How to draw the planets of the solar system. How to draw the solar system? Step-by-step instruction


How to draw the solar system with a pencil in stages?

    In order to draw the solar system, you must first know and study the solar system well, and then take white clean paper, multi-colored pencils, the original picture of the solar system (like a still life) and start with the outline of the planets and the sun, rearrange the planets correctly and then paint them. There are already very good graphic shots above, so I have attached only pictures from which you can start drawing, following my instructions.

    If you need a drawing with all the planets around the sun, then the user Txajan showed how to draw the solar system in full. I want to suggest how to draw the solar system from another review.

    Very often at school they are given the task of drawing the solar system. For this purpose, we need colored pencils and a sheet of paper.

    First of all, draw the Sun.

    Then we proceed to the very first planet Mercury. It is a small ball and a gray-brown color.

    Mercury is followed by a green-blue Earth with a gray dot of the Moon.

    Then we draw red Mars. It is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Earth.

    The gray shadow behind Mars symbolizes the asteroid Belt.

    Next comes the striped orange-white Jupiter.

    Then we draw a yellow Saturn.

    And behind him is the blue-blue planet Uranus.

    Well, the last planet is a tiny brown Pluto.

    In order to draw our solar system with pencils step by step, we will need the following items.

    To begin with, we need - Pencils (multi-colored), white paper and, most importantly, Photo - scheme.

    Below I have attached a photo - diagram for your convenience. draw our solar system.

    First you need to draw the orbits of the planets (as in the diagram.)

    Then we begin to draw a general view of the planets of the solar system.

    At the beginning you need draw the sun.

    After that you need draw the planet Mercury.

    Then you need draw the planet venus.

    Then we start draw the planet mars.

    After Mars draw the planet Jupiter.

    After you draw the planet Jupiter, start draw the planet saturn.

    After Saturn draw the planet Uranus.

    After you have drawn the planets, start drawing comets and asteroids (as in the diagram).

    So we continue, as in the diagram.

    At the end, we start painting as in the diagram below and get such a beautiful picture of the solar system.

    draw the solar system There are many ways to go to physics class.

    The main principle of drawing the solar system is to show the sun in the center of the system, and the planets that revolve around the sun in their orbits.

    Mercury is closest to the sun in the solar system, followed by the planet Venus, then our planet Earth, then comes Mars, after Mars Jupiter, then Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

    You can draw the orbits of the planets of the solar system simply by placing circles around the circle-sun or by drawing them in the form of ellipses.

    The planets themselves are drawn in the form of circles, it is desirable to observe the size of the circles in accordance with the size of the planets, showing their approximate sizes in relation to each other.

    Solar system drawing You can just draw with a pen or felt-tip pen, or you can color it. making the background dark.

    The solar system is the Sun and other space objects that revolve around this star.

    Drawing a solar system is not so difficult. You just need to know the placement of certain objects / planets, their sequence and name.

    Draw the solar system with a pencil like this:

    Drawing the solar system with a pencil is not so difficult. To do this, you need to designate the center of the system - the sun. You can draw a large circle and flames from it. Then we draw a circle and a circle-planet Mercury on it. Draw another circle and the next planet on it. So we depict all the planets of the solar system.

    You can depict the orbits of the planets in semicircles like this:

    The solar system is already very thoroughly drawn, then I'll just add ...

    Isn't it a beautiful photo...

    Since it is not indicated which stars are needed, I propose this option.

    The drawing of the planets is schematic.

    Here is our planet Earth.

    All drawings are relatively easy, so everyone will be able to copy them.

    The most important and main tool - an assistant in drawing our solar system - is a compass! Or, in extreme cases, an mp3 disc. It will help to draw both the Sun and all planetary orbits.

    We start, perhaps, with the largest circle (this is our Sun), draw the lines of orbits, draw the planets with a compass, and depict the stars under the guise of many points.

    I propose to draw the solar system with a pencil in stages as follows:

    Drawing steps:

    1) We start drawing with the image of the sun and nine lines around, on which we will place the planets;

    2) We begin to draw the planets with circles;

    3) Draw Saturn with a circle around meteorites;

    4) We finish drawing with Plato;

    5) We hatch the planets with a pencil.

