How to draw a cartoon girl's face. How to draw a woman's face with a pencil step by step


This lesson is about how to draw a girl's face with a pencil. The process itself is quite interesting and difficult. However, upon achieving the result, you will be pleasantly surprised, because the drawing is very realistic.

So, the lesson on how to draw a girl's face in stages begins.

Step 1. First of all, you need to draw the base. This will be an oval face, a bit reminiscent of an egg. In this case, the height of the face will be equal to the triple width of the chin.

Step 2 The second step is to draw the eyes. Visually divide the entire oval of the face in half and position the eyes slightly below the imaginary line. In this case, the shape of the eyes can be different, the main thing is that they be symmetrical. The upper eyelid with open eyes is almost imperceptible. On the inside, you need to add clearly visible lacrimal glands.

A round iris is drawn inside the eye, slightly raised under the upper eyelid. Subsequently, the iris will be decorated. In the circle of the iris, the pupil should be drawn. He is completely black. On the lower eyelid, draw short eyelashes that are more visible from the outside. The upper eyelid has long eyelashes.

Step 3 The next step is to draw the nose. A broken wavy line is drawn, as shown in the figure, slightly curving up.

Step 4 Next, you need to draw a mouth. The lower lip should not be thick, but not thin either. Photos of real girls will help to keep the proportions. And the upper lip looks like a volcano, thanks to a small dimple located clearly in the middle, under the nose.

Step 5 Eyebrows are easy to draw. If you need to give your face some kind of expression, you should look at photos of real girls or look in the mirror. The usual neutral expression is almost even brow lines, slightly curved on the outside of the face.

Step 6 The hairstyle, length, appearance and color of the hair is drawn based on the artist's imagination. The main thing is to leave room for the forehead.

Step 7 The top of the ear is in line with the eyes. A beautifully traced curved line of the ears ends with a small lobe, on which, at the request of the painter, earrings of any shape can be depicted.

Step 8 Approximately at the level of the lower lip, the neck begins. Having drawn it to the bend of the shoulders, one must not forget about the lines of the collarbones.

That's it, the lesson on how to draw a girl's face beautifully is over. Now it remains only to add color, decorating the girl.

Another small video tutorial showing how to draw a girl's face sideways. Watch and practice.

Do not forget to show the lesson to your friends and write about your drawing successes in the comments.

Hello dear friends!

Today we will draw a person's face. Many mistakenly believe that only selected talents can draw. This is not true: everyone who has the desire and patience can learn how to draw correctly. Knowing the basic proportions and rules of construction will help you correctly depict a person’s face. Read the following material and try to draw a face in stages.

Axes and proportions

When drawing a human face, be sure to study and always easily apply center lines.

With experience, it will be possible to manage with one or two guides, or without them at all. No need to think that axes are boring and uninteresting, they will help you quickly and correctly build a face with the right proportions, the same eyes, symmetrical parts.

In the future, visually imagining these axes, you will be able to work with facial expressions and emotions of a person. Indeed, in order to show sadness, you need to lower your eyebrows and corners of your mouth, close your eyes, and for this you need to imagine at what level all these parts of the face are in a state of calm.

eye line

The first and main axes that you definitely need to remember are:

The line of eyes in all adults is in the middle of the head.

Axis of symmetry and eyes

We divide the oval of the head into two equal parts horizontally - the eyes will be located here. We also outline the vertical line of symmetry.

Draw a fish

At first, it is difficult to do this by eye, so test yourself by measuring the same segments with a pencil or ruler.

nose hair eyebrow line

Next you need divide the oval of the head with horizontal lines into three and a half parts. The upper axis - hair growth, in the middle - the level of the eyebrows, below - the axis of the base of the nose. The distance from the hair to the eyebrows is equal to the height of the forehead. In fact, the face (not counting the hair) consists of three equal parts, which are equal to the height of the forehead.

Mouth and lips line

Next, let's designate the lips. To do this, the lower part of the face (from the nose to the tip of the chin) must be divided in half - this is how we find the line of the edge of the lower lip. To determine the level of the mouth incision, you will have to divide the segment from the lower lip to the nose into four more equal parts. The first quarter will be the line of the mouth.

Mouth and lips

The mouth section of most people is at the same level, but the sizes of the upper and lower lips are completely different.

Draw an elephant

Where to place the ears

Strange as it may seem, but very often, with a more or less successful construction of the face, the ears are attached at all in the wrong place where they should be located. Therefore, we will pay special attention to the auricles.

Correct placement of the ears

At the top, the ears are attached to the axis of the eyes, and below, at the level of the base of the nose. They can be large or small, stand out strongly or lie close to the head, but they are attached to all people on the line of the nose and eyes.

How to place your eyes

How to find out the width of the eyes and the distance between them? To do this, the line of the eyes must be divided into 8 equal parts.

Outlining the eyes

  • One more eye (2/8) should be placed between the eyes.
  • Each eye is 2/8 wide.
  • From the outer corners of the eyes to the contour of the head, leave 1/8 (the width of half the eye).

