How to draw graffiti with a pencil step by step. How to draw graffiti with a pencil (3d caption) Develop your own style


Graffiti is a style that is distinguished by freedom. He gained popularity among the youth. You can often see similar images on the walls of houses, fences. Many teenagers want to learn how to create such drawings. Everything can be learned, so if you have the desire, you can figure out how to draw graffiti for beginners. It's best to start with simple images.

How to draw beautiful graffiti?

First you need to carefully consider the drawings of already established writers, that is, artists who draw in this style. This will help you find your direction.

You should not practice fine art on city buildings, fences. The best place to start is by learning how to draw graffiti on paper.

Option 1

To get started, you can learn to depict the word "muSic" in the style you like.

It's so easy to figure out how to draw beautiful graffiti with a pencil. This is an easy way for a beginner to handle.

Option 2

You can try to create another image, for example, the word "peace" (peace) with a rainbow.

That's all, now you know how to draw graffiti beautifully with a pencil. The result is a beautiful multi-colored picture that you can give to someone to cheer you up.

Option 3

Those who already can easily cope with the simplest options would like to know how to draw graffiti in 3d. You can try to write a simple word "Josh". Similarly, you can learn to draw your name in a beautiful format.

This is the easiest way for which you do not need a lot of drawing experience.

For me personally, this is a new technique. I rarely draw in color, and I draw letters in general for the first time. However, I tried to make a tutorial for beginners on how to draw graffiti with a pencil. Yes, I could use a spray can, or other materials specific to this style, but I didn't and I don't recommend it! Do you want to know why? Firstly, the older generation is very skeptical about graffiti and in no case will approve your desire to paint the walls in the house, and secondly, this may be punished by the authorities for damaging property. So be extremely careful! After all, even the coolest graffiti artists prefer to remain anonymous.

In addition, you should know that this is all not graffiti:

  • Vulgar inscriptions on the walls, at a level of 1-1.5 meters from the ground;
  • Scratched nasty things on school desks, or toilets, made by the same individuals as in the previous paragraph;
  • Signatures on the walls of houses by various groups to mark the territory;
  • Texts like: Kitty and Osya were here, and / or Marina, I love you;
  • Any other scrawl that makes you want to gouge out your eyes;

For all of the above, liability is provided for under the law of the Russian Federation. Although you may also have problems for real graffiti, but if this is a quality work, you can get off with a slight fright. This is what real graffiti is:

  • Street painting of fences, walls, asphalt with various words and exquisite drawings;
  • Spray art is the most common variety. These are inscriptions applied with spray paint;
  • Bubblestyle - letters are rounded and look like bubbles (2-3 colors are used);
  • Blockbuster style - Huge letters without interweaving and any troubles. Usually one color (well, a maximum of 2). Rollers are used for drawing;
  • Wild style is one of the most difficult. The letters become very complex and confusing. Sometimes it is even difficult to read what is written.
  • Style FX (Daima) - three-dimensional 3D letters in a pronounced perspective, the play of light and shadow, smooth color gradients and realism of the picture are characteristic.
  • Any other graceful images on the walls. There are so many types and styles that I cannot describe them all here;

For the lesson, I will try to make a picture in the Spray Art style. But my tools will not be spray paints, but, as usual, pencils, an eraser and watercolor paper. Using even these tools, you can create a huge variety of styles and techniques. You can draw your name, or some other important word. I took the name of my blog - DayFun! If you want, you can also draw it, I will be very pleased!

How to draw Graffiti with a pencil step by step

Step one. I didn't want to bend the letters too much, so I just added some arrows. Anticipating your questions, I will say right away: I draw on watercolor paper with Marco pencils and colored pencils. If anyone is interested, I can show you a photo.
Step two. Add a background and start coloring the letters.
Step three. I add a shadow and start to make the coloring brighter.
Step four. Now let's start coloring the background.
Step five.
Step six.
Step seven.
Step eight. If you can't see the pictures, click on them to enlarge them. If you want, I can show full size photos. Here's the graffiti I got: I'll be glad to see your work! Attach your work below this article in the comments.

