How to draw a boat with a simple pencil. How to draw a ship with sails - sailboat


The dream of all boys is to become the captain of a ship and go on a journey. To do this, they try to draw their ship on paper, but not everyone knows how to draw a ship. There are a huge number of them, they classify marine equipment according to their purpose and structure. Previously, these were exclusively sailing models, but now there are even underwater options. But the ship under sail remains the most romantic.

Dream guys

To draw a ship with a pencil, you should know some aspects of its structure. Let's try to depict a sailing model of a frigate.

We start the drawing from the body, not forgetting that it is on the waves, so the bottom is hidden behind the waves. The right side is depicted as a curve, with a small place for a sail and a middle notch. On the left we draw several ledges.

We conditionally divide the deck into 3 parts and place a mast on each. We draw the fourth horizontally on the left side of the ship's hull.

On the middle one, you need to make 2 sails of the same size, place a small flag and a place for observation on top.

We draw 2 sails on the left mast, and fasten a long and narrow flag on top. On the left mast we pull a triangular sail.

Now on the body you need to make a fence in the form of straight lines.

We wipe unnecessary lines of masts in the middle part of the sail.

We divide the fences along the perimeter of the deck with vertical sticks. In the center of the case we draw 4 round windows.

Semicircular arches - windows of the captain's cabin. We share them with a cross.

Since the ships were previously made exclusively of wood, the hull is divided by horizontal parallel lines.

The next step is the overlay of chiaroscuro. With light strokes, walk along the lower part of the body and highlight a small area, walk along the left side, touching the right half a little. On the upper middle flag we draw the attributes of pirates: a skull and 2 crossbones.

We make the windows large.

Add volume to the sails by applying chiaroscuro to them and paint over the flag.

Easy option

Now let's try to draw a ship for a child. First, we depict the waves in the form of wavy lines. Draw a body above them and separate it with a horizontal line.

Draw 6 round windows above the line. Add a second deck level on top of the hull.

A small deck with 3 windows should be placed at the very top.

On a small part of the ship we draw 3 pipes from which smoke comes, and on the middle part - 4 oblong windows.

We paint: the body is pink, the orange parts of the upper halves, the pipes are brown, the windows are yellow, the smoke is gray, and the waves are blue.

small boat

Let's try to draw a small ship with sails. We start with a triangular sail. On it we make 2 oblique bending lines of the fabric.

To the left we finish the mast, for which you need to launch a piece of sail fabric. Draw a small flag at the top. We pass to the stern, depicting it as a curved line.

Slightly lower the hull down, but do not finish drawing it, since this part of the ship will be at sea. On the right we draw 5 small windows, and to the left of the mast 4 more.

We inflate a larger sail on the right side of the mast, fixing it on the bow of the ship. For the effect of inflated fabric, we make several lines on the sail. It remains to draw the sharp peaks of the waves.

To show the restlessness of the sea, draw the horizon in the background.

serious model

Let's move on to more modern units of military ships. So how to draw a big warship?

It will be a long cruiser. We draw its deck, and draw a dividing line in the middle. In the back part we draw a horizontal line, and closer to the nose a mast with a flag.

Now lengthen the ship down.

Various equipment will be placed on the deck, so we are making blanks for them.

On the largest area, we set up the second level and make it more voluminous.

We add another horizontal line to the back, on which we put the spire. Closer to the nose, we finish the skeleton of buildings.

Attach a turntable to the spire, point the muzzle of the cannons at it and detail the ship's equipment.

Once again outline the side parts of the cruiser, draw another turntable on the spire and continue detailing the hull.

For realism, add light zigzags of the waves.

Beware Pirates

You can't draw marine life without knowing how to draw a real pirate ship. We start with waves.

On them we draw an almost rectangular silhouette of the ship, highlighting the area for the deck.

We place 4 round windows on the case.

We draw concentric circles in them, adding horizontal lines on the body.

Let's move on to the sails. They will look like quadrangular stars. Draw 3 of these.

We finish the fourth star and put the first two on the mast.

On the lower sail we draw pirate paraphernalia, add a second mast.

Add a big moon and some fish in the waves.

