Why do popular people dream. Why is a celebrity dreaming


Today we will figure out what a meeting with a celebrity in the unconscious world means, how to interpret this dream and what points to pay special attention to.

The appearance of a famous person in a dream indicates a need for exaltation, a desire to raise the bar of achievement, as well as the need to develop talents in oneself and think about self-esteem.

To conduct a detailed analysis, you need to figure out what the celebrity from your dream is, what are her or his best features, what attracts you to him (her), and what repels you.

Think about everything you know about this person. The events that took place in his life can also apply to you, that is, something similar can happen in your fate. If he is doing well, then such a meeting and a pleasant pastime in a dream promise you personal success, especially if you have respect and sympathy for this character. If in a dream you encounter a celebrity who is often slinged in the yellow press, think: what is wrong in your life?

Great importance should be given to the words that the celebrity says, because they can serve as a hint on how to achieve social success, or, conversely, warn against unnecessary attention. If you dream of a famous person that you don’t like, this may promise you unpleasant stories: lawsuits, high-profile conflicts.

Of great importance is the gift that you receive from the hands of a famous person - this is a sign of new opportunities. In reality, this means that you can use some of the qualities that distinguish the dreaming personality in order to achieve greater success in life.

The value of a gift is easy to determine. The most "expensive" are food products, because they are a symbol of growth and development. So, bread is a universal food for a person, so if Laima Vaikule offered you a piece of her bun, this is a good sign, in a dream such a gift is more valuable than diamonds. This suggests that you will be able to improve your financial situation, increase your creative potential, so to speak, find a “bread” place.

Flowers have no such value. They are beautiful, but do not saturate life with anything material. Such a vision speaks of a banal need for attention. If the flowers are faded or artificial, you are not satisfied with life, everything seems false to you.

A fairly popular plot for dreams is sex with a celebrity. Absolutely all scenes of an intimate nature: kisses, hugs, etc., emphasize the desire to get closer to the stellar lifestyle, to borrow some of the qualities of the character in your dream.

What can celebrities dream of?

For example, a girl dreams of her pet Johnny Depp, with whom she dances and kisses. It is safe to say that this is the kind of man she wants to see next to her. This, of course, is not about Mr. Depp himself, but about his prototype. But this is only a superficial kind of interpretation. If you look deeper, a person of the opposite sex, famous or not, who ended up in your dream is a type of your animus (according to the psychologist Carl Jung), that is, the opposite part of nature, responsible for achieving goals and business activity. And after such a dream, you can begin to express yourself creatively and unusually. This will be expressed in expressive and vivid actions that you wanted to do, but did not dare. In addition, the appearance in a dream of celebrities related to stage or cinema speaks of an inner desire for a new acquaintance.

Sometimes we do not just see stars in a dream, but we are directly in their environment. And this is also a very important point. Remember where the action of sleep takes place?

So, if you are standing on stage next to a famous person or even in her place, then in real life you are worried about how people perceive you. You want to borrow from an idol to raise self-esteem many traits that allow you to gain wealth, popularity, fame.

If your location in a dream is a theater, this is an expression of an unconscious desire to change the inner "I". If a drama is unfolding on the stage, this indicates that you want to get away from the unpleasant moments that occur in life.

Being in the circus, you hide from what you consider serious and important. Relax, it's not as hard as you think. Seeing clowns or popular comedians in a dream means ridiculing existing authorities and moral principles, making fun of other people's ambitions and traditions.

Or is it a meeting of politicians? This suggests that you need to pay attention to the relationships in your work team. How is the meeting going? For example, if you dream that you are arguing with the expressive politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, then you may crave respect from your superiors.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is a Celebrity dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: Seeing a Celebrity in a Dream - Chatting with a celebrity in a dream means that you will have to devote yourself to fruitless chores. Seeing a famous actor or singer, taking an autograph from him - an influential person will be interested in you, career growth is possible. But at the same time, you are in danger of discord with your family. If you see yourself as a celebrity, you will be recognized on the street - in the near future you will suffer greatly from overestimating your own capabilities.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why is a Celebrity dreaming?

See in a dream

Celebrity - Seeing a famous or very famous person in a dream is a sign that you may soon be promoted or transferred to a higher paying job. To see an outstanding scientist in a dream means that when making responsible decisions, one should be careful, sometimes appearances can be deceiving. To dream or communicate with a popular pop star means that you will improve your financial situation, take her autograph - you can achieve amazing results or make very big profits. Being in a dream at a reception or a banquet among a large number of famous personalities is a sign that you can make a brilliant career or unexpectedly get a cherished position, this is how such a dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

What are the dreams of Famous people, pop stars (singers, politicians, artists) - Our potentialities and strengths; indicators of progressive movement, development. To be the most famous - to shame, dishonor, loss of authority.

