How to find the meaning of your life through effective search. How to find a new meaning in life


What is the meaning of human life? Over the past few years, this issue has become very relevant and in demand by a wide audience, - notes Dmitry Alekseevich Leontiev, author of the monograph "The Meaning of Life". Dmitry Alekseevich is one of the main experts in our country on the topic of the meaning of life, who has devoted more than a dozen years to researching this issue.
In 2011, this question became very relevant in my own life, so I decided to approach it simply: there is a question, there are people who know the answer, and you need to come and ask them: “what is the meaning of human life, and how find him?"

As a result of this, interview recordings appeared, where the central theme was the question of the meaning of life. In this article I will try to make a small report on the work done on the study of the meaning of life, and the conclusions that I have come to over the past 4 years.

It turned out that not everything is so simple in the matter of the meaning of human life.

Firstly The very term "meaning of life" is understood by different people in different ways. Someone understands it as something to strive for, and live this meaning already here and now. They are sure that meaning exists a priori (knowledge obtained before personal experience and independently of it), i.e. it is already known in advance.

Others understand the meaning of human life as something that is already realized by the fact of a life lived, or in another way - a posteriori (knowledge obtained as a result of experience), in our case, experience from the whole life lived.

Secondly, some believe that meaning is a must for human life, while others question it.

Thirdly, there are those who say that there is a universal meaning that is suitable for everyone, while others strongly disagree with this, and argue that meaning is always individual.

All answers are collected in this playlist, now there are more than 60 videos about what is the meaning of human life and how to find the meaning of life.

Each point of view is well argued, and those who gave answers are quite sophisticated people in such matters, however, judge for yourself. In the following, I will summarize the essence of the opinions of the interviewed experts, and if you have a desire to better understand each of them, just watch the corresponding video.

Ivan Ivanovich Okhlobystin, one of the most successful and famous actors in modern Russia, a priest.

« For someone to think about the meaning of life is already worth a lot.

You know, I, after all, am inclined to such an everyday meaning of life. Meaning of lifein herself, because it would be somehow so unmotivated to assume that for the sake of something (achievement, implementation). It's too selfish for such a big thing as life. Life, world, God, it's still bigger than you. You can either accept it completely, or not touch it. And if you strive to accept completely, you dissolve in all this. As a rule, this is a rhetorical question. He is an object of academic study.

Briefly: It is not necessary to spend too much time searching for an answer to the question of the meaning of life. It is better to try to live every moment of your life meaningfully. Oscar Brenifier is a French philosopher, Doctor of Philosophy (Sorbonne University, Paris), UNESCO expert, founder of the Institute of Practical Philosophy in Paris. Oscar, a man of world renown, his books have been translated into more than 40 languages ​​of the world. You could say Oscar modern Socrates or his follower, he is the author of the excellent book "The Meaning of Life", where he invites readers to reflect on the topic of why people live, while he himself does not give ready-made answers. In our conversation, he also avoided the specific question "What is the meaning of Oscar Brenifier's life?"

“The question of the meaning of life is like asking if a person likes chocolate ice cream”

How can I answer this? First there is a logical impossibility, because it depends a lot on subjective taste. At first, it implied that life had a meaning. Or that life should have meaning. And that without this meaning, life would be uninteresting or meaningless.

Meaning- it's like Pavlov's reaction, a reaction to the fear of life, the fear of life. People are afraid of life and think they need to find meaning and then they fall into despair. It doesn't matter to them, the main thing is to find something: love, fame, money, any recognition, but it's like vodka. A little vodka is fine, but you can quickly become addicted. And then it's bad for health. This is the problem with meaning.

Life may have meaning, but life itself does not need to have meaning.. It's already a choice. This is the path that everyone must take.

  • Does your life need meaning?
  • If so, is there any meaning in life?
  • Are you happy with this meaning?
  • Do you want to change this meaning?

What is the meaning of Oscar Brenifier's life?

I can say, "Oh! My existence makes sense because I teach people to think because I have a family, or I help the community because I have a good life,” but this is something superficial. This is already a posteriori. But a priori, no.

Briefly: The meaning of life is a subjective reality and the choice of each person who must find his own meaning. It is far from a fact that the meaning of life generally exists and is necessary for a person.Elizabeth Lucas is the favorite student of Viktor Frankl, a psychologist who, after going through the Nazi camps, created meaning-oriented psychotherapy. His book "A Psychologist in a Concentration Camp", according to a survey by the National Library of Congress, was included in the top ten books that most influenced the lives of people around the world.

The meaning of life is just akin to the best move in a chess game. When a reporter asked Viktor Frankl what was the best move in a chess game, he told the journalist that there was no such move in a game of chess that could be called the best. It depends on what situation the game is in. The same is true with the meaning of life.

“There is no meaning of life that would exist on its own. But for each person there is a certain life situation when he can grab hold of just some specific idea, some specific meaning of this situation.

How to find the meaning of life?

I would still suggest finding some space, or some area, or a place where they could calmly think, in silence. They could then look back in this place and see if there were already some valuable and important moments in their lives. They should look around and see if there is something around them waiting for them that might be of value to them and others. They need to be given a chance to find what their heart is predisposed to. One for the sake of which they would be willing to overcome obstacles. And try to get to what is so important, to what awaits them. So that one day they can say that "thank God, it's good that it exists, it's good that I exist, and that I'm here."

Briefly. A person should concentrate on the meaning that every situation in life carries, every moment. And in order to regain our understanding of meaning, we need to find the thing that we like and for which we can overcome life's trials. Leontiev Dmitry Alekseevich - Doctor of Psychology, author of the monograph "Psychology of Meaning", representative of the scientific dynasty of Russian psychologists: grandson of A. N. Leontiev (founder of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University).

“It is impossible to answer in general what is the meaning of human life. One can only answer the question, what is the meaning of the life of a particular person. And only one person can give the answer.”

What if life is meaningless?

Understand that this happens, that it is not scary. That if there is a meaning, then any fool can live. And you try, live, if it makes no sense. This does not mean that it will never happen. Yes, the first thing I would advise is to treat this as some kind of challenge.

I would say that no need to try to solve this problem intellectually. Here it is important to develop sensitivity, if you like, a sense of meaning. Here you do something, you feel mine - not mine. You take on some kind of work, no matter for what reason, and what kind of occupation it is. Either someone accidentally called, or money needs to be earned. My feeling is not mine.

Briefly: The answer to the question of what is the meaning of life can only be given by a specific person in his specific life or situation. The search for meaning is a long process associated with the development of a "sense of meaning". Volkov Vladimir Yakovlevich - Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology. For a long time he held the position of First Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise SRC of Applied Microbiology.

“A person who has children, grandchildren, and tries to pass on experience, interacts with them. He doesn’t like something, he wants to transfer his rich and useful baggage, which he has acquired. And as long as he has the opportunity to interact with his children and grandchildren, he has no problems with the meaning of life.