Second pirate ship

Let's make a more serious version of the criminal organization. A light breeze of waves, we place the body on them.

In the middle, draw 2 horizontal lines that need to be demarcated with vertical sticks. Adding railings to the deck.

In the center of the deck we draw a mast with 2 sails and a flag. The fence needs to be completed on the right side of the ship. On the left, draw the stern.

Lower a complex system of ropes from the mast.

On the sails, add verticals and draw a skull with two crossed sabers.

Add a second mast with a large sail and flag. Secure the structure with ropes at the stern. Inflate the fabric using vertical lines.

Make several horizontal lines on the body.

This article contains step-by-step instructions for drawing warships to design a themed postcard or prepare a school wall newspaper for the holiday. The finished drawing can also become an independent gift for dad and grandfather.

Here you will find a step-by-step description of drawing a warship with pencils, paints, and learn how to draw a festive parade of warships.

Since military equipment is not easy to draw, and our instructions are designed for schoolchildren, some details are shown schematically. The picture from this does not lose its picturesqueness, but it is easier to depict it.

We choose a drawing that is more to our liking, prepare a simple pencil, paper, eraser, paints and brushes, colored pencils - if desired, and join the creative process.

How to draw a warship with a pencil for a child in stages?

Before you get started, let's remember some of the subtleties of making pencil drawings:

  • the initial strokes are applied to the paper with light touches, without pressure
  • the first lines are more convenient to draw, starting from the upper left corner
  • start drawing from the body.

Large warships from the Second World War look more spectacular: they are equipped with large gun turrets and tubes.

  • numerous details enliven the drawing.
  • the drawing must fit into a sheet of paper, which means it should not be too small or too large (a rectangle is first drawn on a sheet of paper, inside which the image will be applied)
  • in the drawing, the direction of the lines and their relative position are important, therefore the first strokes are applied with particular accuracy (any mistake made at the beginning of the process can affect the final result

Draw new lines also without pressure. If some stroke turned out to be too dark or bold, go over it without pressing with an eraser, without completely erasing it.

  • Even if it seems to you that it is very difficult to depict a certain element of a warship, then by giving it a simple geometric shape (cone, ball, pyramid, cube, parallelepiped, cylinder), you can easily move on to the next step.
  • The drawn ship needs to fit organically into the surrounding landscape. Elements of the landscape, even if they are slightly outlined, will improve the impression of the picture, enlivening it and enriching it.
  • After all the elements are applied to the paper in accordance with the desired pattern, they can be circled with confident movements of the pencil, pressing it if necessary.
  • The contrast will be enhanced by finishing with a ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen.
  • Unnecessary pencil marks are removed in the process or at the final stage.

If the first strokes do not lead to the desired result, then you should not quit your job. The main thing is not to lose perseverance and keep trying. Then your patience and enthusiasm will be crowned with success and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result achieved.

How to draw a rocket ship?

Draw a warship with a pencil

  • We draw an elongated hull of the ship, located at an angle. Let's draw a center line.

Draw an elongated ship hull

Draw a straight line in the center and refine the shape of the hull
  • Let's draw a straight line, from which we will start drawing the superstructures of the ship.
  • Let's continue to draw the lower part of the body, drawing a line along the already drawn one.
  • Let's draw the nose of the ship with a curved line.
  • Let's work on the add-ons on the deck: draw two rectangles and draw 4 perpendicular lines: 2 - on the back of the ship's hull, and 2 - on the front.

Draw rectangular superstructures on the deck
  • We draw the superstructures of the ship, giving them the appearance of parallelepipeds, cones and cylinders.
  • We draw 3 more straight lines on the center line of the ship's hull.

Refine the shape of add-ons
  • We are working on the guns on the deck and specifying additional small details.

Finishing the cylindrical add-ons
  • Add waves on the water, draw contours and erase auxiliary lines.

Adding guns and missing parts

Finished drawing

The second version of the drawing of a warship -battleship "Sevastopol"

  • With light lines we outline the hull of the ship. In the lower part of the case we draw 9 curved lines to indicate the volume of the case.

  • We depict the add-ons on the hull with a few strokes. We refine the contours of the body by continuing up the drawn 9 lines.

