How can you calm a person who is depressed or hysterical? How to console a person: the right words.



Talk to a nervous person, distract him from the causes of stress. For example, if he is afraid of an upcoming performance in front of an audience, talk about rare butterflies, the rules for decorating bouquets, interesting facts about cats, etc. switch attention human to another, more pleasant subject. So he can calm down faster.

Talk about something funny, involve human into a cheerful conversation or an exchange of witticisms and jokes. Give a couple of funny cases from life. Try to achieve a smile, even if it is weak. When a person smiles or even laughs, fear and excitement fade into the background and gradually weaken.

Convince the Nervous human take a little walk with you. Do not force him to sit still: as a rule, stress causes an adrenaline rush, and a person feels a strong need to move. It is best to organize a short walk in a quiet, peaceful place, preferably in the fresh air. The less distractions there are, the better.

Turn on some quiet soothing music. If possible, convince the excited human dance a little with you. Fast, energetic dances in this case will be inappropriate. Preference should be given to slow dances, smooth, calm movements.

Offer a sedative to the nervous person. Do not get carried away with pills, it is better to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs. Perfect tea with chamomile or a decoction of coriander fruits. You can also offer warm milk with honey: not everyone likes this drink, but it helps to calm down and relieve nervous tension.

Prepare a decoction using a herbal collection purchased at a pharmacy for depression and nervous disorders. This remedy is usually quite safe and helps to calm down quickly. It should first be clarified whether human for which the decoction is intended, allergies to its components.

Anyone had to go through difficult situations, but it is much harder not to experience your own misfortune, but to see a suffering friend. In order not to feel powerless in the grief of a friend, be ready to give him a little psychological support.


Offer to help if you can. But do not insist if he refuses support.

Take the person for a walk. Don't leave him alone.

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Useful advice

If you undertook to listen to a friend, then do not rush him, let him finish speaking. It is better not to help at all than to make things worse.

A visit to the veterinarian is a stressful experience for any cat, which means you can also experience stress.

If so, leaving the house for a visit to the veterinarian can make her agitated. If before that, a trip to the clinic will seem more enjoyable for both you and your pet. The veterinarian can prescribe a sedative, which is needed before you go to the appointment.

  1. Wrap the cat in a towel so that only the head remains outside. If possible, have someone hold the cat while you wrap it. This will help immobilize the cat so it won't run away.

  2. Place your index fingers at the corner of your mouth. Pull it up and lightly press with your fingers until the cat opens its mouth.

  3. Using the index finger of the other hand, open the cat's mouth wider by pressing on the lower jaw near the tongue.

  4. Insert or inject liquid into the back of the tongue with a syringe. Close the cat's mouth with the hand that held her lower jaw, and massage her throat until she swallows the medicine.

  5. Give your cat a treat to counter the unpleasant taste of the sedative. Place her in a carrier and let her rest before leaving the house for her appointment.

Alcoholic delirium, in the common people "delirium tremens", is a dangerous mental illness that people who are addicted to alcohol are prone to. Patients in the acute stage can harm not only themselves, but also others.

"White tremens": causes

It is believed that fever or alcoholic delirium occurs very rarely and only in severe alcoholism. However, in reality, this is a phenomenon of a mental disorder that every person who comes out of can face.

Alcoholic delirium (“white tremens”) is a severe mental illness that necessarily requires inpatient treatment.

Usually, the disease manifests itself a few days after the withdrawal from the binge, and in the severe stage of the disease it may occur before the binge. This happens due to the fact that the liver, pancreas and stomach are accustomed to secrete a certain amount of enzymes into the body, which is required for the digestion of alcohol. If a person abruptly refuses to drink alcohol, especially after a long binge, and the body does not stop secreting enzymes, poisoning by these same enzymes occurs - this leads to delirium tremens. Usually a patient with delirium is calm during the day, but severe exacerbations occur.


Trembling hands and feet, poor sleep, nightmares, mood swings during the day, sudden aversion to alcohol, vomiting are just some of the signs of delirium tremens. A person with such a disease cannot sit in one place, he is very restless, after waking up from sleep he may have terrible hallucinations that he perceives as reality, he can also hear sounds that are not really there.