Preparation for work

We will need simple and colored pencils, sparkles, an eraser, compasses, a sheet of paper and a little theory. To understand how to draw the solar system correctly, let's remember the school curriculum. This will help us avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

  1. It is impossible to convey the true sizes and distances between space bodies in the picture. After all, if the Sun is depicted the size of a tennis ball, then the Earth must be drawn as a small dot at a distance of 4 meters from it. Therefore, for clarity, the proportions will have to be distorted.
  2. At the center of the solar system is a star called the Sun. Various cosmic bodies, large and small, revolve around it in ellipsoidal orbits. The pictures usually depict the largest of them - the planets.
  3. When we were in school, we remembered by heart: there are nine planets in the solar system. However, in 2006, Pluto was officially stripped of this title. He took his place in the series of dwarf planets, which include, besides him, four more cosmic bodies.

How to draw the solar system with a pencil? Sketch

Let's start drawing. We put a dot with a simple pencil on the left side of the sheet, placing it approximately in the middle. We lead a slightly rounded line to the center, aiming it a little up, as shown in the diagram. Then we continue the line to the right, raising it again towards the end of the album sheet. The orbits of cosmic bodies will be located on this line. We denote them with dashes, remembering the size.

As you can see in the pictures, the smallest planet is Mercury, the largest is Jupiter. Decide whether you will portray Pluto or, following the scientists, exclude it from the list.

Using a compass, draw a large circle on the left. This is the Sun. It should occupy about a third of the sheet, although in reality its dimensions are even larger compared to other bodies.

How to draw the planets of the solar system?

In those places where the orbits of cosmic bodies were outlined, we draw circles with a compass or by hand. First - a small Mercury, then Venus and a larger Earth. Where the rounded line rises is Mars. It is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Earth and Venus. All of these are terrestrial planets. After them comes the asteroid belt, which we will depict later.

Let's start drawing the giant planets formed by their gas. Jupiter is denoted by a sufficiently large circle. Saturn is a little smaller, we draw rings around it. They consist of both small particles of dust and whole blocks of ice rotating around the orbit. In fact, other giant planets of the solar system also have such rings, but they are much less pronounced. Let's denote Uranus with a smaller circle, Neptune with a slightly larger one, but both planets should be much larger than our native Earth. If you want to draw Pluto, make it really tiny. Now we erase all auxiliary lines.

Let's add colors

How to draw the solar system in paint? Follow our instructions and you can't go wrong! Color the sun bright orange with red spots. Mercury is grey. For Venus, you need a yellow pencil, for Earth, a blue one. Mars is famous for its red-orange soil rich in iron.

Gas planets do not have a solid surface. They are covered with clouds. On Jupiter, in addition to white clouds, there are also orange ones. Let's paint it with these colors. For Saturn, you need yellow, but not bright, but pale. Uranus color in blue, almost no pressure on the pencil. Neptune is exactly the same, but appears darker as it is farther away from the Sun. Pluto is denoted by light brown. Our planets are ready, it remains to add the finishing touches.

Finishing the drawing

It's time to depict small celestial bodies. Between Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt. In total there are more than 600 thousand of them. In the figure, asteroids can be identified using a set of points evenly distributed along an ellipsoidal orbit.

Behind the planet Neptune, there are also many ice shards that make up the Kuiper belt. Pluto is one of the largest objects in this cluster. We take a pencil and use dots to depict this phenomenon. From here, comets sometimes fly into the solar system. They look like a ball, from which many straight lines of different lengths depart.

Outer space is painted black. It remains to decorate the picture with tiny shining stars. You can use glitter for this purpose. The drawing is ready.

Now you know how to draw the solar system with your child and impress the school teacher with astronomical knowledge. We hope you enjoy working together.

Space for children

There is one easy way to memorize the planets of the solar system for children. However, for adults too. It is very similar to how we remember the colors of the rainbow. All children love various counting rhymes, thanks to which information settles in memory for a long time.

D To memorize the planets of the solar system, we suggest that you learn a rhyme with the guys that you can compose yourself, or use the work of A. Hight:

All the planets in order
Call any of us:

Once - Mercury,
Two is Venus

Three is Earth
Four is Mars.

