How to draw a kitten with a pencil in stages is easy. An easy way to learn how to draw a domestic cat with a pencil step by step


Cats are the most sought-after image in the visual arts. Purring deities were the favorite models of the Egyptians, and agile hunting cats were the masters of the Renaissance.

Contemporary artists have also paid attention to charming animals, devoting entire painting series to them. We keep up with the times - we learn to draw cats, cats and kittens.

If your young talent is under 5 years old, do not demand from him a drawing that impresses with the accuracy of details. Each childhood has its own characteristics of recreating an artistic image on a sheet of paper. By rushing things, you risk destroying the Artist who lives in your child.

And one more piece of advice: pay attention to the color schemes that your young talent chooses. To an attentive observer, the color scheme of a child's drawing can tell a lot about the artist's inner world.

How to draw a cat with a pencil in stages?

In the previous article, which tells about how, you got acquainted with the basic principles of drawing animals.

Let's recall some of them:

  1. Whatever drawing you try to draw, it will consist of basic shapes
  • rectangle
  • square
  • circle
  • oval
  • triangle

Accordingly, before proceeding with the image of something, you need to learn how to draw the main figures correctly.

  1. Be sure to focus the attention of the young artist on the ratio of sizes or proportions of individual parts of the animal's body. The child must be aware that the head of the animal is smaller than the body
  2. Start drawing a cat from the head. Look closely at the model animal and determine the shape of its head. To make things easier, imagine the head of an animal without ears and fur. In this way, try to determine the proportions and basic shapes of the animal's body.

How to draw a cat from circles?

Perhaps this is the easiest way to draw a cat:

  • sketch a couple of proportional circles. The approximate ratio of the small and large circle is 1:2. This means that the diameter of the small circle is less than the diameter of the large circle by 2 times.
  • draw ears, tail
  • draw the details of the muzzle (in the first version of the drawing)

And here are two pussies dozing on a drawing sheet

Do round cats seem too light for you? Go to the next level of skill: try to portray a sitting cat

How to draw a sitting cat (front)#1?

  1. First, draw a circle that will become the outline of the animal's head.
  2. The main body shape of a sitting cat is an oval

The proportions of the oval are as follows:

  • along the vertical axis, the oval should be slightly larger than twice the size of the head taken
  • on the horizontal axis, the width of the cat's body is slightly less than twice the size of the head taken
  1. When combining the basic shapes for the head and torso, be aware that they overlap a little.

  1. Then, focusing on the scheme and the vertical axis of the oval, draw the front and hind legs, ears of the animal

  1. Given the auxiliary lines and the main axes of the sketch, draw the nose, mouth, eyes, mustache
  2. Combine the auxiliary lines into a general drawing and color it

How to draw a sitting cat (front) #2?

The second way of drawing is somewhat different from the generally accepted techniques. Perhaps this option is suitable for playing fun associations

  1. For the convenience of drawing, be sure to draw a vertical axis of symmetry for the future drawing. Draw a heart which will become the sketch of the lower body of the sitting cat.
  2. Draw a small circle over the top of the heart. Draw another circle on top. The diameter of the second circle should be larger than that of the first. The circles also overlap. At the top of the large circle, draw two identical ovals. These will be the cat's eyes.
  3. Focusing on the vertical axis of the picture, draw two arrows, placing them symmetrically on the cat's head. So your purr will have ears. The small triangle will become the nose. The conditional letter "T" with an elongated vertical line will serve as the line of the front paws
  4. Draw the number "3", which will be the sketch for the pads of the front paws.
  5. Symmetrically drawn "3", located upside down, will become the hind legs of a sitting animal. The letters "E" will turn into a wonderful mustache
  6. Draw two curved lines on both sides of the conditional vertical axis of symmetry. The lines should resemble "?". The rounded part of the line coincides with the line of the small circle. The line ends at the intersection with the line of the pads of the front paws. This will give your cat a chest and front legs. Don't forget to draw the animal's fingers with "s"
  7. Combine all the auxiliary lines of the sketch into the main drawing and you will see a charming cat

How to draw a sitting cat (profile)?

