Irina is a gentle disaster. The last case of Irina Berezhnaya


The car crashed into a pole in the dead of night at high speed. The blow was so strong that the rescuers removed the bodies of Berezhnaya and her driver from the mangled interior for several hours. The daughter of the deceased politician was in a child seat and escaped with minor injuries.

According to initial data, the car, in which the ex-deputy was with her 8-year-old daughter Daniella, fell off a serpentine on a mountain road. However, later local media reported that an A1 Mercedes moving along the main highway of Croatia unexpectedly left the road between the cities of Maslenica and Posedarje, rammed a fence and crashed into a pole. At the same time, the speed of the car on which the Bulgarian numbers were installed, judging by the damage, was very high.

As a result, in addition to Berezhnaya herself, the driver, a 38-year-old citizen of Bulgaria, also died in the collision.

According to an eyewitness, it took rescuers two hours to remove their bodies from the body of the Mercedes.

Berezhnaya's daughter, fastened in a child seat, escaped with minor injuries and was hospitalized.

The accident happened around 01:30 on August 5. According to one of the main versions, the Mercedes driver fell asleep at the wheel - it is rather difficult to explain the exit from an empty highway on which there were no sharp turns and a collision with a pole with something else. Now Berezhnaya's body is still in Croatia - it will be handed over to relatives after law enforcement officers deal with all the circumstances of the tragedy.

According to the Ukrainian TV channel TSN, her father arrived in the city of Zadar, where the injured girl is located.

Berezhnaya was never officially married and carefully concealed from journalists the name of the father of the child. According to journalists, a well-known German businessman and media mogul of Ukrainian origin Boris Fuksman came to pick up the child.

Even during the life of the ex-deputy, the Ukrainian media noted the close relationship between Fuchsman and Berezhnaya and suggested that it was he who could be the father of her daughter.

In the last days before her unexpected death, Berezhnaya visited Baku as a guest at the Heat Festival, and then, literally the day before her death, she posted a photo from Monte Carlo on Instagram, in which she poses with Russian singer Glucose.

The death of the ex-deputy, who was a prominent figure in Ukrainian social and political life, caused a stormy response in the Ukrainian media and social networks.

A number of commentators did not hide their gloating, accusing the deceased of allegedly anti-patriotic statements and actions - it is known that the former deputy of the Party of Regions did not support the current authorities and spoke skeptically about the introduction of a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU. She also repeatedly appeared in Russian political talk shows dedicated to events in Ukraine. The last time Berezhnaya appeared on the Rossiya TV channel was in mid-July.

“Of course, dancing on the bones is disgusting and, today, I once again became convinced of the common truth, which I myself have repeatedly spoken about. Facebook has become a territory of hatred. But the death of Irina Berezhnaya, in my opinion, revealed a much deeper problem. Namely, the conformity of the politician's lifestyle with his convictions and his public position. Irina died in the EU, on the criticism of which she built her political career. Moreover, I know for sure that just a few days ago Irina was in Monaco at the show of the Russian designer Ulyana Sergienko, ”said Boris Filatov, mayor of the city of Dnipro.

However, the majority reacted to the death of Berezhnaya with sympathy. A close friend of Berezhnaya, singer Ani Lorak, shared a joint photo with the deceased, accompanied by her caption: “I can’t and don’t want to believe it ... My dear and beloved friend ... You are with me ... Irochka ... ".

Singer Nikolai Baskov, also posting a joint photo with Berezhnaya, wrote: “Lord, dear Irochka, I can’t believe it.”

The career of Irina Berezhnaya was stormy and impetuous. Born in 1980 in Luhansk, she opened her own travel agency at the age of 19, which quickly became a profitable business. In 2002 she graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko with a degree in jurisprudence, and in 2009 - the National Academy of Management under the President of Ukraine with a degree in public administration.

From February to March 2004, Berezhnaya was Deputy Director for Legal Affairs at the law firm Astraya-Service. In January of the same year, she received a certificate of the right to engage in notarial activities, and in March she registered as a private entrepreneur. For three years, Berezhnaya's notary office has become one of the most famous and successful in Kyiv. Until November 2007, she was a private notary in the Kyiv City Notary District.

