Institute of Design and Technology competitive lists. Russian State University named after


About the university

The university is engaged in the training of highly qualified personnel for work at industrial enterprises. Its establishment dates back to 1930, since 2011 the university has been carrying out its educational activities on the basis of obtaining a perpetual license, and since 2012 it has been operating in accordance with the state accreditation.

The educational and scientific complex is located in the area where a large number of light industry enterprises with a well-developed infrastructure are located. It provides its students with a quality education, and its graduates a secure future in the country's leading industrial companies.

Structure of MGUDT

The multifaceted structure of the university includes the following departments:

  • Textile Institute. A.N. Kosygina trains specialists in the field of production management, business and marketing.
  • The Institute of Economics and Management graduates highly qualified engineer-economists who are able to conduct settlement, financial, analytical and entrepreneurial activities in institutions of various service sectors and forms of ownership. They are able to plan, predict and assess the state of the economy of any enterprise, as well as determine the prospects for its development.
  • The Technological Institute of Light Industry allows its students to learn the basics of developing creative projects and innovative technologies for sewing products from leather, fur and other high-quality natural materials, as well as methods for making designer shoes and fashion accessories.
  • The Institute of Arts develops the creative potential of students by jointly conducting theoretical and practical classes. Art exhibitions of works are held, design is carried out, as well as promotion of textile industrial products to the market.
  • The Institute of Design provides its students with in-depth knowledge of costume design, environment, accessories, as well as industrial design. The Institute's graduates are proficient in the most modern computer technologies, in which they are able to develop a unique style of their own collection, any company or a single brand.
  • The Institute of Mechatronics and Information Technologies trains specialists who will be able to work in the field of automation and control, information and computing systems, standardization and metrology.
  • The Institute of Chemical Technology and Industrial Ecology offers training at the Departments of Technology of Polymeric Film Materials and Artificial Leather, Chemical Technology and Industrial Ecology.
  • Open Institute MSUDT offers distance learning in accounting and enterprise management. Upon admission, the student and the institute enter into a contract with each other.
  • The Institute of Social Engineering trains specialists who are able to continue their activities in the field of television, sociological and psychological sciences, PR, art, in management companies and in state and municipal organizations.
  • The Institute of Additional Education offers its students to take author's courses, which are conducted by leading experts and gurus of the fashion industry. Here you can not only learn how to design clothes, shoes and accessories, but also gain skills in applying professional makeup and creating hairstyles.

At the university, you can get higher education in a two-level system: bachelor's degree (specialist) and master's degree. After the successful completion of the latter, a graduate may express a desire to continue his studies and enroll in graduate school. Here he defends the scientific qualification work, on the basis of which he receives a degree. It is possible to study full-time or part-time. Full-time graduate students are entitled to a deferment from the army and the accrual of state scholarships.

After graduate school, you can enroll in doctoral studies. Only those people who have completed postgraduate studies in the chosen direction and are able to carry out research activities are accepted here. The duration of training is 3 years.

Among other things, a gymnasium, a college, a television school, preparatory courses for applicants, a French school of design, a KEUNE Design school, an MBA business school, an international design school ESMOD MOSCOU, a professional retraining center, a center for advanced training (including teachers ), author's courses, as well as the MAKE-UP CODE design image laboratory.

Logistics of MGUDT

  • problematic and branch scientific laboratories;
  • an extensive library with 5 reading rooms, 2 of which are equipped with computers;
  • art workshops;
  • hostels for students and graduate students;
  • information and exhibition center;
  • museum.

Student life at MSUDT

In the summer there is a camp, which is located on the shores of the picturesque Lake Seliger. It hosts sports competitions and wellness treatments. Within the walls of the university, the mass cultural event Miss University, various parades, rallies and processions, entertainment competitions, celebrations, as well as the humorous KVN festival are held annually.

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00 cab. 208

Sat. from 10:00 to 14:00

Latest reviews of the Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin

Anonymous review 11:13 01/10/2018

Good university! This year I am graduating in Fine Arts. I entered in 2014, passed on the budget, I live in a hostel. Living conditions are good, I live at the Shabolovskaya station, 5 minutes walk to the university, very convenient!!

Teaching at the highest level, I was sent to practice, now I work there.

During the years of training it was different)) But the emotions are only positive.

