Training games for self-realization of younger students. Communication training for children of primary school age


The program of classes "Psychological and pedagogical formation of interpsychic actions in primary school age"

The program has four main blocks:

    Group lessons on the development of communication skills (3 lessons of 40-50 minutes each).

    Group classes to develop self-confidence, increase self-esteem (3 sessions of 40-50 minutes each).

    Group classes for the development of creative abilities and activation of mental activity (3 classes for 40-50 minutes).

    Group lessons on the development of motivation for learning (3 lessons of 40-50 minutes each).

Block 1

Target: development of communication skills in children, awareness and expression of their feelings, understanding and acceptance of the feelings of other participants in the training, activation of the mechanisms of self-knowledge and self-expression.

Lesson 1

Target: creating a favorable environment for personal self-disclosure.

Introductory phase

Guys, tell me, why do you need to go to school?

What do you need to know to gain new knowledge? (Be able to listen, be able to express your thoughts, be able to communicate, etc.)

At our trainings, we will learn the rules of communication, the ability to express our feelings, develop creative abilities, learn to behave confidently.

Contact phase

Group Rules Exercise

The teacher-psychologist names the basic rules that must be observed during the training:

You can not humiliate and call names.

Address each other by first name only.

To speak one at a time, if you wish to speak out, it is necessary to raise your hand and not interrupt the speaker.

You can not leave the training without the permission of the teacher-psychologist.

Actively participate in the training, but following the rules.

stop rule

Non-judgmental judgments

Anyone want to add rules?

The rules are written out in advance on a piece of drawing paper, and after the group has accepted them, they are fixed in a conspicuous place. During all subsequent classes, the rules of the group are in the same place and are reminded by the leader at the beginning of the lesson.

Exercise "Call me an affectionate name"

Target: to form in children a friendly attitude towards each other.

Children sit in a circle. One child comes to the center - the leader. Everyone else takes turns calling affectionate versions of his name (or calling him an affectionate word: cat, princess, etc.). Then the leader chooses which affectionate version of his name he liked the most.

Each of the guys will be in the role of a leader.

Labilization phase

Exercise "Everyone who has ..."

Target: the formation of a sense of community in children, the formation of a benevolent attitude towards each other.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher-psychologist offers to perform some action to those children who have something in common.

Let everyone who is in a good mood today stand on their right foot.

Let everyone who has gray eyes clap their hands.

Let everyone who has something pink (any color) in their clothes touch the tip of their nose.

Let everyone who ate the whole breakfast today pat themselves on the head.

Let everyone who has a dog smile.

Let everyone who lives above the 3rd floor say “woof”.

Guys, many of you got up. And why? (We have a lot in common - things they didn't know about before.)

Learning phase

Exercise "Blind and guide"

Target: building trust in the environment.

Objects and obstacles are laid out around the office. Students are divided into 3-4 groups. The members of each group are divided into pairs. One person is blindfolded. The second becomes a guide.

Guys, who can tell how a blind person moves in space?

Who helps him?

One of the pair must lead the partner through the cabinet (a certain space of the cabinet), while avoiding obstacles. Then the members of the couple switch roles. Groups take turns doing this exercise.

Which of you enjoyed being a guide more? Why?

Which one of you enjoyed being blind more? Why?

How did you feel playing the roles of the guide and the blind?

Exercise "Slivers on the river"

Target: creating a calm, trusting atmosphere in the group.

Participants stand in two long rows, one opposite the other. These are the banks of the river. The distance between the rows should be more than an outstretched arm. Chips will now float along the river. The first two participants will be "chips" and will float down the river.

The rest of the participants - these are the "shores" - help with their hands, gentle touches, and the movement of the chip. When the Slivers swim all the way, she becomes the edge of the shore and stands next to the others. At this time, the next first couple become Slivers and begin their journey ...

The exercise ends when the first Chips stand at the beginning of the river.

At the end of the exercise, there will be a discussion:

What did you like?

What didn't you like?

What did you feel during this exercise?

Final phase

What did you find useful?

Lesson 2

Target: development of communication skills

Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Group rules.

Then leading set opreshared rules for working in a group, which are necessary for all participants to feel comfortable and safe. The rules are written out in advance on a piece of drawing paper, and after the group has accepted them, they are fixed in a conspicuous place. During all subsequent classes, the rules of the group are in the same place and are reminded by the leader at the beginning of the lesson.

List of rules:

1. Listen carefully to each other.

2. Speak one at a time and do not interrupt the speaker.

3. Respect each other's opinions.

4. Non-judgmental judgments.

5. Activity.

6. Rule "stop".

7. You can not humiliate and call names.

Each of the points of the rules is explained by the moderator.

Contact phase

Exercise "Hello"

The host invites everyone to shake hands, but in a special way.

You need to greet with two hands with two participants at the same time, while you can release one hand only when you find someone who is also ready to say hello, i.e. hands should not remain idle for more than a second. The task is to say hello, in this way, to all members of the group. There should be no talking during the game.

The psychological meaning of the exercise

Warm up. Establishing contact between participants. The handshake is a symbolic gesture of openness and goodwill. It is also important that eye contact occurs - this contributes to the emergence of intimacy and a positive internal attitude. The fact that the action takes place without words increases the concentration of the group members and gives the action the charm of novelty.

Labilization phase

Exercise "Swap places"

Target: creation of conditions in order to get to know each other better, to understand how much they have in common, to increase the interest of participants in each other.

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The driver (one of the training participants) goes to the middle of the circle and watches the other participants. The teacher-psychologist comes behind the backs of the participants and quietly touches 3-4 people who must agree with any other participant without words, change places. The teacher-psychologist says “Change places” and those who agreed change places. The leader's task is to have time to sit in any vacant seat, but you can not push. The one who did not have time to sit down becomes the new driver.

The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Learning phase

Think and try to explain what self-respect is.

Everyone who wants to can speak. Then the facilitator sums up and talks about the importance of self-esteem for the psychological comfort of a person and what self-esteem depends on, about feelings, such as boasting, which mask low self-worth, about the desire to be a perfect person and what this can lead to.

Exercise: "Good and bad deeds"

Target: Children's awareness of the connection between actions and self-esteem. Identification of the very concept of self-esteem and the discovery of its connection with mutual respect. And this is a necessary condition for full-fledged communication, without which the development of cohesion is impossible.

Participants are divided into two teams randomly. Each team is given a piece of drawing paper, felt-tip pens or markers and A4 paper. The task of one team is to write as many actions as possible that allow a person to respect himself more. Accordingly, the task is different - to write as many actions as possible, because of which a person's self-respect is lost. If desired, each team can reinforce the words with drawings of the corresponding actions. Time is given for 15-20 minutes.


Each team presents its own topic. Then there is a general discussion, at the end the educational psychologist summarizes everything that has been said. It is very important to pay attention to the fact that everyone has a choice between these and other actions, but each time, choosing this or that behavior, we gain or lose respect for ourselves.

