How to draw a beautiful circle. Simple geometric shapes


Any line, any stroke should express a certain shape in the drawing. Thanks to the strokes, lines are applied, which, in turn, create various figures. Figures of a flat shape have a rectilinear surface, characterized by only two dimensions - length and width.

A square is a regular polygon whose four sides are equal and all four angles are right. It is not difficult to draw a square with a pencil on a small sheet of paper, you just need to have a firm and confident hand. It is much more difficult to achieve confidence when drawing a square in a large drawing. In such a case, charcoal is considered the most suitable drawing tool. Having calculated the size of the square, you should depict one of its vertical sides. Now, from the top point of this straight line, it is required to draw a line perpendicular to it of exactly the same length. From the right point of this second line, draw a line perpendicular to it and parallel to the first. And, finally, it is required to unite the extreme points of two parallel lines.

The diagram below shows two squares, one larger (outer), the other smaller (inner). There are eight reference points on the symmetry axes of the large square. The vertices of the small square are at a distance of two-thirds of the diagonals of the large square from its center. The vertices of the small square are united by smooth arcs, due to which a circle is formed.

1. In order to draw a square, you need to know the length of its side.

2. From the top point of the vertical straight line, draw a line perpendicular to the first and equal in length to it.

3. Repeat the same action, finding another top point of the square.

4. Finish the square by connecting parallel lines.


A rectangle is a regular polygon whose opposite sides are equal and all angles are right. When creating a rectangle, you need to perform the same actions as when drawing a square, but taking into account the difference in aspect ratio.

A circle

When creating a drawing, an indispensable tool, no doubt, is a compass. In drawing, it is extremely important to learn how to draw without it. Until the skill of drawing a circle of the correct shape by hand has been formed, it is allowed to use some improvised means, for example, patterns or, as an impromptu compass, even an ordinary cord. You can also mark anchor points on two concentric squares to achieve your goal.

How to draw a circle by hand

In order to learn how to draw a circle by hand, you should start training by creating small circles with a radius of about 5 cm. As a rule, at first the figures are somewhat oval in shape, then, as you gain practical experience, the circles take on the correct shape. To draw larger circles, it is advisable to mark anchor points on two concentric squares or use a cord to make the task easier.

When creating drawings, it is not recommended to use a compass.

Practical advice: how to draw a circle with a cord

To develop the skill of creating the right large circle, it is useful to use a cord.

1. With one hand, hold the end of the cord at the point that will become the center of the circle. In your other hand, hold a piece of chalk and the other end of the cord at a distance that is equal to the radius of the circle.

2. Start drawing the arc from the point that will allow you to make the widest possible movement with the chalk.

3. To complete the circle, pass the hand holding the chalk under the hand holding the cord. At the same time, point your hand with chalk in the opposite direction.

4. Make sure that the cord is kept at the same distance from the center of the circle, achieve an exact connection between the beginning of the second semicircle and the end of the first.

The circle is also drawn using patterns. The simplest pattern can serve as the upper part of the glass.

Any line, any stroke should express a certain shape in the drawing. Thanks to the strokes, lines are applied, which, in turn, create various figures. Figures of a flat form have a rectilinear surface, characterized by only two dimensions - length and width.


A square is a regular polygon whose four sides are equal and all four angles are right. It is not difficult to draw a square with a pencil on a small sheet of paper, you just need to have a firm and confident hand. It is much more difficult to achieve confidence when drawing a square in a large drawing. In such a case, charcoal is considered the most suitable drawing tool. Having calculated the size of the square, you should depict one of its vertical sides. Now, from the top point of this straight line, it is required to draw a line perpendicular to it of exactly the same length. From the right point of this second line, draw a line perpendicular to it and parallel to the first. And, finally, it is required to unite the extreme points of two parallel lines.

The diagram below shows two squares, one larger (outer), the other smaller (inner). There are eight reference points on the symmetry axes of the large square. The vertices of the small square are at a distance of two-thirds of the diagonals of the large square from its center. The vertices of the small square are united by smooth arcs, due to which a circle is formed.

