Indian onion in folk medicine. Indian onion treatment - healing properties


The scientific name of the Indian onion is the bird-tailed or Ornithogalum. In nature, it is distributed only in warm countries. But thanks to the healing properties, the plant began to be grown as an indoor plant. In folk medicine, poultry has been used for a long time as the main and auxiliary remedy in the treatment of various diseases.

Beneficial features

Indian onions are actively used not only in traditional medicine, but also in pharmaceuticals.

  • Poultry tincture treats mechanical skin lesions, abscesses, cuts, hematomas, non-healing wounds, including stitches after surgery. Poultry enhances blood flow to problem areas of the body, providing analgesic, disinfecting, wound-healing effect.
  • The fresh juice of the plant is used for colds, flu and headaches. He acts quickly and efficiently.
  • Indian onion helps in the treatment of diseases of the joints, lesions of the musculoskeletal system, wounds, bruises and sprains.
  • Indian onion juice relieves inflammation and swelling after insect bites. With it, a rash on the face and herpes on the lips are treated.
  • Indian onions are used to make anti-inflammatory drugs.

Chemical composition

The fresh juice of the Indian onion, which has the consistency of slime, contains the greatest value. It is extracted from leaves, stems, arrows with flowers, as well as from bulbs.
The composition of the juice contains the following substances that have a therapeutic effect on the human body:

  • organic acids;
  • weakly toxic poisons;
  • glycosides;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • plant alkaloids (colchicine, colchicoside, thiocolchicine, glycoalkaloid).


Despite the widespread use of Indian onions in medicine, you should not self-medicate. Medicines based on this plant should be used with caution and preferably only after consulting a specialist.

For diseases of the joints

For the treatment of joint diseases, it is recommended to prepare a tincture of chopped Indian onion leaves in vodka, adhering to a ratio of 1:20. She should insist 2 weeks. This remedy has a long-lasting anti-inflammatory effect. Sore spots are wiped with ready-made infusion, and then wrapped with a woolen cloth.

For rheumatoid arthritis

Boil needles, twigs and pine cones in 3 liters of water for 30 minutes and leave to infuse for several hours. Then pour 100 ml of alcohol tincture of Indian onion into the resulting broth. Mix well and add the medicinal mixture to the bath 1 liter each.

With sciatica

With a piece of an Indian onion leaf about 2 by 2 cm in size, you need to rub the lumbar region well. After the juice is completely absorbed into the skin, the sore spot should be tied up with a woolen scarf and wrapped in a blanket to keep warm. At first, a strong burning sensation will be felt, but after 5-7 minutes relief should come. In the same way, osteochondrosis and arthritis are treated.

For muscle pain

In this case, an ointment based on Indian onions will help. It can be prepared from the tincture of the plant and from the fresh juice of the leaves. The basis for the ointment can be goose, beef or pork fat. It should be melted in a steam bath. It is best to mix fat with juice immediately before use, in a ratio of 1: 2 (twice as much juice). Ointment, based on alcohol tincture, can be stored for no more than a month.

For headaches

It is necessary to rub the whiskey with a leaf of Indian onion for 2-3 minutes. If an unbearable burning sensation appears, you can lubricate the temporal zone with olive or sea buckthorn oil.

For wounds

For complex, poorly healing wounds, a healing mixture of 1 teaspoon of finely chopped Indian onion leaves, 1 tablespoon of fish oil and 1 tablespoon of honey will help. The resulting mixture should be applied to the wound and bandaged. The procedure should be repeated no more than 2 times a day.

For bruises and bites

In this case, wiping the problem area with fresh plant juice will help.

For pimples, blackheads and bruises

To combat acne, pimples, bruises and abrasions, you can make a compress from the ground leaves of the plant. Keep the compress for more than 5 minutes, with a strong burning sensation immediately remove. In order not to get burned, you need to lubricate the skin around the affected area with petroleum jelly or oil.

For herpes, spurs and calluses

These problem areas can be lubricated with a piece of an onion or a leaf of a plant.