Study the step-by-step drawing scheme suggested below and you will succeed

How to draw a cat sitting sideways with its head turned?

This scheme is a little more complicated, but complexity cannot stop a real artist.

  1. It all starts with an oval (head) and a circle (body)

  1. Apply auxiliary lines, draw triangles-ears

  1. Focusing on the auxiliary lines, draw the details of the cat's muzzle

  1. Soften the line of the ears a little by drawing slightly curved lines. A broken curved line drawn around the head mimics the fur of an animal.

  1. Taking into account the location of the auxiliary lines, draw the front left paw of the animal, the line of the back and neck

  1. Draw the tail and the tucked back left paw of the animal. Don't forget to draw the front right paw of the cat

  1. Draw the paws of the cat. Erase the auxiliary lines and draw the main lines of the drawing

  1. Color the drawing as you wish

How to draw the head of a cat or a cat in stages?

  1. Draw an auxiliary shape - a circle. Mark conditional lines: a vertical axis and two parallel lines passing symmetrically to the horizontal axis.
  • Then draw the arcs of the eyes, focusing on the auxiliary lines. Draw a narrow cat pupil. Don't forget glare.
  • Be sure to sketch out vibrissae (hairs above the eyes), without which the cat portrait will lose its charm.
  • Using the heart shape as a base, sketch out the cat's nose. Consider the location of the auxiliary lines!
  • At the bottom of the circle, draw two small arcs that will become the cat's cheeks. Draw a mouth under the arches-cheeks.

  1. Shade the corners of the eyes. Taking into account the location of the auxiliary lines, outline the head of the animal. It will greatly simplify the task of applying additional rounded and triangular shapes.
  1. Shade the ears of the animal, and sketch out the lines of the neck.
  1. And be sure to draw a mustache! A real cat has twelve hairs on each cheek. But when drawing, such details can be neglected.
  1. Color the drawing. Don't forget about the shadows that give volume to the image.

How to draw a smooth and fluffy muzzle of a cat?

The diagram below shows how you can change the face of a cat by adding a different amount of wool. Step by step drawing a mischievous kitten from circles with a template

Video: How to learn to simply draw a Cat?

Already drew +12 I want to draw +12 Thank you + 222

In this lesson we will show you how to draw a kitten with a pencil step by step. We have prepared 12 step-by-step photo video lessons for you. We are sure that thanks to our lessons you will 100% draw a kitten with your own hands.

How to draw a cute kitten with a pencil step by step for beginners

  • Step 1

    In order to draw it correctly, you need to figure out what it is made of. From what, from what, what are our kittens made of?.. Naturally, from the head, carcass, paws (4 pieces) and tail. All forms are very simple: the body and front legs resemble sausages, the hind legs are sausages with lentils attached to the upper, the head is a flattened ball, the ears are rounded triangles.

  • Step 2

    Now we connect the parts together. Naturally, we do not stupidly apply one to the other - this is not a Soviet teddy bear of that manufacture! And the kitten's paws are not nailed. They need to be grown. Imagine that you are sculpting it from plasticine - you are making a body, a foot, and then pressing it into the body with the upper part and lubricating the junction with your finger. So here. The transition from the body to the legs should be smooth, do not forget that the kitten still has to walk and jump on them! If the muzzle is half-turned, then the far ear must be turned: it will become Narrower, and the inside of the ear will almost not be visible.
    To make the picture look more alive: do not draw with straight lines! Also, don't draw the whole object with one simple arc. Look at the near forefoot: it's not straight, not concave or arched, it bends in both directions!

  • Step 3

    Now we draw eyes and a nose. We draw them in the lower part of the head, leaving the kitten more space for the brains (the brains will be useful to him in life). We draw the eyes almost at the same level with the nose, in fact, the inner corners of the eyes and the lower corner of the nose form an obtuse triangle. Do not forget that the head is not round, but spherical. That is, it is voluminous, so even with the slightest turn there will be slight distortions.