1. In order to draw a square, you need to know the length of its side.

2. From the top point of the vertical straight line, draw a line perpendicular to the first and equal in length to it.

3. Repeat the same action, finding another top point of the square.

4. Finish the square by connecting parallel lines.


A rectangle is a regular polygon whose opposite sides are equal and all angles are right. When creating a rectangle, you need to perform the same actions as when drawing a square, but taking into account the difference in aspect ratio.

A circle

When creating a drawing, an indispensable tool, no doubt, is a compass. In drawing, it is extremely important to learn how to draw without it. Until the skill of drawing a circle of the correct shape by hand has been formed, it is allowed to use some improvised means, for example, patterns or, as an impromptu compass, even an ordinary cord. You can also mark anchor points on two concentric squares to achieve your goal.

How to draw a circle by hand

In order to learn how to draw a circle by hand, you should start training by creating small circles with a radius of about 5 cm. As a rule, at first the figures are somewhat oval in shape, then, as you gain practical experience, the circles take on the correct shape. To draw larger circles, it is advisable to mark anchor points on two concentric squares or use a cord to make the task easier.

When creating drawings, it is not recommended to use a compass.

Practical advice: how to draw a circle with a cord

To develop the skill of creating the right large circle, it is useful to use a cord.

With one hand, hold the end of the cord at the point that will become the center of the circle. In your other hand, hold a piece of chalk and the other end of the cord at a distance that is equal to the radius of the circle.

2. Start drawing the arc from the point that will allow you to make the widest possible movement with the chalk.

3. To complete the circle, pass the hand holding the chalk under the hand holding the cord. At the same time, point your hand with chalk in the opposite direction.

4. Make sure that the cord is kept at the same distance from the center of the circle, achieve an exact connection between the beginning of the second semicircle and the end of the first.

The circle is also drawn using patterns. The simplest pattern can serve as the upper part of the glass.

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You can build an oval in two ways, depending on the initially set parameters.

Method 2: when only the width of the oval is specified.

1 way to build an oval

You can download video lesson number 1 with the author's explanations: here.

The construction of an oval along two given axes of symmetry (larger and smaller) is performed in the following sequence:

1. We draw two axes of symmetry intersecting at right angles.
2. On the vertical axis, set aside the size of the width of the oval given to us CD(half size up and down from point O). On the horizontal axis, in the same way, we plot the length of the oval AB.

3. Connect the dots with a straight line FROM and AT.

4. From the center O connect the horizontal and vertical axis with a radius OV(marking a point e)
5. From point C we draw an arc with a radius Se to the intersection with the oblique line SW(marking a point f).

6. Plot between points f and B the inclined straight line is divided into two equal parts. For this, from the point f draw an arc with a radius fB, then from the point AT we draw an arc of the same radius, until it intersects with the arc constructed earlier.

7. We connect the points of intersection of the arcs. This line will be perpendicular to the segment fB and will cut it in half. We mark the points of intersection of the constructed line with the horizontal and vertical axes of symmetry ( l and k).


Building a point m symmetrical point l.

9. Building a point n symmetrical point k.

10. From a point k draw a line through a point m. From a point n draw straight lines m and l.
11. Radius equal to distance kC from a point k draw an arc connecting the inclined lines emanating from the point k. Same radius from point n, as from the center, we draw an arc connecting the inclined lines emanating from the point n.
12. From dots m and l, as from the centers, we draw arcs with a radius mA and close the previously drawn arcs with them.

2 way to build an oval

The construction of an oval according to a given size of the larger axis of the oval is performed in the following sequence:

Axis AB divide into three equal parts ( AO 1,O 1 O 2 , About 2 V).


Radius equal to distance O 1 O 2, from division points About 1 and About 2 draw circles. The intersection points of the circles are denoted as m and n.

3. Connect the dots m and n with dots About 1 and About 2 we get straight lines, which we extend to the intersection with circles. The resulting points ( 1,2,3 and 4 ) are the conjugation points of the arcs.