You still do not know how to learn how to draw beautiful graffiti for beginners? Then you have come to the right place - we will teach you! In every city, while walking, you can notice on the walls of houses, abandoned buildings, in underground passages, on the asphalt, somewhat intricate, bright, eye-catching drawings and inscriptions on the walls, at first glance not understandable to everyone, but at the same time beautiful and unusual. The name of such a direction in art is graffiti, a free style of drawing that has captivated the whole world with its popularity and scandalousness, which is widespread mainly among young people. Some attribute graffiti drawing to art, to expressing thoughts or protests with the help of drawings, while others believe that such drawings disfigure buildings, the appearance of the city, generate fear and, in general, are vandalism and sabotage.

Graffiti, translated from Italian (graffito) means "scratched", these are drawings or inscriptions that are applied to walls or other surfaces with paint, or scratched with the help of any objects. Graffiti drawings include any street images and graffiti. Even the most ancient rock carvings and drawings, drawn or scratched by people in caves and preserved today, can be safely attributed to graffiti.

The birth of graffiti

The history of the appearance, origin and development of the first graphic images can be attributed to both the most ancient inscriptions, pictographs and rock paintings, as well as simple, uncomplicated declarations of love, conversions, criticism towards objectionable rulers during troubled times, revolutions and wars. But the very first appearance of beautiful graffiti drawings of our time, which became the birth of a new direction in art around the world, is usually attributed to the 70s.

It was at this time that graffiti became widespread, thanks to a New York teenager who worked as couriers and often traveled to the subway, in places where he visited on the walls, he left the inscription of his tag Taki 183 (on behalf of Demetraki, Taki and the number of the street on which he lived). And in 1971, he even had a newspaper article dedicated to him, entitled "Taki caused a wave of followers." Thanks to this writer, today there are such original forms of graffiti as inscriptions with incomprehensible signs, stylized autographs of artists and logos of the authors of the work.

Graffiti art went beyond the walls of schools, buildings, subways and was also applied by teenagers to trains and electric trains, which led to the mobile spread of the street style of painting with paints. The competitive nature of artists, who wanted to be distinguished by their skill, individuality and uniqueness, also encouraged the emergence of new creative ideas.

But not everyone supported the writers and their art. If graffiti artists painting walls were seen on the street, they were certainly punished, fined, and some were even imprisoned. In fear of being caught, most wall writers quit what they started.

Over time, new directions of street art appeared. Each artist tried to express his point of view on any issue, emphasizing his skill in graffiti for beginners, inventing something new, unusual and unusual. And so new styles of graffiti were born. From a variety of styles, each writer could choose for himself the only one that helped to emphasize his self-expression.

The fight against writers became unbearable, so in large cities the authorities began to allocate separate walls and buildings for them, which could be painted and painted. However, these walls were few and had to go beyond the permissible.
Graffiti has become part of the growing trend in hip-hop music. It was from the hip-hop people that the writers were recruited with phrases, expressions, slang and used bright colors in their writings.

How to Draw Graffiti for Beginners

If you like the graffiti of other masters or you have the ability to draw and want to decorate the city with your art, then learn the art of drawing beautiful graffiti for beginners, starting from the simplest. Learn to draw graffiti with a pencil on paper. Come up with a tag that suits you best. Try to draw graffiti on a piece of paper with a pencil and decorate with bright felt-tip pens. The main thing in the tag is that it is written quickly and has a beautiful look. For beauty and unusualness, you can decorate it with various patterns, fashionable chips, signs, stars. But don't overdo it. You need to work on your drawing until you learn how to depict it with the accuracy in which it was created. After a long practice of drawing graffiti on paper with a pencil, you can go to the wall, but first you need to draw with special markers that can be found in specialized stores, and not immediately with paints.

Let's take a step-by-step instruction on how to draw beautiful graffiti. Having practiced enough, created a large number of sketches (drawing sketches), having failed from reworked drawings, you decide when you are ready to go out to win a calling among other writers.

How to learn to draw graffiti on a stencil

Very often, sketches on a sheet of paper are different from images on the wall. When drawing graffiti with a pencil, new ideas may appear, some flaws are visible.