Final phase

Target: think about the content and the result of the past lesson, as well as complete it beautifully on a positive emotional note.

The participants stand in a circle, and the educational psychologist invites everyone to mentally put on left hand everything that he came with today, his luggage of mood, thoughts, knowledge, experience, and on right hand - what I received in this new lesson. Then, all at the same time strongly clapped their hands and shouted - YES! or THANK YOU!

Lesson 3

Target: development of communication skills.

Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Contact phase

An exercise "Princess Nesmeyana"

Target: the formation of a friendly attitude towards each other in children, teaching communication skills.

Before the exercise, discuss with the children how bad it is to be sad, and if your friend is sad, he should be supported and even amused.

Children are divided into two teams. The first team is Princess Nesmeyana and her subjects. They are very sad, never smile, do nothing interesting. The second team consists of cheerful children from the kindergarten. They should make the first team laugh. At the same time, you can do anything: jump, tell funny stories, make faces, but you can’t touch the members of the first team with your hands.

Labilization phase

An exercise "Monkeys"

Target: Development of the ability to control the muscles of the face, hands, reducing muscle tension.

Children are divided into pairs. One of them is a monkey, and the other is a reflection in the mirror. On the command of the teacher-psychologist, the monkeys depict the mood, and the reflection is repeated after the monkey. The couple then switch roles.





* resentment

* surprise

* delight

* fear


What role did you enjoy being in? Why?

Did you have any difficulty doing this exercise?

Which? Why?

Learning phase

Often facial expressions, posture, gestures, physiological reactions, the manner of sitting, standing, walking involuntarily express the internal state. And these are all important components of the communication process. Awareness of one's own physical "I" helps to better understand oneself - to compare the internal state and feelings, it is easier to express some emotions in physical action.

The coincidence of inner experiences, their awareness and forms of their expression is a prerequisite for positive and productive interaction between people.

Sometimes your inner feelings and mood are different from your behavior. For example, say the words "I want to help", "I love you" with a frown and clenched fists. This is a mismatch between your feelings and body language. Or, for example, the visitor was bored all evening, but in parting, smiling, he says to the hostess: “How nice it was to spend the evening with you ...” He deliberately says not what he feels, not wanting to offend the hostess. Another example is when a person, not realizing his own anger and aggressiveness, speaks politely, but his posture and intense facial expressions do not match the words. It is necessary that your internal state correspond to your physical actions.

An exercise "Drawing on the back"

Target: Development of communication skills, responsibility, cohesion within the team. Realize how important it is to tune in to understanding another person, as well as the very desire to understand another. Demonstration of the possibility of an adequate exchange of information without the use of words, development and skills of non-verbal communication

Participants are randomly divided into three teams and lined up in three columns in parallel. Each participant looks at the back of his friend. The exercise is performed without words. The teacher-psychologist shows some simple picture to the last participant in the column and hides it. Each team has its own picture. Then the same picture is drawn with a finger on the back of each team member in front. Exercise- feel and convey as accurately as possible this drawing further. At the end, those who stand first in teams draw what they felt on sheets of paper and show it to everyone. The presenter takes out his picture and compares.

Participants are invited to discuss in teams the mistakes and findings that were made during the exercise. Draw conclusions, then, taking into account these conclusions, repeat the exercise. In this case, the first and last members of the teams change places.


Discussion in a general circle.

What helped to understand and convey feelings?

How did the first and last members of the teams feel in the first and second cases?

What prevented you from doing the exercise?

Final phase

All trainees sit in a circle. There is discussion:

What did you like or dislike?

What did you find useful?

Maybe someone learned something?

Or do you have questions or suggestions for me?

And now everyone clapped and thanked each other for participating in the training.

See you at the next training session. Thanks everyone.

Block 2

Target: develop self-confidence, increase self-esteem.

Lesson 1

Target: formation of adequate self-esteem.

Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Contact phase

The rules for working in a group are repeated.

Exercise "My mood"

Target: Establishing contact between participants.

The guys sit in a circle, and everyone tells what mood they came in with and what they expect from the lesson.

Labilization phase

Exercise "Reincarnation"

Target: the formation of self-disclosure skills.

Each participant chooses some thing for himself (ice cream, a candle, a chair, a pen, etc.) and plunges into its world, imagines himself to be this thing, feels its “character”. On behalf of this thing, he tells how she feels in the world around her. About her worries, her past and future.

When talking about an extraneous random subject, participants involuntarily talk about themselves, which leads to self-disclosure and the formation of skills to manage their emotions. Shy people may need help.

Discussion: Did you have difficulty telling the story from the point of view of the thing you chose? Which?

Learning phase

An exercise "My neighbor is on the left"

Target: Developing the ability to find positive qualities in other people .

The teacher-psychologist invites the participants to look carefully at the neighbor on the left and name what he is good at. The circle must close.

Discussion: Was it nice to hear from others positive assessments of your skills?

Were there any difficulties? Which? Why?

Notes for the educational psychologist: There may be difficulty with outcasts. It is necessary to remind the children that it does not happen that a person does not know how to do anything.

An exercise "My strengths and weaknesses"

Target: formation of adequate self-assessment skills.

- Guys on a piece of paper, write in one column your strong, good qualities, and in the second column - weak, those qualities that interfere with you, but you have them. (Given 5 minutes).

Count your strengths and weaknesses. Compare their numbers. Consider whether it is possible to get rid of some of your weaknesses, and if so, what needs to be done to achieve this.

You can always get rid of what you don’t like about yourself, the main thing is to understand what you want to change in yourself. And how to do it, you can always find.

Final phase

Target: receiving feedback.

What did you like? What is not?

How did you feel in class today?

Lesson 2

Target: understanding the reasons for choosing a behavior model in various situations.

Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Contact phase

The rules for working in a group are repeated.

An exercise What was good and what was bad yesterday

Target: introspection of one's behavior.

The guys tell what happened to them yesterday good, and what was bad and why.

Labilization phase

An exercise "Unclench your fist"

Target: emotional conversation.

Participants are divided into pairs: one clenches his fist, and the second tries to unclench his fingers in one minute. Then the participants switch roles.

- No need to break your partner's fingers, you need to open your fist, do not cause pain.

Discussion:- Who and how managed to do it? (Force, request, light strokes, etc.).

Parable: The sun and the wind argued which of them is stronger. A traveler was walking across the steppe, and the wind said: “Whoever manages to remove a cloak from a traveler is stronger.” The wind began to blow, he tried very hard, but achieved that the traveler only wrapped himself more tightly in his cloak. Then the sun came out and warmed the traveler with its rays, he himself took off his cloak.

Can you get it by force?

How can it be done differently?

Learning phase

An exercise "Introduction of Heroes"

Target: development of the ability to understand oneself and other people by behavior.

- Let's remember the heroes of the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh and characterize them.

Characteristics are written on the board.

Piglet - dependent and not self-confident, unable to resist the influence.

Rabbit - actively imposes his point of view on others, believes that he knows everything, demands to obey.