4. From points m and n, as from centers, radius Rmax equal to n 2 and m 3, draw the upper arc 1 2 and bottom arc 3 4 .

On this, the construction of the oval can be considered completed.

How to draw a circle without a compass

The ability to create a circle is not a life skill. And yet, sometimes it is necessary to know how to draw a circle when there is no compass or some kind of round object at hand.

Smooth circle - what to do if there is no compass

It is useful for everyone to know how to draw a circle without a compass. Usually this item is not available. In this situation, there may be a student who left the necessary tools for drawing at home, who should have a lesson on schedule. Or an adult who, for some reason, urgently needs to draw an even circle. What to do in these situations? For example, schoolchildren can replace a missing accessory with a protractor, which is often found in a pencil case. Just attach it to a sheet of paper, find the center on the straight part and put a dot. This place is considered the center of the circle. Then you need to circle the semicircle along the inside, turn the protractor 90 ° and carefully draw another third of the circle. After that, once again repeat the turn of the tool and finish drawing the rest of the figure.

If you have not been a schoolboy for a long time, which means that you do not have a pencil case with drawing tools at hand, then you can correct the situation with a CD. With it, it is easy to create a figure both small (if you circle the inside of the disk) and large (if you circle the outside of the disk). Office workers in a similar situation will be helped by a glass used for water. Just put it on paper and draw along the contour of the bottom with a pencil. Thus, we were convinced that it is possible to draw a circle without a compass, using improvised objects for this.

Ways to draw circles without using additional items

How to draw a circle if there are no drawing tools and other auxiliary things at hand? Everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Place and fix one hand on the paper, while making sure that the little finger is the center of the planned circle. With your other hand, twist the sheet and see that you get an even circle. Draw along the resulting contour with a pencil. To draw a circle of a larger diameter, you need to bend your little finger, as if you are trying to make a fist. Further, the procedure is repeated, as with a smaller circle, twist the sheet and draw the borders of the circle. If you need to create a circle even more, then position your hand so that it touches the wrist bone to the sheet. Recommended for drawing circles, choose non-solid pencils.

These methods are considered easy and simple. They help out when there is no compass at hand. The main thing is to be able to hold your hand evenly and so that it does not move.

Draw a circle with a ruler

For those who have a ruler handy, the following way to create a circle will come in handy. You need to attach a ruler to a sheet of paper, at this point there will be the center of the circle. Put another mark next to the number indicating the radius. Then you need to put the third point, for this, slightly move the edge of the drawing tool, but so that the 0th mark remains in place, and put a notch above the second mark.

Repeat these steps to end up with a circle. It will be dotted. The more small dashes, the easier it is to draw an even solid line. This method is easy, but quite long.

You have learned how to sharpen a pencil properly and draw straight lines across the entire sheet without a ruler, but there is a problem with circles. What to do? We will master the science of how to draw a circle by hand. Science, on the one hand, is not difficult, since to master it you only need a piece of paper and a simple pencil. However, not all so simple. As in any other unfamiliar business, diligence and patience are needed.

The easiest method

Let's start with the simplest method. Just a caveat: this method is only suitable if the circle has a radius no greater than the length of our pointed assistant. The essence of the method is to turn the hand into a compass:

  1. We put a point on paper, denoting the center of the future circle;
  2. We take the pencil with the index and thumb gripping from above at a distance of a radius from the tip, so that the rest of it rests against the back of the hand, opposite the thumb;
  3. We put the middle finger, tightly pressed to the index finger at the intended point. Constantly make sure that he does not move from this point!
  4. We rest the tip of the pointed nose on the paper and begin to smoothly rotate the paper with your free hand to a full circle.
  5. We outline the outlined contours to the desired condition.

The method is very simple. If it is not possible to draw a solid line or there is no way to rotate the paper. You can make small serifs, then connect them. You can rotate around the sheet yourself - the result will be the same.

