The history of the creation of the old genius of the woods. "Old Genius": a complete immersion in the skill of Leskov


N. S. Leskov belongs to the generation of writers of the 60s–90s. XIX century, who passionately loved Russia, its talented people and actively opposed the oppression of freedom and the suppression of individual freedom. He created essays, novels, stories about the fate of ordinary people, about original historical figures, about abuses of power, outright predation. Other of his stories were cycles. Such are Christmas stories, quite rare in Russian literature of the 19th century. genre. These are “Christ Visiting the Archer”, “The Darner”, “A Little Mistake”, etc. These include the story “The Old Genius”, written in 1884. The action in it takes place in post-reform Russia, in St. Petersburg. The plot of the story is very simple: an old landowner, deceived by a dishonest high-society dandy, who lent him money and mortgaged a house for this, comes to the capital to get justice for him. Yes, it wasn't there. The authorities could not help her, and the poor woman had to use the services of an unknown desperate businessman, who turned out to be a decent person, settled this difficult matter. The narrator calls him "a genius." This story is preceded by an epigraph: "A genius has no years - he overcomes everything that stops ordinary minds." And in this story, the “genius” overcame what the state power could not do. And after all, it was not about some omnipotent personality, it was just about a young windy man who belonged to one of the best families, who annoyed the authorities with his dishonesty. But the judiciary could not even hand him a paper for execution. The author narrates this in a simple, as it were, narrative manner, without clearly condemning anyone or ridiculing. And “she met a sympathetic and merciful lawyer, and in court the decision was favorable for her at the beginning of the dispute,” and no one took payment from her, then suddenly it turns out in no way, “it was impossible to rein in” this deceiver because of some kind of “powerful connections” . Thus, N. S. Leskov focuses the reader's attention on the complete lack of rights of the individual in Russia. But the peculiarity of Leskov's writing talent is that he also saw the positive beginnings of Russian life, portrayed the rich talent of the Russian person, his depth and integrity. In the story “The Old Genius”, this light of good is carried by the heroine herself, “a woman of excellent honesty”, “a kind old woman”, and the narrator who helped her out with the necessary money, and the most important “genius of thought” ─ Ivan Ivanovich. This is a mysterious person who, for some unknown reason, undertook to help the unfortunate woman and arranged a very clever situation in which the debtor was simply forced to pay off. The favorable outcome of the story falls on Christmas, and this is not accidental, since the author believes in the spiritual beginning of man, in the righteous of Russian life.

The plot of Nikolai Leskov's story "The Old Genius" is based on a situation that, unfortunately, is typical both for Russia in the 19th century and for Russia today. A rich dandy deceived the old woman by not paying her debt, and now her house is being taken away. Officials do not protect the old woman, the debtor has too many connections. Although the old woman is legally entitled, an “insurmountable obstacle” arises where you just need to find the debtor and hand him the court paper.

The composition of N. Leskov's work "The Old Genius" is built on the stories of her own observer. Artistic devices are irony and sarcasm, sometimes the effect of tragicomedy is created. The author acts as a narrator in the work, creating his own image of a man who sympathizes with the old woman, gives her some money, but also does not believe that she will achieve the truth.

When the old woman is already completely in despair, a certain Ivan Ivanovich appears, who, for a considerable percentage, undertakes to solve the case in a clearly not very legal way. Which he succeeds in doing.

The idea of ​​N. Leskov's story "The Old Genius" is the defenselessness of a weak person in front of those in power in a bureaucratic state. Also, the idea of ​​the story is Leskov's idea that if the Law does not protect citizens, the Law is violated. Citizens have to act on their own, and cunning people like the “old genius” have their share in this.

The themes of N. Leskov's story "The Old Genius" are the theme of bureaucracy, the theme of the "little man", the theme of Christian philanthropy and conscience, as well as the lack of such among those in power.

First of all, the image of the old woman is interesting. This is a believing woman, she does not wish harm to anyone, even her debtor. She is straightforward and direct. The old woman does not understand the laws by which rich dandies and officials live: “How can he not be handed a summons if his fortune is much more than he owes us?” she wonders.

The image of the “old genius”: this is the “dark personality”. One can speak of his genius only with a touch of irony. This is a cunning and experienced man, a former official. He just figured out how to catch swindlers, whom neither the Law nor conscience can influence.