  • Step 4

    We draw the pupils, following the lesson of Caracal. Carefully point the nose, eyes, outline the eyebrows and mouth (this way you can make the muzzle more expressive).

  • Step 5

    Now the contour and features of the faces .. muzzles! ready. But he doesn't have to be bald! This is not a sphinx, this is an ordinary kitten. You need to make it wool. Therefore, before painting the fur, I wipe the clear dark outline of the kitten. Well, I paint my eyes, I like to do it Dark from above, a light arc below, a white highlight at the top.

  • Step 6

    Now you can make the outline woolen. We draw in place of the old contour of the wool. Carefully draw the tail. Many people like to immediately draw a panicle, the shoby was more magnificent and more beautiful. In fact, a thin, tapering tail looks much more touching!

  • Step 7

    The most tedious part is shading the kitten with hairs. At the same time, we make sure that the hairs grow in the right direction, do not continue each other and do not merge. You can make a few stripes on the tail and leave a white breast.

  • Step 8

    Woolen but flat. As if covered in texture. Ugly. Need to add volume! We add it along the edges of the legs, body, head, with neat semicircular strokes. We hatch from the edge to the middle along the arc! Select arcuate stripes. The far foot should be darker than the near foot. Also, you can put shadows on the paws above the fingers and above the triangular nose. We paint over the ears in depth.

  • Step 9

    Now, it's beautiful! Now we strengthen all the shadows, because there are not enough of them yet. If somewhere a very dark place turned out, lighten it with a nag. And along the edges we add random thin hairs to enliven the picture. Do not forget about the mustache: they grow on the muzzle near the nose, on the eyebrows and in the ears. Well, you need to put it on the surface, then a shadow will come to our aid if there is no time or desire to come up with something else

  • Step 10

    From the same simple forms, combining them, bending, you can make various poses. It's okay if the sketches are sloppy, you can always draw 5 pieces, select the most successful one and redraw it for a clean copy.

Video: how to draw a muzzle with a pencil

How to draw two kittens with a pencil step by step

How to draw a sleeping kitten

How to draw a lying kitten easily

  • Step 1

    In the first stage, we determine the position of the cat's head and its shape. The shape of the head in cats varies from a round head, like a Persian cat, to an elongated and angular, like a Siamese. From the head we draw the skeleton of our cat up to the tip of the tail. On average, the length of a cat's body without a tail is 60 cm, and the length of the tail is 25-35 cm. It was roughly estimated that a third of our line is the cat's tail.

  • Step 2

    We draw an oval on the fold of the line, which will indicate to us the chest of the animal. We also draw a circle on the line of the skeleton, denoting the hip part of the hind leg. On the “future face” of the cat with a thin, barely noticeable line, we denote a cross, which in the future will help us draw eyes, mouth and nose.

  • Step 3

    We draw three paws. The ones we can see. We will not see the fourth behind the body of the cat. On the cross, draw beady eyes, a heart-shaped nose and a mouth with a downward bend, as shown in the figure.

  • Step 4

    The most difficult and responsible. They inhaled and held their breath: it is necessary to carefully draw a smooth line, starting from the head, to draw the torso and tail. In this case, you need to carefully go around the skeleton in the part of the tail and go around the legs. Hooray, exhale!

  • Step 5

    Well, now you can turn on the fantasy: we draw the ears of our cat and fluffy fur on the chest. On the "face" we outline the eyes, nose, highlight the mouth brighter.

  • Step 6

    We continue to fantasize. Add fur on the back, give a more regular shape to the tail. We carefully draw the ears.

  • Step 7

    The motto of the cat: "Mustache, paws and tail - these are my documents." Paws and tail are already there. So mustache!

  • Step 8

    Well, now you know how to draw a Lying Kitten with a pencil step by step!

Video: how to draw a lying black kitten

How to draw a playing kitten

How easy it is to draw a kitten with a pencil step by step

How to draw a kitten on a tree

How to draw a cartoon kitten with a pencil step by step

How to draw a small kitten with a simple pencil

Video: draw a kitten sitting with a pencil

How to draw a fluffy kitten with a simple pencil

Video: draw a fluffy kitten with a simple pencil

How to draw a fluffy kitten with colored pencils

  • Step 1

    Draw a sketch

  • Step 2

    We take blue and paint over the eyes, pupils with black. We paint over the nose with pink.

