Ivan Urgant and Sergei Shroudov Battle. Ivan Urgant and Sergey Shnurov staged a rap battle on Versus


The big Friday issue of "Evening Urgant" was the last in the traditional St. Petersburg cycle, and this season: the project team goes on vacation until September.

In the introduction to the program, Ivan Urgant clashed in a rap battle with Sergei Shnurov. The shooting took place on the site of the St. Petersburg Internet show Versus Battle, a cult for Russian rap. The fight between Ivan and Sergey was led by Alexander "Restaurateur" Timartsev, who works on real battles. The main feature of " versuses"Is complete obsceneness, allowing mate and mutual insults, which the heroes immediately took advantage of. In homework, "Ivan aka Joaquin" recalled Shnurov's alcoholism, advertising drugs to increase potency and called him a "sluggish terminator." In the final, Ivan tore off the band-aid from his neck, exposing the tattoo in the form of the main Russian word addressed to the opponent.

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Versus at Evening Urgant.

In response, Sergey presented such arguments for humiliating the enemy as the not very noticeable success of the Grisha Urgant project and the closing of the ProjectorParisHilton show.

Alas, unlike the Internet, the TV mat had to beep. In the original Versus, there are three rounds, including improvisations, but in this case, the participants in the fight were limited to one. The authors of the texts (probably the regular scriptwriters of "Evening Urgant") perfectly imitated the key features of the "versuses", lovingly exaggerating their naivety disguised by brutality and craving for poetic clichés, which caused delight in the rap party. In less than two days, the video has been viewed more than 3 million times on YouTube. For comparison: an interview with Shnurov and his wife Matilda from the same program on YouTube was viewed less than 300 thousand times.

This is not the first "entry" of "Evening Urgant" into the territory of current youth subcultures. Recall that in the spring, Ivan, together with Philip Kirkorov, filmed a parody of Internet bloggers, which gained more than 4 million views.

Ivan Urgant aka I-ONE-UR-GANG-TT & Philip Kirkorov aka Phil BOTTLE FLIP CHALLENGE NIGHT at the STORE.


Singer. Actor. Poet. Painter.

Composer. Showman. TV presenter.

Smoking. Drinker. Like a flock of doves, putting everything on.

Insta star, scribbling in her posts: “mat is not a crime.”

[nrzb] downshift like Lesha Panin.

You will be bored, friend, by my maxims.

You won't keep standing

Even after taking my pills for potency.

I hope no one needs to explain, guys -

Today, a sluggish terminator battles with me.

And someone whispers nearby: "he opened a restaurant."

But he is not a true Restaurateur*.

I don't bunch punches for lois and hype

So that with your reckoning you will completely squander.

You know what, son, go pack your things,

You are not Seryozha Shnur, you are Seryozha [obscene language].

* that is, not a real (true - genuine), not a host of Versus Battle, whose nickname is Restaurateur.

** in Russian it would sound like "I make fun of you with my satire, not for the approval of the crowd."


I'm sorry. What didn't work with the music?

Did Urgant Grisha fail?

I'm sorry, but also in addition, [obscene language], lines

You also, friend, have not succeeded.

No, you better sing!

I'll tell you not without flattery:

Without jokes, I'm waiting for your songs,

Which are full of wisdom and caress the ear like the surf of the wave.

But there are none! The holy place is empty. Well, what is art without you!

You are like a goddess, Van. But I am not Herostratus,

What destroys the temple by means of matyug.

I sing for different social strata

From each, probably, iron.

No need, Van, blame the mirror,

And look for the reason in the reflection.

That's what the Cord is for, to connect everyone,

You [obscene language], Ivan, are not in rank.

The "searchlight" went out. How will the time, look.

I send you to the knockdown. Round, Wan.


The main guest of the season's final issue of Evening Urgant was Stephen Colbert, the famous American comedian and satirist, host of The Evening Show with Stephen Colbert on the American CBS channel.

Russian Russian roulette. Evening Urgant. Fragment of the release dated 06/23/2017.

Ivan's overseas colleague was in Russia for the first time (it is known that he is making a film about our country). Colbert is known for his regular attacks on the Russian authorities and was very curious how the meeting would end. However, things did not come to the next cooling of Russian-American relations. Ivan was trying to let go of a couple of barbs, but Stephen disarmed him, saying in perfect Russian: "My brother!".

