How to draw a 2 storey house. How to draw a fairy house


Everyone wants to have their own shelter in order to hide from this world there. I will tell you how to draw a house with a pencil. Perhaps in the future you will be able to build your own cozy shelter. The house is a permanent abode of people and all the good things they have acquired in the form of a TV, unlimited Internet and a cat. Carefully protected by the owner, insulated for the winter and serves as a venue for cultural events. On the territory of Rashka, most often it is a communal apartment in Khrushchev, less often - an apartment in the center of Moscow or Bobruisk. In places remote from civilization, this can be a two-story barn with a leaking roof. Brings a loss in the form of constant renovations and communal tribute, needs expensive armored doors to protect property and add beauty to the exterior. Grants protection from acid rain and petty brawl hurricanes, as well as from Gypsies, Avon agents, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Specific type of houses:

  • Madhouse (synonyms: psychiatric hospital, psychiatric hospital, Kashchenko) - The habitat of creative and talented people. Equipped with equipment for experimenting on people healing and healing of the soul. Settlement by special invitations.
  • White House . A pumped version of the usual madhouse for the elite of this world. Led by the Black Lord, he spreads democracy throughout the world, absolutely free, preference is given to countries with oil and dangerous terrorists.
  • Dom-2 is almost the same as a madhouse, only there patients are also paid money.

Now let's create a project for your home.

How to draw a house with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw a small standard house, as it looks in the village, with a triangular roof.
Step two. Let's level the building a bit, add some formal bushes around and tweak the edges of the roof.
Step three. Let's add a design to this hut, a beautiful porch and a facade ornament.
Step four. Now let's draw a few windows in front on both floors, as well as a few from the side. Still need some trees in the background and a path to the entrance.
This is how my house will look, and what kind of house would you like to build? Draw and attach your work below this article. It will be useful for you to know more.

This lesson fell into the category of easy, which means that in theory even a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw a house. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the lesson "" - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you need

In order to draw a house, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Any objects are best depicted by looking at them live. So drawing a house will be much easier if you draw from life. Also, I advise you to study the subject of drawing well before you start drawing. This can get rid of many design errors. Look at Yandex.Pictures how it looks and imagine how it should work in order to bring maximum benefit.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using paths. It will be enough for you to repeat that, and only that, that is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to imagine that. that you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with the constant use of this technology, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

A house is an architectural structure, so when drawing it in stages, you first need to build a general drawing, and only then start “building” and adding details of the picture of the house. When drawing at home, you can’t do without a ruler, and of course a pencil. The house should look symmetrical, so you need to accurately measure the height, width, etc. using a ruler. The house can be depicted in different ways, for example, make a roof of tiles, draw double doors, or add a chimney lined with bricks for a fireplace. Draw these "little things" according to your desire, but any of the houses must have a foundation, walls, roof and doors with windows. If you follow these rules, then the lesson on how to draw a house will be very easy for you.

1. General drawing of the house

To create a drawing of a house, first draw a rectangle. Measure more than half of the space inside it and draw a vertical line at this point. She will divide the house into two parts, an entrance hall and a living room. The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to correctly make the proportions of the house, my drawing does not have to be copied, you can choose a different layout of the house for your drawing.

2. Contours of the roof and doors of the house

Inside the left half of the house, draw, in the middle of the roof line, the point of its top. From the end of the right line, draw a horizontal line all the way to the end of the house itself, this will separate the roof from the walls of the house. On the right side of the picture of the house, draw a rectangle for the future door.

3. How to draw windows

You see that by drawing a house in stages, with the help of a ruler, everything turns out quickly and evenly. And as soon as you draw the windows and the foundation, the picture of the house is almost ready.

At the bottom of the picture of the house, draw a line for the foundation, it must be in any house. Circle the contours of the roof with additional parallel lines. In the living room of the house, draw two rectangles for the windows.

4. Adding More Details to the Drawing of the House

Now you need to slightly “cut off” the roof of the house on both sides, making a slight slope for it. Rarely do houses have straight roofs, they always try to give it an interesting shape.

Trim the roof with diagonal lines in two places. Circle the windows and the door with additional lines along the contour. At the bottom of the house, add another plane for its bottom. Near the dividing vertical line, draw a rectangle with a small other rectangle on top, this shape will serve as a chimney. Draw a connection line to the wall on the left side under the roof.

5. How to draw a house. The final stage

Make parallel lines with a pencil on the facade of the roof of the house to create the effect of laid out boards. Draw jumpers in the windows. Draw the entrance from two halves. At the bottom of the entrance to the house, draw a threshold. Give the foundation the effect of a brick by dividing it into cells. The roof also needs to be decorated. It is best to draw the details of the tiles for this. You will have to work a little, but the drawing of the house will be more beautiful. To the chimney, also add cells of brick contours. It is very suitable for drawing a house to draw the surrounding in the form of trees and grass, as well as color the picture of the house at your discretion with colored pencils.

