How beautiful to draw on eggs for Easter. Slavic pysanka: how to beautifully paint an egg - video


Pantone color palette on eggs

Graphic designers will not be able to resist such eggs. Instruction.

Black and white Easter eggs

Easter eggs do not have to be decorated in bright colors. Black and white drawings are also interesting, which are easy to depict. Instruction.

Easter eggs dyed with silk tie

Old 100% silk ties, scarves or blouses can also be used to color boiled eggs. Non-toxic and original! Instruction.

Super Mario Bros

Great Easter theme for old school gamers. Instruction.

Chalkboard on eggs

This is a version of the miniature blackboard. These eggs can be personalized or you can write Easter greetings on them using chalk. Instruction.

Temporary tattooed eggs


An affordable and simple idea for creating unique patterns on eggs. Instruction.

Washi Tape Ornament

If you do not want to get dirty with paints, then this idea is for you. You will need some washi tape (decorative Japanese ribbon made from natural fibers) and scissors. Instruction.

Easter eggs with hipster mustache

These stylish eggs are tempting to give French names like Pierre or Jean-Claude. Instruction.

dinosaur eggs

Another simple coloring technique that produces impressive results. It is enough to dip the eggs in the dye overnight for the color pigments to seep through the peel and form an amazing effect. Instruction.

Painting eggs with paper towels

Dip paper towels in your favorite food coloring, then wrap them around the eggs. After a few hours, the colors, along with the pattern of the towels, will be redrawn. Instruction.

Easter egg garden

To make Easter eggs look like a garden, you will need dye and a few strips of origami paper. Instruction.

Easter eggs with old fashioned silhouettes

With minimal effort, you can make eggs look so elegant and charming. Instruction.

golden globe

You can decorate eggs with gold leaf in different ways, we liked the world map. Instruction.

Easter eggs with thumbprints

Both adults and children can take part in the implementation of this charming idea. Add a couple of strokes and your prints can be anything! Instruction.

Watercolor Easter eggs

To make an Easter masterpiece, just dip the brush into the paint and press it against the egg. Instruction.

Easter eggs on the theme "Doctor Who"

For those who like the idea of ​​time travel and for fans of the cult series. Instruction.

Paper napkin decorations

No time and artistic ability? Take advantage of this idea! Just pick up paper napkins with a beautiful pattern, and voila! Instruction.

Lego mini

Great idea for Lego fans. Instruction.

Easter eggs glowing in the dark

Perhaps the most amazing, almost space eggs! Instruction.

Easter eggs dyed with fabric

Wrapping the eggs in textured cloth before dyeing them will leave an intricate pattern on the skin that looks like painstaking hand painting. Instruction.

Embroidered Easter eggs

Let's not lie, embroidering on eggs is not an easy task, but when you do it, you will get a one-of-a-kind attribute of Easter decor that you can use from year to year. Instruction.

Ombre coloring

Ombre in French means "shading". This method of staining involves applying several shades of color with smooth transitions and gives a fabulous result. Instruction.

Staining with onion peel and plant leaves

Pretty natural patterns are obtained by a completely non-toxic method. You will need sprigs of herbs, onion peel and old tights. Instruction.

Easter is the most significant and great church holiday, which always falls in the middle or end of spring. There is no clear date for Easter, it is calculated according to the lunar calendar. Usually the celebration is celebrated in April or May. An essential attribute of the celebration is the Easter egg, the drawings of which can be done both with pencils and with paints. How to draw an Easter egg yourself and decorate it, read below.

Easter egg: pencil drawings

In order to draw an Easter egg, take a sheet of A4 paper and draw a rectangle on it, the sides of which are longer than the bottom and top. Draw a vertical line in the center and a horizontal line below the middle. Now draw the outline of our Easter egg.

On the resulting egg, you can draw whatever you want: circles, flowers, animal faces, straight and curved lines, etc.

The first version of painting our dye

We draw on the resulting base two curved lines at the top, bottom and in the middle. In the central part, above and below the curved lines, draw two zigzag lines.