When a person lives, he does not need to look for the meaning of life. When he loses some goal, when he sees his uselessness, he begins to think and look for the meaning of life, which, as it were, has always existed for him, regardless of his desire.

Briefly: The meaning of human life is self-realization. One of the important aspects of self-realization is the education of the next generations.
Konstantinov Mikhail Nikolaevich is one of the most famous Russian yogis. Director of the Moscow Ashtanga Yoga Center, one of the first Russians who received the right to teach ashtanga vinyasa yoga directly from the hands of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

“The meaning of life is that our life is a kind of testing ground for the development and rooting of such a thing as awareness”

What is awareness? Awareness, unlike consciousness, is when we see ourselves not from the inside, but from the outside. We are aware of ourselves from the side, as a certain unit, a thought-unit of the mind. And within the framework of this awareness of ourselves as a unity of mind, we begin, expanding it, to understand the place of this unit within the framework of the entire universe, within the framework of the universal mind.

How to find the meaning of life?

As soon as a person begins to cultivate humility in himself, as soon as he begins to trust this or that (religious, philosophical) tradition, and try to figure it out, and understands that this is a very long way, that this is a process, then he can gradually acquire this meaning.

Briefly. The meaning of life is to develop awareness and follow your destiny. Understanding the meaning of life comes through the development of humility and following the instructions of the teacher or teachers within the framework of any tradition. Hegumen Sergiy (Yuri Iosifovich Rybko) is the abbot of the Russian Orthodox Church, a missionary, known for his sermons in the rock environment and among the "informals". Rector of the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles at the Lazarevsky cemetery in Moscow.

“For me, as a result of all my searches, quite long and winding, I found my meaning of life in serving God and neighbors. It's short, but for me everything is here"

Briefly: Without serving God, there is no meaning to life, it becomes meaningless and worthless. Father Yevmeny (Lagutin) is the rector of the Nikolo-Berlyukovsky Monastery in the Moscow diocese.

“The meaning of human life is death. That is, we will die, and no one has ever left death. So the meaning is preparation for death.

How to make sense?

The most basic, most profiling subject in our life is patience and humility, which form love. Because God is love, and the closer we come to the divine nature, the more love we have, and it can only be approached through humility and patience.

Briefly: The meaning of life is to pass the lessons and trials of life with the help of humility and patience, thereby developing love, than preparing yourself for the transition to another world. Nevedomskaya Lidia Evgenievna - Doctor of Informatics and Management, full member of the International Academy of Science and Business Integration.

“The meaning of life is to realize your creative potential . Each of us creates his own world, his own inner world. These are my feelings of liking - dislike, love, interest, in the end ”

Like it - don't like it, my way - not my way. I create it. Everyone creates their own world. And of course, we create space around ourselves in the house, in the country, in the world, in space, whatever.

Briefly: The meaning of human life is to be like the Creator: to express oneself through one's life - to create one's own life.
Zuev Sergey Vasilyevich - project manager of the Vaishnava University, one of the first devotees of Russian ISKCON.

“It is believed that this is one of the most important, essential questions for a person and it is interesting because they tried to answer it at many historical stages, in many generations”

In general, asking this question, posing this question is connected with the understanding of what life is, what is a person, what is this being that surrounds us, what is it? And the answer to this question depends on this understanding - what is meaning? What's the point?

God created this world, and he gave these duties as a duty to various living entities and even to various categories of the human form of life. These duties are prescribed, this duty, it is predestined, and the meaning of our life is to understand our place in this system, to fulfill our duty and, in doing so, to fulfill the main duty.

Let's say a hand or a finger interacts in the body, but if you separate the finger or hand from the body, it will become useless, it will not fulfill its duty, its duties. And if a person does not understand this meaning that he is part of the whole and the satisfaction of the whole is his super-task, his mission, he does not strive for this.

Briefly: We are small parts of a larger universe or God. Each of us, like any part of the human body, or, one might say, the cells of the human body, has its own tasks and purpose. Fulfilling this mission is the meaning of our life. To be honest, when I started interviewing, I really didn't like that such respected people had such different and conflicting points of view. I thought that it would be quite simple and, most importantly, useful for everyone if a clear answer were given in our society to the questions:

  • What is the meaning of human life?
  • How to find the meaning of life?

And when such respected people have such different points of view, this leads to the fact that society as a whole has no guidelines and resembles a swan, cancer and a pike from Krylov's fable. Who is in what much - as a result, we have a huge number of people who are confused in this and cannot find themselves, decide in their lives, experience depression, and someone commits suicide because they cannot find the answer to the question "What should I live for?" And the reason is those who should lead by example.

However, over time, and in my private practice, I was able to explain to myself the reasons why this happens. Take, for example, the experts whose opinions I quoted first. Basically, they are psychologists. We can say: well, why don't you explain to a person what God is, and the meaning of life is to serve him? After all, everything is simple. However, it is not easy. For example, a girl grew up in an incomplete family, her father left her mother. She was attached to him, and he abandoned her. The subconscious resentment against the father can be so strong that she will not even talk about any God, because the image of God for the child is in the father, and the image of the Goddess is in the mother. And it turns out that a girl who is offended by her father is also offended by God - because God is omnipotent and could not deprive her of her father, whom she loved. Until she first forgives her father, does not understand the reason, his act, she will not even think about any service to God or even be an atheist. And everyone who calls her to this will be considered sectarians. Forgiveness can take years or even a person's entire life. A psychologist or psychotherapist, even if he is a believer, still has to help the client at a particular stage, and not be his spiritual mentor all his life. In addition, the question of whether to believe or not to believe is the right of choice for every person, because no one has 100% evidence of the existence of God. Therefore, in many ways, this determines the views on the problem of the meaning of life in people associated with psychological help to people.

On the other hand, there are people for whom psychology is some kind of superficial science. They believe that there is a shorter and more proven path to meaning. This path has been passed by many and many generations and is set forth in the writings and teachings of the saints. And they choose their spiritual tradition and follow it.

At some point, I realized that each of the experts is right, and right in his own way, because this is the experience of his life, his relationship with this world. And my opinion that this or that opinion does not correspond to the ideal is just a manifestation of my pride. It's good that their opinions differ, sometimes radically. Each of us is unique, each of us has his own way of development. Imagine if everyone was like zombies and said the same thing - it would be boring. Like, for example, if there were only roses of one variety of flowers on the planet.

P.S. For a person with developed awareness, it is not difficult to combine different ideas into one beautiful pattern. I hope that the videos collected in this playlist (at the top of the page) will help you find the meaning of your life.

Sincerely, Alexander Krasnov

Are you not ready for an independent life? Are you disarmed and do not know where to go? You give up because you don't understand your purpose. Well, everything is clear. On the face of the crisis of the search for the meaning of life. There is a solution!