Celebrity Dream Interpretation - As the media creates idealized images of famous people, the latter become frequent guests in our dreams: we imagine that we know some celebrities, which is why they come to us in a dream. The appearance of a pop star in a dream is usually caused by a desire to make friends or have an affair. And in this way, our desire to show that we are not born with a bast can be manifested. Sometimes we get used to the image of a star and then we feel involved in its success and popularity. Another option is to become a star yourself. How wonderful to perform on stage with other celebrities, and even become famous at the same time. Such popularity indicates your giftedness in a certain area or pushes you to achieve higher life goals. Of course, you need to make allowances for the abundance of informational messages about the life of stars. This often reduces their appearance in our dreams to a simple confirmation of the fact of their existence, as such a dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Why do Celebrities dream (those who died in reality) - Painful experiences, uncomfortable internal states; weather change.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff What is the dream of a Celebrity in a dream book?

What it means to dream about celebrities - As the media creates idealized images of famous people, the latter become frequent guests in our dreams: we imagine that we know some celebrities, which is why they come to us in a dream. The appearance of a pop star in a dream is usually caused by a desire to make friends or have an affair. And in this way, our desire to show that we are not born with a bast can be manifested. Sometimes we get used to the image of a star and then we feel involved in its success and popularity. Another option is to become a star yourself. How wonderful to perform on stage with other celebrities, and even become famous at the same time. Such popularity indicates your giftedness in a certain area or pushes you to achieve higher life goals. Of course, you need to make allowances for the abundance of informational messages about the life of stars. This often reduces their appearance in our dreams to a simple confirmation of the fact of their existence, as such a dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Home dream book What is the dream of a celebrity in a dream?

Interprets the dream book: Why famous people dream - potential opportunities. Pop star - desire to have more friends or have an affair; to become a star yourself - to set new, higher life goals.

Dream book celebrity

I wonder if it's nice to be a celebrity? Many will say it's nice. After all, what could be better than catching the admiring glances of fans, giving interviews and autographs, posing for fashion magazines and not leaving the TV screens?! Many girls dream of becoming popular actresses, and boys dream of becoming fashionable singers. However, the star status has a downside, an unpleasant side: no secrets and secrets, not a day without security, not a minute without makeup and under round-the-clock surveillance of the ubiquitous and arrogant paparazzi.

Whether it's good or bad - to be a "star" - everyone decides for himself. Whether it is profitable to be friends or live side by side with a popular person is also everyone's business. But what if a celebrity came to you in a dream? Or did you dream that you yourself became a TV star? Why dream like this? What does the subconscious warn us about in such images? Wise dream books know about this. Let's ask them why we dream of "stars"!

be a celebrity

I dreamed that you were a television celebrity - be careful, you overestimate your capabilities too much, you can suffer because of this, Miller's dream book warns.

Seeing yourself as a great scientist in a dream - depending on in which area you are a coryphaeus, the interpretation of sleep may change. Natural sciences - you will find pleasant communication with a person who will provide you with invaluable help in the future, accurate - to financial stability, humanitarian - to calm family happiness.

It is a dream that you are a fashionable singer or a singer, you are hugging with fans - be attentive to your family, there is a possibility of quarrels and conflicts.

Through hardship to the stars"

To dream about your meeting with a celebrity who wants to make a movie star out of you - to get acquainted with an influential and useful person, Tsvetkov's dream book promises.

Participate in a casting conducted by a popular singer - unbridled fun. It is especially good if in a dream you won the competition.

I dreamed that you were trying out for a role in a movie - not everything suits you in your life, so you too often try on other people's images. Wangi's dream book does not recommend getting involved in this, there is a risk of losing "your face".

In contact with a celebrity

I dreamed that you were kissing a celebrity who had died in reality - to self-deception. Something is going wrong with you, as it should be, but you stubbornly do not pay attention to it and continue to pretend that everything suits you.

Seeing your sex with a celebrity is a public disgrace and trouble, Freud's dream book predicts.

I dreamed of an unexpected meeting or a kiss with your real idol - to fulfill one of the most incredible desires in reality.

It is a dream that you are hugging and kissing an artist whom you do not love in reality - to unexpected changes in life. If in a dream you sympathized with celebrities - to pleasant ones, communication brought unpleasant sensations - changes for the worse, the Lunar Dream Book suggests.

If you dream that you are in love with a famous person, go on a date with him or are married - in reality you want to succeed by any means, without stopping at anything.

Chat with the Star

It is a dream that you are interviewing a celebrity, and she or he offers you sex - to success with the opposite sex, the Female Dream Book prophesies.

To meet a pregnant movie star in a dream is an unexpected pleasant surprise or a gift from a loved one.

I dreamed that you were talking with a celebrity - to good news, cursing - to gossip and unpleasant conversations.

To communicate in a dream with a popular singer, as with an old friend - a promotion awaits you, the Spring Dream Book gives hope.

Kissing a movie star for shooting on the cover of a magazine - unexpectedly for yourself, you will find yourself in the center of important events and will benefit greatly from this.

Dream interpretation famous person in a dream

Why is a famous person dreaming. Dream interpretation

A dream that in most cases portends glory and success in the work begun. This interpretation is especially relevant if you dream that you are at some important event surrounded by famous people. It is possible, however, that sleep is a reflection of your desire to assert yourself and prove to others that you are capable of much. You should also analyze your attitude to someone else's glory.