From warts

Mix alcohol tincture of onion in equal proportions with ammonia and lubricate warts 2-3 times a day.

From hemorrhoids and edema

For compresses with swelling and rubbing with hemorrhoids, a decoction of poultry will help. Finely chopped Indian onion leaves should be placed in an enamel pan and poured with water, the level of which will be two fingers more than the cooked raw material, boil and cook for 15 minutes. Store the decoction in a glass jar in a cool place. Rub the affected areas until complete recovery.

For nail fungus

Affected nails or interdigital fungus should be wiped with fresh plant juice. But it is worth considering that a positive effect will appear only with prolonged use.


  • You can not use the juice of the plant inside. He is very poisonous.
  • Pregnant women and children should avoid contact with Indian onion preparations.
  • You can not rinse your mouth with products containing Indian onions with bleeding gums, they can increase bleeding.
  • The plant can cause an allergic reaction, so it is recommended to carry out an allergy test before using it.
  • Patients with hemophilia are strictly prohibited from using preparations with Indian onions. Poisonous juice promotes blood flow, which can cause tumor development and destruction of blood vessels.
  • Do not allow juice to get on the mucous membrane of the eye. If this could not be avoided, you need to urgently rinse your eyes with warm water, drip 2 drops of "Taufon" and keep them closed for 10-15 minutes.
  • Indian onion preparations should be prepared with gloves. Intense exposure of plant juice to the skin can cause burns.

Procurement and storage

As a medicinal raw material, a plant with old leaves and dry tips is chosen, which are then removed. The green part of the leaf is cut from the plant as needed. To make the juice stand out better on the sheet, you can make serifs. The burning juice of the Indian onion is colorless, odorless and does not stain things, so it is very convenient to use.

Indian onion is quite popular in folk medicine. It is used in different forms and helps fight various health problems.

The medicinal properties of Indian onions became known not so long ago. Previously, it was better known as a houseplant. In Siberia, it is called the Chinese onion, but none of the names speaks of the origin of the plant. In fact, its homeland is Africa.

The official name of the Indian onion is the tailed birdman. The plant belongs to the genus Poultryman, some of whose representatives are widely known in our area. A feature of the Indian onion is a very large bulb, which almost completely comes to the surface and in many ways resembles the most common onion. But in fact, this plant has nothing to do with the traditional onion, and you can’t eat it.

In cereals of official medicine, this plant has not yet been recognized, although folk healers have long and successfully practiced the use of Indian onions.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of Indian onions can be largely explained by its rich composition. It includes the substance colchicine, which in small doses is very beneficial for the body. Also in the composition there are a number of its derivatives, such as glycoside and thiocolchicine containing sulfur. It is thanks to the substances of alkaloids that Indian onions are beneficial to the body.

Biologically active components in the composition have a local anesthetic effect, so you can use the birdman in the fight against rheumatic and joint pains, with migraines, sprains, bruises. The juice of the plant helps fight inflammation, accelerates wound healing, which can largely be explained by its disinfectant properties.

The alkaloid colchicine is famous for its antitumor properties, that is, it can inhibit the growth of malignant neoplasms. However, its drawback, which makes medicine cautious about Indian onions, is a high level of toxicity. Therefore, the beneficial properties of Indian onions can be safely used for medicinal purposes, but you need to do it carefully, competently and moderately.

What heals?

There are many conditions in which the Indian onion can help. Here is some of them:

Contraindications and possible harm

Initially, it is worth noting that the internal use of Indian onions in self-medication can cause serious harm. There are drugs intended for oral administration, but they can be used only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Yes, and for external use, products based on Indian onions are also not so safe. The substance colchicine in large doses can provoke leukopenia. The fact is that it is extremely easy to penetrate through the mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, the long-term use of Indian onion-based products is unacceptable. They need to be applied in courses and it is mandatory to take breaks between them.

When using Indian onion juice, be careful not to get it in your eyes. If this happens, you need to rinse the mucous membranes of the eyes with plenty of water and drip with an anti-inflammatory agent.