By the way, I understand you, because a couple of months ago I myself was tormented by the problem of comprehension. In my case, the problem was the lack of a job that would bring both pleasure and a good income. There was a family, there were hobbies, there were convictions, there were attitudes, but there was no place in the labor sphere. That’s why it wasn’t that the outlook on life turned out to be non-standard.

And her hands dropped, and she didn’t want anything, and she fought with herself. But everything changed when I decided not to deviate from my beliefs and not break myself. I am well aware of my strengths and weaknesses, abilities. I knew it would be hard (and it was), but I had to start. In fact, only I believed in myself, others, at best, did not interfere. But I had enough of my own confidence.

And now I can safely say that I feel harmonious and whole. Along with the acquisition of integrity and meaning of being by me, other spheres began to improve by themselves, and most importantly, I feel an endless stream of strength and desire to create. But enough of the lyrics, I think I have already inspired you to at least read this article, now more generally and scientifically.

The structure and essence of the meaning of life

Despite all the ambiguity of the issue, scientists managed to identify some stable provisions about the meaning of life, for example, regarding its structure. It is noted that, as a rule, there are several meanings of life: leading and subordinate. According to this principle, the following models of meaning formation are distinguished:

  1. All meanings peacefully coexist or oppose each other.
  2. Subordination of all meanings to one leader.
  3. Change of additional meanings under the influence and growth of the leader.
  4. Inconsistency between the leading and additional principles (that is, the division into two).
  5. The leading meaning serves only as a cover for the ever-evolving true meanings.
  6. The breakdown of the main meaning into secondary ones.
  7. The leading meaning is one, but it is interconnected with others and can change.

Thus, the meaning of life is life goals, the means of achieving them (abilities) and the result (information obtained in the course of professional activity, communication and knowledge of the world).

For the first time, speech about the meaning of life, as a rule, comes in adolescence. Young children can also pronounce this concept, but, probably, blindly repeating after adults. According to developmental psychology, at this age, the child consciously cannot be puzzled by this question.

In adolescence, a person begins to look for the meaning of his life in the present, in youth - to build goals and dream about the future, in maturity - to embody ideas and adjust them taking into account the realities of the existing subjective and objective world.

The meaning of life is based on a person's sense of his place in society, his goals and interests, and ideas about the possibility of their implementation. The main characteristics of the meaning of life include:

  • duality (can be constructive or destructive for the individual);
  • realism (correspondence of meaning to objective conditions and the possibilities of the person himself).

Thus, the meaning of life is an axis that helps a person to adhere to a single line, to build all his spheres according to one thread. Due to this, the individual perceives his life as a whole, and not by spheres (leisure, family, work), and also perceives himself holistically. For example, when meanings are inconsistent, a person can be a toady at work and a tyrant at home.

Causes of emptiness

To get lost in the labyrinths of life is not shameful, to look for meaning is not ashamed, just like losing it. It seems to you that the whole point is your passivity and apathy, but it also has roots. The external factors of feeling the meaninglessness of being in a broad sense include:

  • globalization and technologization of society;
  • abundance of information;
  • identification of labor vocation and life (read more about this in the article);
  • the collapse of the old values ​​and traditions of society without offering a new alternative (reminiscent of the situation of the 90s).

All this causes a person's fear of being replaced by robots, technologies; an abundance of information from different sources and of different quality sows uncertainty in one's own stability, the collapse of values ​​makes it difficult to build one's worldview.

Why search for the meaning of life

Life itself is unthinkable without meaning. It may be existence, but not life. The meaning of life allows:

  • feel the value of life;
  • comprehend the history of your life;
  • believe in your own uniqueness;
  • keep moving and evolving.

Those who live a meaningful life take an active position in everything. They interact with the world practically and theoretically. Meaning allows you to fully and fruitfully live the allotted time. “So that it would not be excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years” is the motto of those who give meaning to their lives.

goal setting

“How to find the meaning of life if you don’t want anything?” you ask. The answer, apparently, will not please you: set a goal and go towards it with the will.

  • What is the root of your passivity? Have you recently moved, have you lost someone? Are you in a state of crisis, depression, that is, an unstable and unhealthy psychological state? Then you must first "remove the splinter": death, care, recover from injury, get out of depression. To do this, you need to contact a specialist.
  • Once your condition is stable (or if you are now healthy, simple or uncertain), you need to start working. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Already in the very question "how to find ..." lies the answer - to search, and not to do nothing. Go to the goal, through all external and, above all, internal obstacles (your “I don’t want to”).
  • “I don’t want to” comes from a lack of motivation. Why are you lacking motivation? Are you satisfied with your current life? I think not, since the question arose. Then imagine the life you want, but be realistic in your plans. Have you imagined yourself, your life, the people around you, your feelings? Do you want that? That's the goal. The purpose of your life is the image of your achievements.

If you can’t yet focus your attention on life in general, then think about a specific goal that excites you more than others at the present time: work, love, education, health.

Now think about how to achieve the presented image, and what is needed for this. What do you already have? And how to get what is not? Work on your mindset. As a result, you should have a clear idea of ​​what the universe is, who a person is and how he should live.

  1. Study yourself. Pass a professional diagnosis of a psychologist or do tests yourself to study your characteristics: professional inclinations and interests, abilities, temperament and character, reactions, value orientations. As a result, you should have your complete psychological portrait in your hands so that you clearly understand the possibilities and work plan.
  2. Learn to select, filter, not take on faith everything you hear.
  3. Be confident in your professional qualities and abilities.
  4. Create your own stable value system that includes broad concepts, such as, for example, helping a stranger, not being indifferent, and more.
  5. Treat yourself and others not as masks or people performing a specific role, function, but as a whole independent unique personality.
  6. Take a firm stand in relation to society and its global things. You must have your own vision of any issue (death, life, work).
  7. If you want to see personal meaning in everything you do, then act according to your conscience. Even if it offends someone, but you think this is the only right decision (for example, to leave the relationship), then you should do it.
  8. The meaning of life is always between reality and the desired ideal. Do not try to find the right move, look for what seems important and necessary for you here and now. Do not be fooled by the stereotype of “stable work like people” if you have the opportunity to build your own path in a non-standard modern field (video blogs, copyright, promoting your ideas and projects).
  9. Don't fall for stereotypes. About anything: marriage, work, hobbies, gender differences. If something is interesting and meaningful to you, if it satisfies your needs and abilities, then this is the way.
  10. Try to always follow your values ​​and principles, interests. Prestige can be achieved in any field if you do it with passion and interest. And in an unloved, but conditionally prestigious area, you can not achieve anything.
  11. Develop industriousness. Labor is the basis of our life. It pervades every realm. Labor is an expression of the need for respect and self-expression.

It does not happen that a healthy person does not want anything. Maybe your desires simply do not correspond to someone else's ideas? And who told you that you must comply. Your desires should correspond only to your needs, ideas and natural data, and, of course, the norms of law and morality. Everything else is your right to freedom.