  • We draw the guns on the deck and shade some areas.

  • Wipe off excess pencil marks and continue hatching.

  • Adding the missing elements. We draw the reflection of the ship in the water.

We draw an aircraft carrier

  • Let's draw the outlines of the ship with light dashed lines, trying to keep all proportions.

Draw the initial contours
  • We draw small details: railings and beams, electronics in the upper part of the ship. Accuracy is not so important here, so you can draw some elements schematically.

Draw the top of the ship
  • We draw in more detail the lower part of the ship's turret. The stages of drawing an aircraft carrier are shown in the photo.
    Let's pay attention to the hull of the ship, drawing all the small details. On both sides of the deck we will draw parking spaces for aircraft.

We draw the lower part of the superstructures on the deck

Refine the image of the deck
  • We draw the bow of the ship. Adding an anchor.

Finishing the bow of the ship

Aircraft carrier drawing ready

Video: Learning to draw ships How to draw a warship in stages with a pencil

How to draw a warship with paints for a child in stages?

  • Let's start the drawing of a warship by delimiting the sheet with a vertical line into two halves: the right and lower parts. This will help to correctly draw the contours of the ship.

Draw a modified triangle
  • Let's draw a slightly modified triangle in the left half. From two points of the triangle we draw straight lines to the right side: the lower one is straight, the upper one is inclined downward.

Draw two straight lines
  • The back of the ship's hull is hidden from the viewer, so we do not connect the straight lines, leaving a small gap between them.

Designate the captain's bridge
  • Let's draw the captain's bridge. To do this, we will depict all the elements in the form of rectangles, comparing the lines with the pattern in the photo.

We complete the captain's bridge by drawing strokes between the rectangles
  • To complete the bridge, it is necessary to draw straight lines down from each rectangular figure. As you can see, a complex part of a warship can be depicted using simple strokes drawn in the right direction.

Draw guns
  • On the deck of a warship there is a gun, which is drawn like this: draw two lines at a distance from each other on the front of the ship, and draw parallel lines under them. Now draw a semi-oval to which the barrels are attached, and add another small semi-circle at the back of the ship (at the stern).
  • We detail the drawing, depicting all the missing elements.

Putting the finishing touches
  • At the final stage of creating a sketch of the ship, you can draw a flag, portholes on the ship's hull and an anchor at the bottom of it. Let's draw a straight line along the entire body.
  • A ship cannot exist on its own or just hang in the air. Therefore, we will draw waves under it.

We draw portholes and an anchor on the bow of the ship
  • We erase all draft lines, trying not to touch the main contour. Let's start coloring: use gray paint for the ship, make the sea deep blue.

Draw waves

Coloring the drawing

How to draw a festive Parade of warships at the Victory Parade?

Well, now let's try to draw a festive parade of warships. Rather, one of the moments of the parade.

Prepare everything you need for the drawing:

  • sheet of watercolor paper
  • simple pencil and eraser
  • available paints (gouache or watercolor)
  • brushes
  • two containers with water (one for rinsing brushes, the other for wetting paints and adding water to the palette)
  • clean rag
  • palette or what will be used instead (white plate, sheet of paper)

Let's get to work:

  • We put the sheet horizontally. In order for the child to cope with some elements of the ship, we will explain to him that it is much easier to depict a complex figure if you give it the usual geometric shape (triangle, rectangle, square).
  • We retreat from the bottom edge of the sheet by 4-5 cm and draw a rectangle with an elongated corner, which will become the “nose” of the ship.

  • If the student is already familiar with the names of geometric shapes, then we say that we need to draw a horizontally elongated trapezoid, one corner of which is higher than the others.
  • Since at the military parade the ship is surrounded by other military equipment, we will depict the contours of the aircraft in the sky, resembling the body of a dolphin or a fish. To do this, step back from the top edge of the sheet by 3 cm.

  • A cannon is usually mounted on the deck of a warship. Let's draw it in the form of a semicircle with a protruding muzzle. Let's draw the cockpit of the aircraft, in which the pilot and navigator are located.

  • We draw the wings of the plane. Let's draw the near one in the form of an elongated rectangle, and give the back one the shape of a triangle. Draw a small triangle on the tail of the plane (in its lower part).

