How to draw an equilateral triangle in Photoshop. How to draw a triangle in Photoshop - tips and tricks


An equilateral triangle in Photoshop is drawn using vector objects. You can draw a filled triangle, you can draw a triangle with a frame. Select drawing polygons (Polygon tool).

Drawing polygons (Polygon tool)

Select the shapes (horizontal key U), then Polygon tool (Polygon Tool), see screenshot below.

Set the "Fill Pixels" property.

Select the fill color of the triangle (the first color in the toolbar), draw a triangle with the mouse.

Triangle with frame

The triangle should be drawn on a new empty layer, without any fill. You can create a new layer by simultaneously pressing Alt + Ctrl + Shift + N .

Set the value to "Paths" (in Russian, paths).

Draw a triangle with the mouse.

Convert the vector triangle to a selection (Select) by pressing Ctrl + Enter .

Color the selection (in this case, white).

Alt + ← BackSpace is the first selected color.

Ctrl + ← BackSpace is the second selected color.

An equilateral triangle in Photoshop is drawn using vector objects. You can draw a filled triangle, you can draw a triangle with a frame. Select drawing polygons (Polygon tool).

Drawing polygons (Polygon tool)

Select the shapes (horizontal key U), then Polygon tool (Polygon Tool), see screenshot below.

Set the "Fill Pixels" property.

Select the fill color of the triangle (the first color in the toolbar), draw a triangle with the mouse.

Triangle with frame

The triangle should be drawn on a new empty layer, without any fill. You can create a new layer by simultaneously pressing Alt + Ctrl + Shift + N .

Set the value to "Paths" (in Russian, paths).

Draw a triangle with the mouse.

Convert the vector triangle to a selection (Select) by pressing Ctrl + Enter .

Color the selection (in this case, white).

Alt + ← BackSpace is the first selected color.

Ctrl + ← BackSpace is the second selected color.

Drawing tools allow you to create and edit vector shapes. They make it easy to create various elements for web pages.

The following family of tools allows you to create geometric shapes of various shapes.

Rectangle (Rectangle)() - respectively, allows you to draw a rectangle (and with the key pressed - a square), filled with the foreground color.
Rounded Rectsngle (Rounded straight square)- creates shapes similar to those described above, but allows you to set the radius of the rounding of the corners of the rectangle.

Ellipse (Ellipse)- creates ovals (in combination with the pressed key - circles).
Polygon(Polygon)- allows you to create geometric shapes with an arbitrary number of angles, as well as multi-beam stars. By default creates a convex pentagon.
Line- draws straight lines of arbitrary or specified length, thickness, color and direction.
Custom Shape- allows you to create a geometric figure of arbitrary shape and save it for later use.

Create a new training file.

Left click on tool - figures - on the toolbar, the tool selection window will open:

Here are the main shapes that we can use. Choose any and look at the options panel:

For any figure, you can choose:

  • drawing mode:
    • shape layer. The shape is created on a separate layer. A shape layer consists of a fill layer that defines the color of the shape, and an associated vector mask that defines the boundaries of the shape. The shape's borders are a path that appears in the Paths tab of the Layers panel.

    • contours. This mode allows you to draw outlines of shapes that can be filled or stroked with an arbitrary color. Paths appear on the Paths tab of the Layers panel.

    • Pixel fill . When working in this mode, not vector, but raster images are created, which can be processed in the same way as any raster image

  • style and color

  • set parameters specific to this shape

Draw rectangles

Let's choose the first shape - a rectangle. Select from the panel mode - layer-shape. Select a style by clicking on the triangle on the right.

Choose whichever you like. By the way, if you click on the triangle in the circle (on the right), you can select additional styles in the context menu that opens. If you do not want to use a style, then select a white square with a red line through it.

Now you can set the geometric parameters:

  • Arbitrarily - as you draw, so be it.
  • Square - when stretching the shape with the mouse, the width and height will always be the same.
  • Specified size - you can set the width and height of the rectangle (in cm) and click on the canvas. A rectangle with the specified dimensions will appear.
  • Set aspect ratio - you can set how many times the width will be less (or more) than the height. When stretching the figure, the proportion will be preserved.
  • From the center - draws a rectangle from the center.
  • Snap to pixels - rectangle edges snap to pixel borders.