Five is Jupiter
Six is ​​Saturn

Seven is Uranus
Behind him is Neptune.

Think back to remembering the colors of the rainbow as a child. With the names of the planets, the same principle can be applied. Construct a phrase, each word of which will begin with the same letter as the planet of the solar system in the order of its location from the sun. For example:

Let's meet





Gonna fly Now

not for long


This is just an example, in fact, you can think of anything, as long as the baby is close in spirit, and he easily remembers the whole sentence in its entirety. Now that we have figured out exactly how to present any information to children, we can move on to the direct knowledge that you will teach your young astronomers.

Finally, an interesting and simple story for children about what the solar system is.

The solar system is all cosmic bodies that revolve around the sun according to their well-defined trajectories. These include 8 planets and their satellites (their composition is constantly changing, as some objects are discovered, others lose their status), many comets, asteroids and meteorites.
The history of the planets
There is no definite opinion on this matter, there are only theories and conjectures. According to the most common opinion, about 5 billion years ago, one of the clouds of the Galaxy began to shrink towards the center and formed our Sun. The formed body had a huge force of attraction, and all the particles of gas and dust around began to connect and stick together into balls (these are the current planets).

The sun is not a planet, but a star. A source of energy, life on Earth.

The sun as a star and the center of the solar system
The planets in their orbits revolve around a huge star called the Sun. The planets themselves do not radiate any heat, and if it were not for the light of the Sun that they reflect, then life on Earth would never have arisen. There is a certain classification of stars, according to which the Sun is a yellow dwarf, about 5 billion years old.
planetary satellites
The solar system does not consist only of planets, it also includes natural satellites, among which the Moon is well known to us. In addition to Venus and Mercury, each planet has a certain number of satellites, today there are more than 63 of them. New celestial bodies are constantly being discovered thanks to photographs taken by automatic spacecraft. They are able to detect even the smallest satellite with a diameter of only 10 km (Leda, Jupiter).
Characteristics of each planet in the solar system

Mercury Orbit Procession
1. Mercury. This planet is closest to the Sun, in the entire system it is considered the smallest. The surface of Mercury is solid, like all four inner planets (closest to the center). It has the highest rotation speed. During the day, the planet practically burns under the sun's rays (+350˚), and freezes at night (-170˚).

2. Venus. This planet is more like the Earth than others in its size, composition and brightness. But the conditions are very different. The atmosphere of Venus consists of carbon dioxide. There are always a lot of clouds around it, which makes it difficult to observe. The entire surface of Venus is a hot, rocky desert.

3. Earth- the only planet on which there is oxygen, water, and therefore life. It has an ideal position in relation to the Sun: close enough to receive light and heat in the right amount, and far enough not to burn out from the rays. It has an ozone layer that protects all life from radiation. The planet is home to millions of species of living beings including human.

Comparison of the Earth with other planets of the solar system

The Earth has one satellite - the Moon.

4. Mars. Some scientists have suggested that life also exists on this planet because it shares a number of similarities with Earth. But numerous studies have found no signs of life there. There are currently two known natural satellites of Mars: Phobos and Deimos.

5. Jupiter- the largest planet in the solar system, 10 times larger than the Earth in diameter and 300 times in mass. Jupiter consists of hydrogen, helium and other gases, has 16 satellites.

6. Saturn- the most interesting planet for children, as it has rings that are formed from dust, stones and ice. Three main rings rotate around Saturn, the thickness of which is about 30 meters.

7. Uranus. This planet also has rings, but they are much more difficult to see, they only appear at certain times. The main feature of Uranus is its manner of rotation, performed in the "lying on its side" mode.

8. Neptune. Astronomy today calls this planet the last in the solar system. Neptune was discovered only in 1989, since it is located very far from the Sun. Its surface looks blue from space, which cannot but amaze us.
Until 2006, there were 9 planets, including Pluto. But according to the latest scientific data, this space object is no longer called a planet. It's a pity ... Although, it has become easier for children to remember.

tyts astronomy for schoolchildren

In this lesson you will learn how to draw space and planet. .