  • We draw in the form of rectangular steps of the superstructure on the ship, in which there are cabins and outbuildings.

  • We draw locators, giving them a triangular shape, under them - circles-portholes. We equip the ship with another small cannon. We detail the picture by finishing the doors and windows.

  • Let's draw an identification flag that flutters beautifully in the wind.

  • Add porthole windows in the lower decks and an anchor. Draw a horizon line.

  • Let's get started with the paint. We will cover the ship and the plane with a silver gray color. To get the desired shade, mix blue with white on the palette, and combine with a small amount of black.

  • Too dark color is diluted with white paint. Initially, it is necessary to trace the outline of the ship and only then paint over it completely.

  • We will decorate the plane with the same paint composition, adding a little more blue to it.

  • We paint over the sea with a mixture of emerald green or azure blue. We start drawing waves from the bottom of the sheet, continuing them to the base of the ship.
  • We collect more water on the brush and paint over the area of ​​​​water to the horizon line.

  • We draw waves in the lower half of the sheet with a mixture of black, purple and blue colors. We draw a shadow at the edge of the ship with the same color.

  • Draw some blue circles on the left. It will be fireworks. Use the same color for the sky and cockpit.

  • We are waiting for the drawing to dry and with a thin brush we begin to trace the contours of military equipment, portholes, guns. We use a mixture of black and purple paints for this.

  • We collect red paint on the brush and draw a stripe on the flag. After that, paint over the bottom of the ship with red, salute. Add white paint to the flag.

    We draw a foamy wave crest and paint over the areas in the figure with red paint

    Video: how to draw a warship?

Military drawings with a pencil can be created in stages, even for small children. There are a lot of lessons and instructions on the network, pictures for sketching, which allow you to independently transfer various types of military equipment to paper.

Boys will like to draw a drawing on a military theme with a pencil, but girls can also create such pictures, for example, on the eve of a big holiday on May 9 or February 23. On Victory Day, the drawing will be a great gift for veterans or relatives who served in the army.

Military aircraft pencil drawing

A military aircraft can look interesting in the form of a simple pencil drawing without coloring it with paints or colored pencils. To begin with, it is worth checking the availability of the tools necessary to create an art project:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • eraser.

If possible, choose hard and soft pencils, which are convenient for making auxiliary lines or directing the main ones. The following simple instructions will allow young artists to create their own beautiful military aircraft on paper.

  1. We create the main lines that serve as the base for placing the plane on the leaf. Using a ruler, draw a long line, which we tilt down a little. The second will cross the first, you need to lead it from the lower left corner of the leaf to the upper right, this is the basis for the wings and tail. To make the tail of the plane realistic, let's add a small short line on the first main line, it should be perpendicular.
  2. If the lines are not a good enough guide to draw the correct shape of the plane, we create additional points that serve as the edges of the nose, tail and wings of the object. It is recommended to start from the extreme right point, where the nose will be located.
  3. Smooth lines draw the cockpit of the aircraft. The movements should be smooth, do not press on the paper with a pencil. The lines of the cockpit should narrow slightly as you approach the leftmost point, where the aircraft's tail is located.
  4. From the main lines of the cockpit, focusing on the second auxiliary with the same soft and smooth movements, we draw the wings of the aircraft.
  5. An important final step is drawing the tail. For military aircraft, the tail can be of different shapes, with additional elements, so it is advisable to look at the drawing for an example and ask the child to copy the finished shape.
  6. The last step is adding important elements to bring the plane to life. A child can add various emblems to the body of the aircraft, and one cannot do without drawing the front glass and side windows.
  7. After the lines are drawn, with the help of an eraser, auxiliary lines and points are removed, extra strokes that were the base of the sketch.

All drawings of military equipment with a pencil are created on such a base: auxiliary lines intersecting in the right places, as a guideline for creating basic contours.

warship pencil drawing

Military drawings with a pencil allow the child not only to understand the basics of creating complex drawings, but also to study the structure of various vehicles. Many children like to create a warship and a pencil drawing that requires instructions.

