Valeria's interview with Lera Kudryavtseva. Lera Kudryavtseva spoke about the relationship with her husband and betrayal


For the TV presenter, this year is significant. And on a personal level - with her husband Igor Makarov, she crossed the mark of five years of marriage, and professionally - her Secret for a Million program became a finalist for the TEFI award. A step was not enough to become a winner.

Of course, recognition is important for any television person. The evaluation of the audience is certainly pleasant. But when colleagues highly appreciate you, it is doubly pleasant, - Lera does not hide. - Our program is only a year old, and such young projects have never reached the TEFI final. I will not dissemble: our team was upset that they did not receive a statuette. We had every chance, the ratings speak about it. But, firstly, it is not viewers who vote for the nominees, but TV academics, and they have their own vision of the situation. And secondly, the statuette was awarded to Andrei Malakhov, our projects competed in one nomination, and I, I confess, did not know that the “Let them talk” program still does not have “TEFI”. This is such a forgiving moment for us. "TEFI" Andrew deserved rightly. So I called him, congratulated him, said how happy I was for him. And I do not pretend.

Perhaps the exit of the Secret for a Million program to the TEFI final is my biggest career achievement in 20 years on television. For many years I have been leading the main musical holidays of the country, I am proud that they trust me, but I understand that I could not count on Orpheus with these projects: TV academics are not serious about such projects. If we talk about personal achievements in life, for which I can praise myself, they are as follows: I gave birth to a son, put him on his feet and provided everything he needed. She also earned a comfortable life with her work. I have real estate, cars, some opportunities. And I achieved all this on my own.

I try to be more patient with myself.

Although, no matter what I do, I'm never satisfied with myself. Not in any area. I am a perfectionist. The desire to do everything to the maximum, to jump above my capabilities climbs out of me. Such an excellent student syndrome. My house is perfectly clean and tidy. All items in the wardrobe are sorted by color. But lately, this perfectionism has begun to irritate me myself. A person cannot have everything for five plus. Anything can happen. I try to be more patient with myself. I'm working on myself. Recently, I began to read literature about how to love yourself and not treat yourself so strictly.

Sticking with a book is one of my favorite things to do. For five years of study at GITIS (Lera graduated from the acting department of the variety faculty. - Approx. "Antennas"), it seems that she re-read all the classics. Now in the bag are "The Seasons" by Boris Akunin, but this is more fiction, on the plane to pass the time. I've been enjoying non-fiction books lately. It is terribly interesting what is new in medicine, science, space. For the first time I subscribed to the popular science magazine "Schrödinger's Cat" and I swallow it voraciously. I just need to get something new. I am a big fan of Tatyana Chernigovskaya (Russian scientist in the field of neuroscience and psycholinguistics, theory of consciousness, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor. - Approx. "Antennas"). At first I read it on Facebook, then it appeared in Posner's program, and I gradually got hooked on it, began to go to lectures, watch them on the Internet, and met her personally. Smart, educated, intelligent woman. He talks about the brain in such a simple way that it cannot but delight. And I love smart people.

Even to yourself you are sometimes afraid to admit something

In the Secret to a Million program, I have to ask some pretty tough questions, many of which I would not allow myself in a normal conversation. But the transmission format requires. Yes, it's inconvenient. Yes, it happens that I ask a question, but I am ashamed of him. Yes, I'm pushing myself. At first there were wild breakdowns in this regard. Because I am friendly with many guests. But I warn them in advance: if there are uncomfortable questions, please do not be offended. I try not to ask harsh questions. But if a person does not want to answer, then I apologize and do not insist. It seems to me that I still observe the line that is comfortable for conversation. And so far no one has complained. There was no need to ask for forgiveness.

In life, I am open exactly as much as I want it to be. I wouldn't let anyone ask me questions like the ones on the program. People who know me don't ask me anything like that. They know: I want to - I will tell myself. Of course, there were situations when I wanted to speak out. And it seemed: here is the one who can be trusted. But how many times have I been wrong.

Literally in the spring there was an unpleasant story. I thought that this man, and he is much older than me, I can tell everything. I went to him, cried into his vest, we had conversations, and then it turned out: my confidence in him is an illusion. And in one situation he opposed me. It was very painful, I suffered and stopped communicating with him. But it still bothers me. My dad raised me this way, not like a woman, for him the concept of friendship is sacred: if you are friends, you have no right to betray.

