ISO. Summaries of classes on fine arts in kindergarten


(This material will be useful to educators and parents of senior and preparatory groups, the summary of activities is aimed at shaping children's ideas about the profession of an artist, its creative nature, will help fix the names of objects and visual materials used by the artist; encourage children to use a variety of means of expression in the process of creating a drawing ).



  • To expand children's ideas about the profession of an artist.
  • To deepen the knowledge of children about visual materials, methods of drawing.
  • To give an idea that the artists in the works reflect their attitude, convey their thoughts and feelings.


  • Continue acquaintance with the expressive means of painting - color.
  • Develop visual attention, thinking.
  • To develop interest in art, emotional responsiveness to works of art.


  • Raise interest in the work of artists, respect for their work.
  • To cultivate attention, accuracy, purposefulness, creative self-realization.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Music".

Equipment and materials: artist's costume; game material "Artist and his assistants"; reproductions of famous artists; reproduction of V. Perov "Troika"; game material "Make a picture"; material of the experiment game "Mixing colors"; music by M. Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition", "Magic Brush"; visual materials: drawing sheets, paints, brushes according to the number of children; silhouette of a man with a face without a smile.

Preliminary work: reading books about artists, looking at art calendars; reviewing the album "Creative Professions", a conversation on the content of what was viewed; artistic and didactic games "Missing colors", "Guess the color", "Painting", children's fantasies "If I were an artist"; free drawing.

About the profession of an artist to preschool children in kindergarten "Who is an artist?"

caregiver(as an artist): Hello guys. Guess who am I?

I have a pencil

colorful gouache,

watercolor, palette, brush

And a thick sheet of paper

And also - an easel-tripod,

Because I am… an artist.

Educator: Correctly. I am a painter. And what does an artist do? (Answers of children).

Educator: That's right, an artist is a person who is engaged in fine arts, creates paintings, works of art. And let's call the artist's assistants? (The teacher conducts a didactic game "The Artist and His Assistants" - Appendix 1)

Educator: See how much an artist can tell in one picture. (The teacher shows the children reproductions of famous artists).

Educator: Do you like these pictures? What are the artists talking about in their paintings? (Answers of children).

Educator: We are surrounded by a large and wonderful world. Nature, objects, people. And artists want everyone to see the beauty around us. And the artists also convey in their paintings the joy or sorrow of other people, so that we can help those who need our help. (Work with the painting by V. Perov "Troika").

What feelings does the picture evoke?

Are you happy or sad to see her?

What is the most important thing in a picture?

Describe the faces of the children.

What did the artist V. Perov want to say with his work?

Educator: Let's create our own creation! Let's think about what will be the main thing and how we can arrange the rest of the items so that we get a real picture. (The teacher conducts a didactic game "Make a picture" - Appendix 1)

Educator: Guys, do you think it's hard to be an artist? (Answers of children).

Educator: Yes, to create their works, artists travel a lot, observe, fantasize. Only then do they draw what they especially liked. Very often the artist does not have time for rest and entertainment. But we all know that you need to take care of your health. If you are tired, you need to rest a little. I suggest you recharge. (Physical education minute).

I always dreamed of becoming an artistGesture of dreaming, propping his head with his hand.
So I painted everywhere.Drawing in the air with a hand extended upwards.
Pen on sheet like this
Brush on canvas like thisDrawing in the air with a hand extended forward.
Pencil on the deskDrawing in the air with your hand, at chest level.
And crayons on the pavement.Drawing in the air with your hand, at floor level.
boots in the snow,Foot drawing on the floor.
I skate on the ice.Drawing on the floor with the foot.
On the sand with a twig,Drawing in the air with an imaginary twig on the floor.
On a board with a carnation.Drawing in the air with an imaginary carnation.

Educator: To make the picture truly beautiful, the artist, like a real magician, selects paints and mixes them. Let's also try to mix paints and get new shades. But we will do this not on a palette, but in magic jars. (The teacher conducts the experiment "Mixing paints").