Further below and above, above the zigzag lines, we depict small circles, and in the very center - larger circles. Now we decorate our drawing with colored pencils or paints. An example of how a pattern can be distributed is suggested below.

The second version of the Easter egg drawing

At the top and bottom we draw in a semicircle, from which we then make the sun. At a short distance from the sun, from below and above, we draw two curved lines, in the center of which there is a zigzag.

At the top, between the sun and the curved lines, draw a willow branch. In the center of the egg we depict a flower, and on the sides - decorative curved lines. Coloring the resulting drawing.

Easter egg: drawings (third option)

You can also paint our paint in a marine style. It will look very original. In the central part of the egg, draw two waves parallel to each other, below which make the borders. At the top on the right side, depict the sun, and at the top in the center - a fish diving into the wave. Draw another fish above the bottom wave. And at the very bottom, add a picture of a turtle.

Now colorize the resulting image.

Drawings on Easter eggs

Today there are many ways to paint an Easter egg. Drawings on it can be very different. These are not only simple patterns, snowflakes, flowers. You can also write the names of friends or congratulations on the dyes.

Now let's look at how we can do all this. You will need a special board on which you will work. Make it easy. Take a sheet of foam or thick cardboard, 24x24 cm in size. Draw it into squares. The size of one square is 2 cm. Insert a needle into the corners of each resulting square.

After the pattern is applied, dip the egg into the dye. When it is colored, peel off the wax. The places that were under it will remain unpainted, thanks to which beautiful and unusual patterns will appear on your dye. In the same way, you can write the names of friends or short congratulations on the holiday.

As you can see, there will be no difficulty in painting or drawing an Easter egg, the drawings on which can be very different. It all depends on your imagination.

Eggs painted in one color are called eggs, and those painted with ornaments or plot patterns are called Easter eggs. Classic pysanka is a complex way of painting Easter eggs, where wax, steel feathers or hooks are used, as well as special paints. But along with the traditional methods of coloring, there are a large number of simpler and more original methods for painting an egg. Even kids can paint Easter eggs with watercolors, gouache or markers. You can also use watercolor pencils, corrector, felt-tip pens, gel pens and other standard writing instruments. Dyeing and painting eggs for the main Christian holiday, Easter, is a long tradition. One of the legends says that when Saint Mary Magdalene came to the emperor Tiberius and told about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the emperor did not believe and said that it was just as impossible as the fact that a chicken egg would turn red. At the same moment, the hen's egg, which he held in his hands, turned red in confirmation of the news of Mary Magdalene. Other versions refer the origin of the tradition to pre-Christian times.

Painting Easter eggs in watercolor

An easy way to make unique and colorful Easter eggs with your own hands is to paint Easter eggs with watercolors, combined with watercolor pencils. Keep in mind that this is not a permanent dye, but it is an easy, affordable and fun decorating method, and you can also create a real watercolor effect right on the shell.

The saturation of the pattern depends on the degree of dilution of the paint with water. You can first cover the entire surface of the egg with a light layer of watercolor, and then, while the paint is still wet, add more concentrated and saturated spots.

The core of watercolor pencils consists of pressed watercolor, which allows them to dissolve with water. In other words, we draw as if with colored pencils, and then we pass over the image with a wet brush or cotton wool and get a watercolor drawing. In this case, you can draw with a watercolor pencil on the still wet surface of the egg. It turns out the effect, as if the pencil is melting. As a result, soft and slightly blurred lines perfectly draw details.

Painting Easter eggs with gouache

But such a wonderful painting of Easter eggs can be done with gouache, acrylic paint and permanent markers!

Painting Easter eggs with a marker

Stylish black and white Easter eggs - forget about paints and different materials! Only black permanent marker and your imagination!

Painting Easter eggs with a gel pen

Fine gel pen drawing:

Painting Easter eggs with fingers and sticks

Doodles, dots, specks, stains made by the fingers of children's hands!