Indian onion is categorically contraindicated for those who suffer from hemophilia. There is also individual sensitivity in relation to the preparations of the drug. To avoid a negative reaction, test the reaction before using the product. To do this, a drop of the juice of a plant or preparation must be applied to the inside of the elbow and wait for a while. If inflammatory reactions are noticeable, the agent must be replaced with another one or its concentration reduced by diluting it with water.

In folk medicine, Indian onions are used in the form of tinctures and infusions, decoctions. Its juice, gruel are used, various ointments and balms can be prepared on its basis.

Application methods

As already mentioned, Indian onions can be used in different dosage forms. It is important to take into account the age of the plant. For medicinal purposes, it is good to use Indian onions younger than two years old, since it is in them that the concentration of valuable active components is maximum. Also note that if you need a bulb, the plant will need to be killed.

When preparing preparations with a poultry doctor, do not use metal utensils and tools. When preparing infusions, remember one rule: the greater the concentration of alcohol, the less corcichin is extracted as a result, since this component is poorly soluble in alcohol. In view of this, alcohol tinctures are less toxic than water-based products. In folk medicine, the following recipes based on Indian onions are known:

  • Indian onion porridge. Designed for compresses. The leaves of the plant are pounded in a plastic mortar. Compresses can be used for rheumatism and sciatica, they help get rid of pain suffering from arthritis and arthrosis. It is not recommended to apply gruel to unprotected skin - this can cause a burn. It is recommended to first cover it with a couple of layers of bandage.
  • Juice. The juice of the plant is squeezed out of the slurry prepared in advance. You can store it in a sterilized container in a cool place for up to five days. Juice can be used for applications for the same diseases as compresses. He also helps. To do this, you need to apply it on the gum of the tooth that hurts. You can also use tamponage.
  • infusions. Indian onion infusion can be prepared hot or cold. In the first case, you need to chop a piece of an Indian onion leaf, place it in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Let it brew for two hours. Also, raw materials can be poured with a glass of boiled water, cooled to about 20 degrees, left to infuse for 12 hours. Prepare the infusion in a water bath. The raw material is poured with cold water, languishing for 15-20 minutes, then drained into a thermos and infused for 40 minutes.
  • Decoction. To prepare a decoction, boil a chopped Indian onion leaf in 1.2 liters of water over low heat for half an hour. After the broth has cooled, it can be used.
  • Alcohol tincture. To cook it, you need to take an onion about five centimeters in diameter with leaves and an arrow. Pour it with a liter of vodka, insist in a warm place for three weeks.
  • Kerosene infusion. A kerosene-based remedy helps the sick. To prepare such an infusion, you need to take onion leaves with a total length of 50 centimeters, chop them, pour a mixture of 250 ml of purified kerosene and the same amount of vegetable oil. Leave to infuse for 9-14 days.
  • Ointment. This tool can be used for rubbing with arthritis, sciatica and other similar diseases. As a base, 50 ml of lanolin is taken, which must be mixed with two tablespoons of honey and a slurry of a bird's leaf.
  • Indian onion balm. This balm is also called Chinese. It can be used to treat festering wounds, to combat diseases of the joints. First you need to melt a small piece of beeswax in four tablespoons of sea buckthorn or other vegetable oil. Let cool, then add a tablespoon of kerosene and two tablespoons of Indian onion. Mix everything well, add the yolks of two eggs and mix everything to get a uniform consistency.

You need to take into account the fact that Indian onions cannot be the main method of treatment. It is better to use it as an ambulance to relieve severe pain. Yet no one has canceled traditional medicine and remedies that are aimed at eliminating the cause, and not just the symptoms of the disease. To improve effectiveness, you can combine Indian onion with other popular remedies, both folk and traditional.

Today we will talk about Indian onions, medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant for use in traditional medicine.