Unlike the previous drawing, the children begin the art project by drawing the waves of the sea, which are located at the bottom of the leaflet. Waves are curved lines that young artists can draw.

On the waves you need to place one horizontal line without tilt. The ruler will come to the rescue in this. The length of the main horizontal line should be of medium length, taking into account the fact that additional lines will diverge into the sides, continuing the base of the ship's hull, they are made using a ruler. To do this, the ruler is placed slightly at an angle to the outer sides of the leaf. You can connect these two lines with one solid line. The base of the ship is ready.

Next, you should focus on an example-picture from which the cabin compartments and deck details are copied. Cannons are drawn without fail, and the flag of the ship will be the main "highlight" of such a creation. An important detail of the drawing. At the end, some curved wave lines are added around the ship to give the illusion of a military vehicle moving.

Such military pencil drawings for children may seem simple at first glance, but with the help of shading they decorate the picture, and if desired, they add a little color with the help of paints.

Soldier drawing

Drawing a military soldier with a pencil can be done by young children. The main thing is to pre-train to repeat the basic geometric shapes and learn how to make neat lines.
As in the case of a drawing of a military aircraft with a pencil for children, it is worth creating several auxiliary lines with which the proportions of the soldier's body will be correct.

  1. First, let's work on the markup. The frame of the picture is the basis of the soldier's body. Draw an oval on the top of the vertical line, which serves as the base for the head. A little lower draws two trapeziums - the base of the body. From the trapezoid we make lines for the arms and lines below for the legs. An important point is that the drawing is made larger in order to display all the details well.
  2. In the oval zone, for accuracy, auxiliary lines can be created with thin strokes: one horizontally just above the center of the oval, the second vertical clearly in the center, crossing the zone of the future soldier’s face. From the oval on the sides, draw the ears with neat curved lines. On the auxiliary horizontal line, we add eyes and exactly above them are two souls of eyebrows. In the lower part, it will be located, and between the created details of the face, the nose. On top of the oval, you can add a bang.
  3. We draw a pilot. If it is difficult to repeat its shape, you can stop at a small triangle that "sits" exactly on top of the oval.
  4. From the oval down to the trapezium with smooth lines.
  5. From the neck we move on to drawing the shape of the body, making the trapezoid not so angular. At this stage, you can immediately deal with such details as the collar, other elements of clothing in the form of a belt and pagons.
  6. Do not forget about pockets, buttons and an asterisk on the strap.
  7. The lower part is trousers. Kids should help with them, because not all little artists will be able to repeat the lines of the folds of trousers. We finish this part with boots.
  8. Step by step, slowly draw the hands, the sleeves of the form, from which the hands of a soldier can be seen. It is not necessary to draw the hands in detail. Kids can stop at a schematic image.

The article tells how to draw a ship. The master classes presented here are step-by-step instructions for making a pencil drawing.

Master class for the smallest artists

Children love to draw. But not everyone knows how to do it. Adult help is often needed. Although you can offer the kids such a master class. He will tell you how to draw a ship in stages. However, if an adult is nearby, explains, directs the actions of the child, the benefits of the lesson will be much greater.

Now the child, and even the adult who is teaching the baby, understands how to draw a ship with a pencil in stages. You can color the picture with watercolors, colored pencils or gouache.

Drawing is a way of knowing the world

When teaching fine art, showing how to draw a ship, an adult must accompany the actions with explanations. In this case, the child will not only receive certain skills, but also learn something new.

For example, in step three, it should be explained to the kids that the load waterline shows the point of contact of calm water with a floating vessel after it has been loaded. This is an important mark for sailors, the captain, the boatswain and even the cabin boy. The waterline must not be allowed to go deep under the water!

At step four, the adult explains that cabins on ships are rooms where the sailors themselves and their management and passengers rest.

The sixth step should also be commented on. “We will draw circles on board, since it is impossible to draw a ship without portholes in the hold. The hold is the location of the cargo hold. There is the fuel necessary for the movement of the vessel and heating the premises, food, transported items, for example, goods, ”the teacher or parent will say during the lesson.