He “pressed the old woman’s offender to the wall” with a public scandal at the station and a drive to the police, which prevented the debtor from going abroad with his mistress. The image of Ivan Ivanovich in the story is positive, because only this rogue managed to save the old woman and her family from hunger and cold.

The author creates an ironic halo of mystery over the "mysterious plan of the genius of thought" Ivan Ivanych. And the plan turns out to be simple: to drag the debtor to the police in any way, to put him in an awkward position, so that the police “at the same time” hand over the summons.

The image of a dandy is presented little by little. He is a complete egoist, who is not touched by tears or pleas. Money and connections have left nothing of morality in him, he only intends to have fun and live at the expense of others. The dandy can be influenced only by interfering with his plans publicly. Such is his rich mistress, who escaped already at the beginning of the fight at the station.

The image of the narrator was mentioned above. The image of the “Serbian fighter”, a hooligan and a drunkard, also turns out to be positive in the story. After all, he is the “executor of the plan” for saving the old woman. This soldier has his own notion of justice. Going to once again arrange a fight, he assures the old woman that everything will be “honest and noble”.

Also in the story there is a composite image of officials without names. In Leskov very sharply and ironically showed the typical shortcomings of this class. This is uselessness and unwillingness to apply the existing power, or laziness and cowardice to apply it, as well as idle talk.

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The writer Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov became famous not only because of his writing talent and expressive speech, but also because of his deep understanding of the life of the Russian people. Knowledge of the needs and problems of ordinary people was reflected in all the works of the writer.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov

For example, in the story “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District”, the author describes the fate of a desperate Russian woman who, for the sake of her love, committed murder. In the story “The Man on the Clock”, the writer tells about how far apart are the moral principles of a person and the laws that prevail in society. The works of N.S. Leskov have different issues, but a number of issues raised in them remain relevant even now. One such problem is bureaucracy. It is she who takes the leading place in the story "The Old Genius".

According to the plot of the work, one old woman was in a difficult situation. Out of her kindness, in an effort to help a wealthy dandy from a noble family with money, she mortgaged her own house. But the dandy did not return the money, and the old woman had to go to Petersburg because of the threat of being on the street with her sick daughter and little granddaughter. But even there, justice did not prevail, since the representatives of the law did not want to punish the noble person. As a result, only the “Old Genius” was able to solve the problem, although he used a not entirely legal method for this.

The question arises: who is to blame for what happened? Can we accuse the old lady of being naive? On the one hand, no. Kindness and compassion are high human qualities that cannot be judged for. But on the other hand, the main reason for the old woman's sympathy for the dandy was the nobility of his origin.

Leskov skillfully ridicules this quality inherent in the Russian people. He understands that this is a big problem that needs to be solved, since such cases are far from uncommon. Therefore, both the old woman and the officials, who sincerely sympathize with the victim, but do nothing, fearing a dandy, are to blame for this situation. But the dandy himself is also to blame. Little is known about him: he is a man from a good family, rich, lives in his wife's house, goes to a club and rents expensive rooms. But the way he dealt with the landowner is reprehensible. To take away the last piece of bread from an unfortunate family, while he himself has the means, is vile. Such a person does not cause sympathy, but the kind old woman saw something good in him. But why did he become like this? The answer is simple - society is to blame.

The work says that no one asked him to repay debts, since this person was overly respected and feared. Perhaps at first the dandy was honest, but then, noticing the attitude of others, he forgot about morality and began to live exclusively for himself. Of course, one cannot ignore the character of a person and his personal qualities, but Leskov's work is satirical, therefore, more importance is attached to factors that influence a person.

The bureaucratic society does not cope with the tasks set. In it, criminal acts are more just than the law. Leskov writes about this at the end of his work. Society produces either people with a subordinate mindset who tremble before the law and higher ranks, or those who are confident that their actions will go unpunished.

Thus, the main culprit of what happened is a society based on bureaucracy, since it was one of the reasons for the appearance of such people as a dandy. And Leskov brilliantly managed to show it.

Analysis of the story by N. Leskov “The Old Genius”

The plot of Nikolai Leskov's story "The Old Genius" is based on a situation that, unfortunately, is typical both for Russia in the 19th century and for Russia today. A rich dandy deceived the old woman by not paying her debt, and now her house is being taken away. Officials do not protect the old woman, the debtor has too many connections. Although the old woman is legally entitled, an “insurmountable obstacle” arises where you just need to find the debtor and hand him the court paper.