Once again, why don't you want anything? Have you enrolled in an obviously undesirable direction (at the behest of your parents or society) and do not see any further prospects in the planned work? Are you already working in an undesirable area (placed by an acquaintance, they pay well, “I studied for this”)? Are you in a dependent relationship? Have you given birth to a child, because "it is necessary"? Are you suffering from some kind of addiction? Why have you become so indifferent to your life, to yourself? Who are you living for?

Please stop destroying your own life and realizing someone else's meaning of life. Unfortunately, I don't know your specific story. But I know for sure that everything can always be corrected: if not the situation, then my attitude towards it.

However, some psychologists and philosophers believe that life has meaning only when it is connected with other lives, that is, when your activity is useful to the whole society. Thus, we are talking about self-development, about reaching a new moral level. The level where you think about the meaning of your actions for others more than about the meaning for yourself. It is also important to remember this: for others, but not to the detriment of yourself.

A little practice

I want to push you to action and take you away from the devaluation of life. I offer two exercises. You can repeat regularly, especially when "you don't want anything."

  1. Imagine that you have 5 years to live. Do you have any images, values, ideas? I think yes. Probably, I immediately remembered everything “later”, “I will have time”, “not now”. And, probably, you wanted to do it this very minute? That's what you need to get away from. Here are the first meanings. Constantly support them, call like a genie from a bottle and act.
  2. Imagine that you are 80. Your friends and relatives have arranged a celebration for this occasion. The hero of the day is invited to make a speech. You are asked to tell about your life. This is where the "magic" begins. What would you like to say to those eyes? How would you like to be perceived by guests? Here you have the first guidelines for the future, the first goals and meanings.

Popular traps

In the search for meaning in life, you can fall into several traps.

dependent relationships

This is if you decide to look for yourself in the family, love. Perhaps you have just imagined a family with a dozen children and now you are afraid of not having time. This is the other extreme of your current state. You can not do it this way. You can’t cling to a random passerby, you can’t give birth to children because you “have to”. It is necessary to clearly plan and rationally evaluate each step. Remember the main conditions for the realization of the meaning of life: realism, consistency, feasibility.


This is an escape from reality. This is the opposite of laziness. It is impossible for work to replace family, communication with friends, leisure. It is not safe. Work occupies all thoughts, and you constantly begin to feel anxiety. You cannot stop working, but even in the process of work you are constantly disturbed. Along with this, the ability to empathize and establish social contacts is reduced. A workaholic does not want to solve interpersonal problems, but you and I remember that life makes sense with global values ​​and interaction with society. Gradually, this develops into dissatisfaction with oneself and again the question of the meaninglessness of being arises.

False thoughts, or self-destruction

By what I mean self-destructive behavior (not always conscious). I have heard the phrases “my meaning of life is to burn life”, “I am a party-goer, and this is the meaning of my life”, “self-destruction as the meaning of life”, “search for the meaning of life through self-destruction”, “the meaning of life is to try everything” ( for some reason the most accessible, dangerous, trivial), "collect a collection of women / men." These are not meanings. This is an unreasonable waste of the bestowed time and potential. With such attitudes, the re-awareness of meaninglessness, as a rule, comes in old age or late adulthood. Against this background, a crisis develops, which can end in depression and even suicide.


Thus, we can say that the meaning of life is not an abstract philosophical phenomenon (although, of course, one can rant on this topic for a long time) and this is not a question without an answer.

  • The meaning of life is the concept of the life of a particular person. A set of his personal positions, rules, beliefs, values. All this is supported by internal personal psychological characteristics and external conditions, the concept of society.
  • The meaning of life includes goals for the future, but begins with the present, and even the past contributes to changes in the semantic orientations of the individual. The first semantic questions and guidelines appear in adolescence (search for oneself in the present, without focusing on the future), in adolescence a person makes plans for the future, in adulthood he realizes them (if necessary, correcting them, according to real possibilities), in old age he evaluates, measures your success.
  • The meaning of life is your perception and understanding of life and yourself, awareness of the ownership of your life and co-dependence of the meaning of life and your actions. Because now you don’t want anything, because there is no point.

Do you know what it is about passivity that people most often regret in old age when they begin to evaluate their life, that is, achievements? I want to quote the Soviet psychologist and philosopher Sergei Leonidovich Rubinshtein: “My attitude towards my own death is determined by two circumstances: firstly, how complete, and not cut short, my life will be at the time of death, how much at least to some extent it will be completed. idea, and, secondly, to what extent I did not leave, did not abandon, did not leave to the mercy of fate those people who need me.

That is, you need to be active and active, endow each step with meaning, and highly significant. The meaning of life is a changeable element. Finding it is not enough, you need to constantly implement it. As the goals (meanings) are fulfilled, on their basis, find a continuation - new meanings.

Among the main meanings can be called the meaning of:

  • to be loved;
  • be happy;
  • to be educated;
  • to be a successful specialist;
  • help people and more.

Note that each of these meanings is subjective. Each person has his own idea of ​​love, education, happiness. I don’t know what you will put into this goal, but I know that any main meaning (goal) can be divided into auxiliary meanings (tasks) that are quite achievable if real.

Thus, in order to find the meaning of life, you need to know your own resources and develop a concept for managing them. Get to know yourself, develop, plan your life, be active. Live, don't exist!

Literature on the topic

  1. Lyubov Kholov "The Road to the Vocation". The book is based on real events, stories, people, but written in the style of a fiction novel. This is the story of one person who, contrary to the opinions of other people and other problems, seeks and finds himself.
  2. Fedor Papayani "The Meaning of Life". The paper presents various scientific points of view about what is the meaning of life (and from the standpoint of different sciences); describes the author's personal experience in finding the meaning of life. It is about the worldview, and about the idea, and about values, and about attitudes. There is a lot of material presented on the topic of worldview, which, in my opinion, is the place to start the search for the meaning of life.
  3. Vladislav Terekhovich “Formula of meaning. A study of opinions on the meaning of human existence. The author analyzes in detail all the available theories of the meaning of life (from the standpoint of "for" and "against"), analyzes the established opinions about the meaning of life, sorts out certain areas by category, for example, meaning in pleasure, in self-realization, and so on, and finally offers his own formula meaning. I think it will be useful for you to read several review opinions at once about what the meaning of life is and how to find it.

Aphorisms on occasion - for the sake of reflection

The beauty of aphorisms is that each person interprets them in his own way. I offer you some popular sayings of great people about the meaning of life. Perhaps this will be a "magic kick" for you. Well, digress a little from the previous "overload".

