Get rid of the smell of onions from the mouth - quick methods. The unpleasant smell of onions: remedies for quick disposal


Onion is a tasty and healthy vegetable that has a pungent specific smell. You should not deny yourself the pleasure of eating a vegetable salad with the addition of onions, because there are a huge number of products that can neutralize and mask an unpleasant odor.

Simple Ways to Remove Onion Smell from Your Mouth

To freshen your breath from onion aroma, use one of the following methods:

  • Brushing your teeth with mint flavored toothpaste. Clean not only your teeth, but also your tongue and the inside of your cheeks.
  • Mouthwash. This tool will help remove the smell of onions from the mouth, but only for a while.
  • Chewing gum. Chewing gum copes well with a specific aroma after onions from the mouth. Ideally, if the chewing gum is minty or with a strong fruity flavor.
  • Alcohol. A teaspoon of vodka, cognac or liquor will freshen your breath.
  • Spices. You can get rid of the onion aftertaste with spices such as vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, mustard seeds, sage, cardamom. You need to chew the seasoning lightly, and then rinse your mouth with water.

Quick Methods

Sometimes there are times when onion breath should be removed as quickly as possible. In such a situation, take a closer look at quick methods to restore fresh breath:

  • Greens. If you have a sprig of cilantro, parsley, lemon balm or mint on hand, then you need to eat it, chewing it slowly.
  • Dairy. Wash down the dish with onions with a glass of milk or kefir. This will noticeably reduce the odor. You can also enjoy yogurt or sour cream.
  • Coffee beans. Take a coffee bean in your mouth and bite into it. Chew for a few minutes, spit it out and rinse your mouth.
  • Fresh vegetables. A piece of raw potato, zucchini, eggplant or carrot cleans the mouth well and refreshes.
  • Fresh fruits and berries. Eat a handful of raspberries, an apple, or an orange for dessert. Well eliminates the smell, if you chew a lemon slice or peel.
  • Tea, coffee, fruit juices. Drink green tea with milk or coffee with cream.
  • Nuts. Almonds, pine nuts or walnuts.
  • Seeds.
  • Activated carbon. Chew a few tablets and rinse your mouth.
  • Essential oils. Dilute one or two drops of citrus essential oil in one glass and rinse your mouth.

Folk remedies

Ancestors treated many ailments with fresh onions. To get rid of its unpleasant aftertaste, they used the following folk methods:

Method name



Baking soda with iodine

Dilute one teaspoon of baking soda and two drops of iodine in one glass of water.

Rinse the role after eating.

Onions and garlic are extremely useful plants, but they have a very unpleasant nuance that makes their use rare. It's a smell. The characteristic pungent odor, which remains for a long time on the hands and wooden objects, mixes with the breath in the mouth and takes on menacing forms.

How to completely get rid of this problem in a limited time, is it possible to do this without special tools?

How to reliably get rid of onion smell?

It should be said right away that in some cases the persistence of the aroma is due to the poor functioning of the digestive tract - in this case, the methods discussed below may not work properly. However, they will remove most of the smell.

  • The easiest, but not always affordable option is to use mint or menthol paste. With its help, you need to clean not only your teeth, where food debris accumulates, but also your tongue. It is for him that the smell is attached, so carefully walk over it with a bristle, removing plaque. The procedure can be uncomfortable. In conclusion, it does not hurt to resort to a refreshing rinse aid.
  • Mint or lemon-flavoured chewing gum, or candies of the same nature, are an option that you can use if you are out of the house and you urgently need to kill the onion smell in your mouth a little.

All remedies that help to cope with this problem have the ability to be absorbed, so some medications can be used for the same purpose. For example, activated charcoal, which should be slowly chewed and spit out. After this, the mouth must be rinsed well with warm water, since the coal will stain everything that it touches. The colorless alternative is white charcoal.

How to kill the smell of onions without special means?

First of all, you should make sure that the characteristic aroma of this product does not break through to the fullest. To do this, at the time of cooking, it should be borne in mind that any greenery perfectly levels the unpleasant smell - from dill with parsley to basil and oregano. Of course, the latter must be fresh. Celery and cilantro work well. They do not have to be mixed with onions - you can chew a sprig after eating, but you need to do this slowly. Although such a move does not always completely remove the smell. In addition, keep in mind that after the greens, the tongue acquires a dark tint, which will have to be brushed off with toothpaste - regular rinsing will not help.