The composition of N. Leskov's work "The Old Genius" is built on the stories of her own observer. Artistic devices are irony and sarcasm, sometimes the effect of tragicomedy is created. The author acts as a narrator in the work, creating his own image of a man who sympathizes with the old woman, gives her some money, but also does not believe that she will achieve the truth.

When the old woman is already completely in despair, a certain Ivan Ivanovich appears, who, for a considerable percentage, undertakes to solve the case in a clearly not very legal way. Which he succeeds in doing.

The idea of ​​the story by N. Leskov “The Old Genius”

- the defenselessness of a weak person in front of those in power in a bureaucratic state. Also, the idea of ​​the story is Leskov's idea that if the Law does not protect citizens, the Law is violated. Citizens have to act on their own, and cunning people like the “old genius” have their share in this.

The themes of N. Leskov's story "The Old Genius" are the theme of bureaucracy, the theme of the "little man", the theme of Christian philanthropy and conscience, as well as the lack of such among those in power.

Images of N. Leskov's story "The Old Genius":

First of all, the image of the old woman is interesting. This is a believing woman, she does not wish harm to anyone, even her debtor. She is straightforward and direct. The old woman does not understand the laws by which rich dandies and officials live: “How can he not be handed a summons if his fortune is much more than he owes us?” she wonders.

The image of the “old genius”: this is the “dark personality”. One can speak of his genius only with a touch of irony. This is a cunning and experienced man, a former official. He just figured out how to catch swindlers, whom neither the Law nor conscience can influence. He “pressed the old woman’s offender to the wall” with a public scandal at the station and a drive to the police, which prevented the debtor from going abroad with his mistress. The image of Ivan Ivanovich in the story is positive, because only this rogue managed to save the old woman and her family from hunger and cold.

The author creates an ironic halo of mystery over the "mysterious plan of the genius of thought" Ivan Ivanych. And the plan turns out to be simple: to drag the debtor to the police in any way, to put him in an awkward position, so that the police “at the same time” hand over the summons.

The image of a dandy is presented little by little. He is a complete egoist, who is not touched by tears or pleas. Money and connections have left nothing of morality in him, he only intends to have fun and live at the expense of others. The dandy can be influenced only by interfering with his plans publicly. Such is his rich mistress, who escaped already at the beginning of the fight at the station.

The image of the narrator was mentioned above. The image of the “Serbian fighter”, a hooligan and a drunkard, also turns out to be positive in the story. After all, he is the “executor of the plan” for saving the old woman. This soldier has his own notion of justice. Going to once again arrange a fight, he assures the old woman that everything will be “honest and noble”.

Also in the story there is a composite image of officials without names. In Leskov very sharply and ironically showed the typical shortcomings of this class. This is uselessness and unwillingness to apply the existing power, or laziness and cowardice to apply it, as well as idle talk.

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"Old Genius"


A few years ago, a little old landowner came to St. Petersburg, who had, in her words, "an outrageous case." The thing was that, out of her kindness and simplicity of heart, purely from one participation, she rescued one high-society dandy out of trouble - by laying her house for him, which was the entire property of the old woman and her immovable, crippled daughter and granddaughter. The house was mortgaged at fifteen thousand, which the dandy took in full, with the obligation to pay in the shortest possible time.

The good old woman believed this, and it was no wonder to believe it, because the debtor belonged to one of the best families, had a brilliant career before him and received good income from estates and a good salary in the service.

The financial difficulties, from which the old woman rescued him, were the result of some fleeting infatuation or imprudence with cards in a noble club, which, of course, was very easy for him to correct - "if only to get to St. Petersburg."

The old woman once knew this gentleman's mother and, in the name of old friendliness, helped him; he safely left for St. Petersburg, and then, of course, a rather ordinary game of cat and mouse began in such cases.

Deadlines come, the old woman reminds of herself with letters - first with the softest, then a little harder, and finally, she scolds - hints that "it's not fair", but her debtor was a poisoned beast and still no one

letters were not answered. And meanwhile, time is running out, the mortgage date is approaching - and before the poor woman who hoped to live out her life in her house, a terrible prospect of cold and hunger suddenly opens up with a crippled daughter and little granddaughter.