Learning how to draw graffiti in stages is a difficult process, but still possible, it is not necessary for a novice artist to have the talent and ability to draw beautifully on paper, the main thing is to be patient and work hard. Drawing a picture from a picture is one way out. But if you want your inventions to be different from others, then you should work on the style of your images, come up with something unusual, memorable and unique.

Already drawing graffiti on the walls with paint, first you need to outline the outlines of the inscription or drawing on the wall. The lines must be drawn carefully and smoothly, without jerking your hand, at the same time, the whole process must be done quickly, until the paint has flowed. Simple graffiti is considered if the drawing is made using one paint, and complex where more than two colors of paint are used, mixing colors is already done by professionals in the art of street drawing of the original graffiti drawing. It is also important to learn how to draw graffiti very quickly so as not to be noticed by anyone, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

For beginner writers, it is best to learn how to draw graffiti using stencils. Graffiti stencils for beginners can be created at home. For example, they are cut out of a dense, hard material, such as cardboard, an inscription or some kind of drawing in A4 format, and then painted over on the wall with a spray can. With the advent of experience, you can continue to draw, but without a stencil. Stencils can also be used to draw small elements, such as stars or tags. Most often, drawings are one-color, but using colors in several colors is not prohibited. It is recommended to use black, white or yellow paint for drawing graffiti stencils.

Stencils for beginners speed up drawing, in general, the whole process takes a few seconds. Usually stencils are painted with dark paint on a light background, or vice versa - light on a dark one, but it is important that the surface is uniform in color. Otherwise, the fruit of your labor will be invisible. The main thing is that the image turned out to be contrasting. You need to draw stencils strictly with gloves, rubber or cellophane.

Learning how to draw beautiful and original graffiti with paint is one problem, another problem is where to draw graffiti drawings. It would seem that there are so many places, abandoned buildings, houses, institutions, but one should not forget that serious punishments can be incurred for one's art. High fines or imprisonment for up to ten years. Although there are initiators who themselves invite street artists to decorate the gray and dull background of a building or house, as well as fences to add brightness and cheer up passers-by.

There are people who treat graffiti for beginners as an art and would not mind if their house was decorated with some unusual image. Even if the entrance is chosen as the place for painting, the main thing is that the graffiti is neutral and not of a conflicting nature, some slogans.

In recent years, conditions have been created for writers to hold events of a competitive nature, where, in principle, they are allocated territories to demonstrate their creativity and skills.

What materials and equipment are needed to paint graffiti on walls and asphalt? The main element in drawing graffiti is the choice of surface and place for drawing images. Just picking a wall and painting it won't work. It is necessary that the surface meet, so to speak, ideal criteria, under which the pattern will not be disturbed and will last on the surface for at least two years. Choosing a place for graffiti is an important part. Imagine, you try, you draw your creation, but it is either smeared or looks ugly because of the curved surface. It's a shame that so much time and effort was wasted. Therefore, before deciding on a place, you need to properly prepare and stock up on everything you need.

Choose a wall for graffiti in advance so that it is a crowded enough place where every passer-by can enjoy your drawing. It is inconvenient to paint graffiti with paint on uneven surfaces with bulges. Paint designed for graffiti is very finicky and has difficulty applying to unpainted wood and metal. If you choose whitewashed or rusty walls and coatings as a surface, then your drawing will not live long, the paint will peel off along with the top layer of the surface. The best surface for applying graffiti is porous concrete, and if the surface is also primed, then in general you get a magical drawing. If you still decide to choose metal as a surface, then before applying the pattern, it must be degreased with a solvent.

We decided on the surface for the drawings, then the important point is to choose the paint. There are different types of graffiti paints, differing in quality and price. But if you do not have sufficient funds, take the one for which there is enough money. But of course it is better not to skimp on the purchase of paint. You must also bring a respirator with you. It will protect you from the effects of paint fumes, especially if you are going to paint in a confined space, but a respirator will not hurt outdoors either. Gloves are also a necessary attribute when drawing graffiti.