The milk group dulls the smell of onions well, so if you make a creamy sauce in which onions are stewed, you will hardly notice the aroma of the latter after eating it.

  • A way for extreme people - after you eat onions, drink a cup of kefir, or eat yogurt. However, a conflict-free interaction between these products in the intestine cannot be guaranteed.
  • A safe option is to drink a cup of strong tea or coffee, but they should not contain sugar or any additives. However, milk will not hurt for the reason discussed above. If you do not feel like drinking coffee, you can simply place a coffee bean under your tongue, and after a few minutes, chew it.
  • How to remove the smell of onion from the mouth urgently? Nuts are recognized as the most reliable natural option: almonds, cedar, walnuts - it is enough to slowly crack a few pieces to significantly kill the unpleasant aroma, or get rid of it completely. Residues can no longer be difficult to remove with a mouth rinse or a thorough brushing of the teeth, if time and place allow.
  • Express options for removing onion smell: cinnamon stick, lemon or orange peel, or even a citrus slice directly. You can also take a circle of pineapple, an apple.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that before preparing a dish with onions, it is important to pay attention to 2 points: first, chop the product as finely as possible, if the recipe allows. Secondly, scald the prepared onion with boiling water. These simple tips will help reduce the unpleasant odor from a healthy product, and then you will have to put less effort into eliminating it.

An integral part of any table, especially summer, is garlic and onions. But this is not surprising, it is onions and garlic that are the most useful vegetable crops, containing a huge amount of various trace elements and other nutrients necessary for the body. But here is the main drawback, or rather, the consequence of the adoption of these miracle crops - extremely bad breath. Let's look at after eating such benefits as onions and garlic.

We find out the reason!

Yes, onions and garlic are very useful for the human body, but many do not think or simply do not know about the cause of bad breath after eating these storehouses of vitamins and minerals. And everything is actually very simple! The fact is that garlic and onions contain sulfur compounds. So these compounds react with the bacteria in the mouth, as a result of which such an unpleasant smell appears that scares everyone around. But you should not be upset, there are not one or two ways to deal with it.

Secrets to getting rid of bad breath

In addition to all the benefits, onions and garlic are excellent protection against caries! And it's all about the substances contained in garlic and onions that can suppress and destroy the development of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. These substances are called phytoncides. Well, you see, this is a weighty fact for the regular use of these useful crops. Moreover, today you can choose how to eliminate the main drawback of onions and garlic - bad breath. Fortunately, there are quite a few ways to do this!

Methods for getting rid of bad breath due to the use of garlic and onions:

  1. A glass of milk is a great helper in the fight against bad breath. Drink milk and the smell will disappear.
  2. Lemon peel will help to quickly and effectively eliminate the smell after eating onions and garlic. Eat a slice of lemon and the smell will be gone.
  3. The smell will disappear if you eat nuts after eating. It can be either pine nuts or almonds or walnuts.
  4. Rinse your mouth after eating with plain warm water and chew on some parsley, it is a great fighter against onion and garlic odor.
  5. You can just brush your tongue and teeth. Be sure that after a short time the smell will disappear.
  6. Fresh cardamom grains, on the other hand, are perhaps the best odor fighter from eating garlic and onions. They have a strong taste and smell. One grain to chew is enough for the smell to disappear. If fresh cardamom beans are in short supply in your home, then replace them with a coffee bean.

Well, that's all the secrets. Everything is quite simple and fast. Do not be afraid to saturate your body with such useful crops as onions and garlic, they give not only good health, but also healthy teeth! Moreover, getting rid of bad breath after eating onions and garlic turned out to be so easy! Health to you!

Onions add a special taste and aroma to dishes. It is also rich in vitamins and phytoncides. But many people try not to eat this vegetable: after it there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating your favorite salads. This odor is easy to eliminate. How to get rid of the smell of onions from the mouth?

Why is there such a strong smell?

When chewing onions, sulfur compounds are released. The bacterial environment of the oral cavity reacts to them. It is this contact that provides an unpleasant and repulsive odor. They are excreted and absorbed into the blood. They are then excreted from the lungs through the nose and mouth. It is necessary to eat foods that accelerate oxidative reactions and quickly remove unwanted substances from the blood.

Important: sometimes the persistence of onion amber can be caused by poor functioning of the digestive tract. Then easy and quick methods will not help. It is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist, undergo an examination and begin treatment of the digestive tract.