Now select -arbitrarily- and drag your rectangle on the canvas with the mouse. Here, for example, what happened to me when using styles Button, Glass Buttons and Web Styles.

Quite a useful tool for creating buttons and menus for your web pages, isn't it?

Draw rectangles with rounded corners

Let's select the second shape - a rectangle with rounded corners. On the panel, select the mode - the layer-shape, the corner radius - for example, 15 and the color (you can style it as you like). The geometric parameters are the same as for the rectangle.

Here's what I got with various combinations of radius and style.

Why not news blocks and menu buttons?

Draw circles

Let's choose the third figure - an ellipse. On the panel, select the mode - shape layer, color and style. The geometric parameters are the same as for a rectangle, with the only difference being that a circle can be chosen instead of a square. Select -arbitrary- and stretch the ellipse. If you want it to be a circle, then hold down the Shift key or select -circle- in the geometric parameters.

Here's what happened to me:

Draw polygons

Let's choose a shape - a polygon. On the panel, select the mode - layer-shape, the number of sides in the range from 3 to 100 (for example, 3 - for a triangle, 6 - for a hexagon), color and style. Consider the geometric parameters:

  • Radius is the radius of the polygon.
  • Smooth outer corners
  • Star - with the checkbox unchecked, the polygon is convex, with the checkbox checked, the polygon is concave.
  • Beam depth - if the polygon is concave, then its vertices, as it were, form rays. This parameter shows how much of the polygon's radius will be occupied by rays. The higher the %, the longer and sharper the rays.
  • Smooth outer corners - with unchecked the corners are sharp; with a tick, the corners are rounded.

For example:

The first nonagon has a radius of 3 cm, the rest of the boxes are unchecked.

The second nonagon has a radius of 3 cm, the checkmark is -star-, the depth of the rays is 25%, the rest of the checkboxes are unchecked.

The third nonagon has a radius of 3 cm, the depth of the rays is 50%, all the checkboxes are checked.

All have a style applied.

Draw lines

Let's choose a figure - lines. On the panel, select the mode - layer-shape, line thickness (in pixels), color and style. Consider the geometric parameters:

If all the checkboxes are cleared, it will be just a line, the parameters set the arrows at the ends of this line.

  • Start- arrow at the beginning of the line.
  • End- arrow at the end of the line.
  • Width- proportions of the arrow as a percentage of the line thickness (from 10% to 1000%).
  • Length- proportions of the arrow as a percentage of the line thickness (from 10% to 5000%).
  • Curvature- determines the degree of curvature of the widest part of the arrow in the place where it meets the line (from -50% to +50%).

For example:

The first line is unchecked, width - 500%, length - 1000%, thickness - 2 pixels.

The second line has everything the same, but there is a tick at -beginning- and curvature - 5%.

The third line has everything the same, but the -end- checkbox is ticked and the -beginning- checkbox is unchecked.

The fourth line has both checkboxes, width - 500%, length - 1000%, curvature - 15%, thickness - 5 pixels.

All have a style applied.

Draw arbitrary shapes

Let's choose a figure - an arbitrary figure. On the panel, select the mode - shape layer, color and style. The geometric parameters are the same as for a rectangle. But here there is a choice of the figure itself:

Draw multiple shapes on one layer

The principle here is the same as with the rectangular selection tools (in the first lesson, we made a non-standard selection area using the tools on the options bar: add to selection, subtract from selection, etc.). The same tools are available in the Shapes Options bar.

For example, create a rectangle shape, now in the options bar click on the "add to shape area" icon, and now select an ellipse shape. Move the mouse cursor to the upper border of our rectangle, press the left mouse button and, without releasing, stretch the ellipse. It should look something like this:

If the ellipse is not stretched as you would like, you can fix it. To do this, take on the toolbar Path selection tool-

Move the cursor to the border of the ellipse and, holding down the left mouse button, drag the ellipse where it should be. Using all these tools, you can draw shapes of varying complexity.