If you dream that she makes you happy, then in reality you will be successful. In the same case, when it causes envy, you will have to overcome many obstacles before you achieve ambitious goals.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about a famous person mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a famous person in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Dream singer

If you have a favorite singer whose work you admire in real life, then it is not surprising that one day you can see her in a dream. Despite this, the dream book recommends understanding why such an unusual dream is dreaming. Perhaps it will give a hint about upcoming events?

Interpretations according to Miller

The appearance of a famous singer in a dream today is no longer an exceptional event. The media cover the lives of famous people so densely that a person from the screen becomes close and dear.

How to understand why a celebrity is dreaming? According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, seeing your favorite singer is a declaration of love, a popular singer may dream of a sore throat, and an opera diva - to deception and disappointment.

Talent Time

If you dreamed of a young pop star, for example, Nyusha, then this means that you dream of starting a new romance or making friends with some person. Sometimes a famous singer symbolizes the desire to gain great popularity in her own environment.

If you yourself have become a famous singer or artist, then probably in the depths of your soul a talent of unprecedented strength is ripening. And this is a sign from above that it is time to move to new heights.

However, the dream book is in a hurry to warn you that even such a legendary American pop diva as Madonna can only be the background of a meaningless dream.

Feelings will help

But how to determine that a dream in which a famous singer sings on stage can be considered prophetic and that it really carries useful information? It is enough to remember your own feelings in night dreams.

If communication or singing did not cause sentimental emotions and even left the dreamer indifferent, then the dream does not make much sense. If you dreamed that the night concert caused a storm of emotions, made you laugh and cry at the same time, then this is a prediction of future success.

Hint and Warning

For an ordinary person to see any famous singer or artist in a dream - to the appearance in life of something especially amazing. A truly stunning event in its best sense awaits you. Even if you didn’t manage to see the performer herself and you could only listen to her songs or speech from afar.

But if you dreamed of an already dead star, then such a dream, according to the dream book, must be deciphered. If you are lucky enough to listen to the songs of the deceased performer, then remember their words. This is a clear hint to current affairs or a warning about future ones.

How to interpret a dream

By the way, according to the dream book, the appearance of a beloved singer in a dream will help shed light on the future. Why, for example, dream that you saw Alla Pugacheva?

Soon you will become a local celebrity or make a good purchase. For a girl, a dream book promises an acquaintance with a worthy person and, in general, popularity among men, for a guy - overcoming his fears and complexes.

However, these interpretations of the dream book are valid only if you love and admire the singer. If such a dream was dreamed by a person who does not care about the work of a star, then he will be greatly disappointed.

This example gives a general idea of ​​​​how you can understand what any other popular singer is dreaming of, including those who have already died.

Why is the musician dreaming?

In general, musicians dream of expenses. And the more artists in a dream, the more expenses ahead. If in a dream a musician is invited to a wedding, birthday, corporate party, anniversary or some other holiday, then in reality cash expenses will be associated with pleasant events: buying gifts, beautiful clothes, jewelry .

But a dream in which a musician is called to play at a funeral will bring expenses associated, on the contrary, with sad events. If in a dream a musician accidentally or on purpose breaks his musical instrument, then such a dream is a harbinger of loss. Something will deteriorate, break or fail in the household. It can be some kind of household appliances: a washing machine, a refrigerator, a TV, some furniture, a car. You should be more careful and attentive in the operation of household items in order to prevent unnecessary expenses.

I wonder what it means not only to hear a melody, but also to see in a dream a musician who performs this music? There is an answer - the interpretation of sleep depends on the situation and under what circumstances the artist dreamed.

For example, if a familiar musician did not play in a dream, but was engaged in some other business (perhaps not even characteristic of him), then this dream is a love story with a sad outcome.

If you were lucky enough to see a famous singer or musician in a dream, get to know a star, then this only means that in real life a person is seized by a great desire to make acquaintance with some celebrity, to chat with his favorite artist. Perhaps soon such an opportunity will present itself.

To see musicians is always favorable and good. This dream brings the dreamer joy, a holiday, the arrival of long-awaited guests. To dream of a superbly playing musician performing his favorite composition means success in his work, profession. It also promises career growth or a promising job offer.

A musician giving a public concert - to everyone's fun. If he plays privately for the dreamer, then this means that he will have a surprise from a dear person, an unexpected pleasant event and pleasure.

What is the dream of a musician who came to perform in transit, touring the world with his numbers? This dream portends a quick vacation, a trip, a voyage that will bring not only relaxation, but also a pleasant acquaintance. And the last circumstance, most likely, a little later will develop into a love relationship. In general, a holiday romance is just around the corner! Artists, singers, musicians in a dream - this is the key to solving problems. The subconscious gives a person some important clue. You need to unravel it and improve your life.

famous celebrity person

Dream Interpretation Famous person celebrity dreamed of why a famous person is a celebrity in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a famous celebrity in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

Dream Interpretation - Celebrity

Chatting with a celebrity in a dream means that you will have to devote yourself to fruitless chores. Seeing a famous actor or singer, taking an autograph from him - an influential person will be interested in you, career growth is possible. But at the same time, you are threatened with discord with your family. If you see yourself as a celebrity, you will be recognized on the street - in the near future you will suffer greatly from overestimating your own capabilities.