Growing and caring for Indian onions

The Indian onion is also called the tailed birdman. It usually completes the flowering of all spring flowers - in early May, it belongs to the hyacinth subfamily, family. The plant is unpretentious, at the beginning of the growing season (March-April) it only needs good lighting and enough water, and nitrogenous fertilizers will not interfere. As soon as an arrow with inflorescences begins to form, you need to switch to potassium-phosphorus fertilizers for flowering flowers.

It grows both at home, in greenhouses, and in open ground, for example, in the forest. There are about 300 varieties of poultry. Some varieties of this plant are poisonous. Therefore, it should be treated very carefully.

This bulbous Indian onion plant has delicate lanceolate leaves, flower stalks look like fairly strong stems a little over a meter in length. The flowers resemble cherry, small, milky in color with long stamens. Indian onions are extremely unpretentious in cultivation and care.

Medicinal properties of Indian onion

The plant is considered healing, useful, but not all of its functions, not all the medicinal properties of the Indian onion have been determined. Scientists have yet to figure it out. But flower growers know in their practice that onions will cure a sore throat, gums, and other diseases.

  • If your head hurts, you need to knead a leaf of Indian onion well and apply the resulting juice to whiskey. In case of diseases, onion leaves should be chewed, but not swallowed, but spit out, the juice will have time to have a beneficial effect on wounds and ulcers.
  • Healing properties are used for the bite of bees, dogs, scratches of cats - you need to wash the wound and lubricate the problem area with the juice of this type of onion 4-5 times a day.
  • The leaves of the birdman are excellent for bruises, abrasions and bruises, they have a healing and antibacterial effect.
  • The poultry farmer will perfectly help those who suffer. You need to pick the stem of the onion during flowering and simply apply the juice of the stem to the affected area. Repeat this for 3-5-7 days. In most cases, this method of getting rid of warts is very effective and simple.
  • Eliminates the effects of insect bites, tumors.
  • It relieves the main symptoms of acute respiratory infections, treats the throat, but it must be remembered that the plant is considered poisonous, so after rinsing it is worth spitting carefully.

  • Often Indian onions are used for diseases of the joints. Anyone who suffers from rheumatism, sciatica, polyarthritis should pay attention to this flower.

Masks, applications, compresses, rubbing with these leaves are made. After that, there is a slight burning sensation for 7-10 minutes, but then the pain subsides. But, again, if hives or itching appear, it is recommended to rinse the skin with clean running water and no longer use the plant for medical purposes.

The juice of the plant will relieve pain from sciatica, relieve pain well, warm and reduce inflammation. For the manufacture of a healing agent, adult leaves are taken, their ends are dry, so this part must be cut off.

Mature plants have more nutrients. In addition, by removing old leaves, a person helps new, young leaves, they begin to grow faster.

It is not necessary to cut off the entire sheet for treatment, a cut of about 5 cm will be sufficient. With a knife, serifs should be made directly along the sheet and rubbed on the painful area of ​​​​the back. After rubbing, be sure to immediately wrap your back with a woolen scarf or scarf.

Indian onion - tincture for the joints

The classic recipe for an alcohol tincture of chopped onions is prepared in a ratio of 1: 3, leave for a month, apply for rubbing and compresses of sore spots.

Dry leaves are also used for tincture - there is already a ratio of one to ten, insist a couple of weeks. It gets better after a quarter of an hour - the pain subsides, the joints move easier.

The whole plant is also used, it needs to be crushed, pour half a liter of vodka, leave for a month in a dark place.

Use in folk cosmetology

  • Anti-wrinkle and complexion

The beneficial cosmetic properties of the birdman are quite effective due to their active ingredients. Lotions are recommended for adult skin. For cooking, the leaves and flowers of Indian onions are cut, crushed. About 100 grams of alcohol is needed for half a teaspoon of leaves and a teaspoon of flowers. Mix all components thoroughly in a glass container, close tightly and leave for a month, while periodically shaking the solution.

Lotion does not wipe the skin, but “tap”. This simple procedure will allow, make the skin more elastic and improve the complexion. It is impossible to wipe, because a burn, persistent redness of the skin may occur.