Save Shapes

Let's say we liked the last shape we created and want to use it in the future. To do this, you need to save it. For this menu Edit -> Define Custom Shape. Give a name to the new shape.

Now our shape has appeared in the drop-down panel for selecting arbitrary shapes.

When I was a "teapot", I was faced with the need to draw a triangle in Photoshop. Then I could not cope with this task without outside help.

It turned out that everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In this lesson I will share with you the experience in drawing triangles.

There are two (known to me) ways.

The first method allows you to draw an equilateral triangle. For this we need a tool called "Polygon". It is located in the shapes section on the right toolbar.

This tool allows you to draw regular polygons with a given number of sides. In our case, there will be three of them (sides).

After adjusting the fill color

put the cursor on the canvas, hold down the left mouse button and draw our figure. During creation, the triangle can be rotated without releasing the mouse button.


You can also draw a shape without a fill but with an outline. Contour lines are configured in the top toolbar. Filling is also configured there, or rather its absence.

I got these triangles:

You can experiment with the settings to achieve the desired result.

The following triangle drawing tool is − "Straight Lasso".

This tool allows you to draw triangles with any aspect ratio. Let's try to draw a rectangle.

For a right triangle, we need to accurately draw a right (who would have thought ...) angle.

Let's use guides. How to work with guide lines in Photoshop, read in.

So, we read the article, we pull the guides. One vertical, the other horizontal.

To make the selection “pull” to the guides, turn on the snapping function.

Then we right-click inside the selection and select, depending on the needs, the context menu items "Perform fill" or "Run Stroke".

The fill color is configured as follows:

You can also adjust the width and position of the stroke.

We get the following results:

To get sharp corners, you need to stroke "Inside".

After deselecting ( CTRL+D) we get a finished right triangle.

These are the two simplest ways to draw triangles in Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop holds a special place among users. This is a professional editor that has a huge number of features. When used correctly, you can retouch photos, create graphic illustrations, 3D objects, and more. For beginners, it will be difficult to immediately figure out the simplest things, for example, how to draw a triangle in Photoshop. Or a beginner might find it hard to work with layers. On the Internet you can find a huge number of courses on "Photoshop". They talk about the intricacies of the work, they are educational in nature.


There are several ways to draw triangles. To do this, pay attention to the toolbar - everything you need is here. First you need to understand how to use the tools in Photoshop. Each item on the panel has its own specific function. There are brushes, lines, magnifiers, magic wands and more. The user should pay attention to the fact that one cell can contain different parameters. For example, in a cell with an eraser, you can find the Background Eraser and Magic Eraser tools by right-clicking on the tool. The graphic triangle can be drawn with the following tools, which will be discussed in the article:

  • line tool;
  • polygon tool.

With the line tool

In Photoshop with lines? Very simple. We select the tool of the same name, from the top in the settings menu, you can adjust the parameters you need for the user. For example, fill color, outline color, line thickness, stroke thickness, and other items.

  1. For an arbitrary triangle. After choosing the parameters, draw the first line. From the end of the first draw the second. We connect the end of the second and the beginning of the first line. In the layers menu, select the three resulting shapes (Shift + left mouse button) and by pressing the right mouse button, select the "Merge Shapes" item. Some may have noticed that in the process of creating a triangle, a small window popped up near the cursor with degrees of angle and line length. Thanks to this small panel, the user can adjust the resulting triangle.
  2. For a right isosceles triangle. You need to hold down the Shift key to draw a line. We draw the second line from the end of the first, adjusting the angle of 45/90 degrees while holding Shift until the auxiliary ones indicate the desired stop point. We connect these two lines with a third.

Using the Polygon tool

The simplest command for drawing a triangle in Photoshop. As mentioned earlier, the toolbar contains many different tools in one cell. In the cell where the "Line" tool was located, there is a "Polygon". When it is selected, an editing panel appears on top (as it was with "Line"). There you can set the desired parameters. Be sure to enter the value 3 in the "Parties" field.

By default, an equilateral triangle will be built, where all sides are 60 degrees. The resulting figure can be stretched and pressed to get the desired shape. To do this, follow the path "Editing" > "Transform Path" > "Scaling", or use the hot key Shift + T.

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