Learn Bulgarian. Language learning


But at the same time, many understand that without knowing the language, a lot will pass by, remain incomprehensible. And when it comes to studying, then you can’t do without Bulgarian at all. But this language is quite rare and it is very difficult to find tutors or courses to study it. Then there is only one way out - to study on your own. What should be taken into account in this? The tips below will help resolve this issue.

The main thing is tough self-discipline, especially at first. If you let everything take its course, do not do what experts recommend, relax, then it is unlikely that the task will be solved before the trip, even if there is a lot of time before it. Classes need to be organized effectively. And this does not mean at all that you need to conduct three-hour classes every day. It's too much. Lessons of the same duration, held rarely, will not be effective either. In many language courses, teachers advise attending classes every 2-3 days, and then repeat the knowledge gained at home. To do this, it is necessary to repeat the material studied in the lesson (words, declension rules, etc.) throughout the day. But you need to do this not once, but, for example, 3-4 times a day. To do this, you need to decide what time it will be and try not to deviate from this rule, even if, for example, you want to gossip with your girlfriends or play “tanchiki” at lunchtime.

If you speak Bulgarian on your own, you need to purchase or download the necessary literature from the Internet: phrasebooks, dictionaries, tutorials. When using any type of literature (electronic or conventional), it is imperative to make notes with a regular pen in a simple notebook. Why is this needed? When writing down any information, it is better remembered, and if you also pronounce the words being recorded, the memory is activated even more and the learning process is more efficient and faster.

One well-known professor advised his students to do translation. Yes, yes, translation. It is enough to study Bulgarian for a couple of weeks, and you can already begin to translate any literature into Russian. It can be fairy tales, poems, novels - any works, but only favorite topics. First, translate into Russian, and then at the next lesson, on the contrary, translate the already translated text back into Bulgarian, but without looking at the original text. And then, the resulting translation is compared with the original. In the beginning, these texts will be very different, but over time, these differences will become less and less.

Such classes have a double benefit: words will be remembered faster, and also, the student will subconsciously remember the correct construction of sentences in different situations.

For the time being, while learning the language, it is necessary to surround yourself with native speakers of Bulgarian as much as possible. These can be films in Bulgarian, cartoons, audio recordings of books, songs. Better yet, use all kinds of sources throughout the day. But, they must be strictly in Bulgarian, without translation. This will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the language environment, akin to how a person travels abroad. No one follows him and does not translate everything that he heard. After a month of active training, a lot will become clear. What can even better show how far a person has advanced in his studies. Of course, it depends only on his efforts.

Movies and cartoons are, of course, good. But still not enough. We need live communication. You can use the Internet for this. But not before a person learns at least 200 of the most commonly used words. Communication implies the flow of information from two sides, so you need to be ready to talk about yourself, your hobbies, how your childhood went, etc. You can also make the necessary proposals in advance using an Internet translator (although one can only guess what he can translate there). A phrase book is very useful: it has a lot of already prepared phrases.

Many people are afraid to make direct contact with native Bulgarian speakers for fear of saying something wrong. But this is wrong. Do not be afraid: even the greatest geniuses once began their journey with uncertain, inept steps, they made mistakes, they were laughed at, but the efforts made, in spite of everything, led to victory. Dare! Your peaks are waiting for you.

Bulgarian belongs to the southern subgroup of the Slavic group of the Indo-European language family and is considered a language close to Russian. Therefore, it is not surprising that many words from the Bulgarian Russian speaker may seem familiar.

If you are going on vacation to Bulgaria, it is enough to confine yourself to the Russian-Bulgarian (Belarusian-Bulgarian) phrase book. However, if business negotiations are planned with this country, or, say, you decide to move there to get an education, knowledge of the local language is a must. All Courses Kom offers a list of free online resources for learning Bulgarian.

Bulgarian in lessons and exercises. The site offers to learn the language by different methods: by collecting the word, guessing them, listening, collecting phrases. You can subscribe to the newsletter to receive 10-12 groups of words and voiced examples of ready-made phrases by mail every day.

A comprehensive collection of frequently used words or phrases in Bulgarian. Good for tourists.

A series of video tutorials, the explanation is given in Russian. There is an information block: for example, culinary recipes in Bulgarian. It is possible to download books by Bulgarian authors for free.

The site provides free 24 training lessons for beginners. There are explanatory illustrations. Most of the educational information is contained in the image format. Each exercise has an answer.

A good explanatory dictionary of Bulgarian online. There are accents.

A group for learning Bulgarian, which is regularly updated with relevant and useful information. Textbooks, teaching aids, phrasebooks and many links to other resources that will help you learn Bulgarian in one way or another. Not only educational information, but also to broaden one's horizons.

is an application for a smartphone on Android that will help you learn a language. Vocabulary corresponds to the initial level, the words are voiced. Vocabulary games are offered. There are paid and free lessons.

Not only assistance in learning the language - translations, videos, dictionaries, but also acquaintance with the culture of the country, famous places and prominent people, songs. The site also offers to teach Romani, Turkish, Arabic, English and French.

– Bulgarian video lessons online, free and for beginners. Conducted by specialist Eduard Doylovskiy

Online self-study, compiled according to the original methodology, based on the differences between the Bulgarian language and Russian, which allows you to effectively increase your vocabulary
According to the authors' intention, special success can be achieved by studying only those words whose meaning cannot be determined intuitively, as well as those that are close to Russian, but have a different semantic connotation. The tutorial contains phrases from living Bulgarian speech, anecdotes.