Step 1.

First we will draw the starry sky. Create a new document and fill it with black. I set the size of the new document to 1600x1200 so that it can later be used as desktop wallpaper. Duplicate this layer (ctrl+ J) . Next, apply a noise filter to the new layer. Filter - Noise - Add Noise(Filter - Noise - Add Noise). Set the noise amount to 10%, Gaussian distribution, and check Monochrome.

Step 2

Next, go to the menu item Image > Adjustments > Brightness & Contrast(Image > Adjustment > Brightness/Contrast) and set the Brightness 30 and Contrast 75 . Now the noise is more like stars.

Step 3

Now let's add bigger stars. Duplicate the previous layer with stars (ctrl+ J) and change its brightness and contrast Image > Adjustments > Brightness & Contrast(Image > Adjustment > Brightness/Contrast) set the Brightness 100 a Contrast 50

Step 4

Click (Ctrl+T) and make the big stars layer about twice as big. Hold Shift to transform the layer proportionally. Click (Ctrl+L) to bring up the Levels window. Set the parameters as in the picture to increase the contrast. (In my case, I had to set the parameters opposite to those of the author 0 , 1.00 , 20)

Step 5

Set the blending mode for the layer to Screen (Lightening). To avoid the echo effect (overlay effect), press Ctrl + T and rotate the layer 90 degrees (while holding the Shift while rotating the layer, the layer will be rotated in 15 degree increments). Use this technique when rotating.

Step 6

Take a soft rubber band with a diameter of about 20-30 px and start erasing our stars on both layers. Try to create different shapes in all directions to make our stars look more natural. Also remember that there should be more black space than space with stars, and more small stars than big ones.

Step 7

Try to create some star regions with the tool Clone Stamp(Stamp) using a brush with soft edges. You have to decide for yourself where to place the clouds with stars, and where to leave empty space. Use your imagination and you will succeed.

Step 8

Let's add glow to the stars. Duplicate the big stars layer. Apply a filter Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) with a Radius of approximately 10 px and change the Color Blending Mode to Linear Dodge(Linear Dodge). Press Ctrl+U and colorize the glow of the stars (I set Hue ( hue) by 230). Repeat this step a few times to make the starlight more expressive.

Step 9

And now let's create the rest of the details of our space landscape: huge stars, stardust and a multi-colored nebula. Create a new layer and set the blend mode for the layer Linear Dodge(Linear Dodge) and fill it with black. Further Filter - Render - Lens Flare ( Filter - Rendering - Highlight ) . I used a 35mm lens type. Create a couple more big stars in this way by changing the location of the center of the highlight and the brightness of the highlight. Use different colors for each of the stars, this will give some variety to the overall picture (the easiest way to do this is to press Ctrl+U and change Hue ( Color tone)).

Step 10

Create a new layer to create the stardust. Install opacity(layer opacity) to 25% and change the blend mode for the layer to Screen(Lightening). Select any brush with soft edges and set it up as shown. I used texture for the brush Confetti, this is one of Photoshop's standard textures. Now that we've set up our brush, let's paint our stardust in blue. (#ced0f1).

Step 11

And now let's create a multi-colored nebula. Create a new layer, take a soft round brush and paint a cloud like mine. It's quite easy: first draw the blue base, then the red area, and finally the yellow and white. Apply a filter to the nebula layer Filter - Blur - Gaussian blur(Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) with a radius of 50 px.

Step 12

Now let's give our nebula the shape of clouds. To do this, create a new black layer and apply a filter to the layer. Filter - Render - Clouds ( Filter - Rendering - Clouds). Change the blend mode for the layer to overlay(Overlap). After that duplicate the cloud layer (ctrl+ J) .

Step 13

Select the nebula layer and edit it opacity(layer opacity) to 55% and the blending mode for the layer to Screen(Lightening). Find the best place for your nebula and move it there.

Step 14

Well, we have finished drawing the starry sky. Now let's create a planet. Find a stone texture for your future planet. I used this one from SXC.
You can also use your own texture.