  • Step 3

    Dark blue and white paint over the eyes. Burgundy nose.

  • Step 4

    We begin to hatch the muzzle with gray and yellow. We take a pen that does not write and draw in the place where the antennae should be, then when we completely paint over the hair, the antennae will be realistic and they will not be painted over.

  • Step 5

    Light brown paint over the wool.

  • Step 6

    We take dark brown and continue to hatch the wool. Paint over the ears with pink and yellow.

  • Step 7

    With a pen in the ear, draw the wool in different directions. Paint over with gray and dark brown.

  • Step 8

    We continue to draw white wool with a pen, then paint over with white.

  • Step 9

    We shade the wool with gray and light brown.

  • Step 10

    Add a little yellow and brown.

  • Step 11

    Adding dark brown

  • Step 12

    We start hatching with black. Add a little blue to the white wool.

How to draw a cute kitten with colored pencils

Video: how to draw a realistic kitten

Drawing master class for children from 5 years old "Cats of our yard"

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, schoolchildren, teachers and parents.
Drawing- one of the favorite activities of children. Most children boldly take on any visual material. But unfortunately, not everyone manages to transfer their plans to a piece of paper. In this master class, a method for teaching drawing according to algorithmic schemes is proposed.
The proposed algorithms are simple and rational.
Target: To teach children to draw animals using algorithmic schemes.
- to educate children's interest and desire to engage in artistic creativity.
- cultivate patience and perseverance,
- develop creative thinking
-to consolidate the ability to draw round and oval shapes.
For work you will need:
- paints or pencils (in this master class we used watercolor)
- simple pencil

Lesson progress:

"Cats of our yard"
It was raining outside the window. Fedka went to the window, sighed heavily, because he couldn't go for a walk today. Probably the same way Fedka thought and his cat sitting on the window and looking at the falling raindrops. The cat's name was Vaska, he was red-haired and loved to walk on warm sunny days. Vaska did not walk alone, he had friends from our yard.
The cat from the second floor was called Tihan, he was black in color, and a white wooly path ran from the pink nose to the tip of the tail. Tikhan was the master in the yard, that even the dogs were afraid of him, and once again preferred not to meet him. Tihan loved to fight very much.
In the summer, grandchildren came to Baba Shura from the first floor and brought their kitty Murka. Murka had a smoky color, her fur was soft like plush. Murka loved to sleep on the windowsill and look at people passing by.
And not so long ago, another red cat Murzik appeared in our yard, he was presented as a birthday present to a girl named Olya. Murzik is still quite small and restless, he loves to hide everywhere, run in packages, and sometimes he climbs to the very top of the carpet hanging on the wall. All cats, like people, are very different, each has its own character and appearance. These are the cats of our yard.
-Guys, let's try to draw cats, which are described in the text.
Step work.
"Cat Tihan"

1. We draw a large circle - the torso. photo 1

2. In the lower part of the large circle - the body, draw a smaller circle - the head. photo 2

3. Draw ears. photo 3

4. In order to symmetrically draw a muzzle, you need to divide the small circle into 4 parts. photo 4

5. Now draw the eyes, nose, mouth. photo 5

Remove dividing lines.
6. We draw the antennae, paws and tail. photo 6

7. Coloring. Meet the cat Tihan. photo 7

Murka cat.
8. We place three identical circles on the sheet - the head, the front of the body, the back of the body. photo 8

9. We draw paws, ears, a tail. photo 9

10. Draw eyes, mouth, nose, mustache. photo 4.5.

11. Coloring.
Murka kitty.

Cat Murzik.
12. We draw a circle-head, an oval-torso. photo 12

13. We draw paws, a tail, a muzzle (photo 4.5). photo 13.

14. Coloring.
Cat Murzik

Cat Vaska.(Back view)
15. We draw a large circle-torso, add a small semicircle-crown of the head. photo 15.