These are approximate guidelines. For different people, these proportions are slightly different. It is not necessary to divide the axle into 8 parts every time, just check yourself.

How to draw a vessel: a vase, a decanter, a jug

Also read the article on how to draw eyes realistically and correctly.

Make sure that the eyes are not too close to each other, or, conversely, too far away. These options will help control the size of the eyes so that they are not overly large or small. The inner corners of the eyes should always be in line with the eyes.

At first glance, all these lines are cumbersome and complicated, but for a start, you can practice drawing a face, taking into account only the horizontal axes. In the course of work, you will have questions and you yourself will come to the conclusion that vertical guides are also needed. With the acquisition of a little experience and skill, you can easily draw faces without preliminary marking and axes.

Eyes, nose wings, mouth

The inner corners of the eyes are at the level of the wings of the nose. The corners of the mouth are flush with the center of the eye, or the pupil if the person is looking straight ahead.

In this photo, light lines show that:

  • the corners of the eyes lie on the same level with the wings of the nose
  • and the center of the eyes lies in line with the corners of the mouth

Draw human ears

Face Drawing Scheme

Actually, if you outline all the guides, then you should get such a scheme. You can print it as a sample, since it is difficult to remember everything at once and train to draw a person's face with the correct proportions.

Schematic representation of a human face

Later, you can give the faces of specific people and draw portraits of everyone you are interested in.

On this with axes, proportions and guides, we will finish and start drawing.

We draw in stages

Today we will not draw a portrait of any particular person, but we will learn how to create quick sketches with the correct proportions and the placement of all the main parts.

Face painting is a skill that improves with experience. If you have never drawn portraits of people, it is important to first learn simply at the level of mechanics and repetition how and at what level to place the eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, ears, and the relationship between them. To do this, look at the diagram in the previous section, and easily apply guides.

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Repetition is the mother of learning 🙂

Denoting the shape

The first stage is the simplest, we need to designate the shape of the face, it is easiest to fit it into an oval, egg-shaped or other rounded figure. The vertical axis will help create a symmetrical pattern, the horizontal axis will show the eyes correctly.

We outline the main elements of the face

All previously outlined lines will help us build a face. These axes must be applied very lightly, barely noticeable, so that later they can be easily and imperceptibly erased.

There is no particular difference with what exactly you start drawing facial features, the main thing is that you do not get stuck and concentrate on one thing: the nose, eyes, lips, eyebrows.

First quickly and easily mark all parts of the face without going into details without trying to be too precise. All lines are applied very easily, so that it is easy to correct.

If something turned out crooked, inaccurate, you can fix it in the next step.

Specifying shapes and sizes

At this stage, we adjust the size and shape of the eyes, ears, eyebrows, nose, lips, and refine the shape of the face. We fix everything that went wrong at the previous stage.

In this lesson, we will learn how to draw a beautiful face of a girl using step-by-step tips. On our site you can find a few more drawing lessons of girls in the "People" section. Drawing the girl's face, which is presented in this lesson, will be quite difficult. It will not be easy for a beginner to cope, but it is still possible if you try hard and make every effort and time.

We will draw a beautiful girl with a mysterious look. Let's start drawing with step-by-step tips:

Stage 1. Draw a circle. Only we draw not a circle, but a circle, which is quite a bit elongated up and down. Then in this circle we draw curves. Try to maintain all proportions as accurately as possible in order to achieve a good result.

Stage 2. Add some auxiliary elements, namely dots and two diagonal lines. Look at the picture below and draw all these elements

Stage 3. The auxiliary lines and circles we need at the moment are ready. Let's move on to drawing the girl's face. First, draw the contours of the face and neck of the girl as follows:

Stage 4. Now with the help of auxiliary lines and within suitable points, we draw the expressive eyes of our girl in this way:

Stage 5. Add beautiful long eyelashes to both eyes as shown in the figure below. Now the look has become even more expressive

Stage 6. Now we draw eyebrows. With the help of auxiliary lines, which are located diagonally, we draw the eyebrows as follows:

Stage 7. Starting from the top point on the vertical line, we draw the nose, to the nearest point

Stage 8. At this stage, we draw the lips of our girl, also focusing on the horizontal auxiliary line and four points

Stage 9. The face of our girl is ready. Left just a little bit. We draw the body of our girl, it is drawn schematically, since the main task of the lesson was to draw a beautiful face of a girl

Stage 10. Gently erase all auxiliary lines with an eraser, trying not to touch the main lines

Stage 11. It remains for us to draw the girl's hair. To do this, you first need to draw these guide lines, within which we will draw the hair.

Stage 12. We begin to draw our hair in this way:

Stage 13. Adding a few more strands

Stage 14. And remove the reference lines. You can leave them if they have merged with your general background of hair. That's it, our drawing of the girl's face is ready!