It seemed: here is the one who can be trusted. But how many times have I been wrong

Perhaps, it is more correct, if you need to understand the problem, go to a psychologist. I have had similar situations, I do not see anything shameful in this. I went through different stages of life and, it happened, I couldn’t cope alone. When you are a famous person, it happens that you cannot tell your loved ones something. Even to yourself sometimes you are afraid to admit something. It's easier to do this with a stranger. The psychologist puts your brains on the shelves, helps to get out. Girlfriends are biased, they are always on your side. From them you will hear advice or words of support: they say, let's hold on, you can handle it. But often this does not lead to your psychological recovery. Psychologists do everything competently, but you need to understand that there is a difference between a specialist and a specialist. Sometimes I met such amateurs that I understood: I know more than this specialist with a diploma. Now everyone is hooked on the psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky, but I categorically disagree with him. He somehow simplified human relations to mouse fuss: do only what you want, immediately talk about what you don’t like ... For me, he is for a new generation that is not used to thinking.

Fortunately, I have a person whose support I can always count on. This is a sister. No friend can replace her. Oksana is seven years older than me, she is engaged in business. I know that warm relations do not always develop between close people, but my sister and I have a very close relationship. We thank Mom: thank you that there are two of us, that we have each other. So, by the way, it was not always. As a child, they constantly butted heads with her, I was capricious, nasty, and she, as the eldest, had to follow me. My sister didn't like me. But when they matured, they became inseparable. And I know: Oksana will definitely never betray, I can trust her completely. Mom, of course, is also a very close person to me, but you try to protect your parents from your troubles.

The series quarreled with her husband

They say: as a man treats his mother, so he will treat his wife. In this sense, I can envy myself. Igor and his mother are best friends. They seem to be still connected by the umbilical cord. Igor is the only son in the family. And for mom, of course, the most beloved, the most beautiful, the most talented. But he grew up a little selfish. No, there are directly inveterate egocentrists, he is not like that and requires less and less absolute attention to himself, but this quality is still present in him. For example, I am cooking something, and he says: “I don’t like it!” I answered: “OK.” But there is still me, and I love it.” Previously, his egoism was hypertrophied, now it is much less, Igor understands that we are him and me.

During the time that we have been together, something has changed, accepted each other. It's good that both have the ability to compromise. I know that earlier I would have reacted differently to some things, I would have freaked out, but now I am more calm and I look differently at many things that once annoyed me. There has never been a serious fight between us, not even for a long time. We are two earth signs. Igor is a Virgo, I am a Taurus. We are mad at work, we give all the adrenaline there, and at home we have two calm seals, we just relax and get high. But we never get bored with each other.

Yes, we are different in some ways. Igor finds interesting information for himself on the Internet, I have not seen him read books, but I need the rustle of pages in the old fashioned way. He is a smart and educated person, we just have different ways of consuming information. I call the other day, I ask: “What are you doing?” Him: “Watching a documentary about North Korea.” We often watch movies together, but Game of Thrones has become a stumbling block. I think this is one of the best series, but I can't force Igor to watch it. There were quarrels. I argued with him on purpose, agreeing: if he loses, he will start watching. It didn't work out. He categorically refuses.

Despite the busyness of Igor and mine, we see each other often. I adjust my schedule to his. If he is in Ufa, and I have two free days, I fly to him (Igor Makarov is an attacker of the Salavat Yulaev hockey club based in Bashkortostan. - Approx. "Antennas"). If he is away, I load myself with filming. I visit Ufa almost every week.

We are not constantly nearby, but we have every meeting - a date. And this despite the fact that they have been together for five years (since 2012, Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov have been living together, in 2013 they became husband and wife. - Approx. "Antennas")! You have time to get bored, and life is not so annoying. In our case, it is comfortable for both of us not to see each other every day. Everyone talks differently about how long love lives: three, five, seven years. Don't know. It seems to me that in three years a mad passion passes when you are shaking just from the presence of this person next to you. Then everything settles down. And the relationship goes to another level, this is already your own person. Passion is not love. Love comes when passion leaves. This is a deeper feeling. I love my husband and I know that he loves me, and, pah-pah, God forbid that it always be so. We have absolute trust, we give each other personal space. Igor can go wherever he wants, with whom he wants. And he doesn't test me. We also have a common circle of friends, but it so happened that with his circle, or rather with the wives of his friends, I communicate more than he does with my environment.

I think about health when it presses

Recently, I faced death face to face: my friend Stella Baranovskaya passed away. At such moments, you understand how fragile life is (in December last year, the actress in the program “Live” told that she had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Not everyone believed her. They accused her of wanting to get money by deceit. In September 2017, Stella died. She left a six-year-old son, Daniel. - Approx. "Antennas"). For a year, Stella and I were very close. I met her through my girlfriend Anfisa Chekhova. At that time, Stella was in remission. We became friends, went to dinner, met in the companies of our girls. Stella was just being bullied. They accused her of being a swindler, that she was not sick. And when she had a relapse, Anfisa and I spent a lot of time with Stella in the hospital. She left hard. The last stage, she had a bone marrow puncture, chemotherapy, Stella could neither get up nor walk. What I saw is terrible. God forbid anyone ... And then gossip that all this is PR ... God be their judge.