Donkey Eeyore - does not believe in his own strength, does not believe in the future, in everything he is inclined to see dull, bad, unpleasant in everything that surrounds him. (Pessimist).

Notes to the teacher-psychologist : If the guys do not know the fairy tale and have not seen the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, you need to get acquainted with this work the day before.

An exercise "Problems of Heroes"

Target: developing skills to deal with behavioral problems.

- What do you think, what should Heel, Rabbit and Eeyore need to change in themselves?

- What do the heroes need to do so that they can change?

Piglet you need to learn to say “no” and learn to defend your point of view.

rabbit learn to ask and learn to accept the rejection of others.

Donkey you need to believe in your own strength and learn how to deal with various situations in which he gets.

An exercise "Ears - Nose"

Target: developing the ability to remain calm in stressful situations.

- It is very important in life to be able to remain calm in various situations. When someone shouts, accuses, insults, it is sometimes very useful not to be infected by someone else's aggression and not to respond with a shout for a shout.

- Did you have such situations when you were infected by someone else's aggression in conflicts?

- What came of it?

- So that the conflict does not turn into enmity, a fight, resentment, you need to be able to internally distance yourself from a stressful situation and tune in to the correct solution to this conflict.

Participants are divided into pairs, one will be Piglet, the second - Rabbits. Rabbits scream and accuse, Piglet is very afraid of this, he needs to learn how to hold the onslaught of the Rabbit. His task is not to listen to the Rabbit, but to observe the movements of the tips of his ears or nose and remember his thoughts and feelings that arise at this time. Two minutes are given for this exercise, then the participants switch roles.

Discussion:- What feelings did the partners in the roles experience?

Was it difficult to complete the task and why?

What needs to be done to stop Rabbit's attacks?

Final phase

An exercise “Sit the way you sit…”

Target: removal of emotional stress.

The educator-psychologist invites the participants to sit in their chairs as they would sit:

- king

- chicken on the roost

- police chief

- giraffe

- little mouse

- elephant

- butterfly

Lesson 3

Target: formation of skills to determine one's position in difficult situations; updating the knowledge acquired in the classroom.

Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Contact phase

The rules for working in a group are repeated.

An exercise "Who is it?"

Target: emotional warm-up.

One of the participants goes into the corridor. The rest of the guys choose one participant, who must guess the participant who went out into the corridor. The guys make up an oral portrait of the selected participant (external data, character traits, habits, etc.). A participant is invited from the corridor and they take turns talking about another participant. It is necessary to guess who is talking about. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times with other participants.

Discussion:- Were there any difficulties in guessing the participant?

Was it difficult to characterize someone else?

Labilization phase

An exercise "Unclench your fist"

Target: developing the ability to analyze situations.

Many of you travel in public transport and see conflict situations that occur between the conductor and the passenger. Which of you wants to tell one of these situations?

Let's analyze who is right and who is not. How to get out of this conflict situation? Or what can be done to avoid conflict?

Learning phase

An exercise "Anti-time"

Target: learning how to avoid conflict situations.

- We have different conflicts in the class. Let's think of a situation that resulted in a conflict.

It is necessary to discuss this situation in detail, restoring the course of events from end to beginning, and find answers to the questions:

- Where is hotbed of conflict?

- How could it have been avoided?

Discussion:- If you planned your behavior in advance, did anything change in their lives?

Avoiding conflict is not a sign of weakness, but an act of a smart, mature person.

An exercise "Desert Island"

Target: the formation of the ability to accept self-assessment from the outside.

A group of three people is thrown onto a desert island, the task is to survive. And you can only survive next to people who know how to do something, have wonderful personal qualities. One by one, students come out and choose two partners for themselves and explain their choice.

The same guys can choose more than once. There may be guys in the group who were not chosen by anyone, in this case, a teacher-psychologist goes with them to the “desert island”, explaining his choice.

- And I would like to take all the guys to the island, because you are all extraordinary and have a huge amount of wonderful human qualities.

An exercise "Lame Monkey"

Target: reduction of emotional stress.

- Imagine a lame monkey in front of you, her antics, antics, gait, funny faces.

- And now I forbid you to think about this monkey for two minutes.

Those who laughed go out into the circle.

- Why did you laugh?

Final phase

An exercise "Suitcase"


Moderator Notes : children's notes are used to evaluate performance knowledge block.

Block 3

Target: develop creative abilities.

Lesson 1


Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Contact phase

The rules for working in a group are repeated.

An exercise "Mood"


- Look closely at the neighbor on the left. Take turns saying what mood your neighbor has today.

Labilization phase

An exercise "Meeting"

Target: development of contact between participants.

- Imagine that you have not seen each other for five years and now the long-awaited meeting. How would you greet each other? Show.

Learning phase

An exercise "Friendship"

Target: learns to express their feelings; expand the idea of ​​yourself and others as talented, unique personalities; establish a closer emotional contact; develop cohesion, the ability to coordinate their actions with other team members.

Participants are randomly divided into teams of 5 people and each team is given a piece of drawing paper. Also issued a pack of magazines, brochures, postcards, suitable for the subject.

- Today you will all be artists and create your own collage. Collage - a creative genre, when a work is created from cut out fragments of a wide variety of images pasted on paper. Each team must create a Friendship collage. 20-25 minutes to complete.

Each team presents their work.

Well done, all the teams did a great job.

They hang their work on the board and this creates one big collage, which means a general picture of the friendship of the class.

Did you enjoy making collages?

Were there any difficulties? Which?

How did you overcome them?

Final phase

Target: receiving feedback.

Lesson 2

Target: learns to work in a group; develop creative abilities.

Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Contact phase

The rules for working in a group are repeated.

An exercise "Yes or no"

Target: creating a friendly working atmosphere

Participants in a circle throw a ball to each other with the words "I know that you are today ...". The receiver of the ball agrees with the guess or not.

Labilization phase

An exercise "Greetings"

Target: creating a friendly working environment.

One of the participants goes to the center and stands with his back to the other participants. One of the participants says “hello”, and the driver must give the name of the one who greeted him. If he guessed right, then another participant replaces him. The exercise lasts 5 minutes.

Was it hard to guess? Why?

Learning phase

An exercise "Sculpture"

Target: development of creativity and imagination.

Participants are divided into teams of 5 people. It is necessary to silently portray the "sculpture":

- tank

- planting plants

- kettle

- elephant in the zoo

- change at school

The other teams must guess what was shown.

An exercise "UFO"

Target: development of imagination, activation of attention, thinking and speech.

- Guys, today you will draw an alien. In order to draw it, first think about how it will be. Turn on all your imagination.

Children are given 15-20 minutes to draw.

- And now each of you will tell about his character, where he lives, what he eats, how he interacts with others, about his qualities of character.

Final phase

Target: receiving feedback.

Lesson 3

Target: learns to work in a group; develop creative abilities.

Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Contact phase

The rules for working in a group are repeated.

An exercise "Give me a smile"

Target: creating a friendly working environment.