  • A. Ananiev: “The purpose of life cannot consist only of the promised eternal bliss; the golden gates of paradise awaiting us, to which only thoughts and deeds should be turned, this is wonderful; but there is, that is, there must certainly be something else ... that, not in the mythical future, but today, here on earth, brings satisfaction. The goal of life is the striving for immortality (even if only for a name); the meaning of life is the choice of the path (and actions) to achieve the goal.
  • Aristotle: What is the meaning of life? Serve others and do good. Every person individually and all together have, one might say, a well-known goal, striving for which they choose one thing, avoid the other ... Happiness is the goal of life.
  • V. Belinsky: “Without a goal there is no activity, without interests there is no goal, and without activity there is no life.”
  • W. James: "Believe in the fact that there is something to live for, and your faith will help this fact to come true."
  • P. Coelho: “Life is a mystery that one must be able to accept and not torment oneself with the constant question: “What is the meaning of my life?” It’s better to fill life with meaning and things that are important to you.”
  • B. Pascal: "The past and the present are our means, only the future is our goal."
  • P. Tkachev: "The life goal of each individual is to preserve and maintain his individuality."
  • T. Wilder: "Life has no other meaning than the one we give it."
  • O. Wilde: “The purpose of life is self-expression. To manifest our essence in all its fullness - that's what we live for.

Translation: Balezin Dmitry

How can you find your true meaning in life? I mean the reason why you are here at all - the reason you exist.
It is possible that you consider yourself a nihilist and do not believe that your life has any meaning at all.

It doesn't matter. Just because you don't believe in the existence of a goal won't prevent you from discovering it for yourself, just as disbelief in gravity won't prevent you from falling if you stumble. Lack of faith that there is a purpose in life will only make this exercise take longer. If the description above applies to you, just change the number 20 to 40 (or 60 if you're really stubborn).

If you don't believe that you have a purpose in life, then you probably won't believe what I'm saying. But even if that's the case, what are you risking if you spend one hour just to be on the safe side?

I would like to give a little story about Bruce Lee that would create the right atmosphere for the exercise. The martial artist asked Bruce Lee to teach him everything he knew about martial arts. In response, Bruce Lee picked up two mugs filled with water.

“The first mug,” said Bruce Lee, “represents all your martial arts knowledge. The second is a symbol of my knowledge of martial arts. If you want to fill your mug with my knowledge, you must first empty yours of your knowledge.”

If you really want to understand the meaning of your life, then you first need to free your mind from all the false goals and meanings that you have been taught (including the idea that life has no meaning at all).

How can you discover the meaning of your life? There are many ways to do this, some of them quite confusing. I would like to introduce you to the easiest way available to everyone. The more open you are to the process, the more you believe it will work, the faster you will get results. But even if you are completely closed and you have a lot of doubts about whether this method will work, or you think that the method was invented for idiots and is nothing more than a waste of time - all this will not prevent you from getting results.

All you have to do is keep doing the exercise no matter what. Once again, your disbelief in this method will only increase the time it takes to complete the exercise.

Here's what to do:

1. Grab a blank sheet of paper or run a text editor on your computer (I prefer the latter as it's faster).
2. At the top of the sheet write - "What is the real meaning of my life?".
3. Write the answer (any answer) that comes to mind. It is not necessary to use full sentences. You can do with a short sentence.
4. Repeat step 3 until the answer you get makes you cry. This answer is the meaning of your life.

(from Dmitry Balezin - by the way, my training “Successful Personality 2.0” will help you turn the found meaning of life into reality - this is a practical guide to achieving your goals, it will help you become successful and wealthy)

That's basically it. It doesn't matter who you are: consultant, engineer, weightlifter. Some people will see a lot of value in this exercise, others will find it completely stupid. Usually, it takes 15-20 minutes to clear your brain of garbage and life goals imposed on you by society (the people around you).

False answers will come from your consciousness and memory. But at the moment when the true answer comes into your head, you will feel, as it were, a completely different source of its origin.

People who live semi-conscious lives will take much longer to get rid of false answers, perhaps more than an hour. But if you persist, after 100, 200 or maybe even 500 answers, you will suddenly stumble upon an answer that will make you emotional, that answer will amaze you. If you've never done anything like this before, you might find this silly. So be it, do this exercise anyway.

As you complete this exercise, some of your answers will be very similar to each other. You can even go over the previous answers and re-read them. Then, you might push off in a new direction and write 10-20 more answers covering a different area. And that's completely normal. Just keep writing all the answers that come to your mind.

At some point (when you have already written 50 - 100 answers) you may want to stop the exercise, because you will not see the results, as if the answers lead nowhere. You may want to get up and do something else. This is fine. Get over that resistance and keep writing. The feeling of resistance will gradually pass.

You will probably come across a few responses that make you emotionally high, but still do not make you cry from the consciousness of the acquired purpose - they are just pieces of your meaning. Underline these answers and continue, later you can refer to them again and change them a little. Each of these answers reflects part of the meaning, but individually they do not create something whole.
When you start to come across such answers, it means that you are getting closer to the goal. Go on.

It is important to do this exercise alone, where no one is distracting you. If you are a nihilist, you can start with the answer - "I have no purpose" or "Life is meaningless", and start with them. If you persist, you will eventually come to your senses.

I spent 25 minutes doing this exercise and reached the final answer at step 106. The parts of the correct answer (emotional mini-waves) occurred at steps 17, 39 and 53, and then, most of the final answers fell on 100-106. I felt a sense of resistance (desire to get up and do something else; a feeling that this exercise is meaningless; the appearance of impatience and even irritation) in the region of answers 55-60. After 80 answers, I paused for 2 minutes, closed my eyes, relaxed, let go of my thoughts, and focused on the thought that the answers would definitely come to me - this helped, because after that, the answers that I began to receive contributed more and more and more clarity.

Here is my final meaning of life: To live consciously and bravely (courageously), resonate with love and compassion, awaken a great spirit in others, and leave this world in peace (peace).

When you discover your unique answer to why you are here, you will feel that it aligns with you on a deep level. It will seem to you that the words of your answer seem to have a special energy for you. You will feel an influx of energy every time you run your eyes over the lines of your meaning in life.

Finding your meaning in life is the easiest part. The difficult part is to stick to this meaning constantly, every day, to work on yourself in order to embody this meaning.

If you are inclined to ask the question why this method works, then simply postpone this question until the moment when you have already successfully reached the goal of the exercise. When you're done with the exercise, you may have your own answer to why this method works. Most likely, if you ask 10 people who have successfully used this technique, you will get 10 different answers. Each answer will be sort of filtered through their belief system, each will contain its own reflection of the truth.

Obviously, this method will not work if you complete the exercise before you get the final answer, in which all the pieces of small meanings merge. I guess 80-90% of people will have their final answers within an hour. If you are deeply rooted in the belief that life has no meaning, then you may have to do 5 sets of 3 hours, although I assume that such people are likely to give up this exercise after 15 minutes, or even altogether. won't try to do it.

Though if you're still reading this blog (blog) and tend to continue, then I doubt that you will fall into this group of people.

Try it! At the very least, you will learn a couple of things: your purpose in life, or that you need to stop reading such articles.