Then Berezhnaya went into politics and in 2007, at the age of 27, she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, where she was a member of the justice committee.

In 2011, she again got into parliament, having been elected in one of the districts of the Kharkiv region. Berezhnaya served as First Deputy Head of the European Integration Committee. After Euromaidan, Berezhnaya went into opposition, sharply criticizing the government and speaking out against the military conflict in the Donbass and the glorification of Ukrainian nationalists during the Second World War.

It is becoming more and more dangerous to think differently than President Poroshenko and his clique, and even more so to express seditious thoughts about the policy of the current Kyiv authorities in Ukraine. You can pay with your life for this. The death of the ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, Irina Berezhnaya, followed shortly after her statement about the illegal activities of the infamous website "Peacemaker", which became a "drain hole" of the Ukrainian special services. Irina Berezhnaya has always been an "uncomfortable politician" for the Ukrainian authorities. Even as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, which was headed by the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, she actively advocated the observance of the legal status of fellow citizens. After 2014, when a coup d'etat took place in Kyiv, she went into fierce opposition to the new, illegal, in her opinion, government and opposed the severance of Ukraine's cultural ties with Russia. Berezhnaya was remembered for her participation in political talk shows on Russian television, where she spoke negatively about the actions of President Poroshenko and criticized the introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukraine with the European Union. The “point of no return” for Irina Berezhnaya may have been her official statement about the illegal activities of the Peacemaker website ”, which publishes lists of people objectionable to the Kyiv authorities, politicians and journalists, including indicating their confidential data. This "mouthpiece of independence" is directly supervised by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) and provides coordinates for the persecution of dissidents. It is clearly spelled out there: here he is - a “quilted jacket”, “colorado”, lives there and there, then, gentlemen, nationalists, take measures yourself. And such “leads” turn into very sad consequences. In addition to the well-known murders of Oles Buzina and Oleg Kalashnikov, one can cite a long list of eliminating those who are objectionable in Ukraine. It has already been called the "conveyor of death." Here is just a small part of this list. Sergei Walter - the former head of the city of Melitopol, a member of the Party of Regions, was found hanged in his own house. The official version is suicide. Mikhail Chechetov, former deputy chairman of the Party of Regions faction in the Verkhovna Rada, fell out of an apartment window. Stanislav Melnyk, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, was found dead in his own apartment with a bullet wound in the head. Alexander Peklushenko allegedly shot himself in the neck with a hunting rifle. Also a member of the Presidium of the Party of Regions and an active opponent of Euromaidan.
The aforementioned Oleg Kalashnikov, a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, was an excellent target for hitmen: all his coordinates were reflected in the so-called “open database of separatists” on the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker”, which is supervised by Anton Gerashchenko, assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov. This gentleman, who is responsible for relations with the press, did not have words of regret for the fact of the murder of the Ukrainian writer and journalist Oles Buzina. No wonder, because he spoke negatively about Bandera and modern Ukrainian neo-fascists, opposed the war in the south-east of Ukraine. All personal data, up to the schedule of moving along the streets of Kyiv, of Oles Buzina were published on the Peacemaker website. It is easy to assume that Irina Berezhnaya’s claims to the mentioned website could not but irritate the Ukrainian special services. Well, the methods of eliminating objectionable are already well known.
“A car accident is a favorite method in the activities of the special services, which are tasked with eliminating a certain person,” says F. M., an intelligence officer (his name was not disclosed for reasons of secrecy). - In this case, as can be assumed, the driver of the car in which Irina Berezhnaya was was tritely injected with a dose of sleeping pills - into any drink, into tea, coffee, ordinary soda. It could have happened at a gas station, in a roadside cafe. It is a matter of technique and professionalism, a person will not suspect anything and will not feel anything. Ukrainian special services are now actively working in Europe, including the Balkans, in the same Montenegro where the accident occurred. So their participation in the tragedy can be assumed with a high degree of probability. Finding evidence of involvement is very difficult: the accident happened on the territory of another state, an emergency examination was hardly carried out, and the chemical composition of the sleeping pill disappears from the body in a few hours. So only speculation remains.” The death of Irina Berezhnaya, who was supposed to have turned 37 on August 13, leaves many questions in the series of coincidences associated with the death of opposition Ukrainian politicians. The question involuntarily arises: "Who's next?" The total system of inherent fear involuntarily strains and makes you fear for your life.
“Practically any public person in Ukraine is now under censorship,” says publicist Anatoly Skrypka. - "Everything that is said can turn against you" - this phrase dominates the consciousness of all people and makes them secretly express their thoughts. Any manifestations of loyalty to the kindred Russian people turned out to be banned, alien values ​​are now held in high esteem, primarily associated with nationalist ideas. And if you do not ride for Bandera, then you are not a patriot of your country. Rave? Yes, imposed schizophrenia, but it has already been transformed in society and is presented as a national idea. With those who disagree, the conversation is short: a Muscovite against a Gilyak. But let's note that Ukraine cannot be characterized only by the "official guidelines" of the current authorities. The authorities change, people remain.” The opinion expressed in the publication of Viktor Sokirko is his personal position and may not coincide with the opinion of the editors of the Zvezda TV channel website.