Participants clockwise in a circle give a smile to a neighbor on the left. Moreover, giving a smile, you need to look into the eyes of a partner.

Labilization phase

An exercise "From word to story"


The participants are divided into three teams. Each team is given a piece of paper.

- Try to combine several words in such a way that you get a story.

1. Glade, wheel, cup, excavator, hole, magnifier, scales, bucket, leaves, ravine.

2. Friendship, spring, crocodile, flowers, catastrophe, songs, money, grief, illness, January.

3. Fire, evening, berries, puddle, holiday, locomotive, demand, duckling, statement, voice, cadet.

You can write the story down on a piece of paper. You are given 10 minutes.

The children tell what they have done.

Discussion: - Were there any difficulties in compiling the story?

- Were all the words used in the story?

What words didn't you use? Why?

Learning phase

An exercise "Fairy Mystery"

Target: activation of mental activity.

- Each of you will receive a card with a riddle written on it. You don't just have to figure it out. Fantasy is endless, it has no limits, so you must draw your answer.

Discussion: - Were there any difficulties in completing this task?

- What was more difficult, guessing the riddle or portraying the riddle?

An exercise "Land of Happiness"

Target: learns to work in a group; develop creative abilities.

The participants are divided into three teams.

Let's create our own country of happiness. What would you like to see in this country, draw.

20 minutes are given.

Discussion: - Tell us about your country "Happiness".

Magic and joy always live in the country of "Happiness". But we can also make our country happy. Give your loved ones, friends, classmates moments of joy, happiness, something pleasant. In the morning, smile at each other and say "Good morning" by looking into your eyes. Make a treat or a gift.

- Let's go with you let's be magicians and try to make ourselves and those around us happy.

Final phase

Target: development of non-verbal communication skills, receiving feedback.

Children stand in a circle. The exercise begins with a teacher-psychologist. It is necessary without words, with the help of pantomime, to show and present a gift to a neighbor on the left. He, in turn, demonstrates his gift (invented by him) and passes it to the neighbor on the left. You can't repeat. We do everything silently.

Did anyone guess what they gave him?

- Is it nice to receive gifts?

- Let's smile at each other and say "thank you" to everyone.

Block 4

Target: develop motivation for learning

Lesson 1

Target: creation of comfortable conditions for educational activities; raise the level of self-esteem.

Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Contact phase

The rules for working in a group are repeated.

An exercise "I know that you have..."

Target: creating a friendly working environment.

Participants stand in a circle throw the ball to each other and say: “I know that you have today ...” For example: “I know that you are in a good mood today.” Everyone should have the ball.

Labilization phase

An exercise "My achievements"

Target: increasing self-esteem in achieving goals.

- Each person has his own goals in life, and he seeks and chooses what will help him in achieving his goal. However, you already have what you have already achieved. You need to be proud of your successes and not be afraid to talk about them.

Participants in a circle pass a small ball. The person who received the ball tells what he has achieved in his life, what he has learned.

For example: learned to work on a computer; play volleyball, skateboard, etc.

The rest of the participants cheer him up with the words: “And this is great!”

Discussion: - Tell me, did you feel proud of yourself, did you talk about your achievements?

Learning phase

An exercise "Attitude towards learning"

Target: diagnostics of the student's attitude to specific subjects and to teaching in general.

Participants are divided into four teams, and each team is given a task.

Let's imagine that we are in the school of the future. This is a school where children can make their own schedule of lessons. In front of each team are pages from the diaries of this school. Complete this page however you see fit. For each day, multiply put any number of lessons. Lessons can be written however you want. This will be the schedule for the week for our school of the future.

Discussion: Participants read out the timetable and explain their choice. Compiled schedules are compared with the actual schedule.

An exercise "Point of View" (dispute)

Target: learn to defend your point of view.

The participants are divided into two teams. Topic for discussion "The need for school uniforms." One team makes their case Per the need for a school uniform”, another “ Against the need for school uniforms. You are given 5-10 minutes to prepare.

In turn, each command names its argument peroragainst. There is a discussion.

Discussion: - Were you able to prove your point of view on this issue? How or why?

Was the discussion friendly? What helped you do it?

- The main thing in disputes is not to fight, but to calmly prove, giving your arguments, your point of view.

Final phase

Exercise "Reach for the stars"

Target: increasing confidence and self-responsibility in achieving the goal.

The exercise is performed to meditative music. The participants stand in a circle.

- Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths in and out. Imagine that the night sky is full of stars above you. Look for a particularly bright star that connects you with a dream, desire, or goal. Give her a name. Now stretch your hands to the sky and try to touch the star. Try your best. Now pick it up from the sky and put it in your pocket. You can pick a few stars.

Discussion: - Was it difficult to get your dream?

- What feelings did you have when it was in your pocket?

- So in life, when we achieve what we want, we feel good, we feel happy. You can dream about anything, about flying into space and about a bicycle, the most important thing is that a person retains this ability. After all, dreams move us to action, and the achievement of a dream brings us joy and self-confidence. So dream on health!

Lesson 2

Target: promote the development of the ability to independently solve complex problems; raise the level of self-esteem.

Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Contact phase

The rules for working in a group are repeated.

An exercise "Good mood"

Target: creating a friendly working environment.

Give everyone your good mood.

Labilization phase

Exercise "All attention"

Target: development of the ability to combine verbal and non-verbal means of communication; the formation of skills to focus the attention of others through various means of communication.

All participants are invited to perform the same simple task, by any means, without resorting to physical actions, you need to attract the attention of others. The task is complicated by the fact that all participants perform it simultaneously. 5 minutes are given.

Discussion: - Who managed to attract the attention of others and at the expense, what funds.

Learning phase

An exercise "Interview"

Target: developing the ability to listen to a partner and improve communication skills; develop the ability to build a dialogue.

Participants break into pairs and talk with their partner for 5 minutes, trying to find out as much as possible about him. Then the participants switch roles. Then everyone prepares a brief introduction to their interlocutor. The main task is to emphasize his individuality, dissimilarity to others. The participants then take turns presenting each other.

Discussion: - Did you manage to tell about the individuality of your interlocutor?

- What was more difficult to conduct interviews or answer questions? Why?

An exercise "Joke Tasks"

Target: development of motivation to study subjects; develop logic and thinking.

    Two fathers and two sons bought three oranges. Each of them got an orange. How could this happen? (grandfather, father, son).

    There are 7 brothers in the family, each has one sister. How many children are in the family? (eight).

    The birder caught five tits and put them in a cage. On the road, he met 5 students and gave a titmouse each, and one tit was left in the cage. How could this happen? (I gave away one tit together with the cage).

    Vasya, Oleg and Kolya were playing checkers. Each of them played two games. How many games were played in total? (3).

    The father of one citizen is called Nikolai Petrovich, and the son of this citizen is Alexei Vladimirovich. What is the name of this citizen? ( Vladimir Nikolayevich).

    They hang him, becoming discouraged; he is bullied, conceited; he is shoved everywhere, interfering in other than his own business. (Nose).