When a person close to you leaves, you involuntarily think: how attentive are you to yourself, do you take care of yourself enough? And you understand: no way. How can you save yourself? Sleep enough, eat right, some physical activity should be present. Nothing else came up. I can’t say that I monitor my health, I constantly run to the doctors.

Once every two years, I taught myself to do a check up (a preventive examination for the early detection and prevention of diseases. - Approx. "Antennas"). I took it twice in Düsseldorf, once in Munich. It might be worth more. But usually you start moving when something is already happening. With my back, two years in a row, in the spring, serious problems arose, such that it was impossible to ignore them. She devoted two months to this treatment. I had a prolapsed intervertebral hernia, it's called a sequester. The hernia pinched the nerve endings of the right leg, and she began to be weaned. Neurosurgeons said in a voice: "Urgently on the table, you need to remove it." Igor was terribly worried, he was looking for doctors. We had such a home consultation: what to do? Together we came to the conclusion that we should first try an alternative route. I went to my excellent neurologist, did electrophoresis, massage, stretching, physiotherapy exercises, gymnastics. Now the back is more or less, pah-pah. Of course, heels hurt, but I hold on. So far, the operating table has been avoided. Of course, no one gives a guarantee that this is forever, let's see what happens next.

Now that Igor is there, I can relax. Nearby is a man who shifted many worries to himself. There are things in which he definitely understands better than me. And not only in hockey and cars. Now we are building a guest house, and he is also doing this. I don’t even touch everything that is in the male part. I don't understand any of this, and I don't want to start looking into it. There is a man in the house.

Looking at this couple, you understand that their honeymoon has not yet ended, although the wedding of Lera Kudryavtsev and the player of St. Petersburg SKA Igor Makarov played almost a year ago, on June 8th. We met on Saturday morning in the bar-restaurant "Happiness" on St. Isaac's Square - it's a 20-minute walk from their
At home, over the past few months, Lera finally moved to her husband's St. Petersburg apartment. “As you asked, she dressed brightly, but Igor could not be persuaded - he always walks like this: in jeans, a sweatshirt and a cap. Otherwise it won't be him. And don’t be surprised if he runs away today, Igor doesn’t like acting,” Lera smiles. She orders oatmeal with fruit and black tea with milk, Igor - an omelet with meat and still water. They often have breakfast here together, admire St. Isaac's Cathedral, discuss SKA games, films that they watched together. “We are trying to get to the worthy premieres,” says Igor. - We recently went to see "Treasure Hunters" with George Clooney - we didn't like it. But the Dallas Buyers Club made an impression.” He lightly pushes Leroux with his shoulder and smiles. “Yes, we understand what McConaughey got
"Oscar"! She supports her husband. “Although DiCaprio was great in The Wolf of Wall Street, Matthew’s performance touched us more.”

We leave the "Happiness", and Leroux is surrounded by schoolgirl fans, asking to be photographed. The TV presenter does not refuse anyone. As the impromptu photo shoot continues, Igor stands off to the side and shakes his head. “That’s why we rarely go out,” he explains. “Just let’s go out, they’re attacking Leroux, you won’t turn away!” Recently, however, we got to the Hermitage. It is very beautiful, pompous, but we are tired. They took a guide, he dragged us around the museum for several hours, told us, showed pictures ... From their number, my head went around. You have to come and see something…”

While we are preparing the equipment for shooting on St. Isaac's Square, Lera takes pictures of the cathedral on her mobile, and then asks us to shoot it
her with her husband. They sit down on the bench. Kudryavtseva puts her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes. Igor gently kisses his beloved on the tip of his nose. A few more shots - and Makarov, as his wife had warned, runs away home. But as soon as we put him in a taxi, Lera immediately dials her husband’s number: “Bus, are you hungry? Wait for me, let's eat together!"

I plowed mine

- Lera, do you cook for your husband?

- Of course! I love cooking. He is definitely picky. Athletes have a special diet - they need a lot of protein. Therefore, I cook meat dishes: goulash, hodgepodge, beef steaks. I can cook borscht. He loves green salads. And Igor once told me that he loves the “Leningrad” cake - that old one, they haven’t sold it in stores for a long time. I downloaded the recipe from the Internet and cooked it. Went to hell! Now the husband often asks: "Bake my favorite cake." In order not to get bored, I alternate it with Smetannik.

Still, cooking is for the soul. And what about cleaning, ironing and other "women's duties". Do you have an assistant?

- I do everything myself. I have had a housekeeper in Moscow for 8 years now. He comes regularly and takes care of everything. But this is due to lack of time. And in St. Petersburg there is no work, I like being a hostess: cleaning, going to the market, ironing Igor's shirts, loading and unloading the dishwasher ...

- Does Igor do something around the house?