According to initial reports, the car, in which the ex-deputy was with her 8-year-old daughter Daniella, fell off a serpentine on a mountain road. However, later local media reported that an A1 Mercedes moving along the main highway of Croatia unexpectedly left the road between the cities of Maslenica and Posedarje, rammed a fence and crashed into a pole. At the same time, the speed of the car on which the Bulgarian numbers were installed, judging by the damage, was very high.

As a result, in addition to Berezhnaya herself, the driver, a 38-year-old citizen of Bulgaria, also died in the collision.

According to an eyewitness, it took rescuers two hours to remove their bodies from the back of the Mercedes.

Photo report: Ex-deputy of the Rada Berezhnaya died in an accident near the Adriatic Sea

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Berezhnaya's daughter, fastened in a child seat, escaped with minor injuries and was hospitalized.

The accident happened around 1:30 p.m. August 5. According to one of the main versions, the Mercedes driver fell asleep at the wheel - the exit from an empty highway, on which there were no sharp turns, and a collision with a pole is quite difficult to explain with something else. Now the body of Berezhnaya is still in Croatia - it will be handed over to relatives after law enforcement officers deal with all the circumstances of the tragedy.

According to the Ukrainian TV channel TSN, her father arrived in the city of Zadar, where the injured girl is located.

Berezhnaya was never officially married and carefully concealed from journalists the name of the father of the child. According to journalists, a well-known German businessman and media mogul of Ukrainian origin, Boris Fuksman, came to pick up the child.

Even during the life of the ex-deputy, the Ukrainian media noted the close relationship between Fuchsman and Berezhnaya and suggested that it was he who could be the father of her daughter.

In the last days before her unexpected death, Berezhnaya visited Baku as a guest at the Heat Festival, and then, literally the day before her death, she posted a photo from Monte Carlo on Instagram, in which she poses with Russian singer Glucose.

The death of the ex-deputy, who was a prominent figure in Ukrainian social and political life, caused a stormy response in the Ukrainian media and social networks.

A number of commentators did not hide their gloating, accusing the deceased of allegedly anti-patriotic statements and actions

- it is known that the former deputy of the Party of Regions did not support the current authorities and spoke skeptically about the introduction of a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU. She also repeatedly appeared in Russian political talk shows dedicated to events in Ukraine. The last time Berezhnaya appeared on the Rossiya TV channel was in mid-July.

“Of course, dancing on the bones is disgusting, and today I was once again convinced of the common truth, which I myself have repeatedly spoken about. Facebook has become a territory of hatred. But the death of Irina Berezhnaya, in my opinion, revealed a much deeper problem, namely, the conformity of the politician's lifestyle with his convictions and his public position. Irina died in the EU, on the criticism of which she built her political career. Moreover, I know for sure that just a few days ago Irina was in Monaco at the show of the Russian designer Ulyana Sergienko,” said Mayor of Dnipro Boris Filatov.