    Not flowers, but wither; not palms, but clapping them if they don’t understand something; not underwear, but they are hung up by gullible and curious. (Ears).

    It is pounded in a mortar or carried with a sieve by those who are engaged in useless business; it is typed into the mouth when they are silent; her it is impossible to spill inseparable friends; dishonest people hide the ends in it, sometimes they come out of it dry. (Water).

Discussion: - Was it difficult to solve comic problems? Why?

- What is needed so that you can easily solve these comic tasks?

- Can you use these skills?

Final phase

Exercise "Change"

Target: creating a positive emotional state.

Children stand in a circle, hold hands.

- Who is the best today? (Children say: "I'm the best today!")

- Who was the first today? ("I").

- Well done, everyone worked well today, pat yourself on the head.

- Thanks, see you.

Lesson 3

Target: promote the development of the ability to independently solve complex problems; contribute to the self-realization of one's "I".

Introductory phase

The facilitator organizes the space, invites the participants to take a place in the circle and himself is located in it.

Contact phase

The rules for working in a group are repeated.

Exercise "Find a Pair"

Target: to form among the members of the group installations for mutual understanding and mutual respect.

Each participant is given half a card. You need to find your soul mate. 5 minutes are given.

Discussion: Who has found their soul mate?

- Was it difficult to do it?

Labilization phase

Exercise "Who am I talking about"

Target: develop observation, the ability to focus on the main features of the described object.

The teacher-psychologist describes one of the sitting children, naming his details of clothing and appearance, for example: “This is a girl, she is wearing a skirt and blouse, her hair is blond, her bow is red. She loves to play with dolls."

Discussion: Was it easy or difficult to guess the person in question? Why?

Learning phase

An exercise "My flower"

Target: developing self-confidence.

The teacher-psychologist invites the participants to draw a flower on paper (he draws a sample of the flower himself on the board), in the center everyone writes their name. And on each petal write down the answers to the following questions:

- What am I good at?

Why do I like myself Or do you love yourself?

Discussion: - Who wants to read their answers?

- Was it difficult to answer questions? Why?

Flowers are hung on the board.

- Look at our beautiful, colorful and friendly clearing.

An exercise "Who sent the telegram?"

Target: to develop the ability to independently solve complex problems.

    The Wolf came and ate six goats. Save my brothers! (Kid).

    Found walking boots, I'll be there soon. (Puss in Boots).

    I will, I will wash my face in the mornings and evenings. (Dirty).

    He left his grandmother, he left his grandfather. I'll be with you soon. (Kolobok).

    The fox occupied my house and kicked me out. Help! (Hare).

    Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole. (Wolf).

    I bought a samovar. I invite you to tea. (Tsokatukha fly).

    I've already laid a simple testicle. (Hen).

    Remember, everything will disappear after twelve at night. (Fairy).

    A big big one has grown, come help pull it. (Grandfather)

    I will not visit. The motor bogged down. (Carlson).

Discussion: - Was it difficult to guess the characters? Why?

- These heroes, from what works? Name the genre.

Who wants to meet these characters?

What do you need to do to get to know these characters better?

Final phase

Exercise "Suitcase"

Target: consolidate acquired skills, awareness of their value.

- In our classes you have acquired certain skills and experience. Let's collect, each for ourselves, a "suitcase" of what you have acquired in the classroom and what you would like to implement and apply in life.

All proposals are written down on paper, read out (who wishes) and transferred to the teacher-psychologist.

Moderator Notes : the guys' notes are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the knowledge block.

- You all got a lot of knowledge in the classroom, you know how to apply it, this knowledge will be useful to you in life.

Let's clap each other and say "thank you" to everyone.

Extracurricular activities for primary school students.

Training session Theme "Friendship begins with a smile"

Description: I present to your attention a summary of an extra-curricular event held in a training form, which will be interesting and useful to educational psychologists, elementary school teachers, social pedagogues, teacher organizers. This lesson is designed to work with primary school students.
Target: formation of communicative competence of elementary school students.
contribute to the formation of a positive attitude between classmates through non-verbal communication
promote good relationships among students
develop a sense of unity and cohesion, a sense of belonging to a class team
to develop in elementary school students the ability to understand the emotional state of people through non-verbal means of communication
to cultivate feelings of empathy, a benevolent attitude towards classmates
to cultivate tolerance, tolerance and respect for classmates
Conduct form: training
Equipment: a tape recorder, a soundtrack with the song "smile" from the cartoon "Baby Raccoon", handouts, mood flowers, colored paper, scissors, glue.
Event progress:
Exercise "Flower of my mood"
Educational psychologist: Guys, you know that our mood is different. Let's compare our mood with flowers. Each of you has flowers on your desks - moods, look at them carefully and choose the flower that matches your mood.
students consider pictograms (of colors - moods), determine the emotions depicted on them. And then each of the students chooses one of the mood flowers that matches their mood at the moment, and explain their choice.

Educational psychologist: How pleased I am that you are basically in a good mood and your flowers, which you have chosen, have a beautiful and kind smile.
Exercise "Friendship begins with a smile"
Educational psychologist: We all know that without friends is very bad, but what do you think is the easiest way to make friends?
students remember and list ways in which you can make friends.
Educational psychologist: All of the methods you listed are good, but the easiest and most effective way to make friends is ...
Now I will guess a riddle for you, the author, which Elena Osipova has an answer to, for which this method will be.
If you give her
Then you will become a bit happier.
She turns around instantly
And will return to you soon.
Sadness she will drive away in a swoop,
Like a fairy wing flap.
Don't skimp on her