Bulgarian language textbook online for foreigners. Designed for a novice user. Its main task is to teach foreigners to read and write, understand simple texts and master conversational speech.

Recently, an increasing number of Russians, as well as residents of other countries of the former USSR, have a desire to learn the Bulgarian language on their own. And our site can provide invaluable assistance in this matter, where everyone can download the Bulgarian language self-instruction manual.

Bulgaria in the life of Russians

Every year Bulgaria becomes more and more popular holiday destination for our fellow citizens. Guests from snow-covered Russia are always welcome here: at their service are the snow-white beaches of the Black Sea, the hot southern sun, the healing air of the highlands, and mineral springs hiding in shady groves. It is not for nothing that Bulgaria is one of the most popular tourist destinations among Russians.

On average, up to 700,000 Russians visit this sunny Balkan republic every year. Most of our tourists come here in June - July: up to 150 - 170 thousand people monthly. However, our compatriots go to Bulgaria not only for summer experiences. In the last five years alone, almost 5.5 thousand Russians have received Bulgarian citizenship.

Russians have no less reasons for emigration to Bulgaria than reasons for seasonal holidays. First, Bulgaria has been a member of the European Union for ten years now. And this means that, having received Bulgarian citizenship, a Russian can move freely throughout the EU, gets the right to live and work in any country of the European Union. In addition, a newly minted citizen of the Balkan Republic receives many other preferences that equalize his rights and opportunities with the native inhabitants of Europe.

Of particular note is the benevolence of the Bulgarians towards the Russians. These two nations have been linked by centuries of good neighborly relations. But, if a tourist, when communicating with local residents, can still somehow manage with the Russian language, then for a person who wants to settle in this country seriously and for a long time, knowledge of the Bulgarian language is simply necessary. However, for a tourist who travels to this amazing southern country to get to know it better, to get acquainted with its traditions and customs, to communicate with its inhabitants, the ability to speak Bulgarian will also not be superfluous.

Bulgarian language: history and modernity

Linguistically, the Bulgarian language belongs to the southern, Balkan, subgroup of Slavic languages. Historically, this language is considered the first Slavic language to have its own written language. According to legend, Saints Cyril and Methodius in 862 created the first Slavic alphabet in Bulgaria, translating the Gospel into the ancient Bulgarian language. This is indirectly confirmed by such an interesting fact that the closest to modern Bulgarian of all Slavic languages ​​​​is the so-called "Church Slavonic" - the one in which church books are still published and prayers are read in Orthodox churches.

Today Bulgarian is spoken by about 10 million people, mostly in the Republic of Bulgaria. Due to the fact that the majority of native speakers live compactly in one country, it is quite uncommon in the world. Especially when compared with such European languages ​​as English, French, Spanish, which have a worldwide distribution. But despite this, there are communities that speak Bulgarian in many European countries. They are most numerous in neighboring Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine. By the way, Bulgarian linguists officially consider the Macedonian language to be one of the dialects of Bulgarian.

Bulgarian language: tutorial online

That is why today it is quite difficult to find specialized literature for learning the Bulgarian language on your own. It is no less difficult to get a language course or find a tutor. This is especially problematic for residents of the Russian province, which is remote from major scientific and cultural centers of the country.

For this purpose, a self-instruction manual for the Bulgarian language was created, which we are pleased to present to your attention. With the help of the proposed tutorial, anyone can learn the Bulgarian language on their own, without resorting to expensive services of tutors or teachers of specialized courses.

Developed with the participation of experienced professionals, this online product is maximally adapted to the peculiarities of the perception of Bulgarian by a native speaker of Russian. The Bulgarian language is quite similar to Russian, the origin of many words in both languages ​​is common. On the one hand, this facilitates the perception of words, sometimes purely on an intuitive level, and does not cause subconscious rejection, which happens when studying languages ​​of non-Slavic groups.

But at the same time, this similarity creates a number of problems. Textbook examples - the Bulgarian word "table", translated into Russian as ... "chair". “Snack” in Bulgarian means “breakfast”, and “morning” is not morning at all, but “tomorrow”, “tomorrow”.

There are a lot of similar pitfalls caused by the common origin of the two languages. However, by carefully studying with the help of our tutorial, it is possible to overcome all difficulties and quickly learn to communicate fluently in colloquial Bulgarian.

Specially compiled lessons, a phonetic selection consisting of video clips with translation and Bulgarian songs, spelling and phonetics rules presented in an accessible way, make this Bulgarian language tutorial the most effective way to learn this language close to us on our own.

Among the main tasks that this online product allows you to solve are:

  • Setting the correct pronunciation.
  • Knowledge adapted to the requirements of the time.
  • Learning a living spoken language, without excessive static academicism.
  • Emphasis on maximizing the effectiveness of each session.

With the help of the online self-study book of the Bulgarian language, you can learn it at any time convenient for you - while jogging in the morning or standing in traffic jams on the way to work, lying in bed before going to bed or at lunchtime. And the most important conditions, without which it is impossible to succeed, is to have a desire to learn a language, and strict self-discipline. Only regular daily exercises can bring the expected effect as quickly as possible.

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