However, the majority reacted to the death of Berezhnaya with sympathy. A close friend of Berezhnaya, singer Ani Lorak, shared a joint photo with the deceased, accompanied by her caption: “I can’t and don’t want to believe it ... My dear and beloved friend ... You are with me ... Irochka ... ".

Singer Nikolai Baskov, also posting a joint photo with Berezhnaya, wrote: “Lord, dear Irochka, I can’t believe it.”

The career of Irina Berezhnaya was stormy and impetuous. Born in 1980 in Luhansk, she opened her own travel agency at the age of 19, which quickly became a profitable business. In 2002 she graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko with a degree in jurisprudence, and in 2009 - the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine with a degree in public administration.

From February to March 2004, Berezhnaya was Deputy Director for Legal Affairs at the law firm Astraya-Service. In January of the same year, she received a certificate of the right to engage in notarial activities, and in March she registered as a private entrepreneur. For three years, Berezhnaya's notary office has become one of the most famous and successful in Kyiv. Until November 2007, she was a private notary in the Kyiv City Notary District.

Then Berezhnaya went into politics and in 2007, at the age of 27, she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, where she was a member of the justice committee.

In 2011, she again got into parliament, having been elected in one of the districts of the Kharkiv region. Berezhnaya served as First Deputy Head of the European Integration Committee. After Euromaidan, Berezhnaya went into opposition, sharply criticizing the government and speaking out against the military conflict in the Donbass and the glorification of Ukrainian nationalists during the Second World War.

Irina Berezhnaya was 36. She did not live a week before her 37th birthday. Wikipedia has already indicated the years of her life: 08.13.1980-5. 08. 2017 She died on the Adriatic coast of Croatia: the car fell off the serpentine. For several hours, traffic at the site of the accident was stopped, and special equipment arrived at the scene of the accident to retrieve the bodies of the dead. By the way, Irina Berezhnaya died on Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day, which is celebrated annually in Croatia on August 5 ...

A number of sources note that the tragedy happened at 01:30 local time on the highway between the Croatian cities of Maslenica and Posedarje. The car "Mercedes" was driven by a 38-year-old Bulgarian, the car had Bulgarian license plates. According to a representative of the local police, the car was moving towards the city of Posedarje. 8-year-old daughter Daniela was injured and was hospitalized in a hospital in the city of Zadar, where, according to insider information (which we do not claim to be reliable), her father, businessman Boris Fuksman, had already arrived, with whom Irina Berezhnaya carefully concealed relations. After investigating all the circumstances of the accident, her body will be transferred for burial in Ukraine.

media expert Anatoly Shariy published a video "Remember Irina", dedicated to Berezhnaya. About what happened, about Irina, about life, about beauty and about worms - Ukrainian Svidomo worms that have completely lost their human appearance ... He urges not to pay attention to the gloating and jubilation of the potheads, for whom the death of a young woman has turned into a holiday. And we fully agree with him.

The online community mourns this strong and beautiful young woman, expressing condolences to her family and friends. Politicians, public figures, journalists, bloggers - everyone who knew Irina personally and who did not know her.

“It's hard to believe, but a message came about the death of a wonderful person, a well-known opposition politician in Ukraine, a beautiful and courageous woman Irina Berezhnaya. My deepest condolences to family and friends. A member of the last legitimate parliament of Ukraine, she, unlike many men in politics, did not change her principles, was not afraid of the junta that came as a result of the coup, and fearlessly opposed her policy of destroying Ukraine, repressions and unleashing a civil war. Her bold and bright performances found a wide response from all the patriots of Ukraine. She will be remembered by all who knew and loved her."- Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov.