Educator: But to paint a picture, the ability to mix paints alone is not enough. An artist must be able to peer into the world around him, to listen in order to notice everything and draw beautifully. Then from the lines, dots and spots you get real magic. See what can come out of ordinary lines, dots and spots. (The teacher shows and explains drawing from spots, lines, dots).

Educator: And now I will touch each of you with my brush and turn you into real artists. (The teacher touches each child with a brush, calling his name).

Educator: Now, you, as real artists, can draw your miracles. Take your materials and turn the shapes on your sheets into something fabulous and out of the ordinary. And when you finish your work, we will all try to guess what you did. (Music sounds. Children draw on their own, the teacher helps children who are having difficulty with leading questions.).

Educator: You have done a great and difficult job. Whether you liked it or not, we'll find out. If you were interested, draw a joyful smile on my little man, and if not, a sad one. (Children do the task).

Educator: Now you know, in order to learn how to draw pictures, you need to see all the beautiful things that surround us and enjoy it.

Attachment 1

Card file of didactic games for a lesson in artistic creativity

"Who is an artist?"

Didactic game "Artist and his assistants"

A task: consolidate children's knowledge about the profession of an artist and his working tools

Game rule: Children choose from a set of heterogeneous objects only the fine art objects necessary for the artist to create a picture.

Game actions: Children alternately name the object of fine art, the teacher chooses it from the general visual range and puts it in the artist's "basket".

game material: artist's "basket", visual range: drawing paper, gouache, pastel, paints, brushes, simple pencil, colored pencils, palette, cloth, doll, typewriter, plasticine, etc.

Game progress: The teacher lays out various objects in front of the children. Children are invited to choose only those items that are the tools of the artist. Children take turns calling the subject of fine art and its purpose, the teacher puts it in the artist's "basket".

Didactic game: "Make a picture"

A task: to exercise children in compiling a composition with multifaceted content, highlighting the main size, combining objects with a common theme.

Game rule: Children choose pictures from the visual range and make a picture.

Game actions: Children name objects united by a common theme, indicate their compositional arrangement. The teacher places objects on the canvas (flanegraph).

game material: flannelgraph, subject pictures.

Game progress: Children name the main subject, the teacher places it in the center of the canvas (flanegraph). Children explain why this item acts as the main one, point to its large size. Then the children choose and name the rest of the objects that can be united by a common theme, and indicate their compositional position, fix orientational-spatial concepts (left, right, top, bottom, middle, etc.). The teacher "makes up a picture" on the flannelgraph.

Game - experimenting "Mixing colors".

A task: Continue to consolidate and enrich children's ideas about colors and shades, surrounding objects and objects of nature.

Game rule: Paints of different colors are mixed in jars of water to obtain their shades.

Game actions: Children name paints for mixing, the teacher mixes them in jars of water.

game material: paint of different colors, jars of water, a stick for stirring paint in water.

Game progress: Children are encouraged to get different shades of colors. Children name two paints that need to be mixed to get a new color or shade. The teacher mixes paints, shows the result to the children. Children name the resulting color or shade. You can use another version of the game, when the teacher asks what colors to mix in order to get one or another color or shade.

Title: Abstract of a lesson on visual activity for older preschoolers "Who is an artist ?!"
Nomination: Kindergarten Lecture notes, GCD / visual activity

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 50"
Location: Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Natalya Borisyuk

Full name of the teacher: Borisyuk Natalya Leonidovna (MBOU NSH "Perspective")

Nomination: Educational situation with preschoolers

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic

Age Group: senior preschool age

Topic: Autumn leaves

Basic goals:

1) Learn to draw maple leaves, conveying the characteristic features of shape, color.

2) Develop technical skills in pencil drawing - pressure, correct shading, selection of shades.

3) Encourage children to embody their ideas, experiences, feelings in an artistic form; cause a desire to convey the characteristic features of objects and natural phenomena; support creativity.

