Sailor interview. How many years do they serve in the Russian Army and Morflot now: the term of military service of conscript soldiers How many conscripts are serving in the Navy now


For decades, such a system has developed that conscripts in the Morflot had to serve 12 months longer than in the ground forces. This long period was intimidating for many young people. Gradually, the term was reduced and since 2008 it has been calculated according to the new rules. many people are interested in how many people serve today, called up for military service and under a contract?

This fact was explained by the complexity of the service, technical equipment and participation in navigation. Each recruit is also subject to high demands on stress resistance and balance of character. Over the past decade, the Army has been underway, and a gradual transition to a contract type of service. The current political situation in the world places high demands on the technical equipment of the Army and the professionalism of the command personnel.

Requirements for the conscript of the Morfleet:

  • stable psyche;
  • height no more than 180 cm;
  • category A3 and more.

Growth restrictions are due to the height of the interior of the submarine. But some conscripts can also serve on the shore at the headquarters, so height does not matter.

How many serve in the navy on conscription and contract?

According to Russian law, namely Art. 38 No. 53-FZ, the service life in the navy is strictly regulated:

  • for military conscripts - 12 months;
  • for junior officers and recruits - 2 or 3 years, depending on the conditions specified in the contract;
  • for junior foreign citizens - 5 years;
  • for senior officers in the officer rank - 5 years.

After the expiration of the specified period, a re-contract will be concluded, starting from 1 year to the maximum possible, depending on how a particular person has shown himself. After the retirement age, a re-contract can be issued for a period of 1 to 10 years.


The Russian Army, including the Navy, has always valued specialists with a specialization in welding, etc. The presence of additional skills always increases the chance of getting into. By contacting the unit commander, you can clarify whether he needs a specialist in this area. With a positive decision, the contract can be drawn up at the military registration and enlistment office upon submission of a letter of recommendation.

How long do conscripts and contractors serve in Morflot 2020, how to get into the Navy, salary on the contract, when do sailors retire?

Ever since Soviet times, serving in the Navy has been considered prestigious, but at the same time very difficult. After all, then the sailors served as much as 3 years. In 1996, this type of service was equated to the usual one, and conscripts carried their burden like all 24 months or 2 years.

But already in 2007, a military reform began, which affected all troops, including the Navy. Tso now they serve in the navy, as elsewhere, for exactly 1 year.

However, many conscripts do not know this and are still afraid of being drafted into the Navy. And it's in vain. Not only because now the period of stay on the ship is not so long, but also because the conditions there are much better than in the barracks.

For example, soldiers are on enhanced nutrition and have a sparing day regimen. In addition, it is in the Navy that you can get a good specialty, a job with accommodation, and then retire early, which is very decent. But for this you need to serve in the Morflot on a contract. But not all conscripts are taken into these troops. The young person needs to have:

  • The second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • Category A3 and above;
  • Height not higher than 180 centimeters.

For service on boats, cruisers, minesweepers and support vessels, stringent requirements can be overlooked. But in submariners they take already according to a strict selection. However, with a strong desire, some distribution points and military registration and enlistment offices somehow agree.

How to get a contract in the Navy, salary

Both conscripts and contract soldiers serve in the Baltic or Black Sea Fleet. The first one is much more likely to be hit, since its numbers are higher. There are rumors that soon the Navy will only be hired under a contract, but so far this is not certain, it is worth waiting for the end of the military reform. Now, in order to get a contract in Morflot, you need to have everything you need for military service, as well as:

  • Secondary vocational education related to shipping;
  • A related specialty, which has an analogue in military registration professions.

If there is a desire to get into a certain unit, then you should directly contact its commander and ask if they need people, if the answer is positive, then you will need to ask for written confirmation that they are ready to take the person there.

It along with other documents, namely:

  • Passport;
  • 4 photos 3x4;
  • Certificates from doctors;
  • Diploma of the required education;
  • Certificate of non-conviction;
  • must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

With regards to the term of service on the contract, it is from 24 to 36 months for recruits. If we are talking about an officer or midshipman, then the contract is concluded for 60 months, which is equal to 5 years. You can re-enlist in the Navy for any period, but not less than one year and up to retirement age.

The salary in the Navy is not high, from 18 to 30 thousand rubles a month, but given that the military man does not have the opportunity and need to spend it, at the end of the contract he may find a very decent amount in his account.

