if there are many participants in the game, and the living corridor is long.

Game "Surprise"
Another fun game called "Surprise". It is a pleasure to take part in it, because the positive will be just the sea. Its very name speaks of something unexpected, but pleasant. The game will require one small box and as many participants as possible. Everyone stands or sits in a circle and picks up this box. The music turns on, and the attribute begins to be quickly transferred to each other. On whom the music stops, he takes off some thing and puts it in this box. This is how the rest of the game continues. When all the participants are practically naked, the rules of the game change a little. Again, a box is passed to the music, and on whom the music stops, he, without looking, takes something from the attribute. The thing that fell into his hands, he must put on himself. It will be a pleasant game for a friendly company that will be able to cheer everyone up a lot.

Game "Sun"
One of the interesting games in Shrovetide for young children is the game "Sun". Participants are divided into two teams and stand in a row. For the competition, you will need two A3 sheets on which a circle will be drawn. You will also need several felt-tip pens for each team. At the start, each of the participants from two teams quickly run up to a sheet of paper and draw one ray at a time. The second, third and all other participants do the same. The winner will be the team in which all participants have time to finish drawing one ray. Such a game instills in even the youngest players the spirit of competition, which causes great intrigue and excitement in them.

The game "Running on a broomstick"
This game will require skittles, which should be carefully arranged in one row. Each participant must sit on a broom and run a snake around the pins as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who copes the fastest and knocks down the least set obstacles.

The game "Iron Potato"
All participants are again divided into two teams and each is given a spoon. Empty bowls are placed in front of the team, and a pot of potatoes is placed nearby. At the start, each participant with a spoon must quickly pick up potatoes and put them in a bowl. The winner will be the team that transfers the most potatoes to their bowl.

Snow Fort game
It often happens that a lot of snow falls on Maslenitsa. Such a miracle should be used and competed, especially if the snow is sticky. There are two teams, each with one adult captain. A little time is given for the construction of a snow fortress and charges. Then the real attack between rivals begins. The game is accompanied by great intrigue and excitement. The winner will be the team that will destroy the enemy fortress faster.

Holiday greetings: Pancake week

Carnival Games


The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players:

Ding, ding, ding!

Who's there?



From the city …

What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that they are dancing, singing, jumping in the city. All players must do what the driver said. And the one who performs the task poorly, gives a phantom. The game ends as soon as the driver collects 5 forfeits. The players, whose forfeits are with the driver, must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them. Children count poems, tell funny stories, remember riddles, imitate the movements of animals. Then a new driver is chosen and the game is repeated.


Game progress. The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Children hold hands and lift them up, forming a "gate". The last pair passes "under the gate" and stands in front, followed by the next pair. "Burning" becomes in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding dong, ding dong

Get out quick!

At the end of the song, two guys, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, do not crow,

And run like fire!

"Burning" is trying to catch up with the fleeing. If the players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught by the "burning", then they stand in front of the column, and the "burning" catches again, i.e. "burns". And if the "burning" catches one of those running, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair drives.

Playing with the Sun . Game progress. In the center of the circle is the "sun" (a cap with the image of the sun is put on the child's head). The children say in unison:

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is sweeter.

Children go in a round dance. On the 3rd line they come closer to the "sun", narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th - they move away, expanding the circle. To the word "I'm burning!" - The "sun" catches up with the children. Glory to the Sun Thank you!


Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - "dawn" walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Dawn - lightning,

red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined rings -

Went for water!

With the last words, the leader carefully places the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a "dawn". The game is repeated. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.

snow shooting range

Set targets for throwing snowballs. You need to hit the target with snowballs.

Bag fight

three legs

The players are divided into pairs, each pair is tied with legs (the right leg of one with the left leg of the other). A couple on "three legs" reaches the turning flag and returns to the start line.


Everyone stands in a line, tying the neighbors' legs. A tied rope is given. It is necessary to pass the rope along the chain.


Team relay where pairing is required. One of the pair will have to become a wheelbarrow - a freight transport with one wheel and two handles. The role of the wheel will play the hands, and the handles - the legs. On command, the player - "wheelbarrow" lies down on the ground, focusing on his hands, and the "driver" takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the "wheelbarrow" is parallel to the ground. The wheelbarrow, moving on its hands, must reach the turning flag and return back, where another wheelbarrow is already ready to move.

Who is faster on a broom

Skittles are placed in a chain on the site. You need to run astride a broom with a snake and not knock down the skittles. The one who knocks them down the least wins.


Send a team from one side to the other.



Our Shrovetide annual,
Our Shrovetide is wild.
She is a dear guest
She is a big guest!
She doesn't walk!
She does not walk,
Everyone rides on horsebacks
Everyone rides on horseback.
Horse-horses are black,
Servants, servants are all young...
Hello Maslyana!
Ms. funny and intricate!

Game "Flying cow"

For this game you will need at least five participants. Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands: the palm of the right hand of each player should lie horizontally, on top of the palm of the player standing on the right. On the palm of the left hand of each player, the palm of the neighbor on the left should lie on top. Next, the players take turns clapping on the hands of a neighbor (with their right hand on the palm of a neighbor on the left) and pronounce a rhyme (each word is the next player): "a cow flew, blurted out a word, what word did the cow say?" The player on whom the counting rhyme ended calls any word - for example, "sun". Then the "clapping" continues, but the letters are called - C-O-L-N- ... and so on, until the last one - E. The player who calls the last letter must hit the neighbor's palm when clapping. The task of the neighbor is to withdraw his hand before it is hit, but not before the letter is pronounced.