- He takes out the trash. There is no need to ask for it - he does it himself without reminders. I am lucky, my husband is clean, neat. He does not scatter his socks, he folds his clothes. He likes order. If necessary, he will vacuum, but here is another question - I like it, I want to do it myself ... After the wedding, I changed a lot. I'm leaving the glamor in FIG! She used to be married to work, and now she is married to her husband. For 15 years I plowed for wear and tear: I didn’t get enough sleep, I brought myself to nervous breakdowns ... Finally I bought everything I needed. But you can't earn all the money in the world - and you don't need it. I want to be at home. Wait for Igor. I am surprised at myself, but in the 2 years that we have been together, I have fallen in love with quiet family evenings. And fell out of love with Moscow, now St. Petersburg is my city. It's calm, quiet here, no one is in a hurry to go anywhere ... Last summer, I dangled in the capital for a couple of days every week. BUT
much less now. I only take on projects that I really like. Only twice held corporate parties in St. Petersburg - with Pelsh and with
Urgant. Last month I decided to take a break and did not go out. She said: "Guys, I'm resting."

How has your relationship changed in a year of marriage?

- He still gives me flowers and gifts for no reason. Before the wedding, we had minor quarrels - we rubbed each other, but now we don’t swear at all. They became calmer. Igor has enough adrenaline on the ice, at home we are peaceful rabbits.

Husband burst into tears

Makarov trains twice a day. What are you doing while he's gone? Surely you go to beauty salons ...

Believe it or not, I started doing everything at home. Previously, I had a stylist, a hairdresser, a makeup artist for work. In St. Petersburg, I rest, so I don’t go to salons at all. I do my own makeup. And the beautician ... never had one - my skin is already so beautiful! I only go here for Thai massages. In St. Petersburg, I began to read more, next in line was Ray Bradbury's Dandelion Wine. I meet with friends - Yana Rudkovskaya often comes here, Igor Gulyaev happens, I see Tanya Bulanova. I communicate with the girls - the wives of Igor's teammates. With one of them, Leroy Ketova, she became friends directly. We go to drink coffee, we walk. By the way, I now have two workouts a week. I started playing hockey! About three months ago, one of the St. Petersburg TV channels filmed a comic story about the wives of hockey players: we got on skates and flaunted in the frame. And we liked it so much that we decided to feel the profession of husbands from the inside. We rent the Tauride Ice skating rink with the girls. They bought me a real uniform - for women, I chose it with my husband. He laughed to tears, but helped me figure out the size, sat perfectly on me. I remember how difficult the first training session was: after it I lay in bed - my legs and arms hurt, I could not walk for two days. I used to think: “What’s so difficult about carrying a club on ice?” Now I understand: this is hellish work! Two minutes on skates and you're knocked out. I have even more respect for my husband's work.

- Do your son and mother often come to you?

- Not to me, but to us! Zhanik was at the end of March, by the way, he has friends in St. Petersburg. Went to hockey. The son watches Igor's game, cheers for him,
they are on excellent terms. They call up on their own, discuss men's affairs, they do not initiate me into them. My mother was also recently, however,
in transit - traveled to Finland. My husband's parents visit us, Igor's mother often comes. We have a big family now.

Are your relatives staying with you?

All people need personal space. When possible, why not stay at a hotel.

- How did your relationship with Igor's parents develop?

- How could they have been? Of course, great! We communicate, we call each other. I call my mother-in-law simply Natasha, for you, and my father-in-law by name and patronymic - Sergey Viktorovich. They are intelligent, tactful people.

- Relatives, home, training, books ... But what about social life? You haven't missed a single cool party in Moscow! “In St. Petersburg, I began to read more. Today I took Andrey Malakhov's book "My soulmate". Next up is Ray Bradbury. // Photo: Andrey Fedechko


Lera Kudryavtseva
Watching this always dazzlingly beautiful and inimitable girl from TV screens, one never ceases to admire her always different and always attractive images, manner of movement and speech. And, despite the fact that the famous TV presenter and actress Lera Kudryavtseva has become a real diamond of Russia, we, Kazakhstanis, are still proud that she is our countrywoman, so to speak, our treasure.


Were you an athletic girl as a child?

As a child, I was a real tomboy and was friends with the boys. She didn’t play with dolls, but jumped around the garages with the guys, loved to climb trees. Probably, in some sense it can be called a sport (laughs).

How do you manage to keep in great shape?

Surprisingly, but the fact is that I do nothing for this. Probably, I am a happy woman, but this is not my merit, my mother is a slender beauty, and my sister. I just recently signed up for a fitness club, but I don’t always have enough time for regular exercise. When I participated in the projects "Dancing with the Stars" and "Star Ice", in which, by the way, I won prizes, the work was successfully combined with sports training. True, then I was literally working out, I won’t say that it was easy, but it was definitely interesting.

the beauty

Have you always paid due attention to your appearance, figure? How do you remember yourself (in terms of appearance) before you became popular on the stage?

When I first came to television (MUZ-TV), I had African pigtails on my head and piercings in my eyebrows. Then I looked like a kind of informal, which seemed cool to me. But now I feel different and I look according to my feelings.