Drawing is not the cleanest work, and if you do not want to walk around with painted hands for a long time, then worry about buying gloves in advance. Surgical gloves purchased at a pharmacy will not only keep your hands clean, but also hold spray cans well in your hand and feel the cap (spray nozzles designed for spraying paint).

Caps for graffiti

Caps, key and important details when drawing graffiti. In stock, you need to have thin caps for drawing contours and wide caps for filling large surfaces, as well as for expressive lines. Caps are of two types: male and female. Female at the base have a hole that is put on the pin of the top of the balloon. And male has a pin. When buying paint for graffiti, you must also buy caps, because the black caps on the cylinders are not intended for drawing. Caps are consumables, and tend to get clogged with paint, so at least you need to have a bag of caps with you in reserve.


Vandalizers (wide markers) will also be in place. With their help, you can very easily fix minor flaws or put tags. It is better not to write on concrete with them, they will not last long, they will quickly be erased. A stencil can also come in handy, even for a professional, you need to cut out the template in advance and leave your tag in place in a couple of seconds. Saves you time.

Do not paint graffiti with paints in cold or rainy weather, the surface must be absolutely dry. At low temperatures, it is inconvenient to draw, hands may freeze, and the paint will not adhere well to the surface and dry for a long time.

We draw correctly graffiti

Depending on the selected style, the final result of the drawing will be visible. There are several styles on how to draw graffiti with paint and beautifully:

  • bubble style- simple graffiti, in which a minimum of interweaving of letters, complex patterns, is usually drawn in two or three colors.
  • wild style- one of the most difficult styles of graffiti. The letters in the drawings are intertwined and form a complex pattern. Parsing the inscriptions of such drawings is reduced to a minimum, especially if a person is far from graffiti.
  • Daim style or 3D style- the letters are made in three dimensions, in this style several styles are combined at once.

Before you begin to draw graffiti, you need to prime the wall in order to fill in the old drawing. The paint will adhere better to the ground surface. You can use enamel or water-based paint. It is better to use enamel for these purposes, it can also be used as a background for a picture, mix any paint.

Very often, writers use the direction of bombing, that is, they quickly apply drawings at night in hard-to-reach places, on transport and any buildings in the city, which is why they risk falling into the hands of the authorities. Therefore, the best time of day for this direction is night.

How to draw graffiti

What is graffiti done with? The key to a good drawing is high-quality graffiti paint. Don't skimp when choosing paint, or you risk disappointing your art by choosing cheap and unreliable paint. Experienced writers prefer paints that specialize in making graffiti paints.

  • Abro- cheap paint, fades very quickly. The price of such paint is about 50 rubles.
  • Abro Sabotage- like regular Abro paint, but it lasts longer. It has a strong, disgusting smell. Caps from other manufacturers are not suitable for this paint. Such paint costs about 55-70 rubles.
  • Montana Hardcore- paint created specifically for bombing, it has a lot of pressure. Price from 120 rubles.
  • Montana Black- paint adapted specifically for graffiti. Resistant to weather conditions and almost does not fade, and most importantly does not flow. The cost of such paint for graffiti is 150 rubles.
  • Belton Molotow- good quality paint, but the color palette is dull. The price of paint for graffiti does not quite match the quality - 180 - 200 rubles.
  • Rust Oleum - wide palette, high-quality paint for drawings.

To save money and get the right color, some professional writers mix different colors for their drawings.

Before you start drawing graffiti for beginners, be aware of the mistakes that beginner writers make, here are some step by step tips.

  • A common mistake among beginners is the lack of a background. First, the background is applied, and then the contours, in no case vice versa. It will turn out ugly, with a half-filled outline and a curved fill.
  • In the event that the paint in the drawing suddenly leaked, it is impossible to stop the drips with your hand or other objects. Let the paint dry and then paint over them with the background color.
  • Caps must be cleaned after each use of cylinders. To prevent the paint from drying inside the cap, turn the can upside down and hold the cap down for a couple of seconds. Otherwise, if the paint dries, you can send the cap to the trash.
  • Before applying paint to the drawing, spray on the asphalt and check that the cap is installed correctly.
  • As in any field, writers also have codes. Try not to violate them and observe them. Respect other people's work, do not redo drawings that do not belong to you, even if in your opinion they are not beautiful.

