How to draw a plasma TV. Photo report on the drawing lesson “Magic TV


Today, televisions are a frequent, but no longer ubiquitous phenomenon - they are gradually being replaced by computers and laptops, because the Internet has made it possible not to depend on a TV program and watch what you like. But even 5-10 years ago, the TV was considered a real island of comfort in the apartment - the whole family gathered around it in the evenings. Together they watched their favorite programs, were indignant at the interrupting the film in the most interesting place of advertising, drank tea, and talked. Therefore, trying to learn how to draw a TV will be useful.

Draw a TV in retro style

If now all TVs and screens are thin, then earlier this device was of impressive size and most of all resembled a nightstand or chest. The glass was “pot-bellied” and fairly bulged forward, and the antenna fixed on top resembled the horns of some bizarre animal. Let's try to understand how to draw a TV with a pencil - this will be the easiest for a novice artist.

First, we draw an ordinary rectangular box - a kind of brick.

Now let's draw the main details: screen, buttons, switches. There were a lot of them on old TVs.

And you also need to add a weighty kinescope at the back, a stand and, of course, that same “horned” antenna.

It is necessary that the drawing looks more distinct: for this you need to carefully outline the contours, draw small details and shade the shadow parts. Hatching must be done carefully, stroke by stroke. You can make it in several layers - the main thing is not to smear the pencil and not to make too sweeping, careless movements.

Now the drawing is complete.

Laconic TV drawing

The design of each gadget usually strives for minimalism: concise, stylish things without unnecessary details fit perfectly into the interior. Therefore, let's figure out how to draw a TV in stages - stylish and modern.

Let's start simple: draw two rectangles, one inside the other. The corners of the outer shape will be rounded.

Inside we will make another rectangle: it will be less elongated than the two outer ones. This is a screen template.

Then you need to strongly round the corners of the inner rectangle. Much stronger than the inner square - in fact, it should be something between a rectangle and an oval.

And add another rounded rectangle inside - just like in the nesting doll.

Now you can draw the sidebar: draw a lot of different buttons, levers, panels there.

Let's move on to coloring. Let the body be black - so it will look very modern and stylish. But if you wish, you can show your imagination and make it white, gray or even multi-colored - all the colors of the rainbow.

Draw a TV with kids

Little children no longer found old TVs - they are much more accustomed to the flat options that can be found in any hardware store. So if you decide to figure out how to learn how to draw a TV for a child, then it is better to take the modern version as a basis - it will be more interesting.

First of all, draw a rectangle divided by a line into two equal parts. At the bottom there will be another horizontal line - a blank for the stand.

Add another rectangle inside and a round button at the bottom.

Now let's deal with the stand: we will make a short narrow "leg" and an almost flat oval "cake".

After that, remove all auxiliary lines.

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In the modern world, it is difficult to find a house in which there is no TV. This miracle of technology has long ceased to be a luxury and has entered our lives as an integral part of everyday life. And since there is such a thing in every home, many children want to learn how to draw a TV set on their own. Each person, even without the talent of an artist, can learn to portray him.

Making a plan

How to draw a TV Yes, there is nothing easier. You just need to stock up on some improvised means - and you can start creating a picture with your own hands. Such creativity will help to plunge into the world of childhood and carefree time. List of helpers:

  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paper;
  • ruler;
  • colored paints or pencils.

Well, and most importantly, we need a little patience and free time to create the first personal masterpiece.

Drawing a TV step by step is not difficult. First you need to draw a large regular square. Then, on the upper line of the geometric figure, we visually determine the middle. From it we lead up two strokes. We do this in such a way that they strive each to their own corner. These will be the TV antennas. It is worth noting that they should be of different lengths. One is half the size of the other.

When the first lines of the antenna are drawn, we begin to give them a complete look. The feature that is larger remains unchanged. Only a small tip in the form of an inverted droplet is added. The second line is depicted as a broken stick. And at the end, a similar inverted droplet is drawn.

Creating the bottom and screen of our TV

How to draw a TV There is nothing difficult if you strictly adhere to the plan and all instructions. So, let's move on to creating the bottom of our TV. At the bottom of the figure, from each edge, draw small narrow squares with rounded corners. These will be the legs.

Video: How to Draw a TV / How to draw a TV

Next, we move on to creating the screen of our TV. We take a line. On the inside, we retreat a couple of centimeters from each line. Then we draw lines parallel to the sides of our square. They should be depicted so that the corners remain intact. As soon as the lines are drawn, we begin to connect the corners with a semicircular line. So our TV has a screen. It remains to give the picture a color.

Video: How TVs work

Coloring the resulting screen

We circle all the lines of the TV with black paint or a pencil. The body and legs can be made, for example, in a blue tint. Antennas are depicted in red.