Share it with everyone.
And on a big holiday
She is more important than any
Though sweets, even postcards.
We're talking about...
Students: Smile!
Educational psychologist: correct smile! Now I suggest you take each other's hands, look into each other's eyes and smile silently.
The exercise is performed to the song from the cartoon "Baby Raccoon" "Smile" to the music of V. Shainsky and the words of M. Plyatskovsky.
Educational psychologist: Guys, please answer, what did you feel when you smiled at your classmates? What did you feel when your classmates smiled at you?
Educational psychologist: You were all pleased when you smiled at you too. So remember the feelings you experienced now. After all, a smile is the best antidote that nature could create for all troubles.
"Brainstorm". Friendship is...
For students It is suggested that you think about the following question:
Guys, how do you understand the word "friendship" and who is your "friend"?
The students, after some reflection, speak out.
The teacher-psychologist sums up the discussion and gives the following definitions of the concepts of "friendship" and "friend"
Friendship - this is when people want to be together, when they are interested in each other, trust each other. Friendship is needed for adults and children in any life situation.
Friend - this is a person who supports you, can understand, help in a difficult situation, who shares with you all the joys and sorrows.
But it must be borne in mind that friendship between people is possible only if they observe certain rules of friendship. The most important of these rules is respect for each other's rights, and no less important is tolerance for the other person.
(Together with students, the following friendship rules are displayed)
Friendship rules:
Don't quarrel
Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you offended a friend
To be polite
Don't be angry
Help a friend
To be honest
To be attentive
Teacher-psychologist. There are many more rules of friendship, but these are the most basic ones. And if you follow them, you can become true friends to any person.
One of the above rules is to be attentive to your friend, but what do you think this means?
students give their explanations
Educational psychologist summarizing the student's statements.
That's right, being attentive to your friend is first of all to see what mood your friend has. Do you know how to determine the emotional state of your classmates? Now we'll check it out.
Exercise "Guess the emotion of a friend"
One of the students comes up and pulls out a card with the name of one or another emotional state (for example, joy, grief, fun, suffering, compassion, surprise, and so on), and show it using non-verbal means of communication. Other students have to guess what emotional state their classmate showed them. The one who guesses first goes next, to guess the emotional state.
Educational psychologist: Guys, tell me, please, what emotional state of a person do you like the most? (students most often answer that they like the emotions of joy more). How do you define this state?
Students. With a smile on your face.
Educational psychologist: So what do you think is the secret to a smile?
students express their opinions.
Educational psychologist sums up.
When people smile often, they become even more beautiful.
World scientists have calculated that 80 percent of success in a person's life largely depends on his ability to communicate with a smile.
It is important not to forget to be able to smile at others, as this helps us to be kind to each other and helps to make many friends.
With the help of a kind smile, you can lift your mood and the mood of those around us.
Scientists say that five minutes of laughter can extend a person's life by one year.
Let me give you some advice:
Every morning do not forget to smile to yourself - smile in front of the mirror.
Try to place a photo or picture of smiling people in a conspicuous place.
Do not forget at home, on the street, at school, smile more often at your parents, friends, teachers.
Remember - smiling, you improve your health and make life around us better.
Don't forget to smile when you greet people.
Exercise "Flower of Friendship"
Educational psychologist: I hope you all agree with me that friendship is the most important and best thing in a person's life. Friendship should be cherished and must be valued. Now I suggest you make a flower of our friendly class.
The teacher-psychologist shows the students a circle of the base of the flower, on which the flower is written, of what class (for example, 3 "A").
Now each of you will take colored paper of the color that he likes best and circle his palm on it, then cut out this palm from colored paper and write your good wishes on it to your classmate friends.
students perform the task. Then all these palms are glued to the base of the flower, and it is hung on the board.
Educational psychologist: We got a beautiful flower of friendship of our class? Do you like it?
students share their experiences.
Exercise "I'm glad I have a friend like you because..."
Educational psychologist: And at the end of our lesson today, I invite you to participate in a pleasant ceremony that can help you express all your friendly feelings to your classmates.
students stand in a circle, one of them goes to the center of the circle. The other students all come up to him in turn, shake hands and say, “I'm glad I have a friend like you, because…” and finish this application at their own discretion.
Educational psychologist: This concludes our lesson for today. Thanks to everyone for their active participation. See you again.


- development of interest in oneself, the formation of primary skills of introspection;

- development of forms and skills of personal communication in a group of peers, ways of mutual understanding;

- developing the ability to speak and think about oneself.


- a soft toy, a ball of thread, a rope, a scarf, a throne with a coverlet, “Self-Support Technique” cards, a candle.

Lesson progress:

– We often meet different people, some of them are similar to us, some are different, some seem unusual and even strange to us. And we all perceive and relate differently to those who are not like us. Today the topic of our lesson is “I am special”. Each of you is not only unique, but also completely unknowable, because nature has not created anything more complicated than a person. And one of the most exciting things to do is to learn something new about yourself. The motto of our lesson is: “Know thyself” (the record on the blackboard is read out).

1. Exercise “Hug”

The exercise can be used to warm up the group at the beginning of the session.

“Please sit in one big circle. How many of you remember what he did with his soft toys to express his good attitude towards them? That's right, you took them in your arms. I want you all to treat each other well and be friends with each other. I will start with a light, very soft touch and I hope that you will help me turn this hug into a stronger and more friendly one.

2. Exercise “I am the same as you”

I have a ball in my hands. The one who gets this ball throws it to any comrade, and, addressing by name, explains why he is the same. “I am the same as you because……” The person to whom the ball is thrown expresses agreement or disagreement and throws the ball to the next person.

3. Exercise "Let's compliment each other ..."

The host tells the guys how important it is to be able to express their feelings, but sometimes we say a lot of bad things, and we are afraid to compliment each other. The host invites the guys to tell each a compliment to their friend, girlfriend, while passing a ball of thread. Thus, at the end of the exercise, the whole group is “sewn” together. This exercise shows the unity of the group.

After the exercise, there is a discussion about how the guys felt when they said compliments and perceived them.

4. Exercise “Toy Store”

The game is divided into 2 parts.

1) The “seller” and “buyer” are selected, the rest of the children are “toys”. Everyone comes up with an image of a toy and freezes in a pose characteristic of this character. The welcome procedure begins. The customer knocks on the door or rings the bell. The seller opens the door, greets you and invites you in. The buyer inspects the store and goods, admires them. The seller talks about his toys and offers to buy. This part is aimed at developing communication skills.

2) The buyer has chosen a toy and wants to buy it. The seller turns on the selected toy and it begins to move in its characteristic way. The task of the buyer is to guess what kind of toy is in front of him.

5. Practical game “Stand up those who...”.

The guys sit in a circle. In the center - the Leader, the number of chairs is 1 less than the number of participants. The facilitator says: “Stand up, who ...” and names some quality, for example, who considers himself kind, smart, fair, beautiful, patient, strong, and so on.

Those who have the named sign, get up, and try to take a free place, except for a nearby chair. Then the game is repeated again with a new leader on a new sign.

The game serves to warm up the group

6. Exercise “This is not a rope”

Goal: development of the creative potential of participants

Materials: rope, cardboard or ball

Tell the players that this exercise is about seeing things from a new perspective and turning familiar objects into something completely different.

7. Exercise “Turn on the TV”

Children silently stand in a circle - they are “TVs”. The psychologist comes up and turns on one of them. “TV” starts to work, while the child depicts everything that comes to his mind. The game allows you to express yourself, attract attention.

8. Exercise “Classroom”

The essence of the game is that children transform into one or another attribute of class life (School board, class magazine, window blind, switch, etc.) and build a message on its behalf. For example, a school board talks about how many different mistakes she had to draw, etc.

9. Exercise “Reach out”

This warm-up helps to establish relationships in the group.

Stretch your hand in the direction of the participant,

In whose clothes there is something red,

Who wears glasses

Who has brown eyes

Whose hair is longer than yours

Who is higher than you

Who doesn't have a watch

Who is wearing blue jeans.

10. Exercise “Find a Pair”

Equipment: scarf.

A leader is chosen, who is blindfolded with a scarf and offered to study with his own hands the hand of one of the participants in the game. After that, the bandage is removed from him and the driver tries to find the “studied” hand among the hands extended by all participants.