Didactic materials: 3-4 pictures of autumn trees (birch, mountain ash, aspen, maple)- for decoration "parka", autumn leaves of colored paper according to the number of children (for example, 3 birch, 3 rowan, 3 aspen and 1 maple); Maple leaves (from colored paper) different colors according to the number of children.

Equipment: easel or magnetic board, landscape sheets, pencils and colored pencils.

Brief annotation to work: The educational situation introduces children to a new way of drawing leaves - with their palm; it is desirable to carry out in the fall, during leaf fall. The educational situation is developed in the northern region, where maples do not grow, so this tree is not familiar to children.

The course of educational situations:

1. Introduction to the situation.

Didactic tasks: to motivate children to be included in the playroom activity.

The children gather around the teacher. The teacher asks the children if they know who the artists are? What are the artists who paint nature called?

Do you want to be a landscape painter today? Then let's go to the park, look at the autumn trees.

2. Update.

Didactic tasks: to update children's knowledge about the signs of autumn, about the name of the trees, about the shape of the leaves.

By the time we get to the park, who's to say what time of year it is?

And what are the leaves on the trees in autumn? And what happens to the leaves in autumn? Children's responses are heard.

Well done guys, you got it right. So we got to our park. See how many leaves have fallen from the trees and all are different. Let's pick up one leaf at a time. Can you name the trees from which these leaves fell?

The children respond by looking at the leaves. You can set additional questions: by what sign did you recognize the tree, name the color of your leaf, etc.

3. Difficulty in the situation.

Didactic tasks: create a motivational situation for the formation of ideas about the maple leaf; to form an experience under the guidance of an educator of fixing the difficulty and understanding its cause.

Tell me, guys, could everyone name from which tree your leaf fell?

If all the children answer in the affirmative, focus on the child who got the maple leaf.

What tree did this leaf fall from?

Can you name the tree? (Not)

Why couldn't they? (We don't know the name).

4. "Opening" new knowledge.

Didactic tasks: to study the features of a maple leaf (shape, color, consolidate the ability to overcome difficulty in a way "Ask someone who knows"

What if we don't know what we're doing?

Children's responses are heard.

Who will ask me the question you need? The teacher gives 2-3 children the opportunity to say the question aloud, and then answers it.

So, guys, the tree from which this leaf fell is called maple. What will this sheet be called? (Birch leaf - birch, maple leaf - maple) Let's take a closer look at it.

The teacher distributes maple leaves of the same size but different colors to all the children. Children study leaves.

5. Difficulty in the situation.

Didactic tasks: to create a motivational situation for the formation of a way to depict a maple leaf; to form an experience under the guidance of an educator of fixing the difficulty and understanding its cause.

Guys, we are artists. And let's think about how we draw a maple leaf.

Children's suggestions are heard.

Can you draw such a leaf? Who wants to try?

The teacher gives the children a piece of paper (on easel) and a simple pencil. 1-2 children try to draw a maple leaf.

Could we draw a maple leaf? (Not)

Why couldn't they? (We don't know how it's done)

6. "Opening" new mode of action.

Didactic tasks: to form an idea of ​​​​the method of depicting a maple leaf; to form the experience of independent goal-setting and discovery, emotional experience of the joy of discovery.

Let's go back from the park to our garden and think about how it is more convenient to draw such a leaf.

Children sit at tables. The teacher invites the children to express their versions, creates an atmosphere of goodwill, search for ideas, involves all children in the discussion, asking them, if necessary, leading questions:

Maybe the shape of the sheet is similar to something?

The task of the educator is to bring the children to the fact that the shape of a maple leaf looks like a palm with widely spaced fingers.

See guys how easy it is to draw a maple leaf with your palm.

The teacher shows how to draw a maple leaf.

First, we circle our palm with a simple pencil, then we draw five lines - the veins of the sheet. Then we connect the images of the fingers with each other with arcs so that we get the outline of a maple leaf.