“It is always very difficult to talk about a person in the past tense. Especially if you have to talk about Irina Berezhnaya. We were personally acquainted. Two convocations worked as deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. As a deputy and a politician, she was taking shape before my very eyes. We sat next to each other in parliament, and I saw how she spoke on principle on the bills that we discussed. A competent lawyer, a person of principle, Irina was a member of the Ukrainian delegation to PACE. And when the coup d'etat began in Ukraine, she did everything possible so that the European Parliament knew the real situation in our country. She met with deputies of the European Parliament, and with politicians, and with journalists. She quite actively showed herself as a deputy who defended the interests of the Ukrainian people. Elected from Kharkov, Irina defended the interests of her constituents until the last day of her life. She was the initiator of applying to the court to cancel the renaming of Vatutin Avenue to Bandera Avenue. She was against the illegal renaming of Kirovograd to Kropyvnytskyi, Dnepropetrovsk - to the Dnieper. She participated in all public events, in particular, in the procession of the "Immortal Regiment" on May 9th. Her active participation in the media aroused the anger of the nationalists. The departure of Irina Berezhnaya for me personally is a huge loss and tragedy. I can't believe she's no longer with us. Sympathy for Irina's mother. I know her very well. The death of Irina Berezhnaya is an irreplaceable loss not only for those who personally knew her. This is a loss on a national scale for the whole of Ukraine.” Vladimir Oleinik.

On August 5, after the death of Irina Berezhnaya, a video was published on the Web with the note: “We had footage with Irina during the march of veterans on May 9, 2017. Open and bold, fussing, helping veterans. That's how she was remembered - active and charming. I don't believe it. Everlasting memory…"

The last "Immortal Regiment" by Irina Berezhnaya:

“There has been a tragedy! Irina was one of the brightest, smartest and principled young politicians! She was not afraid to speak the truth and did not adapt to the current political regime, for which she was like a bone in the throat. For all sane and adequate people, this is an irreparable loss! My condolences to the family and friends of Irina!, - ex-People's Deputy of Ukraine Alexander Zubchevsky.

“From time to time, life makes you think about the question: why is the death of a public person, a famous person, a person loved by millions, perceived almost like the death of a loved one, like the death of a loved one? Why does it hurt so much, and it doesn’t hurt me alone, why are millions of people today sad and climbing into the first-aid kit for validol? What's this? After all, can one life - the life of one person - be worth more (in any units of measurement) than the life of another equally completely human person? It seems that the answer is simple, it seems that it is wrong to think that one person is more significant before Life than another person. But it's not like that! But it does hurt. And it hurts for Ira in the same way that it didn’t hurt for hundreds of millions of people who are dying, perishing and killed every day. That's the question. Irina Berezhnaya has become a part of so many of us. Her sober reasoned position, which she expressed in a way that none of us can, delighted us every time we saw and heard her. Very often, what we could not formulate and express, Ira told us, like a classic writer whom you read, and every time you admire: “That's right! Damn! After all, I thought exactly the same! After all, he just couldn’t express it! Wow, strength! Wow, Genius! And this genius was a beautiful and fragile-looking woman. Still quite young. It is still too early for her, according to our, according to human concepts, to leave us. Moreover, my daughter… But the Lord decided so. He needs her more. My condolences to the family. My prayers are for my relatives and especially for my daughter and especially for my mother.”, - leader of the "Union of Left Forces" Vasily Volga.

“It's a shame. A beautiful and smart young woman. Her presence on the screens was pleasing to the eye, but when she began to speak, the impression did not change at all. She was a woman and a politician who would be very necessary for the new country, which sooner or later will arise on the ruins of the former Ukraine. It’s a pity… the Kingdom of Heaven for the untimely departed servant of God Irina…”, - political scientist Alexander Kazakov.

“My friend, Ira Berezhnaya, died. I do not believe. She was an incredible friend. Let's turn off politics - turn on the heart", - TV presenter Olga Freimut.

“You need to live in such a way that even your death does not give rest to the enemies, so that your courage is a “bone in the throat”, and your honor and inflexibility of character are pure poison!”— blogger Tatiana Trebina.

“The death of a few politicians can sadden ... Berezhnaya was one of those few politicians. A wonderful smartest woman who lived a good life, did not change her hair for the sake of revolutionary expediency, did not cave in, defended the rights of the inhabitants of Donbass by legal methods ... ", — blogger

Ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Irina Berezhnaya died due to the fact that the driver of the car in which she moved along the Adriatic Sea fell asleep at the wheel, which caused the car to leave the road. This was reported by eyewitnesses of the traffic accident.