Gallery A.N. Kosygin

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian State University named after I.I. A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art)"

Branches of the Russian State University A.N. Kosygin


No. 02501 is valid Indefinitely from 12/19/2016


No. 02471 is valid from 01/18/2017 to 04/29/2020

Previous names of the Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin

  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 4 7 5 2
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education65.11 64.3 64.68 62.15 62.87
Average USE score credited to the budget67.92 67.32 68.03 67.25 66.91
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis61.23 59.93 61.98 59.90 59.46
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department50.84 52.55 53.82 51.77 53.23
Number of students8349 7608 6183 6907 7156
full-time department6305 5909 4661 5445 5572
Part-time department784 668 562 508 560
Extramural1260 1031 960 954 1024
All data Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

TOP-5 minimum and maximum passing scores of the Unified State Examination in 2013 for budget places in Moscow universities in the direction of study "Economics".

About the Russian State University A.N. Kosygin

The university is engaged in the training of highly qualified personnel for work at industrial enterprises. Its establishment dates back to 1930, since 2011 the university has been carrying out its educational activities on the basis of obtaining a perpetual license, and since 2012 it has been operating in accordance with the state accreditation.

The educational and scientific complex is located in the area where a large number of light industry enterprises with a well-developed infrastructure are located. It provides its students with a quality education, and its graduates a secure future in the country's leading industrial companies.

Structure of MGUDT

The multifaceted structure of the university includes the following departments:

  • Textile Institute. A.N. Kosygina trains specialists in the field of production management, business and marketing.
  • The Institute of Economics and Management graduates highly qualified engineer-economists who are able to conduct settlement, financial, analytical and entrepreneurial activities in institutions of various service sectors and forms of ownership. They are able to plan, predict and assess the state of the economy of any enterprise, as well as determine the prospects for its development.
  • The Technological Institute of Light Industry allows its students to learn the basics of developing creative projects and innovative technologies for sewing products from leather, fur and other high-quality natural materials, as well as methods for making designer shoes and fashion accessories.
  • The Institute of Arts develops the creative potential of students by jointly conducting theoretical and practical classes. Art exhibitions of works are held, design is carried out, as well as promotion of textile industrial products to the market.
  • The Institute of Design provides its students with in-depth knowledge of costume design, environment, accessories, as well as industrial design. The Institute's graduates are proficient in the most modern computer technologies, in which they are able to develop a unique style of their own collection, any company or a single brand.
  • The Institute of Mechatronics and Information Technologies trains specialists who will be able to work in the field of automation and control, information and computing systems, standardization and metrology.
  • The Institute of Chemical Technology and Industrial Ecology offers training at the Departments of Technology of Polymeric Film Materials and Artificial Leather, Chemical Technology and Industrial Ecology.
  • Open Institute MSUDT offers distance learning in accounting and enterprise management. Upon admission, the student and the institute enter into a contract with each other.
  • The Institute of Social Engineering trains specialists who are able to continue their activities in the field of television, sociological and psychological sciences, PR, art, in management companies and in state and municipal organizations.
  • The Institute of Additional Education offers its students to take author's courses, which are conducted by leading experts and gurus of the fashion industry. Here you can not only learn how to design clothes, shoes and accessories, but also gain skills in applying professional makeup and creating hairstyles.

At the university, you can get higher education in a two-level system: bachelor's degree (specialist) and master's degree. After the successful completion of the latter, a graduate may express a desire to continue his studies and enroll in graduate school. Here he defends the scientific qualification work, on the basis of which he receives a degree. It is possible to study full-time or part-time. Full-time graduate students are entitled to a deferment from the army and the accrual of state scholarships.

After graduate school, you can enroll in doctoral studies. Only those people who have completed postgraduate studies in the chosen direction and are able to carry out research activities are accepted here. The duration of training is 3 years.

Among other things, a gymnasium, a college, a television school, preparatory courses for applicants, a French school of design, a KEUNE Design school, an MBA business school, an international design school ESMOD MOSCOU, a professional retraining center, a center for advanced training (including teachers ), author's courses, as well as the MAKE-UP CODE design image laboratory.

Logistics of MGUDT

  • problematic and branch scientific laboratories;
  • an extensive library with 5 reading rooms, 2 of which are equipped with computers;
  • art workshops;
  • hostels for students and graduate students;
  • information and exhibition center;
  • museum.