  1. Before eating, the vegetable should be cut as small as possible. It will be easier to chew and swallow.
  2. Before adding to the salad, the product is scalded with boiling water, which will eliminate the substances that provide bitterness and smell.
  3. Dishes with onions are best eaten at the beginning of the feast. Subsequent food can displace its aftertaste.

How to get rid of an unpleasant smell?

Mint toothpaste will help. Means you need to thoroughly clean the teeth, tongue, mucous membranes of the cheeks. The paste should not contain alcohol. It will dry out the mucous membrane and increase the manifestations of the onion. A paste containing antibacterial agents based on chloride compounds will help. Also rinse your mouth with mint rinse. If you don’t have any toothpaste or mouthwash on hand, you can chew mint gum for 5 minutes.

Other methods:

  1. Helps milk and tea. Drink a glass of milk or add it to coffee, green tea. These funds cool to 40 degrees and rinse your mouth with them.
  2. Soda solution is also used as a rinse. 10 g of soda is added to a glass of warm water.
  3. Slowly crack almonds, pine nuts and walnuts. Pistachios, peanuts, seeds are not suitable for this task. You can chew on a few coffee beans, but do not swallow them.
  4. You can chew lemon or orange zest, a slice of lemon, a circle of pineapple, apple, tangerine, pear and cherry. Or use lemon juice as a rinse - one of the most effective ways.
  5. Chew 5 minutes for a teaspoon of cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, marjoram, bay leaf or basil. Then rinse your mouth with plain water. These spices are able to destroy bacteria that increase unpleasant odors.
  6. After dinner, a sprig of parsley, celery, cilantro is slowly chewed. Fresh herbs are very effective in eliminating unwanted odors. After that, you need to brush your teeth and tongue, otherwise the mucous membrane will be painted dark for a long time.
  7. In a glass of warm water, stir 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Also add lemon or tea tree oil to a warm glass of water. Means are used as conditioners. All bacteria will be destroyed. Hydrogen peroxide should not be used every day. This is a fairly aggressive substance.
  8. A tablet of activated charcoal is held in the mouth for several minutes. But later you need to use a brush and paste or just lemon juice. Teeth and tongue will become black.
  9. They also drink a cup of kefir or eat onions with yogurt. But this is a rather extreme method: there are no guarantees of a conflict-free interaction of these components in the intestine.
  10. Add a teaspoon of mustard to water, use as a rinse. Despite its pungency, it can be an effective remedy for our problem.

Before cooking, you need to consider that any greens (especially dill, parsley, basil, oregano) hide an unpleasant odor.

Folk remedies

The following recipes also help eliminate onion flavor:

  1. Peppermint freshens breath due to its antiseptic properties. Grind a small bunch and fill it with hot water. Cover with a lid for 10 minutes, strain, add honey. You can also chew fresh mint leaves.
  2. Prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of sunflower or olive oils. Add a teaspoon of salt. Rinse the mouth.
  3. Add equal parts of fresh dill, mint leaves to boiling water. Insist broth for half an hour, filter, drink.
  4. In a glass of boiling water, add a tablespoon of a mixture of chamomile, wormwood, strawberries. Insist for half an hour, filter. This conditioner has a refreshing and disinfecting effect.
  5. Cranberry juice is also able to neutralize the effects of eating dishes with onions.
  6. Carrots and potatoes will also help.
  7. The oral cavity is rinsed with decoctions: cumin seeds and alder leaves are poured with boiling water, cooled. Mint and sage leaves are also poured with boiling water, insisted for an hour, cooled.
  8. Oatmeal is able to activate the production of saliva.

In addition to toothpaste, brushing, and rinsing with antibacterial liquids, you can use dental floss. It will thoroughly clean the interdental gaps from food debris. Do not forget to clean the tongue with a special scraper from the accumulated plaque. Another useful device is an irrigator. It delivers a pulsating jet of water that will remove food residue, get rid of plaque and massage the gums.

Onion is a useful and valuable product. And the more vitamins it contains, the higher its odor. If you cook and taste a dish with onions or make a healing mask, then an unpleasant smell will haunt you for a very long time. In order not to shock households, friends and work colleagues, try some proven folk methods to get rid of the obsessive onion "aroma".