Can you still do compresses from the resulting solution. To do this, cotton pads soaked in lotion are placed on the skin of the cheeks, chin and forehead, leave for 20 minutes. Then the compress is carefully removed and the face is rinsed with cold water.

  • For problematic skin

For cooking infusion from problem skin, only flowers are needed. In a jar with a sealed lid, place fresh petals of the umbrella (garden) birdman, pour alcohol so that it is three centimeters above the level of the petals. Remove for a month in a cool place.

The tincture is not used in the concentration obtained, part is poured and diluted with water by three quarters. Every morning, the skin is wiped with a cotton swab with a ready-made lotion. This tool will get rid of oily sheen, the effect is long-term.

The amazing quality of this plant lies in the fact that at the first application it will show its effectiveness. If, after application, a slight tingling or warmth is felt, then the plant can help. If there are no sensations, then it is pointless to use it. This is explained the ability of the Indian onion to cause blood flow to the place to be treated.

Indian onion - use in traditional medicine

Indian onion treatment is carried out using tinctures, decoctions, recipes for their preparation will be given below.

Alcohol tinctures are made mainly from unblown buds, primroses, and leaves. Some gardeners are sure that you should not let the plant bloom, but cut off the flower stalks and make tinctures from the leaves and stems, then there will be more benefit.

Popular Indian onion tincture recipe- it will require alcohol, which should be diluted with water up to 40%, and inflorescences with stems, that is, the entire upper part of the plant.

The proportion is 100 grams of the plant per 1 liter of alcohol, that is, the ratio is 1 to 10. It is recommended to insist for 14-15 days. Such a balm warms up well, quickly removes pain.

According to folk healers, Indian onion decoctions much more effective and stronger than infusions. It is necessary to put cut stems and onion flowers in an enameled container, pour water and leave overnight to settle. In the morning, boil the infusion, and then cool at room temperature. Such strong decoctions usually treat swelling and swelling, as well as rheumatism.

Indian onion contraindications

  • The use of medicinal onions is contraindicated in patients with hemophilia, because the plant provokes a rush of blood to the site of application, which can lead to vascular damage or serious hematoma.
  • It is unacceptable for the juice to get on easily vulnerable mucous membranes, for example, the eyes. Contact causes severe burning and inflammation. If this happens, immediately rinse the eyes with water and instill anti-inflammatory drops, for example, Taufon.
  • Indian onions can cause severe allergies, hives and even burns. Therefore, it is important to use rubber gloves when preparing medicines with poultry. If an allergy has appeared, then it is better to dilute the resulting solution with water in order to reduce the concentration. In case of severe reactions, discontinue use.

The caudate poultry plant is an ornamental house plant, which is often called "Indian" or "Mongolian onion" by the people. It got its name most likely because of the burning juice, which in its sharpness resembles Indian spices. It is this juice that is used in folk medicine.