Do you think over your image for the screen yourself or turn to stylists for help?

When I choose an image for events, I do not resort to the services of stylists, I choose all the outfits myself. I bring some dresses from abroad, some I sew to order. I like to collaborate with Russian and Ukrainian designers. And in everyday life I like to mix things from different brands. My favorite item in my wardrobe is jeans, I have a huge amount of them. Recently fell in love with designer Philipp Plein and a couple of other American brands.

How often do you visit spas and beauty parlors? Do you regularly take any procedures?

I love massage. True, in Moscow there is almost no time left for him. But when I go on vacation, I enjoy massages and spa treatments to my heart's content. In Moscow, I mostly take care of myself at home. I think I won’t reveal a big secret if I say that the daily facial skin care ritual must necessarily include cleansing and moisturizing. Do not forget about nourishing masks and massage, they have a very beneficial effect on the complexion. I love eye patch masks. I put it on - and go about your business calmly, nothing interferes. And at the same time perfectly moisturize the delicate skin around the eyes, fight dark circles and give the look freshness.

How do you manage to be slim, energetic and keep up with everything? What is your formula for beauty and health?

It's simple: I'm a workaholic. I need to be in motion most of the time, to do something, to work. And I draw strength for all this, paradoxically, in the work itself. Agree, when you are passionate about something, time flies by!


Do you have a special diet? What is your daily diet based on?

Vegetables, fruits and cheese. In the morning I usually make myself a cheese sandwich, a delicious and nutritious breakfast. And I love vegetables in principle, I can eat them in any form and cook many different dishes from them. And in the evening, after returning from work, I can find, for example, a baked chicken in the refrigerator. It means Mommy was at my house and left me something to eat.

What is your favorite cuisine? What do you like to cook? What drinks do you prefer?

I rarely cook. The reason is simple - there is not enough time. But if there is free time, mood and opportunity, I cook with pleasure, I can come up with something delicious for my loved ones. My kitchen is combined with the living room, so I can say with a clear conscience that this is my favorite place in my apartment. My best food is vegetables. These are salads, all kinds of vegetable stews, pickle.

I love coffee, but I drink it in moderation. By the way, I love tea too. In the morning I usually drink tea with milk.

Are there any food restrictions for you?

In principle, I do not limit myself in food, but I try to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet. I believe that you do not need to artificially limit yourself and deprive yourself of your favorite foods, this is extra stress for the body. I do not eat sausage, fatty meat, lard, white bread and mayonnaise. Because I don't want them.

Have you been on a diet?

I have never been on a diet, I don’t know how and I just don’t know how it’s done. I know only elementary things: potatoes are starch, white bread and buns are harmful, the rest is a dark forest for me. Some carbohydrates, proteins, fats… I only know about them thanks to my friends. Any diet makes me nervous. Thanks to my genes that I never had to exhaust myself with diets in my life. Plus my work schedule - I do something all day long, I run somewhere. With such a load, no diets are needed.


How do you take care of your health?

For me, the concept of a “healthy lifestyle” is, first of all, proper sleep, a balanced diet. Plus, I'm not a fan of alcohol!

Have you ever resorted to folk recipes (for beauty and health)?

No, I am not a supporter of folk beauty recipes. As for health, during a cold, for example, I prefer to drink tea with honey or raspberries, rather than grab pills right away.

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva and the hockey player got married on June 8, 2013 and on the eve of the first wedding anniversary gave an interview to Vadim Vernik for OK!

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

Vadim Vernik: “A year ago, on June 8, 2013, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva and hockey player Igor Makarov got married. It was a high-profile wedding, which brought together celebrities from the world of show business and sports. I have been friends with Leroy for a long time and therefore, with sincere joy, I congratulated her then on her marriage. And on the eve of the first wedding anniversary of Lera and Igor, I came to visit them in their Moscow apartment. We drank tea and talked about love. And not only"

Lera, Igor, we are now in your Moscow apartment. It is so beautiful here, the design is real royal chambers, there are many flowers. You, Lera, had a birthday not so long ago, with which I congratulate you again.

Lera: Thanks a lot.

Here, I would say, girlish atmosphere. Absolutely no male energy. Is this your shared apartment?

L.: No, it's mine. We have two apartments in Moscow, Igor has one in Kuntsevo. There are also royal chambers, only in a more boyish style. ( Laughs.)

Excuse the question, but why do you, a young married couple, need two separate apartments? It would be more logical to settle in one.

L.: Well, why?! It so happened that we are a rich bride and groom. ( Smiling.)

Igor: This is our transit point, here we spend mainly the summer months. I tried to drag Lerka to my apartment, but she couldn't.

L.: Of course, none. I have a huge wardrobe here. What do I need to carry things? That's why I told him no.

I saw, Lera, your dressing room. You can get lost there. Igor, you probably don't go there, do you?