Student life at MSUDT

In the summer there is a camp, which is located on the shores of the picturesque Lake Seliger. It hosts sports competitions and wellness treatments. Within the walls of the university, the mass cultural event Miss University, various parades, rallies and processions, entertainment competitions, celebrations, as well as the humorous KVN festival are held annually.

Belonging to the artistic and technological sphere, it is the Institute of Design and Technology of St. Petersburg (the full name is currently the State University of Design and Industrial Technologies of St. Petersburg). More than 12 thousand people study here. The organization has a perpetual license giving the right to engage in educational activities, and a certificate of state accreditation, which is valid until March 2018.

Why is the university called a "rag"?

Students and graduates of the State Institute of Design and Technology call this university "rag" or "rag". Why do they apply such words to an educational organization? It should be noted that this nickname has nothing to do with the quality of the educational process. It is quite old and was used in the last century.

The State Institute (“rag”, St. Petersburg) of technology and design got its nickname when the Leningrad Institute of Light and Textile Industry existed. The educational institution trained specialists who could make textile products, work with fabrics and various materials.

Acquaintance with the educational organization

For applicants who are interested in the State Institute of Design and Technology (St. Petersburg), an open day is held annually. At this event:

  • presentations of the faculties, areas of training, specialties are held;
  • applicants and their parents communicate with the faculty, deans and rector of the institute, ask questions of interest;
  • guided tours of the institute, classrooms;
  • Information materials, booklets with a list of specialties are distributed.

The State Institute of Design and Technology is usually held several times. For example, in the 2016-2017 academic year, this event took place on December 16, 2016 and March 3, 2017. It was held in the main building, which houses the Institute of Design and Technology (St. Petersburg). Address - Bolshaya Morskaya street, 18.

The structure of the educational institution: faculties

Institute of Design and Technology (St. Petersburg) faculties include in the form of institutes and higher schools:

  • fashion and textiles;
  • art and design;
  • printing and media technologies;
  • graphic design;
  • social technologies and economics;
  • business communications;
  • automation and ;
  • ecology and applied chemistry;
  • energy and technology, etc.

But that's not all. It has the State Institute of Design and Technology (St. Petersburg) faculties and additional ones. They are called specialized schools, small faculties. These include: a design school, a socio-economic school, schools of media technology, ecology and chemistry, jewelry, clothing, information technology.

Specialties at the university

The State Institute of Design and Technology (St. Petersburg) offers applicants a wide range of interesting areas of training, specialties:

  • clothing design;
  • decorative and monumental art;
  • the art of costume and textiles;
  • chemical Technology;
  • resource and energy saving processes in petrochemistry, chemical technology, biotechnology;
  • economy;
  • marketing;
  • advertising and public relations;
  • packaging and printing industry: technology, etc.

At the end of the training, the university produces qualified specialists. Such personnel are no longer being trained in any of the other higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg. Only from the Institute of Design and Technology come out specialists whose place is in the textile, light industry (clothing, footwear, leather), printing, fuel and energy industries.

Conditions for admission to an educational institution

The admission campaign at the State Institute of Design and Technology is carried out in accordance with the rules approved annually by the rector of the educational organization. They can be found on the official website of the university. In these rules:

  1. The deadlines for receiving documents from applicants are determined. It is very important to apply on time (an important nuance is that the acceptance of documents for free places ends much earlier than for paid ones).
  2. Lists the documents required for admission to the Institute of Design and Technology (St. Petersburg): application, passport, certificate or diploma of previous education, documents indicating the presence of individual achievements.
  3. Methods for submitting documents are determined (you can come personally to the university, send all the necessary papers, an application and photos through post offices or use e-mail).

Entry exams

When entering the State Institute of Design and Technology (St. Petersburg), what exams do you need to take? On each direction of training, from 3 to 4 entrance tests are established. They include a test of knowledge in general subjects. In some specialties, in addition to them, applicants pass tests of professional or creative orientation.