Dream Interpretation - Celebrities

As the media creates idealized images of famous people, the latter become frequent guests in our dreams: we imagine that we "know" some celebrities, which is why they come to us in a dream. The appearance of a pop star in a dream is usually caused by a desire to make friends or have an affair. And in this way, our desire to show that we are not born with a bast can be manifested.

Another option is to become a star yourself. How wonderful to perform on stage with other celebrities, and even become famous at the same time. Such popularity indicates your giftedness in a certain area or pushes you to achieve higher life goals.

Of course, you need to make allowances for the abundance of informational messages about the life of stars. This often reduces their appearance in our dreams to a mere confirmation of the fact of their existence.

Dream Interpretation - Celebrity

D. Loff wrote: “As the media create idealized images of famous people, the latter become frequent guests of our dreams: we imagine that we “know” some celebrities, which is why they come to us in a dream. The appearance of a pop star in a dream is usually caused by a desire to make friends or have an affair. And in this way, our desire to show that we are not born with a bast can be manifested.

Sometimes we get used to the image of a star and then we feel involved in its success and popularity.

Another option is to become a star yourself. How wonderful to perform on stage with other celebrities, and even become famous at the same time. Such popularity indicates your giftedness in a certain area or pushes you to achieve higher life goals.

Of course, you need to make allowances for the abundance of informational messages about the life of stars. This often reduces their appearance in our dreams to a mere confirmation of the fact of their existence.

Dream Interpretation - Celebrity

To see a famous or very famous person in a dream is a sign that you may soon be promoted or transferred to a higher paying job.

To see an outstanding scientist in a dream - when making responsible decisions, one should be careful, sometimes appearances can be deceiving.

Communicate with a popular pop star - you will find an improvement in your financial situation, take her autograph.

A reception or a banquet among a large number of famous personalities is a sign that you can make a brilliant career or unexpectedly get a coveted position.

Dream Interpretation - Celebrity

You will have a strong patron.

Imagine that you are shaking hands with a celebrity.

Dream Interpretation - Famous people, pop

STARS (singers, politicians, artists) our potentialities and strengths; indicators of progressive movement, development. To be the most famous to shame, dishonor, loss of authority.

Dream Interpretation - Celebrities (those who died in reality)

Painful experiences, uncomfortable internal states; weather change.

famous person male

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you in a dream is snobbery.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you - to rumors.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a famous person next to you in a dream - to the manifestation of one's abilities in some business.

Dream Interpretation - Man

Dream Interpretation - Man

Dream Interpretation - Man

Dream Interpretation - Man

Dream Interpretation - Man

Dream Interpretation - Man

Dream Interpretation - Man

Kissing a famous person

Dream Interpretation Kissing a famous person dreamed of why in a dream Kissing a famous person? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Kissing a famous person by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you in a dream is snobbery.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you - to rumors.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a famous person next to you in a dream - to the manifestation of one's abilities in some business.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing in a dream with a pleasant and desirable person - to sad thoughts, unspoken claims.

A woman kissing a man - to sadness, anger, irritation.

Kissing a young girl for a man is a sign that dishonest profit awaits you.

Temperamental girl - for the wedding, a new connection.

Kissing an old woman - to longing.

Kissing your sweetheart is the end of enmity.

Kissing an ugly woman is bad news.

Greeting, kissing - to infidelity.

Kiss your mother - you will be successful in your business ventures, your faithful friends will appreciate and respect you.

Kissing a brother or sister is a prediction of pleasure and good relations with friends.

Kiss the executioner - you will receive a gift from a stranger.

Kissing someone's hands - to matchmaking, a new pleasant acquaintance with a future relative.

They kiss your hands in a dream - you will be disappointed.

Seeing children kissing is a prediction of a happy family reunion and success in business.

Birds or animals kiss - a happy dream, portending honors, happiness, a wedding.

Kissing the earth - to separation.

You kiss many different women, and you see yourself as young men - you will get yourself a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing is undoubtedly associated with young lovers. Imagination immediately draws images of two teenagers (not adults!), Frantically kissing on the subway escalator. You can kiss someone, watch others kiss, or have a premonition that you are about to be kissed.

Kissing another in a dream, in this way you can simply realize your sexual desire in relation to someone. And in this case, this is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss in order to feel the energy of love. A kiss is a desire to arouse passion, and it is not necessary that this passion manifest itself.

Do you see others kissing? It means that you know too much personal information about these people or take too active part in their lives. The exception is when you witness your partner kissing, which is a clear sign of infidelity or voyeuristic tendencies in your relationship.