The teacher brings total: we were able to draw a maple leaf because we found the shape it looks like (palm).

7. The inclusion of a new mode of action in the system of knowledge and skills of the child.

Didactic tasks: consolidate the ability to draw a maple leaf with the palm of your hand; develop technical skills in pencil drawing - pressure, correct shading, selection of shades.

The guys in front of you are a landscape sheet and a simple pencil. Let's remember that today we are artists and try to draw a maple leaf with our palm. Remind me, please, the order of the image.

Interview 1-2 guys or say everything together.

Well done, let's get started.

While the children are drawing, the teacher individually helps those who are having difficulty.

Well done boys. And what is now missing from our leaves? (Colors) Let's color them. In what colors? (yellow, red, orange). And why? (autumn colors). Several colors can be used in one leaf. Don't forget to hold the pencil correctly. Let's get started.

The teacher continues to provide individual assistance to children.

Well done guys, you got very elegant autumn leaves. And now, as real artists, let's arrange an exhibition of your work.

The teacher fixes the children's work on a magnetic board. Everyone admires together.

8. Comprehension.

Didactic tasks: restore in the memory of children what they did on lesson, create a situation of success.

The teacher gathers the children around him.

Where have you been today?

Who have you become today?

What did you like the most?

The teacher praises the children and says that if they could not find the shape that the maple leaf looks like, they would not be able to draw such wonderful leaves.

Related publications:

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Lesson on fine arts in the preschool educational institution. In the fairyland of Art

Tsalko Milana Alekseevna, teacher.
Place of work: MADOU CRR Kindergarten No. 71, Odintsovo, Moscow region
Target: To develop the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art.

Continue to teach to perceive the types and genres of fine art.
Continue to teach children to express detailed emotional and aesthetic judgments, to use the acquired knowledge in their own creative activities.
To consolidate ideas about the main genres of fine art (landscape, still life, portrait); the ability to find one of the genres among others and justify your choice.
The development of children's creative abilities in the process of using different ways of depicting and inciting interest in fine art.
To develop observation, emotional responsiveness, the need for the perception of fine art.
Arouse children's interest in fine arts. To educate a sense of beauty, to educate children in an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding nature.
Activate children's vocabulary: arts and crafts, sculptor, sculpture, originals, originals.
Equipment: Interactive board.
Reproductions of paintings depicting landscapes, still lifes, plot painting, illustrations by artists - Y. Vasnetsov, E. Rachev, E. Charushin; objects or images of objects of folk arts and crafts, sculptures of small forms.
Gouache paints, brushes, palette, paper, plasticine, boards, stacks, napkins, semi-flowers.
Audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons".
Preliminary work:

