Ilya Yabbarov is dating Diana Shurygina. Ilya Yabbarov is trying to get Alexander Gobozov out of the room Ilya Yabbarov and Alexander Gobozov have been friends for a long time


Member Name:

Age (birthday): 18.08.1985

City: Saratov, Moscow

Family: not married

Height and weight: 171 cm

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Ilya Yabbarov was born on August 18, 1985 in the working settlement of Uvek in the city of Saratov. He was raised by his mother, besides him, there is an older brother in the family.

He graduated from high school in his hometown and entered vocational school No. 20 to study as a car mechanic and gas and electric welder.

He did not finish vocational school, after a year of study he quit and went to work.

Ilya was fond of music, performed songs in the genre of Russian chanson. He wrote his first song at the age of 18 and dedicated it to his girlfriend. He served in the army in the ranks of the airborne forces.

After the service, he worked for some time at a sausage enterprise, even managed to make a career and rise to the position of branch manager in Volgograd.

He is fond of motorsport, loves to play backgammon and cards. Before the project, Ilya was married, and from his first marriage he has a daughter.

After the divorce, which took place at the initiative of Ilya, as he claims there was treason on the part of his wife, he evaded paying alimony for a long time, and probably has problems with the law, but, for obvious reasons, he does not like to advertise this.

He came to the TV show House 2 in April 2015, and declared his sympathy for Kamila Korobeynikova, but created a couple with.

The guys settled in a separate room, but then the girl's ex-husband, also Ilya, came to the project.

Alexandra for a long time could not decide between the two men and in the end she still preferred the ex-spouse.

There was a short-term impetuous relationship with Anna Belyakova. Ilya was disqualified from the project after a skirmish with Kristina Deryabina, he was rude to the girl and even tried to hit her, for which he was expelled.

After some time, he apologized for his unworthy behavior, and the organizers returned him to the project.

He again tried to build a relationship with Kamila Korobeynikova, then with a beauty, but everything did not work out.

Outside the perimeter, he met with Maria Burhun and even wanted to leave the project to be with her, but the producers decided to invite the girl to the perimeter.

The team, however, did not believe in the sincerity of Mary, and in order to prove to all envious people that there were real feelings in their couple, the guys went to the Seychelles.

A happy life did not last long, and falling in love gave way to a showdown, the couple broke up. Maria chose a new young man, Ilya Krotkov, and Yabbarov went to Polyana.

On the project, he played the role of the head of the isolation ward, where violators of the order fall, a TV show, hosted the Doomsday program. Although Ilya Yabbarov himself is a conflict person, he has been in fights more than once.

When she returned to the perimeter from the Island of Love, Ilya drew attention to her and began to care, they had several romantic dates. Catherine is still married, but reciprocates Ilya's love.

Relations in a couple are developing so rapidly that Ilya has already proposed to his beloved gave a ring.

After Katya's official divorce, the guys plan to go to apply to the registry office.

Already after this significant event, constant quarrels break out between the guys, and there is a misunderstanding whether they can overcome these difficulties together or part, time will tell.

Ilya Yabbarov continues to sing, popular songs performed by Ilya: tea rose, night platform, etc.

In a new arrival at the project, Yabbarov began to meet with the sister of his ex-girlfriend. Alena quickly became pregnant from Ilya, but soon the couple broke up due to the betrayal of a man. Alena wants to raise a child on her own. Ilya found a new girl on the project -. The controversial contestant left the show in mid-May 2019 along with his girlfriend Rita.

Ilya's photo

The guy often posts joint photos with other participants.

Finally, the most important words that the viewers have been waiting for have been heard. House 2! Unless, of course, mother persuades Alena to go home before that. And if the participants of House-2 unanimously vote for the departure of Alena Savkina, will she remain at the feeder or will she still follow her bride? Has the man driven himself into a corner with this unpromising relationship with Olga's sister Rapunzel?