How to get rid of onion smell from the mouth

If you love recipes where onions are present, then you probably had to think more than once about what it is like for others to communicate with you. To prevent this from happening in the future, there are several ways out of this situation:

  1. Eat fruit. The acids found in apples, pears, pineapples, lemons, and tangerines break down compounds that cause bad breath.
  2. Chew greens. Cilantro, parsley, dill and celery will not only eliminate bad breath, but also cleanse the oral cavity of bacteria.
  3. Have some coffee. It will be even more effective if you just chew the grains in your mouth. In perfume shops, there are always cups with coffee beans near the shelves with bottles. They serve to cleanse the smelling receptors of bored aromas. Why not use this property to get rid of our problem.
  4. After eating, drink a glass of any dairy product (milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt). They will break down the compounds that cause bad breath.
  5. Cinnamon. This spice has antibacterial properties, which explains its effectiveness.

Remember, if you just brush your teeth or try chewing gum, the smell will not go away. He will just disguise himself for a while, and later he will definitely make himself felt.

How to get rid of onion smell on hands

If you like to cook yourself, then you know how difficult it is to get rid of the onion smell coming from your hands, even with the help of detergents. But there are natural effective methods that will not harm the skin and relieve it of the "aroma":

  1. Make a homemade scrub. It will not only help to say goodbye to the smell, but also take care of your hands. To prepare the scrub, use ground coffee or coarse sea salt. Just dilute them with warm water and rub them into the skin for a while, then rinse off.
  2. Take advantage of a lemon. Cut it into 2 halves and carefully wipe the palms, back and fingers. Then wash your hands with soap. Lemon juice will get rid of the smell, whiten the skin and nails.
  3. Table vinegar is also effective in combating "aroma". Dampen a cotton pad with it and wipe your hands thoroughly.
  4. Steel soap is the most controversial method of dealing with unpleasant odors, but, judging by the reviews, it is very effective. In order not to waste money on a pacifier, you can find stainless steel kitchen utensils at home (a sink will do) and carefully rub your hands under running water on a metal surface.
  5. Get rid of the "aroma" of onions potatoes. Cut two circles from it and rub your hands with them for 2 minutes, and then wash.

All these methods will suit you if there are no open wounds or redness on the skin. Otherwise, put on plastic gloves before cutting the onion.

How to remove onion smell from hair

All girls have heard about the magical properties of onions that can make hair silky and manageable. But few people dare to use folk recipes. And for good reason, because the hair quickly absorbs any odors and is reluctant to get rid of them. In order not to become a victim of beauty, try a few proven methods:

  1. Colorless henna mask. Dilute 2 tablespoons of the powder with hot water, mix well and let cool slightly. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for 1 hour. Such a mask will not only get rid of the onion smell, but also strengthen the hair.
  2. Kefir will help to cope with the problem. Warm it up slightly, smear thickly on your hair and put on a plastic cap. After 1 hour, remove and wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Some essential oils are good at eliminating the “aroma” after onion masks. In particular, containing extracts of citrus, bay, eucalyptus and tea tree. Do the aroma combing procedure or add a few drops to a balm or hair mask and after 2-3 days the smell will disappear.
  4. Try a lemon juice mask. Take 1 tablespoon of this ingredient and add 1 teaspoon of melted honey. Apply the mixture on your hair, and after half an hour wash off with shampoo.
  5. A mask with cognac and yolk also helps to remove an unpleasant odor. Add honey to them to thicken the mass, and apply. Hold for half an hour and rinse.

These recipes are essentially nourishing masks, so don't be afraid to use them on your hair. You will not only say goodbye to an unpleasant aroma, but also gain thick and strong curls.

How to Remove Onion Smell from Kitchen Appliances

After cutting onions, the smell remains on the knife, cutting board and other kitchen utensils, especially if they are made of wood or plastic. To quickly get rid of this problem, housewives use several proven methods:

  1. Take a lemon peel and generously rub it on any utensils that smell of onions. After that, wash them in cool water with laundry soap. The zest can also be put in a kitchen cabinet - it also copes with other odors (fish, mold, dampness).
  2. Vegetable oil will help to cope with the problem. Rub it on washed knives and boards, leave for a while, and then wash again.
  3. Lower the cutlery into a saucepan with strong coffee or tea. Keep them there until the smell has passed.
  4. Wipe the knives and boards with vinegar. Do this several times, let the instruments “rest” for 10 minutes and rinse them with water.
  5. Use sea salt or mustard powder. Dissolve them in a small amount of water and generously rub the utensils and dishes in which the onion was located. After half an hour, wash them as usual.

Now you know how, without giving up your favorite dishes with onions, to stay fresh and fragrant. And your kitchen will smell only the aroma of cleanliness. Also, the folk recipes presented in the article will help to cope with other equally intrusive "aromas".

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