Entertainment progress

Organizing time.
Educator:- Guys, I invite you to make an amazing journey to the great and mysterious country of Art.
Artists live there. Who knows who is called an artist?
Children's answers
Educator:- These are people who can and love to fantasize and invent. The one who creates the whole world in his imagination can call himself that. Would you like to become artists?
Going to the fabulous land of Art, we will try to reveal only some of the secrets of the art world. Let's get to know the arts.
I think you are ready. / Yes /
Knock on the door, Dunno runs in
Dunno:- Hello guys. Do you recognize me? / Yes /
Dunno:- It's good that you know me. Perhaps you read about me? I heard that you are going on a trip to the fairy land of Art. Remember, once I also wanted to become an artist, but no one liked the pictures that I painted? So I came to kindergarten to go on a journey with you to the land of Art and learn. Because I love art so much!
Educator: Guys, help Dunno, take it with you? /Yes/.
Before starting the journey, I suggest watching a video letter from the inhabitants of the fabulous land of Art. In this letter they tell you about the people who live in the Fine Art World:
Viewing the presentation - a video series about the arts.
1 part. Slide 1-5 Painting.
There lived an artist. Every day he saw seas and forests, fields and mountains. I saw the beauty of the sky, the blue of the sea and the endless fields. They called the artist to pick up the brushes and tell the whole world about their beauty. The artist painted many pictures in which he showed how amazing the surrounding life is. You just need to carefully peer into objects, nature, people - and then the magical world of beauty will open. This artist conveyed the beauty of nature on canvas with the help of paints. He painted his paintings "lively" as in life. Such an artist is called a painter. And the type of art that united his works is painting. Painting is a type of art in which pictures are painted with paints: oil, watercolor, gouache.
Slide 6-9 Graphics.
And his neighbor - the artist liked to draw only with pencils, felt-tip pens, charcoal, crayons. His name was the graphic artist. And the type of art to which such paintings belong is graphics. Graphics are works made with lines, strokes, dots.
Slide 10-13 Sculpture.
A sculptor lived next to his friends. Do you know who it is? This is an artist who tries to convey the beauty of animals and people with the help of clay, plaster, stone. What is the name of the art form? Sculpture is a type of fine art, the works of which have a three-dimensional form and are made of solid or plastic materials.
Slide 14 -18 Arts and Crafts
Other remarkable artists and craftsmen also lived in this city. They make various beautiful things: dishes, clothes, carpets. This is Arts and Crafts. These people are called folk masters. They did not specifically learn their skills, but adopted it from their elders: from father to son, from master to apprentice.
Educator:- Let's close our eyes for a moment and imagine what the city "World of Art" looks like
2nd part. Children go to the music room
Children enter the music hall, decorated with reproductions of paintings, small sculptures, Dymkovo toys, objects or images of objects painted by Gorodets and Khokhloma masters.
Educator:- Guys, I suggest you look at the pictures and find beauty (time is given for the children to look around and see the pictures).
Educator:- What do the artists represent? (children's answers)
Educator:- And what do artists draw with? What are these pictures about? (children's answers)
Educator:- Yes, artists paint nature, portraits, still lifes, animals, scenes from people's lives.
Educator:- And what do artists draw with? (children's answers)
Educator:- Yes, artists paint on canvas, or rather, artists paint pictures. The images are obtained as if they were alive, and the pictures are called picturesque.
Educator:-Look at our exhibition of paintings and find an image of a landscape on them.
Children, listening to calm music, look at pictures and find images of landscapes.
The child shows them and reads poetry:
If you see in the picture
The river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds
Or a snowfield
Or a field and a hut
Be sure to picture
It's called landscape.
Educator:-Now find and show the portraits.
Children find and one child reads a verse:
If you see what's in the picture
Is anyone looking at us
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or like a climber
Pilot or ballerina
Or Kolka is your neighbor,
Be sure to picture
It's called "portrait".
Educator:- And who will go and show me still lifes?
The child shows and reads poetry:
If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table
Or juice in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or pear or cake
Or all items at once
Know it's "still life"
Educator:- And now find the works that are created from stone, glass, wood. Who creates them?
Educator:- Yes, that's right, it's a sculptor. And the art he creates is sculpture. Which sculpture do you like best? How? (children's answers)
Educator:- And here is the next task for you: find the works of masters who decorate objects. That's right, these are toys, and dishes, and furniture. What are these masters called?
Children:- Masters of arts and crafts.
Educator: Let's look at these works. What are they?
Children:- Bright, elegant, cheerful, festive.
Educator:- Do you know these paintings? Which masters painted them? (children's answers) - Well done! They were painted by Dymkovo, Gorodets, Khokhloma masters.
Educator:-Here's another toy. An unheard-of miracle, an unseen miracle! What a toy, guess the riddle.
There is also a toy for you, not a horse, not Petrushka -
Beauty is a girl, she has sisters.
Each sister for a small dungeon. (Matryoshka)
The teacher shows and analyzes. Children determine how many sisters a beautiful girl has.
Educator:- Of course, this is the beloved Russian Matryoshka! Who first made Matryoshka? (Turner Zvezdochkin). Who came up with the painting for Matryoshkas? (Artist Malyutin). Why are all these dolls called nesting dolls?
Girls dressed as matryoshka dolls "Oh, yes, we are nesting dolls" (music by Lomova) perform the Matryoshka dance.
Dance of Matryoshkas
(with wooden spoons painted under Khokhloma)
Educator:- What works of arts and crafts do you like more? How? (children's answers)
Educator:- Guys, we saw different works of fine arts. Artists, sculptors, illustrators create them for us to give us pleasure, joy. They give us the opportunity to once again experience the feeling of a warm summer or cold winter day, the memory of a trip to the forest or the river, the joy of our successes. They help us remember how anxious we were during a thunderstorm, how cheerfully we gathered berries and mushrooms in the forest, how we made a bouquet of their wild flowers on a sunny lawn.
- Works of art written or made by the artist himself are called originals or originals.
- Do you know where the original works of fine art are stored? What is the name of this house?
Children:- in the museum.
Educator:-Many authentic works of art are stored and exhibited in the museum. They live there for hundreds of years, delighting people. When visiting museums and exhibitions, people behave calmly, carefully examine the works, quietly speaking among themselves in order to enable other people to admire real works of art. Have you been to museums? If not, be sure to go.
3rd part Children are seated at the tables.
Educator:- And now we will turn into artists or sculptors. Let's try to create our own works of art that will delight everyone, give pleasure to everyone who comes to our museum. Think about what you would like to portray? Please get to work.
Children, Dunno. choose the material of their choice and work at the tables. Soothing music plays while children work.
Educator:-While our work is drying, let's repeat a little:
What extraordinary world did we visit today?
What kinds of art do you remember?
- show me an object or drawing that corresponds to such an art form as painting ...
Graphic arts
Arts and Crafts
What kind of drawings are we referring to? Why?
- What have you learned for yourself?
The location of the works on the magnetic board.
Children decorate the exhibition with their works, act as guides, talking about their works.
Educator:-This is the world of art we have. You yourself have become full-fledged residents of the city - artists, now you know how diverse the World of Art is.
Final part
Educator:-I want to give you seven-flower flowers as a keepsake. If you liked our trip, then draw him a smile, and if not, a sad face. These flowers have the magical power of creativity and will bring you happiness and good luck. They will be the basis for your any creative idea. With the help of a flower, you can create beauty.
Dunno:- And it's time for me to say goodbye to you, I still have a lot to do in my Flower City. And how many interesting things I need to have time to tell my friends. Goodbye guys, see you next time.