16. We finish the ears, tail, mustache and color it.
Cat Vaska

Here are the cats we got.

The kitten is fiddling with a ball:
That creeps up to him secretly,
Then he will start throwing himself at the ball,
Push him, jump to the side ...
Can't guess at all
That this is not a mouse. And a ball.
(author A. Barto.)

A Puss in Boots from a favorite fairy tale or a beloved domestic cat often become characters in children's drawings. In addition, such pictures drawn with a pencil or paints can be a good decoration for a child's room. But in order to draw a cat correctly, let's first learn how to draw it with a simple pencil, then try our hand at oil painting, and after that we will learn how to depict a fluffy pet in five different ways.

Pencil drawing step by step

To prevent the cat from looking lonely in the drawing, you can draw several objects nearby, for example, “put” it on the windowsill.

Oil painting

For the lesson we need:

  • titanium white;
  • soot gas;
  • burnt umber; (mars brown)
  • cadmium red; (kraplak red durable)
  • cadmium yellow medium;
  • blue FC;
  • cobalt violet dark;
  • Thinner for oil paints;
  • canvas (square);
  • rag;
  • brushes (No. 3, No. 1, No. 6, No. 16).

Before I start working with paints, I want to pay attention to some points:

  1. Start simple.
  2. If you have never drawn animals before, do not write them in some difficult (incomprehensible) poses, and it is better if the color is limited to one color. This way it will be more clear how to create shadows and light on the wool, and also you will not have to think about how to move from one color to another.
  3. To avoid gross errors in the structure of the animal, it is worth considering that all animals have eyes on the same line, and their size is the same, especially if they look directly at you. The same can be said about the location of the ears, and the length of the paws.

Getting Started with Oil Painting Lesson: Background and Sketch

Making a background. To do this, mix burnt umber and whitewash, add a little thinner to them and cover the entire canvas with a large brush. We give 10 min. to let the paint soak in a bit.

Sketch. With a thin brush, which is dipped in white, we plan to write a kitten. Next - the line of the back of the chair from behind which he looks out. Cat head and paws. We evaluate the proportions and shape of the intended objects. For example, we look that the head is not too big (small) in relation to the canvas and paws, whether our sketch looks symmetrical and harmonious.

We wipe off the paint. With a cloth, remove the background paint from those areas where the cat's body and a light chair have been outlined.

We outline the head and paws of the kitten with not thick whitewash. If necessary, adjust the shape, size or placement. Also with this paint you can mark the back of the chair on which the kitten leans.

At this stage, you can immediately notice the shadow under the kitten's paws with cobalt violet mixed with whitewash and burnt umber.

Continuation of the lesson: background, main character, eyes

Background. Our next task is to draw everything that is behind the kitten. Too much effort and precision should not be invested in this work. The background is “out of focus”, a little blurry. Therefore, we can outline it with a fairly large brush.

We write the main character. Next, we outline the main color and light spots on the kitten's muzzle. We mix the gray color: with white and soot gas. We mark the light on the spout with clean and thicker white. Lightly mark darker spots - where the eyes will be placed. Light on paws. Refine the shadows. Thus, slowly but surely, step by step, slowly, we are moving towards an increasingly detailed study of the portrait of our playful and fluffy hero. Only at the last stage of work, on top of the main spots, we sketch thin graceful strokes, marking the antennae and the kitten's fur. It should be noted here that when drawing a kitten's fur, even at the initial stage, your strokes should follow the direction of growth of the animal's fur.

Eyes. Next, an important stage, a mirror of all our work - the eyes of the hero. They must be of the same shape and size, and also placed on the same line (without distortions). This is extremely important! In order not to get confused and not to be tormented by doubts and corrections, I advise you to initially outline the size, shape and placement of the eyes simply as darker spots. Evaluate them and adjust if necessary.

Further work with color. Everything is quite simple here. We outline the pupils, almost pure black (vertically elongated oval). Then, add eye color. In my case, this is burnt umber with cadmium yellow and a drop of white. Let's put highlights on top of the eye, which is essentially ready. We do this with thick white with a thin brush and quite accurately, since it will be difficult to correct.