Treatment is carried out in specialized clinics and intensive care units. Usually, delirium tremens patients are given diuretics that support the liver, if required, give cardiac and sedatives. Recovery occurs in 3-8 days, everyone is different. Such patients cannot be in. Delaying hospitalization is dangerous not only for themselves, but also for society.

First aid for delirium tremens

In case of inappropriate behavior of a person prone to hard drinking (suspicion, the appearance of hallucinations, aggressiveness, motor anxiety), you should immediately call a narcological or psychiatric emergency.

The surest way to avoid delirium tremens is to stop drinking. If this cannot be done, narcologists advise not to abruptly leave the state of binge.

Before her arrival, the patient must be put to bed, preferably even tied to the bed. With symptoms of "white tremens" is shown to drink plenty of water. Ice applied to the patient usually helps to calm the patient. If sedatives or sleeping pills are available at home, they can also be used to pacify. In this state, a person is a danger to others, so he must be under the strictest supervision.

Who among us hasn't had a hard time at least once in their life?

There are times when we despair and hysteria.

In this case, it is important that there is a person nearby who is ready to listen and support.

How to calm a person?

in hysterics

How to calm a crying person? At times in a person, you can resort to some measures that will help to cope with this condition.


It is very difficult to communicate with a person suffering from. After all, it's not just that it will linger for a few days, this condition can last for months..

All that you can do for a person is just to be there all the time, to go through this difficult path together.

Remember that you need help after the end of the "acute phase" when a person becomes easier and he gradually returns to life.

Be there all the time.

Even if it seems to you that a person does not need it and he does not understand at all that you are nearby.

Help him. You will have to collect all your patience, refrain from any advice, they are absolutely not needed for a depressed person.

Bring more light into his room, bring fresh flowers. Try to cook his favorite food. Let him know that he is not alone and should not be afraid to be alone. Say nice things to him more often. Show more tenderness hug him.

Most importantly, be sincere. Speak only what you feel, do not pretend. After all, the patient can understand this, and this will aggravate his recovery.

In anger

There are 4 main ways to help calm an angry person:

A person whose relative dies

How to comfort a person who has lost a loved one? If you do not and do not know how to behave in such a situation, then it would be best to bring a person who has experienced it.

But the meeting must be organized unobtrusively. Tell carefully that there is a person with the same problem, and he will be able to help.

If a person is a believer, then you can seek help from a priest. The help of a specialist in psychology also does not hurt.

If you knew the deceased, then remember him together. If you have shared memories, it's time to talk about them. Remember only positive things that bring you joy. And, of course, only good things need to be said.

And most importantly, you just need to be there.

Be there and listen. Lots of listening. Do not console and force to rejoice.

A person who has lost a loved one will cry and suffer, will repeat the same thing over and over. But you just need to listen to it.

Help with chores and other chores. Important in this difficult time just be there all the time. The person needs to feel supported. This will be the best consolation.


It is important for a loved one to know that you are there and ready to support him. Find out the reason why he is upset, hug him. The main thing is to let him talk.

Listen carefully to him, he must know that you are really interested in his problems, and not just pretending. Therefore, periodically repeating that you understand it.

Women or girls

Women tend to be more emotional than men. There are several ways to help them deal with tantrums.

How to calm a girl if she is crying?

You don’t need to immediately find out the reason, you just need to come up and hug.

Stroke on the head, gently kiss and hug. Gently ask her what happened.

In no case should you laugh at her tears or the reason why she cries, even if she seems frivolous to you. Show her that you care and understand.

Say only nice words to her. You can do some romantic act or make an unexpected surprise.

How to calm your wife?

Stay calm and reserved, no need to shout and try to prove anything.

During a period of hysteria, try to stay one on one with your wife.

Try to talk, ask a distracting question, and then ask her what happened. Give her a big hug and only say nice things to her.

How to calm a girl at a distance, for example, in VK? At a distance, reassuring a girl is much more difficult, if possible - call her, she should speak out, and you console her with pleasant words, express your support to her.