The pharmacological properties of Indian onions are still quite little studied. It is certainly known that this plant is able to provide a powerful analgesic effect. It contains various active substances that stimulate blood circulation. That is why the plant is used in the treatment of diseased joints, with bruises, abscesses and other injuries. In folk medicine, Indian onion juice is also used to eliminate headaches, to alleviate the symptoms of colds and flu. The plant acts quickly, but without regular use, the effect disappears just as quickly. Therefore, when treating with Indian onions, it is important to observe regularity. You should be careful! Indian onion is a poisonous plant. Therefore, it can only be used externally. Ingestion of even a small amount of this plant or preparations from it can lead to poisoning. After carrying out external procedures, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. In folk medicine, Indian onion juice is used in compresses, as well as decoctions based on it and tinctures. With external procedures, as a rule, tingling and burning are felt at the site of exposure to the plant. However, this should not force you to stop treatment, on the contrary, after the discomfort subsides, the treatment must be resumed. Only then will the therapeutic effect be maximum. For bruises, joint pain, sciatica and other problems with the musculoskeletal system, Indian onions are recommended to be used as a compress. To do this, pick a leaf from the plant and rub the sore spot with the juice that has come out. After it must be wrapped with a soft cloth and a warm scarf or scarf. The exposure time of this compress is no more than 3-4 minutes, otherwise you can get a burn. If you suffer from acne or eczema, Indian onion can also help. The plant must be rubbed into a pulp and applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, after which it should be wrapped with a clean napkin. The duration of the procedure is about 4-5 minutes. If you experience a strong burning sensation, remove the compress a little earlier. In case of acute respiratory diseases, you can rub the temples with the juice of the plant, as well as the chest, forehead, and places of the lymph nodes. After such rubbing, you need to wrap yourself in a warm scarf and cover yourself with a blanket. Excellent helps in the treatment of joints tincture of poultry. To do this, you need to finely chop the greens of the plant and pour vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Leave the resulting mixture to infuse in a dark place for 14 days. After this period, strain the tincture, and you can rub it on sore joints. Also, Indian onion tincture has a therapeutic effect on gout, sciatica, salt deposition, abscesses and insect bites.

South Africa is considered the birthplace of this wonderful plant. In science, it is called the tailed birdman. In nature, it spreads only in the warm corners of the planet, but people, thanks to the healing properties of the Indian onion, have learned to grow it indoors as a house plant.

Growing Indian onions

In Russia, Siberian healers were the first to grow Indian onions. The use of this plant in folk medicine has yielded positive results, the tailed avian has been successfully used in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Since onions were brought to Siberia from the PRC, they are called there not Indian onions, but Chinese ones. As noted above, the tailed birdman can be grown at home in pots. Indian onions are unpretentious, do not require heating and artificial ultraviolet radiation. Onions and leaves used in the treatment can be collected as needed, regardless of the time of year. Onions are easier to grow at home than many popular houseplants.

Indian onion as a medicinal plant

Medicine is in no hurry to give the Indian onion the official status of a medicinal plant. For some reason, the study of the caudate birdman is being sluggish, but healers and healers have long begun to use this plant to treat many diseases. Medicine has officially confirmed only one property of the plant: Indian onions are poisonous. But every doctor knows that there are many poisons that, in small doses, have healing properties and have an excellent effect on the human body.

Some doctors know firsthand that Indian onions are very useful. Application, reviews about the plant speak for themselves, and some doctors actively use onions in their practice as an auxiliary drug. And they recommend that patients with various injuries lubricate sore spots with onions. Dislocations, bruises, sprains and various abscesses, the Indian bow will help everywhere. The use of onions is also effective in diseases of the spine and joints.

Indian onion treatment

As mentioned above, the leaves and bulbs of the plant have medicinal properties. It is best to collect drying leaves. Unlike young ones, in old ones the concentration of useful substances is much higher. By removing dry leaves, you help the onion grow faster, and it, in turn, heals you. This is how reciprocity works.

It is enough to lubricate the sore spot with onion juice a little, and after a while the pain will go away. Active ingredients cause blood flow to the diseased area, producing pain relief. In addition, the recovery processes in the human body proceed faster if you use Indian onions.

The use of the plant in folk medicine is quite wide, they treat diseases of the spine and joints, the effects of herpes, swelling and wounds from insect bites, and are also used to relieve symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

Indian onion juice

The juice of the caudate bird-man has an analgesic effect in arthritis, sciatica, and osteochondrosis. The action of this plant is comparable to expensive gels and ointments. However, with acute respiratory infections, headaches and sore throats, onions will only help relieve symptoms. This means that it must be used in combination with other drugs.

Indian onion has another amazing and wonderful property. He at the first application can tell whether the treatment will be effective. If, after lubrication with onion juice, a slight tingling or burning sensation begins, then it will help you, if you don’t feel anything, you should not use it. This is due to the main healing property of onions to increase blood flow to the treatment area.

The sensations from the use of the juice of this plant are different. Someone feels only a slight pulsation, while someone feels a strong burning sensation. But, as a rule, it burns for only a few minutes, and along with the burning sensation, the pain also goes away.

