How to draw a teardrop in Photoshop. How to Draw a Crying Girl or a Sad Face in Anime


Tears are a liquid that flows from the eyes and is accompanied by various feelings. Let's look at what tears are...

Tears have several stages:

  • When it appears on the eyelid (in the form of a circle, in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
  • When it drains or drips under the influence of gravity (Fig. 3).

On a drop often drawn glare in the form of small ovals.

When drawing an incoming tear, several techniques are used:

  • A tear is drawn over the eyelashes and eyes.
  • A tear is drawn over the eye, but eyelashes are shown.
  • Eyes and eyelashes are highlighted in the area of ​​the tear.

However, even these simple steps can be complicated.

A protruding tear can be small (at the tip of the eyelash) or large (overlapping the entire lower eyelash and part of the eye). Also, some artists draw two, three or more tears on the eyelid.

You can draw the drops separately from each other (as in Fig. 1) or you can connect the drops with smooth lines (in Figs. 2 and 3).

A drop flowing down can also be drawn in different ways.

A flowing tear can be drawn in different lengths. For example: slightly below the eye, in the middle of the cheek or at the level of the chin.

Also remember that a tear under gravity will roll in the direction the head is tilted. Let's look at a few examples below.

Head straight.

Head up

Head down.

Tears can be due to different emotions, so do not forget to emphasize the state of your character with your facial expression.

Below are some examples of different emotions with tears.

Sadness. The eyebrows are raised, the lip is curved down.

Sadness. The eyes are closed. Lots of tears. The mouth is open.

Joy. The eyes are closed. Eyelashes raised up. The mouth is open in the form of a smile.

In this example, I drew different drops of tears. This technique is also often used.

Anger. Eyebrows and upper eyelashes are lowered down. Open mouth and clenched teeth. Redness at the level of the bridge of the nose.

In this example, I drew different tears. On the one hand, flowing, and on the other, only running.

This concludes the lesson. Practice, observe and remember that tears can be drawn in different ways, it all depends on your imagination.

This is an average lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a tear for this lesson for young children, but if you have a great desire, then you can try. I also want to note the lesson "" - be sure to try to repeat it if you have time and desire to draw today.

What you need

In order to draw a tear, we may need:

  • You need Photoshop software.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Natural phenomena are difficult to draw. That is, it is not difficult to draw them, but to achieve realism is much more difficult. I always recommend looking at the original in order to repeat exactly what you are going to draw. In the Yandex image search, it is enough to search for a “tear in the photo” to get a large amount of the necessary material.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Tip: do different things on different layers. The more layers you make, the easier it will be for you to manage the drawing. So the sketch can be done on the bottom layer, and the white version on the top, and when the sketch is not needed, you can simply turn off the visibility of this layer.

When completing the lesson, please note that due to differences in program versions, some menu items and tools may be called differently or not at all. This might make the tutorial a little difficult to follow, but I think you can do it.

Lesson result:

I wrote this lesson at the request of Eleanor from Moscow. In order to draw a realistic tear, you can put a drop of water on your palm to see in detail what the tear looks like. In this lesson, the most important thing is to catch the play of light and where the light falls on and how much it is illuminated. Therefore, for each specific photo, the settings should be different. So experiment! Open any photo where the face is clearly visible.

Let's draw our tear in a new layer. In the layers window, create a new layer by clicking on the indicated icon. If you don't see the layers window, open it by pressing F7 on your keyboard.

Take the tool Brush tool (Brush), select a hard brush (with clear edges) and set the appropriate size for the tear.

Slightly enlarge the image and carefully draw a tear, giving it a teardrop shape:

The blank for the tear is ready:

Now in the layers window, change the blending mode of the tear layer to Screen (Screen) and change the value Opacity (Transparency) to 80%:

If the tear has almost disappeared, then you did everything right! :0) Let's give volume to our tear. Let's go to Layer-Layer Style-Bevel and Emboss (Layer-Layer Effects-Bevel and Relief) and set the following settings (experiment with the settings to choose the best for your photo). Change the shadow mode to Lighten (Lighter).