The old woman, in desperation, entrusted her sick and child to a kind neighbor, and she herself collected some crumbs and flew to St. Petersburg "to trouble".


At first, her troubles were very successful: she met a sympathetic and gracious lawyer, and in court she came out with a quick and favorable decision, but as it came to execution, a squiggle began, and such that it was impossible to put her mind to it. It’s not that the police or some other bailiff pacified the debtor - they say that they themselves are tired of him for a long time and that they all feel sorry for the old woman and are happy to help her, but they don’t dare ... He had some kind of powerful relationship or property, that it was impossible to restrain him, like any other sinner.

I don’t know for sure about the strength and significance of these connections, but I think that this is not important. It doesn't matter - no matter what grandmother told him, and put everything at the mercy.

I also don’t know how to tell you exactly what should have been done to him, but I know that it was necessary to “hand over the debtor with a receipt” some kind of paper, and no one - no persons of any order - could do this. To whom the old woman turns, everyone advises her in the same way:

Ah, madame, and the hunt is for you! Throw better! We are very sorry for you, but what to do when he does not pay anyone ... Take comfort in the fact that you are not the first, and you are not the last.

My fathers, - the old woman answers, - but what consolation is there for me, that it will not be bad for me alone? My dear fellows, I would much rather wish that it would be good for me and everyone else.

Well, - they answer, - so that it’s good for everyone - you can leave it alone, - these experts invented it, and this is impossible.

And she, in her simplicity, sticks:

Why is it impossible? In any case, he has a fortune more than he owes us all, and let him pay his due, but he still has a lot left.

Eh, ma'am, those who have "a lot" never have a lot, and they always have not enough, but the main thing is that he is not used to paying, and if you become very annoying, he can make you a nuisance.

What trouble?

Well, what do you ask: better walk quietly along Nevsky Prospekt, otherwise you will suddenly leave.

Well, excuse me, - says the old woman, - I won’t believe you: he was wrapped up, but he is a good person.

Yes, - they answer, - of course, he is a good master, but only bad to pay; and if someone is engaged in this, he will do everything bad.

Well, then take action.

Yes, here, - they answer, - and a semicolon: we cannot "use measures" against everyone. Why did you know these people.

What's the difference?

And those who are asked will only look at her and turn away, or even offer to go to the highest to complain.


She also went to the higher ones. There, access is more difficult and there is less conversation, and more abstract.

They say: "Yes, where is he? They report about him that he is not!"

Have mercy, - the old woman cries, - yes, I see him every day on the street -

he lives in his house.

This is not his house at all. He has no house: it is his wife's house.

After all, it's all the same: husband and wife are one Satan.

Yes, this is how you judge, but the law judges otherwise. My wife also presented bills for him and complained to the court, and she doesn’t have him ... He, the devil knows, he is tired of all of us - and why did you give him money! When he is in St. Petersburg, he registers somewhere in furnished rooms, but does not live there.

And if you think that we are defending him or we feel sorry for him, then you are very mistaken: look for him, catch him - this is your business - then they will "hand over" him.

More comforting than this, the old woman did not achieve anything at any heights, and, out of provincial suspicion, she began to whisper that all this was "because a dry spoon is tearing her mouth."

What are you, - he says, - do not assure me, but I see that everything is driven by the same thing, that it is necessary to lubricate.

She went to "smear" and came even more distressed. She says that “right from the beginning of a thousand,” that is, she promised a thousand rubles from the money collected, but they didn’t even want to listen to her, and when she, prudently adding, promised up to three thousand, she was even asked to leave.

They don't take three thousand just to hand over a piece of paper! After all, what is this? .. No, it was better before.

Well, too, - I remind her, - you forgot, right, how well it went then:

who gave more, he was right.

This, - he answers, - is your perfect truth, but only among the old officials there were desperate docks. Sometimes you ask him: "Is it possible?" - and he answers: "There is no impossibility in Russia," and suddenly he will invent a fiction and make it. And now one such one has shown up to me and sticks to me, but I don’t know: to believe it or not? We are together in the Mariinsky Passage at the planter

We’re having dinner with Vasily, because now I’m saving money and I’m shaking over every penny - I haven’t eaten hot food for a long time, I save everything for business, and he, it’s true, is also poor or a fooder ... but he says convincingly: “Give me five hundred rubles

I'll give it." What do you think about it?