State budget professional

educational institution

Rostov region

"Volgodonsk Pedagogical College"



Non-traditional painting technique

Lesson topic: Drawing in the technique of "wet sheet"

(Color stretching, glazing) Spring sky

Compiled by: student of group DO-3

Varlyaeva Olga

Checked by: Lykhvar G.I.

Volgodonsk -2015


Create conditions for free experimentation with watercolors and various art materials.

Learn to depict the sky in the wet color stretching method. Create conditions for reflecting spring impressions in the drawing.

Develop creative imagination.

Preliminary work.

Observations of the sky on a walk (transparent, different colors at different times of the day), half the possibility of observing the sunset, looking at images of the sky on reproductions, art paintings, postcards.

Materials, tools, equipment.

For the educator: landscape sheet, illustration of paintings sky, blue gouache brush, cotton buds, brush jars of water, napkins.

For children: landscape white sheets, blue gouache, cotton buds, jars of water, napkins.

The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from "Stories about the Boy Who Wanted to Become an Artist":

The next day, Rainbow told the Boy: “You learned to look at the world like a real artist - carefully and with love. Everything is interesting to you. You feel the mood and character of the color. You can even draw anything without a brush. Try to guess it».

The boy slid down the blue road and was surprised to notice that the color of the icy path under his feet was gradually changing. At first it was bright blue. Then it began to shimmer in the sun with either yellow specks, or pink-blue and lilac sparks. Further, further, and ended with a white snowdrift.