Easter eggs from Kinder Surprise

With markers and felt-tip pens, you can paint plastic eggs from Kinder Surprise. Interestingly, the child can then combine the halves of the egg himself, creating a new egg each time.

Patterns on Easter eggs can be obtained in a variety of ways, involving their creation during dyeing and after. We will consider both options. The easiest and most common way is to buy pictures of patterns on Easter eggs and stick them according to the instructions (). However, in this case, you will be limited to those drawings that the manufacturer will offer you. For truly unique and original designs, try creating them on Easter eggs using natural products like lemon juice, table vinegar, and plain wax.

We display patterns with lemon juice

What you need:

  1. Chicken eggs - 5-7 pcs
  2. Lemon - ½ piece
  3. Cotton buds
  4. Felt pen (old, no longer writing)
  5. table vinegar

Step 1

Squeeze the lemon juice from half a lemon on a saucer. You will use lemon juice to create a pattern on an already dyed egg. If earlier we considered methods when a pattern on the surface is created when dyeing an egg, now we will work with a shell coated with dye () and discolor it in the right places to create a pattern.

Step 2

Take a chicken egg in your left hand, a cotton swab in your right hand. Soak a cotton swab in lemon juice and start drawing. First, blot the surface of the shell in one place. You will get a large speck with blurry edges. Diagonally make another one of the same speck.

Step 3

Conditionally draw a line diagonally and draw another dot. In this way, you can create a polka dot pattern, as shown in the photo. With cotton swabs it is very convenient to draw such polka dots, as well as wavy lines, flowers.

Step 4

A more detailed, for example, geometric pattern, can be created using a felt-tip pen. Also dip its stem in lemon juice and draw the desired ornament. You can combine both methods to create flowers: draw the central parts with a cotton swab, and work out the details with a felt-tip pen. See photos of Easter egg designs you can create. Beautiful and, most importantly, original!


If desired, lemon juice can be replaced with table vinegar, which will also effectively dissolve the paint. Another practical tip when working with lemon juice - if you draw the outlines with a felt-tip pen, then cotton swabs can be used to remove excess moisture from the surface.

Create a wax pattern

What you need:

  1. Chicken eggs - 5-7 pcs
  2. Wax candle or wax residue
  3. Funnel for melting wax
  4. metal container
  5. simple pencil
  6. Vinegar

Step 1

Light a candle and melt the wax. Hold the funnel over the fire until the wax becomes liquid. After that, it will be easy to use it to create patterns.

Step 2

Before you make a pattern on Easter eggs, prepare the surface of the shell for work by cleaning it of all contaminants. To do this, rinse them well and wipe with vinegar, dry. You can use wet towels. Apply wax to the peeled shell.

Step 3

At this time, prepare the onion peel and put on a moderate fire to cook. It will take at least 30 minutes or more. It is assumed that by the beginning of staining, the drawings on the eggs will already be ready.

Step 4

Be careful with wax. Avoid contact with hands to avoid burns. When creating a drawing, the work surface on the table should be spacious enough to put your elbows on the table. Place the wax funnel at least 20-25 cm away from you.

Step 5

To simplify the task, you can first outline the pattern with a simple pencil, and then simply repeat it with wax. For more experienced craftsmen, this is not needed. You can immediately create patterns with wax, for example, imitation of various plants, flower petals or just a geometric pattern.

Step 6

Wait for the wax pattern to cool down a bit. After that, dip the eggs in a decoction of onion peel and cook for at least 10 minutes. Once the eggs are ready and the color you want, take them out with a spoon and lay them out on a paper towel to dry. If you want to get a more saturated color and, accordingly, the contrast between the pattern and the background color, you can leave the eggs in the onion broth overnight, and dry them in the morning.


A big plus of working with wax is the ability to create unique drawings of any complexity. If you are working with wax for the first time, you can do without a wax melting funnel. Melt a wax candle in a deep container, and use a wooden stick or an ordinary match to create a pattern. DIY Easter egg patterns will make your Easter gifts unique! With the feast of the bright Resurrection of Christ!