My dear, I answer her, I assure you that you touch me very much with your grief, but I don’t know how to conduct my own affairs and I absolutely can’t advise you anything. Would you at least ask someone about him:

Who is he and who can vouch for him?

Yes, I asked the saechnik, but he doesn’t know anything. "So, he says, one must think, either the merchant has hushed up trade, or he has fallen from some of his nobility."

Well, ask him directly.

I asked - who is he and what is his rank? “This, he says, is completely superfluous in our society and is not accepted; call me Ivan

Ivanych, and the rank on me is from fourteen sheepskins - whichever I want, I will turn that wool upside down.

Well, you see - this, it turns out, is some kind of dark personality.

Yes, dark ... "The rank of fourteen sheepskins" - I understand this, since I myself was an official. That means he's in the fourteenth grade. And as for the name and recommendations, he directly announces that "as for the recommendations, he says, I neglect them and I don’t have them, but I have brilliant thoughts in my forehead and I know worthy people who are ready to carry out any of my plans for three hundred rubles."

"Why, father, certainly three hundred?"

"And so - we already have such a prefix from which we do not want to give in and do not take any more."

"Nothing, sir, I do not understand."

“Yes, and it’s not necessary. The current ones, after all, take many thousands, and we take hundreds. I’m two hundred for the idea and leadership, and three hundred for the executive hero, in proportion to the fact that he can sit in prison for three months for execution, and the end is crowned. Whoever wants - let him believe us, because I always take on cases only for the impossible; and whoever does not have faith, there is nothing to do with it, "but as for me," the old woman adds, "then, imagine my temptation: I tell him why I do believe...

Decidedly, I say, I don’t know why you believe him?

Imagine - I have a presentiment, or something, some, and I see dreams, and that’s all

it somehow so warmly convinces to trust.

Shouldn't you wait some more?

I'll wait as long as possible.

But soon it became impossible.


An old woman comes to me in a state of the most touching and acute grief: firstly, Christmas is coming; secondly, they write from the house that the house is going on sale the same day; and thirdly, she met her debtor arm in arm with a lady and chased after them, and even grabbed him by the sleeve, and appealed to the assistance of the public, crying with tears: "My God, he owes me!"

But this only led to the fact that she was distracted from the debtor with his lady, and brought to justice for violating peace and order in a public place.

Worse than these three circumstances was the fourth, which consisted in the fact that the debtor of the old woman got himself a vacation abroad and, no later than tomorrow, leaves with the luxurious lady of his heart abroad - where he will probably stay a year or two, and maybe not return at all, "because she's very rich."

There could not be the slightest doubt that all this was exactly as the old woman said. She had learned to keep a vigilant eye on her elusive debtor's every move and knew all his secrets from his bribed servants.

Tomorrow, therefore, is the end of this long and painful comedy: tomorrow he will undoubtedly slip away, and for a long time, and perhaps forever, because his companion, of course, did not want to advertise herself in a moment or a short moment.

The old woman had already thrown all this into a discussion in every detail of a businessman with a rank of fourteen sheepskins, and he, in the same place, sitting at the night at the saechnik in the Mariinsky passage, answered her;

“Yes, the matter is short, but you can still help: now five hundred rubles on the table, and tomorrow your soul will be in open space: and if you don’t have faith in me, your fifteen thousand are gone.”

I, my friend, - the old woman tells me, - have already decided to trust him ... What to do: anyway, no one takes it, but he takes it and firmly says: "I will hand it over." Please don't look at me like that, testing your eyes. I am not in the least crazy - and I myself do not understand anything, but I only have some mysterious trust in him in my presentiment, and such dreams I dreamed that I made up my mind and took him away with me.

Yes, you see, we are at the planter's only at one time, we all meet at lunchtime. And then it will be too late, - so now I am taking him with me and will not let him go until tomorrow. At my age, of course, no one can think anything bad about this, but you have to look after him, because I have to give him all five hundred rubles right away, and without any receipt.

And you decide?

Of course I do. - What else can be done? I've already given him a hundred rubles as a deposit, and now he's waiting for me at the tavern, drinking tea, and I'm asking you: I have another two hundred and fifty rubles, but I don't have a hundred and fifty. Do me a favor, lend me, - I will return it to you. Even if they sell the house, there will still be a hundred and fifty rubles left.