When you wake up feeling like you want to be kissed, it reflects your real sexual attraction to someone. Usually it doesn't get to the kiss itself, because you wake up on it. The reason is the feeling of PROHIBITION: you want a kiss, but you understand that this is not desirable.

What do you experience when kissing: pleasant feelings or threat?

Did you long for this kiss or was it forced?

What were your overall feelings from the kiss: disgust, romantic feeling, or passion?

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kiss with your loved one.

Tip of the day: a threat to your relationship. Try to fix them.

Kiss with a friend, colleague, relatives.

Tip of the day: with these people you will have complete understanding. Trust them.

Kiss a celebrity.

Tip of the day: you will be successful in business if you show the traits of your character that are characteristic of this person.

Kiss with an unknown person.

Tip of the day: something is wrong with you. Give up on your goal for a while and change your lifestyle.

Kiss the dead.

Tip of the day: have to give up some hope. Now you need peace and only peace

Dream Interpretation - Purpose

(See interpretation: shoot)

Seeing a goal in a dream means that you are able to achieve what you want. Getting to the goal in a dream is a sign of great success. For patients, such a dream indicates that they will soon end their life. Looking for a goal in a dream means that you need more determination and perseverance if you want to succeed. Finding a target in a dream is a sign that you are on the right track.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

If you kiss with a loved one, separation or betrayal awaits you.

Kissing with a stranger, but a pleasant person - to joy, well-being.

With the old or ugly - to the bad news.

With the dead - to the appearance of some kind of secret in you.

Kissing with a person of the same sex - to insincerity in friendship or open enmity.

An unpleasant kiss sucked - to the disease.

Seeing other people kissing is sad.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing - Kissing in a dream - for a woman, this dream portends an acquaintance with some attractive man who, upon closer examination, will turn out to be a real gigolo. A man who has seen such a dream needs to be a little more tender to his "second half" - she has long been bored without your care. - If you saw in a dream how someone else was kissing, then you will find yourself embroiled in some kind of unpleasant story.

Dream Interpretation - Kissing someone

Dreams about kissing are quite common. The oral erogenous zone is the main active zone, which first manifests itself in a person. It is involved in the first years after birth, when the child receives food from the mother's breast.

In cases of normal mental development, the activity of the oral zone is replaced by the activity of the anal zone, however, in case of failures in it, traces of the activity of the first remain for life. It is they who manifest themselves in dreams.

Thus, if you dream of a kiss, this is a sign that the person you are kissing or who is kissing you is subconsciously represented by you as a deeply infantile object, that is, you do not perceive him as a real lover. Most likely, this person evokes in you associations with one of your relatives with whom you actively communicated in the first years of your life (this memory may be unconscious, that is, you may not even remember this person).

If you are the active party in the kiss, this means your desire to “absorb” the partner, assimilate him in yourself, make him a part of you, your own, belonging to yourself. If he kisses you, you feel similar desires on his part.

famous person male

Dream Interpretation Famous Man Man dreamed of why a famous man is a man in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a famous man in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you in a dream is snobbery.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you - to rumors.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a famous person next to you in a dream - to the manifestation of one's abilities in some business.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dreamed of a man, then you will have some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this portends some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some kind of piquant situation with far-reaching consequences.

If a man seen in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of your plans for a long time.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, hassle.

If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying talking with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a man of small stature is trying to start a quarrel or fight with a person who is superior in strength, this means that you are exchanging for nothing. Also, a dream promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources give numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his Comparative Biographies by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 - c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquill (c. 70 - c. 140) and many other ancient authors narrate about prophetic dreams.

About one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune, the story of Plutarch from his famous "Biographies" has been preserved. One night on the eve of the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her feelings were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had given importance to this warning from above, given to his wife, he would have remained alive (in the Senate he was stabbed twenty-three, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have turned out differently.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dream of a young, handsome man - in real life, anxiety awaits you. An old, gray-haired man portends a long life. A very obese, full man with a big belly - to pleasant events and sensations.

A man with a beard means illness in the family. A man in a shirt - a sign of an unhappy marriage, in an expensive elegant suit - you will fully enjoy all the benefits of life. An ugly man with repulsive features - to disappointment in his lover.

A gloomy man in a bad mood means that you will encounter many obstacles in the way of realizing your plan. A cheerful and sociable man portends that you will gain fame due to the successes achieved.

An aggressive man rudely seeking intimacy with you means that you will have unpleasant experiences because of the person you considered your friend. Seeing a dead man in a dream is a big money.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If a woman sees in a dream a pleasant man with beautiful features, the dream promises her well-being, contentment with fate, and considerable joy. If a man sees such a dream, this is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, intrigues of business opponents. A man in white clothes promises joy, a fortune, in black - loss and sadness. A fat man in a dream portends prosperity in business, and a short man is a sign that you will overcome difficult circumstances. The hunchback does not bode well, because often this dream warns of deception or betrayal of those whom you trust.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If a woman dreamed of a handsome, well-built man, in the near future she would enjoy a full life and be happy in love and sex. But if the man she sees is gloomy and ugly, she will be disappointed and have problems with her loved one.