So you learned how to draw a house. If you make an effort, I believe that you will achieve everything you wanted to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, the buttons of social networks are not just there =)

Today I will tell you how to draw a house in stages with a pencil for beginners, the lesson will seem very simple. But you also need to be able to draw under the ruler. Basically, only right angles of walls, roofs and windows with doors will be shown. Beginners need to learn how to draw all kinds of paintings, and this one is no exception if you want to become universal artists.

In this drawing, at first glance, everything is very elementary, but the main role is played by the roof, it seems to be three-dimensional. It is such a roof that you need to be able to draw, and also, in principle, you need to learn how to build a drawn house. The house will be drawn two-story, with two windows.

At the first stage, we draw a large triangle, then we need to draw a vertical line. It will be located to the right of the center. We use the left separated part of the rectangle as the main block for the house, the right part for the corridor block with a door.

On the right smaller part, draw a horizontal line, again divide the block in half, but closer to the top line. We also make a door there. On the main block of the house we draw lines for the roof so that it looks angular (sharp, peaked).

We duplicate the roof lines, draw parallel ones at a short distance, and also in the right block of the house we duplicate a horizontal line, also at a short distance. Below at the base, just above the foundation, we draw a horizontal line. Don't cross the doors. On the main part, make two squares, at a moderate distance. This will be two windows.

On the right and left, at the top at the corners we make slopes, then we will erase the excess. On the doors and windows we duplicate the lines, draw parallel to each existing one. And on the main block, we separate the roof from the wall by drawing a horizontal line.

We finish the windows, doors, sketch the foundation and, of course, the roof, which greatly adorns our drawing of the house.

Now you have learned how to draw a house with a pencil step by step for beginners. I wish you success in this matter.

Children love to draw. They start creating their first masterpieces at an early age, gradually moving from crooked and fuzzy lines to quite understandable images. With the help of their parents, children learn to draw simple elements and objects, such as the sun, a house, a cloud. With a certain skill and patience, even younger preschoolers get interesting drawings. Consider how to draw a house with children of different ages, what skills and tools will be required.

For a child to sit at a table and painstakingly do something, preliminary preparation is required, regardless of the age of the preschooler. Parents will need:

  • conduct an active outdoor game before drawing;
  • prepare a workplace for the child. Depending on the age of the baby, this is done in advance or immediately before drawing. Joint training can replace physical activity. It is necessary that the surface of the table is clean, even, well lit. The light should fall on the left. You should put a few sheets of paper, pencils, a sharpener, a ruler, an eraser, a trash can in advance;
  • be positive and collaborative. It is important to support the child in the process of creating a drawing, not to scold, to remember that his picture of the world is different from the adult worldview;
  • while drawing, it is important not to interfere with the child's creativity. If there is a desire to show your version of the drawing or the baby asks for help, then this should be done on a separate sheet. Otherwise, the initiative will disappear, he will not want to finish his picture.

After drawing, you need to jointly remove all objects from the table.

How to draw a house with a child 2-3 years old

It is difficult for children under the age of 3 to sit in one place for more than 20 minutes. For kids, simple drawings containing a minimum number of elements, such as a house, are suitable. Parents should purchase triangular pencils for their child, as they are the most comfortable to grip with a small pen. Wax pencils are also suitable, they draw softly and have bright colors.

At an early age, it is difficult for a child to draw a circle, a square, etc. on his own, so a ruler with geometric shapes will come in handy. It will facilitate the process of creating a house, help to clearly draw the necessary figures, if desired, you can repeat their name. It is not necessary to draw everything conceived at once. At the slightest sign of fatigue of the child, you should stop the lesson and continue it another time.

So, how to draw a house with your baby:

When working with wax pencils, the house becomes bright and colorful. The background of the sheet the next day can be painted over with watercolors. The peculiarity of wax pencils is that you can paint on top of them with paint. Wax repels watercolor and only the white background of the sheet is painted over, while the house remains the original color. This work is very popular with young children, and the drawing looks complete.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a house for children 3-5 years old

From the age of three, children develop spatial thinking skills. Therefore, if the baby has already mastered a simple drawing of a house, they move on to more complex options. For example, they draw a simple house based on the previous example, but without a ruler. It is painted with colored pencils, the child is explained that it is necessary not to go beyond the boundaries of the contour. It is desirable to finish the clouds, grass, trees and similar elements.