AND.: I have to. I have a couple of T-shirts lying there, so I go in - change clothes.

And yet, Igor, would you like to add your touch to this interior?

L.: You know, Vadik, it seems to me that this is no longer necessary. We plan to buy a joint country house.

Near Moscow or near St. Petersburg? I understand that you spend most of your time in St. Petersburg.

AND.: We look in the suburbs. Yes, I have been playing in St. Petersburg SKA for about seven years now, but I see no point in buying real estate in St. Petersburg. After all, we are Muscovites.

L.: Although in St. Petersburg we are very good. We have a beautiful rented apartment there, very comfortable.

Is there also a spacious dressing room for your dresses?

AND.: And Lerka doesn’t need dresses there, she walks in tracksuits.

L.: Yes, I'm just relaxing there. I don't need outfits. I take care of the house, I go shopping.

Tell us how your day is built in St. Petersburg. So Igor went to training ...

L.: I sleep. I can sleep as much as I want.

AND.: She sleeps until one or two in the afternoon. I come from training, and Lera is still lying in bed.

That is, you have completely different graphics.

L.: You know, it doesn't bother us at all. When we first began to live together, for some time I continued to wander: Moscow - St. Petersburg - Moscow. And after the wedding, everything is relaxation. Now, when Igor has a quiet hour, I cook dinner or go grocery shopping. Vadik, you know, in St. Petersburg I lead such a measured way of life. I dreamed about this for a long time.

In the evenings, Igor is usually free, we go to the cinema or just walk. We live in the very center of the city, on Vosstaniya Street. So we leave the house and walk along the Nevsky.

To be honest, Lera, I can’t imagine that you are able to constantly relax like this. You are by nature a "lighter".

AND.: Vadim, Lera has changed a lot. Truth. (Turns to Lera.) You somehow became calmer.

L.: You know, Vadik, I always needed work, work, work... I was always afraid that I might miss something, not finish something. And only after meeting Igor, I began to understand how all this is secondary. Employment is wonderful, I can’t live without work, I’m starting to get bored, but everything should be in moderation.

And how many of you are engaged in household chores - for example, paying bills and the like?

L.: In this, Igor completely relies on his wife.

You've done well, Igor.

AND.: Just great. ( smiling.)

L.: He's generally great. He doesn't do any housework. I do everything, life is all on me. Igor only takes out the trash, that's all.

It's already merit. Igor, who helped you in everyday life when you lived alone in Kuntsevo?

L.: There, his mother takes care of everything.

AND.: She comes to me, collects papers, pays bills.

I present the current picture: Igor is comfortably seated in an armchair and watches how his wife cleans the apartment.

AND.: Yes. I watch TV, she vacuums.

In general, a solid idyll! What is your overall budget?

L.: I say this: my money is my money, his money is our money. But seriously, I'm not a spoiled girl.

All my life I paid for everything myself, I bought everything for myself. I even sometimes felt embarrassed to accept gifts. And with Igor, even such a question did not arise. He gives me all his money.

AND.: The main thing is that you have enough for groceries, Lera.

Guys, it's been a year since your wedding...

L.:... flew by unnoticed, I would say so. June 8th was the year we were married. Both noted.

Why is that?

AND.: Yes, we celebrated Lera's birthday, May 19, together. Very modestly: we went to a restaurant, sat down.

L.: That was great. For all these years I have been so tired of constant movement that I want, I repeat, peace. We went to a restaurant on the banks of the Moscow River. There is such a buzz: the birds sing, the water makes noise, music plays. I enjoy being with my loved one.

I like to just be with him - no matter where, in a restaurant, at home, watching TV together. We are fooling around, laughing from morning to evening. Igor always makes me laugh, I love his sense of humor. The two of us are never bored.

I understand that Igor is not one of the talkative ones. He rarely speaks, but clearly.

L.: Aptly. Because of his taciturnity, I even took offense a couple of times. I remember we go to bed, and I started telling him something. I sat down on the bed, I speak emotionally, I gesticulate. And during his

monologue, I glance at him and see that he is already sleeping. And he suddenly opened one eye and said: “Lord, are you still talking?” Like this.

After the wedding, you, Lera, have changed, this is obvious. What new feature do you like the most?

L.: I, it turns out, is very patient, but I did not know this.

AND.: Come on. Lera loves to argue, constantly proves her point of view, and in the end I always turn out to be right.

L.: Not always. But it's not at all difficult for me to agree with you when I'm wrong about something.

Igor, it turns out that your intuition is better developed than that of Lera, since you always turn out to be right.

L.: No no. Intuition is still my forte.

And why then does Igor say that in your union the truth is always on his side?

L.: Yes, in fact, not always.

AND.: But in most cases. (Friendly laughter.)

In general, I realized that I did not understand anything.