For a man to see another man (friend or stranger) in a dream means that soon he will have a rival who can destroy the harmony of relations with his beloved woman and cause jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Man

"to talk like a man to a man" a serious conversation, a showdown.

"be a man" is a call to courage, nobility.

"I will make a real man out of you" (a strong, strong-willed person). "Man" the word carries a connotation of simplicity, rudeness, rudeness.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If the image of a woman symbolizes the sphere of feelings, then a man: it is a symbol of active activity.

To meet a slender, pleasant-looking man: portends deeds that will please you. Such a dream is equally favorable for both women and men.

An ugly man in a dream: a sign of failure in business. Most likely, your plans for the future need to be revised.

A woman has a dream in which she sees her husband: it can tell you what state her current affairs and plans are in.

Seeing a husband cheerful and cheerful is a sign of prosperity in the house.

A quarrel with her husband in a dream portends some difficulties, which, nevertheless, will end happily.

Seeing your husband ugly or unpleasant is a sign of acute dissatisfaction with your position.

Such dreams do not bode well.

If a woman sees herself as a man: this indicates that she is able to cope with a difficult situation and can safely rely on her own strength.

Dream Interpretation - Man

Bald man - to respect and wealth.

A man in a shirt dreamed of a woman - to trouble in marriage.

Seeing a naked man is good luck.

A dead man on the street - to the discovery of new sources of income.

Intimate relationship in a dream with a man - to the loss of state.

The murder of a famous person

Dream Interpretation Murder of a famous person dreamed of why in a dream the Murder of a famous person? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Murder of a famous person in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you in a dream is snobbery.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you - to rumors.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a famous person next to you in a dream - to the manifestation of one's abilities in some business.

Dream Interpretation - Murder

A dream in which a murder is committed before your eyes and you are powerless to prevent it - in reality this portends concern about your own health. If in a dream they are trying to kill you, be extremely careful on the street and be vigilant while driving. If in a dream you yourself committed a bloody murder and are hiding from justice, your secret will be revealed, which will cause you big problems.

Killing animals in a dream while hunting - good luck in business, in a slaughterhouse - you will be involved in a dirty business. If in a dream animals are killed simply out of cruelty, in reality you will encounter evil, insidious people who will try to annoy you. Killing a bird in a dream is a sign of an unstable financial situation and transient love. Crush an insect - getting rid of the hassle.

Suicide in a dream portends an accident due to one's own indiscretion and rudeness. Strangulation is a harbinger of severe mental trauma. Murder with bladed weapons - settling scores with enemies, firearms - a lot of ado about nothing or empty gossip and gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Murder

A murder seen in a dream may portend trouble caused by someone's atrocities.

I dreamed that a killer's blow awaits you, which can still be prevented - an experience is coming that requires the mobilization of the spirit.

In general, a dream about a killer in any situation is a warning. Know that the machinations of secret enemies await you.

If you committed the murder in a dream, then in real life you will be involved in some events that will dishonor your good name.

The dream in which you were killed means that your enemies are going to take decisive action to ruin your life.

If in a dream you kill an armed bandit or a wild beast who attacked you, then in real life you will have good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks.

If in a dream you killed someone, then in real life you need to get rid of the annoying relationship. In vain are you trying to convince yourself that there is still something to fight for. In fact, you and your partner have long cooled off towards each other and the relationship can no longer be saved.

If in a dream you feel that a killer's blow awaits you, then you will have a difficult experience. In general, a dream about a killer in any case is a warning that some kind of loss or machinations of secret enemies await you.

And here is what D. Loff wrote about such dreams: “Depending on who dies, why and how, someone's death as a result of a murder can be classified in different ways. It also depends on what is the most likely interpretation to explain death.

If you have killed a stranger, then this may mean that you are trying to storm the side of your own personality that gives you the most problems, destroys you, or which you are ashamed of. By killing a stranger, you are fulfilling your desire to banish this unwanted aspect from your life. This might be helpful.

Perhaps in a dream you killed yourself; of course, you may not be trying to kill your whole self, but only a part of your personality.

Suicide in a dream is an object of serious reflection. The act of suicide says a lot about your self-perception, about your assessment of yourself as a person.

If such a dream is repeated, and at the same time thoughts of suicide do not stop visiting your consciousness in real life, then this image of suicide can become something more than just a symbol.

If this happens, be sure to talk about your life with someone close to whom you can completely confide.”

Dream Interpretation - Murder

Seeing a murder in a dream portends the sorrows caused by the atrocities of others. It is possible that a violent death will happen before your eyes.

If you committed the murder in a dream, this means that you will be involved in shameful events that will brand your name.

To dream that you yourself are killed means that your opponents are doing everything to break your life.

To kill an armed villain or a wild beast who attacked you in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks.

If you find out in a dream about a friend's suicide, this portends long unrest on the eve of solving an important issue.