Similar drawing lessons:

This is one of the most difficult types of art. The physique must be studied in detail in parts. We have already considered some elements. Before you start, be sure to read these few recommendations from professional artists:

  1. First you need to think about the approximate location of all elements
  2. For sketching, take a sharpened pencil of medium hardness (I used HB and 2B, write in the comments which pencils you used), which will allow you to sketch thin lines.
  3. Do not erase the sketch lines until the desired result is clearly visible.
  4. Keep Proportions
  5. Note that the face has a pointed shape at the bottom and a more rounded one at the top.
  6. Practice! The more you train, the better you will learn to convey the necessary emotions and nuances of human facial expressions.

And now let's move on to the lesson.

How to draw a person's face step by step:

Step one. The face of this oval shape. First, make an oval and divide it with lines. The vertical line exactly in the middle crosses it, and the horizontal lines are arranged as follows. The first divides the face just below half, and the second still half from the remaining lower part of the face. We can't give exact measurements because everyone's faces are different. But the task of these lines is to outline (this is vertical), as well as the location of the lips (horizontal bottom line). Keep in mind that these will need to be erased later, so don't press too hard on the paper with the stylus. If you press hard on the paper, it will deform, and the drawing will look like a girl who is preparing for plastic surgery. (Will be ) Step two. Make indicative strokes at the place where. And also add lines for , and halfway between the nose and chin. Make the line that represents the lower lip wider. Step three. Let's move on to drawing. They are located just above the nose. The outer edges of the nose indicate where the inner corners of the eyes will go. Make a sketch as shown in the picture. There is another important factor to consider here. Human anatomy is arranged so that the distance between the eyes is equal to the size of another eye. This is indicated by the red arrow in the figure. Now let's add the eyebrows. Tip: even if one eyebrow is raised and the eyebrows are the same height, start drawing from the inside (points closer to the nose). To get an idea of ​​how high the brows are, add another imaginary eye above the left eye - this should give you more or less the correct height for the brows. Step 4 Let's add a mouth. In the previous lesson, we already covered some points. For example, we tried to depict . But there is another important point, a lot of questions from novice artists about how big should the mouth be? Draw mentally two lines from the inner corners of the eyes down. This will be the approximate size of the company, with a smile it can be a little wider. Step 5. Now we erase the auxiliary lines that we made in the first two steps. Let's see what we got. In principle, the sketch is ready. Now it remains to decorate, add shadows. Step six. Give the shape of the face more specificity. Pay attention to the cheekbones and the shape of the chin. This woman has a strong chin, but try not to make it too strong or she will turn into a man. Draw black pupils, and add eyelids. requires focus. This is the mirror of the soul. Look closely at the animation. You will see in what sequence it is best to do this. Step last. With a simple pencil, add shadows to give the drawing volume and make it more realistic. That's all. We will look at other parts of the human body in more detail in the following lessons. Leave also your work, and write comments about how, Only we have such lessons, see for yourself.

Only those who studied at special courses or at an art school will be able to draw a person’s face from nature or from a photograph, since this is not an easy task. To fully transfer the proportions to paper, you need to know the many nuances of each element.

However, if you are a beginner who already has some drawing skills, you can try your hand at drawing a face. First, you should practice drawing various features on a draft: lips, eyebrows, nose. Then, you can take a blank sheet of paper and proceed to the first step of this lesson.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • pencil;
  • marker;
  • colored pencils in red, brown, blue, orange tones.

Drawing steps:

1. Draw an oval. This will be the head. Let's draw two auxiliary lines in the center.

2. Now we will correct the shape of the face. With simple curved lines we denote the hair.

3. Let's draw the eyebrows and the upper eyelid of the eye, which should be on a horizontal line.

4. We finish the eyes, namely the lower eyelid, eyeball and pupil, as well as eyelashes. Add a line in the center where the nose is placed.

5. Draw the nose and mouth. The lips will be wide and large.

6. Let's draw the general shape of the hairstyle around the head.

7. Draw the neck and shoulders below.

8. We detail the girl's hair - let's draw the strands.

9. Outline the contour of the face, eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips with a black marker. We will also go over each line of the neck, shoulders, hair.

10. We begin to decorate the phased drawing of the face. First of all, let's color the girl's hair. They will be red. Take an orange pencil and completely shade it along the contour of the hairstyle. In some places, you can give volume with a brown pencil. You can also make the girl a different hair color.

11. Now let's move on to the girl's delicate and sensitive skin. To give a natural look, we first use a pink pencil, then red to create penumbra, and brown for shadow areas.

12. Let's make the girl's lips bright red.

13. Decorate the chic eyebrows on the face with a brown pencil.

14. Then move on to the eyes. Color the lower and upper eyelids with a black marker. Let's make the iris blue. Also decorate the pupil with a marker.

It turned out a beautiful portrait of a girl, and you learned how to draw a woman's face. To draw a man's face, use the same steps, just change their features. After all, the men are more rude.

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