In order to change the color of the shadow, click on the rectangle indicated by the number 1, and in the window that opens, select a light gray color:

To change the contour, click on the triangle indicated by the number 2:

A tear began to appear:

Let's make a small shadow from a tear. Layer-Layer Style-Drop Shadow (Layer-Layer Effects-Drop Shadow) and set the following parameters:

We see a light shadow:

Add an inner shadow: Layer-Layer Style-Inner Shadow (Layer-Layer Effects-Inner Shadow):

The tear is almost ready:

It remains to draw a light trace from a tear rolling down the cheek. Take the same tool Brush tool (Brush), and in the brush options set Opacity (Transparency) to 45%. Leave the brush size the same.

Slightly enlarge the image and draw a light trace from the tear to the eye. The main thing is not to overdo it! The trail should be barely visible.

And here is the result:

Good mood everyone (no tears: 0))!

So you learned how to draw a tear and I hope you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share the lesson on social networks and show your results to your friends.

Well, friends, today there will be an entertaining lesson and we will show you how to draw anime girl tears. A crying girl has been hanging in the table of orders for a long time and the hour has struck!

But now you can pay attention to the details when drawing your anime characters. So, let's start more often and express their emotions. And let's start, neither more nor less, with the fact that we'll see how to draw anime tears. Let's start the task with a simple tutorial on how to draw a sad anime girl face. And we really wanted to find and prepare for you a lesson on how to do it in a simple and quick style for a long time. Drawing facial expressions can be a tedious job because there are many different expressions and the choice is very wide. Our faces never turn out the same in photographs, so many aspects of our facial expressions are often surprising. There are many options for drawing faces and emotions on the face in anime, and there are a lot of examples. So go ahead and let's start our work by finding out how to draw a sad face anime girl.

Step 1.

The intensity of tears and crying can be different. Several ways to draw a crying face, and it depends on the situation and the character. The more tense eyes and feelings on the face, the stronger the emotions and more tears. In the beginning, a variant of simple small drops of tears. And as our drawings progress, you may notice the eyes filling and bursting with tears as the intensity of the anime character's frustration grows. Also pay attention to the number and size of tears and the appearance of blush on the cheeks. Closed eyes, as a rule, mean the strongest experiences.

Step 2

Consider how to draw a tear in the larger drawings. Here it is important not to overdo it, so as not to turn them into unrealistic and even comedic. We will show the difference between a serious and comedic tear pattern below.

Step 3

On the surface of the cheek, tears flow already at a serious stage of development. See how the tears are deformed on the surface of the skin. Notice also that they don't just hang straight down in a simple line, but are distorted. Let's add a few specks of watery tears for emotion and realism.

Step 4

Serious and comedic tears - see the difference between a girl's serious crying face and a comedic version of the same situation. A comedic face will have a large gaping mouth, and a serious drawing will have only a small indent and a line. Depending on the topic and situation, these are two very simple and useful ways to draw a crying anime character for a sad scene in an anime.

Step 5

To begin the task for the first eye, let's start with the upper eyelid line. As you can see, the end of the incision of the eye is sharp. Draw the eyeball, line the lower eyelid and paint over the area in the corner of the eye. Sketch out the pupil as you see here with us, and then add details to create a sparkle effect. Draw tears. As long as it should be easy!

Step 6

Now let's start with the face itself and draw a fully crying anime girl. Draw a circle for the head, then add intersecting lines to draw the face.

Step 7

Let's outline the shape of the face and take care of its long straight bangs, divided into large curls falling on the forehead.

Step 8

The next thing we will do is outline the shapes of her eyes. We decided to draw eyes that will be as sad as possible, but not yet quite able to cry and grieve for some reason. We draw her nose, mouth and eyebrows.

Step 9

Step 10

Let's continue to draw and take care of her hair. You will also need to draw her ear and then add lines for her hair to form

Open the girl's photo in Photoshop. You can choose any photo that shows a sad expression. The first step is to add redness to the eyes. Create a new layer and use a soft brush with color #4b241c to paint on the corners of the eyes as shown in the screenshot. Do it on a separate layer. Set its blending mode to Overlay.