Dream Interpretation - Murder

Murder - Someone is being killed before your eyes - someone from your environment is in mortal danger from a robber, a killer. Find out about the murder - someone serving in the army will die in the line of duty, associated with an occupational risk. To kill you, but you remained alive - fearlessness helps you not to attract danger. Cultivate it in yourself, it will be useful to you in the future, since you have many enemies. You are killed, and you wake up - you attract danger to yourself, as you succumb to a sense of fear. A dream can be repeated in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Murder

Murder - If in a dream you killed someone, then you need to get rid of the annoying relationship. Over and over again, you try to convince yourself that there is still something to fight for, but in fact, everything that made up the core of the relationship is long gone, and you both think about your future as if there is no place for another in it.

To be a witness to a murder - cruelty occupies too much space in your fantasies. At the same time, you seem to not take into account the fact that your rude caresses may not be pleasant to everyone. Be less selfish in sex.

Dream Interpretation - Murder

If in a dream someone is trying to kill you, such a dream is a symbol of a subconscious desire to get rid of a bored partner, to break off relations with him.

If you yourself are in the role of a killer in a dream, the murder weapon is important. A murder committed with a knife means that your sexual desire for a partner is increasing, and quite mutually. If you strangle a person in a dream, this means that in real life you need to introduce elements of diversity into your relationship. An attempt to shoot a person with a firearm is a sign of getting rid of intimate problems in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Murder

Become a witness to a murder in a dream - to sadness due to human meanness. If you committed the murder in a dream, this means that you will take part in some unpleasant events, which will discredit your name. To kill an armed bandit or predator who attacked you in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick climb up the career ladder.

Son of a famous person

Dream interpretation Son of a famous person dreamed of why the Son of a famous person dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Son of a famous person in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you in a dream is snobbery.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you - to rumors.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a famous person next to you in a dream - to the manifestation of one's abilities in some business.

Dream Interpretation - Son

Seeing your son beautiful and healthy in a dream portends news of his happiness and well-being. But if in a dream you see that he is sick, injured, pale, etc., then expect bad news or trouble.

If you dream that your son killed you, then after your death he will inherit your fortune. The dream in which you saw that your son died portends you great concern for his well-being. Sometimes such a dream may indicate that your child has excellent health and your worries are groundless. If in a dream your son is calling you, then soon he will need your help. If you dream that you have a son, although in fact you have no children, then you will have to courageously endure future troubles or material losses. Sometimes such a dream warns of great experiences. See interpretation: children, relatives.

The dream in which you saw that your son was born portends unrest and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Son

To see your son healthy, beautiful, vigorous - to success and health for you and for him.

If you do not have a son in reality, a dream about a son predicts good luck in some kind of enterprise or a happy marriage.

If you dream that your son has died, expect a joyful event.

The behavior of a son in a dream means for a woman the attitude of her husband towards her, and for a man - the resumption of some kind of relationship and affairs or his own behavior and condition.

If a woman does not have a husband and children, a dream about a son characterizes her love affair or her feelings and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Son

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

You hug your son or daughter - portends a squabble.

The death of a son - speaks of a verbal quarrel.

The son of a concubine is dreaming under the wall - portends career growth.

Son of heaven, the rightful ruler will grant you permission to sit in his presence - there will be wealth and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Son

If you have a son and you see him handsome and obedient in a dream, it means that you will have something to be proud of, and you will strive for high honors.

If you dream of a crippled or suffering child, then you should be afraid of some kind of trouble.

If a mother dreams that her son fell to the bottom of a well, and she hears his cry from there, it means that she will have a lot of grief. But if in a dream she manages to save her son, it means that the danger threatening this dream will be immediately removed, and the dream must be taken as an incentive to prudence.

Dream Interpretation - Son

If you dream of your future son, whom you see as a pretty and well-mannered boy, in real life this means that your career will go uphill and this will become your pride. You will be striving for a higher position.

If you dreamed that your son is not good-looking, suffers from some kind of deviations, then in reality beware of trouble.

A dream in which you see your son screaming and pleading for help portends grief and failure in business.

Dream Interpretation - Son

A dream in which you see yourself as a woman in labor and they announce to you that your son was born means that you will be able to oppose your will and determination to evil intentions, thereby preventing tragic events. If you have a freak son, this is to painful experiences and bitter disappointment; handsome strong son - safely arrange your wedding.

To experience strong anxiety for the fate of your son in a dream means that you will have to learn things that you would prefer never to hear.

Dream Interpretation - Son

A happy son in a dream portends health and success to you and him.

A suffering son is a warning about the troubles associated with troubles.

If you do not have a son, but you see him, a happy marriage or universal respect awaits you, caused by your success.

famous football player

Dream Interpretation Famous Football Player dreamed of why a famous football player dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a famous football player in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you in a dream is snobbery.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a world-famous person next to you - to rumors.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

To see a famous person next to you in a dream - to the manifestation of one's abilities in some business.

Dream Interpretation - Fame

See Glory.

Dream Interpretation - Glory, fame, honors

If you dream that the people around you honor you, you are a famous person, basking in the rays of glory - this means that in reality your ambitious dreams will not come true.