If this is not possible, then write to her VK, ask her to talk about the problems. Also write her words of support.

How to calm down a girl who was dumped by a guy?

First of all, make her go outside, you can go to some cafe or just to nature.

It will be useful for her to be among people, and not sit in her room and cry.

Do not leave her alone with your bad thoughts, distract her with something. But in no case should you immediately introduce her to someone, this will cause unpleasant associations and will not lead to anything good.

You should not say the phrase "You will find better", it usually does not help. Forget about alcohol, it will only aggravate the situation, drinking, feelings will flood over her and she may call her ex.

How to calm a friend who broke up with her husband? You need to be prepared for a huge stream of tears. The main thing is to listen and support. Bring lots of sweets, nothing like chocolate.

Make her go out for a walk. During a walk, you need to distract your girlfriend with some topics.

Together you can remember funny stories that happened to you during your friendship. You can go shopping together or arrange a spa vacation.

Men or guy

It is believed that men are less emotional than women. But this is not entirely true. They just hide all their emotions deep inside. And this should not be done.

How to calm your husband?

You need to remain calm and positive, you should not sit next to your husband and start crying, such behavior will only make him worse.

Feed him delicious and favorite food. You can arrange a romantic evening.

Listen carefully to him, express words of support and hug him tightly. If a man demands that you leave him alone, then do it. But if he does not tell you anything, then be there.

How to calm a guy down when he's angry? Do not immediately say something to him, first you need to listen to him. No need to try to calm him down and tell him not to get angry.

It's best to let it cool down. When the anger passes, distract him from his problems with a delicious dinner and transfer the topic in a different direction.

How to calm a guy down when he's feeling bad? No need to try to extort from him the reasons why he feels bad. It's better to hug and hug. There will come a time when he himself will tell. Feed the guy delicious food and offer to watch some together.

How to calm a friend? Be a good listener. Let him know that you are interested in his problems. Do whatever you can to make your friend feel comfortable. In no case do not tell him that his problems are not so terrible already, that it can be worse.

You should not give unnecessary advice, if a friend asks him, then only say what you think is necessary.

How to calm your son? Express all your motherly love to him. Do not impose your questions, express understanding. Feed your son's favorite dish and tell him that everything will work out and everything will be fine.

What words to calm a man?

It is important for a man to know that you support him.

Say the following to him:“You are strong”, “I know you can handle it”, “You will succeed”, “I will always be there and will always support you”, “You can rely on me”, “If something is wrong, it's okay , Everything will be alright".

Everyone has bad times. It is important that he has people who ready to help at any time. After all, support is so easy, and from time to time, we all need it.

How to properly support a loved one:

Nowadays, every person experiences a lot of different emotions during the day, among which you can find both positive and not so. Tantrums, nervous breakdowns, severe emotional state - all this negatively affects the health of our psyche and worsens the quality of life.

If you see that a close or other friend who cares about you is in such a difficult state, it is important to know how to calm the person with words and your actions. If we help others, then they may be of invaluable help to us.

Types of emotional states

There are two main types of states in which a person can be in the event of a problem - this is an emotional stupor and hysteria. In this case, you should act completely differently.

  • Hysteria in case of a nervous breakdown. In such a situation, a person should be somehow supported, despite his cries and curses, try to calm down and wait out this state for 10-15 minutes. Hysteria most often ends and turns into an emotional stupor.
  • Emotional stupor. In this case, the situation also cannot be allowed to take its course - a loved one or anyone else must be taken out of this state. You can shake them by the shoulders, take them outside for a breath of fresh air, and so on.

In both cases, you should talk to a person gently, do not raise your tone and gently touch on any topic that is painful for him. When the person finally comes to his senses, try to ask him about what happened, if possible, offer your help. Remember, it is not enough just to reassure a person with words, it is important that he feels the support as much as possible and can rely on you.