“According to the preliminary version, the driver’s sleep became the cause of the accident. Also, the car was moving at a very high speed, ”witnesses of the road accident said.

In addition, it is noted that Berezhnaya's car was severely crushed by the impact. “Firefighters had to cut the car for two hours to remove the victims,” witnesses of the accident emphasized.

At the same time, former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov recalled that Berezhnaya was an ardent critic of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and his regime.

“After the coup, she went into opposition,” the politician wrote on his Facebook page.

Irina Berezhnaya has always been an "uncomfortable politician" for the Ukrainian authorities. Even as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, which was headed by the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, she actively advocated the observance of the legal status of fellow citizens. After 2014, when a coup d'état took place in Kyiv, she went into fierce opposition to the new, in her opinion, illegal government, and opposed the severance of Ukraine's cultural ties with Russia. Berezhnaya was remembered for her participation in political talk shows on Russian television, where she spoke negatively about the actions of President Poroshenko and criticized the introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukraine with the European Union.

The “point of no return” for Irina Berezhnaya may have been her official statement about the illegal activities of the Myrotvorets website, which publishes lists of people objectionable to the Kyiv authorities, politicians and journalists, including indicating their confidential data. This "mouthpiece of independence" is directly supervised by the Ukrainian security services (SBU) and provides coordinates for the persecution of dissidents. It is clearly spelled out there - here he is a “quilted jacket”, “colorado”, lives there and there, then, gentlemen, nationalists, take action yourself. And the consequences of such “leads” turn into very sad consequences.

The funeral of Irina Berezhnaya took place yesterday, August 10, in Kyiv. According to media reports, the funeral was secret: only the closest friends and family members of the deceased came to them.

Who came to the funeral of Irina Berezhnaya

Ukrainian singer Anzhelika Rudnitskaya, people's deputy Dmitry Dobkin, singer Svetlana Loboda, people's deputy Nestor Shufrich came to say goodbye to Irina Berezhnaya.

Also, Irina's ex-colleagues in parliament - Maxim Lutsky, Anna German, Dmitry Shpenov, Nikolai Martynenko and his wife Anna came to the Lavra.

So, to say goodbye to the politician, in particular, TV presenter Olga Freimut, director Alan Badoev, singer Svetlana Loboda with her mother, TV presenter Anatoly Anatolich and his wife came.

In addition, the oligarch Boris Fuksman was present, with whom Berezhnaya carefully concealed relations. According to media reports, it was he who took her daughter Daniella from Croatia, who survived the accident.

Berezhnaya regularly took part in Russian television programs

Irina Berezhnaya is a deputy of two convocations of the Verkhovna Rada of the sixth (2007-2012) and seventh (2012-2014). She was a member of the Party of Regions faction, was a member of the Rada Committee on Justice.

Irina Berezhnaya regularly participated in Russian television programs and commented on events in Ukraine. The last time - on July 16 - she became a guest of the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov program on the Russian state channel Russia 1.

In December 2016, on the air of the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on the TV channel “Russia 1”, she stated that the majority of Ukrainians “love Russia very much”. Berezhnaya urged "not to compare these areal marauders" with all Ukrainians.

Irina Berezhnaya who is, photo, biography, personal life

On Ukrainian TV, Irina Berezhnaya participated in the Dancing with the Stars project, which ran in 2007 - as the official notary of the project, she announced the results of the audience voting. In 2012, as part of the Party of Regions team, she appeared in the game What? Where? When?". Several times she was recognized as the "best player" of the team. Since 2008, Irina Berezhnaya hosted the author's program “Your Right with Irina Berezhnaya” on the Radio Era radio station, in which she advised on legal issues.

The family of Irina Berezhnaya, who is the father of the child

On August 13, Irina Berezhnaya was supposed to turn 37 years old. The deceased is survived by her 8-year-old daughter Daniela. The name of Daniela's father was hidden, as was the name of her daughter. She, according to Berezhnaya, bears her father's surname .. According to unconfirmed reports, Daniela's father is a businessman, former co-owner of Channel 1 1 Boris Fuksman. Daniela's godfather is People's Deputy Nestor Shufrich.

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