Those parents who notice that their children are fond of drawing graffiti, in principle, should not worry. You just need to explain to the child that it is not possible to do this everywhere, the main thing is not to run into extraterrestrial fines that parents will have to pay for the creativity of their children.

Today, graffiti is a common expression and communication of teenagers.

It's just that parents need to be prepared to spend money on the necessary equipment for the child, such as clothing appropriate for writers, respirator gloves. And you will also need paints, caps, vandalizers, etc. The child will need to be explained that you need to carefully choose places for drawing graffiti.

There is nothing wrong with doing graffiti, at least it's better than having your child spend time playing computer games or virtual social networking. In addition, there is a possibility that your child will develop creative, artistic abilities.

Considering various types of graffiti, we can catch ourselves thinking that we would like to try our hand at this type of fine art. Many are stopped by a complete lack of experience and disbelief in themselves, although you should not be afraid, because creating graffiti is not such a difficult task as some might think. In this material, I will analyze in detail how to draw graffiti in different ways, what is the sequence of steps when creating a drawing, and also explain how to create graffiti in VK messages.

How to create graffiti - a sequence of steps

Graffiti drawing is quite a popular activity, but not everyone can create really stylish and attractive graffiti. To acquire the relevant skills, let's try create beautiful graffiti on a sheet of paper with pencils of two colors so that later we can color our graffiti with markers or special paint.

Arm yourself with at least two pencils and a piece of paper

Decide on a style

Since graffiti usually consists of some text, we first need to decide on the style of future letters. You have seen a lot of graffiti on the street, different designs can be found online. The easiest way for a beginner is imitation of a certain style, such as the popular "bubble letters". You can choose round or sharp letter edges, letters of the same size or different, many other shapes and implementations to suit your taste.

Draw the right word

Write the word on paper. You can choose any word for your graffiti. It is very important to leave space between letters, because in the process of creating graffiti letters will expand, and the empty space will be filled.

Create letters in graffiti style

Draw letters in graffiti style. Use light strokes with a pencil to create letters, as later the need to adjust some lines. This can take a long time, and you will have to be patient so that all the letters come out stylish. At the same time, try to make your graffiti original, and not just copy someone else's work one-on-one.

Choose an acceptable line thickness

Decide on the thickness of the lines. You can make your font the same weight, but it's better if the lines are wider in some places and narrower in others.

Special effects

Decide on special effects for your graffiti. Once you've finished drawing the letters, you can add some detail to your graffiti. For example, the letter "Z" can represent lightning, the letter "O" can appear in the form of a drop, and with the letter "P" various impressive effects can be used.. At the same time, be careful, if errors occur in your drawing, you will not be able to continue drawing. Copy your pencil sketch (using a scanner, for example) before you start coloring in your graffiti. Adjust the scanner so that it correctly displays all the shades of your drawing.

Creating shadows

Create shadows for your letters. Use a marker to darken lines drawn with a pencil. These lines will be permanent, so be careful. Small bugs can be fixed. For example, if the lines of the drawing are too thin, add some volume to them..

Adding color

Add color to your graffiti. Check out some pre-made graffiti designs online before you start coloring. Do not use pencils to color the letters, better to use markers or paint. Graffiti should be bright, lively, contrasting. You can color each letter in a different color, or use multiple colors at the same time. Keep in mind, however, that overly bright lettering can detract from the general perception of graffiti and make it difficult to focus on the word itself.

Develop your own style

After you learn how to draw graffiti correctly, you should focus on developing your own style.

How to draw graffiti on paper - draw a lily

Consider an example of creating more complex graffiti in the form of a lily flower with illustrations.

Step #1

First, draw a small circle for the future lily bud, and add a long line to it for the future stem.

Draw the base

Step #2

Draw the shape of the petals

Step #3

Next, we need to draw simple outlines for flower petals. To do this, draw seven initial lines (not necessarily symmetrical) using curved lines that will define the final shape of the lily's petals.