Imagine being confused with a famous person who looks like you. The crowd of admirers, convinced of the mistake, quickly disperses.

Dream Interpretation - Glory, fame

To dream that you have become famous and widely famous is an unrealizable dream. If in a dream you are surrounded by famous people, in reality you will advance very far in your profession.

A play of the imagination, showing some as yet obscure, indefinite, distant events and feelings of the dreamer himself; mental conditions associated with nervous disorders or chronic oversleeping. In such images, alien energy localizations (scouts or lucifagia) that invaded a person’s dream sometimes take shape in the mind of a sleeping person. The latter are referred to in Toltec magic as "scouts", "allies". However, direct direct contact with them always leads to a clear and rapid destruction (on the physical and mental levels) and serious illness.

Seeing yourself as a different person in a dream

Chatting with a celebrity in a dream means that you will have to devote yourself to fruitless chores.

Seeing a famous actor or singer, taking an autograph from him - an influential person will be interested in you, career growth is possible.

But at the same time, you are threatened with discord with your family.

If you see yourself as a celebrity, you will be recognized on the street - in the near future you will suffer greatly from overestimating your own capabilities.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

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Dream Interpretation - Celebrity

To see a famous or very famous person in a dream is a sign that you may soon be promoted or transferred to a higher paying job.

To see an outstanding scientist in a dream - when making responsible decisions, one should be careful, sometimes appearances can be deceiving.

Communicate with a popular pop star - you will find an improvement in your financial situation, take her autograph.

A reception or a banquet among a large number of famous personalities is a sign that you can make a brilliant career or unexpectedly get a coveted position.

Interpretation of dreams from

Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Celebrities in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why dream Celebrities in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what do Celebrities mean?

To see Celebrities from the dream book - As the media creates idealized images of famous people, the latter become frequent guests of our dreams: we imagine that we “know” some celebrities, which is why they come to us in a dream.

The appearance of a celebrity in a dream is usually caused by a desire to make friends or have an affair. And in this way, our desire to show that we are not born with a bast can be manifested. Sometimes we get used to the image of a celebrity, and then we feel involved in its success and popularity.

Another option is to become a celebrity yourself. How wonderful to perform on stage with other celebrities, and even become famous at the same time! Such popularity indicates your giftedness in a certain area or pushes you to achieve higher life goals. But of course, it is worth making allowances for the abundance of information about the life of celebrities, as the dream book says about this dream, for details, if Celebrities dream, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do Celebrities dream in a dream?

Celebrity - A dream in which you meet or communicate with a celebrity means: you have a serious conversation with your boss, the result of the conversation can be either a promotion or a dismissal. Had a dream that you provide any assistance to a celebrity? It means that you are in a situation that does not allow you to realize your potential.

Modern dream book

Why do Celebrities dream about a dream book?

Of course, you need to make allowances for the abundance of informational messages about the life of celebrities. This often reduces their appearance in our dreams to a mere confirmation of the fact of their existence.

Summer dream interpreter

Celebrity - It was a dream that a celebrity was next to him - to the manifestation of his abilities in some business.

Celebrity - A celebrity on the stage dreams of a brawl.

Autumn dream interpreter

Celebrity - I dreamed that next to me was a Celebrity - to snobbery.

Celebrity - To go out, have fun.

Spring dream interpreter

According to the dream book Celebrity - to see a world-famous person next to you - to rumors.

Celebrity - to a joyful, grandiose event.

Celebrity on tour - I dreamed that you were going on tour, which means that you are not satisfied with the place that you occupy in life. You feel like you can't reach your potential. If you read a poster from which you learn about celebrity tours, fate will give you a chance to realize long-cherished projects

according to Loff's dream book

As the media creates idealized images of famous people, the latter become frequent guests in our dreams: we imagine that we “know” some celebrities, which is why they come to us in a dream. The appearance of a pop star in a dream is usually caused by a desire to make friends or have an affair. And in this way, our desire to show that we are not born with a bast can be manifested. Sometimes we get used to the image of a star and then we feel involved in its success and popularity. Another option is to become a star yourself. How wonderful to perform on stage with other celebrities, and even become famous at the same time. Such popularity indicates your giftedness in a certain area or pushes you to achieve higher life goals. Of course, you need to make allowances for the abundance of informational messages about the life of stars. This often reduces their appearance in our dreams to a mere confirmation of the fact of their existence.

Expert Answers


I saw Freddie Mercury in a dream. He showed me signs of attention and invited me on a date. In life, he is not my idol, but I love his songs. What is it for? Thank you! ([email protected])

A dream means that in reality you will have the opportunity to meet a celebrity.


I dreamed that the famous American rapper took me to him. Taken to America. I understand he wanted to marry me. And I didn't even have time to tell my parents. How it all ended, I never found out. What does this mean? (Daria)

If this benchmark is your idol, then the dream is a reflection of your dreams in real life. If not, then such a dream may indicate an unexpected career advancement or, if you are studying, academic success.

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