Retirement in Morflot

Being a retired sailor in our country is very profitable. Firstly, because one year of service counts as 1.5 years of service. That is, in order to retire, a man needs to work not for 35 years, but for 25. In other words, at the age of 45 you can retire and receive a good salary. Approximately, a seniority pension in the Navy ranges from 14,000 to 27,000 rubles. In addition, from January 1, 2020, it should increase by 3-4%. In addition, in Russia, all the military have many benefits:

  • Provide housing or receive an amount sufficient to rent it;
  • Non-competitive enrollment in universities, free training in courses before admission;
  • Free treatment and rehabilitation activities in hospitals;
  • Free travel on public transport;
  • If a soldier dies while on duty, the family is paid 3 million rubles.
  • Upon dismissal from the army due to a military injury, a contract soldier receives up to 2 million rubles.

The average size of an officer's naval pension is usually 50-80 thousand rubles.

How many years is the term of service in the army of the Russian Federation and the Navy?

The question of how many years young people need to spend serving in the army has always interested them and their relatives. This article will try to deal with all the terms that exist today.

How many years do they serve in the Russian Army now: the term of military service of conscript soldiers

  • A few years ago, the term of service in the army of conscripts was 2 years. Then this period of time was reduced to 18 months. Since 2008, soldiers have been serving in the army of the Russian Federation for only one year, tobish twelve months. As the Russian government promises, this figure will remain unchanged in 2017-2018.
  • The draft age is 18-27 years.
  • As for contract service in the army, those who want to earn good money and experience today have the opportunity to conclude a contract for 2 or 3 years. However, these guys need to know that contract soldiers can be sent to hot spots at any time.
  • The officer staff concludes a contract for 5 years.
  • Restriction for contract service in the army is the age of 65 years.

How many years do they serve in the Russian Navy now: the term of military service of conscript soldiers

Service life in the Russian Navy
  • The navy for recruits in Soviet times sounded like a sentence. The fact is that until 1996, the term of service in such troops was the maximum - 3 years or 36 months. Since 1996, they began to call for 24 months in the Morflot of the Russian Federation. And in 2008, the army reform reduced the term of service in the Russian Navy to 12 months.
  • As for contractors, it is possible to conclude a contract for service in Morflot for 24 or 36 months. A repeated contract can already be concluded for a period of one year up to the age limit. At the same time, after retirement, a person also has the right to be a contract soldier. In this case, the contract between the Russian Marine Fleet and the seafarer is concluded for a period of one to 10 years.

Service life in the army of the Russian Federation: Video

The sea is a separate element, boundless and multifaceted, with its charms and whims. Everyone knows the sea in their own way, and yet, it is one thing if you are a tourist or a fisherman, and a completely different question if you are serving in the army in the navy. This hard work is the lot of real men, strong in body and spirit. Today we will consider such a topic as conscription service in the Navy. What is the duration of its passage, how to get into the sailor ranks, and can every young man who dreams of a vest and the sea fulfill his desire.

How much to serve

Everyone is used to the fact that military service in the ranks of the Navy has always been longer than in the ground forces. In the USSR, it really was elevated, it was 36 months. During this time, young sailors turned into hardened sailors who knew all the intricacies of shipbuilding, who went through in practice all the features of the behavior of the sea and the hardships of service on a ship far from land.

However, in 1996, the Russian Navy joined the rest of the military branches in terms of orders and instructions regarding the army as a whole, and the term of service was reduced to the combined arms 24 months. It is a well-known fact that through the military reform in 2008, the armed forces of the Russian Federation began to call up recruits for 12 months.

This order also affected the navy, so that in 2017 the sailors will scrub the deck and not only for 365 days, which is 3 times less than, for example, the grandfather of a young sailor served.

Who is selected and selection criteria

To the question "How to get into the ranks of the Navy by conscription?" the answer is quite simple - according to the general distribution from the military registration and enlistment office, nothing supernatural is required from the young man. Theoretically, this is indeed the case, but there are still some nuances. Firstly, there are selection criteria for the Navy related to biological data and health:

  • the height of the candidate for sailors should not exceed 180 cm;
  • only 3 categories of fitness of citizens are allowed to pass the “term” in the fleet - A1, A2, and A3, which is a guarantee of the good health of the future sailor;
  • also, for enrollment in the morflot, it is necessary to successfully pass psychological testing, and the second group of mental stability must be identified.

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This fact is explained no less logically than the strict selection criteria. The fact is that each member of the ship is assigned certain duties for the entire period of service. Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency and quality of the tasks assigned to the ship's crew, it is completely unprofitable to sort things out for sailors and officers, and sometimes there is simply no time. Also, do not forget about the notorious moment when the entire crew is “under the same wave”, which in itself leads to rapprochement between the sailors and the commanding staff.

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