How to quickly calm a loved one with words

If your soulmate or close relative is in a depressed emotional state, his nerves are on edge, there is a tantrum, you can try the following actions:

  • Approach the person and give them a sincere hug.
  • Calm down with words, say that everything will work out with time and will be fine.
  • If outsiders rarely state the problem in detail, then you should try to talk to your loved one - he must emotionally relive the episode that contributed to the emergence of such a state.
  • During this, negative emotions can again make themselves felt, so patiently listen to the other, do not raise your voice, but simply sympathize with him.
  • Offer help - loved ones need it even more than other people. They want to feel that they are not alone in this world, they have someone to support them.
  • Offer your options for solving the problem, since it is much clearer from the outside how to act in this or that case.
  • After the loved one has finally calmed down, distract him from unpleasant thoughts. It is not easy to do this, but if desired, it is quite possible. You will go out to the river, into the forest, go somewhere - to the theater, cinema, entertainment complex, paintball and so on.

All these activities will help to calm the nervous person who is eating any problem.

What can not be done in such moments?

Never read to a person in such a state of morality!

  • You can not read "morals" to a person. This causes a feeling of guilt, the loved one closes in on himself even more, his condition worsens, which can lead to prolonged depression with serious consequences.
  • Never compare his problem to yours. He may think that you consider his trouble insignificant or, on the contrary, too serious. Try to get into his position and just analyze the situation.
  • Emotions are transmitted, so try not to enter into his state when you calm another person with words. This is fraught with aggravation of the situation.

Use these tips to calm a loved one or another person, after which he can gather strength and begin to act constructively to solve his problem.

Comforting an upset friend can be quite difficult. When trying to calm down, you may feel like you are constantly saying the wrong thing and making things difficult. So, how can you calm an upset friend and make them feel better? Just follow these steps.


Part 1

Be sympathetic
  1. Show your friend some affection. 99% of the time, your friend would like to be hugged with a hand on his or her shoulder, or a gentle pat on the arm. Most people love affection, it makes them feel comforted and not alone. If your friend is so upset that he refuses to be touched, then this is a special case, but you can almost always start to comfort your friend by showing him your affection. Your friend may be too upset to start talking right away, and these little gestures can go a long way in making your friend feel less alone.

    • Feel it. If you touch your friend and he moves closer instead of moving away from you, then you are on the right track.
  2. Just listen. The next thing you can do is offer your friend a good ear. Make eye contact, nod occasionally, and make comments when necessary while your friend is talking. But basically, let your friend express himself and pour out everything he has in his chest. This is not the time for you to show your opinion or talk a lot. This is the time to let your friend explain whatever is bothering them and get a better understanding of the situation. Some problems cannot be solved, but he may feel less tragic if there is someone in the area who will enter his predicament.

    • If your friend talks a little, you can ask, "Do you want to talk?" Then clarify the situation. Perhaps your friend wants to talk and needs a little nudge, or he or she is just really upset and can't talk yet, which means all you need is just to be there.
    • You can insert small comments like "This must be so hard" or "I can't imagine what you're going through", but don't overdo it.
  3. Make your friend feel more comfortable. Perhaps your friend is shaking like rain. Hug him and wrap him in a blanket. He may have been crying for an hour. Give him tissues and some Advil. Perhaps your friend stood up while talking about how upset he is about carrying a heavy backpack. Plant him. If your friend is a little annoyed, give her or him some chamomile tea. If your friend has been up all night worrying, put him to bed. The idea will come to you.

    • Your friend may be so upset that he or she doesn't care about their health or comfort. This is where you come to the rescue.
    • Don't assume that your friend will feel better if you open a bottle of wine or bring a case of beer. Alcohol is NEVER the solution if your friend is upset. Remember that it only works as a depressant.
  4. Don't minimize your friend's problems. Your friend may be upset for many reasons. Serious reason: Your friend just found out that his grandmother is in the hospital. Not a serious problem: your friend just broke up with her boyfriend after 6 months together. However, even if you know that, objectively, your friend will soon get over it, or that it's not much of a cause for concern, this is not the time to get into perspective if you don't want to be overwhelmed by your friend.