Important! - we work on two eyes at the same time, and do not draw first one eye, and then the other. In this approach, it is very likely that you will draw different eyes.

Details and clarifications. In the last step, we can refine and boldly work with a thin brush. We draw wool, antennae, some highlights on the pile. Refine the shadow under the paws on the chair and the color of the chair. In general, we bring the work to the stage of completion. This work can be completed immediately in one session, and if you are tired, then you can safely postpone it until tomorrow.

That's all! The picture is ready!

We draw a striped cat (felt-tip pen, pen, pencil)

Stage 1. Let's draw the auxiliary lines of the cat. The circle is the head, the oval is the body. In a circle just above the middle, draw a line of eyes - a straight line. The tail line extends upward from the oval behind. Below the oval are straight and broken lines of the cat's future paws.

Stage 2. We begin to outline the contours of the body of our pussy. Using the auxiliary lines outlined in the previous step, we outline the body of the cat, showing a thick tail raised up and bent at the end, back, ears, muzzle, chest, paws.

Stage 3. We draw the eyes of a cat on the muzzle. The arrow shows in an enlarged view how to draw them correctly.

Stage 4. Now on the ears and muzzle we will draw spotty areas, cheeks, nose. In a circle, all this is shown in an enlarged form.

Stage 5. From the bottom of the head, along the neck, chest and front paws, we will draw transverse lines - future stripes on the fur of our cute little animal.

Stage 6. On the rest of the body, hind legs and tail, we will also draw transverse stripes, giving our cat a special flavor.

Stage 7. Now let's erase all unnecessary lines and leave only the necessary ones.

Stage 8. Let's color our kitty. It should be striped. May be gray with white stripes, may be black with white stripes. Or maybe red, also in stripes.

You know perfectly well what colors cats can be, so color your heroine as you wish.

5 ways to draw a cat

In order to learn how to draw a cat in five different ways, we need a piece of paper, a medium hard pencil and an eraser. Just in case, you can take a compass and a ruler. So, choose the cat that you like and just repeat each step in stages.

Everyone loves cats! At least if you are on our site, then this is so. Sometimes you want to draw a funny cat, and sometimes like a real one. But not everyone has the talent of an artist. However, just as children are taught at school to draw in stages, so we can use a simple example to draw a cat. Just look how cute he is. And he wants you to draw him

First, draw a circle - this will be the head. It is with the simplest forms that we begin drawing in stages.

You can immediately draw the ears. Now it is already possible to draw the body. It expands from top to bottom, because the cat's legs are there. Let's not forget the tail. What will your cat be like? Well, now the most important and difficult thing is the eyes and muzzle ... It depends on the expression of the eyes whether your cat will be cheerful .. or sad ... Now it remains only to color it.

If everything worked out wonderfully for you, then you can move on to other options for drawing a cat in stages.

We often ask ourselves the question from the title when we really want to embody a cat in some product, but do not take a finished picture, but draw it ourselves. How to do this, there is no clear algorithm for anyone, we all have a different mindset, but still there are some relatively standard recommendations.

If your goal is to draw on a children's t-shirt or draw a stencil to create an original animal print t-shirt later, then limit yourself to the simplest, most concise option. For example, something like this, simple; drawing clearer forms, perhaps cartoon characters.

When creating such drawings, natural proportions can not be observed, the main thing for you is the character of the character, a couple of forms and features inherent only to him.

You can start drawing such a plan both from the main forms - the body, the head, and from the secondary ones, let's say, these are the eyes, ears, nose, etc.

To draw a cat with high quality, and not only a cat, you must already take into account the proportions of the body, muzzles. For example, how many times the width of the eye fits in the width of the entire muzzle - similarly think over, measure the rest of the picture.

And remember, to give the animal a more natural appearance, you do not need to make it symmetrical. Even with apparent ideality, animals, like people, have characteristic features: for example, one eyelid is slightly lower than the other, the mustache is unequal - it goes without saying, some strip on the skin is slightly longer or shorter.

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