Now I know what shade is! Exclaimed the Boy who wanted to be an artist. This is a variation of the same color. For example, now blue remains blue, but it changes a little, then it becomes lighter, then it mixes a little with a different color ...

The boy took a white sheet of paper, moistened it with water. Then he drew several bright blue stripes with a cotton swab at the top of the sheet, and below he began to draw with the same swab, constantly wetting it with water. The paint gradually dissolved, the color gradually brightened, turned pale, and the real sky appeared on the drawings .

The teacher invites the children to experiment with gouache paints to get light shades "Let's try to draw the spring sky, as the Boy Who Wanted to Become an Artist did." But first, let's do some exercise.

Physical education minute

We raise our hands up, and then we lower them,

And then we separate them

And we'll take it to ourselves soon.

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more fun!

Children take a landscape sheet, the teacher says they turn it vertically (in height), and take a brush, dip it into water and put it on a sheet. Then, very quickly (until the sheet has dried out), they draw a spring festive sky: they dip a cotton swab in bright blue paint and draw it across the sheet from left to right, starting from the top and wetting the cotton swab with clean water over and over again to get a color stretch from the dried - blue (above) to lighter - pale blue (below). At the end of the lesson, the children transfer their paintings depicting the hovering sky to a free table, lay out all the drawings together and consider how big the sky turned out and how its color changed ( light shade) from bright, saturated to increasingly light, transparent, pale. The teacher praised the guys, well done, everyone got a spring sky.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher reads to the children I. Nikiten's poems “Admire, spring is coming!” poem

Look, spring is coming

Cranes fly in a caravan.

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And the streams roar along the ravines ...

Soon you will have guests

How many nests will be built, look!

What sounds, what songs will flow.

Day-to-day from dawn to dusk!

Equipment: Pinocchio dolls, Klyaksa, paper, brushes, mirror.

Educator (V.).

Here we took the brushes in hand,

And there was no boredom in the group.

To make it more fun

Don't skimp on bright colors!

This is true!

Well, what is there to hide

Children love, love to draw.

Pinocchio, do you like to draw?

Pinocchio. I don't know, I haven't tried.

AT. Do you want us to teach you? To begin with, we will remember how you can get new colors and shades by mixing paints.

Didactic game "Wonderful palette".

(A blob appears.)

Blot. What are you doing here without me? Who gave you permission to touch the paint?

AT. And who are you?

Blot. I'm a black wax, I'm called Miracle Blob.

I'll jump on the drawing, I'll leave a mark on it. Where there were people, flowers, trees, birds, black blots will have fun. Everything will be black. There will be crybabies to put only blots.

AT. Our children are not crybabies at all, and they draw very beautifully. But where did you come from and why are you so angry?


Some wicked boy

naughty prankster,

I stuck my nose in ink.

I didn't forget him

And I came from a fairy tale

I will mix colors for you all ...

And there he is, I recognized him.

He made me.

Pinocchio. I didn't know, it's not my fault...

AT. Listen, blot, the guys and I want to help you.

Blots are different

Sometimes they get in the way

They can be a terrible beast

They might even make you laugh.

Pinocchio. Come on, let's turn you into something.

AT. Before we start the magic, we will prepare the paper by folding the sheet in half. Now let's put funny blots on one sheet, cover it with another sheet:

(Children put spots on the sheets. Open the sheets, if necessary, add small details. Tell what their blots have turned into.)

AT. And the guys and I will make a magic book out of the drawings and give it to you ”(fastens the sheets).

Blot. I'm very pleased. I also want to give you a gift - these multi-colored freckles.

The game "Points on the nose".

(The teacher draws a colored dot for each child on the nose. Offers to admire the noses in the mirror, remember the color. To the cheerful music, the children dance, after which the “noses” are collected in accordance with the same color and hug.)

Klyaksa and Pinocchio. Guys, it's time for us to return to our fairy tale (the heroes leave and give the children the Golden Key game).

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