    • First, you must take your friend's problems seriously. If your friend is moping for too long because of a short-term breakup, then you can help them deal with it later.
    • Avoid making comments such as "It's not the end of the world," "You can handle it," or "It's not really a big deal." Obviously, your friend is upset because this is a big problem for him or her.
  5. Don't give unnecessary advice. This is another thing to avoid at all costs. Until your friend turns to you and says, "What do you think I should do?" you shouldn't jump in and offer your friend your humble opinion of the top five options for action. It will come across as condescending, as if you think your friend's problems can be easily solved. Until your friend looks at you through the eyes of a doe and says "I don't know what to do..." give him time before giving your advice.

    • You can just say "You should get some rest" or "Drink some chamomile tea and you'll feel much better" to offer your friend some comfort. But don't say things like "I think you should call Bill right now and sort it out" or "I think you should apply to high school now" or your friend will just be overwhelmed and annoyed.
  6. Don't say you understand everything. This is another way to quickly make your friend annoyed. Unless you've been in an identical situation once, you can't say "I know exactly how you feel..." because your friend will immediately yell "It's not the same!". Frustrated people want to be heard, but not to hear that their problems are similar to someone else's. So, if your friend is upset about a major breakup and you've been through the same issues too, you can say so. But don't compare your three-month relationship with your friend's three-year relationship, or you'll only hurt.

    • Say "I can't imagine how you feel" rather than "I know exactly what you're going through..."
    • Of course, it can be comforting for your friend to know that someone else has gone through a similar situation and survived, but if they haven't, then be careful with your phrases.
    • Comparing yourself to your friend is problematic because you end up talking nonsense without even knowing what you're doing.
  7. Know when your friend wants to be left alone. Unfortunately, not everyone who is upset wants support and a good ear. Some people deal with problems in private, and some people may want to be left alone after talking about a problem. If this is the case with your friend, don't stay if he doesn't want to. If your friend said that he or she wants to be alone, then that's probably what it means.

    • If you think your friend might do something to himself then you need to stay and prevent it, but if your friend is just upset but not devastated then maybe he just needs time to move on.
  8. Ask how you can help. After you and your friend have talked, ask your friend what you can do to improve the situation. Perhaps there is a specific solution and you can help fix it, for example, if your friend flunked his math class, and you are good at numbers and can teach him. Sometimes, there is no good solution, but then you can take your friend for a ride and spend more time with him if he is going through a difficult breakup, or let your friend stay with you for a while.

    • Even if you really can't do anything but be there, just asking what you can do will help your friend feel that they are not alone and that there is someone close to him or her.
    • If your friend thinks you're doing too much for her or him, remind the friend of the times he or she was with you when you really needed it. That's what friends are for, isn't it?

    Part 2

    Do your best
    1. Make your friend laugh if the problem is not too serious. If your friend is not suffering from a significant loss, then you can cheer him or her up, make a joke, or act like a fool. If you try to cheer up your friend too soon, then it will most likely not work, but if you wait a little and then start to cheer up a friend through laughter, then it will pay off well. Laughter really is the best medicine, and if you can turn a non-offensive situation into a joke or just play a prank on yourself to get your friend's attention, then these actions will provide temporary relief.

      • Of course, if your friend is very upset, humor is not the best choice for you.
    2. Distract your friend. The next thing you can do while your friend is upset is to try and keep him as busy as possible. However, you should not drag your friend to clubs or invite him to a huge party where everyone is dressed as his favorite superhero, you should come to a friend with a movie and a big bag of popcorn, or take him for a walk. When you distract a friend, some of the pain will go away, even if your friend initially resists. Don't push your friend too hard, but know that they need a little push.

      • Your friend should say something like "I don't want to have fun, I just want to be the biggest bore..." and you can say "That's funny! I love to have fun with you no matter what."
      • Perhaps your friend will spend time in his cavernous room. Simply getting him or her out of the house and into the fresh air, even if you just take a walk down the street to a café, will benefit him or her physically and mentally.
    3. Do something useful for your friend. If your friend is really upset, then it is likely that he or she is neglecting their duties or homework. And then you appear. If your friend forgot to eat, bring him lunch or go and cook dinner. If your friend hasn't washed clothes in two months, bring some detergent. If your friend's house is in total disarray, offer to help him clean up. Bring your friend's mail. If he or she stays at home and doesn't go to school, then bring homework. These little things may not seem like big things when your friend is incredibly upset, but they add to the relief.