L.: Seriously, we both feel like we've known each other for a hundred years. And the roles in the family have long been distributed. I am a more optimistic person, and Igor is a depressed one.

AND.: Why depressive? I'm just shy.

And has it always been like this? Perhaps your parents put too much pressure on you, limited your freedom?

AND.: I do not even know. Speaking of father Igor's father, Sergei Makarov, is a famous Soviet hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. - Approx. OK!), then he tried not to praise me once again, he and his grandfather always found some negative points in my game. Maybe this is the reason for my suspiciousness.

L.: Igor constantly doubts himself, checks everything a hundred times. He is very self-critical.

Self-criticism is a good thing. And who is the head of your family, whose word is decisive? Although I foresee what the answer will be.

AND.: Today we were driving a car and listened to "Europe Plus", and there they talked about the fact that if your index finger on your foot is longer than your big one, then you are the leader in the family. We got curious and decided to compare. So we even have similarities in this. But I'm still the leader. ( Smiling.)

But there are bound to be conflicts.

AND.: It happens on trifles, but after 20 minutes all grievances go away. I can start, for example, when I'm driving with Leroy, and she is driving.

L.: Well, of course, I'm driving "somehow wrong."

AND.: This is a completely different story. She tells me: “I drive you more, I have been driving for 17 years” - but she doesn’t know how to drive. I feel very uncomfortable when she is driving. Constantly suggesting how to park, where to go.

L.: Don't listen to him, Vadik, I drive very well.

I believe you, Lera. Igor, at your wedding, I noticed what a warm relationship you have with each other's parents.

L.: Yes, we have a complete understanding. You know, Vadik, I thank God that everything turned out like this for us. Pah-pah-pah ... All together we are a big friendly family, no one pokes anyone. I communicate with Igor's mother, in my opinion, more often than he does. We call each other every day, we correspond. To his dad just the other day went to the country.

We don't have relationship problems at all. My mother immediately accepted, fell in love with Igor. They have a great relationship with my son.

AND.: Yes, we met him on the eve of the celebration of the New Year. Lera and I were at home alone, Jean came to us with his girlfriend, then Lera's mother joined us, we launched fireworks. Was great.

And whose friends have become common during this time?

AND.: Probably mine.

L.: Yes. For the second year I have been spending more time in St. Petersburg, Igor's team plays here, I often communicate with the wives of hockey players. Of course, I have wonderful friends - Yana Rudkovskaya, Igor Gulyaev, we constantly call each other, but they come here infrequently.

Igor, did you find a common language with someone from Lerin's entourage?

L.: He is very careful about my environment, as you say.

AND.: This is a completely different world for me. I don't understand all this show business. I only went out with Lerka a couple of times. I'm not very comfortable.

L.: Okay you. You became friends with Sasha Revva.

AND.: How did you get along? I've only seen him twice in my life! ( Friendly laugh.)

L.: You understand what I mean. You got along with him very quickly.

AND.: In principle, I quickly find a common language with everyone.

It turns out that you, Lera, are more inquisitive, you are sincerely interested in Igor's world, it seems to me that you have completely dissolved in it.

L.: And there is. I even started playing hockey, which I had never been interested in before. In St. Petersburg I go to all the games, and if Igor's team plays away, I watch it on TV.

AND.: And if they don't show it on TV, then she buys the broadcast on the Internet. ( smiling.)

L.: It seems to me that when Igor scores a goal, I rejoice even more than he does!

Igor, you, apparently, from early childhood got used to a certain lifestyle: getting up early, training? Summer has come, a break in the games ...

AND.: ... summer is terrible, there is nothing to do. You wake up and think about what to do.

L: Yes. For him, summer is a time of suffering. But we try to plan our summer holidays in advance. I refuse almost all work.

AND.: I don’t understand why in the summer, when I have a vacation, Lera takes on some projects. It is difficult to go somewhere, because she has either a corporate party or some kind of show.

L.: Dear, well, money is needed not only in winter, but also in summer. I have the most season: "Muz-TV Award", "New Wave" ... Here, Vadim, just a few minutes before your arrival, I returned the prepayment for one corporate party.

Igor and I decided to go to Miami, he will train there, and I will rest. I thought I would hold the “Muz-TV Prize” on June 6 and fly away right away. I open the diary - mom! - I have a corporate party on June 21st! I had to call, refuse, return the money.

I think it was not easy to refuse this money!

L.: I gave money with difficulty, to be honest. ( Laughs.) I say: “Igor, you know, getting money is good, but giving it away is somehow not very good.”

AND.: I don't think she needs to work at all. Well, or just for fun, without straining.

The correct position of a loving husband. You are flying to Miami, but you have recently returned from there?

L. A: Yes, three weeks ago.

Do you both love Miami so much?

AND.: It's all Lera. She really likes it there. On the first day there, we even had a little fight. At first I didn't like it terribly - neither the hotel nor the room. I say, "Let's get out of here. Turkey is even better. Everything is inclusive. ( They laugh.) As a result, we spent two weeks in Miami, we didn’t even want to leave.