Step 15

Open the texture image. Let's resize the canvas to give the texture a square shape. Image- canvas size ( Image - Canvas Size ) . Set the same values ​​for height and width. Use the tool Clone Stamp(Stamp) to fill in empty spaces with a texture. Also remove too dark spots with the same tool. Further Edit - Define Pattern(Editing - Define pattern). Save the pattern under any name you like. After that, you can close the image with the texture.

Step 16

Create a new document (ctrl+ N) size 1600x1600 pixels. Fill it with black. Using the tool Elliptical Marquee Tool ( Selection ”Oval area” ) create a circle selection. To make the circle even and fit into the square, press Shift + ctrl and without releasing these keys approximately from the center of the square, start drawing a selection. After you draw the selection, fill it with the pattern we created in the previous step. Image - Fill- Contents: Pattern
(Editing - Fill - Use: “Pattern”). And select the pattern we created for the fill.

Step 17

Apply the filter without deselecting Filter - Distort - Spherize ( Filter - Distort - Spherize ) Amount 100% ( Degree 100%. ctrl + F to repeat the last applied filter.

Step 18

Duplicate the planet layer (Ctrl + J) and fill the circle with light blue (#455571). This will be the atmosphere of the planet. You can use any other color for this.

Step 19

Duplicate this layer and fill it with black. This will be the shadow of the planet. Now select the atmosphere layer, double click on it to bring up the window Layer style (Layer style). Apply the following layer styles to the atmosphere layer:

Step 20

Move the shadow layer above the atmosphere layer ( ctrl +] - layer up )
(ctrl +[ - layer down ) . Apply a filter to the shadow layer Gaussian blur
(Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) Gaussian Blur (Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) with a radius of 75 px.

Step 21

Press Ctrl+T and transform the shadow: increase its size and move it a bit to the top left corner. I chose this position for the shadow because I'm going to place the planet in the top left corner of the picture and the light comes from the biggest star in the center.

Step 22

Select the atmosphere layer and set the layer blending mode Screen(Lightening), so we will see the surface of the planet. I don't like the brightness and contrast of the planet, so I reduced opacity( layer opacity ) up to 33%. After that I duplicated the planet surface layer and set the layer blending mode to soft light(Soft light). Also I changed opacity shadow layer by 90%.

Step 23

Now we need to copy our planet to the starry sky. For this
disable background(background) by clicking on the eye icon
responsible for the visibility of the layers. Shift+Ctrl+E to merge the visible layers. Now copy the planet onto the starry sky file and place it in the corner of the document. In the end, I added a glow to the planet.


That's actually all!!!
Good luck and patience in creating your space landscapes.

As a child, I always dreamed of traveling a lot. There was a small globe in the room that could take me in my imagination anywhere in the world. I read a lot about new discoveries and places, drew endless planet Earth for a long time. I wondered how she could fit on one piece of paper.

How to quickly and easily draw the planet Earth

For a drawing in its simplest form, you will need:

  1. Compass.
  2. Globe or map of the Earth (you can also use a picture from a tablet, for example).
  3. Pencils (felt-tip pens, paints, gouache, etc.)
  4. Album for drawing.

Compasses can replace any convenient objects with which it will be possible to draw the shape of a circle. Although our planet is not perfectly round, it is customary to depict it in the form of a ball in the drawing. Next, we need to divide our ball with a slightly rounded horizontal line in the middle. It will divide the world into southern and northern hemispheres. We supplement with the same curved lines above and below, in total we get 7-8 pieces. Then the meridian lines are drawn vertically. The highest point in the middle, connecting all the vertical lines, is the North Pole, and at the bottom is the South Pole. There will be 6 vertical semicircular lines and a straight line in the middle. The result is a degree grid, which can then (if desired) be erased.

draw continents

Looking carefully at a map or globe, you need to show Antarctica below, and the Arctic at the top. You can not go into details. Then transfer Asia and Europe to our sheet. Only then will it be convenient to apply North and South America. To make the map seem more visual, you need to circle the continents more boldly. Then you can start coloring a miniature copy of the Earth. Continents are most often painted in green, orange and brown colors, the territory with waters is blue, blue or turquoise. With each step, the drawing will become more and more like the original and give a lot of joy.