How to draw correctly

A simple method is good, first of all, only for training skillful use of the main tool of the draftsman. Only in this way real artists do not draw circles. Let's learn how to do it right:

  • We fix a sheet of paper on the easel with buttons so that there is no desire to twist the paper.
  • We mark the center of the future circle.
  • We draw vertical and horizontal lines through it. At the same time, we try to put pressure on the pencil as quietly as possible. The rays should be barely noticeable.
  • Now we need to draw straight lines through the center, dividing the angle in half, and preferably into 3-4 sectors. The more circle you are going to draw, the more sectors do.
  • With the help of a sharpened assistant, we measure the desired radius on all rays, making notches. If the radius is not greater than the length of the pencil, then we use the skills of the previous method. If more, then measure the desired amount of pencil length.
  • We connect the serifs with a solid line.
  • We erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser.

Once you have mastered this method, you will be able to draw any circle without rotating the paper or revolving around it. Drawing a circle will be as easy for you as drawing a straight line of any length. By the way, learning to do this is much more difficult than drawing circles.

How good is this skill? If you look around you, then you will quickly see that there are not so many straight lines around, mostly wavy and broken contours. Any wavy line consists of different parts of the circle. Knowing how to draw a circle, you can draw anything. Therefore, take up the pencil more boldly and master the next technique leading to artistic mastery!

Hardworking - a bright light burns through life, lazy - a dim candle

How to calculate the radius and draw a circle without a compass.

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Good afternoon, dear beginner self-taught seamstresses. Today I decided to write an article that will help us in the future to cut children's panama hats, adult beach hats, as well as a sun skirt, and of course flounces. As you guessed, we are talking about the ability to calculate the radius of a circle, and be able to draw it without a compass. Because it is quite possible that we will need to draw circles of a size for which compasses are not sold. And not everyone has a compass at home.

So the agenda is:

  • Calculation of the radius of the circle, for panama, flounces and sun skirts.
  • Three ways to draw a circle without a compass.


What is it for, this radius calculation? To draw a circle, we need to know radius this soma of the circle - that is, the distance from one leg of the compass to the other.

Let's say we need to draw the circumference of the bottom of a panama hat, and all we know is the girth of the baby's head. How wide should the legs of the compass be spread apart in order to end up with a circle that matches the size of the baby's head?

Or we need to draw the circumference of a sun skirt, knowing only that the circumference should ideally match the girth of our waist.

Now, to make everything very clear and understandable, Let's analyze 2 specific cases that are most often encountered in the work of seamstresses.

This is the calculation of the radius of the bottom of the panama hat. And the calculation of the radius on the pattern of the skirt-sun.

So let's go...

I beautifully painted this story in pictures right with the text-reasoning. To understand the whole sequence of the brain.)))

Means, to find out the radius - we need to divide our baby's head circumference by 6.28.

We take a mobile phone, find a calculator in it and divide our 42 cm head circumference by 6.28 - we get 6.68 cm = that is, 6 cm and 6 mm. This is the radius.

So, we need to push the legs of the compass to a distance of 6 cm 6 mm. And then the circle drawn by us will be equal to 42 cm - that is, it will lie flat on the child’s head (just don’t forget to hang it back by 1 cm for seam allowances).

Situation two - you need to draw the circumference of the skirt-sun. All we know is the waist circumference and the length of the skirt that we want to end up with.

There are 2 circles in the sun skirt drawing. Small (internal) should lie flat on our waist. That is, the length of this circumference should coincide with the circumference of the waist. The waist circumference is 70 cm, which means that the circumference should be 70 cm (well, perhaps, there are all sorts of centimeters back and forth in the form of an allowance for seams, or some other additional decoration in the form of a belt or yoke)

So we need to find out what radius to draw a circle so that the circle as a result turns out to be the length of these 70 cm we need.

In the picture below, I painted everything and how to calculate the radius of a small circle and then how to find out the radius of a large circle.

And when a small circle is drawn. All we need is to add the desired length of the skirt to the small radius - and we get a large radius for the large circumference of the edge of the skirt.