I knew her for a woman of excellent honesty, and her grief is so touching - I think: will she give or not give - the Lord is with her, from one and a half hundred rubles you won’t get rich and you won’t get poor, but meanwhile, she won’t have torment in her soul, that she won’t tried every means to "hand over" a piece of paper that could save her case.

She took the requested money and sailed to the tavern to her desperate businessman. And I waited with curiosity for her the next morning to find out: what other new tricks do they contrive to cheat in Petersburg?

Only what I learned about exceeded my expectations: the transit genius did not shame either the faith or the forebodings of the good old woman.


On the third day of the holiday, she flies in to me in a travel dress and with a bag, and the first thing she does is puts on the table a hundred and fifty rubles borrowed from me, and then shows a bank, transferable receipt with more than fifteen thousand ...

I can't believe my eyes! What does it mean?

Nothing more than how I got all my money with interest.

How? Is it possible that Ivan Ivanovich of fourteen years arranged all this?

Yes he. However, there was also another, to whom he gave three hundred rubles from himself - because it was impossible to do without the help of this person.

What kind of activity is this? Tell me how they helped you!

Helped very honestly. As I came to the tavern and gave Ivan Ivanovich the money - he counted, accepted and said: “Now, madam, let's go. I, he says, is a genius in my opinion, but I need an executor of my plan, because I myself am a mysterious stranger and with my face I can't take legal action." We went to many low places and baths - everyone was looking for some kind of "Serbian fighter", but for a long time they could not find him. Finally found.

This fighter came out of some hole, in a Serbian military suit, all tattered, and in his teeth a pipette made of newsprint, and said: "I can do anything that anyone needs, but first of all you need to drink." All three of us sat in the tavern and bargained, and the Serbian combatant demanded "one hundred rubles a month, for three months." It was decided on this. I didn’t understand anything yet, but I saw that Ivan

Ivanych gave him the money, so he believes, and I felt better. And then I

I took Ivan Ivanych with me to stay in my apartment, and the Serbian fighter was released to spend the night in the baths so that he would appear in the morning. He came in the morning and said: "I'm ready!" And Ivan Ivanovich whispers to me: "Send him some vodka: he needs courage. I won't give him much to drink, but a little is necessary for courage: his most important performance is coming."

The Serbian fighter drank, and they went to the railway station, with the train of which the old woman's debtor and his lady were to leave. The old woman still did not understand what they planned and how they would execute it, but the combatant reassured her and said that "ace will be honest and noble."

The public began to gather at the train, and the debtor appeared here, like a leaf before grass, and a lady with him; the footman takes tickets for them, and he sits with his lady, drinking tea and anxiously looking around at everyone. The old woman hid behind Ivan

Ivanych and points to the debtor - he says: "Here he is!"

The Serbian warrior saw, said "good", and immediately got up and walked past the dandy once, then a second, and then a third time, stopped right in front of him and said:

Why are you looking at me like that?

He answers:

I don’t look at you at all, I drink tea.

Ah! - says the warrior, - you do not look, but do you drink tea? so I'll make you look at me, and here's a piece of lemon juice, sand and chocolate from me for tea! .. - Yes, with this - clap, clap, clap! three times in the face and hit him.

The lady rushed to the side, the master also wanted to run away and said that he was now not in a claim; but the police jumped up and intervened: "This, they say, is impossible: it is in a public place," and the Serbian warrior was arrested, and the beaten one too. He was in terrible excitement - he does not know: either to rush after his lady, or to answer the police. Meanwhile, the protocol is already ready, and the train is leaving ...

The lady left, but he stayed ... and as soon as he announced his rank, first and last name, the policeman said: "So, by the way, I have a piece of paper in my briefcase for delivery." He - there was nothing to do - accepted the paper submitted to him in front of witnesses and, in order to free himself from his obligation not to leave, immediately paid the entire debt to his old woman by check in full and with interest.

Thus, insurmountable difficulties were overcome, truth triumphed, and peace was established in an honest but poor house, and the holiday also became bright and cheerful.

A man who has found how to settle such a difficult matter seems to have the right to consider himself a genius indeed.

Nikolai Leskov - Old genius, read text

See also Nikolai Leskov - Prose (stories, poems, novels ...):

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