As for the color scheme, there are no specific instructions here. In this matter, you can show imagination, or provide this entertaining work to the child. The main thing is to explain to him that the line drawn with a simple pencil is erased with an eraser. And only then can you draw with colored paints or pencils. This will make your work look neater. Now it will be easier for the child to learn how to independently depict a household item on paper. And the answer to the question of how to draw a TV with a pencil will become clear.

Final stage

In order to make the picture on which the TV is depicted brighter and more beautiful, we add an interesting frame on the screen. What to draw? This is the decision of the adults themselves. But you can go the following way. Surely the child has favorite characters. Here they can be depicted on the screen of the resulting TV. Such a picture will become bright and unforgettable. And it will arouse a keen interest in the child.

We have considered, perhaps, the simplest example of how to draw a TV. Now every parent can teach this technique to their child.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the modern world, it is difficult to find a house in which there is no TV. This miracle of technology has long ceased to be a luxury and has entered our lives as an integral part of everyday life. And since there is such a thing in every home, many children want to learn how to draw a TV set on their own. Each person, even without the talent of an artist, can learn to portray him.

Making a plan

How to draw a TV Yes, there is nothing easier. You just need to stock up on some improvised means - and you can start creating a picture with your own hands. Such creativity will help to plunge into the world of childhood and carefree time. List of helpers:

  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paper;
  • ruler;
  • colored paints or pencils.

Well, and most importantly, we need a little patience and free time to create the first personal masterpiece.

Drawing a TV step by step is not difficult. First you need to draw a large regular square. Then, on the upper line of the geometric figure, we visually determine the middle. From it we lead up two strokes. We do this in such a way that they strive each to their own corner. These will be the TV antennas. It is worth noting that they should be of different lengths. One is half the size of the other.

When the first lines of the antenna are drawn, we begin to give them a complete look. The feature that is larger remains unchanged. Only a small tip in the form of an inverted droplet is added. The second line is depicted as a broken stick. And at the end, a similar inverted droplet is drawn.

Creating the bottom and screen of our TV

How to draw a TV There is nothing difficult if you strictly adhere to the plan and all instructions. So, let's move on to creating the bottom of our TV. At the bottom of the figure, from each edge, draw small narrow squares with rounded corners. These will be the legs.

Next, we move on to creating the screen of our TV. We take a line. On the inside, we retreat a couple of centimeters from each line. Then we draw lines parallel to the sides of our square. They should be depicted so that the corners remain intact. As soon as the lines are drawn, we begin to connect the corners with a semicircular line. So our TV has a screen. It remains to give the picture a color.

Coloring the resulting screen

We circle all the lines of the TV with black paint or a pencil. The body and legs can be made, for example, in a blue tint. Antennas are depicted in red.

As for the color scheme, there are no specific instructions here. In this matter, you can show imagination, or provide this entertaining work to the child. The main thing is to explain to him that the line drawn with a simple pencil is erased with an eraser. And only then can you draw with colored paints or pencils. This will make your work look neater. Now it will be easier for the child to learn how to independently depict a household item on paper. And the answer to the question of how to draw a TV with a pencil will become clear.

Final stage

In order to make the picture on which the TV is depicted brighter and more beautiful, we add an interesting frame on the screen. What to draw? This is the decision of the adults themselves. But you can go the following way. Surely the child has favorite characters. Here they can be depicted on the screen of the resulting TV. Such a picture will become bright and unforgettable. And it will arouse a keen interest in the child.

We have considered, perhaps, the simplest example of how to draw a TV. Now every parent can teach this technique to their child.

Now we will draw a TV with a pencil in stages. Today, almost every family has a TV at home, adults and children watch it. Adults watch TV series, and children watch their favorite cartoons.

Work materials

- pencil
- marker
- eraser
- ruler
- colour pencils

Let's start drawing the TV. Draw all elements with a pencil. First draw a large square for the main body of the TV. Then draw two lines on the top of the square, these will be the antennas. Please note that the antennas stick out in different directions, and their length should also be different.

Now draw the antennas to the end. Then start drawing the bottom of the screen by drawing a rounded semi-square at the bottom of the square. After that draw two legs of the TV.

Draw the top of the screen. Then finish the legs.

Outline the sketch of the TV with a black marker. Then draw a picture on the TV screen. We drew a funny monster.

At the end, decorate the TV. Color the main body and legs of the TV in gray. Then color the drawing on the screen. Everything, the TV is drawn.

Interesting about TV

- The Japanese watch TV for about 9 hours a day, they spend the rest of their free time to eat and sleep.

- Eating while watching TV is unhealthy. The digestive system suffers the most damage.

- If you watch TV for more than 4 hours a day, then the structure of the brain is destroyed. And the person is stupid.

- The thinnest TV to date has a thickness of 2.5 cm. Such a TV was developed by LG.

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