Today, children are given the opportunity to draw online, so even the smallest children will not be difficult to create their own unique planet.

If you have children, then together with them you will re-learn the world around you. You remember what stars are, how the moon turns into a month, why it is cold in winter and warm in summer. And, of course, sooner or later it comes to getting to know the solar system. To better understand this topic, it is useful to make a layout or draw a drawing of all the planets with your own hands. Of course, kids will need the help of moms and dads in this difficult task. Therefore, today we will talk about how to draw the solar system in stages.

Preparation for work

We will need simple and colored pencils, sparkles, an eraser, compasses, a sheet of paper and a little theory. To understand how to draw the solar system correctly, let's remember the school curriculum. This will help us avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

  1. It is impossible to convey the true sizes and distances between space bodies in the picture. After all, if the Sun is depicted the size of a tennis ball, then the Earth must be drawn as a small dot at a distance of 4 meters from it. Therefore, for clarity, the proportions will have to be distorted.
  2. At the center of the solar system is a star called the Sun. Various cosmic bodies, large and small, revolve around it in ellipsoidal orbits. The pictures usually depict the largest of them - the planets.
  3. When we were in school, we remembered by heart: there are nine planets in the solar system. However, in 2006, Pluto was officially stripped of this title. He took his place in the row where, besides him, four more cosmic bodies belong.

How to draw the solar system with a pencil? Sketch

Let's start drawing. We put a dot with a simple pencil on the left side of the sheet, placing it approximately in the middle. We lead a slightly rounded line to the center, aiming it a little up, as shown in the diagram. Then we continue the line to the right, raising it again towards the end of the album sheet. The orbits of cosmic bodies will be located on this line. We denote them with dashes, remembering the size.

As you can see in the pictures, the smallest planet is Mercury, the largest is Jupiter. Decide whether you will portray Pluto or, following the scientists, exclude it from the list.

Using a compass, draw a large circle on the left. This is the Sun. It should occupy about a third of the sheet, although in reality its dimensions are even larger compared to other bodies.

How to draw the planets of the solar system?

In those places where the orbits of cosmic bodies were outlined, we draw circles with a compass or by hand. First - a small Mercury, then Venus and a larger Earth. Where the rounded line rises is Mars. It is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Earth and Venus. All of these are terrestrial planets. After them comes which we will depict later.

Let's start drawing the giant planets formed by their gas. Jupiter is denoted by a sufficiently large circle. Saturn is a little smaller, we draw rings around it. They consist of both small particles of dust and whole blocks of ice rotating around the orbit. In fact, other giant planets of the solar system also have such rings, but they are much less pronounced. Let's denote Uranus with a smaller circle, Neptune with a slightly larger one, but both planets should be much larger than our native Earth. If you want to draw Pluto, make it really tiny. Now we erase all auxiliary lines.

Let's add colors

How to draw the solar system in paint? Follow our instructions and you can't go wrong! Color the sun bright orange with red spots. Mercury is grey. For Venus, you need a yellow pencil, for Earth - a blue one. Mars is famous for its red-orange soil rich in iron.

Gas planets do not have a solid surface. They are covered with clouds. On Jupiter, in addition to white clouds, there are also orange ones. Let's paint it with these colors. For Saturn, you need yellow, but not bright, but pale. Uranus color in blue, almost no pressure on the pencil. Neptune is exactly the same, but appears darker as it is farther away from the Sun. Pluto is denoted by light brown. Our planets are ready, it remains to add the finishing touches.

Finishing the drawing

It's time to depict small celestial bodies. Between Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt. In total there are more than 600 thousand of them. In the figure, asteroids can be identified using a set of points evenly distributed along an ellipsoidal orbit.

Behind it is also a lot of ice fragments that make up the Kuiper belt. Pluto is one of the largest objects in this cluster. We take a pencil and use dots to depict this phenomenon. From here, comets sometimes fly into the solar system. They look like a ball, from which many straight lines of different lengths depart.

Outer space is painted black. It remains to decorate the picture with tiny shining stars. You can use glitter for this purpose. The drawing is ready.

Now you know how to draw the solar system with your child and impress the school teacher with astronomical knowledge. We hope you enjoy working together.

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