L.: And I really feel very good there.

AND.: Yes, she really likes local shopping malls. She can wander around them for four or five hours.

And what are you doing at this time?

AND.: I go with her. I can sit in a cafe, wait.

L.: But at the same time he is wildly freaking out. And if I suddenly start consulting with him, he answers everything: “Normal”.

AND. A: Because the truth is all right. If something is wrong, I immediately say. But this rarely happens.

I understand, Igor: when your wife asks questions, you answer clearly and definitely. Do you ask yourself questions? For example, have you already thought about what you will do after the end of your hockey career? Maybe you can become a coach?

AND.: To be honest, I haven't really thought about it yet. Surely my future will continue to be connected with sports, with hockey, but I don’t want to guess. Or maybe we'll run corporate parties together.

By the way, have you been offered any joint project on television yet?

L.: No news, but they are constantly invited to participate. Most recently, we filmed in the "Great Races" in Hungary. True, I had to deceive Igor so that he would also go.

AND.: She herself signed me up as a participant. They took tickets for us, agreed on everything, so we had to agree, you can’t let the people down. I liked participating in competitions, although it was easy to get injured there, which I, as a hockey player, should have avoided. We have a great team: Stas Kostyushkin, Oleg Taktarov, Paralympian Kolya Polukhin, female athletes…

L.: We were only there for one day, but we really didn't want to leave! We regretted that even before the trip we decided not to stay on the set until the final, although we were called.

AND.: It turns out that when you pour into another environment, it’s also okay, everything works out. I'm just very careful.

L.: I figured it out a long time ago, so I offer him something very carefully and do not force him to do anything. To me, on the contrary, everything new is insanely interesting: some events, people, I am constantly rushing somewhere. Everything I already know is not so attractive to me.

Igor, you say you don't understand show business. And when you and Leroy were just starting to meet, weren't you afraid to suddenly become a public person?

L.: I told him at the very beginning: “Igor, our story with you will soon become known to everyone. Are you ready for this?"

AND.: And I did not understand: what are you ready for?

To the fact that people will talk about you, discuss the difference in age. You have been married for a year, but there are probably those who are still sure that your relationship is a PR stunt.

L.: All this we have long discussed with each other, laughed. And do you know what they came up with? We know perfectly well what our colleagues, the so-called well-wishers, are saying behind our backs, who, of course, smile in their faces. We absolutely don't care. They thought and forgot, took care of themselves. Their arguments and gossip have nothing to do with our lives. Then why should we bother with them?

AND.: I think they are just miserable people in their own right. They lack something very important in life, that's all. How many people, so many opinions. So let them speak. ( They laugh.)

Lera, I want to ask a question. You had a busy life, high-profile novels, and now you met Igor. Two years later, that you are together, can you answer why this particular person became your husband?

L.: Probably, Vadik, you can laugh at this, but I am sure that he was sent to me by God. This is my destiny, my man. Everything he does and says, his smell that I smell every day ... I thank the Lord every day: “Thank you for him!” It seems to me that in our life in general it is very difficult to find your man. There are a lot of different people around, they come, they go, they bring some experience, but you know that all this is past. And when he appeared, I realized: this is mine!

Igor, what do you say?

AND.: Absolutely the same. Of course, I also had novels, but such that I seriously fell in love ... I didn’t live with anyone. Lera is my first love.

L.: And this is my first love.


L.: I swear to you, Vadik! And these are absolutely not the same emotions when you just like someone for the first two or three months.

I understand. But you have a son. Didn't you have such strong feelings for his father? Or are you saying this because Igor is right next to you?

L.: No, Igor and I absolutely calmly talk about these topics, we have no taboos. When I gave birth to Zhanik, I was eighteen years old - a kindergarten. At this age, you haven’t really met anyone yet, you haven’t lived yet, you don’t understand how to communicate with people and how to behave. Yes, Zhanik's father and I got married, but only because I got pregnant. Now I am not in love, not some kind of passion, but deep feelings. Such, when you realize that it is impossible to breathe without him, when it is bad if he is not around. For a long time I visited him in St. Petersburg. He says to me: "You do not leave me for a second." And I told him: "Yes, I'm behind you like a tail." I don’t want to throw words like “deserved”, but sometimes it really seems to me that I begged Igor.

For many years I was very lonely. You know, I was married to my job. You come home and you realize that in spite of all these people, all the fans, you are completely alone. Nobody is waiting for you at home. And suddenly you think: what can all this lead you to? This is a dead end. And I asked the Almighty to send me a person with whom I could become happy. And so they took pity on me up there, and they gave me Igor.

Just like in the song "God, what a man, I want a son from you ..."

L: Yes, it's about me.

So you think about children?

Together: Of course.

L: And there, as they say, as God wills.

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