In the treatment of serious diseases, onions are combined with other drugs. There are many recipes for various decoctions, lotions and other remedies based on Indian onions. Application, recipes are given below.

Indian onion tincture

In order to prepare the tincture, take the required number of arrows, bulbs, leaves and finely chop them. Only not with a knife, it is better to chop the leaves with your hands. Put the resulting mass in a glass jar and fill with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1:4. It is better to use 70% alcohol. Close the container with a tight lid and place in a dark, cool room for 2-3 weeks. Shake the container periodically. Strain the finished mixture and pour into a clean bottle or jar. Well, the Indian onion tincture is ready.

The application is as follows: you can rub the places of bruises, sore spine, disturbing joints. To avoid skin burns, the tincture can be diluted with warm water.

Infusion for compresses

Prepared in enameled or ceramic dishes. Take some leaves of the plant, place them in a clean container and pour boiled water at a temperature of about 25 degrees. Proportions: one part of raw materials to ten parts of water. Periodically, you need to squeeze the leaves directly into the container with the infusion. The term of infusion is at least 12 hours.

You can also prepare the infusion in a water bath, in which case the cooking time is reduced to 10 minutes, and you can also brew a little onion right in the mug.

The resulting infusion is used to rub the sore spot, but is more often used for lotions and compresses.

Indian onion decoction

The decoction is much stronger and healthier than the infusion. Take onion leaves and finely chop. Next, place the mass in an enameled container and leave overnight. In the morning, let it boil and cool the Indian onion. The use of the decoction is varied, mainly in the treatment of tumors and rheumatism.

Indian onion treats a large number of ailments. Many regularly use this medicinal plant. Let's take a closer look at the use of onions in practice in the treatment of various diseases.

Indian onion: use in traditional medicine

The photo below shows how the sore spot is rubbed with Indian onions. In general, often back pain is a sign of osteochondrosis. If such a diagnosis is made, then one rubbing with Indian onions is unlikely to lead to the desired result, you also need to smear the skin with tincture or juice on both sides along the spine.

To reduce the burning sensation and other unpleasant sensations, you can not rub the lower back with juice, but make a “net” like iodine. When rubbing the back, the hands should not be cold. It is better to ask someone from your family to help you. After the treatment, you need to wrap yourself in woolen cloth and stay in a warm bed.

Treatment with Indian onion juice for herpes

Herpes is a nasty viral disease. At first itching appears, most often on the lips, and soon small watery blisters jump up, they burst, the lip hurts and swells.

Many people are now actively growing Indian onions. The use, photo, preparation of the infusion of the caudate birdman have recently become popular topics in folk medicine. Therefore, they pay attention to the healing properties of the plant. In the treatment of herpes, antiviral tablets and ointments often do not help, as well as various folk recipes, such as sulfur from the ears, tea tree oil, goose fat, toothpaste ...

A way to quickly get rid of herpes was found - Indian onions. The use of the plant gives a positive effect. The wound right before our eyes tightens and dries up, and after a few days the sore completely disappears.

Contraindications for the use of Indian onions

Even the most healing and beneficial plants cannot be used by people who are prone to allergies. This is evidenced by the reviews of many allergy sufferers. In addition, for some diseases, onion treatment is contraindicated.

1) The juice of the caudate bird can cause allergic skin reactions and burns. If a rash, itching or burns appear during treatment with the drug, reduce the concentration of the infusion by diluting it with warm water, or stop using Indian onions altogether. It is recommended to use and prepare the infusion with rubber gloves.

2) It is strictly forbidden to use Indian onion medicine for people with hemophilia. The active substance of the plant causes a sharp influx of blood, and this can lead to tumors and destruction of blood vessels.

3) It is dangerous to get the evil juice into the eyes. If this happens, you should immediately rinse your eyes with warm water. To prevent the eyes from becoming inflamed, drip 2-3 drops of the drug "Taufon".

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