Game "Dawn"

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:

red maiden,
Walked across the field
Dropped the keys
golden keys,
blue ribbons,
entwined rings -
Went for water.

With the last words, the leader carefully places the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game is repeated.

Game "Masha-confused"

Children participating in this game stand in one row, join hands, thereby forming a chain. On the right side of the chain, a leader is assigned, who, on command, starts running with a change of direction, and the entire chain begins to follow him. However, no one except the leader knows the direction of movement, so it is quite difficult to maintain balance and not break the chain. The further the player is from the leader, the more difficult it is for him to maintain balance, not fall or break the chain. The one who falls is out of the game. The main thing in this game is to hold out until the end.

Game "Golden Gate"

In the Golden Gate game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. Get "gates". The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.

Gates pronounce:

Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

After these words, the “collars” abruptly lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “collars”. Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children become "gates".

The game "Bells"

This is an old Russian game, perfect for Maslenitsa. Players stand in a circle. Two people come to the center - one with a bell or a bell, and the other with a blindfold.

Everyone else sings:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils called:
Digi digi digi dong
Guess where the call is coming from!

After these words, the "blind man" must guess by the sound of the bell and catch the participant with the bell dodging him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes a blind man, and the previous blind man turns into a normal player.

Game "Sunshine"

(For children 3-4 years old)

For this game, you will need two larger sheets (for example, A3 or Whatman paper), on each sheet a large circle is drawn (the future sun) and a couple of felt-tip pens. Children are divided into two teams. Each team stands in front of their future drawing, a few meters from the sheets, after which each participant in turn runs up and draws a ray of sunshine. The team that draws the sun the fastest wins.

Maslenitsa in Russia was celebrated not only by eating pancakes, but also by festive festivities. And during the festivities, they rode down snowy hills all week, arranged fistfights between good fellows, burned an effigy of the Maslenitsa, and also rode mummers on a sleigh - such a “carnival in Russian”.

Children, of course, actively participated in all the entertainment. Let's think about Shrovetide games that are suitable for the street and for the house!


A real hit among folk games, Dawn-Dawn is played at all holidays, and just like that. The rules of the game are simple. Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined rings -

Went for water.

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players so that he does not notice, and starts running. The child, who has a ribbon on his shoulder, must quickly take it and run after the leader in a circle to his place. The one who is left without a place (runs in last) becomes the dawn.

"Ring on the Porch"

Another traditional folk game that requires a minimum of props. You can play both at home and on the street, but, like Zarya-Zaryanitsa, the game is not too mobile, so pay attention to the weather!

For this game you will need a ribbon or rope firmly tied into a circle. A ring should be strung on the tape - it is important that it easily passes through the knot with which the rope is tied.

Children stand in a circle and take the rope with both hands. The leader is located in the center of the circle, closes his eyes with his hands and slowly turns around his axis. At the same time, he says a rhyme:

You roll, roll, ringlet,

To us on the red porch!

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

I'm going to look for the ring!

At this time, the children move the ring along the rope, and when the leader opens his eyes, the child, to whom the ring has fallen, clamps it in his fist. The host must guess who has the ring and ask the player to open both hands. If you guessed right, then the player takes the place of the leader.

"Sun Bell"

In the center of the round dance circle is the leader - the “sun”. The round dance goes in a circle and says a counting rhyme:

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

(dance expands to the maximum)

And the winter is warmer

(the round dance narrows, the children approach the "sun")

And spring is sweeter!

As soon as the counting rhyme ends, the presenter with the words "Oh, I'm burning, I'm burning!" tries to catch up with one of the players, and at the same time the round dance starts in all directions. Who will catch up - that new "sun"!

"Golden Gate"

But this game is mobile, it is quite suitable for a walk. The more players, the more fun!

Two children hold hands (two hands) and lift them up. This is the "gate". Between them there is a round dance of the players. "Gate" or the host of the game read the rhyme:

Golden Gate, come in, gentlemen!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And the third time we will not miss you!

At the last phrase, the “gate” children lower their hands and, if possible, cut off part of the round dance - one or more people. Those who got caught by the leader join the "gates". Gradually, the gates become wider, and the round dance is narrower, until two people remain in the round dance, they will become the new “gate”.


"Geese-geese" is not only the most popular folk rhyme, but also part of a very mobile children's game that is good to play in winter. Two parallel lines are drawn on the site - the “geese” will be safe behind them. The task of the geese is to run from one line to another on command. The team becomes a rhyme, which the children and the presenter read out in turn:

Geese, geese!


Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes!

So fly! -

No no no! The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home!

The “wolf” leader tries to prevent the “geese” from running from house to house. Whoever gets caught becomes a wolf!


Another folk game that requires dexterity and excellent coordination of movements. It will require a pencil or other convenient stick. The player's task is to keep it in a vertical position on an open palm (without pinching it with fingers) for as long as possible. The host keeps score:


How many hours are left until evening?

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