Taking a sip of vodka instead of tea, the hosts first quarreled - ceremonially: Colbert slapped Ivan on the face, and he broke his glasses - and then immediately reconciled. And they began to play a special "Russian roulette": without a gun, but with vodka. “To the wonderful Russian people,” said Colbert, a glass in hand. “I don’t understand why no one in the Trump administration remembers how to meet Russians.”

In a toast in response, Ivan proposes a drink "to the beautiful America, which invented the Internet, thanks to which we can influence the outcome of the US presidential election." Recalling, of course, the Russian hackers, in the existence of which the opponents of Donald Trump believe.

“I am here in Russia to announce: I am going to run for president in 2020. And I thought: it's better to announce it yourself without intermediaries. If anyone wants to work for my company, just let me know,” announced Colbert.

Urgant assured his colleague that "we in Russia will do our best for you to become president."

"For a strong America and a strong Russia!" Colbert concluded. And immediately drank.

A video appeared on the network where Sergey Shnurov and Ivan Urgant met in a rap battle on Versus. The corresponding video was published on the social network VKontakte.

The duration of the video recording is 3:16, during which time Urgant and Cord, in the company of the Restaurateur and the public of the bar 1703, manage to read one round each. It is worth noting that this is not a real battle. According to the site, this video will be used in the upcoming edition of the Evening Urgant program on Channel One, as evidenced by the logo in the lower right corner. The video appeared on the network ahead of time, it was recorded by residents from the Far East.

Information that Sergey Shnurov took part in the Versus rap battle appeared on June 21 - when a joint photo of Shnur and Alexander Timartsev, better known as Restaurateur, was found on the network. The news shocked the fans of the leader of the Leningrad group, because a few years ago he spoke in a very negative way about Russian rap.

According to the site, the Versus battle is a very popular platform that was formed in 2013. Since then, the YouTube channel has attracted more than 3 million subscribers, and the videos have collected more than 370 million views in total. On this platform, such artists as Oxxxymiron, Noize MC and ATL battled. Since 2016, the site has attracted the attention of video bloggers - this is how Khovansky, Larin and Dzharakhov performed at the show.

Ivan Urgant in his author's program always tries to surprise the viewer not only with sparkling jokes, but also with unusual ideas. This time, the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, turned out to be a guest star. Celebrities staged a parody of the popular competition of rap artists Versus battle, whose task is to point out the shortcomings of the opponent during the recitative process.

“A singer, actor, poet, artist, composer, showman, TV presenter - smoking, drinking like a flock of pigeons, putting everything on everything. An insta star in her posts, scribbling: “Swearing is not a crime”, like Lesha Panin. You will be bored, friend, by my maxims! You will not continue to stand even after taking your potency pills! I hope no one needs to explain the hint? Today is a battle, guys, I have a sluggish terminator with me.

The audience was delighted with the ironic and unexpectedly harsh performance of Urgant. The man played so believably that for a moment some even believed in the seriousness of what was happening. Despite the fact that the audience is well aware of the curiosity of the situation, thanks to the acting data of the artists, their conflict looked really serious.

After the round, the men, as expected, warmed up a bit and drank some water, thereby heating up the situation even more. But, as you know, Shnurov will not go into his pocket for a word either. The singer managed to adequately answer a colleague in the shop.

"I'm sorry. What didn't work with the music? Did Urgant Grisha fail? I regret, but not really, that you, friend, did not succeed in adding two lines either. No - you better sing! I’ll tell you not without flattery: I’m waiting for your songs without jokes, which are full of wisdom and caress your ears like the surf of a wave. But there are none. The holy place is empty. And what is art without you? - retorted Sergei.

But if here the humiliation was comic, then not so long ago Shnurov really came into conflict. The musician spoke on the topic of the new clip of the ex-soloist of the Leningrad group Alisa Vox. The outrageous singer posted on the Web a video for the song "Baby", which in a short time gained more than a million views. Apparently, the work of the girl was not to the taste of the celebrity, and he publicly criticized the artist in the microblog.

“It's like a dirty orderly giving a lecture on hygiene. Any statement, especially in the imperative mood, that claims to be a guiding role, whatever its content, should at least not conflict with the form. If you shoot a video with a quality lower than that of a novice video blogger, where everything is careless - makeup, light, angles, editing; If you write a text that even on the most worthless site will not be accepted, because of completely preschool and uninteresting rhymes, then the teacher just looks out of place. Yes Yes. Exactly. “Start with yourself,” Sergey wrote.

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