Here we are with the calculations. We will sew skirts and panama hats - I will send you to this article.

Now let's figure out how to draw a circle of any size without a compass.


Here below I have illustrated three ways with three pictures. I hope that everything is clearly drawn and spelled out.

Yes, this is a quick way - but you need to make sure that the pencils do not bow to the side. Change the angle of the pencil by changing the radius. Or it is necessary that one person evenly holds one pencil, and the other draws exactly perpendicularly with a second pencil.

In fact, the lower the thread is tied, the more accurate the circle will be. Therefore, some use small pins. The error when the pin is deflected to the side is small, and when sewing it can be neglected.

And yet, the surest way to draw an exact circle without a compass is with an ordinary ruler and pencil. Here's what it looks like:

And then in a circle, we move the centimeter (like the hour hand in a watch) and mark the points at the same distance - that is, on the same number of the centimeter tape. Instead of tape, you can use twine with a mark on it - the main thing is to make sure that the twine does not stretch at all.

Well, that's all - another gap in knowledge has been eliminated - now you can swing at a sun skirt and a panama hat - we know how to calculate radii. It's only the beginning! Soon we will become so smarter that we will take on the most complex models without fear. Here I’ll tell you about shuttlecocks and about the base pattern - yes, yes, we will draw with you a real adult base pattern in 30 minutes - and as they say, it’s off ... we’ll sew everything in a row)))). And not only .

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site "Women's Conversations".

article can only be copied to a personal computer or to the pages of a personal Internet diary WITH MANDATORY SAVE ALL LINKS INSIDE THE ARTICLE.

An arbitrary circle or an even circle in Photoshop is drawn according to the same rules as, respectively. By and large, you need to use the same groups of tools, but adjusted for the shape of the figure.

Method 1: Ellipse Tool

With this tool, you can draw a circle or circle shape.

Let's start with vector, that is, from such a figure, the dimensions of which can be changed without loss of quality. To do this, select ellipse tool, and in the options bar, set the setting shape layer.

Now draw a circle or circle. But first, choose a base color other than white, otherwise you won't see what you ended up drawing.

How to draw an even circle

By default, the circle is drawn arbitrary, that is, you draw nothing more than an oval with arbitrary sizes. To draw an even circle, select one of the options:

  1. hold down the Shift key;
  2. in the tool options bar, select the option:

Once again, pay attention to this window with tool options. Here you can also configure the ability to draw a figure according to specified sizes or proportions. Specify the desired dimensions / proportions in the width and height fields, and then simply click anywhere in the document - Photoshop will immediately display a circle with the specified values.

So, the vector circle or circle appeared. This will be a solid-colored shape layer.

Now, to be able to resize without losing quality, use the Ctrl+T command. When you no longer need a vector shape, you can use it to continue working on the shape with all the power of Photoshop.

Raster figure is done in exactly the same way, but at the very beginning you need to select another option in the options panel - Perform pixel fill.

After that, the circle will be created immediately as a raster. Don't forget for her.

Method 2. Stroke selection - ring

Let's turn to another Photoshop tool - oval area. The action plan is as follows: create a round selection, and then stroke its borders. The result is a ring.

Draw a free-form circle or even circle (hold down the Shift key). Also on the tool options panel, you can specify the specified dimensions or proportions for selection. To do this, from the drop-down list Style select the appropriate option. After that, the width and height fields will become active and you can enter the desired numbers there.

Let's say we have a selection like this:

Now we need to stroke its borders. To do this, select the command: Editing - Stroke.

A new window will appear in which specify the width of the stroke border, its color. There are also interesting settings on how the stroke width will be calculated:

  • Inside- means the frame will lie on the inside of the selected area;
  • Centered- means the frame will be divided equally into a part passing inside the selection and into a part from the outside;
  • Outside- means the frame will go around the dotted selection line.

Keep in mind. that the selected option will affect the final dimensions of the circle (its width and height).

Now that the settings are entered, click OK. It remains only to remove the dotted selection - Ctrl + D.

Noticed an error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter . Thank you!

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