The material is taken from the site (blog)
Copyright © 2006 by Pavlina LLC. All Rights Reserved

My remarks: The technique really works, although I can not boast that I was able to find my goal in just 20 minutes. I had to spend 3 evenings and about 6-7 hours on this exercise. By the end of the second day, I was almost sure that this technique was not working, and I was ready to give up everything, but I continued to do the exercise, because I felt that I should overcome the resistance. Also, I tend to trust Steve as he has proven himself very well. I have been reading his articles for a long time and much of what he writes about has helped me change my life for the better.

During the execution, I expected an emotional response, and indeed there was. But I never expected from myself that I was really moved enough to cry ... These tears were like the tears of a person who discovers something true. As if some kind of energy flow of goodness, courage and strength is pouring into you.

After a couple of days or hours, you may no longer feel such a surge of emotions from reading the words of your meaning of life. But just try to keep these feelings vivid in your memory so that you can return to them as a source of strength and faith.

Copyright © 2008 Dmitry Balezin

Everyone at least once thought about the meaning of life. What it is? Does he exist? How to find it? The bottom line is that no one can give a definite answer to these questions. Nobody but yourself! The terms of the search are different, but be prepared for the fact that you can look for it for years, the main thing is not to stop. Today I will help you get on the right path and find your meaning in life on your own.

The meaning of life is the understanding of one's own path, purpose. You realize why you wake up in the morning and where you go in life. People who have meaning in life do not simply waste time, but invest it wisely in the right things.

Why look for meaning in life?

People who analyze their reality often fall into apathy due to the realization of their own worthlessness, when the soul wants one thing, and they confidently do another. The result is the same - years fly by, but there is no feeling that you are on the right track. This suggests that you live without meaning in life, hence such emotions.

People without meaning in life:

  • Often fall into apathy. Motivation and goals have a short-term effect. As long as you achieve your goal, there is meaning in life. When the plan is achieved, the emptiness in the soul remains, and apathy comes to the fore.
  • Wasting time on unnecessary activities. They wander through life, committing a lot of ridiculous and rash acts. They do not understand what they need in life.

People with meaning in life do not need motivation, as they know exactly what they want and confidently go through life.

Consider step by step what you need to do to determine your meaning in life.

Analyze your life

Namely, analyze the situations that often happened to you. For example, everything was going well and you should have succeeded, but at the last moment something suddenly went wrong. Remember all such situations, these are clues from the Universe. Also, recall situations in your memory when everything seemed to be against you, but in the end it went in the best way. This is also a clue from the universe.

I’ll make a reservation right away that if, for example, you wanted to win the marathon of skaters, but were too lazy to train for the allotted time, then we’ll explain the loss here. We are talking about situations in which you invested enough strength, or did not invest in principle, but won.

Closing the doors in front of us, the Universe leads us to the desired goal. Try to consider situations where everything went great for no apparent reason. What were you doing then? Who did you communicate with? With what intentions did you do it? Next, try to direct your energy to such activities.

For example, your sister got sick and did not have time to prepare a party for her child's birthday and asked you to do it. You had literally a few days to prepare everything, but you managed to do everything and the children were satisfied. At the end of the day, you experienced pleasant fatigue and joy. You were happy to give a holiday to children, your soul sang, but you have been working as an accountant all your life. Think about your activities.

Start Meditating

Meditation teaches relaxation and concentration on one's inner feelings. Such a spiritual practice can be mastered by a beginner without a teacher. Knowing how to relax and "turn off" thoughts, you can hear the soul - what you really want.

Take a trip

So suddenly and leaving everything. Go to a new country, book a hotel there and live at least 2 weeks.

First, you will give up your usual way of life and be able to look at it from the outside. Secondly, it is easier and more objective to solve internal problems, looking at them "from afar".

When you sit in one place, it is hard to find meaning in life and understand yourself and your true desires. Habitual life and fuss cloud the mind.

Get rid of toxic people

The most difficult stage for many, but it gives more free space and positive. If there is a person nearby who constantly criticizes, does not believe in you and drives you into complexes, then first try to talk to him, setting personal boundaries. If a person does not understand, stop talking to him or at least minimize the meetings. Throwing toxic people out of your life will make you breathe easier and you will have faith in yourself.

Create a strong foundation in life

In order for life to be happy and filled with meaning, it is important to have your own strong support. She will protect you from adversity and give you confidence in the future. The life support of a person consists of 6 components: body, relationships, profession, environment, necessary qualities and skills, spirituality. So do the following:

  • Take a piece of paper and write if you are satisfied with your body (health, appearance). If not, what exactly do you not like. Perhaps you need to heal, start eating right, lose weight, change your style of clothing, and so on. The body is the temple of the soul and should be healthy, energetic and beautiful. Start with it, the body quickly lends itself to change and, watching how it gets better, you will have more confidence that you can change your whole life for the better.
  • Then move on to relationships. Write if you are happy with them. If not, then you need to work on them: find common interests with your beloved man, spend more time together, communicate, and maybe even get away from a person who does not appreciate you.
  • In the same way, sort out your profession. Does she bring you joy? What can be improved? Or should it be changed?
  • We have already talked about the environment. Get rid of toxic people and surround yourself with kind and positive people.
  • Look at your qualities and skills. Are you satisfied with them? Or you should learn something, work out some quality. For example, to become more self-confident, loving, positive, learn a foreign language, learn to drive a car, and so on.
  • Spirituality is our main pillar. Do you believe in God? Have you found spiritual principles for yourself that you can rely on?

Say yes to everyone and everything

Of course, within reason. It's about new activities, trips and opportunities. You will never find meaning in life by sitting in one place. The more spontaneous meetings and trips there are, the better you will begin to hear yourself, and also understand the magnitude of your potential.

Answer your questions:

  1. What do you want? Of course, household trifles immediately come to mind: paint the walls, change the ceilings, and so on. But the brain wants it, but the soul does not want it. To answer this question for yourself, try to retire, preferably to go to a quiet place. Then relax and dream. Don't be afraid to think of something big and difficult to do at the moment.
  2. What brings you pleasure? Take a piece of paper or buy a notepad. From now on, you will write down everything that brings you pleasure there. For example, you spent time with your children and were happy, we write it down, decorate your home and get a wave of positive emotions from it, we also write about it in a notebook. The key to understanding the meaning of your life lies in what brings you happiness. The meaning of life cannot look like a "terrible burden", in which case this is not what you are looking for.
  3. When do you get inspired? When does your soul sing? When you are overwhelmed with emotions, and energy surges with such force, as if you drank 3 liters of energy drink? Get a separate notebook for this and record your states. It is important to prescribe the lesson and specifically write about the emotions received.

Powerful technique (video)

There is one simple and effective technique that will help you find your meaning in life.