For children over 4 years old, they explain how to draw a three-dimensional wooden house. Step-by-step instructions are presented below:

Preschoolers aged 4-5 years old willingly complement the house with elements. They depict a pipe, smoke, steps, a path, flowers and trees. The child should be praised for the initiative shown. Consult with him about the completed elements, recommend adding something, for example, the sun, a rainbow, people or animals. It is advisable to color the resulting picture with colored pencils, gel pens or paints.

To get a quick result, it is better to use wax pencils. They paint over all the elements of the picture, and apply watercolor paint in bed tones on top. The beauty of the lesson is that you can call on the painted elements. After the drawing dries, they will appear and will be the same color as before. The result is a beautiful, finished picture, which is nice to give to relatives and friends.

Complex house for children over 6 years old.

How to draw an unusual house, such as a hut on chicken legs or a house with furniture? You will need to be patient and show imagination. To begin with, it is worth inviting the child to depict a house in which the main elements will be located: several rooms, windows, a foundation, a roof. It is necessary to explain how to use a ruler and measure the length, width.

Drawing sequence:

If desired, the house is supplemented with steps, shutters are made on the windows, and the surrounding landscape is added. Color with colored pencils or paints.

Without a ruler, you can draw Baba Yaga's house. Step by step drawing:

Complement the landscape around the hut with tall fir trees, if desired, depict a flying Baba Yaga.

For girls, options for houses with many small details are interesting. They can draw furniture, wallpaper, interior items. It can be a multi-storey building in a section with a large number of rooms. If you depict it on a thick sheet of A3 format, then you can use it later for the game.

For children of different ages, there are still many options for houses that differ in complexity of implementation. You can select drawings that depict city houses or village houses. If the child is interested in the theme of drawing houses and asks for new options, you will need to choose different styles of houses. It is convenient to combine a drawing of a house with an application or plasticine. The use of different materials allows you to get interesting original works that will become the pride of your baby. The choice is for the child. The task of an adult is to suggest an idea in time and help to realize it.


Draw a big rectangle. Draw many small squares inside it. These will be the windows. Arrange them in a strict tabular order or mark them asymmetrically in different places.

From above, if necessary, draw a roof in the form of a triangle or trapezoid. Colorize house paints. Make the windows blue if you are painting the day. In the city at night, complete them in yellow, as if electric lights were lit in the rooms.

To give house at the volume, first draw a rectangle that will be the face house. From its three corners, set aside and up three equal parallel segments. Connect their outer ends in series. Draw windows on the side surface of the resulting box.

roof house and you can leave it flat or make it in the form of a pyramid with four faces. On the roof, for completeness of similarity, draw several television antennas. Draw a small vertical line and draw several whiskers from it in different directions. Your apartment building is ready.

multi-level multi-storey house drawing is more difficult. Start with the main building box. Then draw a smaller rectangle on the left. Make a gable roof for a tall building and a triangular one for a small outbuilding. Depict round and rectangular windows, a door. Draw flowers on the windowsills, lanterns at the entrance. Color the drawing.

Useful advice

You can place a store or a pharmacy on the ground floor of a high-rise building. To do this, separate the lower part of the main rectangle with a horizontal line. Draw a square in the center to represent the double door. Above the door, draw another narrow long rectangle - this will be the sign of the institution. Make windows on the sides of the doors.

Paint the lower part of such a house in one color, and the upper floors in another. It is better to use not contrasting, but paints close in shade.


  • how to draw a big house

A historical landscape or a report on a trip to Egypt, a theatrical scenery for a scene from the life of this country - you cannot do without an image of a pyramid. In any case, you first need a sketch, which is best done on paper with a pencil, colored crayons or watercolors.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - colored crayons, pencils or watercolor;
  • - a picture or photograph depicting a pyramid.


The Egyptian pyramid is a massive structure with a large base. The base is slightly larger than the height, so it is better to lay the sheet horizontally. For the sketch, lay it down as the scenery itself will be located. Determine the ratio of base and height. This can be done from the picture. It is not necessary to measure with a ruler, estimate by eye.

Draw 2 lines perpendicular to each other. Draw one parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet. Divide it in half and draw a perpendicular to the middle. Imagine that in the picture with the image of the pyramid there are no details and texture of the material, but only contours. Any pyramid will appear as a triangle. The Egyptian pyramid is an isosceles triangle. Mark the height on the vertical line. Connect the resulting point to the ends of the base.

Determine where you are looking at pyramid. The position of its lateral edge will depend on this. If the viewer is standing directly in front of the face, then he sees only a triangle, folded. The artist only needs to convey the texture. Draw a few thin horizontal lines. These will be the layers of stone. Divide each layer into separate blocks by drawing vertical lines between adjacent horizontal ones. Lines in different layers should not be a continuation of each other.

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