At the moment, Ilya Yabbarov is one of the brightest participants in house 2, he plays the role of an irritant for the fans of the TV project assigned to him, goes a little overboard with love scenes, slightly trolls the viewer with his songs. In general, he improvises so as not to fall out of

In the depths of his soul, a man himself has long wanted to show himself from the other side. But how to do this if an image with an unpleasant smell is firmly entrenched behind it? Yes, and all his actions give some frank disgusting. For example, when he was preparing meat for the arrival of Olga's mother Rapunzel, he picked up one piece from the floor and threw it into the pan, did not wash his hands before cooking. Today on air 22.02. rotten bananas and a half-eaten lemon were placed on a plate in front of the arriving and probably hungry mother. Brazenly flirting with Olga Zharikova, he declares to Alena Savkina that flirting for him is to take off his pants and "do some magic." In short, Ilya is in his repertoire. He failed to deceive neither the audience nor his colleagues in the project. He has not changed, people of this kind do not change.

When will Yabbarov leave?

Judging by, Ilya Yabbarov is just starting to unfold, showing himself in all his glory. In the evenings, the VIP house has a full sofa of potential "Alen", who also want to brighten up at the expense of Ilyusha. At any moment, he can start a quarrel with Dima Dmitrenko or cause jealousy of Alena Savkina, then go through a polygraph with loud hype, claim an apartment or money in future project competitions.

Soon we will get tired of waiting for Ilya Yabbarov to leave, we will put up with his presence on the project, we will rewind the broadcasts in order to expel him from our thoughts. And the "tractor driver" will smoke the ceiling of the film studio at house-2 and someday become the host of a reality show. Or I'm wrong? And the faint-hearted Alena Savkina will leave the project, and Ilya Yabbarov will follow her?

4-04-2018, 03:22 // 2 337

Ilya Yabbarov and Alexander Gobozov were friends for a long time. However, the housing issue spoiled friendly relations. Now Ilya insists that Alexander leave the room in which he dreams of settling two mothers - his own and Alena Savkina. Both women plan to visit their children in the near future and even visit the project.

Two age participants began to sort things out. It turns out that Ilya Yabbarov urgently needed a room, which is now occupied by Alexander Gobozov, who is in a relationship with Olga Zharikova ..

Soon, Ilya's mother, as well as Alena Savkina's mother, will arrive at the project, and the man is sure that the parents will not only be pleased, but also convenient to live near the children. However, such arguments are of little concern to Alexander, who has become stubborn and is not going to release his meters.

The participants of the telestroke failed to peacefully solve this problem. And even the intervention of the host Vlad Kadoni, who assured that the parents would live in the VIP house, did not save the situation at all. Gobozov became so angry that he even offered to kick him out of the project, since they were kicking him out of the room.

"I'm not moving out of my room! Or kick me out of the project, and populate whoever you want there! ”, - Sasha stiffened.

Recently, Ilya Yabbarov was so friendly to a colleague that he even wanted to reconcile him with Ivana Dilova. But now his friend's happiness obviously does not bother him, and the division of square meters can turn them into enemies. Alena Savkina, as usual, supports her beloved.

A few months ago, Diana Shurygina appeared on the air of federal channels with her burning story, thanks to which she became a real star. Almost from her first appearance in “Let them talk”, the girl had a huge army of fans, but at the same time a much larger number of haters.

Diana's popularity reached incredible proportions, and she tried to get the most out of this by trying her hand at show business. In addition, the girl was once matchmaker in "House 2", but then things did not go beyond talk. And now fans of the reality show have another opportunity to discuss Shurygina's personality, the site writes.

So the former participant in the reality show, Ilya Yabbarov, published several posts in his microblog in which he supported Diana, and also confessed to her his sympathy. And although this caused a mixed reaction from the admirers of the girl, the young man nevertheless decided to tell what connects him with Diana.

“Now we are talking with Diana, I can say that I really like her! Diana is a wonderful girl! I will do my best to woo her. We met when we were recording a joint song, I was surprised by her vocal abilities, soon you will hear our joint work. Never bought into public opinion. Even now I don't really care what they say about her. I want to make her happy!” - Ilya Yabbarov shared his feelings.

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