Some specialties and entrance examinations
List of examsAreas of training
According to Russian language Literature Creative test (depending on the field of study) Professional test
According to Russian Language Math Proficiency Test
  • Light industry products: design.
  • Vocational training (profiles - image design, interior design of buildings).
  • Textile products: technologies and design.
  • Technology of artistic processing of materials
According to Russian language By history Vocational test

Art of textiles and costume

According to Russian Language Computer science Mathematics
  • Applied mathematics and informatics.
  • Management in technical systems.
  • Information Security.
  • Design and technology of printing production.
  • Technological processes and production: their automation (profile - automation of business process management of enterprises and industries).
  • Technology of light industry products
According to Russian Language Mathematics Social studies
  • Merchandising.
  • Management.
  • Economy.
  • Vocational training (profiles - municipal and state administration, law enforcement and jurisprudence)
According to Russian Language Social Studies History
  • Social work.
  • Advertising and public relations.
  • Organization of work with youth.
  • Tourism
According to Russian Language Chemistry Mathematics
  • Chemical Technology.
  • Resource and energy saving processes in petrochemistry, biotechnology.
  • Technosphere safety
According to Russian Language Mathematics Physics
  • Technological machines and equipment (profile - elevators and escalators).
  • Technology of printing production.
  • Heat engineering and heat power engineering.
  • Electrical engineering and power industry

passing scores

When entering the State Institute of Design and Technology (St. Petersburg), the passing score for budget places should be estimated. You can ask the admissions staff a question or look at the information on the official website of the university in the "About admission" section, which shows the results of previous years. As an example, here are several areas of preparation for 2016:

  • on design, the passing score was 289;
  • artistic processing technologies - 219;
  • certification and standardization - 188;
  • applied informatics - 244;
  • information security - 152.

Training courses

After analyzing last year's passing scores, we can conclude that it is not so easy to enter the institute ("rag", St. Petersburg) of technology and design for budget places. It is necessary to show good knowledge in subjects when passing the exam or entrance examinations at the university. To achieve this goal, applicants are encouraged to enroll in preparatory courses at the Institute of Design and Technology. They allow you to prepare for the delivery of general education disciplines and psychologically adapt to the university.

To enroll in courses, applicants come to the admissions office or pre-university complex, present their passport and the passport of one of the parents (if the applicant is under 18 years old). 2 photos are also required. The State Institute of Design and Technology (St. Petersburg) offers courses for 3-9 months. Training is carried out on weekends or in the evenings on weekdays.

College of Management, Simulation and Technology

In the structure of the Institute there is such a structural unit as the College of Management, Modeling and Technology. It implements open source programs. Applicants are accepted here after the 9th and 11th grades. The college offers various majors:

  • leather products: modeling, design and technology;
  • commerce;
  • advertising;
  • insurance;
  • design.

The college was founded in 1931. In 1997, it became a structural subdivision of the Institute of Design and Technology. The college produces design technologists, sales managers, advertising specialists, insurance specialists, and designers.

Apparel School of Engineering

The State Institute of Design and Technology (SPb) College has one more. This is a clothing engineering school. It implements the following areas of training:

  • for persons who have completed 9 classes - design; garments: technology, modeling, design; accounting and economics; make-up: style and art; restoration;
  • after 11 classes - garments: technology, modeling, design; design; hotel service; make-up: style and art; finance.

The Apparel Engineering School was opened in 1929. She joined the structure of the Institute in 2009. Currently, the school continues to function and produce people with popular and interesting professions. Graduates have the opportunity not only to get a job, but also to enter the Institute of Design and Technology of St. Petersburg and study under a special reduced program.

Admission to colleges of the institute

Colleges, which are part of the State Institute of Design and Technology, conduct entrance examinations in creative specialties. In some areas, only a drawing is rented, in others, both a drawing and a composition are required. The results are evaluated on a 100-point scale.

Applicants are denied admission for several reasons:

  • failure to appear for entrance examinations;
  • getting less than 40 points for each entrance test;
  • removal from the entrance examination due to violation of any rules.

Institute of Design and Technology (St. Petersburg): reviews

The Institute of Design and Technology receives positive ratings from students and graduates, because it has a lot of advantages:

  • the university is state-owned, thanks to which it has budget-funded places and provides young men with a deferment from military service for the duration of full-time study;
  • the educational institution is located in the historical center of the city, which is very convenient for students;
  • students who do not have housing are provided with places in a hostel;
  • the university has well-equipped classrooms and laboratories, a large library, sports and gyms.

In conclusion, it should be noted that design and technology (St. Petersburg), which is currently a university, is a multidisciplinary educational complex. Education is carried out according to a variety of programs belonging to design, engineering, pedagogical, economic, humanitarian areas.

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