Create petal shapes

Now we create the contours for the lily petals.

Step #4

Erase the inner marks for the petals

Add more details for the final contours each petal. It's time to erase the initial outlines of the inner labels for the petals.

Step #5

Draw a stem

Let's move on to drawing stem lilies and also leaves of various sizes and quantities.

Step #6

It remains to be added shadows to the petals in those places where the light does not fall directly on the flower.

Let's use the shadows

Step #7

Coloring the flower

Now you are left paint a flower, pencils or watercolors. Remember that the leaves have different shades of green.

Graffiti in VK messages

You can also draw graffiti in VK, while This feature is only available on the mobile version of the site.. To enable it, you need to switch to private messages with the person you want. To the left of the message line, select a paper clip, and in the set of options that appears, select "".

Click on the paperclip and then select "Graffiti"

After that, it remains to click on the blue button " draw graffiti».

Several buttons for creating graffiti will become available to you (from left to right).

Graffiti Creation Toolkit Also available are various color options for graffiti creation nearby.


In this material, I figured out how to draw beautiful graffiti and what is the sequence of steps when creating different types of graffiti. If you are just starting your journey, it is recommended to start with the simplest types of drawing, as you improve, complicating the style and form of execution. Study, try, invest your time and effort, and you will succeed. Good luck!

Contemporary art provides an unlimited number of ways of self-expression. One of the most controversial types is graffiti. How to comprehend this skill, avoiding fines for hooliganism and condemnation of others? The answer is simple - to draw in the albums the so-called sketches with a pencil.

First of all, let's look at the definitions. Roughly speaking, graffiti is writing on walls, subway cars and other surfaces. But it is worth remembering that “Vasya was here”, “Spartak the champion” and any other vulgar or insulting inscriptions made in haste are by no means graffiti. There are several types of this street art, each of which has its own history and style. Types of graffiti are represented by writing, bombing, tagging and scratching:
  • Writing is the main category of street painting, which includes both colorful inscriptions and real paintings.
  • Bombing is the so-called extreme graffiti, here the important criterion is not the beauty and quality of the drawing, but the place of its execution. The most common area for bombing to appear is on subways or overground trains.
  • Tagging is the simplest form and is essentially the artist's signature.
  • Scratching - drawings with a grindstone on glass.

As you can see, only writing or tagging can be reproduced on paper.

Let's start with tagging. Before you start drawing, you need to come up with a word that you will use. The essence of the tag is the signature, so you can use your first name, last name or come up with a pseudonym for yourself. The more difficult it is to read the inscription, the higher your talent will be valued. Therefore, decorate the letters with swirls, perform them in an original manner and use standard tagging elements: dots, stars, crowns and the like.

If you have some drawing skills, you can try your hand at creating more complex pencil sketches, that is, writing. To begin with, you can depict any inscription, whether it be your name, the name of your favorite dog, or just any word you like. Beginners should try themselves in the style of srow-up, blockbuster or bubbles. Blockbuster is characterized by large letters with right angles, often depicted with shadows. Therefore, take a piece of paper in a cage and draw letters about one to two centimeters wide. Now take a pencil in a contrasting color and circle each letter with a wide (about one cell) outline. If you want to add dimension, imagine that your graffiti has light on it, and outline only the opposite sides of the letters.

For the srow-up lettering, you will also need two contrasting colors - for the outline and fill. This style allows you to go beyond right angles. Try drawing a straight letter, and then just extend each corner by extending it in any direction. Fill in the letter and draw an outline or add volume, as in the previous style.

Graffiti in the style of bubbles looks quite easy and bright - pictures consisting of bright, as if “inflated” letters. You can depict them as follows: write a letter by hand, then circle it with a smooth line without corners. Then again, stepping back a little more from the previous contour. Draw each subsequent letter, slightly capturing the previous one. After that, paint over all the letters with color, draw an outline or mark the volume, add smudges of paint or highlights. Graffiti done.

Drawing graffiti on paper is much easier than doing a full-time job on a wall. Try to start with the simplest sketches, draw individual letters, syllables and words, gradually complicating and developing your own style.

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