Easter is one of our favorite family holidays. Because we really love the preparation process, when you need to paint Easter eggs, knead the dough for Easter cakes and think of how to decorate them. And over the past couple of years, thanks to Pinterest and the internet, and the increased selection of food coloring in stores, egg design options have become more and more interesting. For example, we have already tried matte paints and marble with mother-of-pearl. They are so pleasant from the point of view of tactile sensations that if we knew who to feed with all the dozens of eggs received, we would not be stopped with the child)))) This is a very cool activity!

And this year I realized that there is a cool way out. It is not necessary to boil all those eggs that we are going to paint. You can simply "blow out" the contents of raw eggs and paint the shell. And then, firstly, it is not necessary to use only food coloring, you can use acrylic, felt-tip pens, and glue. And secondly, such empty testicles can be hung on a string and decorated with a living branch in a vase. It will turn out a very European version of the Easter decor.

So, if you haven't decided how yet, but really want to experiment with Easter egg designs this year, this compilation might help you with some ideas.

Black and white style

Take ordinary white eggs and a children's black water-based felt-tip pen or a capillary pen, and do not deny yourself anything!

6. Or you can completely paint over the eggs with black paint and create a drawing with white chalk. Very unusual and very stylish, in my opinion.

7. Instead of chalk, you can use white gouache.


For these design options, you can use acrylic paints and felt-tip pens for empty eggshells, or take special food coloring for eggs (there are a lot of them in any supermarket now) and paint with a brush.

mint clouds

Tell me who does not like the color of mint and turquoise and I will say that you live in the last century.)) The general insanity for these two shades could not get past Easter. Therefore, this season we are stocking up on blue shades and boldly apply them everywhere! And don't forget to add indigo to complete the experience. And let our eyes enjoy the shades of the sea and sky!))

18. To get this beauty, just wrap the shell with lace ribbon beforehand and secure it. And then boil the eggs in pre-prepared dyes.

23. You can get a similar gradient by adding a certain amount of water to the dye solution after each "batch".


It is very unusual and very girly to paint Easter eggs with gold. It can be powdered sugar with gold dye (sold in specialized stores for confectioners, in Moscow, too), and liquid food coloring of gold color, and petals of edible gold (which you just won’t find at confectioners!). Get inspired!

natural color

Eggs dyed in the old known way, with onion skins or strong tea or red wine, are still very relevant. And look how beautifully you can beat this theme!

35. Attach a leaf of cilantro, dill or rose to the egg, and wrap it with a nylon sock on top and cook in onion skins. The result will be very beautiful. And the children will definitely cause a storm of delight!

36. This, of course, is not an eggshell, but the idea itself is cool. Use letter stamp over brown testicles.

37. And this kind of decoration struck me to the very heart. So much hard work! Such fine craftsmanship! Easter lace.

If you want to know how such beauty is obtained, go to YouTube, they will teach you there!

Application principle

38. Grab some colorful Washi Tape and create your own collection of stylish Easter eggs. The brighter the print, the more joy the child has, who can be trusted with the pasting process.

39. Take an egg white, dip an egg in it, and then dip in sugar sprinkles for Easter cake and let it all dry. Beautiful and safe for kids.

40. Here, a simple application of white paper was used over eggs dyed with food coloring.

41. Cut out print elements from napkins, stick on eggshells (here it is better to use an empty shell, not boiled eggs) using a solution of PVA glue with water, let dry.

42. Same principle

44. Same principle as with cilantro sprigs. Glue paper hearts to the shell, press with nylon or gauze and dip into the dye.

45. If you find special “transfer” paper (decal paper) in Moscow and print pictures on it from a file according to

you can get a cool hipster design))

And finally, here are some ideas for decorating your home and table with Easter eggs, which, I'm sure, you won't be able to resist and start painting tomorrow.)) Happy Easter, friends!

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