Mistakes that lead to disappointment

  • To invest meaning in a particular person or people. Basically, it's manipulation. You are throwing responsibility for your life onto others. When the other person is your meaning of life, you will definitely be disappointed, as people tend to leave or die.
  • Make quick decisions. Awareness of purpose either comes naturally, or you have to look for it yourself. If you have never realized this, but after reading the article you suddenly decided that some kind of activity is your meaning of life, then most likely you will quickly be convinced of this. Get ready for a long search!
  • Don't shoot from the shoulder. You don’t need to immediately throw people out of your life en masse or quit your job. In this mindset, you will most likely have a nervous breakdown than you will find something. For everything you need to prepare the ground. Of course, spontaneity is a good trait that helps in spiritual searches, but everything should be in moderation. It’s one thing to spontaneously agree to try something that hasn’t been done before, it’s another thing to start abruptly breaking everything in life that was built before.

Remember that you need to arm yourself with patience, meditate more and not expect quick results, because mental work is a long process with its own obstacles and victories.

You will not find the meaning of life if:

  1. They are not ready to change their habitual way of life. No radical action is needed, but the fact that your usual image will change is a fact. You have to figure out what you like and move in that direction. Life from the series "work-home-work" will smoothly end and a new one will begin.
  2. They are not ready to change themselves. Many adults have strict parents in their heads, who have been taught to eat porridge all their childhood, even if it is tasteless. Get ready for internal changes.
  3. Not ready to act. You will be forced to get out of bed and work on yourself, try new things and be constantly on the move. If you are lazy and want to find meaning in life by watching TV on the couch, then you will definitely not come to anything.
  4. Afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You will have to try something new and, in some aspects, abandon the usual way of everyday life.

Finding the meaning of life is a real job that promises harmony and happiness, because you will be in your place and nothing in this world can replace this feeling. Believe in yourself and you will definitely find your purpose at any age. There is no "too early" or "too late" for cultivation. Self-improvement is always on time!

Every now and then, I get a question in my email. What to do if life has lost its meaning?

Sometimes it sounds direct, sometimes - a little more veiled - "How to find the meaning of life?"

For many years of holding resource theaters, it became obvious to me that if life has lost its meaning, then you need to look for a lack of love, dislike, rejection of yourself. And the more meaningless life seems to a person, the greater the “lack” of love turns out to be.

Moreover, if a person has to search for the meaning of life, but he is not found, and this search goes on constantly (sometimes going into the background, sometimes rising to the surface), then it is likely that this lack of love is congenital, generic, from birth, or even from conception. And this does not mean at all that the parents are to blame, because they did not like. This lack may lie much deeper.

In this article, I will not analyze the reasons why this shortage may occur. Because I really want to convey the main idea! If life seems meaningless, if you need to look for the meaning and fullness of life and you feel the meaninglessness of your life or life in general, if the question arises in your head (at least periodically): “What do I live for?”, “What do people live for?” , all this suggests that you do not have enough love. In other words, about the depression hidden in the depths of the soul. It doesn't matter if you don't like or don't like you. Because the most important thing is to make up for this lack, and not to look for an answer to a question that has no answer. Or more precisely, the answer to which is a matter of personal choice, and not of "how it really is."

As soon as you make up for this lack, as soon as life resounds with love, the world around will sparkle with colors. And the answer will be obvious. The meaning of life is in LIFE itself. In joy and pleasure, in love, in creativity… The list is endless. But no such list will give a person who lacks love absolutely nothing. Simply because the answer to the question “How to find the meaning of life” people are looking for in their heads. And the answer actually lies at the level of sensations, at the level of feelings, at the level of the body .. At the level of the depth and quality of living, feeling life. At the level of that (to simplify it completely) - how much buzz, joy, pleasure from life you allow yourself to get.

Get your love back.

Bring love back into your life and it will make sense again. I'm not talking about a partner. And it's not about falling in love with someone! Because falling in love in a state of lack of love very quickly turns into an addiction. I'm talking about unconditional love. About the love of life.

Love in this case is almost a synonym for Life. Of course, and of course, this is about m+f too. But in order for m + f to develop qualitatively, it is important that unconditional love lives in the person himself.

Love, which gives meaning to life, which gives fullness to life, which gives stability in life - this is primarily about unconditional love that goes through the family. From great-grandparents to grandparents, from them to our parents, from parents to us, from us to our children, and so on. This is a generic flow of love and life, the lack of which is quite difficult to “calculate” simply because we are sometimes born with it and simply do not know what happens differently.

The love that fills life with meaning is about the world around you and the unconditional love of the world for you, and yours for this world. It's about love in the broadest sense.

We are made of love.

Whether we like it or not, whether we realize it or not, we humans are made of love, we live and feed on love. We may not notice it. But the symptom of absence and lack will be the meaninglessness of life. Or an endless search for meaning. Moreover, the search usually takes place in "Somewhere Tamiya", that is, outside of this, the real world. In the beyond, in esotericism, in other worlds or parallel realities, in the deep past or the future beyond...

But in fact, this is just a way to escape from the pain, the pain of the soul. Because the lack of love is always pain, in one form or another.

So, there is no point in looking for the MEANING of life. You just need to let love in. And with that comes meaning. But not as a brain category, but as a feeling, as a feeling. And it is desirable to let love into yourself literally at the CELLULAR level. Or vice versa - release. Remembering the real self, remembering yourself as the source of life and love. Awaken the love in you. Wake up.

After all, the GOOD UNIVERSE, which unconditionally loves each of us and fulfills our desires, is not somewhere out there, in a parallel reality. She is the world around you. And the love that returns meaning to life is also not somewhere out there. She's here! In our bodies, in the walls of houses, in the surrounding people ... And it doesn’t matter - from the inside out or vice versa. It is important to revive unconditional love.

Disliked? Let go!

One more moment. If we formulate the lack of love in the form of “I was not loved”, then this problem cannot be solved. It is impossible to return to the past and demand love from the "debtors". And most importantly, if you "should", or you "should", then the quality of your life depends not on yourself, but on other people. And this is already dependence - instead of love.

Therefore, we formulate on our own - I did not accept (did not accept), did not take (did not take), did not get (a) ... etc. Or - I do not like, I am offended (a), I am angry, etc.

And then the issue is decided by acceptance.

Here are three steps in the process of finding meaning in life.

1. Realize what negative emotion (feeling) makes your life meaningless. You don't even have to name. It is enough to move from the level of “brains” and reasoning about the meaning of life to the level of feelings and sensations and operate further with feelings.

2. Take responsibility honestly. Not “I was offended”, but I was “offended”. Or even - decided (a) to be offended (then you can).

3. Open love, let yourself be loved, let yourself be loved. And gradually expand this flow - in principle and throughout life. There are already many articles on the site (blog) about how to work on this topic. And you can find them by

With love, Yunia

P.s. Anticipating questions, I will say that the next training in St. Petersburg will be in May! So — if you can't cope with opening the flow of love on your own, come to this training! Although ... to be honest - this training should be mandatory for everyone. And - more than once ... Each of us has too many dislikes. And it is with the help of Resource theaters that one can identify and remove the lack of unconditional love from the depths of the subconscious. And sometimes what a person would do on their own for years (or never at all) can be done in one or two resource theaters.

And here, in there is a schedule of all planned trainings.