      • Your friend may say that he doesn't need your help and that you've done enough already, but you should insist that you want to help, at least on the face of it.
    4. Check your friend. If you and your friend don't have identical schedules, you will inevitably spend some time without each other. But if you know that your friend is really upset, then you can't walk away from the situation entirely. You should call a friend, text her or him, or check in from time to time to see what your friend is doing. Since you don't want to annoy your friend and text him, "Are you okay?" every three seconds, you need to check on your friend at least once or twice a day if you know he's going through a tough time.

      • You don't have to say, "I'm just calling to find out what you're doing." You can be smarter if you want to come up with an excuse, like if your friend saw your brown coat, and then end up inviting him to dinner. You don't want your friend to feel like you're babysitting him or her.
    5. Just be there. Often, this is the most important thing you can do when comforting a friend. In rare cases, you may be able to solve a friend's problem, or even more so find a better solution. Sometimes your friend has to wait or work through the problem on their own. But now, most of the time, you can be a shoulder for your friend to cry, a comforting voice to hear in the middle of the night if your friend really needs to talk, and a source of kindness, reason, and comfort. Don't feel inadequate if all you can do is just be there for your friend.

      • Tell your friend that no matter what the problem is, it will get better with time. It is a reality, even if it is not immediately tangible.
      • Make an effort to clear your schedule and devote more time to your friend. He or she will be very grateful to you for the efforts you have made to make him or her feel better.
    • Offer to help your friend if they have been offended. If you came to school with him and saw that he was being bullied, grab his hand and hug him. Protect him. Tell him to come with you. Even if you are the only friend he has, always protect him in a way that no one else can.
    • Hug your friend and tell him that you love him and that you are always there for him.
    • If your friend doesn't want to talk at first, don't call or disturb them! Allow him or her some time alone before you talk to her or him about the problem. Ultimately, he or she will come to you when they are ready to talk and do things better.
    • Be able to understand when your friend is upset or when he just needs attention. If he pretends to be upset all day around you and refuses to say what happened, then he's just looking for attention. If he's really upset, he won't show it much and will eventually tell someone what the problem is.
    • Take your friend out for a meal or a walk in the park! Do everything to divert his attention from what happened and entertain him!


    • If you are the cause of your friend's upset, do your best and apologize! No matter what happened, or who said what, or who did what, is it worth breaking a friendship over it? And if he doesn't accept your apology...think about how you hurt and offended him. Give him time and space to move away from this and maybe he will come or call you!
    • Don't make him tell you what's up if he's in a bad mood or doesn't want to talk at all!
    • Never go over yourself. If your friend says he's tired of being picked on by the school bully, don't say, "It's not as bad as last year when... (and then start telling your story about yourself)." Offer to solve his problem. He is open to you, so show him your compassion!
    • Say something kind, like "I love you, no matter what you look like, what you do, and no matter who you are."

Now let's move on to the more practical side - communication ...

Have you often encountered a problem when your friend or loved one has depression, and you do not know what to say to him and how to help overcome this condition? It is very difficult to find the right words in such a situation, because a person may not react correctly and even inadequately. Below are the most powerful words that will help you support a loved one in difficult times.

Phrases that make it clear that you are worried about a person:

What can I do for you?

All written sources describing this problem advise SHOW, not SAY. Words are not all that is helpful for a person struggling with depression.

So, what I find most comforting at a time when it is impossible to collect my thoughts is the arrival of my friend who came and prepared dinner for me, or someone's offer to clean up my place. Believe me, practical care is a very big support for a person who is facing grief or suffering from depression. Why not go and visit a man who has completely lost his mood?

Actions are very effective when communicating, you express compassion to the interlocutor also in a practical way. Even if he is too humble to accept such help, I can assure you that he will put your words in that secret corner of his soul that will remind you: "This person cares about me."

Maybe there is something that could help you feel better?