DISCUSSION: How did you find your match? How did your hands feel to the touch? How did you feel when you met other hands?

11. The game "Rain in the forest" (relaxation, development of a sense of empathy)

Children become in a circle, one after another - they "turn" into trees in the forest. An adult reads the text, children perform actions. “The sun shone in the forest, and all the trees stretched their branches towards it. They stretch high - high so that everyone is warm (children rise on their toes, raising their hands high, fingering). But a strong wind blew and began to shake the trees in different directions. But the trees hold on tightly to their roots, stand stably and only sway (children sway to the sides, straining their leg muscles). The wind brought rain clouds, and the trees felt the first gentle drops of rain (children with light finger movements touch the back of a friend standing in front). The rain is knocking harder and harder (children increase finger movements). The trees began to feel sorry for each other, to protect from strong blows of rain with their branches (children run their hands on the backs of their comrades). But now the sun has reappeared. The trees rejoiced, shook off the extra drops of rain from the leaves, leaving only the necessary moisture. The trees felt freshness, vivacity and joy of life inside themselves.”

12. Exercise “THRON”

The speaker sits on a special throne (covered with a beautiful veil), sitting on it you can hear good things about yourself and hear pleasant words from others

13. Cards “Self-support technique”

Guys, today at the lesson we learned that we all have a lot in common, and this helps us find a common language. Each person is different from each other and it's great that we are all different, not similar to each other, each of us is unique! And this uniqueness and originality must be appreciated and respected in people!

14. Exercise “Open Candle”

Equipment: candle.

Each child takes a lighted candle in turn and wishes something kind to the participant on the left. For example, “Masha, I wish you that everything worked out for you today”


- What did you like about the lesson?

- How did today's lesson help you?

The material is taken from the site "Festival of open lessons",

Training session for younger students

Theme "Sun with rays"

Target: increasing the self-esteem of the child.


1. Removal of mental and emotional stress.

2. Develop a better understanding of yourself

3. Increasing self-esteem and strengthening one's own identity

Conduct form: training
Equipment: landscape sheet, felt-tip pens or pencils.

Age: schoolchildren 7 - 9 years old.

Event progress:

Educational psychologist: Guys, to complete our exercise, we need an album sheet, felt-tip pens or pencils.

Draw, please, the sun with rays. (There are no requirements for the drawing, the child draws the sun anywhere in the redistribution of the sheet and what he likes.)

Educational psychologist: Now tell us about your sun.

The sun - what is it?

Bright, yellow, red, kind, warm, joyful...

Now imagine that the sun is you. The sun has your name.

Sign your name in the sun. The sun must have rays. If there are few of them, then paint up to 7-9 rays.

Students: list the virtues of their sun.

Educational Psychologist: - You listed how wonderful the sun is: warm, bright, kind ... Let's sign each ray of the sun, naming some of your wonderful qualities. What are you?

You can help children who are confused by saying, for example:“I think you are kind. And what else?

Each quality named by you or a child is signed along the ray. Educational psychologist: Guys, our task is to try to ensure that each ray is named. And for this I allow you to fantasize a little, boast.

Do not object, even if you think that this quality or habit is not developed in them or is absent at all. So you can hear what the child considers his achievements

The most important thing is to work in a positive way, and you can see how the mood of children changes. And the result will not keep you waiting.

Educational psychologist: Tell me guys, did you like our lesson?

students share their experiences.

Educational psychologist: And at home, you can draw a similar sun for your grandmother or dad, for your sister or teacher. Let it be a birthday present or just a pleasant surprise.

This concludes our lesson for today. Thanks to everyone for their active participation. See you again.

Training session for schoolchildren

Theme "Class through the eyes of everyone"

Target: rallying the class team and building effective interaction of students with each other. Creating a favorable psychological climate, overcoming the barrier in interpersonal relationships, developing communication skills.


    Creation of a favorable psychological climate;

    Overcoming the barrier in interpersonal relationships, developing communication skills;

    Development of the ability to adequately express their feelings and understand the expressions of the feelings of other people;

    Team building, building mutual trust.

Age: schoolchildren 11 - 14 years old.

List of participants: 10 - 12 people.

Equipment: pens, sheets with names, markers, presentation for the lesson.

Working mode: 45 minutes

Relevance: It is impossible to do all the work alone from time to time still have to resort to the help of another person. In a close-knit team, mutual assistance is the key to success; without support, only a small goal that everyone has set will be achieved, but the goal of the team will remain at the zero level.

Training structure:

    Greeting - 4 minutes

    Goal, tasks - 3 minutes

    Warm up - 2 minutes

    Main part - 40 minutes

    Reflection - 5 minutes

    Org. end - 3 minutes

The course of the training session:

    Warm up - dive - 2 minutes

    Exercise "" Photo of our class - 7 minutes

    Exercise "If a bird, then which one" - 10 minutes

    Exercise "Count to ten" - 10 minutes

    Hot Chair Exercise - 10 minutes

    Exercise “My communication problem” – 7 minutes

    Exercise "My portrait in the sun" - 5 minutes

    Org end. - 5 minutes.

Structure: the students take their seats in a circle, when everyone calms down and is ready to listen, the training begins.

Lesson progress

1. Greeting (2 min).

Target: Establishing contact with children.

The facilitator introduces himself and talks about the objectives of the training.

We have a lot of work to do together, and therefore we need to get to know each other and remember each other's names. In training, we are given a great opportunity, usually inaccessible in real life, to choose a name for ourselves. After all, it often happens: someone does not really like the name given to him by his parents; someone is not satisfied with the form of address that is familiar to others - let's say everyone around calls the girl Lenka, and she wants to be addressed as "Lenochka" or "Lenulya" or especially unusually and affectionately, as mother addressed in childhood. And someone secretly dreams of a beautiful name that his idol bears. You have thirty seconds to think and choose a name for yourself in the game, and write it on the badge. All other members of the group - and the facilitators too - will refer to you only by this name during the entire training.

Now let's introduce ourselves to each other. Let's do it this way, in turn, everyone puts on a badge, then they introduce themselves and say what mood they came to the lesson with and what they expect from it.

The facilitator introduces himself and talks about the rules of group work.

Group rules.

Time: 2 minutes.

Resources: drawing paper with already written rules.
The facilitator establishes certain rules for working in a group, which are necessary for all participants to feel comfortable and safe. The rules are written out on a piece of drawing paper, and after the group has accepted them, they are fixed in a conspicuous place.
List of rules:(Each paragraph of the rules will be explained by the presenter.)
1. Listen to each other.
2. Do not interrupt the speaker.
3. Respect each other's opinions.
4. I am a statement.
5. Non-judgmental judgments.
7. Rule "STOP"
8. Confidentiality.

2. Warm up - dive

Time: 2 minutes.
Target: Cheer up and prepare for further exercises , equalization of the emotional background, rallying the group members into a single team to achieve the final result of the work.