13 comments on the article “How to find the meaning of life?”


Everything is correct here. What if it feels like it's too late? That feelings are killed, can't you feel? And faith in yourself is gone, the so-called landmark is completely lost?


Irina, then everything is the same. It will only be a little more difficult. Because it needs to be restored. After all, they are not killed, just decided not to feel. This usually happens when the pain is unbearable. And when you come alive, you will probably have to live through this pain a little at first and let it go. In difficult cases, it is better to do this with a specialist. And not even on Skype.
But the main thing in this business is not to believe the feeling that everything is over, that it is already too late. It's never too late. And feelings can be revived. At first - in spite of and even possibly - through an effort ... And when you start to come to life - it will be easier!
And then - not the fact that the way out of this will be long and difficult! Not a fact!))))) I myself came into this activity 15 years ago, among other things, because I was looking for a remedy for depression. And she pulled herself out by technicians in about a month. And before that, no one could help for half a year - neither psychologists helped, nor trainings. And only through ridicule, through absurdity, through stopping feeling sorry for yourself - a way out was found!
By the way, I highly recommend working with a doll for a start! It will already load. I described in the blog - in detail!


Dear Yunia!
I got sick here for a month and a half with the loss of work.
She even stopped sleeping. And suddenly, against the background of all this, I took out a synthesizer and began to study the notes, began to sing and for the first time in many years I felt happy. I’m 41, I’m ashamed of my studies in front of my daughter, I have to look for a job, but it’s like my strength has run out when I pick up a synthesizer, as if reality is changing.


Elena, she is changing! Sing if it wakes you up, if it gives you strength - be sure to sing! And don't be shy! The stream of life that breaks through and opens up when you sing, having opened up qualitatively, is quite capable of “carrying out” you to money, and to a new job, and much more! At school, we were not taught the most important thing - to hear ourselves and give way to our true. Creativity. Love. life.
And if it made it to 41 - YOU ARE LUCKY! Very lucky. After all, you can never hear the voice of your nature at all ...

And from a technical point of view - sing about how you find a new, wonderful job, about how your desires are realized, and instead of a serious aunt, become a child who is interested in the world. And this "inner child" will find a good job for you much faster than your "inner adult, depressed smart aunt" ... :-)))


Dear Yunia!
Thank you for the article.
As always, hitting the very point.
Years of "digging" karma and "removing" karmic structures; rebirthing and breathing techniques (and more, and more); search for answers to the question about the meaning of life and finding, as it were, answers; again breakdowns in depression; and a return to "why am I alive at all (?), if everything goes in one vicious circle - search - short luck - loss and fall - depression." I am many years old.
Good luck and success of loved ones and relatives is a pleasant fact, but you see yourself far from this, sort of like from the outside.
And it all happened because of the lack of love (true, for life itself) ???
Alas, I agree completely. It’s not easy to do it alone, but you have to do something - I’ll try recommendations for correction.
Thank you very much, dear Yuni!!!


Tata! Thank you very much for your response!
Yes, that's right - the lack of love for life. Moreover, as a rule (!!!) - the reception of self-love from the world is blocked. This is not 100% information, because statistics are not enough in this regard. But, nevertheless, I am inclined to believe that the violation is at the entrance. (Incoming flow, not outgoing). Another thing is that all this is still two sides of the same process called Unconditional Love. Therefore, in whatever direction we develop, all the same, the entire energy exchange will expand. (I hope I can explain clearly).


Yunia, thank you!
I often read your notes, and this one hit the spot again!!
So I want to reach you!!! There are so many interesting things around!!!
It has been more than two years since I “discovered” you for myself, all this time it is interesting and very informative with you! Thank you!!!


Thank God! Accidentally came across your site. Although there are no coincidences .. I saw a lot, yes, I saw myself from the side, as with my own eyes, and an understanding came, but not the fact that there would be such a quick recovery)) I thank you for your love invested in the article! I live in Vladivostok, unfortunately far from you, with great pleasure, I would attend your trainings. It remains only to visit you, and feed, learn new things, first of all about yourself.
Thank you! Kind regards Farhad 🙂


I want this t-shirt!!
And if for me such a feeling is loneliness, and not resentment? I'm alone, right?


Pasha, this is a feeling, a feeling. For example, I also have it. It's not strong now, but it used to be strong. It began to leave when the insight came - if I am one with the world and people - where, in principle, can the feeling of loneliness come from? Does that mean it's artificial? And for what?
My feelings and observations suggest that this is for manipulation - with oneself or others ...

Moreover, when I realized that this is a feeling, and not an objective reality, I found that it appears to me just and mainly in relation to other people. Well, that is - you can tell a person “I love you”))) But in the case of my loneliness, it turns out “I’m lonely from you” - in the sense that you make me lonely ...))) But my feelings are my responsibility.
I think that this is not the only option for how we use the feeling of loneliness and for what ...
I have noticed this program in other people more than once. A variant like “You didn’t call me and I feel lonely” - I think a familiar reproach to many. I always have a question - why didn't you call me yourself if you needed it? However, I also noticed similar tendencies in myself - they didn’t call me when I decided that they should call me - that’s it, I was aaabid!!!))) The question is that this subconscious (in many ways) program interferes with life and myself to a person, and to those around him ... You can write an article about it)


Junia, look, today is Friday and I want to go for a walk with someone and go to a cafe. But I don't have anyone. Because no one needs me. And there is no one to be offended that they don’t call me either.
And I do not manipulate anyone, because no one cares about my condition.


Pash, I wrote about the feeling of loneliness. About the state itself. The situation when there is no one to go somewhere, I think, happens to everyone. In any case, it happens to me. The question is how do we experience them. One side of the question is that if I feel good with myself, then I will go for a walk with myself))) And I will enjoy it. Or go somewhere where I can find good people, if I really want to communicate.
But the unconscious (!) value of the state of loneliness often prevents us from doing this. Yes, of course, you did not choose it consciously, but nevertheless, the fact is that you chose it once and from time to time (every time you experience it), you choose to feel exactly that. But in fact - you can choose to feel something else! And go somewhere where there will be people and the opportunity to communicate. The next question is just how deep this state is rooted in you. Because it depends on whether you can choose and make your choice. Or the state of loneliness will be stronger.
But in general, I see no reason to philosophize further, although I have something to say)))
Let's try this instead:
Do it once! Remember that the world loves you)))
Do two: Sending a return smile to the world!)))
When I received a response
Do three: Ask where you can go to feel good and ask the world to give you options and opportunities)))
Do four: By any known means, we support a wave of openness and readiness to accept new things in our lives)))
Do five: We look on the Internet for options - where to go for a lonely wizard guy))) In Moscow, there are probably a million options!
Do six and seven: choose and go!)))
But only in a good mood, without expectations, just go ... And do not forget about the magic on the way!)))


Yunia, thank you! Your article is straight to the point and about sore points! But this is true, it all starts with love! Thank you very much!

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