Talk to the person about something that once brought him joy, or about something new that could bring him. Perhaps he himself will not have an answer to this question, or perhaps he will remember something that could cheer him up now, but he is not able to do it. Then you can give him this support and help him do something that will cheer him up.

Brew tea for him, be there, do not say too many words, arrange him for a confidential conversation.

Do you want me to accompany you?

Maybe a person has been used to being alone for a long time and did not even think about the fact that someone might be around at the time when you need to go shopping or get to some place. Moreover, no one accompanied him home. You can offer such support, it will show that you really care about the person and do not want to leave him alone with his thoughts.

Such actions will say more than just the words “I am near”, “I am with you”, “You can count on me”, because you are really nearby and you can really count on you!

Do you find support in someone?

These words say: “You need support. Let's find a way to get it."

Such a question will help to understand whether a person is surrounded by support from relatives or whether he is left to himself. If you know that someone is trying to support him, but he himself does not talk about it or does not notice support as such, then this will help you understand that it is important for a person, what helps him and what does not.

The more loved ones show such care, the better for the person. If you know that he feels lonely in his trouble and does not receive the support of loved ones, talk to them. Let them know how important it is for them to connect and be there during this difficult time.

You should also not forget that you can seek help from specialists if the person himself does not mind. I think this is not the first method of helping, but if you yourself cannot help a person, it is better to entrust it to professionals. Again, only with the consent of the person. He needs to be helped to understand that depression is a serious and dangerous disease, but quite correctable, especially if the person himself understands this and is ready to fight.

It will definitely end and you will feel like before.

These words do not judge, impose or manipulate. They just give hope and that HOPE will keep the person alive, or at least motivate them to live until the next day to see if there really is a light at the end of the tunnel.

This is not a simple and seemingly indifferent “It will pass”, “It happens and not like that”. Such words show that you really experience what is happening in a person’s life, wish him and sincerely believe that this will pass soon.

Make it clear that this is just a disease, a curable condition, after which there is a happy life. Everything will not end on such experiences and emotions.

What do you think about the most?

Such a question will help determine the possible cause of depression, what causes the most anxiety and occupies the person’s thoughts. You explore all the possible causes, but don't settle for just one. When through such a conversation a person draws his own conclusions, he will take responsibility for what can be changed.

Perhaps your loved one now really needs a person who knows how to listen and have the right questions for the conversation. Be gentle at this time and be prepared to listen more than talk, and even be silent at the right time.

What time of day is the most difficult for you?

Try to find out when your loved one's depressing thoughts are most disturbing and be as close as possible at this time. Don't leave him alone. Even when he does not want to talk, believe me, after a while this presence of yours will bring extraordinary results and healing.

Calling at the right time, willingness of the other to wait until the time when he wants to talk about the problem, just being there is very valuable! If you are nearby, hug the person, make tea, sit nearby and just be ready to help with all your being. In the most difficult time - you are there. And most importantly, they are constant.

I'm here to help you.

This is what you can say in support of all the actions that you are already doing for a person. You should not throw such words if it is not so. But if it's true, backed up by deeds, it gives strength. It's simple. It is necessary. And in these words there is everything you need to say: I care, although I cannot fully understand everything, but I love and support you.


This is the most inconvenient because we always want to fill the silence with something, even if it's the weather. But saying nothing... and just listening... is sometimes the best and most appropriate answer.

Be sensitive and attentive. Don't talk in vain. Be closer to a person's heart, it can understand even without words.

How can you be prepared to provide this kind of support?

Supporting someone in difficult times is not easy for the one who provides this support. First, because you may not know exactly how to help a person. Secondly, because you are simply worried about him, and yes, you also hurt somewhere inside from his pain!

Stock up on patience and love in advance, be prepared to wait as long as necessary. You won't always understand everything. This is not required of you. But if you are there and will support and express care in every way possible for you, you can do it.

But it requires a certain amount of dedication. We are not always ready to invest so much in someone. For this you need to really love.

Help a person to find the meaning of life. If you yourself are confused in this matter, we can talk about it together with you. After all, there is nothing more important than the state of the human soul and the contribution that we can make to relationships.

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