At the beginning of our lesson, I would like to know:

    Who is in a good mood now, clap your hands;

    Swap places for those who have friends in the class;

    Swap places those who are confident;

    Clap your hands those who know their classmates well;

    Stomp those who agree with the proverb: "One in the field is not a warrior";

    Nod your head those who know what we will do today in class.

3. The main part.

Introductory speech, definition of the topic, goals of the training (3 min).

Today I will give you a training on cohesion. In this lesson we will talk about your class, about relationships with each other.

The purpose of our training- this is team building and building effective interaction with each other.

Cohesion is an opportunity for a team to become a single entity to achieve specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when your friend understands and supports you, to hear and help when this help is needed, and to understand each other even without words. A close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.

Exercise "My portrait in the rays of the sun" Purpose: to contribute to the deepening of the processes of self-disclosure, to learn to find the main individual characteristics in oneself, to determine one's personal characteristics. Course of the exercise: each student is given a piece of paper. In the center of the sheet in a circle is written "I can!". The students should draw the rays of the sun along which they write what they can do for another in their class. Then all notes are read by the participants of the lesson. Summing up the work, - we emphasize that many of the positive qualities of the students have become the bonding substance that makes the class more united.

Exercise: "My communication problem"

Time: 15-20 min.

All participants write on separate sheets of paper in short form the answer to the question: “What is my main problem in communication (at school, in the classroom)?» The sheets are not signed. The sheets are folded and folded into a common pile. Then each student randomly takes any piece of paper, reads it and tries to find a technique with which he could get out of this problem. The group listens to his proposal and evaluates whether the relevant problem is correctly understood and whether the proposed technique really contributes to its resolution. Statements that criticize, clarify or expand the answer are allowed.

Exercise "Count to ten" Purpose: to feel each other, to understand without words and facial expressions. The course of the exercise: “Now, at the “start” signal, you will close your eyes, lower your noses down and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that you will count together. Someone will say "one", another person will say "two", a third person will say "three" and so on +. However, there is one rule in the game: only one person must say the word. If two votes say "four", the count starts over. Try to understand each other without words. Discussion:

    What did you feel?

    If it didn't work, then why?

Exercise "Hot chair"

Time: 10 min .


Instruction: A chair is placed in the center of the circle, one of the training participants is invited to sit on it. When the first volunteer is found and takes a place, the facilitator invites the rest of the group to express their impressions and opinions about this person, to say about his positive or negative qualities

Discussion: the first participant talks about how he dared to be the first? Everyone shares: was it easy or hard to do it? How hard or easy was it to speak out about the person?

Exercise "If a bird, then which one"

Time. 10-15 minutes.

Instruction.“Now one of you is given the opportunity to practice observation, and what awaits the others will remain a secret for now. Who wants to be the leader? After the leader is found, the coach asks him to stand up and turn away from the group. You can ask him to leave the room. The group is given the following task: “Guess some one player. However, so that the host does not understand who you want to guess (in the event that he is nearby). Use gestures.

Conduct procedure. Next, the coach invites the facilitator to guess who the group guessed. However, questions can only be asked of a special kind, comparing the hidden participant with various types of animals, plants, fish, birds, etc. In this case, the host can ask no more than 3 questions. Questions can be on different associations. Questions are built as follows: if a flower, then what kind? if a bird, what kind? For each question, the facilitator asks to report a specific association that arises in each member of the group. After the player is guessed or revealed (when the host cannot guess), the coach invites the group to continue. While maintaining interest in the group, you can complete three laps.

Activity: Photo of our class

Each participant receives a blank sheet of paper. The task of the students is to draw a smiley with such an emotional state, which is most often present in their class. Then all the drawings are posted on the board, forming a common photo of the class.

"Thank you for a pleasant session" procedure

Please stand in a circle. I want to invite you to participate in a small ceremony that will help us express our feelings of friendship and gratitude to each other. The game goes like this: one of you stands in the center, the other comes up to him, shakes hands and says: “Thank you for a pleasant lesson!”. Both remain in the center, still holding hands. Then a third participant comes up, takes either the first or the second by the free hand, shakes it and says: “Thank you for a pleasant session! Thus, the group in the center of the circle is constantly growing. Everyone is holding each other's hands. When the last member joins your group, close the circle and end the ceremony with a silent, firm triple handshake.

Org. end: Thank you very much for coming to this lesson, we hope that it will not pass without a trace in your life, we hope that something will be useful to you and that you have thought about something and will work in this direction. Goodbye. Reflection:

    What feelings did you experience?

    What did you learn about yourself, about the group?

    What have you learned?

    How will this be useful in the future?

    What was important?

    What are you thinking about?

    What happened to you?

    What needs to be developed for the future?

The main stages in the formation of a child's personality fall on the school years. A small person actively learns the world around him, looks for a place in life, learns to distinguish the subtleties of relationships between people and interact with the social environment. The period of growing up from 10 to 13 years old in itself is fraught with many psychological problems, which only get worse within the walls of the school. The reasons for isolation, depressive inappropriate behavior can be:

  • low self-esteem;
  • fear of communicating with teachers and peers;
  • excessive study loads;
  • conflicts with parents.

As a result, the child loses motivation to learn, in some situations he may refuse to attend school at all. In this case, it is important not to wait for the problems to be solved by themselves, but to sign up for psychological trainings for schoolchildren.

How can training for schoolchildren help a child?

Training allows the child to work through the main internal problems in a playful way and learn to cope with them independently in the future. The lessons include:

  • acting techniques;
  • relaxation exercises;
  • art therapy;
  • various diagnostic methods;
  • role-playing games.

All this is designed to help the child simulate various situations and beat possible behaviors. Classes are conducted by certified experienced psychologists specializing in working with children and their parents.

What will the child get as a result of the training?

Before starting classes, it is worth identifying the problems that disturb the teenager, identify issues that should be worked on especially carefully. During the training conducted by a professional, several important tasks are solved, the main ones are:

  • to teach a teenager to cope with internal excitement and stress, by applying various relaxation techniques;
  • to form the correct self-esteem in the child and teach him to adequately assess his abilities;
  • develop teamwork skills;
  • properly motivate the student to study.

All the skills acquired during the training are acquired by the child in a natural playful way and are fixed during the discussion with the trainer. They allow the student to feel more confident in the classroom and easier to cope with the academic load. In the process of collective studies, he will master the basics of harmonious interaction with the group, which will undoubtedly be useful to him in adulthood.

The psychological center for education and development "Insight" conducts various trainings for schoolchildren that will help the children become more collected and attentive in the classroom, learn how to resolve conflict situations that arise in a team.

Classes are taught by teenage psychologist-consultant Uliana Alexandrovna Ivanova.

Duration of the training: 3 hours with two breaks of 10 minutes each.

Training cost: 2000 rub.

Our center conducts career guidance trainings for schoolchildren, which will not only allow teenagers to roughly decide on their future profession, but also reveal their natural inclinations and talents. You can sign up for any training with our administrator by filling out a special form on the website, or by calling. Let your child be confident!

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