Step 2

When we cry, the blood vessels in our eyes become more visible. Create a new layer and use a 2-3 px hard brush to paint the vessels with color #aa6555 .

Step 3

Create a new layer and use a #e6d1c8 brush with 10-15% opacity to paint over the lower part of the right eye. Set the blend mode to Overlay. This way we will create the illusion of wet eyes.

Step 4

Use the Lasso Tool (L) to make a selection in the form of a flowing teardrop. On a new layer, fill it with #e6d1c8 .

Set the blend mode to Overlay and lower the opacity to 50%.

Step 5

Add a mask to this layer and use a soft brush to soften the edges of the tear shape.

Step 6

Now we will deal with the most important step - drawing shadows to create volume. First, determine the light source. It is on the right side, which means that the shadow should be on the left. Create a new layer and use a soft brush with color #cca396 at 20-30% opacity to paint a shadow on the left. It should be barely noticeable to make everything look realistic.

Step 7

With the same brush, add a shadow inside the tear and a trace from it. This is a way to create detail and show volume. Set the Blend Mode to Multiply and lower the Opacity to 60%.

Step 8

Create a new layer and paint moisture on the bottom edge of the eye with #e6d1c8 color. Set the blend mode to Color Dodge.

Step 9

Select the same brush that we used to paint the moisture on the iris. Draw the reflection of the light on the tear. Set the blend mode to Color Dodge.


Open the one you want tear, in the Adobe Photoshop editor. To do this, select "File" and "Open..." from the menu, or press "Ctrl+O". In the file selection dialog, specify the directory where the graphic file is located. Highlight a file in the list. Click the "Open" button.

Create a new layer. Select the menu items "Layer", "New", "Layer...", or press the key combination Shift+Ctrl+N. In the "New Layer" dialog that appears, click the "OK" button.

Create a selection in the shape of a teardrop. Use the "Polygonal Lasso Tool". It can be activated using the button located on the toolbar. This tool creates a selection area in the form of a polygon, i.e. area bounded by segments. Outline the selection contours by specifying several , which are the vertices of the polygon.

Adjust the selection area. This is necessary in order to smooth out the boundaries of the polygonal shape of the selection. Select "Select", "Modify", "Smooth..." from the menu. In the "Smooth Selection" dialog that appears, enter a value of 2 in the "Sample Radius" field. Click the "OK" button. Select "Select", "Modify", "Feather..." from the menu, or press Alt+Ctrl+D. In the "Feather Selection" dialog, in the "Feather Radius" field, enter a value of 1 or 2. Click "OK".

Fill the selection area with color. Set the foreground color to white. To do this, click on the square denoting this color, located on the toolbar. Make your choice in the dialog that appears. Click the "OK" button. Select the "Paint Bucket Tool". Click with the mouse inside the selected area.

Change the display of the layer. Right-click on the line with the name of the layer created in step 3, located in layers. Select "Blending Options..." from the context menu. The "Layer Style" dialog will appear. On the "Blending Options" tab of the dialog, change the value of the "Fill Opacity" field to 0, in the "Blend Mode" list, select the value "Normal". Activate the "Inner Shadow" switch by switching to the corresponding tab at the same time. Select "Multiply" from the "Blend Mode" list. Click on the rectangle on the right. Choose a blue color. In the "Opacity" field, enter a value of 75. Activate the "Bevel And Emboss" tab. Set the "Style" list to "Inner Bevel" and the "Technique" list to "Smootch". Set the fields "Depth", "Size", "Soften" and the two fields "Opacity" (from top to bottom) to 30, 40, 5, 85, 50. In the "Gloss Contour" control, select the "Roling Slope - Descending" icon ". Activate the "Contour" tab. Enter 70 in the "Range" field. In the "Contour" control, select the "Half Round" icon. Click the "OK" button.

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