The concept of horizontal projection

Older children should be offered the image of objects in a horizontal isometric projection. Try to explain in as much detail as possible how to draw a ship. For children, it is very important that the depicted object looks like a real one. How to achieve this? Pay the attention of novice artists to the fact that in the drawings - for greater similarity - the corners of objects are slightly distorted. That is, a right angle is depicted as acute. This must be done because our vision perceives visual images in such a distorted form.

As an illustrative example, we can offer a comparison of two figures. One was made without projection, and on the second, the rectangles turned into parallelograms. And since it is impossible to draw a ship more like a real one without the use of a horizontal projection, every person involved in visual arts should be able to apply these skills.

Master class "How to draw a ship in stages in a horizontal projection"

How to draw a sailboat

Many children, especially boys, simply love to depict sailboats. After all, they all rave about sea adventures, read books about filibusters. And even if not everyone likes to read, then almost every teenager has seen a movie about Jack Sparrow. Yes, and many computer games are based on pirate stories.

This master class will tell you how to draw a ship with a pencil in stages.

The connection of drawing with other sciences

It is very important for an artist not only to know how to draw a ship with a pencil, having determined its contour outline, but a skilled creator of images on paper using a stylus must be able to apply shading, mark shadows in the drawing in such a way that the object looks voluminous, just “like a real one”.

Therefore, the artist needs not only visual talent, but also knowledge of many sciences. For example, geometry and solid geometry will tell you how to apply different types of projections while drawing. Knowledge of history will help to embody a authentically old sailboat. And so that real experts in shipbuilding do not ridicule the young artist, he is obliged to thoroughly study this area of ​​\u200b\u200bscience. Even such a moment as imposing shadows on the depicted object relies on one of the areas of physics.

Shadows should be applied very thinly in the case of drawing using the graphic technique. But when making a drawing in color, it turns out that this skill is also important. Only small children paint the whole detail with one pencil, equally pressing on it. A skilled artist will use many methods to make the drawing as close to the natural object as possible.

Today I decided not to write lesson how to draw a ship, since the pictures will make it clear. Instead of this there will be a small philosophical play.

Pirates of the Unknown Sea

Characters: Captain of the ship Kidd, Navigator. The action takes place on the deck of the ship. Our ship is sailing on the sea of ​​life, shrouded in thick fog. As it makes its way to its destination, it soars over moorlands, mountains, storms and all kinds of weather. After an unsuccessful voyage, the ship's crew was greatly thinned. Many left, only the most faithful sailors and the captain remained. The sea is calm. The captain comes out from his cabin on deck. Captain Kidd: Autumn mood. I want to close my eyes and believe that the promised land is waiting for us soon. Add speed! Let's float to the horizon! Navigator: Captain, we've been sailing too long, we're running out of supplies, we need to get ashore. Captain: If you feel the splashes of the sea in your soul, then you will certainly feel the waves of inspiration, splashing beautiful thoughts onto the shore of life ...

Navigator: People are not interested in beautiful thoughts, they want bread and circuses. They don't care about anything other than satisfying their own needs. Captain Kidd: In fact, only one thing is important: what a person is capable of, and what he is not capable of. The spirit of piracy is in our blood, and nothing can be done about it. The captain looks long and thoughtfully into the distance, takes out his pipe and lights up. Navigator: We need to change our lives, people are tired, they want change - to start living anew. Captain Kidd: Change? You can start life from scratch, of course, but the handwriting cannot be changed. Navigator: If nothing changes, nothing will happen. We need to believe in ourselves, move forward, not repeat old mistakes. What are we afraid of? Captain Kidd: Be afraid to lose yourself. Navigator: I have already lost myself, we are lost to the whole world. Nobody knows about us. We are a drop in the ocean, we are nothing! We have lost a happy life! Captain Kidd: And yet, we are part of this sea. And as long as there are particles like us, the sea will live. This is the meaning of our existence. And there is no happy life. There are only happy days, minutes, seconds.. End. Why am I doing all this? Oh yes, we must today draw draw a ship with a pencil!

How to draw a ship with a pencil:

First, draw the frame, the deck.
Add some details, sails and mast.
And here's the end result you should get. And as always, I tried everything myself. Here is my boat:
What boats did you get? Answers in comments. Write what other lessons to prepare for you. More useful lessons for you.

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